Kaspersky Container Security

Installing the basic business logic module and scanner

July 3, 2024

ID 276637

Before the solution installation, you must check the data integrity in the prepared Helm Chart package.

To check the data integrity:

  1. Download the archive with the prepared Helm Chart package and the hash file into the same directory.
  2. From this directory, execute the following command:

    sha256sum -c kcs-1.2.0.tgz.sha

    The data integrity is confirmed if the following message is displayed:

    kcs-1.2.0.tgz: OK

Before starting the installation (including on AWS or Microsoft Azure), pay attention to the storageClass and ingressClass settings in the default and ingress.kcs blocks in the values.yaml configuration file. These settings are cluster relevant and, if necessary, are to be changed according to your infrastructure. Below is the example of the default settings option for Azure:

  storageClass: azurefile
      - app-routing-system

    ingressClass: webapprouting.kubernetes.azure.com

To install the basic business logic module and the scanner of Kaspersky Container Security,

After preparing the configuration file, run the solution installation:

cd kcs/

helm upgrade --install kcs . \

--create-namespace \

--namespace kcs \

--values values.yaml \

--set default.domain="kcs.example.domain.ru" \

--set default.networkPolicies.ingressControllerNamespaces="{ingress-nginx}" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.POSTGRES_USER="user" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.POSTGRES_PASSWORD="pass" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.MINIO_ROOT_USER="user" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="pass" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.CLICKHOUSE_ADMIN_PASSWORD="pass" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.NATS_USER="user" \

--set secret.infracreds.envs.NATS_PASSWORD="pass" \

--set pullSecret.kcs-pullsecret.username="user" \

--set pullSecret.kcs-pullsecret.password="pass"

After installation, the solution components are deployed.

After installation is complete, a record about the execution of the solution installation command remains in the command shell. You can open the command history file and delete this record, or prevent the command history from being logged in the command shell before installation.

The control panel will be available at the address specified in the envs subsection of the environment variables section. This allows you to create the ConfigMap object for the API_URL parameter:


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