get_measured_parameter_list – get a list of the measured parameters configured for the specific Protected resource that are visible to the Customer.

July 11, 2024

ID 206504

get_measured_parameter_list(Auth, client_id, locale_id, resource_id)

Description: the method displays a list of measured parameters configured for the specific Protected resource that are visible to the Customer.

Input parameters:

client_id (int) – customer ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295).

locale_id (int) – locale ID (10 for English, 77 for Russian).

resource_id (int) – Protected resource ID (integer from 1 to 4 294 967 295).

Output parameters:

id (int) – identifier of the specific instance of the measured parameter.

short_name (str) – short name of the measured parameter.

description (str) – description of the measured parameter.

unit_type_name (str) – units of measurement of the measured parameter (for example, bps, or bits per second).

direction (int) – direction in which the measured parameter instance crossed the threshold (upward = 1, downward = -1).

parent_id (int) – for generating a tree.

check_id (int) – measured parameter used for the specific instance.

is_favourite (str) – favorite measured parameters (output in reports).

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