Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.1.0

About ways to install the application

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be installed locally (directly on the user computer) or remotely from the administrator workstation.

Local installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be performed in one of the following modes:

  • In interactive mode by using the Application Setup Wizard.

    The interactive mode requires your input in the setup process.

  • In silent mode from the command line.

    After installation is started in silent mode, your involvement in the installation process is not required.

The application can be installed remotely on network computers using the following:

  • Kaspersky Security Center software suite (for more detailed information, refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help).
  • Group Policy Editor of Microsoft Windows (see the operating system help files).
  • System Center Configuration Manager.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation settings received from the setup.ini file have the highest priority. Installation settings received from the installer.ini file have higher priority than the settings from the command line. When installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security the settings with the highest priority are used.

We recommend closing all running applications before starting the installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (including remote installation).