Administration Server installation parameters
April 17, 2023
ID 92477
The table below describes the MSI properties that you can configure when installing Administration Server. All of the parameters are optional, except for EULA and PRIVACYPOLICY.
Parameters of Administration Server installation in non-interactive mode
MSI property | Description | Available values |
EULA | Acceptance of the licensing terms (required) |
PRIVACYPOLICY | Acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy (required) |
INSTALLATIONMODETYPE | Type of Administration Server installation |
INSTALLDIR | Application installation folder | String value. |
ADDLOCAL | List of components to install (separated by commas) | CSAdminKitServer, NAgent, CSAdminKitConsole, NSAC, MobileSupport, KSNProxy, SNMPAgent, GdiPlusRedist, Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86, Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x86. Minimum list of components sufficient for proper Administration Server installation:
NETRANGETYPE | Network size |
SRV_ACCOUNT_TYPE | Way of specifying the user for the operation of the Administration Server service |
SERVERACCOUNTNAME | User name for the service | String value. |
SERVERACCOUNTPWD | User password for the service | String value. |
DBTYPE | Database type |
MYSQLSERVERNAME | Full name of MySQL or MariaDB database server | String value. |
MYSQLSERVERPORT | Number of port for connection to MySQL or MariaDB database server | Numerical value. |
MYSQLDBNAME | Name of MySQL or MariaDB database server | String value. |
MYSQLACCOUNTNAME | User name for connection to MySQL or MariaDB database server | String value. |
MYSQLACCOUNTPWD | User password for connection to MySQL or MariaDB database server | String value. |
MSSQLCONNECTIONTYPE | Type of use of MSSQL database |
MSSQLSERVERNAME | Full name of SQL Server instance | String value. |
MSSQLDBNAME | Name of SQL Server database | String value. |
MSSQLAUTHTYPE | Method of authentication for connection to SQL Server |
MSSQLACCOUNTNAME | User name for connection to SQL Server in SQLServer mode | String value. |
MSSQLACCOUNTPWD | User password for connection to SQL Server in SQLServer mode | String value. |
CREATE_SHARE_TYPE | Method of specifying the shared folder |
EXISTSHAREFOLDERNAME | Full path to an existing shared folder | String value. |
SERVERPORT | Port number to connect to Administration Server | Numerical value. |
SERVERSSLPORT | Number of port for establishing SSL connection to Administration Server | Numerical value. |
SERVERADDRESS | Administration Server address | String value. |
SERVERCERT2048BITS | Size of the key for the Administration Server certificate (bits) |
MOBILESERVERADDRESS | Address of the Administration Server for connection of mobile devices; ignored if the MobileSupport component has not been selected | String value. |