Kaspersky SD-WAN

Managing management subnets

To display the table of management subnets, go to the Infrastructure menu section, click the added data center, and select the IPAM → Subnet tab. Information about management subnets is displayed in the following columns of the table:

  • Name is the name of the management subnet.
  • Type is the type of the subnet. Only management subnets are presently supported.
  • CIDR is the IPv4 prefix of the management subnet.
  • Gateway are IPv4 addresses of gateways that the management subnet assigns to virtual network functions.
  • IP range are IP address ranges from which the management subnet assigns IP addresses to CPE devices and virtual network functions.
  • DNS are IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers that the management subnet assigns to virtual network functions.
  • Static routes are source and destination IPv4 addresses of static routes that the management subnet assigns to virtual network functions.
  • Usage is the number of IP addresses that the management subnet has assigned to CPE devices and virtual network functions.

The table of CPE devices and virtual network functions to which the management subnet has assigned IP addresses is displayed on the Usage tab. Information about CPE devices and virtual network functions is displayed in the following table columns:

  • Name is the name of the management subnet that assigned an IP address to the CPE or virtual network function.
  • IP is the IP address assigned to the CPE device or virtual network function.
  • Client name is the name of the CPE device or virtual network function.
  • Client type is information about whether the control subnet has assigned an IP address to the CPE device or virtual network function:
    • VNF
    • CPE
  • Tenant is the tenant to which the CPE device was added or virtual network function was assigned.

The actions you can perform with the tables are described in the Managing solution component tables instructions.

In this section

Creating a management subnet

Editing a management subnet

Deleting a management subnet