Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Diagnostic data collection in Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 5 and later

Latest update: September 9, 2024 ID: 16000
Show applications and versions that this article concerns
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 6.1
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 6.0
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 5.1
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform 5.0

Kaspersky Technical Support specialists might ask you to attach a diagnostic report for rapid processing of requests regarding Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (hereinafter “KATA”). Before sending the report to Technical Support, please delete confidential information from it.

If you are using version 5.0 or 5.1, prior to collecting diagnostic information, check whether you have an up-to-date version of the diagnostic script. If the script is outdated, update it using the instructions.

To create the report:

  1. Connect to KATA Central Node (hereinafter “KATA CN”) via SSH protocol and sign in using the admin login and password.
  2. Select Technical Support Mode.

Running the Technical Support Mode.

  1. Click OK.

Confirmation of entering the Technical Support Mode.

  1. Run the command in the console:

sudo -i

  1. Enter the password for the admin user.
  2. Run the command in the console:


The command execution may take a while.

  1. Run the command after creating the report to correct the file names:
If you are using KATA version 6.0 and later or you have already upgraded the diagnostic script, skip this step.

for f in /tmp/collect/collect-*:*tar.gz; do sudo mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | tr ':' '-')" 2>/dev/null; done

  1. Check the report size using the command below. The size of the report (in MB / GB) will be specified in the 5th column:

ls -lh /tmp/collect

The maximum file size that can be uploaded to Kaspersky CompanyAccount is 4 GB. If the report exceeds the maximum size, split it into several files 4 GB each (or less) using these instructions.

  1. Download the report.
  2. Remove the report from KATA using this guide to free up your disc space.

Check and update the diagnostic script for KATA 5.0 and 5.1


Upload the updated diagnostic script for KATA 5.0 and 5.1


Split the report into several files


Download the diagnostic report


Remove the diagnostic report

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