Frequently asked questions

An icon in the form of device power button

Getting Started


How to install a new version of the application over an existing one

How to configure the recommended settings of the application during installation

How to activate the application

How to create a My Kaspersky account

How to manage protection of your devices remotely

An icon in the form of charts

Reports and Updates


How to view the application operation report

How to start an update of databases and application modules

An icon in the form of a notebook with a shield

Computer Protection


How to view information about computer protection state

How to recover the operating system after infection

How to start a full scan of the computer for viruses

How to start a quick scan of the computer for viruses

How to run a vulnerability scan

How to configure scan on the protected websites

An icon in the form of speedometer

Operating system optimization


How to optimize the application for computer games

How to apply the application settings on another computer

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