Scheduling automatic report generation

July 2, 2024

ID 153957

To schedule automatic report generation:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 Management Console.
  2. In the left part of the page, select the Reports section.
  3. Click the New scheduled report button.

    The Creating scheduled report section opens.

  4. Select a report type:
    • Protection report in PDF
    • Data Discovery report in CSV

    If you select both report types, you receive your protection reports and Data Discovery reports in separate email messages.

  5. In the Report schedule drop-down list, specify the report generation frequency. The following options are available:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  6. For the Weekly option, in the drop-down list on the right, select the day of the week on which you want the report to be generated.

    For the Monthly option, select the day of the month accordingly.

    If you schedule the report to be generated on a day that is not applicable for all months of the year, the application will send the report on the last day of the month. For example, if you configure the report to be sent on the 31st day of the month, it will be generated on the 30th day in April, June, September, and November and on the 28th/29th day in February accordingly.

    The report covers the period until the day previous to the report generation date. For example, if you choose to receive weekly reports on Monday, the report covers the period starting from the previous Monday to the previous Sunday.

  7. In the Report recipients box, provide email addresses of the users you want to send the reports to.

    To add an email address to the list, type it in the Specify email address entry field and click the AF_add_address_maskbutton.

    To remove an email address from the list, click the remove button next to it.

  8. Click Save.

    The newly created scheduled report and its details are displayed in the Reports section.

    You can schedule 5 automatic reports maximum.

You can manage an existing scheduled report as follows:

  • Change the scheduled report settings listed above by pointing the report and clicking the EditResourcebutton next to it.
  • Delete the scheduled report by pointing the report and clicking the remove button next to it and confirming the action in the dialog box that opens.

The application generates reports on schedule at 00:01 AM. The time zone specified in the Settings section applies.

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