How to open On-Screen Keyboard
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You can open On-Screen Keyboard in the following ways:
- From the toolbar of Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome
- By using the quick launch icon of On-Screen Keyboard in entry fields on websites
You can configure the display of the quick launch icon in entry fields on websites.
When On-Screen Keyboard is used, Kaspersky Small Office Security disables the autofill option for entry fields on websites.
- By pressing a combination of keyboard keys
Starting On-Screen Keyboard from the browser toolbar
To open On-Screen Keyboard from the toolbar of such browsers as Microsoft Edge based on Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome:
- Click the
Kaspersky Protection button on the browser toolbar. - Select the On-Screen Keyboard item in the menu that opens.
Starting On-Screen Keyboard by using the hardware keyboard
To open the On-Screen Keyboard by using the hardware keyboard:
Press the shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P.
This shortcut does not display On-Screen Keyboard if the shortcut is already in use by a different application, such as Microsoft Word.
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