Managing assets and tags

System administrators can manage assets and tags.

Assets and tags are the primary elements of the monitored asset hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure is displayed as an asset tree.

Observations of the monitored asset are transmitted to Kaspersky MLAD as tags. Based on the values obtained from the created tags, you can perform training and inference of ML models.

In the Assets section of the administrator menu, you can view assets and tags that have been created or uploaded to Kaspersky MLAD. Using the plusĀ () and minusĀ () signs to the left of the asset names, you can display or hide the asset tree data. You can create assets and tags, and edit tag parameters, such as blocking thresholds of tags or boundaries for displaying tag values on a graph.

Kaspersky MLAD can receive data from assets registered in external systems (for example, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks). Kaspersky MLAD saves the tags received from external assets in the Time Series Database service. When saving of all tags is enabled, the Time Series Database service also saves IDs and values of unknown tags (not listed in the asset tree). You can compare the current asset tree structure with the structure in the Time Series Database service and add missing tags to the current structure, if necessary.

If Kaspersky MLAD detects unknown tags received from external devices through KICS Connector, these tags will be automatically created in the KICS section of the asset tree. The application automatically assigns IDs to tags and fills in the following information received from Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks:

Kaspersky MLAD is compatible with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks version 4.0 and later.

You can also delete existing tags, import tags and assets from an XLSX file, or export them to a an XLSX file.

In this section

Creating an asset in the asset tree

Changing the parameters of an asset in the asset tree

Create tag

Adding a tag to an asset

Editing a tag

Moving assets and tags

Deleting an asset or tag

Checking the current structure of tags

Uploading tag and asset configuration to the system

Saving tag and asset configuration to a file

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