Kaspersky Internet Security 2017

About the subscription

A subscription to Kaspersky Internet Security establishes use of the application within the selected parameters (expiration date and number of protected devices). You can obtain a subscription for Kaspersky Internet Security from a service provider (for example, from your Internet provider). You can pause or resume your subscription, renew it automatically, or cancel it. You can manage your subscription via your personal account page on the service provider's website.

Vendors can provide two types of subscriptions for Kaspersky Internet Security: update subscriptions and update and protection subscriptions.

A subscription can be limited (for example, to one year) or unlimited (with no expiration date). To continue using Kaspersky Internet Security after a limited subscription expires, you must renew it. Unlimited subscriptions are renewed automatically as long as timely prepayment has been made to the service provider.

When a limited subscription expires, you are given a grace period to renew your subscription. Application functionality remains unchanged during this time.

If the subscription is not renewed before the grace period expires, Kaspersky Internet Security stops updating the application databases (in the case of update subscriptions), stops interacting with Kaspersky Security Network, and also stops protecting the computer and running scan tasks (in the case of update and protection subscriptions).

To use Kaspersky Internet Security by subscription, apply the activation code received from your service provider. In some cases, an activation code can be downloaded and applied automatically. When using the application by subscription, you cannot apply another activation code to renew your license. You can apply another activation code only when the subscription term expires.

If Kaspersky Internet Security is already in use under a current license when you register your subscription, after registration Kaspersky Internet Security will be used by subscription. The activation code that you have used to activate the application can be applied on another computer.

To cancel your subscription, contact the service provider from whom you have purchased Kaspersky Internet Security.

Depending on the subscription provider, the set of subscription management options may vary. In addition, you may not be provided with a grace period during which you can renew the subscription.