Modifying role settings

July 3, 2024

ID 177608

The Superuser role cannot be modified.

You can change the settings of a role, including the role name and the set of privileges assigned to the role.

To modify role settings:

  1. In the application web interface, in the section for switching between workspaces, select one of the following options:
    • Workspace name, if you want to modify the settings of a role for one workspace.
    • Global, if you want to change the settings of a role outside of workspaces.
  2. Select the Users section.

    This opens the list of roles and user accounts.

  3. In the Roles settings group, select the role whose settings you want to modify and click the kwts_menu_button button.
  4. In the drop-down list, select the Edit option.

    The Edit role window opens.

  5. If necessary, edit the name of the role in the Name text box.
  6. If necessary, modify the set of privileges assigned to the role. To do so, clear or select check boxes under Privileges.
  7. Click Save.

Role settings are modified.

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