Adding exclusions for SSL Bumping

July 3, 2024

ID 193664

These instructions are applicable if Kaspersky Web Traffic Security was installed from an RPM or DEB package to a ready-to-use operating system. If Kaspersky Web Traffic Security was installed from an ISO file, configuration files for the built-in proxy server cannot be manually changed.

You may need to add exclusions for SSL Bumping in the following cases:

  • Software uses a protocol other than HTTPS (such as SSH, RDP, or VPN).
  • Software or web resource uses the WebSockets or HTTP/2.0 protocol.
  • National encryption algorithms (such as GOST or SM2) are being used to access a web resource.
  • Software uses server certificate pinning.
  • Software or web resource requires authorization based on the client SSL certificate.

To add exclusions for SSL Bumping:

  1. Create a file named /etc/squid/donotbump.list containing a list of domain names of the web resources and hosts that you want to add to exclusions.

    Each domain name must be listed on a new line.

    To add a domain with all its subdomains to exclusions, put a dot at the beginning of the value (for example,

  2. Add the following directives to the configuration file /etc/squid/squid.conf:

    acl do_not_bump dstdomain "/etc/squid/donotbump.list"

    ssl_bump splice do_not_bump

    These strings must be added before the final directive ssl_bump stare all.

  3. Restart the Squid service. To do so, execute the command:

    service squid restart

The SSL Bumping exclusions will be added.

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