Kaspersky Total Security

How to allow application access to the webcam

To allow an application to access the webcam:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click the More Tools button.

    The Tools window opens.

  3. In the Tools window, go to the Manage applications section.
  4. Click the Application Control link to open the Application Control window.
  5. In the Application Control window, click the Manage applications link to open the Manage applications window.
  6. In the list, select the application for which you want to allow webcam access. Double-click the application name to open the Application rules window.
  7. In the Application rules window, go to the Rights tab.
  8. In the list of rights categories, select Operating system modificationSuspicious modifications in the operating system Access webcam.
  9. In the Action column, click the icon to open the context menu and select Allow.
  10. Click the Save button.

The application will be allowed access to the webcam if the Block access to webcam for all applications check box is cleared.

If the Block access to webcam for all applications check box is selected, Kaspersky Total Security blocks application access to the webcam regardless of the trust group and manually configured permissions.