"POST /openapi/v1/users/info" method

June 26, 2024

ID 242750

Getting a personal link to the user portal.



  • Authorization – the company's API token.


  • email – a string – the user's email address. It must be given in lowercase letters. Input such as AdMiN@DomAn.com will produce an input validation error.

Example of the body of a request:


    email: 'some@email.com'



link – a string – the personal link to the user portal.

Example of a response:


    link: https://domain.com/verify/a69d1294ad5ec5d286b7e4a8d9203a21


Possible errors

  • 400common-validation – There was a request validation error.
  • 401 - common-unauthorized - There was an authentication error.
  • 404user-not-found – A user with the indicated email address was not found.
  • 422:
    • education-not-started – The user has not started training.
    • processing-education – Training has begun; the training plan is being generated.
  • 429too-many-requests – There were too many requests.

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