Phishing campaigns are an addition to the main training process that test employees' practical skills avoiding phishing attacks. This will help the training manager identify gaps in user knowledge and encourage them to study topics they're having trouble with.
Phishing campaigns aren't counted in the statistics of the main training process. The total number of people participating in ongoing phishing campaigns cannot exceed the number of training slots for employees. Additional phishing campaign reports are available.
The platform comes with ready-made email templates containing phishing examples that can be sent to platform users in all available languages. The content of templates available in each language may differ. The set of available templates is regularly updated with new ones. You can also create custom templates based on predefined templates.
To avoid sending messages to random recipients, as well as to comply with the legislation of a number of countries, phishing campaigns can only be launched for users who have already accepted the user agreement, or for users whose email addresses are from verified company domains.