Virtual network function settings are displayed on the following tabs:
Flavours contains flavours of the virtual network function.
Connection points contains external connection points of the virtual network function.
VNF settings contains basic settings of the virtual network function.
Placement contains placement settings of the virtual network function. You can place a virtual network function in a data center or on a uCPE device. This tab is displayed if you clicked the virtual network function when creating or editing a network service.
The following tabs are displayed if you clicked the virtual network function in the topology of a deployed network service:
VDU management is a table of VDUs that are part of the virtual network function. Information about VDUs is displayed in the following columns of the table:
Name is the name of the VDU.
Instance name is the ID of the VDU instance.
Mgmt IP is the IP address that the management subnet has assigned to the VDU.
vCPU is the number of virtual CPU cores assigned to the VDU.
RAM is the amount of RAM assigned to the VDU.
Disk is the amount of disk space assigned to the VDU.