How to create a backup task

2021년 3월 15일

ID 84524

To create a backup task:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click the Backup and Restore button.
  3. In the Backup and Restore window, perform one of the following:
    • If no backup task has been created yet, click the Select files for backup button.
    • If you already have an existing backup task and wish to create a new one, click the Create backup copies of other files button.

    The Backup Task Creation Wizard starts.

    The Wizard consists of a series of pages (steps), which you can navigate through by clicking the Back and Next buttons. To close the Wizard after it finishes, click the Done button. To stop the Wizard at any step, click the Cancel button.

    Let us review the steps of the Wizard in more detail.

In this section

Step 1. Select files

Step 2. Select folders for backup

Step 3. Select file types for backup

Step 4. Select backup storage

Step 5. Creating a backup schedule

Step 6. Setting a password to protect backup copies

Step 7. File versions storage settings

Step 8. Entering the backup task name

Step 9. Wizard completion

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