KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params HstAccessControl::AddRole ( params  pRoleData)

Adds the user's role.

A role can be added only on the primary server.

pRoleData(params) container with the role attributes. See Role. May contain attributes:
  • KLHST_ACL_ROLE_DN (required)
  • role_products (required)
(params) container of parameters with attributes in the following format:
+--- (PARAMS_T)
     +---KLHST_ACL_ROLE_DN = (STRING_T)\<display name\> 
     +---KLHST_ACL_ROLE_ID = (INT_T)\<id\>
     +---KLHST_ACL_ROLE_NAME = (STRING_T)<guid name>