Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Mac

Update the application

September 12, 2023

ID 26821

Command syntax:

kav update <update source> <report parameters> <advanced parameters>

Parameter descriptions

<update source> – An HTTP server or a network or local folder from which updates are downloaded. If a path is not selected, the update source will be taken from the application update settings.

<report parameters> – These parameters define the format of the report on the scan results. You can specify an absolute or relative path to the report file. If this parameter is not defined, update results are displayed and all events are shown.

The following values are possible:

  • -r:<report file> – Log only important events to the specified report file.
  • -ra:<report file> – Log all events to the specified report file.

<advanced parameters> – A parameter that defines use of a configuration file.

-c:<configuration file> – Defines the path to a configuration file that contains the application settings for updating the application. You can specify an absolute or relative path to the file. If this parameter is not defined, the values set in the application interface are used.


Update the application databases from the default source, logging all events in the report:

kav update -ra:avbases_upd.txt

Update the Kaspersky Endpoint Security modules using the parameters of the updateapp.ini configuration file:

kav update -app=on -c:updateapp.ini

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