Kaspersky Security Center API description
params HostGroup::GetRunTimeInfo ( array  pValues)

Returns the server run-time information.

pValues(array) string array with names of requested values. The possible values are the following:
  • KLADMSRV_SSS_PORT - Server port (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_SSS_ID - Server ID (paramString).
  • KLADMSRV_VS_LICDISABLED - True if licensing for the VS is disabled (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_SAAS_BLOCKED - True if adding the new virtual servers is blocked due to an expired, or absent, or denylisted license (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_SAAS_EXPIRED_DAYS_TO_WORK - Adding the new virtual servers will be blocked in c_szwIfSaasExpiredDaysToWork days (paramInt).
  • KLADMSRV_SAAS_OVERUSE - Number of VS created is more specified in the license (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_NEW_HOSTS_PROHIBITED - New managed hosts cannot be added to the Administration Server due to the limitation violation. See LP_MaxCountOfHosts (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_IF_WAIK_INSTALLED - True if WAIK is installed (paramBool).
  • KLADMSRV_IF_WKHTMLTOPDF_INSTALLED - True if wkhtmltopdf utility is installed (paramBool).
(params) requested values.