Controlling Internet use
By using Parental Control, you can limit time spent on the Internet and prohibit users from accessing certain categories of websites or specified websites. You can also prohibit the user from downloading files of certain types (such as archives or videos) from the Internet.
To limit the time for Internet use:
- Go to the Parental Control settings window.
- In the Parental Control settings window, select the Internet section.
- If you want to limit the total time for Internet use on weekdays, in the Internet access restriction section, select the Restrict access on weekdays to check box and then, from the drop-down list next to the check box, select a value for the time limit.
- If you want to limit the total time for Internet use on weekends, select the Restrict access on weekends to check box and then, from the drop-down list next to the check box, select a value for the time limit.
- Flip the toggle switch in the upper part of the window to Control is enabled
Parental Control will limit the total amount of time spent on the Internet by the user, in accordance with the values that you have specified.
To restrict visits to specific websites:
- Go to the Parental Control settings window.
- In the Parental Control settings window, select the Internet section.
- To keep adult content from being displayed in search results, in the Control Web Browsing section select the Enable Safe Search check box.
When you search for information on such websites as Google, YouTube (only for users who have not signed in to the website under their account) Bing, Yahoo!,, VKontakte, and Yandex, no adult content will be displayed in the search results.
- To block access to websites of certain categories:
- In the Control web browsing section, select the Control access to websites check box.
- Select the Block access to websites from selected categories option and click the Select categories of websites link to open the Block access to website categories window.
- Select the check boxes next to categories of websites that you want to block.
Parental Control will block all of the user's attempts to open a website if its contents are classified as belonging to any of the blocked categories.
- To block access to specific websites:
- In the Control web browsing section, select the Control access to websites check box.
- Click the Manage exclusions link to open the Exclusions window.
- In the lower part of the window, click the Add button.
A window for adding a new web address mask opens.
- Enter the address of a website to which you want to prohibit visits, by filling in the Web address mask field.
- In the Scope section, define the scope of what you want to block: the entire website or the specified web page only.
- If you want to block the specified website, in the Action section, select Block.
- Click the Add button.
The specified website appears in the list in the Exclusions window. Close the Exclusions window.
- Flip the toggle switch in the upper part of the window to Control is enabled
Parental Control will block attempts to open websites in accordance with the current settings.
To prohibit downloading certain types of files from the Internet:
- Go to the Parental Control settings window.
- In the Parental Control settings window, select the Internet section.
- In the Block file downloading section, select the check boxes next to file types for which you want to block downloads.
- Flip the toggle switch in the upper part of the window to Control is enabled
Parental Control will block downloads of files of the specified types from the Internet.