KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Filters for task "KLSRV_TSK_SYSPATCH2"

"KLSRV_TSK_SYSPATCH2" task contains rules definition in attribute "KLSRV_SYSPATCH_FILTER" (paramArray|paramParams).

Rules inside the array are logically combined by "OR". Rule's internal parameters are logically combined by "AND".

Each rule may contain the following parameters:

"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_RULE_NAME"paramStringName of the rule

Software updates source, see Software updates source enum

"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_VENDORS" paramArray|paramLong Third-party vendors to be patched. Used only if "nSource" == 2. Values: param "nVendorGlbId" in Srvview list name for software updates listing
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_PRODUCTS" paramArray|paramLong Third-party products to be patched. Used only if "nSource" == 2. Values: param "nProductGlbId" in Srvview list name for software updates listing
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_VERSIONS" paramArray|paramLong Third-party product major versions to be patched. Used only if "nSource" == 2. Values: param "nMajorVersionGlbId" in Srvview list name for software updates listing
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_PATCHES" paramArray|paramLong Third-party patches to be installed. Used only if "nSource" == 2. Values: param "nPatchGlbId" in Srvview list name for software updates listing

Third-party patches to be installed. Used only if "nSource" == 2.
Each parameter consists of:

"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_VULN_IDS"paramArray|paramString Vulnerability identity list to fix (param "strVulnUid" in Srvview list name for vulnerabilities listing)
"nMsrcSeverity"paramInt Severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update, see severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update
"SeverityRating"paramInt Kaspersky vulnerability severity rating:
1 = Warning;
2 = High;
4 = Critical.
"nApprovementState"paramInt Global approvement state for a task
-1 = DECLINED: install all updates (including manually declined), which match all other conditions
0 = NONE: install all updates, except declined, but anyway matching all other conditions
+1 = APPROVED: install only manually approved updates, which match all other conditions
"KLSRV_TSK_WSUS_CATEGORIES"paramArray|paramString Categories: array of "strUpdateID" parameter values from Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates Categories listing, where "nCategoryType" in (2, 3, 4). Category type values are listed here: Software update category type enum Empty array means no filtering should be applied.
"KLSRV_TSK_WSUS_CLASSIFICATIONS"paramArray|paramString Microsoft Update Classifications: array of "strUpdateID" parameter values from Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates Categories listing, where "nCategoryType" == 1.
Category type values are listed here: Software update category type enum
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_MS_UPDATES"paramArray|paramParams Individual Microsoft updates: paramArray|paramParams, where every parameter contains

See Extended updates and patches installation task ("KLSRV_TSK_SYSPATCH2")