Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 100

Configuring data transmission over the MQTT protocol

May 24, 2023

ID 240939

To configure data transmission over the MQTT protocol:

  1. Create the MqttPublisherSettings-0.json file.
  2. In the MqttPublisherSettings-0.json file, specify the MQTT settings and their values in accordance with JSON syntax.
  3. Put the configuration file into the directory /app/Core/config/transfer/mqtt/publisher on the HW-IDS partition of the microSD card.

Sample configuration file:



"id": 0,

"name": "Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 100 MQTT Publisher",

"description": "Transfer data to MQTT Broker by Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 100",

"clientId": "KISG100",

"serverUri": "ssl://",

"security": {

"clientPkiData": {

"certificate": "mqtt-publisher.crt",

"privateKey": "mqtt-publisher.key"


"trustStore": ["ca-bundle.crt"]



"username": "KISG100",

"password": "4vRXE84zsCy8bLQcZi2HH82TmC"


"lastWill": {

"topicName": "LastWill",

"message": "LastMessage"


"keepAlive": 800,

"qualityOfService": 1,

"topics": [


"id": 0,

"name": "Heartbeat",

"topicName": "Heartbeat"



"id": 1,

"name": "Temperature",

"topicName": "Temperature"



"id": 2,

"name": "Speed",

"topicName": "Speed"




To edit files in JSON format, we recommend using a text editor that supports JSON syntax highlight. This will help avoid potential errors (for example, unbalanced braces).

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