Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.0

Removing the application from the command line

You can start the application uninstallation process from the command line executing the command from the folder containing the distribution kit. Uninstallation is performed in interactive or silent mode (without starting the Application Setup Wizard).

To start the application uninstallation process in interactive mode,

in the command line type setup_kes.exe /x or msiexec.exe /x {E7012AFE-DB97-4B8B-9513-E98C0C3AACE3}.

The Setup Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Setup Wizard.

To start the application uninstallation process in silent mode,

in the command line type setup_kes.exe /s /x or msiexec.exe /x {E7012AFE-DB97-4B8B-9513-E98C0C3AACE3} /qn.

This starts the application uninstallation process in silent mode (without starting the Setup Wizard).

If the application uninstallation operation is password protected, the user name and its corresponding password must be entered in the command line.

To remove the application from the command line in interactive mode when the user name and password for authentication of Kaspersky Endpoint Security removal, modification, or repair are set:

In the command line, type setup_kes.exe /pKLLOGIN=<User name> /pKLPASSWD=***** /x or

msiexec.exe KLLOGIN=<User name> KLPASSWD=***** /x {E7012AFE-DB97-4B8B-9513-E98C0C3AACE3}.

The Setup Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Setup Wizard.

To remove the application from the command line in silent mode when the user name and password for authentication of Kaspersky Endpoint Security removal, modification, or repair are set:

In the command line, type setup_kes.exe /pKLLOGIN=<User name> /pKLPASSWD=***** /s /x or

msiexec.exe /x {E7012AFE-DB97-4B8B-9513-E98C0C3AACE3} KLLOGIN=<User name> KLPASSWD=***** /qn.