Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Changing your own password

July 3, 2024

ID 250476

Users that are logged in with a local user account can change their own passwords.

KSMG only stores hashes of passwords, not the passwords themselves.

To change your own password:

  1. At the bottom of the left menu pane, click on the name of the current user.
  2. In the expanded pane on the right, select Change password.

    This opens the password changing window.

  3. In the Old password field, enter your current password.

    To see the password you entered, click and hold the Eye_icon icon as long as you need.

    If you enter the password incorrectly five times in a row, the ability to change the password in the application is blocked for your IP address for five minutes.

  4. In the New password field, enter the new password.

    The password must contain upper and lower case Latin letters (A–z), numerals (0–9), and special characters. The password must be at least 15 characters long.

    The new password must not be the same as any of the last 24 passwords used.

  5. In the Confirm password field, re-enter the password.
  6. Click Save.

The password of your user account is changed.

The password of the local user account is valid for one year. When the administrator tries to log in to the application web interface with an expired password, a password change prompt is displayed. A local user is only able to authenticate after changing the password.

See also

Creating a user account

Viewing a user account

Filtering user accounts

Editing a user account

Deleting a user account

Creating a role

Viewing role information

Changing role settings

Assigning a role

Revoking a role

Deleting a role

Changing another user's password

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