Kaspersky Container Security

Core status

July 3, 2024

ID 273346

Information on the status of the core components of Kaspersky Container Security is displayed in a table in the ComponentsCore section.

The following data is provided for each core component:

  • Component name. The solution displays the components included in the distribution kit.
  • Pod name (for example, kcs-postgres-0, kcs-scanner-xxx, or kcs-ih-xxx).
  • Status. The solution assigns one of the following statuses:
    • Good—the component is operating normally.
    • Warning—the component detected malfunctions that do not impede the overall implementation of the component.
    • Error—the component cannot be implemented due to its incorrect operation.

    If the solution assigns the Warning or Error status to a kernel component, Kaspersky Container Security displays a brief description of the component failure.

    The status is assigned in accordance with the data of the last heartbeat message for the component, according to the entry in the security event log.

  • A log with a record of component events (for example, errors). You can download the log in text document format by clicking the Download log button in the Pod log column.

To view data on the status of kernel components, you must have rights to view the Core component. By default, these permissions are granted to the IS Administrator role.

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