Kaspersky Security for Windows Server

Viewing the event log of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server in Event Viewer

You can view the event log of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server using the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer snap-in for Microsoft Management Console. The log contains events registered by Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and required to diagnose failures in its operation.

Events that will be registered in the event log can be selected based on the following criteria:

  • by event types.
  • by level of detail. The level of detail corresponds to the importance level of the events registered in the log (informational, important, or critical events). The most detailed is the Informational level, which registers all events. The least detailed is the Critical level, which registers only critical events.

To view the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server event log:

  1. Click the Start button, enter the mmc command at the search bar, and press ENTER.

    Microsoft Management Console opens.

  2. Select File > Add or remove snap-in.

    The Add or remove snap-ins window opens.

  3. In the list of available snap-ins, select the Event Viewer snap-in and click the Add button.

    The Select computer window opens.

  4. In the Select computer window, specify the protected device on which Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is installed, and click OK.
  5. In the Add and remove snap-ins window, click OK.

    In the Microsoft Management Console tree, the Event Viewer node appears.

  6. Expand the Event Viewer node and select the Applications and Services Logs > Kaspersky Security child node.

The Kaspersky Security for Windows Server event log opens.