Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks configuration provider service.
Defined in
This service is defined in the configuration_provider_service.proto
service ConfigurationProvider
rpc GetKscConfiguration(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(KscConfiguration);
rpc GetConfigurationMetadata(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(ConfigurationMetadata);
rpc GetPlcConfiguration(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(stream PlcConfiguration);
rpc GetProtocolConfiguration(HashIdValue) returns(stream ProtocolConfiguration);
rpc GetTagsForPlc(HashIdValue) returns(stream TagDescriptor);
rpc GetTagsForProtocol(HashIdValue) returns(stream TagDescriptor);
rpc GetEventDescriptors(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(stream EventDescriptor);
Service methods
The ConfigurationProvider
service has the following service methods.
ConfigurationProvider service methods
Name |
Request message |
Response message |
Description |
Returns configuration for Kaspersky Security Center agent. |
Returns current Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks configuration metadata. |
Returns a list of PLCs and information about them. |
Returns configuration for protocols of the specified PLC. |
Returns tag descriptors for the specified PLC. |
Returns tag descriptors for the specified protocol. |
Returns descriptors for event types. |
If no configuration is loaded into Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks, calling ConfigurationProvider
service methods results in an error.