Using the Sensor to protect encrypted traffic

July 11, 2024

ID 203036

The solution involves sending a copy of SPAN traffic and web server logs to the KDP Sensor in real time.


HTTPS traffic protection mechanism without transmitting a secret key

Use of a Kaspersky DDoS Protection Sensor lets you "clean" a Customer's encrypted traffic at the unencrypted level. This ensures the maximum possible quality of filtering without transmitting a SSL certificate outside of the Customer's infrastructure. To receive all the necessary information about encrypted traffic, the Customer's WEB servers send a log of requests in UDP Syslog format to the Sensor in real time.

A log entry string must contain the following fields:

  • server_addr:server_port– IP address of the server receiving the request (IP address of the Protected resource);
  • remote_addr:remote_port – IP address of the Customer that established the connection with the Protected resource;
  • remote_port – port of the Customer;
  • time_local – time of the request;
  • scheme – application-layer protocol (HTTP or HTTPS);
  • request;
  • status – server response code;
  • http_host – value of the Host header in the HTTP request;
  • http_referer – value of the Referer header in the HTTP request;
  • http_user_agent – value of the User-Agent header in the HTTP request;
  • http_accept – value of the Accept header in the HTTP request.

It is extremely preferable for a log entry string to contain the following fields:

  • ssl_session_id – ID of the SSL session;
  • ssl_session_reused – 1, if the SSL session is used again;

The fields must be separated by two hash characters “##”. The line must start with the double delimiter "####", and (preferably) end with the ## delimiter as well.

An example of a correct log:

#### +0300##https##GET /api/v1/news?_sort=beginShowDate-&_sort=dateTime- HTTP/ (Linux; Android 12; RMX3363 Build/RKQ1.210503.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/101.0.4951.61 Mobile Safari/537.36##

In addition, a document with examples of configuration for various web servers can be provided on request to a Customer.

Use of this mechanism does not require transmission of a certificate or decrypted copy of encrypted traffic to the Kaspersky DDoS Protection Sensor. This ensures full compliance with the requirements of various regulators.

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