KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params HstAccessControl::GetSettingsReadonlyNodes ( int  lGroupId,
wstring  szwProduct,
wstring  szwVersion,
wstring  szwSectionName,
params  pSettingsSection 

Returns array of paths for nodes from the product settings section. The nodes are read-only for the current user's session.

lGroupId(int) group ID.
szwProduct(wstring) product title.
szwVersion(wstring) product version.
szwSectionName(wstring) settings section name.
pSettingsSection(params) settings section data.
(params) nodes in the read-only mode.
        +--- (PARAMS)
            +---<name of product settings section>(ARRAY_T)
            |   +---0 = (STRING_T) paths to nodes in pSettingsSection in read-only mode (format <<name_node1>>\<<name_node3>>\<<name_node3>>)
            |   +---1 = (STRING_T) ...