When Kaspersky issues software updates, you can install the program update packages.
Prior to installing program update packages, you are advised to first create a backup copy of the current state of the program and download it to the hard drive of your computer from the program administrator menu. If an error occurs during installation of a program update package or if it becomes necessary to reinstall Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, you will be able to use the saved copy of the program.
To download an archive with the program update package to the server hosting the Central Node component, proceed as follows:
The program administrator menu is displayed.
This opens the Technical Support Mode confirmation window.
scp <program update package name>.ktgz <Central Node server admin user name>@<IP address of server with Central Node component>
For example, you can run the command scp apt-system-3.7.0-tr-patch-122.ktgz admin@
You can proceed to install the upgrade package.
To install the upgrade package:
The program administrator menu is displayed.
The action selection window is displayed.
You will see a window containing a list of program upgrade packages available for installation.
The action selection window is displayed.
The upgrade package will be installed. You will be required to restart the server.
The program administrator menu is displayed.
The server with the Central Node component will be restarted.
Installation of the program update package will be completed.