Ethernet protocol types.
Defined in
This enumeration is defined in the event_provider.proto
enum EthernetProtocolType
UnknownEthernetProtocolType = 0;
Ip = 1;
Arp = 2;
RevArp = 3;
At = 4;
AArp = 5;
Vlan = 6;
Ipx = 7;
IpV6 = 8;
Loopback = 9;
GooseEtherType = 10;
SampledValuesEtherType = 11;
ProfinetEtherType = 12;
OldVlan = 13;
Lldp = 14;
ProsoftSystemsDeviceDiscovery = 15;
This enumeration defines the following values.
EthernetProtocolType enumeration values
Name |
Value |
Description |
Unknown ethernet protocol type. |
IP protocol. |
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). |
Reverse ARP. |
AppleTalk protocol. |
AppleTalk ARP. |
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging. |
IPX protocol. |
IP protocol version 6. |
Loopback. |
Goose. |
Sampled values. |
Profinet. |
VLAN protocol types. |
LLDP protocol type. |
Protocol type for discovering ProSoft devices. |