Kaspersky QR Scanner

Sources of information to research on your own

You can use the following sources to search for information about Kaspersky QR Scanner on your own:

  • App page on the Kaspersky Lab website
  • App page on the Technical Support website (Knowledge Base)
  • Online help

If you cannot find a solution for your issue, we recommend that you contact Kaspersky Lab Technical Support.

An Internet connection is required to use information sources on the websites.

Kaspersky QR Scanner page on the Kaspersky Lab website

On the Kaspersky QR Scanner page you can view general information about the app, its functions and features.

The Kaspersky QR Scanner page contains a link to eStore. You can download the app to your device from the eStore.

Kaspersky QR Scanner page in the Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base is a section on the Technical Support website.

On the page of Kaspersky QR Scanner in the Knowledge Base, you will find articles that provide useful information, advice, and answers to frequently asked questions on how to purchase, install, and use the app.

Knowledge Base articles can answer questions relating to not only to Kaspersky QR Scanner but also to other Kaspersky Lab apps. Knowledge Base articles can also include Technical Support news.

Online help

The app online help provides information on how to install, configure, activate, and use the app. It describes the app interface and suggests ways of solving typical user tasks while using the app.