Kaspersky Security 11.x for Windows Server

Default Traffic Security task settings

May 25, 2022

ID 179845

You can change the default settings of the Traffic Security task (see the table below).

Default Traffic Security task settings


Default value


Task mode

Driver Interceptor

The application intercepts traffic with a network driver. It uses a network kernel driver to intercept and analyze all incoming traffic for the specified ports.

Network port number


The default port number for the ICAP service.

Service ID


ICAP service identifier for the address of installed anti-virus server.

Use malicious URL database to scan web links


Enable or disable signature analysis of each URL.

Use anti-phishing database to scan web pages


Enable or disable URL anti-phishing scan based on heuristic analysis.

Use KSN for protection


You can use KSN application reputation data for protection when running the task.

Use Trusted Zone


You can apply the Trusted Zone if required.

Use heuristic analyzer


Configure usage of the heuristic analyzer.

Protection level


Apply another predefined security level or edit the security level manually.

Task start schedule

First run is not scheduled.

The Traffic Security task is not started automatically. You can start the task manually or configure a scheduled start.

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