Regranting consent

July 15, 2024

ID 272360

To regrant Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 a consent to access all your Office 365 services, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Kaspersky Business Hub.
  2. Authorize with administrator rights, specifying an email address and a password.


    Signing in to Kaspersky Business Hub

  3. Choose your companies and KS365 workspaces.


    Choosing workspaces

  4. Enter your workspace.


    Entering workspace

  5. Grant access to you office 365 space.


    Granting access

  6. Redirect to your workspace.


    Access granted

    Now you have regranted Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 a consent to access all your Office 365 services.

If you did not succeed to regrant a consent, do either of the following:

  • Clean up cache of your browser.
  • Use another browser to regrant a consent.

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