
Scenario: Kaspersky applications deployment


ID 175982

This scenario explains how to deploy Kaspersky applications through Kaspersky Security Center 14 Web Console. You can use the Quick Start Wizard and Protection Deployment Wizard, or you can complete all necessary steps manually.

Kaspersky applications deployment proceeds in stages:

  1. Downloading management web plug-in for the application

    Download the management web plug-in for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux from the Kaspersky website, and then add the plug-in to Kaspersky Security Center 14 Web Console.

  2. Downloading and creating installation package for Network Agent

    Download the Network Agent distribution package from the Kaspersky website, and then create a Network Agent installation package.

    You can use the downloaded distribution package to install Network Agent locally. To do this, follow the instructions provided in the documentation for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux.

  3. Downloading and creating installation package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

    Download the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux distribution package from the Kaspersky website, and then create a Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux installation package.

  4. Creating stand-alone installation packages (optional)

    If you cannot install Kaspersky applications by means of Kaspersky Security Center Linux on some devices, for example, on remote employees' devices, you can create stand-alone installation packages for applications. If you use stand-alone packages to install Kaspersky applications, stage 5 and stage 6 below can be disregarded.

  5. Creating, configuring, and running the remote installation task

    This step is part of the Protection Deployment Wizard. If you choose not to run the Protection Deployment Wizard, you must create this task manually and configure it manually.

    You also can manually create several remote installation tasks for different administration groups or different device selections. You can deploy different versions of one application in these tasks.

    Make sure that all the devices on your network are discovered; then run the remote installation task (or tasks).

    If you want to install Network Agent on devices with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 operating system, install the insserv-compat package first to configure Network Agent.

  6. Creating and configuring tasks

    The Update task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux must be configured.

    This step is part of the Quick Start Wizard: the task is created and configured automatically with the default settings. If you did not run the Wizard, you must create this task manually and configure it manually. If you use the Quick Start Wizard, make sure that the schedule for the task meets your requirements. (By default, the scheduled start for the task is set to Manually, but you might want to choose another option.)

  7. Creating policies

    Create the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux manually or through the Quick Start Wizard. You can use the default settings of the policy; you can also modify the default settings of the policy according to your needs at any time.

  8. Verifying the results

    Make sure that deployment was completed successfully: you have policies and tasks for each application, and these applications are installed on the managed devices.


Completion of the scenario yields the following:

  • All required policies and tasks for the selected applications are created.
  • The schedules of tasks are configured according to your needs.
  • The selected applications are deployed, or scheduled to be deployed, on the selected client devices.
