Kaspersky Total Security

How to exclude a script from scanning using Antimalware Scan Interface

To exclude a script from scanning using Antimalware Scan Interface:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click the Settings 2019.png button in the lower part of the window.

    The Settings window opens.

  3. Select the Protection section.
  4. Select the File Anti-Virus component.

    The File Anti-Virus settings window opens.

  5. Click the Advanced Settings link to go the Advanced settings of File Anti-Virus window.
  6. In the Script scanner section, select the Scan scripts using Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) check box.
  7. Click the Manage exclusions link to go to the Exclusions window.
  8. In the Exclusions window, click the Add button.

    The Add new exclusion window opens.

  9. In the File or folder field, specify the folder with the script.
  10. In the Object field, specify the name of the script.

    You can also add several files of the same type to the exclusions by using a mask.

  11. In the Protection components section, select the check box next to the File Anti-Virus component.
  12. Select the Active status.

The specified object will not be scanned using Antimalware Scan Interface.