Kaspersky Standard | Plus | Premium

About the activation code

An activation code is a code that you receive when you purchase a subscription for the application. This code is required for activation of the application on My Kaspersky.

An activation code is a unique combination of twenty Latin letters and numbers in the form xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-ххххх.

An activation code may be blocked by Kaspersky if the License Agreement has been violated. If the activation code has been blocked, you need to add another one if you want to use the application.

Depending on how you purchased the application, you can obtain the activation code in one of the following ways:

  • When you purchase a boxed version of the Kaspersky application, an activation code is provided in the manual or on the retail box that contains the installation CD.
  • When you purchase the application from an online store, an activation code is emailed to the address that you specified when ordering.

If you have lost or accidentally deleted your activation code after activating the application, contact Kaspersky Customer Service.