Tag descriptor for the TagProvider
Defined in
This message is defined in the tag_provider.proto
message Tag
uint64 id = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
TagBriefInfo briefInfo = 3;
oneof value
bool boolVal = 20;
int64 int64Val = 21;
double doubleVal = 23;
string stringVal = 24;
bytes binaryVal = 25;
The Tag
message has the following fields.
Tag message fields
Rule Field |
Type |
Name |
Tag |
Description |
uint64 |
Tag identifier. |
Time stamp when the tag was last encountered in the traffic. |
Information about the tag. Available only for the GetTags method of the TagProvider service. |
Value of the tag. |
Boolean value. |
Int64 value. |
Double value. |
String value. |
Binary value. |