Soft rebooting a virtual network function or a VDU that is part of it

When a virtual network function is soft rebooted, all active VDUs in it are restarted. To soft reboot a virtual network function, at least one VDU in it must not be suspended.

To perform a soft reboot of a virtual network function or a VDU that is part of it:

  1. On the self-service portal, go to the Catalog menu section.

    The network service management page is displayed.

  2. In the Network services pane, click the deployed network service to whose topology the virtual network function has been added.

    The topology is displayed.

  3. Click the virtual network function.

    The settings area is displayed in the lower part of the page. You can expand the settings area to fill the entire page by clicking the expand icon . By default, the Flavours tab is selected, which displays flavours.

  4. Perform a soft reboot of a virtual network function or its VDU:
    • If you want to perform a soft reboot of the virtual network function, in the upper part of the settings area, click Management → Power → Soft reboot VNF.
    • If you want to soft reboot a VDU that is part of the virtual network function:
      1. Select the VDU management tab.

        A table of VDUs is displayed.

      2. Click Management → Power → Soft reboot VDU next to the VDU that you want to soft reboot.
  5. In the confirmation window, click Apply.

The virtual network function or its VDU is soft rebooted.

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