Kaspersky Standard | Plus | Premium

Perform scan tasks

The default Full Scan task is included in the Kaspersky application. While running this task, the application scans memory, startup objects, and all internal disks of the computer for viruses and other malware.

Perform a full computer scan

The default Quick Scan task is included in the Kaspersky application. While running this task, the application scans the critical areas of the computer (memory, startup objects, and system folders) for viruses and other malware.

Perform a quick computer scan

You can also run a Full Scan or Quick Scan task on My Kaspersky. For more information about running a computer scan on My Kaspersky, see the My Kaspersky Help.

You can schedule a Full Scan or Quick Scan task.

Schedule a scan task

You can scan an individual object (such as an internal disk, folder, file, or an external disk) for viruses and other malware.

Scan a selected item

When an external disk is connected to the computer, the Kaspersky application can automatically start scanning the disk, prompt to scan, or do nothing. You can select one of the options in the settings of the External Disk Scan task.

Select the action the application performs when an external disk is connected to the computer

You can view the results of completed scan tasks in the Reports window.

See also

Scan tasks

File Anti-Virus