KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int HstAccessControl::FindTrustees ( wstring  strFilter,
array  pFieldsToReturn,
array  pFieldsToOrder,
int  lMaxLifeTime,
[out] wstring  strAccessor 

Searches for trustee's meeting by using the specified criteria.

strFilter(wstring) search filter. See Search filter syntax. The following values may be used in the filtering string:
  • KLHST_ACL_TRUSTEE_ID (paramInt) - Trustee ID.
  • kscInternalUserId (paramInt) - KSC internal user's ID (optional).
  • dn (paramString) - Account display name, as user-friendly string for account, for example, "LocalSystem", or "MYCOMPUTER\sidorov", or "sidorov@avp.ru" and so on.
  • userPrincipalName (paramString) - Active Directory userPrincipalName attribute.
  • objectGUID (paramBinary) - Active Directory objectGUID attribute. This attribute is required for the non-built-in Active Directory accounts.
pFieldsToReturn(array) names of attributes which must be returned. The following attributes are possible:
  • KLHST_ACL_TRUSTEE_ID (paramInt) - Trustee ID.
  • KLHST_ACL_TRUSTEE_SID (paramBinary) - Trustee SID.
  • kscInternalUserId (paramInt) - KSC internal user's ID (optional).
  • dn (paramString) - Account display name, as user-friendly string for account, for example, "LocalSystem", or "MYCOMPUTER\sidorov", or "sidorov@avp.ru" and so on
  • userPrincipalName (paramString) - Active Directory userPrincipalName attribute.
  • objectGUID (paramBinary) - Active Directory objectGUID attribute. This attribute is required for the non-built-in Active Directory accounts.
pFieldsToOrder(array) array of containers, each containing two attributes:
  • "Name" of type (paramString) - Name of the attribute used for sorting.
  • "Asc" of type (paramBool) - Ascending sorting if true; otherwise descending sourting.
lMaxLifeTime(int) maximum lifetime of accessor, in seconds.
[out]strAccessor(wstring) result-set ID. Identifier of the server-side ordered collection of found roles. The result-set is destroyed and associated memory is freed in the following cases:
number of found records.