Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 for Windows


[Topic 127969]

What's new

Update 11.11.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Log Inspection component for servers has been added. Log Inspection monitors the integrity of the protected environment based on the results of Windows event log analysis. When the application detects signs of atypical behavior in the system, it informs the administrator, as this behavior may indicate an attempted cyber attack.
  2. File Integrity Monitor component for servers has been added. File Integrity Monitor detects changes to objects (files and folders) in a given monitoring area. These changes may indicate a computer security breach. When object changes are detected, the application informs the administrator.
  3. The alert details interface for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum) has been improved. The elements of the threat development chain have been aligned, the links between the processes in the chain no longer overlap. This makes it easier to analyze the evolution of the threat.
  4. Application performance has been improved. For this purpose, network traffic processing by the Network Threat Protection component has been optimized.
  5. The option to upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Security without a restart has been added. This lets you ensure uninterrupted operation of servers when upgrading the application. You can upgrade the application without a restart starting with version 11.10.0. You can also install patches without a restart starting with version 11.11.0.
  6. The Virus Scan task has been renamed in the Kaspersky Security Center Console. This task is now called Malware Scan.

Update 11.10.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.10.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Support of third-party credential providers for Single Sign-On with Kaspersky Full Disk Encryption is added. Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors the user’s password for ADSelfService Plus and updates the data for Authentication Agent if the user, for example, changes his password.
  2. The option to enable display of threats detected by Cloud Sandbox technology has been added. This technology is available to users of Endpoint Detection and Response solutions (EDR Optimum or EDR Expert). Cloud Sandbox is a technology that lets you detect advanced threats on a computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically forwards suspicious files to Cloud Sandbox for analysis. Cloud Sandbox runs these files in an isolated environment to identify malicious activity and decides on their reputation.
  3. Additional information about files has been added to alert details for EDR Optimum users. Alert details now include information about the trust group, digital signature and distribution of the file, and other information. You will also be able to jump to the detailed file description on the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal (KL TIP) directly from alert details.
  4. Application performance has been improved. To do this, we optimized the operation of the background scan and added the ability to queue scan tasks if scan is already running.

Update 11.9.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Now you can create an Authentication Agent service account when using Kaspersky disk encryption. The service account is necessary to gain access to the computer, for example, when the user forgets the password. You can also use the service account as a reserve account.
  2. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the application distribution kit. To support Detection and Response solutions, you can use the Kaspersky Endpoint Security built-in agent. If necessary, you can download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform distribution kit.
  3. The alert details interface for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum) is improved. Threat Response features now have tooltips. A step-by-step instruction for ensuring the security of corporate infrastructure is also displayed when indicators of compromise are detected.
  4. Now you can activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows with a Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security license key.
  5. New events added about establishing a connection with domains that have untrusted certificates and encrypted connections scan errors.

Update 11.8.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Added the built-in agent to support the operation of the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution. Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert is a solution for protecting the corporate IT infrastructure from advanced cyber threats. The functionality of the solution combines automatic detection of threats with the ability to react to these threats to counteract advanced attacks including new exploits, ransomware, fileless attacks, as well as methods using legitimate system tools. EDR Expert offers more threat monitoring and response functionality than EDR Optimum. For more information about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.
  2. Network Monitor interface is now improved. The Network Monitor now shows the UDP protocol in addition to TCP.
  3. The Virus Scan task was improved. If you have rebooted the computer during the scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where the scan was interrupted.
  4. Now you can set a limit for task execution time. You can limit the execution time for Virus Scan and IOC Scan tasks. After the specified amount of time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security stops the task. To reduce the Virus Scan task execution time, you can, for example, configure the scan scope or optimize the scan.
  5. Limitations of server platforms are lifted for the application installed on Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session. Kaspersky Endpoint Security now considers Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session a workstation operating system, not a server operating system. Correspondingly, server platform limitations no longer apply to the application on Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session. The application also uses a workstation license key for activation instead of a server license key.

Update 11.7.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.7.0 offers the following new features and improvements:

  1. The interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is updated.
  2. Support of Windows 11, Windows 10 21H2 and Windows Server 2022.
  3. Added new components:
    • A built-in agent for integration with Kaspersky Sandbox was added. The Kaspersky Sandbox solution detects and automatically blocks advanced threats on computers. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes object behavior to detect malicious activity and activity characteristic of targeted attacks on the IT infrastructure of the organization. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes and scans objects on special servers with deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems (Kaspersky Sandbox servers). For details about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

      You no longer need Kaspersky Endpoint Agent in order to use Kaspersky Sandbox. Kaspersky Endpoint Security can perform all Kaspersky Endpoint Agent functions. To migrate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies, use the Migration Wizard. You need Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 for all of the functions of Kaspersky Sandbox to work. For details about the migrating from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, please refer to the application help.

    • Added the built-in agent to support the operation of the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum solution. Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum is a solution for protecting the organization's IT infrastructure from advanced cyber threats. The functionality of the solution combines automatic detection of threats with the ability to react to these threats to counteract advanced attacks including new exploits, ransomware, fileless attacks, as well as methods using legitimate system tools. For more information about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help.

      You no longer need Kaspersky Endpoint Agent in order to use Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response. Kaspersky Endpoint Security can perform all Kaspersky Endpoint Agent functions. To migrate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies and tasks, use the Migration Wizard. To use all the functions, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum require Kaspersky Security Center 13.2. For details about the migrating from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, please refer to the application help.

  4. The Migration Wizard for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies and tasks was added. The Migration Wizard creates new merged policies and tasks for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. The wizard allows switching Detection and Response solutions from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Detection and Response solutions include Kaspersky Sandbox, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum), and Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR).
  5. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, which is included in the distribution kit, is updated to version 3.11.

    When upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the application detects the version and designated purpose of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is designated for the operation of Kaspersky Sandbox, Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum), Kaspersky Endpoint Security switches the operation of these solutions to the application’s built-in agent. For Kaspersky Sandbox and EDR Optimum, the application automatically uninstalls Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. For MDR, you can uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Agent manually. If the application is designated for the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (EDR Expert), Kaspersky Endpoint Security upgrades the version of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. For more details about the application, please refer to the documentation of Kaspersky solutions that support Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

  6. BitLocker encryption functionality improved:
  7. Now you can configure the maximum number of keyboard authorization attempts for BadUSB Attack Prevention. When the configured number of failed attempts to enter the authorization code is reached, the USB device is temporarily locked.
  8. Firewall functionality is improved:
    • Now you can configure a range of IP addresses for Firewall packet rules. You can enter a range of addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example, or 12:34::2-12:34::99.
    • Now you can enter DNS names for Firewall packet rules instead of IP addresses. You should use DNS names only for LAN computers or internal services. Interaction with cloud services (such as Microsoft Azure) and other Internet resources should be handled by the Web Control component.
  9. Web Control rule search improved. To search a web resource access rule, in addition to the name of the rule, you can use the URL of the website, a username, a content category, or a data type.
  10. The Virus Scan task was improved:
    • The Virus Scan task in idle mode was improved. If you have rebooted the computer during the scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where the scan was interrupted.
    • The Virus Scan task was optimized. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the scan only when the computer is idle. You can configure when the computer scan is run in task properties.
  11. Now you can restrict user access to data provided by the Application Activity Monitor. Application Activity Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the activity of applications on a user's computer in real time. The administrator can hide the Application Activity Monitor from the user in application policy properties.
  12. Improved the security of managing the application through the REST API. Now Kaspersky Endpoint Security validates the signature of requests sent via the REST API. To manage the program, you need to install a request identification certificate.

Update 11.6.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Support for Windows 10 21H1. For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  2. The Managed Detection and Response component was added. This component facilitates interaction with the solution known as Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response. Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provides round-the-clock protection from a growing number of threats capable of bypassing automated protection mechanisms for organizations that have a difficult time finding highly qualified experts or have limited internal resources. For detailed information about how the solution works, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.
  3. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, which is included in the distribution kit, has been updated to version 3.10. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent 3.10 provides new features, resolves some previous issues, and has improved stability. For more details about the application, please refer to the documentation of Kaspersky solutions that support Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.
  4. It now provides the capability to manage protection against attacks such as Network Flooding and Port Scanning in Network Threat Protection settings.
  5. Added new method of creating network rules for Firewall. You can add packet rules and application rules for connections that are displayed in the Network Monitor window. However, network rule connection settings will be configured automatically.
  6. Network Monitor interface is now improved. Added the information about network activity: process ID, that initiate network activity; network type (local network or the Internet); local ports. By default, the information about network type is hidden.
  7. There is now the capability to automatically create Authentication Agent accounts for new Windows users. The Agent allows a user to complete authentication for access to drives that were encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, and to load the operating system. The application checks information about Windows user accounts on the computer. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a Windows user account that has no Authentication Agent account, the application will create a new account for accessing encrypted drives. This means that you do not need to manually add Authentication Agent accounts for computers with already encrypted drives.
  8. There is now the capability to monitor the disk encryption process in the application interface on users' computers (Kaspersky Disk Encryption and BitLocker). You can run the Encryption Monitor tool from the main application window.

Update 11.5.0

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.5.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. Support for Windows 10 20H2. For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  2. Updated application interface. Also updated the application icon in the notification area, application notifications, and dialog boxes.
  3. Improved interface of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in for the Application Control, Device Control, and Adaptive Anomaly Control components.
  4. Added functionality for importing and exporting lists of rules and exclusions in XML format. The XML format allows you to edit lists after they are exported. You can manage lists only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console. The following lists are available for export/import:
  5. Object MD5 information was added to the threat detection report. In previous versions of the application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security showed only the SHA256 of an object.
  6. Added capability to assign the priority for device access rules in Device Control settings. Priority assignment enables more flexible configuration of user access to devices. If a user has been added to multiple groups, Kaspersky Endpoint Security regulates device access based on the rule with the highest priority. For example, you can grant read-only permissions to the Everyone group and grant read/write permissions to the administrators group. To do so, assign a priority of 0 for the administrators group and assign a priority of 1 for the Everyone group. You can configure the priority only for devices that have a file system. This includes hard drives, removable drives, floppy disks, CD/DVD drives, and portable devices (MTP).
  7. Added new functionality:
  8. Added capability to configure the secure traffic scan mode: always scan traffic even if protection components are disabled, or scan traffic when requested by protection components.
  9. Revised procedure for deleting information from reports. A user can only delete all reports. In previous versions of the application, a user could select specific application components whose information would be deleted from reports.
  10. Revised procedure for importing a configuration file containing Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings, and revised procedure for restoring application settings. Prior to importing or restoring, Kaspersky Endpoint Security shows only a warning. In previous versions of the application, you could view the values of the new settings before they were applied.
  11. Simplified procedure for restoring access to a drive that was encrypted by BitLocker. After completing the access recovery procedure, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user to set a new password or PIN code. After setting a new password, BitLocker will encrypt the drive. In the previous version of the application, the user had to manually reset the password in the BitLocker settings.
  12. Users now have the capability to create their own local trusted zone for a specific computer. This way, users can create their own local lists of exclusions and trusted applications in addition to the general trusted zone in a policy. An administrator can allow or block the use of local exclusions or local trusted applications. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.
  13. Added capability to enter comments in the properties of trusted applications. Comments help simplify searches and sorting of trusted applications.
  14. Managing the application through the REST API:
    • There is now the capability to configure the settings of the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook.
    • It is prohibited to disable detection of viruses, worms, and Trojans.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0 for Windows offers the following features and improvements:

  1. New design of the application icon in the taskbar notification area. The new is now displayed instead of the old icon. If the user is required to perform an action (for example, restart the computer after updating the application), the icon will change to . If the protection components of the application are disabled or have malfunctioned, the icon will change to or . If you hover over the icon, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display a description of the problem in computer protection.
  2. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, which is included in the distribution kit, has been updated to version 3.9. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent 3.9 supports integration with new Kaspersky solutions. For more details about the application, please refer to the documentation of Kaspersky solutions that support Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.
  3. Added the Not supported by license status for Kaspersky Endpoint Security components. You can view the status of components in the component list in the main application window.
  4. New events from Exploit Prevention have been added to reports.
  5. Drivers for Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology are now automatically added to the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) when drive encryption is started. The previous version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security added drivers when installing the application. Adding drivers to WinRE can improve the stability of the application when restoring the operating system on computers protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology.

The Endpoint Sensor component has been removed from Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can still configure Endpoint Sensor settings in a policy provided that Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.0.0 to 11.3.0 is installed on the computer.

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[Topic 184649]

Frequently asked questions


On what computers can Kaspersky Endpoint Security operate?

What has changed since the last version?

With which other Kaspersky applications can Kaspersky Endpoint Security operate?

How can I conserve computer resources during operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security?


How do I install Kaspersky Endpoint Security to all computers of an organization?

Which installation settings can be configured in the command line?

How do I remotely uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security?


What methods are available to update the databases?

What should I do if problems arise after an update?

How do I update databases outside of the corporate network?

Is it possible to use a proxy server for updates?


How does Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan email?

How do I exclude a trusted file from scans?

How do I protect a computer against viruses from flash drives?

How can I run a malware scan that is hidden from the user?

How do I temporarily pause the protection of Kaspersky Endpoint Security?

How do I restore a file that Kaspersky Endpoint Security erroneously deleted?

How do I protect Kaspersky Endpoint Security from being uninstalled by a user?


Does Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan encrypted connections (HTTPS)?

How do I allow users to connect only to trusted Wi-Fi networks?

How do I block social networks?


How do I find out which applications are installed on a user's computer (inventory)?

How do I prevent computer games from running?

How do I verify that Application Control has been correctly configured?

How do I add an application to the trusted list?


How do I block the use of flash drives?

How do I add a device to the trusted list?

Is it possible to obtain access to a blocked device?


Under which conditions is encryption impossible?

How do I use a password to restrict access to an archive?

Is it possible to use smart cards and tokens with encryption?

Is it possible to gain access to encrypted data if there is no connection with Kaspersky Security Center?

What should I do if the computer operating system fails but data remains encrypted?


Where is the report file stored?

How do I create a trace file?

How do I enable dump writing?

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[Topic 127971]

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (hereinafter also referred to as Kaspersky Endpoint Security) provides comprehensive computer protection against various types of threats, network and phishing attacks.

The application is not intended to be used in technological processes that involve automated control systems. To protect devices in such systems, it is recommended to use Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes application.

Updates functionality (including providing anti-virus signature updates and codebase updates), as well as KSN functionality will not be available in the software in the U.S. territory from 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 10, 2024 in accordance with the restrictive measures.

Threat detection technologies

Machine learning

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a model based on machine learning. The model is developed by Kaspersky experts. Subsequently, the model is continuously fed with threat data from KSN (model training).

Cloud analysis

Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives threat data from the Kaspersky Security Network. Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software.

Expert analysis

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses threat data added by Kaspersky virus analysts. Virus analysts evaluate objects if the reputation of an object cannot be determined automatically.

Behavior analysis

Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the activity of an object in real time.

Automatic analysis

Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives data from the automatic object analysis system. The system processes all objects that are sent to Kaspersky. The system then determines the reputation of the object and adds the data to anti-virus databases. If the system cannot determine the reputation of the object, the system queries Kaspersky virus analysts.

Kaspersky Sandbox

Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes the object in a virtual machine. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes the behavior of the object and decides on its reputation. This technology is available only if you are using the Kaspersky Sandbox solution.

Cloud Sandbox

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans objects in an isolated environment provided by Kaspersky. Cloud Sandbox technology is permanently enabled and is available to all Kaspersky Security Network users regardless of the type of license they are using. If you have already deployed Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum, you can enable a separate counter for threats detected by Cloud Sandbox.

Selection tree

Each type of threat is handled by a dedicated component. Components can be enabled or disabled independently, and their settings can be configured.

Selection tree



Essential Threat Protection

File Threat Protection

The File Threat Protection component lets you prevent infection of the file system of the computer. By default, the File Threat Protection component permanently resides in the computer's RAM. The component scans files on all drives of the computer, as well as on connected drives. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Web Threat Protection

The Web Threat Protection component prevents downloads of malicious files from the Internet, and also blocks malicious and phishing websites. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Mail Threat Protection

The Mail Threat Protection component scans the attachments of incoming and outgoing email messages for viruses and other threats. The component also scans messages for malicious and phishing links. By default, the Mail Threat Protection component permanently resides in the computer's RAM and scans all messages received or sent using the POP3, SMTP, IMAP, or NNTP protocols, or the Microsoft Office Outlook mail client (MAPI). The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Network Threat Protection

The Network Threat Protection component scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack on the user's computer, it blocks the network connection with the attacking computer. Descriptions of currently known types of network attacks and ways to counteract them are provided in Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. The list of network attacks that the Network Threat Protection component detects is updated during database and application module updates.


The Firewall blocks unauthorized connections to the computer while working on the Internet or local network. The Firewall also controls the network activity of applications on the computer. This allows you to protect your corporate LAN from identity theft and other attacks. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and predefined network rules.

BadUSB Attack Prevention

The BadUSB Attack Prevention component prevents infected USB devices emulating a keyboard from connecting to the computer.

AMSI Protection

AMSI Protection component is intended to support Antimalware Scan Interface from Microsoft. The Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) allows third-party applications with AMSI support to send objects (for example, PowerShell scripts) to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for an additional scan and then receive the results from scanning these objects.

Advanced Threat Protection

Kaspersky Security Network

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to new threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network, KSN services provide Kaspersky Endpoint Security with information about the category and reputation of scanned files, as well as information about the reputation of scanned web addresses.

Behavior Detection

The Behavior Detection component receives data on the actions of applications on your computer and provides this information to other protection components to improve their performance. The Behavior Detection component utilizes Behavior Stream Signatures (BSS) for applications. If application activity matches a behavior stream signature, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the selected responsive action. Kaspersky Endpoint Security functionality based on behavior stream signatures provides proactive defense for the computer.

Exploit Prevention

The Exploit Prevention component detects program code that takes advantage of vulnerabilities on the computer to exploit administrator privileges or to perform malicious activities. For example, exploits can utilize a buffer overflow attack. To do so, the exploit sends a large amount of data to a vulnerable application. When processing this data, the vulnerable application executes malicious code. As a result of this attack, the exploit can start an unauthorized installation of malware. When there is an attempt to run an executable file from a vulnerable application that was not performed by the user, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks this file from running or notifies the user.

Host Intrusion Prevention

The Host Intrusion Prevention component prevents applications from performing actions that may be dangerous for the operating system, and ensures control over access to operating system resources and personal data. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases and the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service.

Remediation Engine

The Remediation Engine lets Kaspersky Endpoint Security roll back actions that have been performed by malware in the operating system.

Security Controls

Application Control

Application Control manages the startup of applications on users' computers. This allows you to implement a corporate security policy when using applications. Application Control also reduces the risk of computer infection by restricting access to applications.

Device Control

Device Control manages user access to devices that are installed on or connected to the computer (for example, hard drives, cameras, or Wi-Fi modules). This lets you protect the computer from infection when such devices are connected, and prevent loss or leaks of data.

Web Control

Web Control manages users' access to web resources. This helps reduce traffic and inappropriate use of work time. When a user tries to open a website that is restricted by Web Control, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access or shows a warning.

Adaptive Anomaly Control

The Adaptive Anomaly Control component monitors and blocks actions that are not typical of the computers in a company's network. Adaptive Anomaly Control uses a set of rules to track non-typical behavior (for example, the Start of Microsoft PowerShell from office application rule). Rules are created by Kaspersky specialists based on typical scenarios of malicious activity. You can configure how Adaptive Anomaly Control handles each rule and, for example, allow the execution of PowerShell scripts that automate certain workflow tasks. Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates the set of rules along with the application databases.

Log Inspection

Log Inspection monitors the integrity of the protected environment based on the results of Windows event log analysis. When the application detects signs of atypical behavior in the system, it informs the administrator, as this behavior may indicate an attempted cyber attack.

File Integrity Monitor

File Integrity Monitor detects changes to objects (files and folders) in a given monitoring area. These changes may indicate a computer security breach. When object changes are detected, the application informs the administrator.


Malware Scan

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the computer for viruses and other threats. Malware Scan helps to rule out the possibility of spreading malware that was not detected by protection components, for example, due to a low security level.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads updated databases and application modules. Updating keeps the computer protected against the latest viruses and other threats. The application is updated automatically by default, but if necessary, you can update the databases and application modules manually.

Last update rollback

Kaspersky Endpoint Security rolls back the last update of databases and modules. This lets you roll back the databases and application modules to their previous versions when necessary, for example, when the new database version contains an invalid signature that causes Kaspersky Endpoint Security to block a safe application.

Integrity check

Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the application modules in the application installation folder for corruption or modifications. If an application module has an incorrect digital signature, the module is considered corrupt.

Data Encryption

File Level Encryption

The component allows creating file encryption rules. You can select predefined folders for encryption, select a folder manually, or select individual files by extension.

Full Disk Encryption

The component allows encrypting the hard disk using Kaspersky Disk Encryption or BitLocker Drive Encryption.

Encryption of removable drives

The component allows protecting data on removable drives. You can use Full Disk Encryption (FDE) or File Level Encryption (FLE).

Detection and Response

Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum solution (hereinafter also "EDR Optimum"). Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response is a solution for protecting the corporate IT infrastructure from advanced cyber threats. The functionality of the solution combines automatic detection of threats with the ability to react to these threats to counteract advanced attacks including new exploits, ransomware, fileless attacks, as well as methods using legitimate system tools. For more information about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help.

Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution (hereinafter also "EDR Expert"). EDR Expert offers more threat monitoring and response functionality than EDR Optimum. For more information about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Kaspersky Sandbox

Built-in agent for the Kaspersky Sandbox solution. The Kaspersky Sandbox solution detects and automatically blocks advanced threats on computers. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes object behavior to detect malicious activity and activity characteristic of targeted attacks on the IT infrastructure of the organization. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes and scans objects on special servers with deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems (Kaspersky Sandbox servers). For details about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

Managed Detection and Response

Built-in agent to support the operation of the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response solution. The Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution automatically detects and analyzes security incidents in your infrastructure. To do so, MDR uses telemetry data received from endpoints and machine learning. MDR sends incident data to Kaspersky experts. The experts can then process the incident and, for example, add a new entry to Anti-Virus databases. Alternatively, the experts can issue recommendations on processing the incident and, for example, suggest isolating computer from the network. For detailed information about how the solution works, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

In this Help section

Distribution kit

Hardware and software requirements

Comparison of available application features depending on the type of operating system

Comparison of application functions depending on the management tools

Compatibility with other applications

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[Topic 127970]

Distribution kit

The distribution kit includes the following distribution packages:

  • Strong encryption (AES256)

    This distribution package contains cryptographic tools that implement the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm with an effective key length of 256 bits.

  • Lite encryption (AES56)

    This distribution package contains cryptographic tools that implement the AES encryption algorithm with an effective key length of 56 bits.

Each distribution package contains the following files:


Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package.


Files that are required for installing the application using any of the available methods.


File for creating installation packages for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security Management Plug-in installation package for Kaspersky Security Center.


Update package files that are used during installation.


Files for removing incompatible software.


File that contains a list of incompatible software.


File where you can read through the terms of participation in Kaspersky Security Network.


File where you can read through the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.


File that contains the internal settings of the distribution kit.


Archive containing the files required for installing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in.

It is not recommended to change the values of these settings. If you want to change installation options, use the setup.ini file.

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[Topic 127972]

Hardware and software requirements

To ensure proper operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, your computer must meet the following requirements:

Minimum general requirements:

  • 2 GB of free disk space on the hard drive;
  • CPU:
    • Workstation: 1 GHz;
    • Server: 1.4 GHz;
    • Support for the SSE2 instruction set.
  • RAM:
    • Workstation (x86): 1 GB;
    • Workstation (x64): 2 GB;
    • Server: 2 GB.


Supported operating systems for workstations:

  • Windows 7 Home / Professional / Ultimate / Enterprise Service Pack 1 or later;
  • Windows 8 Professional / Enterprise;
  • Windows 8.1 Professional / Enterprise;
  • Windows 10 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise / Enterprise multi-session;
  • Windows 11 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise.

For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.

For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 11 operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports core components of the application on computers running the Windows operating system for servers. You can use Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows instead of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on servers and clusters of your organization. The application also supports Core Mode (see known issues).

Supported operating systems for servers:

  • Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials / Standard (64-bit);

    Microsoft Small Business Server 2011 Standard (64-bit) is supported only if Service Pack 1 for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 is installed.

  • Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 (64-bit);
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation / Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter Service Pack 1 or later;
  • Windows Server 2012 Foundation / Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation / Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2022.

For details about support for the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft Windows Server 2019 operating systems, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.

For details about support for the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.

Unsupported operating systems for servers:

  • Windows Server 2003 Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter SP2 or later;
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Foundation / Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter SP2 or later;
  • Windows Server 2008 Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter SP2 or later;
  • Windows Server 2008 Core Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter SP2 or later;
  • Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 Standard / Premium SP2 or later.

Virtual platforms

Supported virtual platforms:

  • VMware Workstation 16.2.3;
  • VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 3f;
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019;
  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2206;
  • Citrix Provisioning 2206;
  • Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 LTSR (Cumulative Update 1).

Terminal servers

Supported terminal server types:

  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2012;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2012 R2;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2016;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2019;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services based on Windows Server 2022.

Kaspersky Security Center support

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports operation with the following versions of Kaspersky Security Center:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 11;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 12;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.1;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2.2;
  • Kaspersky Security Center 14.
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[Topic 181834]

Comparison of available application features depending on the type of operating system

The set of available Kaspersky Endpoint Security features depends on the type of operating system: workstation or server (see the table below).

Comparison of Kaspersky Endpoint Security features





Advanced Threat Protection



Kaspersky Security Network

Included icon

Included icon

Behavior Detection

Included icon

Included icon

Exploit Prevention

Included icon

Included icon

Host Intrusion Prevention

Included icon

Remediation Engine

Included icon

Included icon

Essential Threat Protection



File Threat Protection

Included icon

Included icon

Web Threat Protection

Included icon

Included icon

Mail Threat Protection

Included icon

Included icon


Included icon

Included icon

Network Threat Protection

Included icon

Included icon

BadUSB Attack Prevention

Included icon

Included icon

AMSI Protection

Included icon

Included icon

Security Controls



Log Inspection

Included icon

Application Control

Included icon

Included icon

Device Control

Included icon

Included icon

Web Control

Included icon

Included icon

Adaptive Anomaly Control

Included icon

File Integrity Monitor

Included icon

Data Encryption



Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Included icon

BitLocker Drive Encryption

Included icon

Included icon

File Level Encryption

Included icon

Encryption of removable drives

Included icon

Detection and Response



Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Included icon

Included icon

Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Included icon

Included icon

Kaspersky Sandbox

Included icon

Included icon

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Included icon

Included icon

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[Topic 188654]

Comparison of application functions depending on the management tools

The set of functions available in Kaspersky Endpoint Security depends on the management tools (see the table below).

You can manage the application using the following consoles of Kaspersky Security Center:

  • Administration Console. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in installed on the administrator's workstation.
  • Web Console. Component of Kaspersky Security Center that is installed on the Administration Server. You can work in the Web Console through a browser on any computer that has access to the Administration Server.

You can also manage the application by using the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. The Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console is the cloud version of Kaspersky Security Center. This means that the Administration Server and other components of Kaspersky Security Center are installed in the cloud infrastructure of Kaspersky. For details on managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help.

Comparison of Kaspersky Endpoint Security features



Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Security Center


Administration Console

Web Console

Cloud Console

Advanced Threat Protection




Kaspersky Security Network

Kaspersky Private Security Network

Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Host Intrusion Prevention

Remediation Engine

Essential Threat Protection




File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection


Network Threat Protection

BadUSB Attack Prevention

AMSI Protection

Security Controls




Log Inspection

Application Control

Device Control

Web Control

Adaptive Anomaly Control

File Integrity Monitor

Data Encryption




Kaspersky Disk Encryption

BitLocker Drive Encryption

File Level Encryption

Encryption of removable drives

Detection and Response




Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Kaspersky Sandbox

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)





Add key

Change application components



Update rollback

Malware Scan

Integrity check

Wipe Data

Manage Authentication Agent accounts (Kaspersky Disk Encryption)

IOC Scan (EDR)

Move file to Quarantine (EDR)

Get file (EDR)

Delete file (EDR)

Process start (EDR)

Terminate process (EDR)

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[Topic 182030]

Compatibility with other applications

Prior to the installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the computer for the presence of Kaspersky applications. The application also checks the computer for incompatible software.

Compatibility with third-party applications

The list of incompatible software is available in the incompatible.txt file that is included in the distribution kit.


Compatibility with Kaspersky applications

Kaspersky Endpoint Security is incompatible with the following Kaspersky applications:

  • Kaspersky Small Office Security.
  • Kaspersky Internet Security.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
  • Kaspersky Total Security.
  • Kaspersky Safe Kids.
  • Kaspersky Free.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool.
  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (including the Endpoint Sensor component).
  • Kaspersky Sandbox (including Kaspersky Endpoint Agent).
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response (including the Endpoint Sensor component).

    If the Endpoint Agent component was installed on a computer using the deployment tools of other Kaspersky applications, the component will be automatically removed during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security may also include the Endpoint Sensor / Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component if you selected Endpoint Agent in the list of application components.

  • Kaspersky Security for Virtualization Light Agent.
  • Kaspersky Fraud Prevention for Endpoint.
  • Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security.

If Kaspersky applications from this list are installed on the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security removes these applications. Please wait for this process to finish before continuing installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Skipping the incompatible software check

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects incompatible software on the computer, installation of the application will not continue. To continue the installation, you need to remove the incompatible software. However, if the vendor of third-party software has indicated in their documentation that their software is compatible with Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP), you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a computer containing an application from this vendor. For example, the Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution provider may declare their compatibility with third-party EPP systems. If this is the case, you need to start the installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security without running an incompatible software check. To do so, pass the following parameters to the installer:

  • SKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1. Disabling checking for incompatible software. The list of incompatible software is available in the incompatible.txt file that is included in the distribution kit. If no value is set for this parameter and incompatible software is detected, the installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be terminated.
  • SKIPPRODUCTUNINSTALL=1. Disable automatic removal of detected incompatible software. If no value is set for this parameter, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to remove incompatible software.

You can pass parameters in the command line when locally installing the application.



To remotely install Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you need to add the appropriate parameters to the installation package generation file named kes_win.kud in [Setup] (see below). The kes_win.kud file is included in the distribution kit.


[Setup] UseWrapper=1 ExecutableRelPath=EXEC Params=/s /pAKINSTALL=1 /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pKSN=0 /pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1 /pSKIPPRODUCTUNINSTALL=1 Executable=setup_kes.exe RebootDelegated = 1 RebootAllowed=1 ConfigFile=installer.ini RelPathsToExclude=klcfginst.msi
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[Topic 50360]

Installing and removing the application

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be installed on a computer in the following ways:

You can configure the application installation settings in several ways. If you simultaneously use multiple methods for configuring the settings, Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the settings with the highest priority. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the following order of priorities:

  1. Settings received from the setup.ini file.
  2. Settings received from the installer.ini file.
  3. Settings received from the command line.

We recommend closing all running applications before starting the installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (including remote installation).

In this section

Deployment through Kaspersky Security Center

Installing the application locally using the Wizard

Remotely installing the application using System Center Configuration Manager

Description of setup.ini file installation settings

Change application components

Upgrading from a previous version of the application

Remove the application

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[Topic 176372]

Deployment through Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be deployed on computers within a corporate network in several ways. You can choose the most suitable deployment scenario for your organization or combine several deployment scenarios at the same time. Kaspersky Security Center supports the following main deployment methods:

  • Installing the application using the Protection Deployment Wizard.

    Standard installation method is convenient if you are satisfied with the default settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and your organization has a simple infrastructure that does not require special configurations.

  • Installing the application using the remote installation task.

    Universal installation method, which allows to configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings and flexibly manage remote installation tasks. Installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security consists of the following steps:

    1. Creating an installation package.
    2. Creating a remote installation task.

Kaspersky Security Center also supports other methods of installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security, such as deployment within an operating system image. For details about other deployment methods, refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

In this section

Standard installation of the application

Creating an installation package

Updating databases in the installation package

Creating a remote installation task

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[Topic 177979]

Standard installation of the application

Kaspersky Security Center provides a Protection Deployment Wizard for installing the application on corporate computers. The Protection Deployment Wizard includes the following main actions:

  1. Selecting a Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package.

    An installation package is a set of files created for remote installation of a Kaspersky application via Kaspersky Security Center. The installation package contains a range of settings needed to install the application and get it running immediately after installation. The installation package is created using files with the .kpd and .kud extensions included in the application distribution kit. Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package is common for all supported Windows versions and processor architecture types.

  2. Creating the Install application remotely task of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security deployment

How to run the Protection Deployment Wizard in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerAdditionalRemote installation.
  2. Click the Deploy installation package on managed devices (workstations) link.

This will start the Protection Deployment Wizard. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

TCP ports 139 and 445, and UDP ports 137 and 138 must be opened on a client computer.

Step 1. Selecting an installation package

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package from the list. If the list does not contain the installation package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can create the package in the Wizard.

You can configure the installation package settings in Kaspersky Security Center. For example, you can select the application components that will be installed to a computer.

Network Agent will also be installed together with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Network Agent facilitates interaction between the Administration Server and a client computer. If Network Agent is already installed on the computer, it is not installed again.

Step 2. Selecting devices for installation

Select the computers for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. Network Agent is not installed on unassigned devices. In this case, the task is assigned to specific devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 3. Defining remote installation task settings

Configure the following additional application settings:

  • Force installation package download. Select the method of application installation:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Then Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The installation package is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. Files will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
  • Behavior for devices managed through other Administration Servers. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation method. If the network has more than one Administration Server installed, these Administration Servers may see the same client computers. This may cause, for example, an application to be installed remotely on the same client computer several times through different Administration Servers, or other conflicts.
  • Do not re-install application if it is already installed. Clear this check box if you want to install an earlier version of the application, for example.
  • Assign Network Agent installation in Active Directory group policies. Manually installing Network Agent using Active Directory resources. To install Network Agent, the remote installation task must be run with domain administrator privileges.

Step 4. Selecting a license key

Add a key to the installation package for activating the application. This step is optional. If the Administration Server contains a license key with automatic distribution functionality, the key will be automatically added later. You can also activate the application later by using the Add key task.

Step 5. Selecting the operating system restart setting

Select the action to be performed if a computer restart is required. Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version.

Step 6. Removing incompatible applications before installing the application

Carefully read the list of incompatible applications and allow removal of these applications. If incompatible applications are installed on the computer, installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error (see the figure below).

Step 7. Selecting an account for accessing devices

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 8. Starting the installation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

How to start the Protection Deployment Wizard in the Web Console and Cloud Console

In the main window of the Web Console, select Discovery & DeploymentDeployment & AssignmentProtection Deployment Wizard.

This will start the Protection Deployment Wizard. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

TCP ports 139 and 445, and UDP ports 137 and 138 must be opened on a client computer.

Step 1. Selecting an installation package

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package from the list. If the list does not contain the installation package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can create the package in the Wizard. To create the installation package, you do not need to search for the distribution package and save it to computer memory. In Kaspersky Security Center, you can view the list of distribution packages residing on Kaspersky servers, and the installation package is created automatically. Kaspersky updates the list after the release of new versions of applications.

You can configure the installation package settings in Kaspersky Security Center. For example, you can select the application components that will be installed to a computer.

Step 2. Selecting a license key

Add a key to the installation package for activating the application. This step is optional. If the Administration Server contains a license key with automatic distribution functionality, the key will be automatically added later. You can also activate the application later by using the Add key task.

Step 3. Selecting a Network Agent

Select the version of Network Agent that will be installed together with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Network Agent facilitates interaction between the Administration Server and a client computer. If Network Agent is already installed on the computer, it is not installed again.

Step 4. Selecting devices for installation

Select the computers for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. Network Agent is not installed on unassigned devices. In this case, the task is assigned to specific devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 5. Configuring advanced settings

Configure the following additional application settings:

  • Force installation package download. Selecting the method of application installation:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Then Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The installation package is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. Files will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
  • Do not re-install application if it is already installed. Clear this check box if you want to install an earlier version of the application, for example.
  • Assign package installation in Active Directory group policies. Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by means of Network Agent or manually by means of Active Directory. To install Network Agent, the remote installation task must be run with domain administrator privileges.

Step 6. Selecting the operating system restart setting

Select the action to be performed if a computer restart is required. Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version.

Step 7. Removing incompatible applications before installing the application

Carefully read the list of incompatible applications and allow removal of these applications. If incompatible applications are installed on the computer, installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error (see the figure below).

Step 8. Assigning to an administration group

Select the administration group to which the computers will be moved after Network Agent is installed. Computers need to be moved to an administration group so that policies and group tasks can be applied. If a computer is already in any administration group, the computer will not be moved. If you do not select an administration group, computers will be added to the Unassigned devices group.

Step 9. Selecting an account for accessing devices

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 10. Starting installation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

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[Topic 177937]

Creating an installation package

An installation package is a set of files created for remote installation of a Kaspersky application via Kaspersky Security Center. The installation package contains a range of settings needed to install the application and get it running immediately after installation. The installation package is created using files with the .kpd and .kud extensions included in the application distribution kit. Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package is common for all supported Windows versions and processor architecture types.

How to create an installation package in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerAdditionalRemote installationInstallation packages.

    This opens a list of installation packages that have been downloaded to Kaspersky Security Center.

  2. Click the Create installation package button.

The New Package Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting the installation package type

Select the Create an installation package for a Kaspersky application option.

Step 2. Defining the installation package name

Enter the name of the installation package, for example, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0.

Step 3. Selecting the distribution package for installation

Click the Browse button and select the kes_win.kud file that is included in the distribution kit.

If required, update the anti-virus databases in the installation package by using the Copy updates from repository to installation package check box.

Step 4. End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy

Read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

The installation package will be created and added to Kaspersky Security Center. Using the installation package, you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security on corporate network computers or update the application version. In the installation package settings, you can also select the application components and configure the application installation settings (see the table below). The installation package contains anti-virus databases from the Administration Server repository. You can update the databases in the installation package to reduce traffic consumption when updating the databases after installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

How to create an installation package in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select Discovery & DeploymentDeployment & AssignmentInstallation packages.

    This opens a list of installation packages that have been downloaded to Kaspersky Security Center.

  2. Click the Add button.

The New Package Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting the installation package type

Select the Create an installation package for a Kaspersky application option.

The Wizard will create an installation package from the distribution package residing on Kaspersky servers. The list is updated automatically as new versions of applications are released. It is recommended to select this option for installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

You can also create an installation package from a file.

Step 2. Installation packages

Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installation package. The installation package creation process starts. During creation of the installation package, you must accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

The installation package will be created and added to Kaspersky Security Center. Using the installation package, you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security on corporate network computers or update the application version. In the installation package settings, you can also select the application components and configure the application installation settings (see the table below). The installation package contains anti-virus databases from the Administration Server repository. You can update the databases in the installation package to reduce traffic consumption when updating the databases after installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Installation package settings



Protection components

In this section, you can select the application components that will be available. You can change the set of application components at a later time by using the Change application components task. The BadUSB Attack Prevention component, Detection and Response component, and data encryption components are not installed by default. These components can be added in the installation package settings.

If you need to install Detection and Response components, Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following configurations:

  • Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum only
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Expert only
  • Kaspersky Sandbox only
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Expert and Kaspersky Sandbox.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security verifies the selection of components before installing the application. If the selected configuration of Detection and Response components is not supported, Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot be installed.

License key

In this section, you can activate the application. To activate the application, you must select a license key. Before you do that, you must add the key to the Administration Server. For more details about adding keys to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Incompatible Applications

Carefully read the list of incompatible applications and allow removal of these applications. If incompatible applications are installed on the computer, installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error.

Installation settings

Add the path to the file avp.com to the system variable %PATH%. You can add the installation path to the %PATH% variable for convenient use of the command line interface.

Do not protect the installation process. Installation protection includes protection against replacement of the distribution package with malicious applications, blocking access to the installation folder of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, and blocking access to the system registry section containing application keys. However, if the application cannot be installed (for example, when performing remote installation with the help of Windows Remote Desktop), you are advised to disable protection of the installation process.

Ensure compatibility with Citrix PVS (this is only necessary when working with Citrix PVS). You can enable support of Citrix Provisioning Services to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a virtual machine.

Path to application installation folder. You can change the installation path of Kaspersky Endpoint Security on a client computer. By default, the application is installed in the %ProgramFiles%\Kaspersky Lab\KES folder.

Configuration file. You can upload a file that defines the settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can create a configuration file in the local interface of the application.

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[Topic 189376]

Updating databases in the installation package

The installation package contains anti-virus databases from the Administration Server repository that are up to date when the installation package is created. After creating the installation package, you can update the anti-virus databases in the installation package. This lets you reduce traffic consumption when updating anti-virus databases after installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

To update the anti-virus databases in the Administration Server repository, use the Download updates to the Administration Server repository task of the Administration Server. For more information about updating the anti-virus databases in the Administration Server repository, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

You can update the databases in the installation package only in the Administration Console and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. It is not possible to update the databases in the installation package in the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

How to update the anti-virus databases in the installation package through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerAdditionalRemote installationInstallation packages.

    This opens a list of installation packages that have been downloaded to Kaspersky Security Center.

  2. Open the properties of the installation package.
  3. In the General section, click the Update databases button.

As a result, the anti-virus databases in the installation package will be updated from the Administration Server repository. The bases.cab file that is included in the distribution kit will be replaced by the bases folder. The update package files will be inside the folder.

How to update anti-virus databases in an installation package through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select Discovery & DeploymentDeployment & AssignmentInstallation packages.

    This opens a list of installation packages downloaded to Web Console.

  2. Click on the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package in which you want to update the anti-virus databases.

    The installation package properties window opens.

  3. On the General information tab, click the Update databases link.

As a result, the anti-virus databases in the installation package will be updated from the Administration Server repository. The bases.cab file that is included in the distribution kit will be replaced by the bases folder. The update package files will be inside the folder.

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[Topic 177980]

Creating a remote installation task

The Install application remotely task is designed for remote installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The Install application remotely task allows you to deploy the installation package of the application to all computers in the organization. Before deploying the installation package, you can update the anti-virus databases inside the package and select the available application components in the properties of the installation package.

How to create a remote installation task in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Security Center Administration ServerInstall application remotely.

Step 2. Selecting an installation package

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package from the list. If the list does not contain the installation package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can create the package in the Wizard.

You can configure the installation package settings in Kaspersky Security Center. For example, you can select the application components that will be installed to a computer.

Network Agent will also be installed together with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Network Agent facilitates interaction between the Administration Server and a client computer. If Network Agent is already installed on the computer, it is not installed again.

Step 3. Additional

Select the Network Agent installation package. The selected version of Network Agent will be installed together with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Step 4. Settings

Configure the following additional application settings:

  • Force installation package download. Select the method of application installation:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Then Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The installation package is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. Files will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
  • Behavior for devices managed through other Administration Servers. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation method. If the network has more than one Administration Server installed, these Administration Servers may see the same client computers. This may cause, for example, an application to be installed remotely on the same client computer several times through different Administration Servers, or other conflicts.
  • Do not re-install application if it is already installed. Clear this check box if you want to install an earlier version of the application, for example.

Step 5. Selecting the operating system restart setting

Select the action to be performed if a computer restart is required. Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version.

Step 6. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. Network Agent is not installed on unassigned devices. In this case, the task is assigned to specific devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 7. Selecting the account to run the task

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 8. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or when the computer is idle.

Step 9. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, for example, Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0.

Step 10. Finishing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties. The application will be installed in silent mode. After installation, the icon will be added to the notification area of the user's computer. If the icon looks like this , make sure that you activated the application.

How to create a remote installation task in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Security Center.
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Install application remotely.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, such as Installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Managers.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

Step 2. Selecting computers for installation

At this step, select the computers on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be installed according to the selected task scope option.

Step 3. Configuring an installation package

At this step, configure the installation package:

  1. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0) installation package.
  2. Select the Network Agent installation package.

    The selected version of Network Agent will be installed together with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Network Agent facilitates interaction between the Administration Server and a client computer. If Network Agent is already installed on the computer, it is not installed again.

  3. In the Force installation package download block, select the application installation method:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Then Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The installation package is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. Files will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
  4. In the Maximum number of concurrent downloads field, set a limit on the number of installation package download requests sent to the Administration Server. A limit on the number of requests will help prevent the network from being overload.
  5. In the Maximum number of installation attempts field, set a limit on the number of attempts to install the application. If installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error, the task will automatically start the installation again.
  6. If necessary, clear the Do not re-install application if it is already installed check box. It allows, for example, to install one of the previous versions of the application.
  7. If necessary, clear the Verify operating system type before downloading check box. This lets you avoid downloading an application distribution package if the operating system of the computer does not meet the software requirements. If you are sure that the operating system of the computer meets the software requirements, you can skip this verification.
  8. If necessary, select the Assign package installation in Active Directory group policies check box. Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed by means of Network Agent or manually by means of Active Directory. To install Network Agent, the remote installation task must be run with domain administrator privileges.
  9. If necessary, select the Prompt users to close running applications check box. Installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security takes up computer resources. For the convenience of the user, the Application Installation Wizard prompts you to close running applications before starting the installation. This helps prevent disruptions in the operation of other applications and prevents possible malfunctions of the computer.
  10. In the Behavior for devices managed through other Administration Servers block, select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation method. If the network has more than one Administration Server installed, these Administration Servers may see the same client computers. This may cause, for example, an application to be installed remotely on the same client computer several times through different Administration Servers, or other conflicts.

Step 4. Selecting the account to run the task

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 5. Completing task creation

Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button. A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks. To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button. The application will be installed in silent mode. After installation, the icon will be added to the notification area of the user's computer. If the icon looks like this , make sure that you activated the application.

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[Topic 141289]

Installing the application locally using the Wizard

The interface of the application Setup Wizard consists of a sequence of windows corresponding to the application installation steps.

To install the application or upgrade the application from a previous version using the Setup Wizard:

  1. Copy the distribution kit folder to the user's computer.
  2. Run setup_kes.exe.

The Setup Wizard starts.

Preparing for installation

Before installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security on a computer or upgrading it from a previous version, the following conditions are checked:

  • Presence of installed incompatible software (the list of incompatible software is available in the incompatible.txt file that is included in the distribution kit).
  • Whether or not the hardware and software requirements are met.
  • Whether or not the user has the rights to install the software product.

If any one of the previous requirements is not met, a relevant notification is displayed on the screen. For example, a notification about incompatible software (see the figure below).


Removing incompatible software

If the computer meets the listed requirements, the Setup Wizard searches for Kaspersky applications that could lead to conflicts when running at the same time as the application being installed. If such applications are found, you are prompted to remove them manually.

If the detected applications include previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, all data that can be migrated (such as activation data and application settings) is retained and used during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 for Windows, and the previous version of the application is automatically removed. This applies to the following application versions:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 for Windows CF1 (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.3.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.5.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.10.0 for Windows (build

Kaspersky Endpoint Security components

During the installation process, you can select the components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security that you want to install (see the figure below). The File Threat Protection component is a mandatory component that must be installed. You cannot cancel its installation.


Selecting application components to install

By default, all application components are selected for installation except the following components:

You can change the available application components after the application is installed. To do so, you need to run the Setup Wizard again and choose to change the available components.

If you need to install Detection and Response components, Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following configurations:

  • Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum only
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Expert only
  • Kaspersky Sandbox only
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox
  • Endpoint Detection and Response Expert and Kaspersky Sandbox.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security verifies the selection of components before installing the application. If the selected configuration of Detection and Response components is not supported, Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot be installed.

Advanced settings


Advanced application installation settings

Protect the application installation process. Installation protection includes protection against replacement of the distribution package with malicious applications, blocking access to the installation folder of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, and blocking access to the system registry section containing application keys. However, if the application cannot be installed (for example, when performing remote installation with the help of Windows Remote Desktop), you are advised to disable protection of the installation process.

Ensure compatibility with Citrix PVS (this is only necessary when working with Citrix PVS). You can enable support of Citrix Provisioning Services to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a virtual machine.

Add the path to the file avp.com to the system variable %PATH%. You can add the installation path to the %PATH% variable for convenient use of the command line interface.

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[Topic 132945]

Remotely installing the application using System Center Configuration Manager

These instructions apply to System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2.

To remotely install an application using System Center Configuration Manager:

  1. Open the Configuration Manager console.
  2. In the right part of the console, in the App management block, select Packages.
  3. In the upper part of the console in the control panel, click the Create package button.

    This starts the New Package and Application Wizard.

  4. In the New Package and Application Wizard:
    1. In the Package section:
      • In the Name field, enter the name of the installation package.
      • In the Source folder field, specify the path to the folder containing the distribution package of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    2. In the Application type section, select the Standard program option.
    3. In the Standard program section:
      • In the Name field, enter the unique name for the installation package (for example, the application name including the version).
      • In the Command line field, specify the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation options from the command line.
      • Click the Browse button to specify the path to the executable file of the application.
      • Make sure that the Run mode list has the Run with administrative rights item selected.
    4. In the Requirements section:
      • Select the Run another program first check box if you want a different application to be started before installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

        Select the application from the Application drop-down list or specify the path to the executable file of this application by clicking the Browse button.

      • Select the This program can run only on specified platforms option in the Platform requirements block if you want the application to be installed only in the specified operating systems.

        In the list below, select the check boxes opposite the operating systems in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be installed.

      This step is optional.

    5. In the Summary section, check all entered values of the settings and click Next.

    The created installation package will appear in the Packages section in the list of available installation packages.

  5. In the context menu of the installation package, select Deploy.

    This starts the Deployment Wizard.

  6. In the Deployment Wizard:
    1. In the General section:
      • In the Software field, enter the unique name of the installation package or select the installation package from the list by clicking the Browse button.
      • In the Collection field, enter the name of the collection of computers on which the application will be installed, or select the collection by clicking the Browse button.
    2. In the Contains section, add distribution points (for more detailed information, please refer to the help documentation for System Center Configuration Manager).
    3. If required, specify the values of other settings in the Deployment Wizard. These settings are optional for remote installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    4. In the Summary section, check all entered values of the settings and click Next.

    After the Deployment Wizard finishes, a task will be created for remote installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

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[Topic 127982]

Description of setup.ini file installation settings

The setup.ini file is used when installing the application from the command line or when using the Group Policy Editor of Microsoft Windows. To apply settings from the setup.ini file, place this file into the folder containing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package.


The setup.ini file consists of the following sections:

  • [Setup] – general settings of application installation.
  • [Components] – selection of application components to be installed. If none of the components are specified, all components that are available for the operating system are installed. File Threat Protection is a mandatory component and is installed on the computer regardless of which settings are indicated in this section.
  • [Tasks] – selection of tasks to be included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks. If no task is specified, all tasks are included in the task list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

The alternatives to the value 1 are the values yes, on, enable, and enabled.

The alternatives to the value 0 are the values no, off, disable, and disabled.

Settings of the setup.ini file






Path to the application installation folder.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security activation code.



Acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement. The text of the License Agreement is included in the distribution kit of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement is necessary for installing the application or upgrading the application version.



Acceptance of the Privacy Policy. The text of the Privacy Policy is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit.

To install the application or upgrade the application version, you must accept the Privacy Policy.



Agreement or refusal to participate in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). If no value is set for this parameter, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt to confirm your consent or refusal to participate in KSN when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is first started. Available values:

  • 1 – agreement to participate in KSN.
  • 0 – refusal to participate in KSN (default value).

The Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package is optimized for use with Kaspersky Security Network. If you opted not to participate in Kaspersky Security Network, you should update Kaspersky Endpoint Security immediately after the installation is complete.



Set the user name for accessing the features and settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (the Password protection component). The user name is set together with the Password and PasswordArea parameters. The user name KLAdmin is used by default.



Specify a password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security features and settings (the password is specified together with the Login and PasswordArea parameters).

If you specified a password but did not specify a user name with the Login parameter, the KLAdmin user name is used by default.



Specify the scope of the password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. When a user attempts to perform an action that is included in this scope, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts for the user's account credentials (Login and Password parameters). Use the ";" character to specify multiple values.

Available values:

  • SET – modifying application settings.
  • EXIT – exiting the application.
  • DISPROTECT – disabling protection components and stopping scan tasks.
  • DISPOLICY – disabling the Kaspersky Security Center policy.
  • UNINST – removing the application from the computer.
  • DISCTRL – disabling control components.
  • REMOVELIC – removing the key.
  • REPORTS – viewing reports.



Enabling or disabling the application installation protection mechanism. Available values:

  • 1 – the application installation protection mechanism is enabled (default value).
  • 0 – the application installation protection mechanism is disabled.

Installation protection includes protection against replacement of the distribution package with malicious applications, blocking access to the installation folder of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, and blocking access to the system registry section containing application keys. However, if the application cannot be installed (for example, when performing remote installation with the help of Windows Remote Desktop), you are advised to disable protection of the installation process.



Automatic restart of the computer, if required after installation or upgrade of the application. If no value is set for this parameter, automatic computer restart is blocked.

Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version.



In the %PATH% system variable, add the path to executable files located in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security setup folder. Available values:

  • 1 – the %PATH% system variable is supplemented with the path to executable files that are located in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security setup folder.
  • 0 – the %PATH% system variable is not supplemented with the path to executable files that are located in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security setup folder.



Enables or disables protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology (Antimalware Protected Process Light). For more details about AM-PPL technology, please visit the Microsoft website.

AM-PPL technology is available for Windows 10 version 1703 (RS2) or later, and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.

Available values:

  • 1 – protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology is enabled.
  • 0 – protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology is disabled.



Application upgrade mode:

  • Seamless means upgrading the application with a computer restart (default value).
  • Force means upgrading the application without a restart.

You can upgrade the application without a restart starting with version 11.10.0. To upgrade an earlier version of the application, you must restart the computer. You can also install patches without a restart starting with version 11.11.0.

Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. So, the upgrade mode of the application will be specified in the application settings. You can change this parameter in the application settings or in the policy.

When upgrading already installed application, the priority of the parameter specified in the setup.ini file is higher than that of the parameter specified in the application settings or in the command line. For example, if Force upgrade mode is specified in the setup.ini file and Seamless mode is specified in the application settings, the upgrade will be installed without a restart (Force). If you are using the setup.ini file, where the UPGRADEMODE parameter is not specified, the installer will use a default value (Seamless) and will install the upgrade with a computer restart.



Enable writing of registry keys from the setup.reg file to the registry. SetupReg: setup.reg parameter value.



Enabling or disabling application tracing. After Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts, it saves trace files in the folder %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces. Available values:

  • 1 – tracing is enabled.
  • 0 – tracing is disabled (default value).



Level of detail of traces. Available values:

  • 100 (critical). Only messages about fatal errors.
  • 200 (high). Messages about all errors, including fatal errors.
  • 300 (diagnostic). Messages about all errors, as well as warnings.
  • 400 (important). All error messages, warnings, and additional information.
  • 500 (normal). Messages about all errors and warnings, as well as detailed information about the operation of the application in normal mode (default).
  • 600 (low). All messages.



Managing the application through the REST API. To manage the application through the REST API, you must specify the user name (RESTAPI_User parameter).

Available values:

  • 1 – management via REST API is allowed.
  • 0 – management via REST API is blocked (default value).

To manage the application through the REST API, management using administrative systems must be allowed. To do so, set the AdminKitConnector=1 parameter. If you manage the application through the REST API, it is impossible to manage the application using the administration systems of Kaspersky.



User name of the Windows domain account used for managing the application through the REST API. Management of the application through the REST API is available only to this user. Enter the user name in the format <DOMAIN>\<UserName> (for example, RESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator). You can select only one user to work with the REST API.

Adding a user name is a prerequisite for managing the application through the REST API.



Port used for managing the application through the REST API. Port 6782 is used by default.



Certificate for identifying requests (for example, RESTAPI_Certificate=C:\cert.pem). Secure interaction of Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the REST client requires configuring request identification. To do so, you must install a certificate and subsequently sign the payload of each request.



Installation of all components. If the parameter value 1 is specified, all components will be installed regardless of the installation settings of individual components.

Because of the way Detection and Response solutions are supported, Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum as well as Kaspersky Sandbox components are installed on the computer. The Endpoint Detection and Response Expert component is not compatible with this configuration.



Mail Threat Protection.



Web Threat Protection.



AMSI Protection.



Host Intrusion Prevention.



Behavior Detection.



Exploit Prevention.



Remediation Engine.






Network Threat Protection.



Web Control.



Device Control.



Application Control.



Adaptive Anomaly Control.



Log Inspection



File Integrity Monitor



File Level Encryption libraries.



Full Disk Encryption libraries.



BadUSB Attack Prevention.



Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum).

The component is not compatible with the EDR Expert (EDRCloud) component.



Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (EDR Expert).

The component is not compatible with the EDR Optimum (EDR) component.



Kaspersky Sandbox.



Managed Detection and Response.



Application management using administration systems. Administration systems include, for example, Kaspersky Security Center. In addition to Kaspersky administration systems, you can use third-party solutions. Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides an API for this purpose.

Available values:

  • 1 – application management with the help of administration systems is allowed (default value).
  • 0 – application management is allowed only through the local interface.



Full Scan task. Available values:

  • 1 – the task is included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.
  • 0 – the task is not included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.



Critical Areas Scan task. Available values:

  • 1 – the task is included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.
  • 0 – the task is not included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.



Update task. Available values:

  • 1 – the task is included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.
  • 0 – the task is not included in the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.

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[Topic 181472]

Change application components

During installation of the application, you can select the components that will be available. You can change the available application components in the following ways:

  • Locally, by using the Setup Wizard.

    Application components are changed by using the normal method for a Windows operating system, which is through the Control Panel. Run the Application Setup Wizard and select the option to change the application components that are available. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Remotely using Kaspersky Security Center.

    The Change application components task allows you to change the components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security after the application is installed.

Please take into account the following special considerations when changing the application components:

  • On computers running Windows Server, you cannot install all components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (for example, the Adaptive Anomaly Control component is not available).
  • If the hard drives on your computer are protected by Full Disk Encryption (FDE), you cannot remove the Full Disk Encryption component. To remove the Full Disk Encryption component, decrypt all the hard drives of the computer.
  • If the computer has encrypted files (FLE) or the user uses encrypted removable drives (FDE or FLE), it will be impossible to access the files and removable drives after the Data Encryption components are removed. You can access the files and removable drives by reinstalling the Data Encryption components.

How to add or remove application components in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)Select components to install.

Step 2. Task settings for changing application components

Select the application components that will be available on the user's computer.

Select the Remove incompatible third-party applications check box. The list of incompatible applications can be viewed in incompatible.txt, which is included in the distribution kit. If incompatible applications are installed on the computer, installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error.

If necessary, enable password protection for task performance:

  1. Click Additional.
  2. Select the Use password for modifying the set of application components check box.
  3. Enter the KLAdmin user account credentials.

Step 3. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 4. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or when the computer is idle.

Step 5. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, for example, Add the Application Control component.

Step 6. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

As a result, the set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components on users' computers will be changed in silent mode. The settings of available components will be displayed in the local interface of the application. The components that were not included in the application are disabled, and the settings of these components are not available.

How to add or remove application components in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Change application components.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Add the Application Control component.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

Step 2. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. For example, select a separate administration group or build a selection.

Step 3. Completing task creation

Select the Open task details when creation is complete check box and finish the Wizard. In the task properties, select the Application Settings tab and select the application components that will be available.

If necessary, enable password protection for task performance:

  1. In the Advanced settings block, select the Use password for modifying the set of application components check box.
  2. Enter the KLAdmin user account credentials.

Save the changes and run the task.

As a result, the set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components on users' computers will be changed in silent mode. The settings of available components will be displayed in the local interface of the application. The components that were not included in the application are disabled, and the settings of these components are not available.

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[Topic 123470]

Upgrading from a previous version of the application

When you update a previous version of the application to a newer version, consider the following:

  • The localization of the new version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security must match the localization of the installed version of the application. If localizations of the applications do not match, the application upgrade will complete with an error.
  • We recommend quitting all active applications before starting the update.
  • If the computer has hard drives that are encrypted using Full Disk Encryption (FDE), then you need to decrypt all encrypted hard drives to upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Security from version 10 to version 11.0.0 or later.

    Before updating, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the Full Disk Encryption functionality. If Full Disk Encryption could not be locked, the upgrade installation will not start. After updating the application, the Full Disk Encryption functionality will be restored.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports updates for the following versions of the application:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 for Windows CF1 (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.3.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.5.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 for Windows (build
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.10.0 for Windows (build

Application upgrade methods

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be updated on the computer in the following ways:

If the application that is deployed in the corporate network features a set of components other than the default set, updating the application through the Administration Console (MMC) is different from updating the application through the Web Console and Cloud Console. When you update Kaspersky Endpoint Security, consider the following:

  • Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

    If you created an installation package for the new version of the application with the default set of components, then the set of components on a user's computer will not be changed. To use Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the default set of components, you need to open the installation package properties, change the set of components, then revert to the original set of components and save the changes.

  • Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.

    The set of application components after the update will match the set of components in the installation package. That is, if the new version of the application has the default set of components, then, for example, BadUSB Attack Prevention will be removed from the computer, since this component is excluded from the default set. To continue using the application with the same set of components as before the update, select the required components in the installation package settings.

Upgrading the application without a restart

Upgrading the application without a restart provides uninterrupted server operation when the application version is updated.

Upgrading the application without a restart has the following limitations:

  • You can upgrade the application without a restart starting with version 11.10.0. To upgrade an earlier version of the application, you must restart the computer.
  • You can install patches without a restart starting with version 11.11.0. To install patches for earlier versions of the application, a computer restart may be required.
  • Upgrading the application without a restart is not available on computers with enabled data encryption (Kaspersky encryption (FDE), BitLocker, File Level Encryption (FLE)). To upgrade the application on computers with enabled data encryption, the computer must be restarted.
  • After changing application components or repairing the application, you must restart the computer.

How to select the application upgrade mode in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  6. In the Advanced settings block, select or clear the Install application updates without restart check box to configure the application upgrade mode.
  7. Save your changes.

How to select the application upgrade mode in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsApplication Settings.
  5. In the Advanced settings block, select or clear the Install application updates without restart check box to configure the application upgrade mode.
  6. Save your changes.

How to select the application upgrade mode in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Operating mode block, select or clear the Install updates without computer restart check box to configure the application upgrade mode.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, after upgrading the application without a restart, two versions of the application will be installed on the computer. The installer installs the new version of the application to separate subfolders in the Program Files and Program Data folders. The installer also creates a separate registry key for the new version of the application. You do not have to manually remove the previous version of the application. The previous version will be removed automatically when the computer is restarted.

You can check the Kaspersky Endpoint Security upgrade using the Kaspersky application version report in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

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[Topic 50362]

Remove the application

Removing Kaspersky Endpoint Security leaves the computer and user data unprotected against threats.

Removing the application remotely using Kaspersky Security Center

You can remotely uninstall the application by using the Uninstall application remotely task. When performing the task, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the application uninstall utility to the user's computer. After completing uninstallation of the application, the utility will be automatically removed.

How to remove the application through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Security Center Administration ServerAdditionalUninstall application remotely.

Step 2. Selecting the application to be removed

Select Uninstall application supported by Kaspersky Security Center.

Step 3. Task settings for application uninstallation

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).

Step 4. Uninstall utility settings

Configure the following additional application settings:

  • Force download of the uninstallation utility. Select the utility delivery method:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security is then uninstalled by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. The utility will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The utility is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
  • Verify operating system type before downloading. If necessary, clear this check box. This lets you avoid downloading the uninstall utility if the operating system of the computer does not meet the software requirements. If you are sure that the operating system of the computer meets the software requirements, you can skip this verification.

If the application uninstallation operation is password protected, do the following:

  1. Select the Use uninstallation password check box.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Enter the KLAdmin account password.

Step 5. Selecting the operating system restart setting

After uninstalling the application, a restart is required. Select the action that will be performed to restart the computer.

Step 6. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 7. Selecting the account to run the task

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 8. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or when the computer is idle.

Step 9. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, such as Remove Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0.

Step 10. Finishing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

The application will be uninstalled in silent mode.

How to remove the application through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Security Center.
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Uninstall application remotely.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security from Technical Support computers.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

Step 2. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. For example, select a separate administration group or build a selection.

Step 3. Configuring application uninstallation settings

At this step, configure the application uninstallation settings:

  1. Select Uninstall managed application.
  2. Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
  3. Force download of the uninstallation utility. Select the utility delivery method:
    • Using Network Agent. If Network Agent has not been installed on the computer, first Network Agent will be installed using the tools of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security is then uninstalled by the tools of Network Agent.
    • Using operating system resources through Administration Server. The utility will be delivered to client computers by using operating system resources through the Administration Server. You can select this option if Network Agent is not installed on the client computer, but the client computer is in the same network as the Administration Server.
    • Using operating system resources through distribution points. The utility is delivered to client computers using operating system resources via distribution points. You can select this option if there is at least one distribution point in the network. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.
  4. In the Maximum number of concurrent downloads field, set a limit on the number of requests sent to the Administration Server to download the application uninstall utility. A limit on the number of requests will help prevent the network from being overload.
  5. In the Maximum number of uninstallation attempts field, set a limit on the number of attempts to uninstall the application. If uninstallation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ends with an error, the task will automatically start the uninstallation again.
  6. If necessary, clear the Verify operating system type before downloading check box. This lets you avoid downloading the uninstall utility if the operating system of the computer does not meet the software requirements. If you are sure that the operating system of the computer meets the software requirements, you can skip this verification.

Step 4. Selecting the account to run the task

Select the account for installing Network Agent using the tools of the operating system. In this case, administrator rights are required for computer access. You can add multiple accounts. If an account does not have sufficient rights, the Installation Wizard uses the next account. If you uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Network Agent tools, you do not have to select an account.

Step 5. Completing task creation

Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button. A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button. The application will be uninstalled in silent mode. After uninstallation is complete, Kaspersky Endpoint Security shows a prompt to restart the computer.

If the application uninstallation operation is password protected, enter the KLAdmin account password in the properties of the Uninstall application remotely task. Without the password, the task will not be performed.

To use the KLAdmin account password in the Uninstall application remotely task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Kaspersky Security Center task Uninstall application remotely.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select the Use uninstallation password check box.
  5. Enter the KLAdmin account password.
  6. Save your changes.

Restart the computer to complete the uninstallation. To do so, Network Agent displays a pop-up window.

Removing the application remotely using Active Directory

You can remotely uninstall the application using a Microsoft Windows group policy. To uninstall the application, you need to open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc) and use the Group Policy Editor to create an application removal task (for more details, please visit the Microsoft Technical Support website).

If the application uninstallation operation is password protected, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a BAT file with the following contents:

    msiexec.exe /x<GUID> KLLOGIN=<user name> KLPASSWD=<password> /qn

    <GUID> is the unique ID of the application. You can find out the GUID of the application by using the following command:

    wmic product where "Name like '%Kaspersky Endpoint Security%'" get Name, IdentifyingNumber


    msiexec.exe /x{6BB76C8F-365E-4345-83ED-6D7AD612AF76} KLLOGIN=KLAdmin KLPASSWD=!Password1 /qn

  2. Create a new Microsoft Windows policy for the computers in the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc).
  3. Use the new policy to run the created BAT file on the computers.

Removing the application locally

You can remove the application locally using the Setup Wizard. Kaspersky Endpoint Security is removed using the normal method for a Windows operating system, which is through the Control Panel. The Setup Wizard starts. Follow the instructions on the screen.


Selecting the application removal operation

You can specify which of the data that is used by the application you want to save for future use, during the next installation of the application (such as when upgrading to a newer version of the application). If you do not specify any data, the application will be completely removed (see the figure below).


Saving data after removal

You can save the following data:

  • Activation data, which lets you avoid having to activate the application again. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically adds a license key if the license term has not expired prior to installation.
  • Backup files – files that are scanned by the application and placed in Backup.

    Backup files that are saved after removal of the application can be accessed only from the same version of the application that was used to save those files.

    If you plan to use Backup objects after removal of the application, you must restore those objects before removing the application. However, Kaspersky experts do not recommend restoring objects from Backup because this may harm the computer.

  • Operational settings of the application – values of application settings that are selected during application configuration.
  • Local storage of encryption keys – data that provides access to files and drives that were encrypted before removal of the application. To ensure access to encrypted files and drives, make sure that you selected data encryption functionality when reinstalling Kaspersky Endpoint Security. No further action is required for access to previously encrypted files and drives.

You can also delete the application locally using the command line.

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[Topic 127993]

About the End User License Agreement

The End User License Agreement is a binding agreement between you and AO Kaspersky Lab stipulating the terms on which you may use the application.

We recommend carefully reading the terms of the License Agreement before using the application.

You can view the terms of the License Agreement in the following ways:

By confirming that you agree with the End User License Agreement when installing the application, you signify your acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, you must abort the installation.

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[Topic 123473]

About the license

A license is a time-limited right to use the application, granted under the End User License Agreement.

The license entitles you to use the application in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement, and to receive technical support. The list of available features and application usage term depend on the type of license under which the application was activated.

The following license types are provided:

  • Trial – a free license intended for trying out the application.

    A trial license usually has a short term. When the trial license expires, all Kaspersky Endpoint Security features become disabled. To continue using the application, you must purchase a commercial license.

    You can activate the application under a trial license only once.

  • Commercial – a paid license that is provided when you purchase Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    Application functionality available under the commercial license depends on the choice of product. The selected product is indicated in the License Certificate. Information on available products may be found on the Kaspersky website.

    When the commercial license expires, key features of the application become disabled. To continue using the application, you must renew your commercial license. If you are not planning to renew your license, you must remove the application from your computer.

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[Topic 73976]

About the license certificate

A license certificate is a document transferred to the user together with a key file or activation code.

The license certificate contains the following license information:

  • License key or order number.
  • Details of the user to whom the license is granted.
  • Details of the application that can be activated using the license.
  • Limitation on the number of licensed units (for example, the number of devices on which the application can be used under the license).
  • License term start date.
  • License expiration date or license term.
  • License type.
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[Topic 135439]

About subscription

A subscription for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is a purchase order for the application with specific parameters (such as the subscription expiry date and number of devices protected). You can order a subscription for Kaspersky Endpoint Security from your service provider (such as your ISP). A subscription can be renewed manually or automatically, or you may cancel your subscription. You can manage your subscription on the website of the service provider.

Subscription can be limited (for one year, for example) or unlimited (without an expiry date). To keep Kaspersky Endpoint Security working after the limited subscription term expires, you need to renew your subscription. Unlimited subscription is renewed automatically if the vendor's services have been prepaid on time.

When a limited subscription expires, you may be provided a subscription renewal grace period during which the application continues to function. The availability and duration of such a grace period is decided by the service provider.

To use Kaspersky Endpoint Security under a subscription, you need to apply the activation code received from the service provider. After the activation code is applied, the active key is added. The active key determines the license for using the application under the subscription. You cannot activate the application under the subscription using a key file. The service provider can only provide an activation code. It is not possible to add a reserve key under a subscription.

Activation codes purchased under subscription may not be used to activate previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

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[Topic 124700]

About license key

A license key is a sequence of bits that you can use to activate and then use the application in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement.

A license certificate is not provided for a key that is added under a subscription.

You can add a license key to the application by either applying a key file or entering an activation code.

The key can be blocked by Kaspersky if the terms of the End User License Agreement are violated. If the key has been blocked, you need to add a different key to continue using the application.

There are two types of keys: active and reserve.

An active key is a key that is currently used by the application. A trial or commercial license key can be added as the active key. The application cannot have more than one active key.

A reserve key is a key that entitles the user to use the application, but is not currently in use. At the expiry of the active key, a reserve key automatically becomes active. A reserve key can be added only if the active key is available.

A key for a trial license can be added only as an active key. It cannot be added as the reserve key. A trial license key cannot replace the active key to a commercial license.

If a key is added to the list of prohibited keys, the application functionality defined by the license used to activate the application remains available for eight days. The application notifies the user that the key has been added to the list of prohibited keys. After eight days, application functionality becomes limited to the functionality level that is available after license expiry. You can use protection and control components and run a scan using the application databases that were installed before the license expired. The application also continues to encrypt files that had been modified and encrypted before license expiration, but does not encrypt new files. Use of Kaspersky Security Network is not available.

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[Topic 127994]

About activation code

An activation code is a unique sequence of 20 alphanumeric characters. You enter an activation code to add a license key that activates Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You receive an activation code at the email address you specified after purchasing Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

To activate the application with an activation code, Internet access is required to connect to Kaspersky activation servers.

When the application is activated using an activation code, the active key is added. A reserve key can be added only by using an activation code and cannot be added using a key file.

If an activation code is lost after activating the application, you can restore the activation code. You may need an activation code, for example, to register a Kaspersky CompanyAccount. If the activation code was lost after the application activation, contact Kaspersky partner from whom you purchased the license.

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[Topic 127995]

About the key file

A key file is a file with the .key extension that you receive from Kaspersky. The purpose of a key file is to add a license key that activates the application.

You receive a key file at the email address that you provided when you purchased Kaspersky Endpoint Security or ordered the trial version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

You do not need to connect to Kaspersky activation servers in order to activate the application with a key file.

You can recover a key file if it has been accidentally deleted. You may need a key file to register a Kaspersky CompanyAccount, for example.

To recover a key file, do one of the following:

  • Contact the license seller.
  • Obtain a key file on the Kaspersky website based on your existing activation code.

When the application is activated using a key file, an active key is added. A reserve key can be added only by using a key file and cannot be added using an activation code.

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[Topic 176377]

Comparison of application functionality depending on license type for workstations

The set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security functionality available on workstations depends on the license type (see table below).

See also the comparison of application functionality for servers

Comparison of Kaspersky Endpoint Security features



Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Select

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced

Kaspersky Total Security

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Kaspersky Optimum Security

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Standard

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Enterprise

Advanced Threat Protection









Kaspersky Security Network

Included icon.

Included icon.

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Included icon.

Behavior Detection

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Exploit Prevention

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Host Intrusion Prevention

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Remediation Engine

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Essential Threat Protection









File Threat Protection

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Web Threat Protection

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Mail Threat Protection

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Network Threat Protection

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BadUSB Attack Prevention

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AMSI Protection

Included icon.

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Included icon.

Security Controls









Log Inspection

Application Control

Included icon.

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Device Control

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Web Control

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Included icon.

Included icon.

Adaptive Anomaly Control

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

File Integrity Monitor

Data Encryption









Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

BitLocker Drive Encryption

Included icon.

Included icon.

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Included icon.

File Level Encryption

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Encryption of removable drives

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

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Included icon.

Included icon.

Detection and Response









Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Included icon.

Included icon.

Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Included icon.

Kaspersky Sandbox

(Kaspersky Sandbox license must be purchased separately)

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

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[Topic 228553]

Comparison of application functionality depending on license type for servers

The set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security functionality available on servers depends on the license type (see table below).

See also the comparison of application functionality for workstations

Comparison of Kaspersky Endpoint Security features



Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Select

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced

Kaspersky Total Security

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Kaspersky Optimum Security

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Standard

Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security Enterprise

Advanced Threat Protection









Kaspersky Security Network

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

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Included icon.

Behavior Detection

Included icon.

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Exploit Prevention

Included icon.

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Included icon.

Host Intrusion Prevention

Remediation Engine

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Essential Threat Protection









File Threat Protection

Included icon.

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Web Threat Protection

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Mail Threat Protection

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Included icon.

Network Threat Protection

Included icon.

Included icon.

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Included icon.

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Included icon.

BadUSB Attack Prevention

Included icon.

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Included icon.

AMSI Protection

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Security Controls









Log Inspection

Included icon.

Application Control

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Device Control

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Web Control

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Adaptive Anomaly Control

File Integrity Monitor

Included icon.

Data Encryption









Kaspersky Disk Encryption

BitLocker Drive Encryption

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

File Level Encryption

Encryption of removable drives

Detection and Response









Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum

Included icon.

Included icon.

Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

Included icon.

Kaspersky Sandbox

(Kaspersky Sandbox license must be purchased separately)

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

Included icon.

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[Topic 177935]

Activating the application

Activation is the process of activating a license that allows you to use a fully functional version of the application until the license expires. The application activation involves adding a license key.

You can activate the application in one of the following ways:

  • Locally from the application interface, by using the Activation Wizard You can add both the active key and the reserve key in this way.
  • Remotely with the Kaspersky Security Center software suite by creating and then starting an add license key task. You can add both the active key and the reserve key in this way.
  • Remotely by distributing key files and activation codes stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server key storage to client computers. For more details on distributing keys, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help. You can add both the active key and the reserve key in this way.

    The activation code purchased under subscription is distributed in the first place.

  • Using the command line.

It may take some time for the application to be activated with an activation code (during either remote or non-interactive installation) due to load distribution across activation servers of Kaspersky. If you need to activate the application right away, you may interrupt the ongoing activation process and start activation using the Activation Wizard.

In this section

Activating the application through Kaspersky Security Center

Using the Activation Wizard to activate the application

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[Topic 176374]

Activating the application through Kaspersky Security Center

You can activate the application remotely through Kaspersky Security Center in the following ways:

  • Using the Add key task.

    This method lets you add a key to a specific computer or to computers that are part of an administration group.

  • By distributing a key stored on the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server to the computers.

    This method lets you automatically add a key to computers that are already connected to Kaspersky Security Center, and to new computers. To use this method, you need to first add the key to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. For more details about adding keys to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  • By adding the key to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package.

    This method lets you add the key in Installation package properties during Kaspersky Endpoint Security deployment. The application is automatically activated after the installation.

A trial version is provided for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. The trial version is a special version of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console designed to familiarize a user with the features of the application. In this version, you can perform actions in a workspace for a period of 30 days. All managed applications are automatically run under a trial license for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, including Kaspersky Endpoint Security. However, you cannot activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security using its own trial license when the trial license for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console expires. For detailed information about Kaspersky Security Center licensing, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help.

The trial version of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console does not allow you to subsequently switch to a commercial version. Any trial workspace will be automatically deleted with all its contents after the 30-day period expires.

You can monitor the use of licenses in the following ways:

  • View the Key usage report for the organization's infrastructure (Monitoring and reportingReports).
  • View the statuses of computers on the DevicesManaged devices tab. If the application is not activated, the computer will have the Application is not activated status.
  • View license information in the computer properties.
  • View the key properties (OperationsLicensing).

How to activate the application in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)Add key.

Step 2. Adding a key

Enter an activation code or select a key file.

For more details about adding keys to the Kaspersky Security Center repository, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Step 3. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 4. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or when the computer is idle.

Step 5. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, such as Activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

Step 6. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be activated on users' computers in silent mode.

How to activate the application in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Add key.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, such as Activation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope. Go to the next step.

Step 2. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 3. Selecting a license

Select the license that you want to use to activate the application. Go to the next step.

You can add keys to the Web Console (OperationsLicensing).

Step 4. Completing task creation

Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button. A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks. To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be activated on users' computers in silent mode.

In the properties of the Add key task, you can add a reserve key to the computer. A reserve key becomes active when the active key expires or is deleted. The availability of a reserve key lets you avoid application functionality limitations when a license expires.

How to automatically add a license key to computers through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerKaspersky licenses.

    A list of license keys opens.

  2. Open the license key properties.
  3. In the General section, select the Automatically distributed license key check box.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, the key will be automatically distributed to the appropriate computers. During automatic distribution of a key as an active or a reserve key, the licensing limit on the number of computers (set in the key properties) is taken into account. If the licensing limit is reached, distribution of this key to computers ceases automatically. You can view the number of computers to which the key has been added and other data in the key properties in the Devices section.

How to automatically add a license key to computers through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select OperationsLicensingKaspersky Licenses.

    A list of license keys opens.

  2. Open the license key properties.
  3. On the General tab, switch on the Deploy license key automatically toggle button.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, the key will be automatically distributed to the appropriate computers. During automatic distribution of a key as an active or a reserve key, the licensing limit on the number of computers (set in the key properties) is taken into account. If the licensing limit is reached, distribution of this key to computers ceases automatically. You can view the number of computers to which the key has been added and other data in the key properties on the Devices tab.

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[Topic 127998]

Using the Activation Wizard to activate the application

To activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security by using the Activation Wizard:

  1. In the main application window, go to the License section.
  2. Click Activate the application using a new license.

The Application Activation Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Activation Wizard.


Activating the application

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[Topic 128001]

Viewing license information

To view information about a license:

In the main application window, go to the License section (see the figure below).

Licensing window

The section displays the following details:

  • Key status. Several keys can be stored on a computer. There are two types of keys: active and reserve. The application cannot have more than one active key. A reserve key can become active only after the active key expires or after the active key is deleted by clicking Delete.
  • Application name. Full name of the purchased Kaspersky application.
  • License type. The following types of licenses are available: trial and commercial.
  • Functionality. Application features that are available under your license. Features may include Protection, Security Controls, Data Encryption, and others. The list of available features is also provided in the License Certificate.
  • Additional information about the license. Start date and end date of the license term (only for the active key), remaining duration of the license term.

    License expiration time is displayed according to the time zone configured in the operating system.

  • Key. A key is a unique alphanumeric sequence that is generated from an activation code or a key file.

In the Licensing window, you can also do one of the following:

  • Buy license / Renew license. Opens the Kaspersky online store website, where you can purchase or renew a license. To do so, please enter your company information and pay for the order.
  • Activate the application using a new license. Starts the Application Activation Wizard. In this Wizard you can add a key using an activation code or a key file. The Application Activation Wizard allows you to add an active key and only one reserve key.
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[Topic 127999]

Purchasing a license

You may purchase a license after installing the application. On purchasing a license, you receive an activation code or a key file for activating the application.

To purchase a license:

  1. In the main application window, go to the License section.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If no keys have been added or a key for trial license has been added, click the Buy license button.
    • If the key for a commercial license is added, click the Renew license button.

    A window will open with the website of the Kaspersky online store, where you can purchase a license.

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[Topic 124701]

Renewing subscription

When you use the application under subscription, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically contacts the activation server at specific intervals until your subscription expires.

If you use the application under unlimited subscription, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically checks the activation server for renewed keys in background mode. If a key is available on the activation server, the application adds it by replacing the previous key. In this way, unlimited subscription for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is renewed without user involvement.

If you are using the application under a limited subscription, on the expiration date of the subscription (or on the expiration date of the subscription renewal grace period), Kaspersky Endpoint Security notifies you about this and stops attempting to renew the subscription automatically. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security behaves in the same way as it does when a commercial license for the application expires: the application operates without updates and the Kaspersky Security Network is unavailable.

You can renew subscription on the website of the service provider.

To visit the website of the service provider from the application interface:

  1. In the main application window, go to the License section.
  2. Click Contact your subscription provider.

You can update subscription status manually. This may be required if the subscription has been renewed after the grace period and the application has not updated the subscription status automatically.

Renewing subscription

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[Topic 127996]

Data provision under the End User License Agreement

If an activation code is applied to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you agree to periodically send Kaspersky the following information automatically for the purposes of verifying correct use of the application:

  • type, version, and localization of Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
  • versions of installed updates for Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
  • ID of the computer and ID of the specific Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation on the computer;
  • serial number and active key identifier;
  • type, version and bit rate of the operating system, and name of the virtual environment (if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed in a virtual environment);
  • IDs of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components that are active when the information is transmitted.

Kaspersky may also use this information to generate statistics on the dissemination and use of Kaspersky software.

By using an activation code, you agree to automatically transmit the data listed above. If you do not agree to transmit this information to Kaspersky, you should use a key file to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

By accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement, you agree to automatically transmit the following information:

  • When upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    • version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
    • ID of Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
    • active key;
    • unique ID of the upgrade task start;
    • unique ID of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation.
  • When following links from the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface:
    • version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
    • version of the operating system;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security activation date;
    • license expiration date;
    • key creation date;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation date;
    • ID of Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
    • ID of the detected vulnerability in the operating system;
    • ID of the last update installed for Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
    • hash of the detected file with a threat, and the name of this threat according to the Kaspersky classification;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security activation error category;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security activation error code;
    • number of days until key expiration;
    • number of days that have elapsed since the key was added;
    • number of days that have elapsed since the license expired;
    • number of computers on which the active license is applied;
    • active key;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security license term;
    • current status of the license;
    • type of active license;
    • application type;
    • unique ID of the upgrade task start;
    • unique ID of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation on the computer;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface language.

Received information is protected by Kaspersky in accordance with the law and the requirements and applicable regulations of Kaspersky. Data is transmitted over encrypted communication channels.

Read the End User License Agreement and visit the Kaspersky website to learn more about how we receive, process, store, and destroy information about application usage after you accept the End User License Agreement and consent to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. The license.txt and ksn_<language ID>.txt files contain the text of the End User License Agreement and Kaspersky Security Network Statement and are included in the application distribution kit.

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[Topic 165983]

Data provision when using Kaspersky Security Network

The set of data that Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends to Kaspersky depends on the type of license and the Kaspersky Security Network usage settings.

Use of KSN under license on no more than 4 computers

By accepting the Kaspersky Security Network Statement, you agree to automatically transmit the following information:

  • information about KSN configuration updates: identifier of the active configuration, identifier of the configuration received, error code of the configuration update;
  • information about files and URL addresses to be scanned: checksums of the scanned file (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) and file patterns (MD5), the size of the pattern, type of the detected threat and its name according to Rightholder's classification, identifier for the anti-virus databases, URL address for which the reputation is being requested, as well as the referrer URL address, the connection's protocol identifier and the number of the port being used;
  • ID of the scan task that detected the threat;
  • information about digital certificates being used needed to verify their authenticity: the checksums (SHA256) of the certificate used to sign the scanned object and the certificate's public key;
  • identifier of the Software component performing the scan;
  • IDs of the anti-virus databases and of the records in these anti-virus databases;
  • Information about activation of the Software on the Computer: signed header of the ticket from the activation service (identifier of the regional activation center, checksum of the activation code, checksum of the ticket, ticket creation date, unique identifier of the ticket, ticket version, license status, start/end date and time of ticket validity, unique identifier of the license, license version), identifier of the certificate used to sign the ticket header, checksum (MD5) of the key file;
  • Information about the Rightholder's Software: full version, type, version of the protocol used to connect to Kaspersky services.

Use of KSN under license on 5 or more computers

By accepting the Kaspersky Security Network Statement, you agree to automatically transmit the following information:

If the Kaspersky Security Network check box is selected and the Enable extended KSN mode check box is cleared, the application sends the following information:

  • information about KSN configuration updates: identifier of the active configuration, identifier of the configuration received, error code of the configuration update;
  • information about files and URL addresses to be scanned: checksums of the scanned file (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) and file patterns (MD5), the size of the pattern, type of the detected threat and its name according to Rightholder's classification, identifier for the anti-virus databases, URL address for which the reputation is being requested, as well as the referrer URL address, the connection's protocol identifier and the number of the port being used;
  • ID of the scan task that detected the threat;
  • information about digital certificates being used needed to verify their authenticity: the checksums (SHA256) of the certificate used to sign the scanned object and the certificate's public key;
  • identifier of the Software component performing the scan;
  • IDs of the anti-virus databases and of the records in these anti-virus databases;
  • Information about activation of the Software on the Computer: signed header of the ticket from the activation service (identifier of the regional activation center, checksum of the activation code, checksum of the ticket, ticket creation date, unique identifier of the ticket, ticket version, license status, start/end date and time of ticket validity, unique identifier of the license, license version), identifier of the certificate used to sign the ticket header, checksum (MD5) of the key file;
  • Information about the Rightholder's Software: full version, type, version of the protocol used to connect to Kaspersky services.

If the Enable extended KSN mode check box is selected in addition to the Kaspersky Security Network check box, the application sends the following information in addition to the information listed above:

  • information about the results of categorization of the requested web-resources, which contains the processed URL and IP address of the host, the version of the Software's component that performed the categorization, the method of categorization and set of the categories defined for the web-resource;
  • information about the software installed on the Computer: names of the software applications and software vendors, registry keys and their values, information about files of the installed software components (checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), name, path to the file on the Computer, size, version and the digital signature);
  • information about the state of anti-virus protection of the Computer: the versions and the release timestamps of the anti-virus databases being used, the ID of the task and the ID of Software that performs scanning;
  • information about files being downloaded by the End User: the URL and IP addresses of the download and the download pages, download protocol identifier and connection port number, the status of the URLs as malicious or not, file's attributes, size and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), information about the process that downloaded the file (checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), creation/build date and time, autoplay status, attributes, names of packers, information about signatures, executable file flag, format identifier, and entropy), file name and its path on the Computer, the file's digital signature and timestamp of its generation, the URL address where detection occurred, the script's number on the page that appears to be suspicious or harmful, information about HTTP requests generated and the response to them;
  • information about the running applications and their modules: data about processes running on the system (process ID (PID), process name, information about the account the process was started from, the application and command that started the process, the sign of trusted program or process, the full path to the process's files and their checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), and the starting command line, level of the process's integrity, a description of the product that the process belongs to (the name of the product and information about the publisher), as well as digital certificates being used and information needed to verify their authenticity or information about the absence of a file's digital signature), and information about the modules loaded into the processes (their names, sizes, types, creation dates, attributes, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), the paths to them on the Computer), PE-file header information, names of packers (if the file was packed);
  • information about all potentially malicious objects and activities: name of the detected object and full path to the object on the computer, checksums of processed files (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), detection date and time, names and sizes of infected files and paths to them, path template code, executable file flag, indicator of whether the object is a container, names of the packer (if the file was packed), file type code, file format ID, list of actions performed by malware and the decision made by the software and user in response to them, IDs of the anti-virus databases and of the records in these anti-virus databases that were used to make the decision, indicator of a potentially malicious object, the name of the detected threat according to the Rightholder’s classification, the level of danger, the detection status and detection method, reason for inclusion into the analyzed context and sequence number of the file in the context, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), the name and attributes of the executable file of the application through which the infected message or link was transmitted, depersonalized IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) of the host of the blocked object, file entropy, file autorun indicator, time when the file was first detected in the system, the number of times the file has been run since the last statistics were sent, information about the name, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) and size of the mail client through which the malicious object was received, ID of the software task that performed the scan, indicator of whether the file reputation or signature was checked, file processing result, checksum (MD5) of the pattern collected for the object, the size of the pattern in bytes, and the technical specifications of the applied detection technologies;
  • information about scanned objects: the assigned trust group to which and/or from which the file has been placed, the reason the file was placed in that category, category identifier, information about the source of the categories and the version of the category database, the file's trusted certificate flag, name of the file's vendor, file version, name and version of the software application which includes the file;
  • information about vulnerabilities detected: the vulnerability ID in the database of vulnerabilities, the vulnerability danger class;
  • information about emulation of the executable file: file size and its checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), the version of the emulation component, emulation depth, an array of properties of logical blocks and functions within logical blocks obtained during the emulation, data from the executable file's PE headers;
  • the IP addresses of the attacking computer (IPv4 and IPv6), the number of the port on the Computer that the network attack is directed at, identifier of the protocol of the IP packet containing the attack, the attack's target (organization name, website), flag for the reaction to the attack, the attack's weight, trust level;
  • information about attacks associated with spoofed network resources, the DNS and IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) of visited websites;
  • DNS and IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) of the requested web resource, information about the file and web client accessing the web resource, the name, size and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the file, full path to the file and path template code, the result of checking its digital signature, and its status in KSN;
  • information about rollback of malware actions: data on the file whose activity was rolled back (name of the file, full path to the file, its size and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1)), data on successful and unsuccessful actions to delete, rename and copy files and restore the values in the registry (names of registry keys and their values), and information about system files modified by malware, before and after rollback;
  • Information about the exclusions set for the Adaptive Anomaly Control component: the ID and status of the rule that was triggered, the action performed by the Software when the rule was triggered, the type of user account under which the process or the thread performs suspicious activity, information about the process that performed or was subject to the suspicious activity (script ID or process file name, full path to the process file, path template code, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the process file); information about the object that performed the suspicious actions and about the object that was subject to the suspicious actions (registry key name or file name, full path to the file, path template code, and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the file).
  • information about loaded software modules: name, size and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the module file, full path to it and the path template code, digital signature settings of the module file, data and time of signature creation, name of the subject and organization that signed the module file, ID of the process in which the module was loaded, name of the module supplier, and the sequence number of the module in the loading queue;
  • information about the quality of Software interaction with the KSN services: start and end date and time of the period when the statistics were generated, information about the quality of requests and connection to each of the KSN services used (KSN service ID, number of successful requests, number of requests with responses from cache, number of unsuccessful requests (network problems, KSN being disabled in the Software settings, incorrect routing), time spread of the successful requests, time spread of the cancelled requests, time spread of the requests with exceeded time limit, number of connections to KSN taken from cache, number of successful connections to KSN, number of unsuccessful connections to KSN, number of successful transactions, number of unsuccessful transactions, time spread of the successful connections to KSN, time spread of the unsuccessful connections to KSN, time spread of the successful transactions, time spread of the unsuccessful transactions);
  • if a potentially malicious object is detected, information is provided about data in the processes' memory: elements of the system object hierarchy (ObjectManager), data in UEFI BIOS memory, names of registry keys and their values;
  • information about events in the systems logs: the event's timestamp, the name of the log in which the event was found, type and category of the event, name of the event's source and the event's description;
  • information about network connections: version and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the file from which process was started that opened the port, the path to the process's file and its digital signature, local and remote IP addresses, numbers of local and remote connection ports, connection state, timestamp of the port's opening;
  • information about the date of Software installation and activation on the Computer: the ID of the partner that sold the license, the serial number of the license, the signed header of the ticket from the activation service (the ID of a regional activation center, the checksum of the activation code, the checksum of the ticket, the ticket creation date, the unique ID of the ticket, the ticket version, the license status, the ticket start/end date and time, the unique ID of the license, the license version), the ID of the certificate used to sign the ticket header, the checksum (MD5) of the key file, the unique ID of Software installation on the Computer, the type and ID of the application that gets updated, the ID of the update task;
  • information about the set of all installed updates, and the set of most recently installed/removed updates, the type of event that caused the update information to be sent, duration since the installation of last update, information about any currently installed anti-virus databases;
  • information about software operation on the computer: data on CPU usage, data on memory usage (Private Bytes, Non-Paged Pool, Paged Pool), number of active threads in the software process and pending threads, and the duration of software operation prior to the error;
  • number of software dumps and system dumps (BSOD) since the Software was installed and since the time of the last update, the identifier and version of the Software module that crashed, the memory stack in the Software's process, and information about the anti-virus databases at the time of the crash;
  • data on the system dump (BSOD): a flag indicating the occurrence of the BSOD on the Computer, the name of the driver that caused the BSOD, the address and memory stack in the driver, a flag indicating the duration of the OS session before the BSOD occurred, memory stack of driver that crashed, type of stored memory dump, flag for the OS session before BSOD lasted more than 10 minutes, unique identifier of the dump, timestamp of the BSOD;
  • information about errors or performance problems that occurred during operation of the Software components: the status ID of the Software, error type, code and cause as well of the time when the error occurred, the IDs of the component, module and process of the product in which the error occurred, the ID of the task or update category during which the error occurred, logs of drivers used by the Software (error code, module name, name of the source file and the line where the error occurred);
  • information about updates of anti-virus databases and Software components: the name, date and time of index files downloaded during the last update and being downloaded during the current update;
  • information about abnormal termination of the Software operation: the creation timestamp of the dump, its type, the type of event that caused the abnormal termination of the Software operation (unexpected power-off, third-party application crash), date and time of the unexpected power-off;
  • information about the compatibility of Software drivers with hardware and Software: information about OS properties that restrict the functionality of Software components (Secure Boot, KPTI, WHQL Enforce, BitLocker, Case Sensitivity), type of download Software installed (UEFI, BIOS), Trusted Platform Module (TPM) identifier, TPM specification version, information about the CPU installed on the Computer, operating mode and parameters of Code Integrity and Device Guard, operating mode of drivers and reason for use of the current mode, version of Software drivers, software and hardware virtualization support status of the Computer;
  • information about third-party applications that caused the error: their name, version and localization, the error code and information about the error from the system log of applications, the address of the error and memory stack of the third-party application, a flag indicating the occurrence of the error in the Software component, the length of time the third-party application was in operation before the error occurred, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the application process image, in which the error occurred, path to the application process image and template code of the path, information from the system log with a description of the error associated with the application, information about the application module, in which an error occurred (exception identifier, crash memory address as an offset in the application module, name and version of the module, identifier of the application crash in the Rightholder's plug-in and memory stack of the crash, duration of the application session before crash);
  • version of the Software updater component, number of crashes of the updater component while running update tasks over the lifetime of the component, ID of the update task type, number of failed attempts of the updater component to complete update tasks;
  • information about the operation of the Software system monitoring components: full versions of the components, date and time when the components were started, code of the event that overflowed the event queue and number of such events, the total number of queue overflow events, information about the file of the process of the initiator of the event (file name and its path on the Computer, template code of the file path, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the process associated with the file, file version), identifier of the event interception that occurred, the full version of the interception filter, identifier of the type of the intercepted event, size of the event queue and the number of events between the first event in the queue and the current event, number of overdue events in the queue, information about the file of the process of the initiator of the current event (file name and its path on the Computer, template code of the file path, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the process associated with the file), duration of the event processing, maximum duration of the event processing, probability of sending statistics, information about OS events for which the processing time limit was exceeded (date and time of the event, number of repeated initializations of anti-virus databases, date and time of the last repeated initialization of anti-virus databases after their update, event processing delay time for each system monitoring component, number of queued events, number of processed events, number of delayed events of the current type, total delay time for the events of the current type, total delay time for all events);
  • information from the Windows event tracing tool (Event Tracing for Windows, ETW) in the event of Software performance problems, suppliers of SysConfig / SysConfigEx / WinSATAssessment events from Microsoft: information about the Computer (model, manufacturer, form factor of the housing, version), information about Windows performance metrics (WinSAT assessments, Windows performance index), domain name, information about physical and logical processors (number of physical and logical processors, manufacturer, model, stepping level, number of cores, clock frequency, CPUID, cache characteristics, logic processor characteristics, indicators of supported modes and instructions), information about RAM modules (type, form factor, manufacturer, model, capacity, granularity of memory allocation), information about network interfaces (IP and MAC addresses, name, description, configuration of network interfaces, breakdown of number and size of network packages by type, speed of network exchange, breakdown of number of network errors by type), configuration of IDE controller, IP addresses of DNS servers, information about the video card (model, description, manufacturer, compatibility, video memory capacity, screen permission, number of bits per pixel, BIOS version), information about plug-and-play devices (name, description, device identifier [PnP, ACPI], information about disks and storage devices (number of disks or flash drives, manufacturer, model, disk capacity, number of cylinders, number of tracks per cylinder, number of sectors per track, sector capacity, cache characteristics, sequential number, number of partitions, configuration of SCSI controller), information about logical disks (sequential number, partition capacity, volume capacity, volume letter, partition type, file system type, number of clusters, cluster size, number of sectors per cluster, number of empty and occupied clusters, letter of bootable volume, offset address of partition in relation to the start of the disk), information about BIOS motherboard (manufacturer, release date, version), information about motherboard (manufacturer, model, type), information about physical memory (shared and free capacity), information about operating system services (name, description, status, tag, information about processes [name and PID]), energy consumption parameters for the Computer, configuration of interrupt controller, path to Windows system folders (Windows and System32), information about the OS (version, build, release date, name, type, installation date), size of page file, information about monitors (number, manufacturer, screen permission, resolution capacity, type), information about video card driver (manufacturer, release date, version);
  • information from ETW, suppliers of EventTrace / EventMetadata events from Microsoft: information on the sequence of system events (type, time, date, time zone), metadata about the file with tracing results (name, structure, tracing parameters, breakdown of number of trace operations by type), information about the OS (name, type, version, build, release date, start time);
  • information from ETW, suppliers of Process / Microsoft Windows Kernel Process / Microsoft Windows Kernel Processor Power events from Microsoft: information about started and completed processes (name, PID, start parameters, command line, return code, power management parameters, start and completion time, access token type, SID, SessionID, number of descriptors installed), information about changes in thread priorities (TID, priority, time), information about disk operations of the process (type, time, capacity, number), history of changes to the structure and capacity of usable memory processes;
  • information from ETW, suppliers of StackWalk / Perfinfo events from Microsoft: information about performance counters (performance of individual code sections, sequence of function calls, PID, TID, addresses and attributes of ISRs and DPCs);
  • information from ETW, supplier of KernelTraceControl-ImageID events from Microsoft: information on executable files and dynamic libraries (name, image size, full path), information on PDB files (name, identifier), VERSIONINFO resource data for executable files (name, description, creator, localization, application version and identifier, file version and identifier);
  • information from ETW, suppliers of FileIo / DiskIo / Image / Windows Kernel Disk events from Microsoft: information on file and disk operations (type, capacity, start time, completion time, duration, completion status, PID, TID, driver function call addresses, I/O Request Packet (IRP), Windows file object attributes), information about files involved in file and disk operations (name, version, size, full path, attributes, offset, image checksum, open and access options);
  • information from ETW, supplier of PageFault events from Microsoft: information on memory page access errors (address, time, capacity, PID, TID, attributes of Windows file object, memory allocation parameters);
  • information from ETW, supplier of Thread events from Microsoft: information on thread creation/completion, information on threads started (PID, TID, size of stack, priorities and allocation of CPU resources, I/O resources, memory pages between threads, stack address, address of init function, address of Thread Environment Block (TEB), Windows service tag);
  • information from ETW, supplier of Microsoft Windows Kernel Memory events from Microsoft: information about memory management operations (completion status, time, quantity, PID), memory allocation structure (type, capacity, SessionID, PID);
  • information about Software operation in the event of performance problems: Software installation identifier, type and value of drop in performance, information about the sequence of events within the Software (time, time zone, type, completion status, Software component identifier, Software operating scenario identifier, TID, PID, function call addresses), information about network connections to be checked (URL, direction of the connection, size of network package), information about PDB files (name, identifier, image size of executable file), information about files to be checked (name, full path, checksum), Software performance monitoring parameters;
  • information about the last unsuccessful OS restart: the number of unsuccessful restarts since OS installation, data on the system dump (code and parameters of an error, name, version and checksum (CRC32) of the module that caused an error in the OS operation, error address as an offset in the module, checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the system dump);
  • information to verify authenticity of digital certificates being used to sign files: the certificate's fingerprint, the checksum algorithm, the certificate's public key and serial number, the name of the issuer of the certificate, the result of certificate validation and the certificate's database identifier;
  • information about the process executing the attack on the Software's self-defense: the name and size of the process file, its checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), the full path to the process file and the template code of the file path, the creation/build timestamps, executable file flag, attributes of the process file, information about the certificate used to sign the process file, code of the account used to launch the process, ID of operations performed to access the process, type of resource with which the operation is performed (process, file, registry object, FindWindow search function), name of resource with which the operation is performed, flag indicating success of the operation, the status of the file of the process and its signature according to the KSN;
  • information about the Rightholder's Software: full version, type, localization and operation state of Software used, versions of the installed Software components and their operation state, information about the installed Software updates, the value of the TARGET filter, the version of the protocol used to connect to the Rightholder's services;
  • information about hardware installed on the Computer: type, name, model name, firmware version, parameters of built-in and connected devices, the unique identifier of the Computer with the installed Software;
  • information about the versions of the operating system and installed updates, the word size, edition and parameters of the OS run mode, version and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the OS kernel file, and OS startup date and time;
  • executable and non-executable files, either entirely or partly;
  • portions of the Computer's RAM;
  • sectors involved in the process of booting the OS;
  • network traffic data packets;
  • web pages and emails containing suspicious and malicious objects;
  • description of the classes and instances of classes of the WMI repository;
  • application activity reports:
    • the name, size and version of the file being sent, its description and checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1), file format identifier, the name of the file's vendor, the name of the product to which the file belongs, full path to the file on the Computer, template code of the path, the creation and modification timestamps of the file;
    • start and end date/time of the validity period of the certificate (if the file has a digital signature), the date and the time of the signature, the name of the issuer of the certificate, information about the certificate holder, the fingerprint, the certificate's public key and appropriate algorithms, and the certificate's serial number;
    • the name of the account from which the process is running;
    • checksums (MD5, SHA2-256, SHA1) of the name of the Computer on which the process is running;
    • titles of the process windows;
    • Identifier for the anti-virus databases, name of the detected threat according to the Rightholder's classification;
    • data about the installed license, its identifier, type and expiration date;
    • local time of the Computer at the moment of the provision of information;
    • names and paths of the files that were accessed by the process;
    • names of registry keys and their values that were accessed by the process;
    • URL and IP addresses that were accessed by the process;
    • URL and IP addresses from which the running file was downloaded.
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[Topic 249456]

Data provision when using Detection and Response solutions

On computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, data prepared for automatic sending to Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response and Kaspersky Sandbox servers is stored. Files are stored on computers in plain, non-encrypted form.

The specific set of data depends on the solution within which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used.

In this section

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response

Kaspersky Sandbox

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[Topic 249504]

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response

All data that the application stores locally on the computer, is deleted from the computer when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is uninstalled.

Data received as a result of IOC Scan task execution (standard task)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically submits data on the IOC Scan task execution results to Kaspersky Security Center.

The data in the IOC Scan task execution results may contain the following information:

  • IP address from the ARP table
  • Physical address from the ARP table
  • DNS record type and name
  • IP address of the protected computer
  • Physical address (MAC-address) of the protected computer
  • Identifier in the event log entry
  • Data source name in the log
  • Log name
  • Event time
  • MD5 and SHA256 hashes of the file
  • Full name of the file (including path)
  • File size
  • Remote IP address and port to which connection was established during scan
  • Local adapter IP address
  • Port open on the local adapter
  • Protocol as a number (in accordance with the IANA standard)
  • Process name
  • Process arguments
  • Path to the process file
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the parent process
  • User account that started the process
  • Date and time when the process was started
  • Service name
  • Service description
  • Path and name of the DLL service (for svchost)
  • Path and name of the service executable file
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the service
  • Service type (for example, a kernel driver or adapter)
  • Service status
  • Service launch mode
  • User account name
  • Volume name
  • Volume letter
  • Volume type
  • Windows registry value
  • Registry hive value
  • Registry key path (without hive and value name)
  • Registry setting
  • System (environment)
  • Name and version of the operating system that is installed on the computer
  • Network name of the protected computer
  • Domain or group the protected computer belongs to
  • Browser name
  • Browser version
  • Time when the web resource was last accessed
  • URL from the HTTP request
  • Name of the account used for the HTTP request
  • File name of the process that made the HTTP request
  • Full path to the file of the process that made the HTTP request
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process that made the HTTP request
  • HTTP referer (HTTP request source URL)
  • URI of the resource requested over HTTP
  • Information about the HTTP user agent (the application that made the HTTP request)
  • HTTP request execution time
  • Unique identifier of the process that made the HTTP request

Data for creating a threat development chain

Data for creating a threat development chain is stored for seven days by default. The data is automatically sent to Kaspersky Security Center.

Data for creating a threat development chain may contain the following information:

  • Incident date and time
  • Detection name
  • Scan mode
  • Status of the last action related to the detection
  • Reason why the detection processing failed
  • Detected object type
  • Detected object name
  • Threat status after the object is processed
  • Reason why execution of actions on the object failed
  • Actions performed to roll back malicious actions
  • Information about the processed object:
    • Unique identifier of the process
    • Unique identifier of the parent process
    • Unique identifier of the process file
    • Windows process identifier (PID)
    • Process command line
    • User account that started the process
    • Code of the logon session in which the process is running
    • Type of the session in which the process is running
    • Integrity level of the process being processed
    • Membership of the user account that started the process in the privileged local and domain groups
    • Identifier of the processed object
    • Full name of the processed object
    • Identifier of the protected device
    • Full name of the object (local file name or downloaded file web address)
    • MD5 or SHA256 hash of the processed object
    • Type of the processed object
    • Creation date of the processed object
    • Date when the processed object was last modified
    • Size of the processed object
    • Attributes of the processed object
    • Organization that signed the processed object
    • Result of the processed object digital certificate verification
    • Security identifier (SID) of the processed object
    • Time zone identifier of the processed object
    • Web address of the processed object download (only for files on disk)
    • Name of the application that downloaded the file
    • MD5 and SHA256 hashes of the application that downloaded the file
    • Name of the application that last modified the file
    • MD5 and SHA256 hashes of the application that last modified the file
    • Number of processed object starts
    • Date and time when the processed object was first started
    • Unique identifiers of the file
    • Full name of the file (local file name or downloaded file web address)
    • Path to the processed Windows registry variable
    • Name of the processed Windows registry variable
    • Value of the processed Windows registry variable
    • Type of the processed Windows registry variable
    • Indicator of the processed registry key membership in the autorun point
    • Web address of the processed web request
    • Link source of the processed web request
    • User agent of the processed web request
    • Type of the processed web request (GET or POST).
    • Local IP port of the processed web request
    • Remote IP port of the processed web request
    • Connection direction (inbound or outbound) of the processed web request
    • Identifier of the process into which the malicious code was embedded
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[Topic 249509]

Kaspersky Sandbox

All data that the application stores locally on the computer, is deleted from the computer when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is uninstalled.

Service data

Kaspersky Endpoint Security stores the following data processed during automatic response:

  • Processed files and data entered by the user during configuration of the built-in agent of Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    • Quarantined files
    • Public key of the certificate used for integration with Kaspersky Sandbox
  • Cache of the built-in agent of Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    • Time when scan results were written to the cache
    • MD5 hash of the scan task
    • Scan task identifier
    • Scan result for the object
  • Queue of object scan requests:
    • ID of the object in the queue
    • Time when the object was placed in the queue
    • Processing status of the object in the queue
    • ID of the user session in the operating system where the object scan task was created
    • System identifier (SID) of the operating system user whose account was used to create the task
    • MD5 hash of the object scan task
  • Information about the tasks for which the built-in agent of Kaspersky Endpoint Security is awaiting scan results from Kaspersky Sandbox:
    • Time when the object scan task was received
    • Object processing status
    • ID of the user session in the operating system where the object scan task was created
    • Identifier of the object scan task
    • MD5 hash of the object scan task
    • System identifier (SID) of the operating system user whose account was used to create the task
    • XML schema of the automatically created IOC
    • MD5 or SHA256 hash of the scanned object
    • Processing errors
    • Names of the objects for which the task was created
    • Scan result for the object

Data in requests to Kaspersky Sandbox

The following data from requests from the built-in agent of Kaspersky Endpoint Security to Kaspersky Sandbox is stored locally on the computer:

  • MD5 hash of the scan task
  • Scan task identifier
  • Scanned object and all related files

Data received as a result of IOC Scan task execution (stand-alone task)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically submits data on the IOC Scan task execution results to Kaspersky Security Center.

The data in the IOC Scan task execution results may contain the following information:

  • IP address from the ARP table
  • Physical address from the ARP table
  • DNS record type and name
  • IP address of the protected computer
  • Physical address (MAC-address) of the protected computer
  • Identifier in the event log entry
  • Data source name in the log
  • Log name
  • Event time
  • MD5 and SHA256 hashes of the file
  • Full name of the file (including path)
  • File size
  • Remote IP address and port to which connection was established during scan
  • Local adapter IP address
  • Port open on the local adapter
  • Protocol as a number (in accordance with the IANA standard)
  • Process name
  • Process arguments
  • Path to the process file
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the parent process
  • User account that started the process
  • Date and time when the process was started
  • Service name
  • Service description
  • Path and name of the DLL service (for svchost)
  • Path and name of the service executable file
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the service
  • Service type (for example, a kernel driver or adapter)
  • Service status
  • Service launch mode
  • User account name
  • Volume name
  • Volume letter
  • Volume type
  • Windows registry value
  • Registry hive value
  • Registry key path (without hive and value name)
  • Registry setting
  • System (environment)
  • Name and version of the operating system that is installed on the computer
  • Network name of the protected computer
  • Domain or group the protected computer belongs to
  • Browser name
  • Browser version
  • Time when the web resource was last accessed
  • URL from the HTTP request
  • Name of the account used for the HTTP request
  • File name of the process that made the HTTP request
  • Full path to the file of the process that made the HTTP request
  • Windows identifier (PID) of the process that made the HTTP request
  • HTTP referer (HTTP request source URL)
  • URI of the resource requested over HTTP
  • Information about the HTTP user agent (the application that made the HTTP request)
  • HTTP request execution time
  • Unique identifier of the process that made the HTTP request
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[Topic 202579]

Compliance with European Union legislation (GDPR)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security may transmit data to Kaspersky under the following scenarios:

  • Using Kaspersky Security Network.
  • Activating the application with an activation code.
  • Updating application modules and anti-virus databases.
  • Following links in the application interface.
  • Dump writing.

Irrespective of the data classification and territory from which the data is received, Kaspersky adheres to high standards for data security and employs various legal, organizational and technical measures to protect the data of users, to guarantee data security and confidentiality, and also to ensure the fulfillment of users' rights as guaranteed by applicable legislation. The text of the Privacy Policy is included in the application distribution kit and is available on the Kaspersky website.

Prior to using Kaspersky Endpoint Security, please carefully read the description of transmitted data in the End User License Agreement and Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If specific data transmitted from Kaspersky Endpoint Security under any of the described scenarios may be classified as personal data according to your local legislation or standard, you must ensure that such data is processed legally and obtain the consent of end users for the collection and transmission of such data.

Read the End User License Agreement and visit the Kaspersky website to learn more about how we receive, process, store, and destroy information about application usage after you accept the End User License Agreement and consent to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. The license.txt and ksn_<language ID>.txt files contain the text of the End User License Agreement and Kaspersky Security Network Statement and are included in the application distribution kit.

If you do not want to transmit data to Kaspersky, you can disable data provision.

Using Kaspersky Security Network

By using Kaspersky Security Network, you agree to automatically provide the data listed in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If you do not agree to provide this data to Kaspersky, use Private KSN or disable use of KSN. For more details about Private KSN, please refer to the documentation on Kaspersky Private Security Network.

Activating the application with an activation code

By using an activation code, you agree to automatically provide the data listed in the End User License Agreement. If you do not agree to provide this data to Kaspersky, use a key file to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Updating application modules and anti-virus databases

By using Kaspersky servers, you agree to automatically provide the data listed in the End User License Agreement. Kaspersky requires this information to verify that Kaspersky Endpoint Security is being legitimately used. If you do not agree to provide this information to Kaspersky, use Kaspersky Security Center for database updates or Kaspersky Update Utility.

Following links in the application interface

By using links in the application interface, you agree to automatically provide the data listed in the End User License Agreement. The precise list of data transmitted in each specific link depends on where the link is located in the application interface and which problem it aims to resolve. If you do not agree to provide this data to Kaspersky, use the simplified application interface or hide the application interface.

Dump writing

If you have enabled dump writing, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will create a dump file that will contain all memory data from application processes at the moment when this dump file was created.

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[Topic 176561]

Getting started

After installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can manage the application using the following interfaces:

  • Local application interface.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

Kaspersky Security Center lets you remotely install and uninstall, start and stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security, configure application settings, change the set of available application components, add keys, and start and stop update and scan tasks.

The application can be managed via Kaspersky Security Center using the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Management Plug-in.

For more details on managing the application through Kaspersky Security Center, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console

Kaspersky Security Center Web Console (hereinafter also referred to as Web Console) is a web application intended for centrally performing the main tasks to manage and maintain the security system of an organization's network. Web Console is a Kaspersky Security Center component that provides a user interface. For detailed information about Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console (hereinafter also referred to as the "Cloud Console") is a cloud-based solution for protecting and managing an organization's network. For detailed information about Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help.

Web Console and Cloud Console let you do the following:

  • Monitor the status of your organization's security system.
  • Install Kaspersky applications on devices within your network.
  • Manage installed applications.
  • View reports on the security system status.

Management of Kaspersky Endpoint Security through the Web Console, Cloud Console, and Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console all provide different management capabilities. The available components and tasks also vary for the different Consoles.

In this Help section

About the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in

Special considerations when working with different versions of management plug-ins

Special considerations when using encrypted protocols for interacting with external services

Application interface

Getting started

Managing policies

Task management

Configuring local application settings

Starting and stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security

Pausing and resuming computer protection and control

Creating and using a configuration file

Restoring the default application settings

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[Topic 176371]

About the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in

The Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in enables interaction between Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Security Center. The Management Plug-in lets you manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security by using policies, tasks, and local application settings. Interaction with Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is provided by the web plug-in.

The version of the Management Plug-in may differ from the version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security application installed on the client computer. If the installed version of the Management Plug-in has less functionality than the installed version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the settings of the missing functions are not regulated by the Management Plug-in. These settings can be modified by the user in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

The web plug-in is not installed by default in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. In contrast to the Management Plug-in for the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, which is installed on the administrator workstation, the web plug-in must be installed on a computer that has Kaspersky Security Center Web Console installed. The functionality of the web plug-in is available to all administrators that have access to Web Console in a browser. You can view the list of installed web plug-ins in Web Console interface: Console settingsWeb plug-ins. For more details about the compatibility of web plug-in versions and Web Console, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Installing the web plug-in

You can install the web plug-in as follows:

  • Install web plug-in using Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

    Web Console automatically prompts you to run the Quick Start Wizard when connecting Web Console to the Administration Server for the first time. You can also run the Quick Start Wizard in the Web Console interface (Discovery & DeploymentDeployment & AssignmentQuick Start Wizard). The Quick Start Wizard can also check if the installed web plug-ins are up to date and download the necessary updates. For more details on the Quick Start Wizard for Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  • Install web plug-in from the list of available distribution packages in Web Console.

    To install the web plug-in, select the distribution package of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in in the Web Console interface: Console settingsWeb plug-ins. The list of available distribution packages is updated automatically after new versions of Kaspersky applications are released.

  • Download the distribution package to the Web Console from an external source.

    To install the web plug-in, add the ZIP-archive of the distribution package for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in in the Web Console interface: Console settingsWeb plug-ins. The distribution package of the web plug-in can be downloaded on the Kaspersky website, for example.

Updating the Management Plug-in

To update the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in, download the latest version of the plug-in (included in distribution kit) and run the plug-in installation wizard.

If a new version of the web plug-in becomes available, Web Console will display the notification Updates are available for utilized plug-ins. You can proceed to update the web plug-in version from this Web Console notification. You can also manually check for new web plug-in updates in the Web Console interface (Console settingsWeb plug-ins). The previous version of the web plug-in will be automatically removed during the update.

When the web plug-in is updated, already existing items (for example, policies or tasks) are saved. The new settings of items implementing new functions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security will appear in existing items and will have the default values.

You can update the web plug-in as follows:

  • Update the web plug-in in the list of web plug-ins in online mode.

    To update the web plug-in, you must select the distribution package of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in in the Web Console interface (Console settingsWeb plug-ins). Web Console checks for available updates on Kaspersky servers and downloads the relevant updates.

  • Update the web plug-in from a file.

    To update the web plug-in, you must select the ZIP-archive of the distribution package for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in in the Web Console interface: Console settingsWeb plug-ins. The distribution package of the web plug-in can be downloaded on the Kaspersky website, for example. You can update the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in only to a more recent version. The web plug-in cannot be updated to an older version.

If any item is opened (such as a policy or task), the web plug-in checks its compatibility information. If the version of the web plug-in is equal to or later than the version specified in the compatibility information, you can change the settings of this item. Otherwise, you cannot use the web plug-in to change the settings of the selected item. It is recommended to update the web plug-in.

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[Topic 134238]

Special considerations when working with different versions of management plug-ins

You can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security via Kaspersky Security Center only if you have a Management Plug-in whose version is equal to or later than the version specified in the information regarding the compatibility of Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the Management Plug-in. You can view the minimum required version of the Management Plug-in in the installer.ini file included in the distribution kit.

If any item is opened (such as a policy or task), the Management Plug-in checks its compatibility information. If the version of the Management Plug-in is equal to or later than the version specified in the compatibility information, you can change the settings of this item. Otherwise, you cannot use the Management Plug-in to change the settings of the selected item. It is recommended to upgrade the Management Plug-in.

Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in is installed in the Administration Console, please consider the following when installing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in:

  • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in will not be removed, and will remain available for operation. Therefore, you will have access to two Management Plug-ins for working with application versions 10 and 11.
  • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in does not support management of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows on users' computers.
  • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in does not support items (for example, policies or tasks) that were created using the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in.

    You can use the Policies and Tasks Batch Conversion Wizard to convert policies and tasks from version 10 to version 11. For more details about converting policies and tasks, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in is installed in the Administration Console, please consider the following when installing a new version of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in:

  • The previous version of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in will be removed.
  • The new version of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in supports management of the previous version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows on users' computers.
  • You can use the new version of the Management Plug-in to change the settings in policies, tasks, and other items created by the previous version of the Management Plug-in.
  • For new settings, the new version of the Management Plug-in assigns the default values when a policy, policy profile, or task are saved for the first time.

    After the Management Plug-in is upgraded, it is recommended to check and save the values of the new settings in policies and policy profiles. If you do not do this, the new groups of Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings on the user's computer will take the default values and can be edited (the attribute). It is recommended to check the settings starting with policies and policy profiles at the top level of the hierarchy. It is also recommended to use the user account that has access rights to all functional areas of Kaspersky Security Center.

    To learn about the new capabilities of the application, please refer to the Release Notes or the application help.

  • If a new parameter has been added to a group of settings in the new version of the Management Plug-in, the previously defined status of the / attribute for this group of settings is not changed.
  • When upgrading the Management Plug-in to version 11.2.0, you need to open a policy to automatically convert it. When doing so, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you for confirmation to participate in KSN. If you already upgraded the application to version 11.20 on the computers of your organization, participation in KSN will be disabled until you accept the terms of participation in KSN.
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[Topic 202633]

Special considerations when using encrypted protocols for interacting with external services

Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Security Center uses an encrypted communication channel with TLS (Transport Layer Security) to work with external services of Kaspersky. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses external services for the following functions:

  • updating databases and application software modules;
  • activating the application with an activation code (activation 2.0);
  • using Kaspersky Security Network.

Use of TLS secures the application by providing the following features:

  • Encryption. The contents of messages are confidential and are not disclosed to third-party users.
  • Integrity. The message recipient is certain that the message contents have not been modified since the message was forwarded by the sender.
  • Authentication. The recipient is certain that communication is established only with a trusted Kaspersky server.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses public key certificates for server authentication. A public key infrastructure (PKI) is required for working with certificates. A Certificate Authority is part of a PKI. Kaspersky uses its own Certificate Authority because Kaspersky services are highly technical and not public. In this case, when root certificates of Thawte, VeriSign, GlobalTrust and others are revoked, the Kaspersky PKI remains operational without disruptions.

Environments that have MITM (software and hardware tools that support parsing of the HTTPS protocol) are considered to be unsafe by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Errors may be encountered when working with Kaspersky services. For example, there may be errors regarding the use of self-signed certificates. These errors may occur because an HTTPS Inspection tool from your environment does not recognize the Kaspersky PKI. To rectify these problems, you must configure exclusions for interacting with external services.

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[Topic 127988]

Application interface

Main application window


  • Reports. View events that occurred during operation of the application, individual components and tasks.
  • Backup. View a list of saved copies of infected files that the application has deleted.
  • Threat detection technologies. View information about threat detection technologies and the number of threats detected by these technologies.
  • Kaspersky Security Network. Status of the connection between Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Security Network, and global KSN statistics. Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to new threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network, KSN services provide Kaspersky Endpoint Security with information about the category and reputation of scanned files, as well as information about the reputation of scanned web addresses.
  • Application Activity Monitor. View information about the operation of installed applications. System Watcher keeps track of the file, registry, and operating system events associated with an application.
  • Network Monitor. View information about network activity of the computer in real time.
  • Encryption Monitor. Monitors the disk encryption or decryption process in real time. Encryption Monitor is available if the Kaspersky Disk Encryption component or BitLocker Drive Encryption component is installed.


Operating status of installed components. You can also proceed to configuring components or viewing reports.


Manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security update tasks. You can update anti-virus databases and application modules and roll back the last update. An administrator can hide the section from the user or restrict task management.


Manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan tasks. You can run a malware scan and application integrity check. An administrator can hide tasks from a user or restrict management of tasks.


Application licensing. You can purchase a license, activate the application or renew a subscription. You can also view information about the current license.


Configure application settings. An administrator can prohibit changes to settings in Kaspersky Security Center.


Information about the application: current version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, database release date, key, and other information. You can also proceed to Kaspersky information resources that provide useful information, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions on how to purchase, install, and use the application.

Messages containing information about available updates and requests for access to encrypted files and devices.

In this Help section

Application icon in the taskbar notification area

Simplified application interface

Configuring the display of the application interface

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[Topic 127989]

Application icon in the taskbar notification area

Immediately after installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the application icon appears in the Microsoft Windows taskbar notification area.

The icon serves the following purposes:

  • It indicates application activity.
  • It acts as a shortcut to the context menu and main window of the application.

The following application icon statuses are provided for displaying application operating information:

  • The  icon signifies that critically important protection components of the application are enabled. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display a warning if the user is required to perform an action, for example, restart the computer after updating the application.
  • The  icon signifies that critically important protection components of the application are disabled or have malfunctioned. Protection components may malfunction, for example, if the license has expired or as a result of an application error. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display a warning icon_tray_critical with a description of the problem in computer protection.

The context menu of the application icon contains the following items:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. Opens the main application window. In this window, you can adjust the operation of application components and tasks, and view the statistics of processed files and detected threats.
  • Pause protection / Resume protection. Pause the operation of all protection and control components that are not marked by a lock () in the policy. Prior to performing this operation, it is recommended to disable the Kaspersky Security Center policy.

    Prior to pausing the operation of protection and control components, the application requests the password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security (account password or temporary password). You can then select the pause period: for a specific amount of time, until a restart, or upon user request.

    This context menu item is available if Password Protection is enabled. To resume the operation of protection and control components, click Resume protection in the context menu of the application.

    Pausing the operation of protection and control components does not affect the performance of update and scan tasks. The application also continues using Kaspersky Security Network.

  • Disable policy / Enable policy. Disables a Kaspersky Security Center policy on the computer. All Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are available for configuration, including settings that have a closed lock in the policy (). If the policy is disabled, the application requests the password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security (account password or temporary password). This context menu item is available if Password Protection is enabled. To enable the policy, select Enable policy in the context menu of the application.
  • Settings. Opens the application settings window.
  • Support. This opens a window containing the information necessary for contacting Kaspersky Technical Support.
  • About. This item opens an information window with application details.
  • Exit. This item quits Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Clicking this context menu item causes the application to be unloaded from the computer RAM.

    Application icon context menu

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[Topic 158640]

Simplified application interface

If a Kaspersky Security Center policy configured to display the simplified application interface is applied to a client computer on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed, the main application window is not available on this client computer. Right-click to open the context menu of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security icon (see the figure below) containing the following items:

  • Disable policy / Enable policy. Disables a Kaspersky Security Center policy on the computer. All Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are available for configuration, including settings that have a closed lock in the policy (). If the policy is disabled, the application requests the password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security (account password or temporary password). This context menu item is available if Password Protection is enabled. To enable the policy, select Enable policy in the context menu of the application.
  • Tasks. Drop-down list containing the following items:
    • Integrity check.
    • Rollback of databases to their previous version.
    • Full Scan.
    • Selective Scan.
    • Critical Areas Scan.
    • Run database update.
  • Support. This opens a window containing the information necessary for contacting Kaspersky Technical Support.
  • Exit. This item quits Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Clicking this context menu item causes the application to be unloaded from the computer RAM.

    Context menu of the application icon when displaying the simplified interface

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[Topic 158636]

Configuring the display of the application interface

You can configure the application interface display mode for a user. The user can interact with the application in the following ways:

How to configure the application interface display mode in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsInterface.
  6. In the Interaction with user block, do one of the following:
    • Select the Display user interface check box if you want the following interface elements to be displayed on the client computer:

      If this check box is selected, the user can view and, depending on the available rights, change application settings from the application interface.

    • Clear the Display user interface check box if you want to hide all signs of Kaspersky Endpoint Security on the client computer.
  7. In the Interaction with user block, select the Display simplified interface check box if you want the simplified application interface to be displayed on a client computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed.

How to configure the application interface display mode in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsInterface.
  5. In the Interaction with user block, configure how the application interface will be displayed:
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 176593]

Getting started

After deploying the application on client computers, to work with Kaspersky Endpoint Security from Kaspersky Security Center Web Console you need to perform the following actions:

  • Create and configure a policy.

    You can use policies to apply identical Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings to all client computers within an administration group. The Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center automatically creates a policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

  • Create the Update and Malware Scan tasks.

    The Update task is required for keeping computer security up to date. When the task is performed, Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates the anti-virus databases and application modules. The Update task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center. To create the Update task, install the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in while running the Wizard.

    The Malware Scan task is required for the timely detection of viruses and other malware. You need to manually create the Virus Scan task.

How to create a Malware Scan task in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)Malware Scan.

Step 2. Scan scope

Create the list of objects that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan while performing a scan task.

Step 3. Kaspersky Endpoint Security action

Choose the action on threat detection:

  • Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.
  • Disinfect; inform if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.
  • Inform. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about infected files to the list of active threats on detection of these files.
  • Run Advanced Disinfection immediately. If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Advanced Disinfection technology to treat active threats during the scan.

    Advanced disinfection technology is aimed at purging the operating system of malicious applications that have already started their processes in RAM and that prevent Kaspersky Endpoint Security from removing them by using other methods. The threat is neutralized as a result. While Advanced Disinfection is in progress, you are advised to refrain from starting new processes or editing the operating system registry. The advanced disinfection technology uses considerable operating system resources, which may slow down other applications. After the advanced disinfection is complete, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will restart the computer without asking the user for confirmation.

Configure the task run mode using the Run only when the computer is idle. This check box enables / disables the function that suspends the Malware Scan task when computer resources are limited. Kaspersky Endpoint Security pauses the Malware Scan task if the screensaver is off and the computer is unlocked.

Step 4. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 5. Selecting the account to run the task

Select an account to run the Malware Scan task. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task with the rights of a local user account. If the scan scope includes network drives or other objects with restricted access, select a user account with the sufficient access rights.

Step 6. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or after anti-virus databases are downloaded to the repository.

Step 7. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, for example, Daily full scan.

Step 8. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties. As a result, the Malware Scan task will be executed on the user computers in accordance to the specified schedule.

How to create a Malware Scan task in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Malware Scan.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Weekly scan.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Go to the next step.
  5. Exit the Wizard.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  6. To configure the task schedule, go to the task properties.

    It is recommended to schedule the task to run at least once a week.

  7. Select the check box next to the task.
  8. Click the Run button.

    You can monitor the status of the task, and the number of devices on which the task was completed successfully or completed with an error.

As a result, the Malware Scan task will be executed on the user computers in accordance to the specified schedule.

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[Topic 176976]

Managing policies

A policy is a collection of application settings that are defined for an administration group. You can configure multiple policies with different values for one application. An application can run under different settings for different administration groups. Each administration group can have its own policy for an application.

Policy settings are sent to client computers by Network Agent during synchronization. By default, the Administration Server performs synchronization immediately after policy settings are changed. UDP port 15000 on the client computer is used for synchronization. The Administration Server performs synchronization every 15 minutes by default. If synchronization fails after policy settings were changed, the next synchronization attempt will be performed according to the configured schedule.

Active and inactive policy

A policy is intended for a group of managed computers and can be active or inactive. The settings of an active policy are saved on client computers during synchronization. You cannot simultaneously apply multiple policies to one computer, therefore only one policy may be active in each group.

You can create an unlimited number of inactive policies. An inactive policy does not affect application settings on computers in the network. Inactive policies are intended as preparations for emergency situations, such as a virus attack. If there is an attack via flash drives, you can activate a policy that blocks access to flash drives. In this case, the active policy automatically becomes inactive.

Out-of-office policy

An out-of-office policy is activated when a computer leaves the organization network perimeter.

Settings inheritance

Policies, like administration groups, are arranged in a hierarchy. By default, a child policy inherits settings from the parent policy. Child policy is a policy for nested hierarchy levels, that is a policy for nested administration groups and secondary Administration Servers. You can disable the inheritance of settings from the parent policy.

Each policy setting has the attribute, which indicates if the settings can be modified in the child policies or in the local application settings. The attribute is applicable only if inheritance of parent policy settings is enabled for the child policy. Out-of-office policies do not affect other policies through the hierarchy of administration groups.

Settings inheritance

The rights to access policy settings (read, write, execute) are specified for each user who has access to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server and separately for each functional scope of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To configure the rights to access policy settings, go to the Security section of the properties window of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.

Creating a policy

How to create a policy in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, select the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Click the New policy button.

    The Policy Wizard starts.

  5. Follow the instructions of the Policy Wizard.

How to create a policy in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the Add button.

    The Policy Wizard starts.

  3. Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security and click Next.
  4. Please read and accept the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) Statement and click Next.
  5. On the General tab, you can perform the following actions:
    • Change the policy name.
    • Select the policy status:
      • Active. After the next synchronization, the policy will be used as the active policy on the computer.
      • Inactive. Backup policy. If necessary, an inactive policy can be switched to active status.
      • Out-of-office. The policy is activated when a computer leaves the organization network perimeter.
    • Configure the inheritance of settings:
      • Inherit settings from parent policy. If this toggle button is switched on, the policy setting values are inherited from the top-level policy. Policy settings cannot be edited if is set for the parent policy.
      • Force inheritance of settings in child policies. If the toggle button is on, the values of the policy settings are propagated to the child policies. In the properties of the child policy, the Inherit settings from parent policy toggle button will be automatically switched on and cannot be switched off. Child policy settings are inherited from the parent policy, except for the settings marked with . Child policy settings cannot be edited if is set for the parent policy.
  6. On the Application settings tab, you can configure the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy settings.
  7. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings will be configured on client computers during the next synchronization. You can view information about the policy that is being applied to the computer in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface by clicking the icon_support button on the main screen (for example, the policy name). To do so, in the settings of the Network Agent policy, you need to enable the receipt of extended policy data. For more details about a Network Agent policy, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Security level indicator

The security level indicator is displayed in the upper part of the Properties: <Policy name> window. The indicator can take one of the following values:

  • High protection level. The indicator takes this value and turns green if all components from the following categories are enabled:
    • Critical. This category includes the following components:
      • File Threat Protection.
      • Behavior Detection.
      • Exploit Prevention.
      • Remediation Engine.
    • Important. This category includes the following components:
      • Kaspersky Security Network.
      • Web Threat Protection.
      • Mail Threat Protection.
      • Host Intrusion Prevention.
  • Medium protection level. The indicator takes this value and turns yellow if one of the important components is disabled.
  • Low protection level. The indicator takes this value and turns red in one of the following cases:
    • One or multiple critical components are disabled.
    • Two ore more important components are disabled.

If the indicator has the Medium protection level or Low protection level value, a link that opens the Recommended protection components window appears to the right of the indicator. In this window, you can enable any of the recommended protection components.

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[Topic 176975]

Task management

You can create the following types of tasks to administer Kaspersky Endpoint Security through Kaspersky Security Center:

  • Local tasks that are configured for an individual client computer.
  • Group tasks that are configured for client computers within administration groups.
  • Tasks for a selection of computers.

You can create any number of group tasks, tasks for a selection of computers, or local tasks. For more details about working with administration groups and selections of computers, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following tasks:

  • Malware Scan. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the computer areas specified in the task settings for viruses and other threats. The Malware Scan task is required for the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and is created during the Quick Start Wizard. It is recommended to schedule the task to run at least once a week.
  • Add key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a key for activating applications, including an additional key. Before running the task, make sure that the number of computers, on which the task is to be executed, does not exceed the number of computers allowed by the license.
  • Change application components. Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs or removes components on client computers according to the list of components specified in the task settings. The File Threat Protection component cannot be removed. The optimal set of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components helps to conserve computer resources.
  • Inventory. Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives information about all application executable files that are stored on computers. The Inventory task is performed by the Application Control component. If the Application Control component is not installed, the task will end with an error.
  • Update. Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates databases and application modules. The Update task is required for the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and is created during the Quick Start Wizard. It is recommended to configure a schedule that runs the task at least once per day.
  • Wipe data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes files and folders from users' computers immediately or if there is no connection with Kaspersky Security Center for a long time.
  • Update rollback. Kaspersky Endpoint Security rolls back the last update of databases and application modules. This may be necessary if, for example, new databases contain incorrect data that could cause Kaspersky Endpoint Security to block a safe application.
  • Integrity check. Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes application files, checks files for corruption or modifications, and verifies the digital signatures of application files.
  • Manage Authentication Agent accounts. Kaspersky Endpoint Security configures the Authentication Agent account settings. An Authentication Agent is needed for working with encrypted drives. Before the operating system is loaded, the user needs to complete authentication with the Agent.

Tasks are run on a computer only if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running.

Add a new task

How to create a task in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. Select the Tasks folder in the Administration Console tree.
  3. Click the New task button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Task Wizard.

How to create a task in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select the task that you want to run on user computers.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Go to the next step.
  5. Exit the Wizard.

A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks. The task will have the default settings. To configure the task settings, you need to go to the task properties. To run a task, you need to select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button. After the task has started, you can pause the task and resume it later.

In the list of tasks, you can monitor the task results, which include the task status and the statistics for task performance on computers. You can also create a selection of events to monitor the completion of tasks (Monitoring and reportingEvent selections). For more details on event selection, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help. Task execution results are also saved locally in Windows event log and in Kaspersky Endpoint Security reports.

Task access control

The rights to access Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks (read, write, execute) are defined for each user who has access to Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, through the settings of access to functional areas of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To configure access to the functional areas of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, go to the Security section of the properties window of Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. For more details on task management through Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

You can configure users' rights to access tasks using a policy (task management mode). For example, you can hide group tasks in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface.

How to configure the task management mode in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Local TasksTask management.
  6. Configure the task management mode (see the table below).
  7. Save your changes.

How to configure the task management mode in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Local TasksTask management.
  5. Configure the task management mode (see the table below).
  6. Save your changes.

Task management settings



Allow use of local tasks

If the check box is selected, local tasks are displayed in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface. When there are no additional policy restrictions, the user can configure and run tasks. However, configuring task run schedule remains unavailable for the user. The user can run tasks only manually.

If the check box is cleared, use of local tasks is stopped. In this mode, local tasks do not run according to schedule. Tasks cannot be started or configured in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, or when working with the command line.

A user can still start a scan of a file or folder by selecting the Scan for viruses option in the context menu of the file or folder. The scan task is started with the default values of settings for the custom scan task.

Allow group tasks to be displayed

If the check box is selected, group tasks are displayed in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface. The user can view the list of all tasks in the application interface.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an empty task list.

Allow management of group tasks

If the check box is selected, users can start and stop group tasks specified in Kaspersky Security Center. Users can start and stop tasks in the application interface or in the simplified application interface.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts scheduled tasks automatically, or the administrator starts tasks manually in Kaspersky Security Center.

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[Topic 176978]

Configuring local application settings

In Kaspersky Security Center, you can configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings on a particular computer. They are the local application settings. Some settings may be inaccessible for editing. These settings are locked by the attribute in the policy properties.

How to configure the local application settings in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder of the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computer belongs.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Select the computer for which you want to configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings.
  5. In the context menu of the client computer, select Properties.

    A client computer properties window opens.

  6. In the client computer properties window, select the Applications section.

    A list of Kaspersky applications that are installed on the client computer appears in the right part of the client computer properties window.

  7. Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  8. Click the Properties button under the list of Kaspersky applications.

    This opens the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application settings window.

  9. In the General Settings section, configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security as well as Reports and Storage.

    The other sections of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application settings window are standard for Kaspersky Security Center. A description of these sections is provided in the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

    If an application is subject to a policy that prohibits changes to specific settings, you will not be able to edit them while configuring application settings in the General settings section.

  10. Save your changes.

How to configure the local application settings in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Click Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This opens the local application settings.

  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. Configure the local application settings.
  7. Save your changes.

Local application settings are the same as policy settings, except for encryption settings.

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[Topic 176378]

Starting and stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security

After installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a user's computer, the application is started automatically. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started after operating system startup. It is not possible to configure automatic startup of the application in the operating system settings.

Downloading Kaspersky Endpoint Security anti-virus databases after the operating system starts can take up to two minutes depending on the capabilities of the computer. During this time, the level of computer protection is reduced. The downloading of anti-virus databases when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started on an already started operating system does not cause a reduction in the level of computer protection.

How to configure the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  6. Use the Start Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows on computer startup check box to configure the application startup.
  7. Save your changes.

How to configure the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsApplication Settings.
  5. Use the Start Kaspersky Endpoint Security on computer startup (recommended) check box to configure the application startup.
  6. Save your changes.

How to configure the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. Use the Start Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows on computer startup check box to configure the application startup.
  4. Save your changes.

Kaspersky experts recommend against manually stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security because doing so exposes the computer and your personal data to threats. If necessary, you can pause computer protection for as long as you need to, without stopping the application.

You can monitor the application status by using the Protection Status widget.

How to start or stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder of the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computer belongs.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Select the computer on which you want to start or stop the application.
  5. Right-click to display the context menu of the client computer and select Properties.
  6. In the client computer properties window, select the Applications section.

    A list of Kaspersky applications that are installed on the client computer appears in the right part of the client computer properties window.

  7. Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  8. Do the following:
    • To start the application, click the button to the right of the list of Kaspersky applications.
    • To stop the application, click the button to the right of the list of Kaspersky applications.

How to start or stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Click the name of the computer on which you want to start or stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The computer properties window opens.

  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Select the check box opposite Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  5. Click the Start or Stop button.

How to start or stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line

To stop the application from the command line, enable external management of system services.

The file klpsm.exe, which is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit, is used to start or stop the application from the command line.

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
  3. To start the application from the command line, enter klpsm.exe start_avp_service.
  4. To stop the application from the command line, enter klpsm.exe stop_avp_service.
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[Topic 128006]

Pausing and resuming computer protection and control

Pausing computer protection and control means disabling all protection and control components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for some time.

The application status is displayed using the application icon in the taskbar notification area.

  • The icon_tray_critical icon signifies that computer protection and control are paused.
  • The icon signifies that computer protection and control are enabled.

Pausing or resuming computer protection and control does not affect scan or update tasks.

If any network connections are already established when you pause or resume computer protection and control, a notification about the termination of these network connections is displayed.

To pause computer protection and control:

  1. Right-click to bring up the context menu of the application icon that is in the taskbar notification area.
  2. In the context menu, select Pause protection (see the figure below).

    This context menu item is available if Password Protection is enabled.

  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Pause for <time period> – computer protection and control will resume after the amount of time that is specified in the drop-down list below.
    • Pause until application restart – computer protection and control will resume after you restart the application or restart the operating system. Automatic startup of the application must be enabled to use this option.
    • Pause – computer protection and control will resume when you decide to re-enable them.
  4. Click Pause protection.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will pause the operation of all protection and control components that are not marked by a lock () in the policy. Prior to performing this operation, it is recommended to disable the Kaspersky Security Center policy.

Application icon context menu

To resume computer protection and control:

  1. Right-click to bring up the context menu of the application icon that is in the taskbar notification area.
  2. In the context menu, select Resume protection.

You can resume computer protection and control at any time, regardless of the computer protection and control pause option that you selected previously.

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[Topic 134486]

Creating and using a configuration file

A configuration file with Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings lets you accomplish the following tasks:

  • Perform local installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security via the command line with predefined settings.

    To do so, you must save the configuration file in the same folder where the distribution package is located.

  • Perform remote installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security via Kaspersky Security Center with predefined settings.
  • Migrate Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings from one computer to another.

To create a configuration file:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsManage settings.
  3. Click Export.
  4. In the window that opens, specify the path to where you want to save the configuration file, and enter its name.

    To use the configuration file for local or remote installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you must name it install.cfg.

  5. Save the file.

To import Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings from a configuration file:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsManage settings.
  3. Click Import.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the path to the configuration file.
  5. Open the file.

All values of Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings will be set according to the selected configuration file.

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[Topic 201017]

Restoring the default application settings

You can restore the application settings recommended by Kaspersky at any time. When the settings are restored, the Recommended security level is set for all protection components.

To restore the default application settings:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsManage settings.
  3. Click Restore.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 40782]

Malware Scan

Malware scan is vital to computer security. Regularly run malware scans to rule out the possibility of spreading malware that is undetected by protection components due to a low security level setting or for other reasons.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files whose contents are located in OneDrive cloud storage, and creates log entries stating that these files have not been scanned.

Full Scan

A thorough scan of the entire computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the following objects:

  • Kernel memory;
  • Objects that are loaded at startup of the operating system
  • Boot sectors;
  • Operating system backup
  • All hard and removable drives

Kaspersky experts recommend that you do not change the scan scope of the Full Scan task.

To conserve computer resources, it is recommended to use a background scan task instead of a full scan task. This will not affect the security level of the computer.

Critical Areas Scan

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the kernel memory, running processes, and disk boot sectors.

Kaspersky experts recommend that you do not change the scan scope of the Critical Areas Scan task.

Custom Scan

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the objects that are selected by the user. You can scan any object from the following list:

  • System memory
  • Objects that are loaded at startup of the operating system
  • Operating system backup
  • Microsoft Outlook mailbox
  • Hard, removable, and network drives
  • Any selected file

Background scan

Background scan is a scan mode of Kaspersky Endpoint Security that does not display notifications for the user. Background scan requires less computer resources than other types of scans (such as a full scan). In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans startup objects, the boot sector, system memory, and the system partition.

Integrity check

Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the application modules for corruption or modifications.

In this section

Scanning the computer

Scanning removable drives when they are connected to the computer

Background scan

Scan from context menu

Application Integrity Control

Editing the scan scope

Running a scheduled scan

Running a scan as a different user

Scan optimization

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[Topic 199173]

Scanning the computer

A scan is vital to computer security. Regularly run malware scans to rule out the possibility of spreading malware that is undetected by protection components due to a low security level setting or for other reasons. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has standard tasks Full Scan, Critical Areas Scan, Custom Scan predefined. If your organization has the Kaspersky Security Center administration system deployed, you can create a Malware Scan task and configure the scan. The Background scan task is also available in Kaspersky Security Center. The background scan cannot be configured.

How to run a scan task in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Tasks tab.
  4. Select the scan task and double-click to open the task properties.

    If necessary, create a Malware Scan task.

  5. In the task properties window, select the Settings section.
  6. Configure the scan task (see the table below).

    If necessary, configure the scan task schedule.

  7. Save your changes.
  8. Run the scan task.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will start scanning the computer. If the user has interrupted the execution of the task (for example by powering off the computer), Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where the scan was interrupted.

How to run a scan task in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the scan task.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Configure the scan task (see the table below).

    If necessary, configure the scan task schedule.

  5. Save your changes.
  6. Run the scan task.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will start scanning the computer. If the user has interrupted the execution of the task (for example by powering off the computer), Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where the scan was interrupted.

How to run a scan task in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click .
  3. Configure the scan task (see the table below).

    If necessary, configure the scan task schedule.

  4. Save your changes.
  5. Run the scan task.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will start scanning the computer. The application will show the scan progress, the number of scanned files, and the scan time remaining. You can stop the task at any time by clicking the Stop button. If the scan task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited the use of local tasks in the policy.

Scan settings



Security level

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can use different groups of settings for running a scan. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:

  • High. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all types of files. When scanning compound files, the application also scans mail-format files.
  • Recommended. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only the specified file formats on all hard drives, network drives, and removable storage media of the computer, and also embedded OLE objects. The application does not scan archives or installation packages.
  • Low. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only new or modified files with the specified extensions on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. The application does not scan compound files.

You can select one of the preset security levels or manually configure security level settings. If you change the security level settings, you can always revert back to the recommended security level settings.

Action on threat detection

Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.

Notify. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about infected files to the list of active threats on detection of these files.

Before attempting to disinfect or delete an infected file, the application creates a backup copy of the file in case you need to restore the file or if it can be disinfected in the future.

On detection of infected files that are part of the Windows Store application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to delete the file.

Run Advanced Disinfection immediately

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

Advanced Disinfection during a virus scan task on a computer is performed only if the Advanced Disinfection feature is enabled in the properties of the policy applied to this computer.

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security disinfects the active infection immediately after it is detected during the execution of the virus scan task. After the active infection is disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security reboots the computer without prompting the user.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not disinfect the active infection immediately after it is detected during the execution of the virus scan task. Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates active infection events in local application reports and on the Kaspersky Security Center side. The active infection can be disinfected when the virus scan task is run again with the Advanced Disinfection feature turned on. In this way, the system administrator can choose the appropriate time to do Advanced Disinfection and subsequently reboot the computers automatically.

Scan scope

List of objects that Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans while performing a scan task. Objects within the scan scope can include the kernel memory, running processes, boot sectors, system backup storage, mail databases, hard drive, removable drive or network drive, folder or file.

Scan schedule

Manually. Run mode in which you can start scan manually at a time when it is convenient for you.

By schedule. In this scan task run mode, the application starts the scan task in accordance with the schedule that you create. If this scan task run mode is selected, you can also start the scan task manually.

Postpone running after application startup for N minutes

Postponed start of the scan task after application startup. At operating system startup, many processes are running, therefore it is advantageous to postpone running the scan task instead of running it immediately after Kaspersky Endpoint Security startup.

Run skipped tasks

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the skipped scan task as soon as it becomes possible. The scan task may be skipped, for example, if the computer was off at the scheduled scan task start time. If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not run skipped scan tasks. Instead, it carries out the next scan task in accordance with the current schedule.

Run only when the computer is idle

Postponed start of the scan task when computer resources are busy. Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the scan task if the computer is locked or if the screen saver is on. If you have interrupted the execution of the task, for example by unlocking the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where it was interrupted.

Run scan as

By default the scan task is run in the name of the user with whose rights you are registered in the operating system. The protection scope may include network drives or other objects that require special rights to access. You can specify a user that has the required rights in the application settings and run the scan task under this user's account.

File types

Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers files without an extension as executable ones. The application always scans executable files regardless of the file types that you select for scanning.

All files. If this setting is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks all files without exception (all formats and extensions).

Files scanned by format. If this setting is enabled, the application scans

only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.

Files scanned by extension. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. The file format is then determined based on the file's extension.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files by their format. Scanning files by extension is less safe because a malicious file can have an extension that is not on the list of potentially infectable (for example, .123).

Scan only new and changed files

Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

Skip objects scanned longer than N seconds

This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.

Do not run multiple scan tasks at the same time

Postponed start of scan tasks if a scan is already running. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue new scan tasks if the current scan continues. This helps optimize the load on the computer. For example, let's assume that the application has started a Full Scan task according to the schedule. If a user attempts to start a quick scan from the application interface, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue this quick scan task and then automatically start this task after the Full Scan task is finished.

However, Kaspersky Endpoint Security immediately starts a scan task even if one of the following scan tasks is running:

If this check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you run multiple scan tasks at the same time. Running multiple scan tasks requires more computer resources.

Scan archives

Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format. When checking archives, the application performs a recursive unpacking. This allows to detect threats inside multi-level archives (archive within an archive).

Scan distribution packages

This check box enables/disables scanning of third-party distribution packages.

Scan files in Microsoft Office formats

Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

Scan email formats

Scanning email format files and the email database. The application scans PST and OST files used by MS Outlook and Windows Mail/Outlook Express mail clients as well as EML files.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the 64-bit version of MS Outlook email client. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan MS Outlook files (PST and OST files) if a 64-bit version of MS Outlook is installed on the computer, even if mail is included in the scan scope.

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security splits the mail-format file into its components (header, body, attachments) and scans them for threats.

If this check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the mail-format file as a single file.

Scan password-protected archives

If the check box is selected, the application scans password-protected archives. Before files in an archive can be scanned, you are prompted to enter the password.

If the check box is cleared, the application skips scanning of password-protected archives.

Do not unpack large compound files

If this check box is selected, the application does not scan compound files if their size exceeds the specified value.

If this check box is cleared, the application scans compound files of all sizes.

The application scans large files that are extracted from archives regardless of whether the check box is selected or not.

Machine learning and signature analysis

The machine learning and signature analysis method uses the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases that contain descriptions of known threats and ways to neutralize them. Protection that uses this method provides the minimum acceptable security level.

Based on the recommendations of Kaspersky experts, machine learning and signature analysis is always enabled.

Heuristic Analysis

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

iSwift Technology

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

iChecker Technology

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

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[Topic 178477]

Scanning removable drives when they are connected to the computer

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all files that you run or copy, even if the file is located on a removable drive (File Threat Protection component). To prevent the spread of viruses and other malware, you can configure automatic scans of removable drives when they are connected to the computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the files. The component keeps a computer secure by running scans that implement machine learning, heuristic analysis (high level) and signature analysis. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also uses iSwift and iChecker scan optimization technologies. The technologies are always on and cannot be disabled.

How to configure running the Removable drives scan in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Local TasksRemovable drives scan.
  6. In the Action when a removable drive is connected drop-down list, select Detailed Scan or Quick Scan.
  7. Configure advanced options for Removable drives scan (see table below).
  8. Save your changes.

How to configure running the Removable drives scan in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Local TasksRemovable drives scan.
  5. In the Action when a removable drive is connected drop-down list, select Detailed Scan or Quick Scan.
  6. Configure advanced options for Removable drives scan (see table below).
  7. Save your changes.

How to configure running the Removable drives scan in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click icon_settings.
  3. Use the Removable drives scan toggle to enable or disable scans of removable drives upon connection to the computer.
  4. Configure advanced options for Removable drives scan (see table below).
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs a Removable drives scan for removable drives that are not larger than the specified maximum size. If the Removable drives scan task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited using local tasks in the policy.

Removable drives scan task settings



Action when a removable drive is connected

Detailed Scan. If this item is selected, when a removable drive is connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all files on the removable drive, including files nested in compound objects, archives, distribution packages, and files in office formats. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files in mail formats or password-protected archives.

Quick Scan. If this option is selected, after a removable drive is connected Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only files of specific formats that are most vulnerable to infection, and does not unpack compound objects.

Maximum removable drive size

If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the action that is selected in the Action when a removable drive is connected drop-down list on removable drives with a size not more than the specified maximum drive size.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the action that is selected in the Action when a removable drive is connected drop-down list on removable drives of any size.

Show scan progress

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the progress of removable drives scan in a separate window and in the Tasks section.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs removable drives scan in the background.

Block the stopping of the scan task

If this check box is selected, then for the removable drives scan task in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the Stop button in the Tasks section and the Stop button in the removable drives scan window are not available.

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[Topic 178480]

Background scan

Background scan is a scan mode of Kaspersky Endpoint Security that does not display notifications for the user. Background scan requires less computer resources than other types of scans (such as a full scan). In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans startup objects, the boot sector, system memory, and the system partition.

To conserve computer resources, it is recommended to use a background scan task instead of a full scan task. This will not affect the security level of the computer. These tasks have the same scan scope. To optimize the load on the computer, the application does not run a Full Scan task and a Background Scan task at the same time. If you have already ran a Full Scan task, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not start a Background Scan task for seven days after the Full Scan task is completed.

A background scan is started in the following cases:

  • After an anti-virus database update.
  • 30 minutes after Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started.
  • Every six hours.
  • When the computer is idling for five minutes or more (the computer is locked or the screensaver is on).

Background scan when the computer is idling is interrupted when any of the following conditions are true:

  • The computer went into active mode.

    If the background scan has not been run for more than ten days, the scan is not interrupted.

  • The computer (laptop) has switched to battery mode.

When performing a background scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files whose contents are located in OneDrive cloud storage.

How to enable background scanning in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Local TasksBackground scan.
  6. Use the Enable background scan check box to enable or disable background scanning.
  7. Save your changes.

How to enable background scanning in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Local TasksBackground scan.
  5. Use the Enable background scan check box to enable or disable background scanning.
  6. Save your changes.

How to enable background scanning in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click icon_settings.
  3. Use the Background scan toggle to enable or disable background scans.
  4. Save your changes.

If the Background scan is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited using local tasks in the policy.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection

Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection

Scanning compound files

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[Topic 178476]

Scan from context menu

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you run a scan of individual files for viruses and other malware from the context menu (see the figure below).

When performing a scan from the context menu, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files whose contents are located in OneDrive cloud storage.

Scan from context menu

How to configure Scan from Context Menu in Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Local TasksScan from Context Menu.
  6. Configure Scan from Context Menu (see the table below).
  7. Save your changes.

How to configure Scan from Context Menu in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Local TasksScan from Context Menu.
  5. Configure Scan from Context Menu (see the table below).
  6. Save your changes.

How to configure Scan from Context Menu in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click .
  3. Configure Scan from Context Menu (see the table below).
  4. Save your changes.

If the Scan from Context Menu task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited using local tasks in the policy.

Scan from Context Menu task settings



Security level

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can use different groups of settings for running a scan. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:

  • High. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all types of files. When scanning compound files, the application also scans mail-format files.
  • Recommended. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only the specified file formats on all hard drives, network drives, and removable storage media of the computer, and also embedded OLE objects. The application does not scan archives or installation packages.
  • Low. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only new or modified files with the specified extensions on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. The application does not scan compound files.

Action on threat detection

Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.

Notify. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about infected files to the list of active threats on detection of these files.

File types

Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers files without an extension as executable ones. The application always scans executable files regardless of the file types that you select for scanning.

All files. If this setting is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks all files without exception (all formats and extensions).

Files scanned by format. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.

Files scanned by extension. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. The file format is then determined based on the file's extension.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files by their format. Scanning files by extension is less safe because a malicious file can have an extension that is not on the list of potentially infectable (for example, .123).

Scan only new and changed files

Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

Skip objects scanned longer than N seconds

This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.

Scan archives

Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format. When checking archives, the application performs a recursive unpacking. This allows to detect threats inside multi-level archives (archive within an archive).

Scan distribution packages

The check box enables or disables scanning of distribution packages.

Scan files in Microsoft Office formats

Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

Scan email formats

Scanning email format files and the email database. The application scans PST and OST files used by MS Outlook and Windows Mail/Outlook Express mail clients as well as EML files.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the 64-bit version of MS Outlook email client. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan MS Outlook files (PST and OST files) if a 64-bit version of MS Outlook is installed on the computer, even if mail is included in the scan scope.

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security splits the mail-format file into its components (header, body, attachments) and scans them for threats.

If this check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the mail-format file as a single file.

Scan password-protected archives

If the check box is selected, the application scans password-protected archives. Before files in an archive can be scanned, you are prompted to enter the password.

If the check box is cleared, the application skips scanning of password-protected archives.

Do not unpack large compound files

If this check box is selected, the application does not scan compound files if their size exceeds the specified value.

If this check box is cleared, the application scans compound files of all sizes.

The application scans large files that are extracted from archives regardless of whether the check box is selected or not.

Machine learning and signature analysis

The machine learning and signature analysis method uses the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases that contain descriptions of known threats and ways to neutralize them. Protection that uses this method provides the minimum acceptable security level.

Based on the recommendations of Kaspersky experts, machine learning and signature analysis is always enabled.

Heuristic Analysis

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

iSwift Technology

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

iChecker Technology

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

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[Topic 201526]

Application Integrity Control

Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the application modules for corruption or modifications. For example, if an application library has an incorrect digital signature, the library is considered corrupt. The Integrity check task is intended for scanning application files. Run the Integrity check task if Kaspersky Endpoint Security detected a malicious object but did not neutralize it.

You can create the Integrity Check task both in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and in the Administration Console. It is not possible to create a task in the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

Application integrity breaches may occur in the following cases:

  • A malicious object modified files of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. In this case, perform the procedure for restoring Kaspersky Endpoint Security using the tools of the operating system. After restoration, run a full scan of the computer and repeat the integrity check.
  • The digital signature expired. In this case, update Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

How to run an application integrity check through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)Integrity check.

Step 2. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 3. Configuring a task start schedule

Configure a schedule for starting a task, for example, manually or when a virus outbreak is detected.

Step 4. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, for example, Integrity check after the computer was infected.

Step 5. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will check the integrity of the application. You can also configure an application integrity check schedule in the task properties (see the table below).

How to run an application integrity check through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Integrity check.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Check the integrity of the application after a computer infection.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Go to the next step.
  5. Exit the Wizard.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  6. Select the check box next to the task.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will check the integrity of the application. You can also configure an application integrity check schedule in the task properties (see the table below).

How to run an integrity check in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the Integrity check task and click Run scan.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will check the integrity of the application. You can also configure an application integrity check schedule in the task properties (see the table below). If the Integrity check is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited using local tasks in the policy.

Integrity check task settings



Scan schedule

Manually. Run mode in which you can start scan manually at a time when it is convenient for you.

By schedule. In this scan task run mode, the application starts the scan task in accordance with the schedule that you create. If this scan task run mode is selected, you can also start the scan task manually.

Run skipped tasks

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the skipped scan task as soon as it becomes possible. The scan task may be skipped, for example, if the computer was off at the scheduled scan task start time. If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not run skipped scan tasks. Instead, it carries out the next scan task in accordance with the current schedule.

Run only when the computer is idle

Postponed start of the scan task when computer resources are busy. Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the scan task if the computer is locked or if the screen saver is on. If you have interrupted the execution of the task, for example by unlocking the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where it was interrupted.

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[Topic 123515]

Editing the scan scope

The Scan scope is a list of paths to folders and paths that Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans when executing the task. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

To edit the scan scope, we recommend using the Custom Scan task. Kaspersky experts recommend that you do not change the scan scope of the Full Scan and Critical Areas Scan tasks.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has the following predefined objects as part of the scan scope:

  • My email.

    Files relevant to the Outlook mail client: data files (PST), offline data files (OST).

  • System memory.
  • Startup Objects.

    Memory occupied by processes and application executable files that are run at system startup.

  • Disk boot sectors.

    Hard disk and removable disk boot sectors.

  • System Backup.

    Contents of the System Volume Information folder.

  • All external devices.
  • All hard drives.
  • All network drives.

    We recommend creating a separate scan task for scanning network drives or shared folders. In the settings of the Malware Scan task, specify a user that has write access to this drive; this is necessary to mitigate detected threats. If the server where the network drive is located has its own security tools, do not run the scan task for that drive. In this way, you can avoid checking object twice and improve the performance of the server.

To exclude folders or files from the scan scope, add the folder or file to the trusted zone.

How to edit a scan scope in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Tasks tab.
  4. Select the scan task and double-click to open the task properties.

    If necessary, create a Malware Scan task.

  5. In the task properties window, select the Settings section.
  6. In the Scan scope section, click Settings.
  7. In the window that opens, select the objects that you want to add to the scan scope or exclude from it.
  8. If you want to add a new object to the scan scope:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Object field, enter the path to the folder or file.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks anywhere in a file or folder path. For example, if you want the scan scope to include the Downloads folder for all user accounts on the computer, enter the C:\Users\*\Downloads\ mask.

    You can exclude an object from scans without deleting it from the list of objects in the scan scope. To do so, clear the check box next to the object.

  9. Save your changes.

How to edit a scan scope in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the scan task.

    The task properties window opens. If necessary, create the Malware Scan task.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Scan scope section, select the objects that you want to add to the scan scope or exclude from it.
  5. If you want to add a new object to the scan scope:
    1. Click the Add button.
    2. In the Path field, enter the path to the folder or file.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks anywhere in a file or folder path. For example, if you want the scan scope to include the Downloads folder for all user accounts on the computer, enter the C:\Users\*\Downloads\ mask.

    You can exclude an object from scans without deleting it from the list of objects in the scan scope. To do so, set the toggle switch next to it to the off position.

  6. Save your changes.

How to edit a scan scope in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the Custom Scan task and click Select.

    You can also edit the scan scope for other tasks. Kaspersky experts recommend that you do not change the scan scope of the Full Scan and Critical Areas Scan tasks.

  3. In the window that opens, select the objects that you want to add to the scan scope.
  4. Save your changes.

If the scan task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited the use of local tasks in the policy.

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[Topic 123523]

Running a scheduled scan

Fully scanning the computer takes some time and resources of the computer. You should choose the optimum time to run a computer scan to avoid adversely impacting the performance of other software. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you configure a normal schedule for scanning the computer. This is convenient if your organization has a work schedule. You can configure a computer scan to run at night or on weekends. If it is impossible to run the scan task for any reason (for example, the computer is off at that time), you can configure the skipped task to be run automatically as soon as this becomes possible.

If configuring an optimum scan schedule proves impossible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you run a computer scan when the following special conditions are met:

  • After a database update.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the computer scan with the updated signature databases.

  • After application startup.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs a computer scan when a specified amount of time elapses after application startup. At operating system startup, many processes are running, therefore it is advantageous to postpone running the scan task instead of running it immediately after Kaspersky Endpoint Security startup.

  • Wake-on-LAN.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs a computer scan on schedule even if the computer is powered off. To do so, the application uses the Wake-on-LAN feature of the operating system. The Wake-on-LAN feature allows remotely powering on the computer by sending a special signal over the local network. To use this feature, you must enable Wake-on-LAN in BIOS settings.

    You can configure running the scan using Wake-on-LAN only for the Malware Scan task in Kaspersky Security Center. You cannot enable Wake-on-LAN for scanning the computer in the application interface.

  • When the computer is idling.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs a computer scan on schedule when the screensaver is active or the screen is locked. If the user unlocks the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security pauses the scan. This means that it may take several days for the application to complete a full computer scan.

How to configure the scan schedule in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Tasks tab.
  4. Select the scan task and double-click to open the task properties.

    If necessary, create a Malware Scan task.

  5. In the task properties window, select the Schedule section.
  6. Configure the scan task schedule.
  7. Depending on the selected frequency, configure advanced settings that specify the task run schedule (see the table below).
  8. Save your changes.

How to configure the scan schedule in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the scan task.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Schedule tab.
  4. Configure the scan task schedule.
  5. Depending on the selected frequency, configure advanced settings that specify the task run schedule (see the table below).
  6. Save your changes.

How to configure the scan schedule in the application interface

You can configure the scan schedule only if a policy is not applied to the computer. For computers under policy, you can configure the Malware Scan task schedule in Kaspersky Security Center.

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click icon_settings.

    You can configure a schedule for running a Full Scan, a Critical Areas Scan, or an Integrity Check. You can only run a Custom Scan manually.

  3. Click Scan schedule.
  4. In the window that opens, configure the scan task run schedule.
  5. Depending on the selected frequency, configure advanced settings that specify the task run schedule (see the table below).
  6. Save your changes.

Scan schedule settings



Scan schedule

Manually. Run mode in which you can start scan manually at a time when it is convenient for you.

By schedule. In this scan task run mode, the application starts the scan task in accordance with the schedule that you create. If this scan task run mode is selected, you can also start the scan task manually.

Postpone running after application startup for N minutes

Postponed start of the scan task after application startup. At operating system startup, many processes are running, therefore it is advantageous to postpone running the scan task instead of running it immediately after Kaspersky Endpoint Security startup.

Run skipped tasks

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the skipped scan task as soon as it becomes possible. The scan task may be skipped, for example, if the computer was off at the scheduled scan task start time. If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not run skipped scan tasks. Instead, it carries out the next scan task in accordance with the current schedule.

Run only when the computer is idle

Postponed start of the scan task when computer resources are busy. Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the scan task if the computer is locked or if the screen saver is on. If you have interrupted the execution of the task, for example by unlocking the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where it was interrupted.

Use automatically randomized delay for task starts

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

If the check box is selected, the task is not run strictly on schedule, but randomly within a certain interval, that is, the start times of the task are spread out. Randomized start times help avoid a great number of computers simultaneously accessing the Administration Server when the task is run on schedule.

The range of randomized start times is automatically calculated when the task is created, depending on the number of computers that have the task assigned. Subsequently, the task is always run at its calculated start time. However, whenever task settings are modified or the task is run manually, the calculated start time changes.

If the check box is cleared, the task is run exactly at scheduled time.

Stop task if it has been running longer than N (min)

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

Limiting the task execution time After the specified amount of time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security stops the task. The task is not marked as completed. Next time Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the task, it will be run from the beginning and on schedule.

To reduce the task execution time, you can, for example, configure the scan scope or optimize the scan.

Activate the device before the task is started through Wake-on-LAN (min)

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

If the check box is selected, the operating system of the computer is given a specified lead time to complete startup before the task is run. The default lead time is 5 minutes.

Select the check box if you want to run the task on all computers including powered off computers.

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[Topic 123506]

Running a scan as a different user

By default the scan task is run in the name of the user with whose rights you are registered in the operating system. The protection scope may include network drives or other objects that require special rights to access. You can specify a user that has the required rights in the application settings and run the scan task under this user's account.

You can run the following scans as a different user:

You cannot configure user rights to run a Removable drives scan, a Background scan, or an Integrity check.

How to run a scan as a different user in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Tasks tab.
  4. Select the scan task and double-click to open the task properties.
  5. In the task properties window, select the Account section.
  6. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run a scan task.
  7. Save your changes.

How to run a scan as a different user in Web Console or Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the scan task.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. In the Account block, click Settings.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run a scan task.
  6. Save your changes.

How to run a scan as a different user in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click icon_settings.
  3. In the task properties, select Advanced settingsRun scan as.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run a scan task.
  5. Save your changes.

If the scan task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited the use of local tasks in the policy.

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[Topic 128101]

Scan optimization

You can optimize file scanning: reduce scan time and increase the operating speed of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. This can be achieved by scanning only new files and those files that have been modified since the previous scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files. You can also set a limit for scanning a single file. When the specified time interval expires, Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes the file from the current scan (except archives and objects that include several files).

A common technique of concealing viruses and other malware is to implant them in compound files, such as archives or databases. To detect viruses and other malware that are hidden in this way, the compound file must be unpacked, which may slow down scanning. You can limit the types of compound files to be scanned and thereby speed up scanning.

You can also enable the iChecker and iSwift technologies. The iChecker and iSwift technologies optimize the speed of scanning files, by excluding files that have not been modified since the most recent scan.

How to optimize scanning in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Tasks tab.
  4. Select the scan task and double-click to open the task properties.

    If necessary, create a Malware Scan task.

  5. In the task properties window, select the Settings section.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the scan task settings window.

  7. In the Scan optimization block, configure the scan settings:
    • Scan only new and changed files. Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

      You can also configure scanning new files by type. For example, you can scan all distribution packages and scan only new archives and office format files.

    • Skip files that are scanned for longer than N sec. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.
    • Do not run multiple scan tasks at the same time. Postponed start of scan tasks if a scan is already running. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue new scan tasks if the current scan continues. This helps optimize the load on the computer. For example, let's assume that the application has started a Full Scan task according to the schedule. If a user attempts to start a quick scan from the application interface, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue this quick scan task and then automatically start this task after the Full Scan task is finished.
  8. Click Additional.

    This opens the compound files scanning settings window.

  9. In the Size limit block, select the Do not unpack large compound files check box. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans large files that are extracted from archives, regardless of whether the Do not unpack large compound files check box is selected.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Select the Additional tab.
  12. In the Scan technologies block, select the check boxes next to the names of technologies that you want to use during a scan:
    • iSwift Technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.
    • iChecker Technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).
  13. Save your changes.

How to optimize scanning in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the scan task.

    The task properties window opens. If necessary, create a Malware Scan task.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Action on threat detection block, select the Scan only new and changed files check box. Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

    You can also configure scanning new files by type. For example, you can scan all distribution packages and scan only new archives and office format files.

  5. In the Scan optimization block, select the Do not unpack large compound files check box. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans large files that are extracted from archives, regardless of whether the Do not unpack large compound files check box is selected.

  6. Select the Do not run multiple scan tasks at the same time check box. Postponed start of scan tasks if a scan is already running. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue new scan tasks if the current scan continues. This helps optimize the load on the computer. For example, let's assume that the application has started a Full Scan task according to the schedule. If a user attempts to start a quick scan from the application interface, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue this quick scan task and then automatically start this task after the Full Scan task is finished.
  7. In the Advanced settings block, select the Skip files that are scanned for longer than N sec check box. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.
  8. Save your changes.

How to optimize scanning in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, go to the Tasks section.
  2. In the task list, select the scan task and click icon_settings.
  3. Click Advanced settings.
  4. In the Scan optimization block, configure the scan settings:
    • Scan only new and changed files. Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

      You can also configure scanning new files by type. For example, you can scan all distribution packages and scan only new archives and office format files.

    • Skip objects scanned longer than N seconds. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.
    • Do not run multiple scan tasks at the same time. Postponed start of scan tasks if a scan is already running. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue new scan tasks if the current scan continues. This helps optimize the load on the computer. For example, let's assume that the application has started a Full Scan task according to the schedule. If a user attempts to start a quick scan from the application interface, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enqueue this quick scan task and then automatically start this task after the Full Scan task is finished.
  5. In the Size limit block, select the Do not unpack large compound files check box. This sets a time limit for scanning a single object. After the specified amount of time, the application stops scanning a file. This helps reduce the duration of a scan.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans large files that are extracted from archives, regardless of whether the Do not unpack large compound files check box is selected.

  6. In the Scan technologies block, select the check boxes next to the names of technologies that you want to use during a scan:
    • iSwift Technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.
    • iChecker Technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).
  7. Save your changes.

If the scan task is not displayed, it means the administrator has prohibited the use of local tasks in the policy.

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[Topic 34566]

Updating databases and application software modules

Updating the databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ensures up-to-date protection on your computer. New viruses and other types of malware appear worldwide on a daily basis. Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases contain information about threats and ways of neutralizing them. To detect threats quickly, you are urged to regularly update the databases and application modules.

Regular updates require a license in effect. If there is no current license, you will be able to perform an update only once.

The main update source for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is Kaspersky update servers.

Your computer must be connected to the Internet to successfully download the update package from Kaspersky update servers. By default, the Internet connection settings are determined automatically. If you are using a proxy server, you need to configure the proxy server settings.

Updates are downloaded over the HTTPS protocol. They may also be downloaded over the HTTP protocol when it is impossible to download updates over the HTTPS protocol.

While performing an update, the following objects are downloaded and installed on your computer:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. Computer protection is provided using databases that contain signatures of viruses and other threats and information on ways to neutralize them. Protection components use this information when searching for and neutralizing infected files on your computer. The databases are constantly updated with records of new threats and methods for counteracting them. Therefore, we recommend that you update the databases regularly.

    In addition to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the network drivers that enable the application's components to intercept network traffic are updated.

  • Application modules. In addition to the databases of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can also update the application modules. Updating the application modules fixes vulnerabilities in Kaspersky Endpoint Security, adds new functions, or enhances existing functions.

While updating, the application modules and databases on your computer are compared against the up-to-date version at the update source. If your current databases and application modules differ from their respective up-to-date versions, the missing portion of the updates is installed on your computer.

Context help files can be updated together with application module updates.

If the databases are obsolete, the update package may be large, which may cause additional Internet traffic (up to several dozen MB).

Information about the current state of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases is displayed in the main application window or the tooltip that you see when you hover the cursor over the icon of the application in the notification area.

Information on update results and on all events that occur during the performance of the update task is logged in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security report.

In this section

Database and application module update scenarios

Starting and stopping an update task

Starting an update task under the rights of a different user account

Selecting the update task run mode

Adding an update source

Configuring updates from a shared folder

Updating application modules

Using a proxy server for updates

Last update rollback

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[Topic 176379]

Database and application module update scenarios

Updating the databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ensures up-to-date protection on your computer. New viruses and other types of malware appear worldwide on a daily basis. Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases contain information about threats and ways of neutralizing them. To detect threats quickly, you are urged to regularly update the databases and application modules.

The following objects are updated on users' computers:

  • Anti-virus databases. Anti-virus databases include databases of malware signatures, description of network attacks, databases of malicious and phishing web addresses, databases of banners, spam databases, and other data.
  • Application modules. Module updates are intended for eliminating vulnerabilities in the application and to improve computer protection methods. Module updates may change the behavior of application components and add new capabilities.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following scenarios for updating databases and application modules:

  • Update from Kaspersky servers.

    Kaspersky update servers are located in various countries throughout the world. This ensures high reliability of updates. If an update cannot be performed from one server, Kaspersky Endpoint Security switches over to the next server.

    Update from Kaspersky servers

  • Centralized update.

    Centralized update reduces external Internet traffic, and provides for convenient monitoring of the update.

    Centralized update consists of the following steps:

    1. Download the update package to a repository within the organization's network.

      The update package is downloaded to the repository by the Administration Server task named Download updates to Administration Server repository.

    2. Download the update package to a shared folder (optional).

      You can download the update package to a shared folder by using the following methods:

      • Using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Update task. The task is intended for one of the computers in the local company network.
      • Using the Kaspersky Update Utility. For detailed information about using Kaspersky Update Utility, refer to the Kaspersky Knowledge Base.
    3. Distribute the update package to client computers.

      The update package is distributed to client computers by the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Update task. You can create an unlimited number of update tasks for each administration group.

    Updating from a server repository

    Updating from a shared folder

    Updating using Kaspersky Update Utility

For the Web Console, the default list of update sources contains the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server and Kaspersky update servers. For the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, the default list of update sources contains distribution points and Kaspersky update servers. For more details about distribution points, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help. You can add other update sources to the list. You can specify HTTP/FTP servers and shared folders as update sources. If an update cannot be performed from an update source, Kaspersky Endpoint Security switches over to the next one.

Updates are downloaded from Kaspersky update servers or from other FTP- or HTTP servers over standard network protocols. If connection to a proxy server is required for accessing the update source, specify the proxy server settings in Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy settings.

In this section

Updating from a server repository

Updating from a shared folder

Updating using Kaspersky Update Utility

Updating in mobile mode

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[Topic 176856]

Updating from a server repository

To conserve Internet traffic, you can configure updates of databases and application modules on computers of the organization's LAN from a server repository. For this purpose, Kaspersky Security Center must download an update package to the repository (FTP- or HTTP server, network or local folder) from Kaspersky update servers. Other computers on the organization's LAN will be able to receive the update package from the server repository.

Configuring database and application module updates from a server repository consists of the following steps:

  1. Configure download of an update package to the Administration Server repository (Download updates to Administration Server repository task).
  2. Configure database and application module updates from the specified server repository to the remaining computers on the organization's LAN (Update task).

    Updating from a server repository

To configure download of an update package to the server repository:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Select the Download updates to the Administration Server repository Administration Server task.

    The task properties window opens.

    The Download updates to the Administration Server repository Administration Server task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, and this task may only have one single instance.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Other settings block, click Configure.
  5. In the Folder for storing updates field, specify the address of FTP- or HTTP server, network folder or local folder where Kaspersky Security Center copies the update package received from Kaspersky update servers.

    The following path format is used for update source:

    • For an FTP or HTTP server, enter its web address or IP address.

      For example, http://dnl-01.geo.kaspersky.com/ or

      For an FTP server, you can specify the authentication settings within the address in the following format: ftp://<user name>:<password>@<node>:<port>.

    • For a network folder, enter the UNC path.

      For example, \\ Server\Share\Update distribution.

    • For a local folder, enter the full path to that folder.

      For example, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP11\Update distribution\.

  6. Save your changes.

To configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security update from the specified server storage:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

    The Update task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center. To create the Update task, install the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in while running the Wizard.

  3. Select the Application settings tab → Local mode.
  4. In the list of update sources, click the Add button.
  5. In the Source field, specify the address of the FTP- or HTTP server, network folder or local folder where Kaspersky Security Center will copy the update package received from Kaspersky servers.

    The address of the update source must match the address you specified in the Folder for storing updates field when you configured download of updates to the server storage (see the instruction above).

  6. In the Status block, select Enabled.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Configure the priorities of update sources by using the Up and Down buttons.
  9. Save your changes.

If an update cannot be performed from the first update source, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically switches over to the next source.

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[Topic 176801]

Updating from a shared folder

To conserve Internet traffic, you can configure updates of databases and application modules on computers of the organization's LAN from a shared folder. For this purpose, one of the computers on the organization's LAN must receive update packages from the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server or from Kaspersky update servers and then copy the received update package to the shared folder. Other computers on the organization's LAN will be able to receive the update package from this shared folder.

Configuring database and application module updates from a shared folder consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring database and application module updates from a server repository.
  2. Enable copying of an update package to a shared folder on one of the computers on the enterprise LAN (see the instructions below).
  3. Configure database and application module updates from the specified shared folder to the remaining computers on the enterprise LAN (see the instructions below).

    The version and localization of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application that copies the update package to a shared folder must match the version and localization of the application that updates databases from the shared folder. If versions or localizations of the applications do not match, the database update may end with an error.

    Updating from a shared folder

To enable copying of the update package to the shared folder:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

    The Update task must be assigned for one computer that will serve as the source of updates.

  2. Click the Update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

    The Update task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center. To create the Update task, install the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in while running the Wizard.

  3. Select the Application settings tab → Local mode.
  4. Configure the sources of updates.

    The sources of updates can be Kaspersky update servers, Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, other FTP- or HTTP servers, local folders, or network folders.

  5. Select the Copy updates to folder check box.
  6. In the Path field, enter the UNC path to the shared folder (for example, \\Server\Share\Update distribution).

    If the field is left blank, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will copy the update package to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP11\Update distribution\.

  7. Save your changes.

To configure updates from a shared folder:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Update.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Updating from a shared folder.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

      The Update task must be assigned to the computers of the organization's LAN, except the computer that serves as the update source.

  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option and go to the next step.
  5. Exit the Wizard.

    A new task will be displayed in the table of tasks.

  6. Click the newly created Update. task.

    The task properties window opens.

  7. Go to the Application settings section.
  8. Select the Local mode tab.
  9. In the Update source block, click Add.
  10. In the Source field, enter the path to the shared folder.

    The source address must match the address that you previously specified in the Path field when you configured copying of the update package to the shared folder (see the instructions above).

  11. Click OK.
  12. Configure the priorities of update sources by using the Up and Down buttons.
  13. Save your changes.
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[Topic 176381]

Updating using Kaspersky Update Utility

To conserve Internet traffic, you can configure updates of databases and application modules on computers of the organization's LAN from a shared folder using the Kaspersky Update Utility. For this purpose, one of the computers on the organization's LAN must receive update packages from the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server or from Kaspersky update servers and then copy the received update packages to the shared folder using the utility. Other computers on the organization's LAN will be able to receive the update package from this shared folder.

Configuring database and application module updates from a shared folder consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring database and application module updates from a server repository.
  2. Install the Kaspersky Update Utility on one of the computers of the organization's LAN.
  3. Configure copying of the update package to the shared folder in the Kaspersky Update Utility settings.
  4. Configure database and application module updates from the specified shared folder to the remaining computers on the organization's LAN.

    The version and localization of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application that copies the update package to a shared folder must match the version and localization of the application that updates databases from the shared folder. If versions or localizations of the applications do not match, the database update may end with an error.

    Updating using Kaspersky Update Utility

You can download the Kaspersky Update Utility distribution package from the Kaspersky Technical Support website. After installing the utility, select the update source (for example, the Administration Server repository) and the shared folder to which the Kaspersky Update Utility will copy update packages. For detailed information about using Kaspersky Update Utility, refer to the Kaspersky Knowledge Base.

To configure updates from a shared folder:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

    The Update task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center. To create the Update task, install the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in while running the Wizard.

  3. Select the Application settings tab → Local mode.
  4. In the list of update sources, click the Add button.
  5. In the Source field, enter the UNC path to the shared folder (for example, \\Server\Share\Update distribution).

    The source address must match the address indicated in the Kaspersky Update Utility settings.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Configure the priorities of update sources by using the Up and Down buttons.
  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 176800]

Updating in mobile mode

Mobile mode is the mode of Kaspersky Endpoint Security operation, when a computer leaves the organization network perimeter (offline computer). For more details about working with offline computers and out-of-office users, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

An offline computer outside of the organization's network cannot connect to the Administration Server to update databases and application modules. By default, only Kaspersky update servers are used as update source for updating databases and application modules in mobile mode. The use of a proxy server to connect to the Internet is determined by a special out-of-office policy. The out-of-office policy must be created separately. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security is switched to mobile mode, the update task is started every two hours.

To configure the update settings for mobile mode:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

    The Update task is created automatically by the Quick Start Wizard of Kaspersky Security Center. To create the Update task, install the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in while running the Wizard.

    Select the Application settings tab → Mobile mode.

  3. Configure the sources of updates. The sources of updates can be Kaspersky update servers, other FTP- and HTTP servers, local folders, or network folders.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, the databases and application modules will be updated on user computers when they switch to mobile mode.

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[Topic 39100]

Starting and stopping an update task

Regardless of the selected update task run mode, you can start or stop a Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task at any time.

To start or stop an update task:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. In the Update of databases and application modules tile, click the Update button if you want to start the update task.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will start updating the application modules and databases. The application will display the task progress, the size of the downloaded files, and the update source. You can stop the task at any time by clicking the Stop update button.

To start or stop the update task when the simplified application interface is displayed:

  1. Right-click to bring up the context menu of the application icon that is in the taskbar notification area.
  2. In the Tasks drop-down list in the context menu, do one of the following:
    • select a non-running update task to start it
    • select a running update task to stop it
    • select a paused update task to resume or restart it
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[Topic 133791]

Starting an update task under the rights of a different user account

By default, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task is started on behalf of the user whose account you have used to log in to the operating system. However, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may be updated from an update source that the user cannot access due to a lack of required rights (for example, from a shared folder that contains an update package) or an update source for which proxy server authentication is not configured. In the application settings, you can specify a user that has such rights and start the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task under that user account.

To start an update task under a different user account:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click icon_settings.
  3. Click Run database updates with user rights.
  4. In the window that opens, select Other user.
  5. Enter the account credentials of a user with the necessary permissions to access the update source.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128098]

Selecting the update task run mode

If it is not possible to run the update task for any reason (for example, the computer is not on at that time), you can configure the skipped task to be start automatically as soon as this becomes possible.

You can postpone starting the update task after the application starts if you select the By schedule update task run mode, and if the start time of Kaspersky Endpoint Security matches the update task start schedule. The update task can only be run after the specified time interval elapses after the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

To select the update task run mode:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click icon_settings.
  3. Click Run mode.
  4. In the window that opens, select the update task run mode:
    • If you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to run the update task depending on whether or not an update package is available from the update source, select Automatically. The frequency of checks by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for update packages increases during virus outbreaks and is less at other times.
    • If you want to start an update task manually, select Manually.
    • If you want to configure a schedule for running the update task, select other options. Configure the advanced settings for starting the update task:
      • In the Postpone running after application startup for N minutes field, enter the time interval by which you want to postpone the start of the update task after the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
      • Select the Run scheduled scan on the next day if computer is turned off if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to run missed update tasks at the first opportunity.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133787]

Adding an update source

An update source is a resource that contains updates for databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Update sources include the Kaspersky Security Center server, Kaspersky update servers, and network or local folders.

The default list of update sources includes Kaspersky Security Center and Kaspersky update servers. You can add other update sources to the list. You can specify HTTP/FTP servers and shared folders as update sources.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support updates from HTTPS servers unless they are Kaspersky's update servers.

If several resources are selected as update sources, Kaspersky Endpoint Security tries to connect to them one after another, starting from the top of the list, and performs the update task by retrieving the update package from the first available source.

To add an update source:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click icon_settings.
  3. Click the Select update sources button.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
  5. In the window that opens, specify the address of the FTP or HTTP server, network folder or local folder that contains the update package.

    The following path format is used for update source:

    • For an FTP or HTTP server, enter its web address or IP address.

      For example, http://dnl-01.geo.kaspersky.com/ or

      For an FTP server, you can specify the authentication settings within the address in the following format: ftp://<user name>:<password>@<node>:<port>.

    • For a network folder, enter the UNC path.

      For example, \\ Server\Share\Update distribution.

    • For a local folder, enter the full path to that folder.

      For example, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP11\Update distribution\.

  6. Click the Select button.
  7. Configure the priorities of update sources by using the Up and Down buttons.
  8. Save your changes.


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[Topic 133789]

Configuring updates from a shared folder

To conserve Internet traffic, you can configure updates of databases and application modules on computers of the organization's LAN from a shared folder. For this purpose, one of the computers on the organization's LAN must receive update packages from the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server or from Kaspersky update servers and then copy the received update package to the shared folder. Other computers on the organization's LAN will be able to receive the update package from this shared folder.

Configuring database and application module updates from a shared folder consists of the following steps:

  1. Enabling the copying of an update package to a shared folder on one of the computers on the local area network.
  2. Configure database and application module updates from the specified shared folder to the remaining computers on the organization's LAN.

To enable copying of the update package to the shared folder:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click .
  3. In the Distributing updates block, select the Copy updates to folder check box.
  4. Enter the UNC path to the shared folder (for example, \\Server\Share\Update distribution).
  5. Save your changes.

To configure updates from a shared folder:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click .
  3. Click Select update sources.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
  5. In the window that opens, enter the path to the shared folder.

    The source address must match the address that you previously specified when you configured copying of the update package to the shared folder (see the instructions above).

  6. Click Select.
  7. Configure the priorities of update sources by using the Up and Down buttons.
  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 87929]

Updating application modules

Application module updates fix errors, improve performance, and add new features. When a new application module update becomes available, you need to confirm installation of the update. You can confirm installation of an application module update either in the application interface or in Kaspersky Security Center. Whenever an update is available, the application displays a notification in the main window of Kaspersky Endpoint Security: . If application module updates require reviewing and accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement, the application installs updates after the terms of the End User License Agreement have been accepted. For details about keeping track of application module updates and confirming an update in Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

After installing an application update, you may be required to restart your computer.

To configure application module updates:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. This opens the task list; select the update task and click icon_settings.
  3. In the Downloading and installing updates of application modules block, select the Download updates of application modules check box.
  4. Select the application module updates that you want to install.
    • Install critical and approved updates. If this option is selected, when application module updates are available Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs critical updates automatically and all other application module updates only after their installation is approved locally via the application interface or on the side of Kaspersky Security Center.
    • Install only approved updates. If this option is selected, when application module updates are available Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs them only after their installation is approved locally via the application interface or on the side of Kaspersky Security Center. This option is selected by default.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 176799]

Using a proxy server for updates

You may be required to specify proxy server settings to download database and application module updates from the update source. If there are multiple update sources, proxy server settings are applied for all sources. If a proxy server is not needed for some update sources, you can disable use of a proxy server in the policy properties. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will also use a proxy server to access Kaspersky Security Network and activation servers.

To configure a connection to update sources through a proxy server:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, click .

    The Administration Server properties window opens.

  2. Go to the Configuring Internet access section.
  3. Select the Use proxy server check box.
  4. Configure the proxy server connection settings: proxy server address, port, and authentication settings (user name and password).
  5. Save your changes.

To disable use of a proxy server for a specific administration group:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsNetwork settings.
  5. In the Proxy server settings block, select Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
  6. Save your changes.

To configure the proxy server settings in the application interface:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Proxy server block, click the Proxy server settings link.
  4. In the window that opens, select one of the following options for determining the proxy server address:
    • Automatically detect proxy server settings.

      This option is selected by default. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server settings that are defined in the operating system settings.

    • Use specified proxy server settings.

      If you selected this option, configure the settings for connecting to the proxy server: proxy server address and port.

  5. If you want to enable authentication on the proxy server, select the Use proxy server authentication check box and provide your user account credentials.
  6. If you want to disable proxy server use when updating databases and application modules from a shared folder, select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box.
  7. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will use the proxy server to download application module and database updates. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will also use the proxy server to access KSN servers and Kaspersky activation servers. If authentication is required on the proxy server but the user account credentials were not provided or are incorrect, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you for the user name and password.

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[Topic 34568]

Last update rollback

After the databases and application modules are updated for the first time, the function of rolling back the databases and application modules to their previous versions becomes available.

Each time that a user starts the update process, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a backup copy of the current databases and application modules. This lets you roll back the databases and application modules to their previous versions when necessary. Rolling back the last update is useful, for example, when the new database version contains an invalid signature that causes Kaspersky Endpoint Security to block a safe application.

To roll back the last update:

  1. In the main application window, go to the Update section.
  2. In the Rollback of databases to their previous version tile, click the Roll back button.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will start rolling back the last database update. The application will display the rollback progress, the size of the downloaded files, and the update source. You can stop the task at any time by clicking Stop update.

To start or stop a rollback task when the simplified application interface is displayed:

  1. Right-click to bring up the context menu of the application icon that is in the taskbar notification area.
  2. In the Tasks drop-down list in the context menu, do one of the following:
    • Select a non-running rollback task to start it.
    • Select a running rollback task to stop it.
    • Select a paused rollback task to resume or restart it.

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[Topic 128103]

Working with active threats

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs information about files that it has not processed for some reason. This information is recorded in the form of events in the list of active threats (see the figure below). To work with active threats, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Advanced Disinfection technology. Advanced Disinfection works differently for workstations and servers. You can configure advanced disinfection in Malware Scan task settings and in application settings.

A list of active threats

In this section

Disinfection of active threats on workstations

Disinfection of active threats on servers

Enabling or disabling Advanced Disinfection technology

Processing of active threats

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[Topic 224289]

Disinfection of active threats on workstations

To work with active threats on workstations, enable the Advanced Disinfection technology in the application settings. Next, configure the user experience in the Malware Scan task properties. There is a Run Advanced Disinfection immediately check box in the task properties. If the flag is set, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will perform disinfection without notifying the user. When the disinfection is complete, the computer will be rebooted. If the flag is unset, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display a notification about active threats (see the figure below). You cannot close this notification without processing the file.

Advanced Disinfection during a virus scan task on a computer is performed only if the Advanced Disinfection feature is enabled in the properties of the policy applied to this computer.


Notification about active threat

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[Topic 224294]

Disinfection of active threats on servers

To work with active threats on servers, you need to do the following:

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer running Windows for Servers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not show the notification. Therefore, the user cannot select an action to disinfect an active threat. To disinfect a threat, you need to enable Advanced Disinfection technology in application settings and enable immediate Advanced Disinfection in Malware Scan task settings. Then you need to start a Malware Scan task.

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[Topic 128147]

Enabling or disabling Advanced Disinfection technology

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot halt the execution of a piece of malware, you can use the Advanced Disinfection technology. By default, Advanced Disinfection is disabled because this technology uses a significant amount of computing resources. Therefore, you can enable Advanced Disinfection only when working with active threats.

Advanced Disinfection works differently for workstations and servers. To use the technology on servers, you must enable immediate advanced disinfection in the properties of the Malware Scan task. This prerequisite is not necessary to use the technology on workstations.

How to enable or disable the Advanced Disinfection technology in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  6. In the Operating mode block, select or clear the Enable Advanced Disinfection technology check box to enable or disable Advanced Disinfection technology.
  7. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Advanced Disinfection technology in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select General settingsApplication settings.
  5. In the Operating mode block, select or clear the Enable Advanced Disinfection technology check box to enable or disable Advanced Disinfection technology.
  6. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Advanced Disinfection technology in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Operating mode block, select or clear the Use Advanced Disinfection technology (requires considerable computer resources) check box to enable or disable Advanced Disinfection technology.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, the user cannot use most operating system features while Active Disinfection is in progress. When the disinfection is complete, the computer is rebooted.

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[Topic 224297]

Processing of active threats

An infected file is considered processed if Kaspersky Endpoint Security disinfected the file or removed the threat as part of scanning the computer for viruses and other malware.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security moves the file to the list of active threats if, for any reason, Kaspersky Endpoint Security failed to perform an action on this file according to the specified application settings while scanning the computer for viruses and other threats.

This situation is possible in the following cases:

  • The scanned file is unavailable (for example, it is located on a network drive or on a removable drive without write privileges).
  • In the Malware Scan task settings, the action on threat detection is set to Notify. Then, when the infected file notification was displayed on the screen, the user selected Skip.

If there are any unprocessed threats, Kaspersky Endpoint Security changes the icon to . In the main application window, the threat notification is displayed (see the figure below). In the Kaspersky Security Center console, the status of the computer is changed to Critical – Icon in the form of red square with an exclamation mark.

How to process a threat in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerAdditionalRepositoriesActive threats.

    The list of active threats opens.

  2. Select the object that you want to process.
  3. Choose how you want to handle the threat:
    • Disinfect. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.
    • Delete.

How to process a threat in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select OperationsRepositoriesActive threats.

    The list of active threats opens.

  2. Select the object that you want to process.
  3. Choose how you want to handle the threat:
    • Disinfect. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.
    • Delete.

How to process a threat in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Protection is at risk tile.

    The list of active threats opens.

  2. Select the object that you want to process.
  3. Choose how you want to handle the threat:
    • Resolve. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.
    • Add to exclusions. If this action is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security suggests adding the file to the list of scan exclusions. Settings of the exclusion are configured automatically. If adding an exclusion is not available, it means that the administrator has disabled adding exclusions in policy settings.
    • Ignore. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the entry from the list of active threats. If there are no active threats remaining on the list, the computer status will be changed to OK. If the object is detected again, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will add a new entry to the list of active threats.
    • Open containing folder. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security opens the folder containing the object in the file manager. You can then manually delete the object or move the object to a folder that is not within the protection scope.
    • Learn more. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security opens the Kaspersky Virus Encyclopedia website.

Main application window when a threat is detected

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[Topic 34233]

File Threat Protection

The File Threat Protection component lets you prevent infection of the file system of the computer. By default, the File Threat Protection component permanently resides in the computer's RAM. The component scans files on all drives of the computer, as well as on connected drives. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

The component scans the files accessed by the user or application. If a malicious file is detected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the file operation. The application then disinfects or deletes the malicious file, depending on the settings of the File Threat Protection component.

When attempting to access a file whose contents are stored in the OneDrive cloud, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads and scans the file contents.

In this section

Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection

Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection

Changing the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component

Forming the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component

Using scan methods

Using scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component

Optimizing file scanning

Scanning compound files

Changing the scan mode

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[Topic 133730]

Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection

By default, the File Threat Protection component is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts. For File Threat Protection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security can apply different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels: High, Recommended, Low. The Recommended security level settings are considered to be the optimal settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (see the table below). You can select one of the preset security levels or manually configure security level settings. If you change the security level settings, you can always revert back to the recommended security level settings.

To enable or disable the File Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Use the File Threat Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. If you enabled the component, do one of the following in the Security level block:
    • If you want to apply one of the preset security levels, select it with the slider:
      • High. When this file security level is selected, the File Threat Protection component takes the strictest control of all files that are opened, saved, and started. The File Threat Protection component scans all file types on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. It also scans archives, installation packages, and embedded OLE objects.
      • Recommended. This file security level is recommended by Kaspersky Lab experts. The File Threat Protection component scans only the specified file formats on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer, and embedded OLE objects. The File Threat Protection component does not scan archives or installation packages. The values of settings for the recommended security level are provided in the table below.
      • Low. The settings of this file security level ensure maximum scanning speed. The File Threat Protection component scans only files with specified extensions on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. The File Threat Protection component does not scan compound files.
    • If you want to configure a custom security level, click the Advanced Settings button and define your own component settings.

      You can restore the values of preset security levels by clicking the Restore recommended security level button.

  5. Save your changes.

    File Threat Protection settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (recommended security level)




    File types

    Files scanned by format

    If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.

    Heuristic Analysis

    Light scan

    The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

    When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

    Scan only new and changed files


    Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

    iSwift technology


    This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

    iChecker technology


    This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

    Scan files in Microsoft Office formats


    Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

    Scan mode

    Smart mode

    In this mode, File Threat Protection scans an object based on an analysis of actions taken on the object. For example, when working with a Microsoft Office document, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the file when it is first opened and last closed. Intermediate operations that overwrite the file do not cause it to be scanned.

    Action on threat detection

    Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails

    If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

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[Topic 123514]

Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection

You can configure File Threat Protection to automatically pause at a specified time or when working with specific applications.

File Threat Protection should be paused only as a last resort when it conflicts with some applications. If any conflicts arise while a component is running, you are advised to contact Kaspersky Technical Support. The support experts will help you set up the File Threat Protection component to run simultaneously with other applications on your computer.

To configure automatic pausing of File Threat Protection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Pause File Threat Protection block, click the Pause File Threat Protection link.
  5. In the window that opens, configure the settings for pausing File Threat Protection:
    1. Configure a schedule for automatically pausing File Threat Protection.
    2. Create a list of applications whose operation should cause File Threat Protection to pause its activities.
  6. Save your changes.


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[Topic 128010]

Changing the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component

By default, the File Threat Protection component automatically tries to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the File Threat Protection component deletes these files.

To change the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. In the Action on threat detection block, select the relevant option:
    • Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.
    • Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.
    • Block. If this option is selected, the File Threat Protection component automatically blocks all infected files without attempting to disinfect them.

    Before attempting to disinfect or delete an infected file, the application creates a backup copy of the file in case you need to restore the file or if it can be disinfected in the future.

  4. Save your changes.


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[Topic 123504]

Forming the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component

The protection scope refers to the objects that the component scans when enabled. The protection scopes of different components have different properties. The location and type of files to be scanned are properties of the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component. By default, the File Threat Protection component scans only potentially infectable files that are run from hard drives, removable drives and network drives.

When selecting the type of files to scan, consider the following:

  1. There is a low probability of introducing malicious code into files of certain formats and its subsequent activation (for example, TXT format). At the same time, there are file formats that contain executable code (such as .exe, .dll). The executable code may also be contained in files of formats that are not intended for this purpose (for example, the DOC format). The risk of intrusion and activation of malicious code in such files is high.
  2. An intruder may send a virus or another malicious application to your computer in an executable file that has been renamed with the .txt extension. If you select scanning of files by extension, the application skips this file during scanning. If scanning of files by format is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the file header regardless of its extension. If this analysis reveals that the file has the format of an executable file (for example, EXE), the application scans it.

To create the protection scope:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the File types block, specify the type of files that you want the File Threat Protection component to scan:
    • All files. If this setting is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks all files without exception (all formats and extensions).
    • Files scanned by format. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.
    • Files scanned by extension. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. The file format is then determined based on the file's extension.
  5. Click the Edit protection scope link.
  6. In the window that opens, select the objects that you want to add to the protection scope or exclude from it.

    You cannot remove or edit objects that are included in the default protection scope.

  7. If you want to add a new object to the protection scope:
    1. Click Add.

      The folder tree opens.

    2. Select an object to add to the protection scope.

    You can exclude an object from scans without deleting it from the list of objects in the scan scope. To do so, clear the check box next to the object.

  8. Save your changes.


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[Topic 133732]

Using scan methods

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a scanning technique called Machine learning and signature analysis. During signature analysis, Kaspersky Endpoint Security matches the detected object with records in its database. Based on the recommendations of Kaspersky experts, machine learning and signature analysis is always enabled.

To increase the effectiveness of protection, you can use heuristic analysis. When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

To configure the use of heuristic analysis in the operation of the File Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. If you want the application to use heuristic analysis for protection against file threats, select the Heuristic Analysis check box in the Scan methods block. Then use the slider to set the heuristic analysis level: Light scan, Medium scan or Deep scan.
  5. Save your changes.


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[Topic 133733]

Using scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component

To configure the use of scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan technologies block, select the check boxes next to the names of technologies that you want to use for file threat protection:
    • iSwift technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.
    • iChecker technology. This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133734]

Optimizing file scanning

You can optimize the file scanning that is performed by the File Threat Protection component by reducing the scan time and increasing the operating speed of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. This can be achieved by scanning only new files and those files that have been modified since the previous scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

You can also enable the use of the iChecker and iSwift technologies that optimize the speed of file scanning by excluding files that have not been modified since the most recent scan.

To optimize file scanning:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan optimization block, select the Scan only new and changed files check box.
  5. Save your changes.


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[Topic 128011]

Scanning compound files

A common technique of concealing viruses and other malware is to implant them in compound files, such as archives or databases. To detect viruses and other malware that are hidden in this way, the compound file must be unpacked, which may slow down scanning. You can limit the types of compound files to be scanned and thereby speed up scanning.

The method used to process an infected compound file (disinfection or deletion) depends on the type of file.

The File Threat Protection component disinfects compound files in the ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR and ICE formats and deletes files in all other formats (except mail databases).

To configure scanning of compound files:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan of compound files block, specify the types of compound files that you want to scan: archives, distribution package, or files in office formats.
  5. If scanning only new and modified files is disabled, configure the settings for scanning each type of compound file: scan all files of this type or only new files.

    If scanning only new and modified files is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans only new and modified files of all types of compound files.

  6. Configure the advanced settings for scanning compound files.
    • Do not unpack large compound files.

      If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan compound files if their size exceeds the specified value.

      If this check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans compound files of all sizes.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans large files that are extracted from archives, regardless of whether the Do not unpack large compound files check box is selected.

    • Unpack compound files in the background.

      If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides access to compound files that are larger than the specified value before these files are scanned. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security unpacks and scans compound files in the background.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides access to compound files that are smaller than this value only after unpacking and scanning these files.

      If the check box is not selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides access to compound files only after unpacking and scanning files of any size.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133735]

Changing the scan mode

Scan mode refers to the condition that triggers file scanning by the File Threat Protection component. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files in smart mode. In this file scan mode, the File Threat Protection component decides whether or not to scan files after analyzing operations that are performed with the file by the user, by an application on behalf of the user (under the account that was used to log in or a different user account), or by the operating system. For example, when working with a Microsoft Office Word document, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the file when it is first opened and last closed. Intermediate operations that overwrite the file do not cause it to be scanned.

To change the file scan mode:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFile Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan mode block, select the required mode:
    • Smart mode. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans an object based on an analysis of actions taken on the object. For example, when working with a Microsoft Office document, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the file when it is first opened and last closed. Intermediate operations that overwrite the file do not cause it to be scanned.
    • On access and modification. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans objects whenever there is an attempt to open or modify them.
    • On access. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans objects only upon an attempt to open them.
    • On execution. In this mode, File Threat Protection only scans objects upon an attempt to run them.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 34322]

Web Threat Protection

The Web Threat Protection component prevents downloads of malicious files from the Internet, and also blocks malicious and phishing websites. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans HTTP-, HTTPS- and FTP-traffic. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans URLs and IP addresses. You can specify the ports that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will monitor, or select all ports.

For HTTPS traffic monitoring, you need to enable encrypted connections scan.

When a user tries to open a malicious or phishing website, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access and show a warning (see the figure below).

Website access denied message

In this section

Enabling and disabling Web Threat Protection

Configuring malicious web address detection methods


Creating the list of trusted web addresses

Exporting and importing the list of trusted web addresses

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[Topic 128209]

Enabling and disabling Web Threat Protection

By default, the Web Threat Protection component is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts. For Web Threat Protection, the application can apply different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels: High, Recommended, Low. The Recommended web traffic security level settings are considered to be the optimal settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (see the table below). You can select one of the pre-installed security levels for web traffic that is received or transmitted via the HTTP and FTP protocols, or configure a custom web traffic security level. If you change the web traffic security level settings, you can always revert to the recommended web traffic security level settings.

You can select or configure the security level only in Administration Console (MMC) or the local interface of the application. You cannot select or configure the security level in Web Console or Cloud Console.

How to enable or disable the Web Threat Protection component in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. Use the Web Threat Protection check box to enable or disable the component.
  7. If you enabled the component, do one of the following in the Security level block:
    • If you want to apply one of the preset security levels, select it with the slider:
      • High. The security level under which the Web Threat Protection component performs maximum scanning of web traffic that the computer receives over the HTTP and FTP protocols. Web Threat Protection performs detailed scanning of all web traffic objects by using the full set of application databases, and performs the deepest possible .
      • Recommended. The security level that provides the optimal balance between the performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the security of web traffic. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the medium scan level. This web traffic security level is recommended by Kaspersky specialists. The values of settings for the recommended security level are provided in the table below.
      • Low. The settings of this web traffic security level ensure the maximum web traffic scanning speed. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the light scan level.
    • If you want to configure a custom security level, click the Settings button and define your own component settings.

      You can restore the values of preset security levels by clicking the By default button.

  8. In the Action on threat detection block, select the action that Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs on malicious web traffic objects:
    • Block download. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, the Web Threat Protection component blocks access to the object and displays a message in the browser.
    • Notify. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows this object to be downloaded to the computer but adds information about the infected object to the list of active threats.
  9. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Web Threat Protection component in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  5. Use the Web Threat Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  6. In the Action on threat detection block, select the action that Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs on malicious web traffic objects:
    • Block download. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, the Web Threat Protection component blocks access to the object and displays a message in the browser.
    • Notify. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows this object to be downloaded to the computer but adds information about the infected object to the list of active threats.
  7. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Web Threat Protection component

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  3. Use the Web Threat Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. If you enabled the component, do one of the following in the Security level block:
    • If you want to apply one of the preset security levels, select it with the slider:
      • High. The security level under which the Web Threat Protection component performs maximum scanning of web traffic that the computer receives over the HTTP and FTP protocols. Web Threat Protection performs detailed scanning of all web traffic objects by using the full set of application databases, and performs the deepest possible heuristic analysis.
      • Recommended. The security level that provides the optimal balance between the performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the security of web traffic. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the medium scan level. This web traffic security level is recommended by Kaspersky specialists. The values of settings for the recommended security level are provided in the table below.
      • Low. The settings of this web traffic security level ensure the maximum web traffic scanning speed. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the light scan level.
    • If you want to configure a custom security level, click the Advanced Settings button and define your own component settings.

      You can restore the values of preset security levels by clicking the Restore recommended security level button.

  5. In the Action on threat detection block, select the action that Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs on malicious web traffic objects:
    • Block download. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, the Web Threat Protection component blocks access to the object and displays a message in the browser.
    • Notify. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows this object to be downloaded to the computer but adds information about the infected object to the list of active threats.
  6. Save your changes.

Web Threat Protection settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (recommended security level)




Check the web address against the database of malicious web addresses


Scanning the links to determine whether they are included in the database of malicious web addresses allows you to track websites that have been added to denylist. The database of malicious web addresses is maintained by Kaspersky, included in the application installation package, and updated during Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

Check the web address against the database of phishing web addresses


The database of phishing web addresses includes the web addresses of currently known websites that are used to launch phishing attacks. Kaspersky supplements this database of phishing links with addresses obtained from the international organization known as the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The database of phishing addresses is included in the application installation package and supplemented with Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

Use Heuristic Analysis (Web Threat Protection)

Medium scan

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When web traffic is scanned for viruses and other applications that present a threat, the heuristic analyzer performs instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

Use Heuristic Analysis (Anti-Phishing)


The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

Action on threat detection

Block download

If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, the Web Threat Protection component blocks access to the object and displays a message in the browser.


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[Topic 128019]

Configuring malicious web address detection methods

Web Threat Protection detects malicious web addresses using anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

You can select malicious web address detection methods only in Administration Console (MMC) or the local interface of the application. You cannot select malicious web address detection methods in Web Console or Cloud Console. The default option is checking web addresses against the database of malicious addresses with heuristic analysis (medium scan).

Scanning using the database of malicious addresses

Scanning the links to determine whether they are included in the database of malicious web addresses allows you to track websites that have been added to denylist. The database of malicious web addresses is maintained by Kaspersky, included in the application installation package, and updated during Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

Kaspersky Endpoint scans all links to determine if they are listed in databases of malicious web addresses. The application's secure connection scan settings do not affect the link scanning functionality. In other words, if encrypted connections scan is disabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks links against databases of malicious web addresses even if network traffic is transmitted over an encrypted connection.

How to enable or disable the checking of web addresses against the database of malicious web addresses using the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, in the Scan methods block, select or clear the Check the web address against the database of malicious web addresses check box to enable or disable the checking of addresses against the database of malicious web addresses.
  8. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the checking of addresses against the malicious address database in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan methods block, select or clear the Check the web address against the database of malicious web addresses check box to enable or disable the checking of addresses against the database of malicious web addresses.
  5. Save your changes.

Heuristic analysis

During heuristic analysis, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the activity of applications in the operating system. Heuristic analysis can detect threats for which there are currently no records in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases.

When web traffic is scanned for viruses and other applications that present a threat, the heuristic analyzer performs instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

How to enable or disable the use of heuristic analysis in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the Scan methods block, select the Use Heuristic Analysis check box if you want the application to use heuristic analysis when scanning web traffic for viruses and other malware.
  8. Use the slider to set the heuristic analysis level: light scan, medium scan or deep scan.

    When web traffic is scanned for viruses and other applications that present a threat, the heuristic analyzer performs instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

  9. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the use of heuristic analysis in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan methods block, select the Use Heuristic Analysis check box if you want the application to use heuristic analysis when scanning web traffic for viruses and other malware.

    When web traffic is scanned for viruses and other applications that present a threat, the heuristic analyzer performs instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

  5. Save your changes.


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[Topic 128018]


Web Threat Protection checks links to see if they belong to phishing web addresses. This helps prevent phishing attacks. A phishing attack can be disguised, for example, as an email message supposedly from your bank with a link to the official website of the bank. By clicking the link, you go to an exact copy of the bank's website and can even see its real web address in the browser, even though you are on a counterfeit site. From this point forward, all of your actions on the site are tracked and can be used to steal your money.

Because links to phishing websites may be received not only in an email message but also from other sources such as messengers, the Web Threat Protection component monitors attempts to access a phishing website at the web traffic scan level and blocks access to such websites. Lists of phishing URLs are included with the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit.

You can configure Anti-Phishing only in Administration Console (MMC) or the local interface of the application. You cannot configure Anti-Phishing in Web Console or Cloud Console. By default, Anti-Phishing with heuristic analysis is enabled.

How to enable or disable Anti-Phishing in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, in the Anti-Phishing settings block, select or clear the Check the web address against the database of phishing web addresses check box to enable or disable Anti-Phishing.

    The database of phishing web addresses includes the web addresses of currently known websites that are used to launch phishing attacks. Kaspersky supplements this database of phishing links with addresses obtained from the international organization known as the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The database of phishing addresses is included in the application installation package and supplemented with Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

  8. Select the Use Heuristic Analysis check box if you want the application to use heuristic analysis when scanning web pages for phishing links.

    During heuristic analysis, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the activity of applications in the operating system. Heuristic analysis can detect threats for which there are currently no records in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases.

    To scan links, in addition to anti-virus database and heuristic analysis, you can use Kaspersky Security Network reputation databases.

  9. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable Anti-Phishing in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. If you want the Web Threat Protection component to check links against the databases of phishing web addresses, select the Check the web address against the database of phishing web addresses check box in the Anti-Phishing block. The database of phishing web addresses includes the web addresses of currently known websites that are used to launch phishing attacks. Kaspersky supplements this database of phishing links with addresses obtained from the international organization known as the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The database of phishing addresses is included in the application installation package and supplemented with Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.
  5. Select the Use Heuristic Analysis check box if you want the application to use heuristic analysis when scanning web pages for phishing links.

    During heuristic analysis, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the activity of applications in the operating system. Heuristic analysis can detect threats for which there are currently no records in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases.

    To scan links, in addition to anti-virus database and heuristic analysis, you can use Kaspersky Security Network reputation databases.

  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128021]

Creating the list of trusted web addresses

In addition to malicious and phishing websites, Web Threat Protection can block other websites. For example, Web Threat Protection blocks HTTP traffic that does not satisfy RFC standards. You can create a list of URLs whose content you trust. The Web Threat Protection component does not analyze information from trusted web addresses to check them for viruses or other threats. This option may be useful, for example, if the Web Threat Protection component interferes with the downloading of a file from a known website.

A URL may be the address of a specific web page or the address of a website.

How to add a trusted web address using Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Trusted web addresses tab.
  8. Select the Do not scan web traffic from trusted web addresses check box.

    If the check box is selected, the Web Threat Protection component does not scan the content of web pages or websites whose addresses are included in the list of trusted web addresses. You can add both the specific address and the address mask of a web page/website to the list of trusted web addresses.

  9. Create a list of URLs / web pages whose content you trust.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    You can also import a list of trusted web addresses from an XML file.

  10. Save your changes.

How to add a trusted web address in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  5. In the Trusted web addresses block, select the Do not scan web traffic from trusted web addresses check box.

    If the check box is selected, the Web Threat Protection component does not scan the content of web pages or websites whose addresses are included in the list of trusted web addresses. You can add both the specific address and the address mask of a web page/website to the list of trusted web addresses.

  6. Create a list of URLs / web pages whose content you trust.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    You can also import a list of trusted web addresses from an XML file.

  7. Save your changes.

How to add a trusted web address in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Select the Do not scan web traffic from trusted URLs check box.

    If the check box is selected, the Web Threat Protection component does not scan the content of web pages or websites whose addresses are included in the list of trusted web addresses. You can add both the specific address and the address mask of a web page/website to the list of trusted web addresses.

  5. Create a list of URLs / web pages whose content you trust.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    You can also import a list of trusted web addresses from an XML file.

  6. Save your changes.

As a result, Web Threat Protection does not scan traffic of trusted web addresses. The user always can open a trusted website and download a file from that website. If you could not gain access to the website, check the settings of Encrypted connections scan, Web Control, and Network ports monitoring components. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a file downloaded from a trusted website as malicious, you can add this file to exclusions.

You can also create a general list of exclusions for encrypted connections. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan HTTPS traffic of trusted web addresses when Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, Web Control components are doing their work.

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[Topic 202082]

Exporting and importing the list of trusted web addresses

You can export the list of trusted web addresses to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of web addresses of the same type. You can also use the export/import function to back up the list of trusted web addresses or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of trusted web addresses in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Trusted web addresses tab.
  8. To export the list of trusted web addresses:
    1. Select the trusted web addresses that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any trusted web address, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all web addresses.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of trusted web addresses, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of trusted web addresses to the XML file.

  9. To import the list of trusted addresses:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of trusted addresses.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of trusted addresses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  10. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of trusted web addresses in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Essential Threat ProtectionWeb Threat Protection.
  5. To export the list of exclusions in the Trusted web addresses block:
    1. Select the trusted web addresses that you want to export.
    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of trusted web addresses, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of trusted web addresses to the XML file.

  6. To import the list of exclusions in the Trusted web addresses block:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of trusted addresses.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of trusted addresses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 34268]

Mail Threat Protection

The Mail Threat Protection component scans the attachments of incoming and outgoing email messages for viruses and other threats. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Mail Threat Protection can scan both incoming and outgoing messages. The application supports POP3, SMTP, IMAP, and NNTP in the following mail clients:

  • Microsoft Office Outlook
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Microsoft Outlook Express
  • Windows Mail

Mail Threat Protection does not support other protocols and mail clients.

Mail Threat Protection may not always be able to gain protocol-level access to messages (for example, when using the Microsoft Exchange solution). For this reason, Mail Threat Protection includes an extension for Microsoft Office Outlook. The extension allows scanning messages at the level of the mail client. The Mail Threat Protection extension supports operations with Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.

The Mail Threat Protection component does not scan messages if the mail client is open in a browser.

When a malicious file is detected in an attachment, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the performed action to the message subject, for example, [Message has been processed] <message subject>.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Mail Threat Protection

Changing the action to take on infected email messages

Forming the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component

Scanning compound files attached to email messages

Email messages attachment filtering

Exporting and importing extensions for attachment filtering

Scanning emails in Microsoft Office Outlook

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[Topic 128208]

Enabling and disabling Mail Threat Protection

By default, the Mail Threat Protection component is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts. For Mail Threat Protection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels: High, Recommended, Low. The Recommended mail security level settings are considered to be the optimal settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (see the table below). You can select one of the pre-installed email security levels or configure a custom email security level. If you have changed the email security level settings, you can always revert to the recommended email security level settings.

To enable or disable the Mail Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  3. Use the Mail Threat Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. If you enabled the component, do one of the following in the Security level block:
    • If you want to apply one of the preset security levels, select it with the slider:
      • High. When this email security level is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email messages most thoroughly. The Mail Threat Protection component scans incoming and outgoing email messages, and performs deep heuristic analysis. The High mail security level is recommended for high-risk environments. An example of such an environment is a connection to a free email service from a home network that is not guarded by centralized email protection.
      • Recommended. The email security level that provides the optimal balance between the performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and email security. The Mail Threat Protection component scans incoming and outgoing email messages, and performs medium-level heuristic analysis. This mail traffic security level is recommended by Kaspersky specialists. The values of settings for the recommended security level are provided in the table below.
      • Low. When this email security level is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component only scans incoming email messages, performs light heuristic analysis, and does not scan archives that are attached to email messages. At this mail security level, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email messages at maximum speed and uses a minimum of operating system resources. The Low mail security level is recommended for use in a well-protected environment. An example of such an environment might be an enterprise LAN with centralized email security.
    • If you want to configure a custom security level, click the Advanced Settings button and define your own component settings.

      You can restore the values of preset security levels by clicking the Restore recommended security level button.

  5. Save your changes.

    Mail Threat Protection settings recommended by Kaspersky experts (recommended security level)




    Protection scope

    Incoming and outgoing messages

    The Protection scope includes objects that the component checks when it is run: incoming and outgoing messages or incoming messages only.

    In order to protect your computers, you need only scan incoming messages. You can turn on scanning for outgoing messages to prevent infected files from being sent in archives. You can also turn on the scanning of outgoing messages if you want to prevent files in particular formats from being sent, such as audio and video files, for example.

    Connect Microsoft Outlook extension


    If the check box is selected, scanning of email messages transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP protocols is enabled on the side of the extension integrated into Microsoft Outlook.

    If mail is scanned using the extension for Microsoft Outlook, it is recommended to use Cached Exchange Mode. For more detailed information about Cached Exchange Mode and recommendations on its use, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

    Scan attached archives


    Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format.

    Scan attached files of Microsoft Office formats


    Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

    Attachment filter

    Rename attachments of selected types

    If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component will replace the last extension character found in the attached files of the specified types with the underscore character (for example, attachment.doc_). Thus, in order to open the file, the user must rename the file.

    Heuristic analysis

    Medium scan

    The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

    When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

    Action on threat detection

    Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails

    When an infected object is detected in an inbound or outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. The user will be able to access the message with a safe attachment. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the infected object. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the performed action to the message subject, for example, [Message has been processed] <message subject>.


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[Topic 129850]

Changing the action to take on infected email messages

By default, the Mail Threat Protection component automatically attempts to disinfect all infected email messages that are detected. If disinfection fails, the Mail Threat Protection component deletes the infected email messages.

To change the action to take on infected email messages:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  3. In the Action on threat detection block, select the action for Kaspersky Endpoint Security to perform when an infected message is detected:
    • Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. When an infected object is detected in an inbound or outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. The user will be able to access the message with a safe attachment. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the infected object. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the performed action to the message subject, for example, [Message has been processed] <message subject>.
    • Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. When an infected object is detected in an inbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. The user will be able to access the message with a safe attachment. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a warning to the message subject. The user will be able to access the message with the original attachment. When an infected object is detected in an outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks transmission of the message, and the mail client shows an error.
    • Block. If an infected object is detected in an inbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a warning to the message subject. The user will be able to access the message with the original attachment. If an infected object is detected in an outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks transmission of the message, and the mail client shows an error.
  4. Save your changes.


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[Topic 128357]

Forming the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component

Protection scope refers to the objects that are scanned by the component when it is active. The protection scopes of different components have different properties. The properties of the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component include the settings for integrating the Mail Threat Protection component into mail clients, and the type of email messages and email protocols whose traffic is scanned by the Mail Threat Protection component. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans both incoming and outgoing email messages and traffic of the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols, and is integrated into the Microsoft Office Outlook mail client.

To form the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Protection scope block, select the messages to scan:
    • Incoming and outgoing messages.
    • Incoming messages only.

    In order to protect your computers, you need only scan incoming messages. You can turn on scanning for outgoing messages to prevent infected files from being sent in archives. You can also turn on the scanning of outgoing messages if you want to prevent files in particular formats from being sent, such as audio and video files, for example.

    If you choose to scan only incoming messages, it is recommended that you perform a one-time scan of all outgoing messages because there is a chance that your computer has email worms that are being spread over email. This helps to avoid problems resulting from unmonitored mass emailing of infected messages from your computer.

  5. In the Connectivity block, do the following:
    • If you want the Mail Threat Protection component to scan messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols before they are received on the user's computer, select the Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic check box.

      If you do not want the Mail Threat Protection component to scan messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols before they arrive on the user's computer, clear the Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic check box. In this case, messages are scanned by the Mail Threat Protection extension embedded in the Microsoft Office Outlook mail client after they are received on the user computer if the Connect Microsoft Outlook extension check box is selected.

      If you use a mail client other than Microsoft Office Outlook, the Mail Threat Protection component does not scan messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols, when the Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic check box is cleared.

    • If you want to allow access to Mail Threat Protection component settings from Microsoft Office Outlook and enable scanning of messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP, and MAPI protocols after they arrive on the computer using the extension that is embedded into Microsoft Office Outlook, select the Connect Microsoft Outlook extension check box.

      If you want to block access to Mail Threat Protection component settings from Microsoft Office Outlook and disable scanning of messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP, and MAPI protocols after they arrive on the computer using the extension that is embedded into Microsoft Office Outlook, clear the Connect Microsoft Outlook extension check box.

      The Mail Threat Protection extension is embedded in the Microsoft Office Outlook mail client during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

  6. Save your changes.
Page top

[Topic 128886]

Scanning compound files attached to email messages

You can enable or disable scanning of message attachments, limit the maximum size of message attachments to be scanned, and limit the maximum message attachment scan duration.

To configure scanning of compound files attached to email messages:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Scan of compound files block, configure the scan settings:
    • Scan attached files of Microsoft Office formats. Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.
    • Scan attached archives. Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format.

      If during the scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a password for an archive in the text of the message, this password will be used to scan the content of the archive for malicious applications. In this case, the password is not saved. An archive is unpacked during scan. If an application error occurs during the unpacking process, you can manually delete the unpacked files that are saved to the following path: %systemroot%\temp. The files have the PR prefix.

    • Do not scan archives larger than N MB. If this check box is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component excludes archives attached to email messages from scanning if their size exceeds the specified value. If the check box is cleared, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email attachment archives of any size.
    • Limit the time for checking archives to N sec. If the check box is selected, the time that is allocated for scanning archives attached to email messages is limited to the specified period.
  5. Save your changes.


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[Topic 128353]

Email messages attachment filtering

The attachment filtering functionality is not applied to outgoing email messages.

Malicious applications can be distributed in the form of attachments in email messages. You can configure filtering based on the type of message attachments so that files of the specified types are automatically renamed or deleted. By renaming an attachment of a certain type, Kaspersky Endpoint Security can protect your computer against automatic execution of a malicious application.

To configure filtering of attachments:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  3. Click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Attachment filter block, do one of the following:
    • Disable filtering. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component does not filter files that are attached to email messages.
    • Rename attachments of selected types. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component will replace the last extension character found in the attached files of the specified types with the underscore character (for example, attachment.doc_). Thus, in order to open the file, the user must rename the file.
    • Delete attachments of selected types. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component deletes attached files of the specified types from email messages.
  5. If you selected the Rename attachments of selected types option or the Delete attachments of selected types option during the previous step, select the check boxes opposite the relevant types of files.
  6. Save your changes.


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[Topic 202315]

Exporting and importing extensions for attachment filtering

You can export the list of attachment filter extensions to an XML file. You can use the export/import function to back up the list of extensions or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of attachment filter extensions in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Attachment filter tab.
  8. To export the list of extensions:
    1. Select the extensions that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.
    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of extensions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of extensions to the XML file.

  9. To import the list of extensions:
    1. Click the Import link.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of extensions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of extensions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  10. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of attachment filter extensions in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  5. To export the list of extensions in the Attachment filter block:
    1. Select the extensions that you want to export.
    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of extensions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of extensions to the XML file.

  6. To import the list of extensions in the Attachment filter block:
    1. Click the Import link.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of extensions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of extensions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128015]

Scanning emails in Microsoft Office Outlook

During installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the Mail Threat Protection extension is embedded into Microsoft Office Outlook (hereinafter also referred to as Outlook). It allows you to open the Mail Threat Protection component settings from within Outlook, and to specify when email messages are to be scanned for viruses and other threats. The Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook can scan incoming and outgoing messages that are transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP, and MAPI protocols. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also supports working with other email clients (including Microsoft Outlook Express, Windows Mail, and Mozilla Thunderbird).

The Mail Threat Protection extension supports operations with Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.

When working with the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client, the Mail Threat Protection component does not scan messages that are transmitted via the IMAP protocol for viruses and other threats if filters are used to move messages from the Inbox folder.

In Outlook, incoming messages are first scanned by the Mail Threat Protection component (if the Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic check box is selected in the interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security) and then by the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook. If the Mail Threat Protection component detects a malicious object in a message, it notifies you about this event.

The Mail Threat Protection component settings can be configured directly in Outlook if the Microsoft Outlook extension is connected in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface (see the figure below).

Mail Threat Protection component settings in Outlook

Outgoing messages are first scanned by the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook, and are then scanned by the Mail Threat Protection component.

If mail is scanned using the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook, it is recommended to use Cached Exchange Mode. For more detailed information about Cached Exchange Mode and recommendations on its use, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

To configure the operating mode of the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionMail Threat Protection.
  6. In the Security level block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the Connectivity block, click the Settings button.
  8. In the Email protection window, do the following:
    • Select the Scan when receiving check box if you want the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook to scan incoming messages as they arrive to the mailbox.
    • Select the Scan when reading check box if you want the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook to scan incoming messages when the user opens them.
    • Select the Scan when sending check box if you want the Mail Threat Protection extension for Outlook to scan outgoing messages as they are sent.
  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 34430]

Network Threat Protection

The Network Threat Protection component scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack on the user's computer, it blocks the network connection with the attacking computer. Descriptions of currently known types of network attacks and ways to counteract them are provided in Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. The list of network attacks that the Network Threat Protection component detects is updated during database and application module updates.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Network Threat Protection

Blocking an attacking computer

Configuring addresses of exclusions from blocking

Exporting and importing the list of exclusions from blocking

Configuring protection against network attacks by type

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[Topic 128211]

Enabling and disabling Network Threat Protection

By default, Network Threat Protection is enabled and running in the optimal mode. You can disable Network Threat Protection if necessary.

To enable or disable Network Threat Protection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  3. Use the Network Threat Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Network Threat Protection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack on the user's computer, it blocks the network connection with the attacking computer.

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[Topic 133746]

Blocking an attacking computer

To block an attacking computer:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  3. Select the Add an attacking computer to the list of blocked computers for N min check box.

    If the check box is selected, the Network Threat Protection component adds the attacking computer to the blocked list. This means that the Network Threat Protection component blocks the network connection with the attacking computer after the first network attack attempt for the specified amount of time. This block automatically protects the user's computer against possible future network attacks from the same address. The minimum time an attacking computer must spend in the block list is one minute. The maximum time is 32 768 minutes.

    You can view the block list in the Network Monitor tool window.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security clears the block list when the application is restarted and when the Network Threat Protection settings are changed.

  4. Set a different blocking duration for an attacking computer in the field to the right of the Add an attacking computer to the list of blocked computers for N min check box.
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack launched against the user's computer, it will block all connections with the attacking computer.

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[Topic 130879]

Configuring addresses of exclusions from blocking

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can recognize a network attack and block an unsecured network connection that is transmitting a large number of packets (for example, from surveillance cameras). To work with trusted devices, you can add the IP addresses of these devices to the list of exclusions.

To configure addresses of exclusions from blocking:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  3. Click the Manage exclusions link.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
  5. Enter the IP address of the computer from which network attacks must not be blocked.
  6. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not track the activity from devices on the list of exclusions.

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[Topic 202434]

Exporting and importing the list of exclusions from blocking

You can export the list of exclusions to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of addresses of the same type. You can also use the export/import function to back up the list of exclusions or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of exclusions in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  6. In the Network Threat Protection settings block, click the Exclusions button.
  7. To export the list of rules:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any exclusion, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all exclusions.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  8. To import the list of exclusions:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of exclusions in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  5. In the Network Threat Protection settings block, click the Exclusions link.

    The list of exclusions opens.

  6. To export the list of rules:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected exclusions, or export the entire list of exclusions.
    4. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    5. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  7. To import the list of exclusions:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 174954]

Configuring protection against network attacks by type

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you manage protection against the following types of network attacks:

  • Network Flooding is an attack on network resources of an organization (such as web servers). This attack consists of sending a large number of requests to overload the bandwidth of network resources. When this happens, users are unable to access the network resources of the organization.
  • A Port Scanning attack consists of scanning UDP ports, TCP ports, and network services on the computer. This attack allows the attacker to identify the degree of vulnerability of the computer before conducting more dangerous types of network attacks. Port Scanning also enables the attacker to identify the operating system on the computer and select the appropriate network attacks for this operating system.
  • A MAC spoofing attack consists of changing the MAC address of a network device (network card). As a result, an attacker can redirect data sent to a device to another device and gain access to this data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you block MAC Spoofing attacks and receive notifications about the attacks.

You can disable detection of these types of attacks in case some of your allowed applications perform operations that are typical for these types of attacks. This will help avoid false alarms.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor Network Flooding, Port Scanning, and MAC spoofing attacks.

To configure protection against network attacks by type:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection.
  3. Use the toggle Treat port scanning and network flooding as attacks to enable or disable the detection of these attacks.
  4. Use the MAC Spoofing Protection toggle.
  5. In the On detecting a MAC spoofing attack block, select one of the following options:
    • Notify only.
    • Notify and block.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 43497]


The Firewall blocks unauthorized connections to the computer while working on the Internet or local network. The Firewall also controls the network activity of applications on the computer. This allows you to protect your corporate LAN from identity theft and other attacks. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and predefined network rules.

Network Agent is used for interaction with Kaspersky Security Center. Firewall automatically creates network rules required for the application and the Network Agent to work. As a result, the Firewall opens several ports on the computer. Which ports are opened depends on computer's role (for example, distribution point). To learn more about the ports that will be opened on the computer, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Network rules

You can configure network rules at the following levels:

  • Network packet rules. Network packet rules impose restrictions on network packets, regardless of the application. Such rules restrict inbound and outbound network traffic through specific ports of the selected data protocol. Kaspersky Endpoint Security has predefined network packet rules with permissions recommended by Kaspersky experts.
  • Application network rules. Application network rules impose restrictions on the network activity of a specific application. They factor in not only the characteristics of the network packet, but also the specific application to which this network packet is addressed or which issued this network packet.

Controlled access of applications to operating system resources, processes and personal data is provided by the Host Intrusion Prevention component by using application rights.

During the first startup of the application, the Firewall performs the following actions:

  1. Checks the security of the application using downloaded anti-virus databases.
  2. Checks the security of the application in Kaspersky Security Network.

    You are advised to participate in Kaspersky Security Network to help the Firewall work more effectively.

  3. Places the application in one of the trust groups: Trusted, Low Restricted, High Restricted, Untrusted.

    A trust group defines the rights that Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to when controlling application activity. Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group for the Firewall and Host Intrusion Prevention components. You cannot change the trust group only for the Firewall or Host Intrusion Prevention.

    If you refused to participate in KSN or there is no network, Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the application in a trust group depending on the settings of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. After receiving the reputation of the application from KSN, the trust group can be changed automatically.

  4. It blocks network activity of the application depending on the trust group. For example, applications in the High Restricted trust group are not allowed to use any network connections.

The next time the application is started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the integrity of the application. If the application is unchanged, the component uses the current network rules for it. If the application has been modified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were being started for the first time.

Network Rule Priorities

Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If network activity is added to several rules, the Firewall regulates network activity according to the rule with the highest priority.

Network packet rules have a higher priority than network rules for applications. If both network packet rules and network rules for applications are specified for the same type of network activity, the network activity is handled according to the network packet rules.

Network rules for applications work in a particular way. Network rule for applications includes access rules based on the network status: Public network, Local network, Trusted network. For example, applications in the High Restricted trust group are not allowed any network activity in networks of all statuses by default. If a network rule is specified for an individual application (parent application), then the child processes of other applications will run according to the network rule of the parent application. If there is no network rule for the application, the child processes will run according to network access rule of the application's trust group.

For example, you have prohibited any network activity in networks of all statuses for all applications, except browser X. If you start browser Y installation (child process) from browser X (parent application), then browser Y installer will access the network and download the necessary files. After installation, browser Y will be denied any network connections according to the Firewall settings. To prohibit network activity of browser Y installer as a child process, you must add a network rule for the installer of browser Y.

Network connection statuses

The Firewall allows you to control network activity depending on the status of the network connection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives the network connection status from the computer's operating system. The status of the network connection in the operating system is set by the user when setting up the connection. You can change the status of the network connection in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings. The Firewall will monitor network activity depending on the network status in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings, and not in the operating system.

The network connection can have one of the following status types:

  • Public network. The network is not protected by antivirus applications, firewalls, or filters (such as Wi-Fi in a cafe). When the user operates a computer that is connected to such a network, Firewall blocks access to files and printers of this computer. External users are also unable to access data through shared folders and remote access to the desktop of this computer. Firewall filters the network activity of each application according to the network rules that are set for it.

    Firewall assigns Public network status to the Internet by default. You cannot change the status of the Internet.

  • Local network. Network for users with restricted access to files and printers on this computer (such as for a corporate LAN or home network).
  • Trusted network. Safe network in which the computer is not exposed to attacks or unauthorized data access attempts. Firewall permits any network activity within networks with this status.

In this section

Enabling or disabling Firewall

Changing the network connection status

Managing network packet rules

Managing application network rules

Network Monitor

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[Topic 128210]

Enabling or disabling Firewall

By default, Firewall is enabled and functions in the optimal mode.

To enable or disable Firewall:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Use the Firewall toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if the Firewall is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls network activity and blocks unauthorized network connections to your computer, as well as blocks unauthorized network activity of applications on your computer. Network activity is also controlled by the Network Threat Protection component. The Network Threat Protection component scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs network attack events in its reports irrespective of the Firewall settings. Even if the Firewall blocks the network connection using rules and thus prevents a network attack, the Network Threat Protection component registers network attack events. It is required to generate statistical information about network attacks on the computers in your organization.

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[Topic 133742]

Changing the network connection status

Firewall assigns Public network status to the Internet by default. You cannot change the status of the Internet.

To change the network connection status:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Available networks.
  4. Select the network connection whose status you want to change.
  5. In the Network type column, select the status of the network connection:
    • Public network. The network is not protected by antivirus applications, firewalls, or filters (such as Wi-Fi in a cafe). When the user operates a computer that is connected to such a network, Firewall blocks access to files and printers of this computer. External users are also unable to access data through shared folders and remote access to the desktop of this computer. Firewall filters the network activity of each application according to the network rules that are set for it.
    • Local network. Network for users with restricted access to files and printers on this computer (such as for a corporate LAN or home network).
    • Trusted network. Safe network in which the computer is not exposed to attacks or unauthorized data access attempts. Firewall permits any network activity within networks with this status.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 44428]

Managing network packet rules

You can perform the following actions while managing network packet rules:

  • Create a new network packet rule.

    You can create a new network packet rule by creating a set of conditions and actions that is applied to network packets and data streams.

  • Enable or disable a network packet rule.

    All network packet rules that are created by Firewall by default have Enabled status. When a network packet rule is enabled, Firewall applies this rule.

    You can disable any network packet rule that is selected in the list of network packet rules. When a network packet rule is disabled, Firewall temporarily does not apply this rule.

    A new custom network packet rule is added to the list of network packet rules by default with Enabled status.

  • Edit the settings of an existing network packet rule.

    After you create a new network packet rule, you can always return to editing its settings and modify them as needed.

  • Change the Firewall action for a network packet rule.

    In the list of network packet rules, you can edit the action that is taken by Firewall on detecting network activity that matches a specific network packet rule. 

  • Change the priority of a network packet rule.

    You can raise or lower the priority of a network packet rule that is selected in the list.

  • Remove a network packet rule.

    You can remove a network packet rule to stop Firewall from applying this rule on detecting network activity and to stop this rule from showing in the list of network packet rules with Disabled status.


In this section

Creating a network packet rule

Enabling or disabling a network packet rule

Changing the Firewall action for a network packet rule

Changing the priority of a network packet rule

Exporting and importing network packet rules

Page top

[Topic 123451]

Creating a network packet rule

You can create a network packet rule in the following ways:

  • Use the Network Monitor tool.

    Network Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the network activity of a user's computer in real time. This is convenient because you do not need to configure all the rule settings. Some Firewall settings will be inserted automatically from Network Monitor data. Network Monitor is available only in the application interface.

  • Configure the Firewall settings.

    This lets you fine-tune the Firewall settings. You can create rules for any network activity, even if there is no network activity at the current time.

When creating network packet rules, remember that they have priority over network rules for applications.

How to use the Network Monitor tool to create a network packet rule in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Network Monitor tile.
  2. Select the Network activity tab.

    The Network activity tab shows all currently active network connections with the computer. Both outbound and inbound network connections are displayed.

  3. In the context menu of a network connection, select Create network packet rule.

    This opens the network rule properties.

  4. Set the Active status for the packet rule.
  5. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  6. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Network rule template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  7. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  8. Click Save.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  9. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  10. Save your changes.

How to use Firewall settings to create a network packet rule in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Packet rules.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  4. Click Add.

    This opens the network rule properties.

  5. Set the Active status for the packet rule.
  6. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  7. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Network rule template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  8. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  9. Click Save.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  10. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  11. Save your changes.

How to create a network packet rule in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  6. In the Firewall settings block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the list of network packet rules and the list of application network rules.

  7. Select the Network packet rules tab.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  8. Click Add.

    This opens the packet rule properties.

  9. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  10. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the button. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  11. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  12. Save the new network rule.
  13. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  14. Save your changes.

The Firewall will control network packets according to the rule. You can disable a packet rule from Firewall operation without deleting it from the list. To do so, clear the check box next to the object.

How to create a network packet rule in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  5. In the Firewall Settings block, click the Network packet rules link.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  6. Click Add.

    This opens the packet rule properties.

  7. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  8. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Select template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  9. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  10. Save the network rule.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  11. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  12. Save your changes.

The Firewall will control network packets according to the rule. You can disable a packet rule from Firewall operation without deleting it from the list. Use the toggle in the Status column to enable or disable the packet rule.

Network packet rule settings






By application rules. If this option is selected, Firewall applies the application network rules to the network connection.


Control network activity over the selected protocol: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IGMP and GRE.

If ICMP or ICMPv6 is selected as the protocol, you can define the ICMP packet type and code.

If TCP or UDP is selected as the protocol type, you can specify the comma-delimited port numbers of the local and remote computers between which the connection is to be monitored.


Inbound (packet). Firewall applies the network rule to all inbound network packets.

Inbound. Firewall applies the network rule to all network packets sent via a connection that was initiated by a remote computer.

Inbound / Outbound. Firewall applies the network rule to both inbound and outbound network packets, regardless of whether the user's computer or a remote computer initiated the network connection.

Outbound (packet). Firewall applies the network rule to all outbound network packets.

Outbound. Firewall applies the network rule to all network packets sent via a connection that was initiated by the user's computer.

Network adapters

Network adapters that can send and/or receive network packets. Specifying the settings of network adapters makes it possible to differentiate between network packets sent or received by network adapters with identical IP addresses.

Time to live (TTL)

Restrict control of network packets based on their time to live (TTL).

Remote address

Network addresses of remote computers that can send and receive network packets. Firewall applies the network rule to the specified range of remote network addresses. You can include all IP addresses in a network rule, create a separate list of IP addresses, specify a range of IP addresses, or select a subnet (Trusted networks, Local networks, Public networks). You can also specify a DNS name of a computer instead of its IP address. You should use DNS names only for LAN computers or internal services. Interaction with cloud services (such as Microsoft Azure) and other Internet resources should be handled by the Web Control component.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports DNS names starting from version 11.7.0. If you specify a DNS name for version 11.6.0 or older, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may apply the relevant rule to all addresses.

Local address

Network addresses of computers that can send and receive network packets. Firewall applies a network rule to the specified range of local network addresses. You can include all IP addresses in a network rule, create a separate list of IP addresses, or specify a range of IP addresses.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports DNS names starting from version 11.7.0. If you specify a DNS name for version 11.6.0 or older, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may apply the relevant rule to all addresses.

Sometimes the local address cannot be obtained for applications. If this is the case, this parameter is ignored.

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[Topic 133743]

Enabling or disabling a network packet rule

To enable or disable a network packet rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Packet rules.

    This opens a list of default network packet rules that are set by Firewall.

  4. Select the necessary network packet rule in the list.
  5. Use the toggle in the Status column to enable or disable the rule.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133744]

Changing the Firewall action for a network packet rule

To change the Firewall action that is applied to a network packet rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Packet rules.

    This opens a list of default network packet rules that are set by Firewall.

  4. Select it in the list of network packet rules and click the Edit button.
  5. In the Action drop-down list, select the action to be performed by Firewall on detecting this kind of network activity:
    • Allow.
    • Block.
    • By application rules. If this option is selected, Firewall applies the application network rules to the network connection.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133745]

Changing the priority of a network packet rule

The priority of a network packet rule is determined by its position in the list of network packet rules. The topmost network packet rule in the list of network packet rules has the highest priority.

Every manually created network packet rule is added to the end of the list of network packet rules and is of the lowest priority.

Firewall executes rules in the order in which they appear in the list of network packet rules, from top to bottom. According to each processed network packet rule that applies to a particular network connection, Firewall either allows or blocks network access to the address and port that are specified in the settings of this network connection.

To change the network packet rule priority:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Packet rules.

    This opens a list of default network packet rules that are set by Firewall.

  4. In the list, select the network packet rule whose priority you want to change.
  5. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 202615]

Exporting and importing network packet rules

You can export the list of network packet rules to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of rules of the same type. You can use the export/import function to back up the list of network packet rules or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of network packet rules in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  6. In the Firewall settings block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the list of network packet rules and the list of application network rules.

  7. Select the Network packet rules tab.
  8. To export the list of network packet rules:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all rules.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of rules, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to the XML file.

  9. To import a list of network packet rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  10. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of network packet rules in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  5. Click the Network packet rules link.
  6. To export the list of network packet rules:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected rules, or export the entire list.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to an XML file in the default downloads folder.

  7. To import a list of network packet rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128236]

Managing application network rules

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security groups all applications that are installed on the computer by the name of the vendor of the software whose file or network activity it monitors. Application groups are in turn categorized into trust groups. All applications and application groups inherit properties from their parent group: application control rules, application network rules, and their execution priority.

Like the Host Intrusion Prevention component, by default the Firewall component applies the network rules for an application group when filtering the network activity of all applications within the group. The application group network rules define the rights of applications within the group to access different network connections.

By default, Firewall creates a set of network rules for each application group that is detected by Kaspersky Endpoint Security on the computer. You can change the Firewall action that is applied to the application group network rules that are created by default. You cannot edit, remove, disable, or change the priority of application group network rules that are created by default.

You can also create a network rule for an individual application. Such a rule will have a higher priority than the network rule of the group to which the application belongs.


In this section

Creating an application network rule

Enabling and disabling an application network rule

Changing the Firewall action for an application network rule

Changing the priority of an application network rule

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[Topic 123452]

Creating an application network rule

By default, application activity is controlled by network rules that are defined for the trust group to which Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigned the application when it started the first time. If necessary, you can create network rules for an entire trust group, for an individual application, or for a group of applications that are within a trust group.

Manually defined network rules have a higher priority than network rules that were determined for a trust group. In other words, if manually defined application rules differ from the application rules determined for a trust group, Firewall controls application activity according to the manually defined rules for applications.

By default, Firewall creates the following network rules for each application:

  • Any network activity in Trusted networks.
  • Any network activity in Local networks.
  • Any network activity in Public networks.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls the network activity of applications according to predefined network rules as follows:

  • Trusted and Low Restricted: all network activity is allowed.
  • High Restricted and Untrusted: all network activity is blocked.

Predefined application rules cannot be edited or deleted.

You can create an application network rule in the following ways:

  • Use the Network Monitor tool.

    Network Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the network activity of a user's computer in real time. This is convenient because you do not need to configure all the rule settings. Some Firewall settings will be inserted automatically from Network Monitor data. Network Monitor is available only in the application interface.

  • Configure the Firewall settings.

    This lets you fine-tune the Firewall settings. You can create rules for any network activity, even if there is no network activity at the current time.

When creating network rules for applications, remember that network packet rules have priority over application network rules.

How to use the Network Monitor tool to create an application network rule in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Network Monitor tile.
  2. Select the Network activity or Open ports tab.

    The Network activity tab shows all currently active network connections with the computer. Both outbound and inbound network connections are displayed.

    The Open ports tab lists all open network ports of the computer.

  3. In the context menu of a network connection, select Create an application network rule.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  4. Select the Network rules tab.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  5. Click Add.

    This opens the network rule properties.

  6. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  7. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Network rule template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  8. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  9. Click Save.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  10. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  11. Save your changes.

How to use Firewall settings to create an application network rule in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Rules for applications.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  4. In the list of applications, select the application or application group for which you want to create a network rule.
  5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Details and rules.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  6. Select the Network rules tab.
  7. Click Add.

    This opens the network rule properties.

  8. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  9. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Network rule template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  10. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  11. Click Save.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  12. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  13. Save your changes.

How to create an application network rule in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  6. In the Firewall settings block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the list of network packet rules and the list of application network rules.

  7. Select the Application network rules tab.
  8. Click Add.
  9. In the window that opens, enter criteria to search for the application for which you want to create a network rule.

    You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  10. Click the Refresh button.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will search for the application in the consolidated list of applications installed on managed computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a list of applications that satisfy your search criteria.

  11. Select the necessary application.
  12. In the Add selected application to the trust group drop-down list, select Default groups and click OK.

    The application will be added to the default group.

  13. Select the relevant application and then select Application rights from the context menu of the application.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  14. Select the Network rules tab.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  15. Click Add.

    This opens the network rule properties.

  16. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  17. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the button. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  18. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  19. Save the new network rule.
  20. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  21. Save your changes.

How to create an application network rule in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select Essential Threat Protection → Firewall.
  5. In the Firewall Settings block, click the Application network rules link.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  6. Select the Application rights tab.

    You will see a list of trust groups on the left side of the window and their properties on the right side.

  7. Click Add.

    This starts the Wizard for adding an application to a trust group.

  8. Select the relevant trust group for the application.
  9. Select the Application type. Go to the next step.

    If you want to create a network rule for multiple applications, select the Group type and define a name for the application group.

  10. In the opened list of applications, select the applications for which you want to create a network rule.

    Use a filter. You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  11. Exit the Wizard.

    The application will be added to the trust group.

  12. In the left part of the window, select the relevant application.
  13. In the right part of the window, select Network rules from the drop-down list.

    This opens the list of default network rules that are set by the Firewall.

  14. Click Add.

    This opens the application rule properties.

  15. Manually enter the name of the network service in the Name field.
  16. Configure the network rule settings (see the table below).

    You can select a predefined rule template by clicking the Select template link. Rule templates describe the most frequently used network connections.

    All network rule settings will be filled in automatically.

  17. If you want the actions of the network rule to be reflected in the report, select the Log events check box.
  18. Save the network rule.

    The new network rule will be added to the list.

  19. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  20. Save your changes.

Application network rule settings







Control network activity over the selected protocol: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IGMP and GRE.

If ICMP or ICMPv6 is selected as the protocol, you can define the ICMP packet type and code.

If TCP or UDP is selected as the protocol type, you can specify the comma-delimited port numbers of the local and remote computers between which the connection is to be monitored.



Inbound / Outbound.


Remote address

Network addresses of remote computers that can send and receive network packets. Firewall applies the network rule to the specified range of remote network addresses. You can include all IP addresses in a network rule, create a separate list of IP addresses, specify a range of IP addresses, or select a subnet (Trusted networks, Local networks, Public networks). You can also specify a DNS name of a computer instead of its IP address. You should use DNS names only for LAN computers or internal services. Interaction with cloud services (such as Microsoft Azure) and other Internet resources should be handled by the Web Control component.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports DNS names starting from version 11.7.0. If you specify a DNS name for version 11.6.0 or older, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may apply the relevant rule to all addresses.

Local address

Network addresses of computers that can send and receive network packets. Firewall applies a network rule to the specified range of local network addresses. You can include all IP addresses in a network rule, create a separate list of IP addresses, or specify a range of IP addresses.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports DNS names starting from version 11.7.0. If you specify a DNS name for version 11.6.0 or older, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may apply the relevant rule to all addresses.

Sometimes the local address cannot be obtained for applications. If this is the case, this parameter is ignored.

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[Topic 133631]

Enabling and disabling an application network rule

To enable or disable an application network rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Rules for applications.

    This opens the list of application rules.

  4. In the list of applications, select the application or group of applications for which you want to create or edit a network rule.
  5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Details and rules.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  6. Select the Network rules tab.
  7. In the list of network rules for an application group, select the relevant network rule.

    The network rule properties window opens.

  8. Set the Active or Inactive status of the network rule.

    You cannot disable an application group network rule that is created by Firewall by default.

  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133632]

Changing the Firewall action for an application network rule

You can change the Firewall action that is applied to all network rules for an application or application group that were created by default, and change the Firewall action for a single custom network rule for an application or application group.

To change the Firewall action for all network rules for an application or group of applications:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Rules for applications.

    This opens the list of application rules.

  4. If you want to change the Firewall action that is applied to all network rules that are created by default, select an application or group of applications in the list. Manually created network rules are left unchanged.
  5. Right-click to open the context menu, select Network rules, then select the action that you want to assign:
    • Inherit.
    • Allow.
    • Block.
  6. Save your changes.

To change the Firewall response for one network rule for an application or application group:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Rules for applications.

    This opens the list of application rules.

  4. In the list, select the application or group of applications for which you want to change the action for one network rule.
  5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Details and rules.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  6. Select the Network rules tab.
  7. Select the network rule for which you want to change the Firewall action.
  8. In the Permission column, right-click to bring up the context menu and select the action that you want to assign:
    • Inherit.
    • Allow.
    • Deny.
    • Log events.
  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133633]

Changing the priority of an application network rule

The priority of a network rule is determined by its position in the list of network rules. Firewall executes the rules in the order in which they appear in the list of network rules, from top to bottom. According to each processed network rule that applies to a particular network connection, Firewall either allows or blocks network access to the address and port that are indicated in the settings of this network connection.

Manually created network rules have a higher priority than default network rules.

You cannot change the priority of application group network rules that are created by default.

To change the priority of a network rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionFirewall.
  3. Click Rules for applications.

    This opens the list of application rules.

  4. In the list of applications, select the application or group of applications for which you want to change the priority of a network rule.
  5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Details and rules.

    The application rules and properties window opens.

  6. Select the Network rules tab.
  7. Select the network rule whose priority you want to change.
  8. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the network rule.
  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 49629]

Network Monitor

Network Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the network activity of a user's computer in real time.

To start Network Monitor:

In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Network Monitor tile.

The Network Monitor window opens. In this window, information about the network activity of the computer is shown on four tabs:

  • The Network activity tab shows all currently active network connections with the computer. Both outbound and inbound network connections are displayed. On this tab, you can also create network packet rules for Firewall operation.
  • The Open ports tab lists all open network ports of the computer. On this tab, you can also create network packet rules and application rules for Firewall operation.
  • The Network traffic tab shows the volume of inbound and outbound network traffic between the user's computer and other computers in the network to which the user is currently connected.
  • The Blocked computers tab lists the IP addresses of remote computers whose network activity has been blocked by the Network Threat Protection component after detecting network attack attempts from such IP addresses.
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[Topic 97193]

BadUSB Attack Prevention

Some viruses modify the firmware of USB devices to trick the operating system into detecting the USB device as a keyboard. As a result, the virus may execute commands under your user account to download malware, for example.

The BadUSB Attack Prevention component prevents infected USB devices emulating a keyboard from connecting to the computer.

When a USB device is connected to the computer and identified as a keyboard by the operating system, the application prompts the user to enter a numerical code generated by the application from this keyboard or using On-Screen Keyboard if available (see the figure below). This procedure is known as keyboard authorization.

If the code has been entered correctly, the application saves the identification parameters – VID/PID of the keyboard and the number of the port to which it has been connected – in the list of authorized keyboards. Keyboard authorization does not need to be repeated when the keyboard is reconnected or after the operating system is restarted.

When the authorized keyboard is connected to a different USB port of the computer, the application shows a prompt for authorization of this keyboard again.

If the numerical code has been entered incorrectly, the application generates a new code. You can configure the number of attempts for entering the numerical code. If the numerical code is entered incorrectly several times or the keyboard authorization window is closed (see figure below), the application blocks input from this keyboard. When the USB device blocking time elapses or the operating system is restarted, the application prompts the user to perform keyboard authorization again.

The application allows use of an authorized keyboard and blocks a keyboard that has not been authorized.

The BadUSB Attack Prevention component is not installed by default. If you need the BadUSB Attack Prevention component, you can add the component in the properties of the installation package before installing the application or change the available application components after installing the application.


Keyboard authorization

In this section

Enabling and disabling BadUSB Attack Prevention

Using On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of USB devices

Page top

[Topic 138434]

Enabling and disabling BadUSB Attack Prevention

USB devices identified by the operating system as keyboards and connected to the computer before installation of the BadUSB Attack Prevention component are considered authorized after installation of the component.

To enable or disable BadUSB Attack Prevention:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionBadUSB Attack Prevention.
  3. Use the BadUSB Attack Prevention toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. In the USB keyboard authorization upon connection block, adjust security settings for entering the authorization code:
    • Maximum number of USB device authorization attempts. Automatically blocking the USB device if the authorization code is entered incorrectly the specified number of times. Valid values are 1 to 10. For example, if you allow 5 attempts to enter the authorization code, the USB device is blocked after the fifth failed attempt. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the blocking duration for the USB device. After this time elapses, you can have 5 attempts to enter the authorization code.
    • Timeout when reaching the maximum number of attempts. Blocking duration of the USB device after the specified number of failed attempts to enter the authorization code. Valid values are 1 to 180 (minutes).
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, if BadUSB Attack Prevention is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security requires authorization of a connected USB device identified as a keyboard by the operating system. The user cannot use an unauthorized keyboard until it is authorized.

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[Topic 134688]

Using On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of USB devices

On-Screen Keyboard should be used only for authorization of USB devices that do not support the input of random characters (e.g. bar code scanners). It is not recommended to use On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of unknown USB devices.

To allow or prohibit the use of On-Screen Keyboard for authorization:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionBadUSB Attack Prevention.
  3. Use the Prohibit use of On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of USB devices check box to block or allow use of the On-Screen Keyboard for authorization.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 173854]

AMSI Protection

AMSI Protection component is intended to support Antimalware Scan Interface from Microsoft. The Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) allows third-party applications with AMSI support to send objects (for example, PowerShell scripts) to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for an additional scan and then receive the results from scanning these objects. Third-party applications may include, for example, Microsoft Office applications (see the figure below). For details on AMSI, please refer to the Microsoft documentation.

The AMSI Protection can only detect a threat and notify a third-party application about the detected threat. Third-party application after receiving a notification of a threat does not allow to perform malicious actions (for example, terminates).

AMSI operation example

AMSI Protection component may decline a request from a third-party application, for example, if this application exceeds maximum number of requests within a specified interval. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends information about a rejected request from a third-party application to the Administration Server. The AMSI Protection component does not deny requests from those third-party applications for which continuous integration with the AMSI Protection component is enabled.

AMSI Protection is available for the following operating systems for workstations and servers:

  • Windows 10 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows 11 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2022.

In this section

Enabling and disabling the AMSI Protection

Using AMSI Protection to scan compound files

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[Topic 174820]

Enabling and disabling the AMSI Protection

By default, the AMSI Protection is enabled.

To enable or disable the AMSI Protection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionAMSI Protection.
  3. Use the AMSI Protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 174821]

Using AMSI Protection to scan compound files

A common technique for concealing viruses and other malware is to embed them in compound files such as archives. To detect viruses and other malware that are hidden in this way, the compound file must be unpacked, which may slow down scanning. You can limit the types of compound files to be scanned, thus speeding up scanning.

To configure AMSI Protection scans of compound files:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Essential Threat ProtectionAMSI Protection.
  3. In the Scan of compound files block, specify the types of compound files that you want to scan: archives, distribution package, or files in office formats.
  4. In the Size limit block, do one of the following:
    • To block the AMSI Protection component from unpacking large compound files, select the Do not unpack large compound files check box and specify the required value in the Maximum file size field. The AMSI Protection component will not unpack compound files that are larger than the specified size.
    • To allow the AMSI Protection component to unpack large compound files, clear the Do not unpack large compound files check box.

    The AMSI Protection component scans large files that are extracted from archives, regardless of whether the Do not unpack large compound files check box is selected.

  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 151109]

Exploit Prevention

The Exploit Prevention component detects program code that takes advantage of vulnerabilities on the computer to exploit administrator privileges or to perform malicious activities. For example, exploits can utilize a buffer overflow attack. To do so, the exploit sends a large amount of data to a vulnerable application. When processing this data, the vulnerable application executes malicious code. As a result of this attack, the exploit can start an unauthorized installation of malware. When there is an attempt to run an executable file from a vulnerable application that was not performed by the user, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks this file from running or notifies the user.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Exploit Prevention

Selecting an action to take when an exploit is detected

System processes memory protection

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[Topic 151128]

Enabling and disabling Exploit Prevention

By default, Exploit Prevention is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts. You can disable Exploit Prevention if necessary.

To enable or disable Exploit Prevention:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionExploit Prevention.
  3. Use the Exploit Prevention toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Exploit Prevention is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will monitor executable files that are run by vulnerable applications. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects that an executable file from a vulnerable application was run by something other than the user, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will perform the selected action (for example, will block the operation).

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[Topic 151129]

Selecting an action to take when an exploit is detected

By default, on detection of an exploit, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks operations attempted by the exploit.

To choose an action to be taken when an exploit is detected:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionExploit Prevention.
  3. Select the relevant action in the On detecting exploit block:
    • Block operation. If this item is selected, on detecting an exploit, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the operations of this exploit and makes a log entry with information about this exploit.
    • Notify. If this item is selected, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an exploit it logs an entry containing information about the exploit and adds information about this exploit to the list of active threats.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 158231]

System processes memory protection

By default, protection of system process memory is enabled.

To enable or disable system process memory protection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionExploit Prevention.
  3. Use the Enable system process memory protection toggle to enable or disable this feature.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block external processes that attempt to access system processes.

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[Topic 151031]

Behavior Detection

The Behavior Detection component receives data on the actions of applications on your computer and provides this information to other protection components to improve their performance. The Behavior Detection component utilizes Behavior Stream Signatures (BSS) for applications. If application activity matches a behavior stream signature, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the selected responsive action. Kaspersky Endpoint Security functionality based on behavior stream signatures provides proactive defense for the computer.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Behavior Detection

Selecting the action to take on detecting malware activity

Protection of shared folders against external encryption

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[Topic 151064]

Enabling and disabling Behavior Detection

By default, Behavior Detection is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts. You can disable Behavior Detection if necessary.

It is not recommended to disable Behavior Detection unless absolutely necessary because doing so would reduce the effectiveness of the protection components. The protection components may request data collected by the Behavior Detection component to detect threats.

To enable or disable Behavior Detection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  3. Use the Behavior Detection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Behavior Detection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will use behavior stream signatures to analyze the activity of applications in the operating system.

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[Topic 151065]

Selecting the action to take on detecting malware activity

In order to choose what to do if an application engages in malicious activity, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  3. Select the relevant action in the On detecting malware activity block:
    • Delete file. If this item is selected, on detecting malicious activity Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the executable file of the malicious application and creates a backup copy of the file in Backup.
    • Terminate the application. If this item is selected, on detecting malicious activity Kaspersky Endpoint Security terminates this application.
    • Notify. If this item is selected and malware activity of an application is detected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the malware activity of the application to the list of active threats.

  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 151229]

Protection of shared folders against external encryption

The component monitors operations performed only with those files that are stored on mass storage devices with the NTFS file system and that are not encrypted with EFS.

Protection of shared folders against external encryption provides for analysis of activity in shared folders. If this activity matches a behavior stream signature that is typical for external encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the selected action.

By default, protection of shared folders against external encryption is disabled.

After Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed, the protection of shared folders against external encryption will be limited until the computer is restarted.

In this section

Enabling and disabling protection of shared folders against external encryption

Selecting the action to take on detection of external encryption of shared folders

Configuring addresses of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption

Exporting and importing a list of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption

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[Topic 151230]

Enabling and disabling protection of shared folders against external encryption

After Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed, the protection of shared folders against external encryption will be limited until the computer is restarted.

To enable or disable protection of shared folders against external encryption:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  3. Use the Enable protection of shared folders against external encryption toggle to enable or disable detection of activity that is typical of external encryption.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 151231]

Selecting the action to take on detection of external encryption of shared folders

To select the action to take on detection of external encryption of shared folders:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  3. Select the relevant action in the Protection of shared folders against external encryption block:
    • Block connection for N min. (from 1 to 43800). If this option is selected and Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempt to modify files in shared folders, it takes the following actions:
      • Blocks access to file modification for the session that initiated the malicious activity (the file will be read-only).
      • Creates backup copies of files that are being modified.
      • Adds an entry to local application interface reports.
      • Sends information about the detected malicious activity to Kaspersky Security Center.

      Also, if the Remediation Engine component is enabled, the modified files are restored from backup copies.

    • Notify. If this option is selected and Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempt to modify files in shared folders, it takes the following actions:
      • Adds an entry to local application interface reports.
      • Adds an entry to the list of active threats.
      • Sends information about the detected malicious activity to Kaspersky Security Center.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 234668]

Creating an exclusion for protection of shared folders against external encryption

Excluding a folder can reduce the amount of false positives if your organization uses data encryption when exchanging files using shared folders. For example, Behavior Detection can raise false positives when the user works with files with the ENC extension in a shared folder. Such activity matches a behavioral pattern that is typical for external encryption. If you have encrypted files in a shared folder to protect data, add that folder to exclusions.

How to create an exclusion for protection of shared folders using the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsExclusions.
  6. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Scan exclusions tab.

    This opens a window containing a list of exclusions.

  8. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of exclusions for all computers in the company. The lists of exclusions in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Exclusions from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting exclusions of the parent policy is not possible.
  9. Select the Allow use of local exclusions check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of exclusions. This way, a user can create their own local list of exclusions in addition to the general list of exclusions generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of exclusions generated in the policy.

  10. Click Add.
  11. In the Properties block, select the File or folder check box.
  12. Click the select file or folder link in the Scan exclusion description (click underlined items to edit them) block to open the Name of file or folder window.
  13. Click Browse and select the shared folder.

    You can also enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask:

    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

    You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

  14. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  15. Click the any link in the Scan exclusion description (click underlined items to edit them) block to activate the select components link.
  16. Click the select components link to open the Protection components window.
  17. Select the check box next to the Behavior Detection component.
  18. Save your changes.

How to create an exclusion for protection of shared folders using the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsExclusions.
  5. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Scan exclusions link.
  6. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of exclusions for all computers in the company. The lists of exclusions in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Exclusions from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting exclusions of the parent policy is not possible.
  7. Select the Allow use of local exclusions check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of exclusions. This way, a user can create their own local list of exclusions in addition to the general list of exclusions generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of exclusions generated in the policy.

  8. Click the Add button.
  9. Select how you want to add the exclusion File or folder.
  10. Click Browse and select the shared folder.

    You can also enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask:

    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

    You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

  11. In the Protection components block, select the Behavior Detection component.
  12. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  13. Select the Active status for the exclusion.

    You can use the toggle to stop an exclusion at any time.

  14. Save your changes.

How to create an exclusion for protection of shared folders in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Exclusions block, click the Manage exclusions link.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click Browse and select the shared folder.

    You can also enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask:

    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

    You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

  6. In the Protection components block, select the Behavior Detection component.
  7. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  8. Select the Active status for the exclusion.

    You can use the toggle to stop an exclusion at any time.

  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 151232]

Configuring addresses of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption

The Audit Logon service must be enabled to enable exclusions of addresses from protection of shared folders against external encryption. By default, the Audit Logon service is disabled (for detailed information about enabling the Audit Logon service, please visit the Microsoft website).

The functionality for excluding addresses from shared folder protection does not work on a remote computer if the remote computer was turned on before Kaspersky Endpoint Security was started. You can restart this remote computer after Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started to ensure that the functionality for excluding addresses from shared folder protection works on this remote computer.

To exclude remote computers that perform external encryption of shared folders:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  3. In the Exclusions block, click the Configure addresses of exclusions link.
  4. If you want to add an IP address or computer name to the list of exclusions, click the Add button.
  5. Enter the IP address or name of the computer from which external encryption attempts must not be handled.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 201977]

Exporting and importing a list of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption

You can export the list of exclusions to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of addresses of the same type. You can also use the export/import function to back up the list of exclusions or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of exclusions in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  6. In the Network Threat Protection settings block, click the Exclusions button.
  7. To export the list of rules:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any exclusion, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all exclusions.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  8. To import the list of exclusions:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of exclusions in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionBehavior Detection.
  5. To export the list of exclusions in the Exclusions block:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected exclusions, or export the entire list of exclusions.
    4. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    5. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  6. To import the list of exclusions in the Exclusions block:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 39265]

Host Intrusion Prevention

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

The Host Intrusion Prevention component prevents applications from performing actions that may be dangerous for the operating system, and ensures control over access to operating system resources and personal data. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases and the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service.

The component controls the operation of applications by using application rights. Application rights include the following access parameters:

  • Access to operating system resources (for example, automatic startup options, registry keys)
  • Access to personal data (such as files and applications)

Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

During the first startup of the application, the Host Intrusion Prevention component performs the following actions:

  1. Checks the security of the application using downloaded anti-virus databases.
  2. Checks the security of the application in Kaspersky Security Network.

    You are advised to participate in Kaspersky Security Network to help the Host Intrusion Prevention component work more effectively.

  3. Places the application in one of the trust groups: Trusted, Low Restricted, High Restricted, Untrusted.

    A trust group defines the rights that Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to when controlling application activity. Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group for the Firewall and Host Intrusion Prevention components. You cannot change the trust group only for the Firewall or Host Intrusion Prevention.

    If you refused to participate in KSN or there is no network, Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the application in a trust group depending on the settings of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. After receiving the reputation of the application from KSN, the trust group can be changed automatically.

  4. Blocks application actions depending on the trust group. For example, applications from the High Restricted trust group are denied access to the operating system modules.

The next time the application is started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the integrity of the application. If the application is unchanged, the component uses the current application rights for it. If the application has been modified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were being started for the first time.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Host Intrusion Prevention

Managing application trust groups

Managing application rights

Protecting operating system resources and personal data

Deleting information about unused applications

Monitoring Host Intrusion Prevention

Protecting access to audio and video

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[Topic 128217]

Enabling and disabling Host Intrusion Prevention

By default, the Host Intrusion Prevention component is enabled and runs in the mode recommended by Kaspersky experts.

How to enable or disable the Host Intrusion Prevention component in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. Use the Host Intrusion Prevention check box to enable or disable the component.
  7. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Host Intrusion Prevention component in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. Use the Host Intrusion Prevention toggle to enable or disable the component.
  6. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Host Intrusion Prevention component in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. Use the Host Intrusion Prevention toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

If the Host Intrusion Prevention component is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will place an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will then block the actions of the application depending on the trust group.

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[Topic 130895]

Managing application trust groups

When each application is started for the first time, the Host Intrusion Prevention component checks the security of the application and places the application into one of the trust groups.

At the first stage of the application scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security searches the internal database of known applications for a matching entry and at the same time sends a request to the Kaspersky Security Network database (if an Internet connection is available). Based on the results of the search in the internal database and the Kaspersky Security Network database, the application is placed into a trust group. Each time the application is subsequently started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends a new query to the KSN database and places the application into a different trust group if the reputation of the application in the KSN database has changed.

You can select a trust group to which Kaspersky Endpoint Security must automatically assign all unknown applications. Applications that were started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security are automatically moved to the trust group defined in Host Intrusion Prevention component settings.

For applications that were started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security, only network activity is controlled. Control is performed according to the network rules defined in the Firewall settings.

In this section

Changing the trust group of an application

Configuring trust group rights

Selecting a trust group for applications started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security

Selecting a trust group for unknown applications

Selecting a trust group for digitally signed applications

Page top

[Topic 123280]

Changing the trust group of an application

When each application is started for the first time, the Host Intrusion Prevention component checks the security of the application and places the application into one of the trust groups.

Kaspersky specialists do not recommend moving applications from the automatically assigned trust group to a different trust group. Instead, you can modify rights for an individual application if necessary.

How to change the trust group of an application in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  7. Select the Application rights tab.
  8. Click Add.
  9. In the window that opens, enter criteria to search for the application whose trust group you want to change.

    You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  10. Click the Refresh button.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will search for the application in the consolidated list of applications installed on managed computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a list of applications that satisfy your search criteria.

  11. Select the necessary application.
  12. In the Add selected application to the trust group drop-down list, select the necessary trust group for the application.
  13. Save your changes.

How to change the trust group of an application in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Application rights and protected resources link.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  6. Select the Application rights tab.

    You will see a list of trust groups on the left side of the window and their properties on the right side.

  7. Click Add.

    This starts the Wizard for adding an application to a trust group.

  8. Select the relevant trust group for the application.
  9. Select the Application type. Go to the next step.

    If you want to change the trust group for multiple applications, select the Group type and define a name for the application group.

  10. In the opened list of applications, select the applications whose trust group you want to change.

    Use a filter. You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  11. Exit the Wizard.

    The application will be added to the trust group.

  12. Save your changes.

How to change the trust group of an application in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. Click Manage applications.

    This opens the list of installed applications.

  4. Select the necessary application.
  5. In the context menu of the application, click Restrictions<trust group>.
  6. Save your changes.

As a result, the application will be put into the other trust group. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will then block the actions of the application depending on the trust group. The icon_HIPS_user_choice (user-defined) status will be assigned to the application. If the reputation of the application is changed in Kaspersky Security Network, the Host Intrusion Prevention component will leave this application's trust group unchanged.

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[Topic 133777]

Configuring trust group rights

The optimal application rights are created for different trust groups by default. The settings of rights for application groups that are in a trust group inherit values from the settings of the trust group rights.

How to change trust group rights in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  7. Select the Application rights tab.
  8. Select the necessary trust group.
  9. In the context menu of the trust group, select Group rights.

    This opens the trust group properties.

  10. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select the Files and system registry tab.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select the Rights tab.

    Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

  11. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, right-click to open the context menu and select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow () or Block ().
  12. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Forbid_Report / icon_WC_Access_Report).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  13. Save your changes.

How to change trust group rights in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Application rights and protected resources link.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  6. Select the Application rights tab.

    You will see a list of trust groups on the left side of the window and their properties on the right side.

  7. In the left part of the window, select the relevant trust group.
  8. In the right part of the window, in the drop-down list, do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select Files and system registry.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select Rights.

    Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

  9. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow (icon_WC_Web_Access_Allow), Block (icon_WC_Web_Access_Forbid).
  10. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Web_Access_Allow_Report / icon_WC_Web_Access_Forbid_Repotr).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  11. Save your changes.

How to change trust group rights in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. Click Manage applications.

    This opens the list of installed applications.

  4. Select the necessary trust group.
  5. In the context menu of the trust group, select Details and rules.

    This opens the trust group properties.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select the Files and system registry tab.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select the Rights tab.

    Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

  7. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, right-click to open the context menu and select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow (icon_WC_Local_Access_Allow), Deny (icon_WC_Local_Access_Forbid).
  8. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Local_Access_Report).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  9. Save your changes.

The trust group rights will be changed. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will then block the actions of the application depending on the trust group. The icon_HIPS_Settings_Edited status (Custom settings) will be assigned to the trust group.

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[Topic 130891]

Selecting a trust group for applications started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security

For applications that were started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security, only network activity is controlled. Control is performed according to the network rules defined in the Firewall settings. To specify which network rules must be applied to network activity monitoring for such applications, you must select a trust group.

How to select a trust group for applications started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Edit button.
  7. For the Trust group for applications launched before Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows starts working setting, select the appropriate trust group.
  8. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for applications started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. For the Trust group for applications launched before Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows starts working setting, select the appropriate trust group.
  6. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for applications started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. In the Trust group for applications launched before Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows starts working block, select the appropriate trust group.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, an application that is started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be put into the other trust group. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will then block the actions of the application depending on the trust group.

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[Topic 39270]

Selecting a trust group for unknown applications

During the first startup of an application, the Host Intrusion Prevention component determines the trust group for the application. If you do not have Internet access or if Kaspersky Security Network has no information about this application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will place the application into the Low Restricted group by default. When information about a previously unknown application is detected in KSN, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will update the rights of this application. You can then manually edit the application rights.

How to select a trust group for unknown applications in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application processing rules block, use the Trust group for applications that could not be added to existing groups drop-down list to select the necessary trust group.

    If participation in Kaspersky Security Network is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends KSN a request for the reputation of an application each time the application is started. Based on the received response, the application may be moved to a trust group that is different from the one specified in the Host Intrusion Prevention component settings.

  7. Use the Update rights for previously unknown applications from KSN database check box to configure automatic update of the rights of unknown applications.
  8. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for unknown applications in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application processing rules block, use the Trust group for applications that could not be added to existing groups drop-down list to select the necessary trust group.

    If participation in Kaspersky Security Network is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends KSN a request for the reputation of an application each time the application is started. Based on the received response, the application may be moved to a trust group that is different from the one specified in the Host Intrusion Prevention component settings.

  6. Use the Update rights for previously unknown applications from KSN database check box to configure automatic update of the rights of unknown applications.
  7. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for unknown applications in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. In the Application processing rules block, select the necessary trust group.

    If participation in Kaspersky Security Network is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends KSN a request for the reputation of an application each time the application is started. Based on the received response, the application may be moved to a trust group that is different from the one specified in the Host Intrusion Prevention component settings.

  4. Use the Update rules for previously unknown applications from KSN check box to configure automatic update of the rights of unknown applications.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128240]

Selecting a trust group for digitally signed applications

Kaspersky Endpoint Security always places applications signed by Microsoft certificates or Kaspersky certificates into the Trusted group.

How to select a trust group for digitally signed applications in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application processing rules block, use the Trust digitally signed applications check box to enable or disable automatic assignment to the Trusted group for applications containing the digital signature of trusted vendors.

    Trusted vendors are those software vendors that are included in the trusted group by Kaspersky. You can also add vendor certificate to the trusted system certificate store manually.

    If this check box is cleared, the Host Intrusion Prevention component does not consider digitally signed applications to be trusted, and uses other parameters to determine their trust group.

  7. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for digitally signed applications in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application processing rules block, use the Trust digitally signed applications check box to enable or disable automatic assignment to the Trusted group for applications containing the digital signature of trusted vendors.

    Trusted vendors are those software vendors that are included in the trusted group by Kaspersky. You can also add vendor certificate to the trusted system certificate store manually.

    If this check box is cleared, the Host Intrusion Prevention component does not consider digitally signed applications to be trusted, and uses other parameters to determine their trust group.

  6. Save your changes.

How to select a trust group for digitally signed applications in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. In the Application processing rules block, use the Trust digitally signed applications check box to enable or disable automatic assignment to the Trusted group for applications containing the digital signature of trusted vendors.

    Trusted vendors are those software vendors that are included in the trusted group by Kaspersky. You can also add vendor certificate to the trusted system certificate store manually.

    If this check box is cleared, the Host Intrusion Prevention component does not consider digitally signed applications to be trusted, and uses other parameters to determine their trust group.

  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 39278]

Managing application rights

By default, application activity is controlled based on the application rights that are defined for the specific trust group that Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigned to the application when it started for the first time. If necessary, you can edit the application rights for an entire trust group, for an individual application, or for a group of applications within a trust group.

Manually defined application rights have a higher priority than application rights that were defined for a trust group. In other words, if manually defined application rights differ from the application rights defined for a trust group, the Host Intrusion Prevention component controls application activity according to the manually defined application rights.

The rules that you create for applications are inherited by child applications. For example, if you deny all network activity for cmd.exe, all network activity will also be denied for notepad.exe if it is started using cmd.exe. When an application is not a child of the application it runs from, rules are not inherited.

How to change application rights in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  7. Select the Application rights tab.
  8. Click Add.
  9. In the window that opens, enter criteria to search for the application whose application rights you want to change.

    You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  10. Click the Refresh button.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will search for the application in the consolidated list of applications installed on managed computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a list of applications that satisfy your search criteria.

  11. Select the necessary application.
  12. In the Add selected application to the trust group drop-down list, select Default groups and click OK.

    The application will be added to the default group.

  13. Select the relevant application and then select Application rights from the context menu of the application.

    This opens the application properties.

  14. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select the Files and system registry tab.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select the Rights tab.

    Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

  15. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, right-click to open the context menu and select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow () or Block ().
  16. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Forbid_Report / icon_WC_Access_Report).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  17. Save your changes.

How to change application rights in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Application rights and protected resources link.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  6. Select the Application rights tab.

    You will see a list of trust groups on the left side of the window and their properties on the right side.

  7. Click Add.

    This starts the Wizard for adding an application to a trust group.

  8. Select the relevant trust group for the application.
  9. Select the Application type. Go to the next step.

    If you want to change the trust group for multiple applications, select the Group type and define a name for the application group.

  10. In the opened list of applications, select the applications whose application rights you want to change.

    Use a filter. You can enter the name of the application or the name of the vendor. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  11. Exit the Wizard.

    The application will be added to the trust group.

  12. In the left part of the window, select the relevant application.
  13. In the right part of the window, in the drop-down list, do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select Files and system registry.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select Rights.

    Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

  14. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow (icon_WC_Web_Access_Allow), Block (icon_WC_Web_Access_Forbid).
  15. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Web_Access_Allow_Report / icon_WC_Web_Access_Forbid_Repotr).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  16. Save your changes.

How to change application rights in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. Click Manage applications.

    This opens the list of installed applications.

  4. Select the necessary application.
  5. In the context menu of the application, select Details and rules.

    This opens the application properties.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate operations with the operating system registry, user files, and application settings, select the Files and system registry tab.
    • If you want to edit trust group rights that regulate access to operating system processes and objects, select the Rights tab.
  7. For the relevant resource, in the column of the corresponding action, right-click to open the context menu and select the necessary option: Inherit, Allow (icon_WC_Local_Access_Allow), Deny (icon_WC_Local_Access_Forbid).
  8. If you want to monitor the use of computer resources, select Log events (icon_WC_Local_Access_Report).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will record information about the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

  9. Select the Exclusions tab and configure the advanced settings of the application (see the table below).
  10. Save your changes.

    Advanced Settings of the application



    Do not scan files before opening

    All files that are opened by the application are excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. For example, if you are using applications to back up files, this feature helps reduce the consumption of resources by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    Do not monitor application activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor the application's file- and network activity in the operating system. Application activity is monitored by the following components: Behavior Detection, Exploit Prevention, Host Intrusion Prevention, Remediation Engine and Firewall.

    Do not inherit restrictions from the parent process (application)

    The restrictions configured for the parent process will not be applied by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a child process. The parent process is started by an application for which application rights (Host Intrusion Prevention) and application network rules (Firewall) are configured.

    Do not monitor child application activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor the file activity or network activity of applications that are started by this application.

    Allow interaction with the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows interface

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense blocks all attempts to manage application services from a remote computer. If the check box is selected, the remote access application is allowed to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings through the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface.

    Do not scan encrypted traffic / Do not scan all traffic

    Network traffic initiated by the application will be excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can exclude either all traffic or only encrypted traffic from scans. You can also exclude individual IP addresses and port numbers from scans.

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[Topic 39271]

Protecting operating system resources and personal data

The Host Intrusion Prevention component manages the rights of applications to take actions on various categories of operating system resources and personal data. Kaspersky specialists have established preset categories of protected resources. For example, the Operating system category has a Startup settings subcategory that lists all the registry keys associated with autorun of applications. You cannot edit or delete the preset categories of protected resources or the protected resources that are within these categories.

How to add a protected resource in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Settings button.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  7. Select the Protected resources tab.

    You will see a list of protected resources in the left part of the window and the corresponding rights for accessing those resources depending on the specific trust group.

  8. Select the category of protected resources to which you want to add a new protected resource.

    If you want to add a subcategory, click AddCategory.

  9. Click the Add button. In the drop-down list, select the type of resource that you want to add: File or folder or Registry key.
  10. In the window that opens, select a file, folder, or registry key.

    You can view applications' rights to access the added resources. To do so, select an added resource in the left part of the window and Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show the access rights for each trust group. You can also disable control of application activity with resources by using the check box next to a new resource.

  11. Save your changes.

How to add a protected resource in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application rights and protected resources block, click the Application rights and protected resources link.

    This opens the application rights configuration window and the list of protected resources.

  6. Select the Protected resources tab.

    You will see a list of protected resources in the left part of the window and the corresponding rights for accessing those resources depending on the specific trust group.

  7. Click Add.

    The New Resource Wizard starts.

  8. Click the Group name link to select the category of protected resources to which you want to add a new protected resource.

    If you want to add a subcategory, select the Category of protected resources option.

  9. Select the type of resource that you want to add: File or folder or Registry key.
  10. Select a file, folder, or registry key.
  11. Exit the Wizard.

    You can view applications' rights to access the added resources. To do so, select an added resource in the left part of the window and Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show the access rights for each trust group. You can also use the check box in the Status column to disable control of application activity with resources.

  12. Save your changes.

How to add a protected resource in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. Click Manage resources.

    The list of protected resources opens.

  4. Select the category of protected resources to which you want to add a new protected resource.

    If you want to add a subcategory, click AddCategory.

  5. Click the Add button. In the drop-down list, select the type of resource that you want to add: File or folder or Registry key.
  6. In the window that opens, select a file, folder, or registry key.

    You can view applications' rights to access the added resources. To do so, select an added resource in the left part of the window and Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a list of applications and the access rights for each application. You can also disable control of application activity with resources by using the icon_HIPS_control_off Enable control button in the Status column.

  7. Save your changes.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will control access to the added operating system resources and to personal data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls an application's access to resources based on the trust group assigned to the application. You can also change the trust group of an application.

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[Topic 128039]

Deleting information about unused applications

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses application rights to control the activities of applications. Application rights are determined by their trust group. Kaspersky Endpoint Security puts an application into a trust group when the application is started for the first time. You can manually change the trust group of an application. You can also manually configure the rights of an individual application. Kaspersky Endpoint Security stores the following information about an application: trust group of the application, and rights of the application.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes information about unused applications to save computer resources. Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes application information according to the following rules:

  • If the trust group and rights of an application were determined automatically, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes information about this application after 30 days. It is not possible to change the storage term for application information or turn off automatic deletion.
  • If you manually put an application into a trust group or configured its access rights, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes information about this application after 60 days (default storage term). You can change the storage term for application information, or turn off automatic deletion (see the instructions below).

When you start an application whose information has been deleted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were starting for the first time.

How to configure automatic deletion of information about unused applications in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  6. In the Application processing rules block, do one of the following:
    • If you want to configure automatic deletion, select the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box and enter the number of days.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after the defined number of days. Information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined will also be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after 30 days.

    • If you want to turn off automatic deletion, clear the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be stored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security indefinitely, without any storage term limits. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will only delete information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined after 30 days.

  7. Save your changes.

How to configure automatic deletion of information about unused applications in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  5. In the Application processing rules block, do one of the following:
    • If you want to configure automatic deletion, select the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box and enter the number of days.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after the defined number of days. Information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined will also be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after 30 days.

    • If you want to turn off automatic deletion, clear the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be stored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security indefinitely, without any storage term limits. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will only delete information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined after 30 days.

  6. Save your changes.

How to configure automatic deletion of information about unused applications in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionHost Intrusion Prevention.
  3. In the Application processing rules block, do one of the following:
    • If you want to configure automatic deletion, select the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box and enter the number of days.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after the defined number of days. Information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined will also be deleted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security after 30 days.

    • If you want to turn off automatic deletion, clear the Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days check box.

      Information about the applications that you manually put into a trust group or whose access rights you manually configured will be stored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security indefinitely, without any storage term limits. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will only delete information about applications whose trust group and application rights were automatically determined after 30 days.

  4. Save your changes.


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[Topic 133783]

Monitoring Host Intrusion Prevention

You can receive reports on the operation of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Reports contain information about operations with computer resources performed by the application (allowed or forbidden). Reports also contain information about the applications that utilize each resource.

To monitor Host Intrusion Prevention operations, you need to enable report writing. For example, you can enable forwarding of reports for individual applications in the Host Intrusion Prevention component settings.

When configuring Host Intrusion Prevention monitoring, take into account the potential network load when forwarding events to Kaspersky Security Center. You can also enable saving of reports only in the local log of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

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[Topic 134861]

Protecting access to audio and video

Cybercriminals can use special programs to try to gain access to devices that record audio and video (such as microphones or webcams). Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls when applications receive an audio stream or video stream and protects data against unauthorized interception.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls the access of applications to the audio stream and video stream as follows:

  • Trusted and Low Restricted applications are allowed to receive the audio stream and video stream from devices by default.
  • High Restricted and Untrusted applications are not allowed to receive the audio stream and video stream from devices by default.

You can manually allow applications to receive the audio stream and video stream.

Special features of audio stream protection

Audio stream protection has the following special characteristics:

  • The Host Intrusion Prevention component must be enabled for this functionality to work.
  • If the application started receiving the audio stream before the Host Intrusion Prevention component was started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the application to receive the audio stream and does not show any notifications.
  • If you moved the application to the Untrusted group or High Restricted group after the application began receiving the audio stream, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the application to receive the audio stream and does not show any notifications.
  • After the settings for the application's access to sound recording devices have been changed (for example, if the application has been blocked from receiving the audio stream), this application must be restarted to stop it from receiving the audio stream.
  • Control of access to the audio stream from sound recording devices does not depend on an application's webcam access settings.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security protects access to only built-in microphones and external microphones. Other audio streaming devices are not supported.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot guarantee the protection of an audio stream from such devices as DSLR cameras, portable video cameras, and action cameras.
  • When you run audio and video recording or playback applications for the first time since installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, audio and video playback or recording may be interrupted. This is necessary in order to enable the functionality that controls access to sound recording devices by applications. The system service that controls audio hardware will be restarted when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is run for the first time.

Special features of application webcam access protection

Webcam access protection functionality has the following special considerations and limitations:

  • The application controls video and still images derived from the processing of webcam data.
  • The application controls the audio stream if it is part of the video stream received from the webcam.
  • The application controls only webcams connected via USB or IEEE1394 that are displayed as Imaging Devices in the Windows Device Manager.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following webcams:
    • Logitech HD Webcam C270
    • Logitech HD Webcam C310
    • Logitech Webcam C210
    • Logitech Webcam Pro 9000
    • Logitech HD Webcam C525
    • Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000
    • Microsoft LifeCam VX-2000
    • Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000
    • Microsoft LifeCam VX-800
    • Microsoft LifeCam Cinema

    Kaspersky cannot guarantee support for webcams that are not specified in this list.

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[Topic 151135]

Remediation Engine

The Remediation Engine lets Kaspersky Endpoint Security roll back actions that have been performed by malware in the operating system.

When rolling back malware activity in the operating system, Kaspersky Endpoint Security handles the following types of malware activity:

  • File activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Deletes executable files that were created by malware (on all media except network drives).
    • Deletes executable files that were created by programs that have been infiltrated by malware.
    • Restores files that have been modified or deleted by malware.

    The file recovery feature has a number of limitations.

  • Registry activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Deletes registry keys that were created by malware.
    • Does not restore registry keys that have been modified or deleted by malware.
  • System activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Terminates processes that have been initiated by malware.
    • Terminates processes into which a malicious application has penetrated.
    • Does not resume processes that have been halted by malware.
  • Network activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Blocks the network activity of malware.
    • Blocks the network activity of processes that have been infiltrated by malware.

A rollback of malware actions can be started by the File Threat Protection or Behavior Detection component, or during a malware scan.

Rolling back malware operations affects a strictly defined set of data. Rollback has no adverse effects on the operating system or on the integrity of your computer data.

How to enable or disable the Remediation Engine component in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionRemediation Engine.
  6. Use the Remediation Engine check box to enable or disable the component.
  7. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Remediation Engine component in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionRemediation Engine.
  5. Use the Remediation Engine toggle to enable or disable the component.
  6. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable the Remediation Engine component in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionRemediation Engine.
  3. Use the Remediation Engine toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Remediation Engine is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will roll back the actions taken by malicious applications in the operating system.

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[Topic 177936]

Kaspersky Security Network

To protect your computer more effectively, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses data that is received from users around the globe. Kaspersky Security Network is designed for obtaining this data.

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to new threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network, KSN services provide Kaspersky Endpoint Security with information about the category and reputation of scanned files, as well as information about the reputation of scanned web addresses.

Use of Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. The application prompts you to use KSN during initial configuration of the application. Users can begin or discontinue participation in KSN at any time.

For more detailed information about sending Kaspersky statistical information that is generated during participation in KSN, and about the storage and destruction of such information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and the Kaspersky website. The ksn_<language ID>.txt file with the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement is included in the application distribution kit.

To reduce the load on KSN servers, Kaspersky experts may release application updates that temporarily disable or partly restrict requests to Kaspersky Security Network. In this case, the status of the connection to KSN in the local interface of the application is Enabled with restrictions.

KSN Infrastructure

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following KSN infrastructural solutions:

  • Global KSN is the solution that is used by most Kaspersky applications. KSN participants receive information from Kaspersky Security Network and send Kaspersky information about objects detected on the user's computer to be analyzed additionally by Kaspersky analysts and to be included in the reputation and statistical databases of Kaspersky Security Network.
  • Private KSN is a solution that enables users of computers hosting Kaspersky Endpoint Security or other Kaspersky applications to obtain access to reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network, and to other statistical data without sending data to KSN from their own computers. Private KSN is designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
    • Local workstations are not connected to the Internet.
    • Transmission of any data outside the country or outside the corporate LAN is prohibited by law or restricted by corporate security policies.

By default, Kaspersky Security Center uses Global KSN. You can configure the use of Private KSN in the Administration Console (MMC), in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, and in the command line. It is not possible to configure the use of Private KSN in the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

For more details about Private KSN, please refer to the documentation on Kaspersky Private Security Network.

In this section

Enabling and disabling the usage of Kaspersky Security Network

Limitations of Private KSN

Enabling and disabling cloud mode for protection components

KSN Proxy settings

Checking the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

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[Topic 126799]

Enabling and disabling the usage of Kaspersky Security Network

To enable or disable the usage of Kaspersky Security Network:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionKaspersky Security Network.
  3. Use the Kaspersky Security Network toggle to enable or disable the component.

    If you enabled the use of KSN, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. Please read and accept the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) Statement terms of use if you agree to them.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Extended KSN mode. Extended KSN mode is a mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends additional data to Kaspersky.

  4. If required, flip the Enable extended KSN mode toggle off.
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, if use of KSN is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses information about the reputation of files, web resources, and applications received from Kaspersky Security Network.

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[Topic 203181]

Limitations of Private KSN

Private KSN (hereinafter also referred to as KPSN) lets you use your own local reputation database to check the reputation of objects (files or web addresses). The reputation of an object added to the local reputation database has a higher priority than one added to KSN/KPSN. For example, imagine that Kaspersky Endpoint Security is scanning a computer and requests the reputation of a file in KSN/KPSN. If the file has an Untrusted reputation in the local reputation database but has a Trusted reputation in KSN/KPSN, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will detect the file as Untrusted and will take the action defined for detected threats.

However, in some cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security might not request the reputation of an object in KSN/KPSN. If this is the case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not receive data from the local reputation database of KPSN. Kaspersky Endpoint Security might not request the reputation of an object in KSN/KPSN for the following reasons:

  • Kaspersky applications are using offline reputation databases. Offline reputation databases are designed to optimize resources during operation of Kaspersky applications and to protect critically important objects on the computer. Offline reputation databases are created by Kaspersky experts based on data from Kaspersky Security Network. Kaspersky applications update offline reputation databases with anti-virus databases of the specific application. If offline reputation databases contain information about an object being scanned, the application does not request the reputation of this object from KSN/KPSN.
  • Scan exclusions (trusted zone) are configured in the application settings. If this is the case, the application does not take into account the reputation of the object in the local reputation database.
  • The application uses scan optimization technologies, such as iSwift or iChecker, or is caching reputation requests to KSN / KPSN. If this is the case, the application might not request the reputation of previously scanned objects.
  • To optimize its workload, the application scans files of a certain format and size. The list of relevant formats and size limits are determined by Kaspersky experts. This list is updated with the application's anti-virus databases. You can also configure scan optimization settings in the application interface, for example, for the File Threat Protection component.
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[Topic 155760]

Enabling and disabling cloud mode for protection components

Cloud mode refers to the application operating mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a light version of anti-virus databases. Kaspersky Security Network supports the operation of the application when light anti-virus databases are being used. The light version of anti-virus databases lets you use approximately half of the computer RAM that would otherwise be used with the usual databases. If you do not participate in Kaspersky Security Network or if cloud mode is disabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the full version of anti-virus databases from Kaspersky servers.

When using Kaspersky Private Security Network, cloud mode functionality is available starting with Kaspersky Private Security Network version 3.0.

To enable or disable cloud mode for protection components:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionKaspersky Security Network.
  3. Use the Enable cloud mode toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads a light version or full version of anti-virus databases during the next update.

If the light version of anti-virus databases is not available for use, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically switches to the premium version of anti-virus databases.

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[Topic 232851]

KSN Proxy settings

User computers managed by Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server can interact with KSN via the KSN Proxy service.

The KSN Proxy service provides the following capabilities:

  • The user's computer can query KSN and submit information to KSN even without direct access to the Internet.
  • The KSN Proxy service caches processed data, thereby reducing the load on the external network communication channel and speeding up receipt of the information that is requested by the user's computer.

By default, after KSN is enabled and the KSN Statement is accepted, the application uses a proxy server to connect to Kaspersky Security Network. The proxy server used by the application is the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server via TCP port 13111. Therefore, if KSN Proxy is not available, you need to verify the following:

  • The ksnproxy service is running on the Administration Server.
  • The Firewall on the computer is not blocking port 13111.

You can configure the use of KSN Proxy as follows: enable or disable KSN Proxy, and configure the port for the connection. To do so, you need to open the Administration Server properties. For details on KSN Proxy configuration, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help. You can also enable or disable KSN Proxy for individual computers in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

How to enable or disable KSN Proxy in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Advanced Threat ProtectionKaspersky Security Network.
  6. In the KSN Proxy Settings block, use the Use KSN Proxy check box to enable or disable KSN Proxy.
  7. If necessary, select the Use KSN servers when KSN Proxy is not available check box.

    If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN servers when the KSN Proxy service is unavailable. KSN servers may be located both on the side of Kaspersky (when Global KSN is used) and on the side of third parties (when Private KSN is used).

  8. Save your changes.

How to enable or disable KSN Proxy in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Threat ProtectionKaspersky Security Network.
  5. Use the Use KSN Proxy check box to enable or disable KSN Proxy.
  6. If necessary, select the Use KSN servers when KSN Proxy is not available check box.

    If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN servers when the KSN Proxy service is unavailable. KSN servers may be located both on the side of Kaspersky (when Global KSN is used) and on the side of third parties (when Private KSN is used).

  7. Save your changes.

The KSN Proxy address matches the Administration Server address. When the Administration Server domain name is changed, you need to manually update the KSN Proxy address.

To configure the KSN Proxy address:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerAdditionalRemote installationInstallation packages.
  2. In the context menu of the Installation packages folder, select Properties.
  3. On the General tab in the opened window, specify the new address of the KSN proxy server.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128451]

Checking the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

If you are doubtful of the security of a file, you can check its reputation in Kaspersky Security Network.

You can check the reputation of a file if you have accepted the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.

To check the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network:

Open the file context menu and select the Check reputation in KSN option (see the figure below).

File context menu

Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the file reputation:

Trusted (Kaspersky Security Network). Most users of Kaspersky Security Network have confirmed that the file is trusted.

Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data. Although they do not have any malicious functions, such applications can be exploited by intruders. For details on legitimate software that could be used by criminals to harm the computer or personal data of a user, please refer to the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia website. You can add these applications to the trusted list.

Untrusted (Kaspersky Security Network). A virus or other application that poses a threat.

Unknown (Kaspersky Security Network). Kaspersky Security Network does not have any information about the file. You can scan a file using anti-virus databases (the Scan for viruses option in the context menu).

Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the KSN solution that was used to determine the reputation of the file: Global KSN or Private KSN.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security also displays additional information about the file (see the figure below).

Reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

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[Topic 175451]

Encrypted connections scan

After installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a Kaspersky certificate to the system storage for trusted certificates (Windows certificate store). Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses this certificate to scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also includes the use of system storage of trusted certificates in Firefox and Thunderbird to scan the traffic of these applications.

The Web Control, Mail Threat Protection, Web Threat Protection components can decrypt and scan network traffic transmitted over encrypted connections using the following protocols:

  • SSL 3.0.
  • TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3.

In this section

Enabling encrypted connections scan

Installing trusted root certificates.

Scanning encrypted connections with an untrusted certificate

Scanning encrypted connections in Firefox and Thunderbird

Excluding encrypted connections from scanning

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[Topic 175124]

Enabling encrypted connections scan

To enable the scanning of encrypted connections:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Encrypted connections scan block, select the encrypted connection scanning mode:
    • Do not scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not have access to the contents of websites whose addresses begin with https://.
    • Scan encrypted connections upon request from protection components. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan encrypted traffic only when requested by the Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, and Web Control components.
    • Always scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan encrypted network traffic even if protection components are disabled.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan encrypted connections that were established by trusted applications for which traffic scanning is disabled. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan encrypted connections from the predefined list of trusted websites. The predefined list of trusted websites is created by Kaspersky experts. This list is updated with the application's anti-virus databases. You can view the predefined list of trusted websites only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. You cannot view the list in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.

  4. If necessary, add scan exclusions: trusted addresses and applications.
  5. Configure the settings for scanning encrypted connections (see the table below).
  6. Save your changes.

    Encrypted connections scan settings



    Trusted root certificates

    List of trusted root certificates. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you install trusted root certificates on user computers if, for example, you need to deploy a new certification center. The application lets you add a certificate to a special Kaspersky Endpoint Security certificate store. In this case, the certificate is considered trusted only for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application. In other words, the user can gain access to a website with the new certificate in the browser. If another application tries to gain access to the website, you can get a connection error because of a certificate issue. To add to the system certificate store, you can use Active Directory group policies.

    When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate

    • Allow. When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the network connection.

      When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing a warning and the reason why visiting that domain is not recommended. A user can click the link from the HTML warning page to obtain access to the requested web resource.

      If a third-party application or service establishes a connection with a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates its own certificate to scan traffic. The new certificate has the Untrusted status. This is necessary to warn the third-party application about the untrusted connection because the HTML page cannot be shown in this case and the connection can be established in background mode.

    • Block connection. When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the network connection. When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing the reason why that domain is blocked.

    When encrypted connections scan errors occur

    • Block connection. If this item is selected, when an encrypted connection scan error occurs, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the network connection.
    • Add domain to exclusions. If this item is selected, when an encrypted connection scan error occurs, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the domain that resulted in the error to the list of domains with scan errors and does not monitor encrypted network traffic when this domain is visited. You can view a list of domains with encrypted connections scan errors only in the local interface of the application. To clear the list contents, you need to select Block connection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also generates an event for the encrypted connection scan error.

    Block SSL 2.0 connections (recommended)

    If the check box is selected, the application blocks network connections established over the SSL 2.0 protocol.

    If the check box is cleared, the application does not block network connections established over the SSL 2.0 protocol and does not monitor network traffic transmitted over these connections.

    Decrypt an encrypted connection with the website that uses EV certificate

    EV certificates (Extended Validation Certificates) confirm the authenticity of websites and enhance the security of the connection. Browsers use a lock icon in their address bar to indicate that a website has an EV certificate. Browsers may also fully or partially color the address bar in green.

    If the check box is selected, the application decrypts and monitors encrypted connections with websites that use an EV certificate.

    If the check box is cleared, the application does not have access to the contents of HTTPS traffic. For this reason, the application monitors HTTPS traffic only based on the website address, for example, https://bing.com.

    If you are opening a website with an EV certificate for the first time, the encrypted connection will be decrypted regardless of whether or not the check box is selected.

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[Topic 230925]

Installing trusted root certificates.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you install trusted root certificates on user computers if, for example, you need to deploy a new certification center. The application lets you add a certificate to a special Kaspersky Endpoint Security certificate store. In this case, the certificate is considered trusted only for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application. In other words, the user can gain access to a website with the new certificate in the browser. If another application tries to gain access to the website, you can get a connection error because of a certificate issue. To add to the system certificate store, you can use Active Directory group policies.

How to install trusted root certificates in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  6. In the Trusted root certificates block, click Add.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, select a trusted root certificate.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports certificates with PEM, DER, and CRT extensions.

  8. Save your changes.

How to install trusted root certificates in Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsNetwork Settings.
  5. Click Show certificates.
  6. This opens a window; in that window, click Add and select a trusted root certificate.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports certificates with PEM, DER, and CRT extensions.

  7. Save your changes.

How to install trusted root certificates in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Encrypted connections scan block, click the Show certificates button.
  4. This opens a window; in that window, click Add and select a trusted root certificate.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports certificates with PEM, DER, and CRT extensions.

  5. Save your changes.

As a result, when scanning traffic, in addition to the system certificate store, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses its own certificate store.

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[Topic 229683]

Scanning encrypted connections with an untrusted certificate

After installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a Kaspersky certificate to the system storage for trusted certificates (Windows certificate store). Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses this certificate to scan encrypted connections. When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate, you can allow or deny user access to that domain (see the instructions below).

If you have allowed the user to visit domains with untrusted certificates, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

  • When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate in the browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Kaspersky certificate to scan traffic. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a HTML page with a warning and information about the reason why it is not recommended to visit the relevant domain (see the figure below). A user can click the link from the HTML warning page to obtain access to the requested web resource. After following this link, during the next hour Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not display warnings about an untrusted certificate when visiting other resources on this same domain. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also generates an event about establishing an encrypted connection with an untrusted certificate.
  • If a third-party application or service establishes a connection with a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates its own certificate to scan traffic. The new certificate has the Untrusted status. This is necessary to warn the third-party application about the untrusted connection because the HTML page cannot be shown in this case and the connection can be established in background mode. Therefore, if a third-party application has built-in certificate verification tools, the connection may be terminated. In that case, you must contact the owner of the domain and set up a trusted connection. If setting up a trusted connection is impossible, you can add that third-party application to the list of trusted applications. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also generates an event about establishing an encrypted connection with an untrusted certificate.

How to configure the scanning of encrypted connections with an untrusted certificate in Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  6. In the Encrypted connections scan block, click the Advanced Settings button.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, select the application operating mode when visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate: Allow or Block connection.
  8. Save your changes.

How to configure the scanning of encrypted connections with an untrusted certificate in Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsNetwork Settings.
  5. Under Encrypted connections scan, select the application operating mode when visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate: Allow or Block connection.
  6. Save your changes.

How to configure the scanning of encrypted connections with an untrusted certificate in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. Under Encrypted connections scan, select the application operating mode when visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate: Allow or Block connection.
  4. Save your changes.

Warning about visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate

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[Topic 202714]

Scanning encrypted connections in Firefox and Thunderbird

After installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a Kaspersky certificate to the system storage for trusted certificates (Windows certificate store). By default, Firefox and Thunderbird use their own proprietary Mozilla certificate store instead of the Windows certificate store. If Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in your organization and a policy is being applied to a computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically enables use of the Windows certificate store in Firefox and Thunderbird to scan the traffic of these applications. If a policy is not being applied to the computer, you can choose the certificate storage that will be used by Mozilla applications. If you selected the Mozilla certificate store, manually add a Kaspersky certificate to it. This will help avoid errors when working with HTTPS traffic.

To scan traffic in the Mozilla Firefox browser and the Thunderbird mail client, you must enable the Encrypted Connections Scan. If Encrypted Connections Scan is disabled, the application does not scan traffic in the Mozilla Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail client.

Prior to adding a certificate to the Mozilla store, export the Kaspersky certificate from the Windows Control Panel (browser properties). For details about exporting the Kaspersky certificate, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base. For details about adding a certificate to storage, visit the Mozilla technical support website.

You can choose the certificate store only in the local interface of the application.

To choose a certificate store for scanning encrypted connections in Firefox and Thunderbird:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird block, select the Use the selected certificate store to scan encrypted connections in Mozilla applications check box.
  4. Select a certificate store:
    • Use Windows certificate store (recommended). The Kaspersky root certificate is added to this store during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    • Use Mozilla certificate store. Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird use their own certificate stores. If the Mozilla certificate store is selected, you need to manually add the Kaspersky root certificate to this store through the browser properties.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 175151]

Excluding encrypted connections from scanning

Most web resources use encrypted connections. Kaspersky experts recommend that you enable Encrypted connections scan. If encrypted connections scan interferes with work-related activity, you can add a website to exclusions referred to as trusted addresses. If a trusted application uses an encrypted connection, you can disable encrypted connections scan for this application. For example, you can disable encrypted connections scan for cloud storage applications that use two-factor authentication with their own certificate.

To exclude a web address from encrypted connection scans:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Encrypted connections scan block, click the Trusted addresses button.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter a domain name or an IP address if you do not want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to scan encrypted connections established when visiting that domain.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * character for entering a mask in the domain name.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the * symbol for IP addresses. You can select a range of IP addresses using a subnet mask (for example,


    • domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://domain.com, https://www.domain.com, https://domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of subdomains (for example, subdomain.domain.com).
    • subdomain.domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://subdomain.domain.com, https://subdomain.domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of the domain.com domain.
    • *.domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://movies.domain.com, https://images.domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of the domain.com domain.
  6. Save your changes.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan encrypted connections when errors occur and adds the website to a special list of Domains with scan errors. Kaspersky Endpoint Security compiles a separate list for each user and does not send data to Kaspersky Security Center. You can enable blocking the connection when a scan error occurs. You can view a list of domains with encrypted connections scan errors only in the local interface of the application.

To view the list of domains with scan errors:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Encrypted connections scan block, click the Domains with scan errors button.

A list of domains with scan errors opens. To reset the list, enable blocking connection when scan errors occur in the policy, apply the policy, then reset the parameter to its initial value and apply the policy again.

Kaspersky specialists make a list of global exceptions — trusted websites that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not check regardless of the application settings.

To view the global exclusions from encrypted traffic scans:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Encrypted connections scan block, click the list of trusted websites link.

This opens a list of websites compiled by Kaspersky experts. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan protected connections for websites on the list. The list may be updated when Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases and modules are updated.

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[Topic 187503]

Wipe Data

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you use a task to remotely delete data from users' computers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes data as follows:

  • In silent mode;
  • On hard drives and removable drives;
  • For all user accounts on the computer.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the Wipe data task no matter which licensing type is being used, even after the license has expired.

Data Wipe modes

This task enables you to delete data in the following modes:

  • Immediate data deletion.

    In this mode, you can, for example, delete outdated data to free up disk space.

  • Postponed data deletion.

    This mode is intended, for example, to protect data on a laptop in case it is lost or stolen. You can configure automatic data deletion if the laptop goes outside the boundaries of the corporate network and has not been synchronized with Kaspersky Security Center in a long time.

It is not possible to set a schedule for deleting data in task properties. You can only delete data immediately after starting the task manually, or configure delayed data deletion if there is no connection with Kaspersky Security Center.


Data Wipe has the following limitations:

  • Only a Kaspersky Security Center administrator can manage the Wipe data task. You cannot configure or start a task in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  • For the NTFS file system, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes only the names of the main data streams. Alternate data stream names cannot be deleted.
  • When you delete a symbolic link file, Kaspersky Endpoint Security also deletes the files whose paths are specified in the symbolic link.

Creating a Wipe data task

To delete data on users' computers:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Wipe data.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Wipe data (Anti-Theft).
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Go to the next step.

    If new computers are added to an administration group within the task scope, the immediate data deletion task is run on the new computers only if the task is completed within 5 minutes of the addition of the new computers.

  5. Exit the Wizard.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  6. Click the Wipe data task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  7. Select the Application settings tab.
  8. Select the data deletion method:
    • Delete by means of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the operating system resources to delete files without sending them to the recycle bin.
    • Delete completely, no recovery possible. Kaspersky Endpoint Security overwrites files with random data. It is practically impossible to restore data after it is deleted.
  9. If you want to postpone data deletion, select the Automatically wipe data when there is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center for more than N days check box. Define the number of days.

    The postponed data deletion task will be performed each time that a connection with Kaspersky Security Center is absent for the defined period of time.

    When configuring postponed data deletion, bear in mind that employees may turn off their computer before going on vacation. In this case, the absent connection term may be exceeded and data will be deleted. Also consider the work schedule of offline users. For more details about working with offline computers and out-of-office users, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

    If the check box is cleared, the task will be performed immediately after synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center.

  10. Create a list of objects to delete:
    • Folders. Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes all files in the folder, and its subfolders. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support masks and environment variables for entering a folder path.
    • Files by extension. Kaspersky Endpoint Security searches for files with the specified extensions on all computer drives, including removable drives. Use the ";" or "," characters to specify multiple extensions.
    • Predefined scope. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will delete files from the following areas:
      • Documents. Files in the standard Documents folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.
      • Cookies. Files in which the browser saves data from the websites visited by the user (such as user authorization data).
      • Desktop. Files in the standard Desktop folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.
      • Temporary Internet Explorer files. Temporary files related to the operation of Internet Explorer, such as copies of web pages, images, and media files.
      • Temporary files. Temporary files related to the operation of applications installed on the computer. For example, Microsoft Office applications create temporary files containing backup copies of documents.
      • Outlook files. Files related to the operation of the Outlook mail client: data files (PST), offline data files (OST), offline address book files (OAB), and personal address book files (PAB).
      • User profile. Set of files and folders that store operating system settings for the local user account.

    You can create a list of objects to delete on each tab. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will create a consolidated list and delete files from this list when a task is complete.

    You cannot delete files that are required for operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

  11. Save your changes.
  12. Select the check box next to the task.
  13. Click the Run button.

As a result, data on users' computers will be deleted according to the selected mode: immediate or when a connection is absent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot delete a file, such as when a user is currently using a file, the application does not attempt to delete it again. To complete data deletion, run the task again.

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[Topic 128048]

Web Control

Web Control manages users' access to web resources. This helps reduce traffic and inappropriate use of work time. When a user tries to open a website that is restricted by Web Control, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access or show a warning (see the figure below).

Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors only HTTP- and HTTPS traffic.

For HTTPS traffic monitoring, you need to enable encrypted connections scan.

Methods for managing access to websites

Web Control lets you configure access to websites by using the following methods:

  • Website category. Websites are categorized according to the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, heuristic analysis, and the database of known websites (included in application databases). For example, you can restrict user access to the Social networks category or to other categories.
  • Data type. You can restrict users' access to data on a website, and hide graphic images, for example. Kaspersky Endpoint Security determines the data type based on the file format and not based on its extension.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files within archives. For example, if image files were placed in an archive, Kaspersky Endpoint Security identifies the Archives data type and not Graphics.

  • Individual address. You can enter a web address or use masks.

You can simultaneously use multiple methods for regulating access to websites. For example, you can restrict access to the "Office files" data type just for the Web-based mail website category.

Website access rules

Web Control manages users' access to websites by using access rules. You can configure the following advanced settings for a website access rule:

  • Users to which the rule applies.

    For example, you can restrict Internet access through a browser for all users of the company except the IT department.

  • Rule schedule.

    For example, you can restrict Internet access through a browser during working hours only.

Access rule priorities

Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If a website has been added to multiple rules, Web Control regulates access to the website based on the rule with the highest priority. For example, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may identify a corporate portal as a social network. To restrict access to social networks and provide access to the corporate web portal, create two rules: one block rule for the Social networks website category and one allow rule for the corporate web portal. The access rule for the corporate web portal must have a higher priority than the access rule for social networks.

Web Control messages

In this section

Enabling and disabling Web Control

Actions with web resource access rules

Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses

Monitoring user Internet activity

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Editing masks for web resource addresses

Migrating web resource access rules from previous versions of the application

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[Topic 128051]

Enabling and disabling Web Control

By default, Web Control is enabled.

To enable or disable Web Control:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. Use the Web Control toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 124709]

Actions with web resource access rules

It is not recommended to create more than 1000 rules of access to web resources, as this can cause the system to become unstable.

A web resource access rule is a set of filters and actions that Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs when the user visits web resources that are described in the rule during the time span that is indicated in the rule schedule. Filters allow you to precisely specify a pool of web resources to which access is controlled by the Web Control component.

The following filters are available:

  • Filter by content. Web Control categorizes web resources by content and data type. You can control user access to web resources with content and data falling into the types defined by these categories. When the users visit web resources that belong to the selected content category and / or data type category, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the action that is specified in the rule.
  • Filter by web resource addresses. You can control user access to all web resource addresses or to individual web resource addresses and / or groups of web resource addresses.

    If filtering by content and filtering by web resource addresses are specified, and the specified web resource addresses and / or groups of web resource addresses belong to the selected content categories or data type categories, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not control access to all web resources in the selected content categories and / or data type categories. Instead, the application controls access only to the specified web resource addresses and / or groups of web resource addresses.

  • Filter by names of users and user groups. You can specify the names of users and / or groups of users for which access to web resources is controlled according to the rule.
  • Rule schedule. You can specify the rule schedule. The rule schedule determines the time span during which Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors access to web resources covered by the rule.

After Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed, the list of rules of the Web Control component is not blank. Two rules are preset:

  • Scripts and Stylesheets rule, which grants all users access at all times to web resources whose addresses contain the names of files with the CSS, JS, or VBS extensions. For example: http://www.example.com/style.css, http://www.example.com/style.css?mode=normal.
  • Default rule. This rule is applied to any web resources that are not covered by other rules, and allows or blocks access to these web resources for all users.

In this section

Adding a web resource access rule

Assigning priorities to web resource access rules

Enabling and disabling a web resource access rule

Exporting and importing the list of trusted web addresses

Testing web resource access rules

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[Topic 123289]

Adding a web resource access rule

To add or edit a web resource access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Settings block, click the Rules of access to web resources button.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.

    The Rule of access to web resources window opens.

  5. In the Rule name field, enter the name of the rule.
  6. Select the On status for the web resource access rule.

    You can use the toggle to disable the web resource access rule at any time.

  7. In the Action block, select the relevant option:
    • Allow. If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows access to web resources that match the parameters of the rule.
    • Block. If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access to web resources that match the parameters of the rule.
    • Warn. If this value is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a warning that a web resource is unwanted when the user attempts to access web resources that match the rule. By using links from the warning message, the user can obtain access to the requested web resource.
  8. In the Content of the filter block, select the relevant content filter:
    • By content categories. You can control user access to web resources by category (for example, the Social networks category).
    • By types of data. You can control user access to web resources based on the specific data type of its published data (for example, Graphics).

    To configure the content filter:

    1. Click the Settings link.
    2. Select the check boxes next to the names of the required categories of content and/or data types.

      Selecting the check box next to the name of a content category and/or data type means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the rule to control access to web resources that belong to the selected categories of content and/or data types.

    3. Return to the window for configuring the web resource access rule.
  9. In the Addresses block, select the relevant web resource address filter:
    • To all addresses. Web Control will not filter web resources by address.
    • To individual addresses. Web Control will filter only web resource addresses from the list. To create a list of web resource addresses:
      1. Click the Add address or Add a group of addresses button.
      2. In the window that opens, create a list of web resource addresses. You can enter a web address or use masks. You can also export a list of web resource addresses from a TXT file.
      3. Return to the window for configuring the web resource access rule.

      If Encrypted Connections Scan is disabled, for the HTTPS protocol you can only filter by the server name.

  10. In the Users block, select the relevant filter for users:
    • To all users. Web Control will not filter web resources for specific users.
    • To individual users and / or groups. Web Control will filter web resources only for specific users. To create a list of users to whom you want to apply the rule:
      1. Click Add.
      2. In the window that opens, select the users or group of users to whom you want to apply the web resource access rule.
      3. Return to the window for configuring the web resource access rule.
  11. In the Rule schedule drop-down list, select the name of the necessary schedule or generate a new schedule based on the selected rule schedule. To do so:
    1. Click Edit or add new.
    2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
    3. In the window that opens, enter the rule schedule name.
    4. Configure the web resource access schedule for users.
    5. Return to the window for configuring the web resource access rule.
  12. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128052]

Assigning priorities to web resource access rules

Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If a website has been added to multiple rules, Web Control regulates access to the website based on the rule with the highest priority. For example, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may identify a corporate portal as a social network. To restrict access to social networks and provide access to the corporate web portal, create two rules: one block rule for the Social networks website category and one allow rule for the corporate web portal. The access rule for the corporate web portal must have a higher priority than the access rule for social networks.

You can assign priorities to each rule from the list of rules, by arranging the rules in a certain order.

To assign a priority to a web resource access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Settings block, click the Rules of access to web resources button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the rule whose priority you want to change.
  5. Use the Up and Down buttons to move the rule to the relevant position in the list of web resource access rules.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128053]

Enabling and disabling a web resource access rule

To enable or disable a web resource access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Settings block, click the Rules of access to web resources button.
  4. In opened window, select the rule that you want to enable or disable.
  5. In the State column, do the following:
    • If you want to enable the use of the rule, select the On value.
    • If you want to disable the use of the rule, select the Off value.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 202285]

Exporting and importing the list of trusted web addresses

You can export the list of Web Control rules to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of addresses of the same type. You can use the export/import function to back up the list of Web Control rules or to migrate the list to a different server.

How to export and import a list of Web Control rules in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  6. To export the list of Web Control rules:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all rules.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of rules, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to the XML file.

  7. To import the list of Web Control rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of Web Control rules in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Security ControlsWeb Control.
  5. To export the list of rules, in the Rule List block:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected rules, or export the entire list.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to an XML file in the default downloads folder.

  6. To import the list of rules, in the Rule List block:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123290]

Testing web resource access rules

To check the consistency of Web Control rules, you can test them. For this purpose, the Web Control component includes a Rules Diagnostics function.

To test the web resource access rules:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Settings block, click the Rules diagnostics link.

    The Rules diagnostics window opens.

  4. If you want to test the rules that Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses to control access to a specific web resource, select the Specify address check box. Enter the address of the web resource in the field below.
  5. If you want to test the rules that Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses to control access to web resources for specified users and / or groups of users, specify a list of users and / or groups of users.
  6. If you want to test the rules that Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses to control access to web resources of certain content categories and/or data type categories, select the Filter content check box and choose the relevant option from the drop-down list (By content categories, By types of data, or By content categories and types of data).
  7. If you want to test the rules with account of the time and day of the week when an attempt is made to access the web resources that are specified in the rule diagnostics conditions, select the Include time of access attempt check box. Then specify the day of the week and the time.
  8. Click Scan.

Test completion is followed by a message with information about the action that is taken by Kaspersky Endpoint Security, according to the first rule that is triggered on the attempt to access the specified web resource (allow, block, or warning). The first rule to be triggered is the one with a rank on the list of Web Control rules which is higher than that of other rules meeting the diagnostics conditions. The message is displayed on the right of the Scan button. The following table lists the remaining triggered rules, specifying the action taken by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The rules are listed in the order of declining priority.

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[Topic 128055]

Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses

If you have created a list of web resource addresses in a web resource access rule, you can export it to a .txt file. You can subsequently import the list from this file to avoid creating a new list of web resource addresses manually when configuring an access rule. The option of exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses may be useful if, for example, you create access rules with similar parameters.

To import or export a list of web resource addresses to a file:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Settings block, click the Rules of access to web resources button.
  4. Select the rule whose list of web resource addresses you want to export or import.
  5. To export the list of trusted web addresses, do the following in the Addresses block:
    1. Select the addresses that you want to export.

      If you did not select any address, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all addresses.

    2. Click Export.
    3. In the window that opens, enter the name of the TXT file to which you want to export the list of web resource addresses, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of web resource addresses to a TXT file.

  6. To import the list of web resources, do the following in the Addresses block:
    1. Click Import.

      In the window that opens, select the TXT file from which you want to import the list of web resources.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of addresses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the TXT file.

  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 187604]

Monitoring user Internet activity

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you log data on user visits to all websites, including allowed websites. This enables you to obtain the complete history of browser views. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends user activity events to Kaspersky Security Center, to the local log of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, and to the Windows Event log. To receive events in Kaspersky Security Center, you need to configure the settings of events in a policy in the Administration Console or Web Console. You can also configure the transmission of Web Control events by email and the display of on-screen notifications on the user's computer.

Browsers that support the monitoring function: Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox. User activity monitoring does not work in other browsers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates the following user Internet activity events:

  • Block the website (Critical events status ).
  • Visit to a non-recommended website (Warnings status ).
  • Visit to an allowed website (Informational messages status ).

Prior to enabling user Internet activity monitoring, you must do the following:

  • Inject a web page interaction script into web traffic (see the instructions below). The script enables registration of Web Control events.
  • For HTTPS traffic monitoring, you need to enable encrypted connections scan.

To inject a web page interaction script into web traffic:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Traffic processing block, select the Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages check box.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will inject a web page interaction script into web traffic. This script enables registration of Web Control events for the application event log, OS event log, and reports.

To configure logging of Web Control events on the user's computer:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. In the Notifications block, click the Notification settings button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the Web Control section.

    This opens the table of Web Control events and notification methods.

  5. Configure the notification method for each event: Save in local report or Save in Windows Event Log.

    To log allowed website visit events, you need to also configure Web Control (see the instructions below).

    In the events table, you can also enable an on-screen notification and an email notification. To send notifications by email, you need to configure the SMTP server settings. For more details about sending notifications by email, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

  6. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security begins logging user Internet activity events.

Web Control sends user activity events to Kaspersky Security Center as follows:

  • If you are using Kaspersky Security Center, Web Control sends events for all the objects that make up the web page. For this reason, multiple events may be created when one web page is blocked. For example, when blocking the web page http://www.example.com, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may relay events for the following objects: http://www.example.com, http://www.example.com/icon.ico, http://www.example.com/file.js, etc.
  • If you are using the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, Web Control groups events and sends only the protocol and domain of the website. For instance, if a user visits non-recommended web pages http://www.example.com/main, http://www.example.com/contact, and http://www.example.com/gallery, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will send only one event with the http://www.example.com object.

To enable logging of events for visiting allowed websites:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Additional block, click the Advanced Settings button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the Log the opening of allowed pages check box.
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, you will be able to view the full browser history.

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[Topic 128057]

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Depending on the type of action that is specified in the properties of Web Control rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a message of one of the following types when users attempt to access Internet resources (the application substitutes an HTML page with a message for the HTTP server response):

  • Warning message. This message warns the user that visiting the web resource is not recommended and/or violates the corporate security policy. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a warning message if the Warn option is selected in the settings of the rule that describes this web resource.

    If the user believes that the warning is mistaken, the user may click the link from the warning to send a pre-generated message to the local corporate network administrator.

  • Message informing of blocking of a web resource. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a message informing that a web resource is blocked if the Block option is selected in the settings of the rule that describes this web resource.

    If the user believes that the web resource is blocked by mistake, the user may click the link in the web resource block notification message to send a pre-generated message to the local corporate network administrator.

Special templates are provided for the warning message, the message informing that a web resource is blocked, and the message sent to the LAN administrator. You can modify their content.

To change the template for Web Control messages:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsWeb Control.
  3. In the Templates block, configure the templates for Web Control messages:
    • Warning. The entry field consists of a template of the message that is displayed if a rule for warning about attempts to access an unwanted web resource is triggered.
    • Message about blocking. The entry field contains the template of the message that appears if a rule which blocks access to a web resource is triggered.
    • Message to administrator. Template of the message to be sent to the LAN administrator if the user considers the block to be a mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Web page access blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.
  4. Save your changes.

See also:

Editing templates of Device Control messages

Editing Application Control message templates

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

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[Topic 128056]

Editing masks for web resource addresses

Using a web resource address mask (also referred to as "address mask") may be useful if you need to enter numerous similar web resource addresses when creating a web resource access rule. If crafted well, one address mask can replace a large number of web resource addresses.

When creating an address mask, follow these rules:

  1. The * character replaces any sequence that contains zero or more characters.

    For example, if you enter the *abc* address mask, the access rule is applied to all web resources that contain the sequence abc. Example: http://www.example.com/page_0-9abcdef.html.

  2. A sequence of *. characters (known as a domain mask) lets you select all domains of an address. The *. domain mask represents any domain name, subdomain name, or a blank line.

    Example: the *.example.com mask represents the following addresses:

    • http://pictures.example.com. The domain mask *. represents pictures.
    • http://user.pictures.example.com. The domain mask *. represents pictures. and user.
    • http://example.com. The domain mask *. is interpreted as a blank line.
  3. The www. character sequence at the start of the address mask is interpreted as a *. sequence.

    Example: the address mask www.example.com is interpreted as *.example.com. This mask covers the addresses www2.example.com and www.pictures.example.com.

  4. If an address mask does not start with the * character, the content of the address mask is equivalent to the same content with the *. prefix.
  5. If an address mask ends with a character other than / or *, the content of the address mask is equivalent to the same content with the /* postfix.

    Example: the address mask http://www.example.com covers such addresses as http://www.example.com/abc, where a, b, and c are any characters.

  6. If an address mask ends with the / character, the content of the address mask is equivalent to the same content with the /*. postfix.
  7. The character sequence /* at the end of an address mask is interpreted as /* or an empty string.
  8. Web resource addresses are verified against an address mask, taking into account the protocol (http or https):
    • If the address mask contains no network protocol, this address mask covers addresses with any network protocol.

      Example: the address mask example.com covers the addresses http://example.com and https://example.com.

    • If the address mask contains a network protocol, this address mask only covers addresses with the same network protocol as that of the address mask.

      Example: the address mask http://*.example.com covers the address http://www.example.com but does not cover https://www.example.com.

  9. An address mask that is in double quotes is treated without considering any additional replacements, except the * character if it has been initially included in the address mask. Rules 5 and 7 do not apply to address masks enclosed in double quotation marks (see examples 14 – 18 in the table below).
  10. The user name and password, connection port, and character case are not taken into account during comparison with the address mask of a web resource.


    Examples of how to use rules for creating address masks



    Address mask

    Address of web resource to verify

    Is the address covered by the address mask






    See rule 1.





    See rule 2.





    See rule 1.





    See rule 1.





    See rule 1.





    See rules 3, 2, 1.





    See rules 3, 2, 1.





    See rules 3, 4, 1.





    See rules 3, 5, 1.





    See rules 3, 1.





    See rule 6.





    See rule 7.





    See rule 8.





    See rule 9.





    See rule 9.





    See rules 1, 9.





    See rules 1, 9.



    http://www.example.com; https://www.example.com


    See rules 9, 8.





    An address mask contains more information than the address of a web resource.


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[Topic 134448]

Migrating web resource access rules from previous versions of the application

When Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows or an earlier version of the application is upgraded to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0, the web resource access rules based on web resource content categories are migrated as follows:

  • Rules of access to web resources that are based on one or several web resource content categories from the "Chats and forums", "Web-based mail", and "Social networks" lists migrate to the "Internet communication" web resource content category.
  • Rules of access to web resources based on one or several web resource content categories from the "E-stores" and "Payment systems" lists migrate to the "Online stores, banks, payment systems" web resource content category.
  • Rules of access to web resources based on the "Gambling" web resource content category migrate to the "Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes" content category.
  • Rules of access to web resources based on the "Browser games" web resource content category migrate to the "Computer games" content category.
  • Rules of access to web resources based on web resource content categories that are not enumerated in the list above are migrated without changes.
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[Topic 34890]

Device Control

Device Control manages user access to devices that are installed on or connected to the computer (for example, hard drives, cameras, or Wi-Fi modules). This lets you protect the computer from infection when such devices are connected, and prevent loss or leaks of data.

Device access levels

Device Control controls access at the following levels:

  • Device type. For example, printers, removable drives, and CD/DVD drives.

    You can configure device access as follows:

    • Allow – .
    • Block – .
    • Depends on connection bus (except for Wi-Fi) – .
    • Block with exceptions (Wi-Fi only) – .
  • Connection bus. A connection bus is an interface used for connecting devices to the computer (for example, USB or FireWire). Therefore, you can restrict the connection of all devices, for example, over USB.

    You can configure device access as follows:

    • Allow – .
    • Block – .
  • Trusted devices. Trusted devices are devices to which users that are specified in the trusted device settings have full access at all times.

    You can add trusted devices based on the following data:

    • Devices by ID. Each device has a unique identifier (Hardware ID, or HWID). You can view the ID in the device properties by using operating system tools. Example device ID: SCSI\CDROM&VEN_NECVMWAR&PROD_VMWARE_SATA_CD00\5&354AE4D7&0&000000. Adding devices by ID is convenient if you want to add several specific devices.
    • Devices by model. Each device has a vendor ID (VID) and a product ID (PID). You can view the IDs in the device properties by using operating system tools. Template for entering the VID and PID: VID_1234&PID_5678. Adding devices by model is convenient if you use devices of a certain model in your organization. This way, you can add all devices of this model.
    • Devices by ID mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar IDs, you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, WDC_C*.
    • Devices by model mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar VIDs or PIDs (for example, devices from the same manufacturer), you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, VID_05AC & PID_ *.

Device Control regulates user access to devices by using access rules. Device Control also lets you save device connection/disconnection events. To save events, you need to configure the registration of events in a policy.

If access to a device depends on the connection bus (the status), Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not save device connection/disconnection events. To enable Kaspersky Endpoint Security to save device connection/disconnection events, allow access to the corresponding type of device (the status) or add the device to the trusted list.

When a device that is blocked by Device Control is connected to the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access and show a notification (see the figure below).

Device Control notification

Device Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security makes a decision on whether to allow access to a device after the user connects the device to the computer (see the figure below).

Device Control operating algorithm

If a device is connected and access is allowed, you can edit the access rule and block access. In this case, the next time someone attempts to access the device (such as to view the folder tree, or perform read or write operations), Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access. A device without a file system is blocked only the next time that the device is connected.

If a user of the computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed must request access to a device that the user believes was blocked by mistake, send the user the request access instructions.

In this section

Enabling and disabling Device Control

About access rules

Editing a device access rule

Editing a connection bus access rule

Adding a Wi-Fi network to the trusted list

Monitoring usage of removable drives

Changing the caching duration

Actions with trusted devices

Obtaining access to a blocked device

Editing templates of Device Control messages


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[Topic 128043]

Enabling and disabling Device Control

By default, Device Control is enabled.

To enable or disable Device Control:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. Use the Device Control toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Device Control is enabled, the application relays information about connected devices to Kaspersky Security Center. You can view the list of connected devices in Kaspersky Security Center in the AdvancedStorageHardware folder.

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[Topic 38436]

About access rules

Access rules comprise a group of settings that determine which users can access devices that are installed or connected to the computer. You cannot add a device that is outside of Device Control classification. Access to such devices is allowed for all users.

Device Access Rules

The group of settings for an access rule differs depending on the type of device (see the table below).

Access rule settings


Access control

Schedule for access to a device

Assignment of users and/or a group of users


Read/write permission

Hard drives

Removable drives

Floppy disks

CD/DVD drives

Portable devices (MTP)



Tape devices

Multifunctional devices

Smart card readers

Windows CE USB ActiveSync devices

External network adapters


Cameras and scanners

Mobile device access rules

Mobile devices running Android or iOS are categorized as portable devices (MTP). When a mobile device is connected to the computer, the operating system determines the device type. If Android Debug Bridge (ADB), iTunes or their equivalent applications are installed on the computer, the operating system identifies mobile devices as ADB or iTunes devices. In all other cases, the operating system may identify the mobile device type as a portable device (MTP) for file transfer, a PTP device (camera) for image transfer, or another device. The device type depends on the model of the mobile device.

Please note the following special considerations regarding access to ADB- or iTunes devices:

  • You cannot configure a device access schedule. If access to devices is restricted by rules (they have the status), ADB- and iTunes devices are always accessible.
  • You cannot configure device access for individual users, or configure access permissions (read/write). If access to devices is restricted by rules (they have the status), ADB- and iTunes devices are accessible to all users with all permissions.
  • You cannot configure access to trusted ADB- or iTunes devices for individual users. If the device is trusted, ADB- and iTunes devices are accessible to all users.
  • If you installed the ADB or iTunes applications after connecting a device to the computer, the unique ID of the device may be reset. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will identify this device as a new device. If a device is trusted, add the device to the trusted list again.

By default, access rules grant all users full access to the devices at all times, if access to the connection buses for the corresponding types of devices is allowed (the status).

Access rules for Wi-Fi networks

A Wi-Fi network access rule determines whether the use of Wi-Fi networks is allowed (the status) or forbidden (the status). You can add a trusted Wi-Fi network (the status) to a rule. Use of a trusted Wi-Fi network is allowed without limitations. By default, a Wi-Fi network access rule allows access to any Wi-Fi network.

Connection bus access rules

Connection bus access rules determine whether the connection of devices is allowed (the status) or forbidden (the status). Rules that allow access to buses are created by default for all connection buses that are present in the classification of the Device Control component.

Keyboard and mouse cannot be locked using Device Control. If you prohibit access to the USB connection bus, the user will continue to work with a keyboard and mouse connected via USB. The BadUSB Attack Prevention component is designed to prevent infected USB devices imitating keyboards from connecting to the computer.

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[Topic 123282]

Editing a device access rule

A device access rule is a group of settings that determine how users can access devices that are installed or connected to the computer. These settings include access to a specific device, an access schedule, and read or write permissions.

To edit a device access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Devices and Wi-Fi networks button.

    The opened window shows access rules for all devices that are included in the Device Control component classification.

  4. In the Access To Storage Devices block, select the access rule that you want to edit. The block contains devices that have a file system for which you can configure additional access settings. By default, a device access rule grants all users full access to the specified type of devices at any time.
    1. In the Access column, select the appropriate device access option:
      • Allow.
      • Block.
      • Depends on connection bus.

        To block or allow access to a device, configure access to the connection bus.

      • Restrict by rules.

        This option lets you configure user rights, permissions, and a schedule for device access.

    2. In the Users' rights block, click the Add button.

      This opens a window for adding a new device access rule.

    3. Assign a priority to the rule. A rule includes the following attributes: user account, schedule, permissions (read/write), and priority.

      A rule has a specific priority. If a user has been added to multiple groups, Kaspersky Endpoint Security regulates device access based on the rule with the highest priority. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows to assign priority from 0 to 10,000. The higher the value, the higher the priority. In other words, an entry with the value of 0 has the lowest priority.

      For example, you can grant read-only permissions to the Everyone group and grant read/write permissions to the administrators group. To do so, assign a priority of 1 for the administrators group and assign a priority of 0 for the Everyone group.

      The priority of a block rule is higher than the priority of an allow rule. In other words, if a user has been added to multiple groups and the priority of all rules are the same, Kaspersky Endpoint Security regulates device access based on any existing block rule.

    4. Set the Enabled status for the device access rule.
    5. Configure users' device access permissions: read and/or write.
    6. Select the users or group of users to whom you want to apply the device access rule.
    7. Configure a device access schedule for users.
    8. Click Add.
  5. In the Access To External Devices block, select the rule and configure access: Allow, Block, or Depends on connection bus. If necessary, configure access to the connection bus.
  6. In the Access to Wi-Fi networks block, click the Wi-Fi link and configure access: Allow, Block, or Block with exceptions. If necessary, add Wi-Fi networks to the trusted list.
  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 38502]

Editing a connection bus access rule

To edit a connection bus access rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Connection buses button.

    The opened window shows access rules for all connection buses that are included in the Device Control component classification.

  4. Select the access rule that you want to edit.
  5. In the Access column, select whether or not to allow access to the connection bus: Allow or Block.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 131690]

Adding a Wi-Fi network to the trusted list

You can allow users connect to Wi-Fi networks that you consider to be secure, such as a corporate Wi-Fi network. To do so, you must add the network to the list of trusted Wi-Fi networks. Device Control will block access to all Wi-Fi networks except those specified in the trusted list.

To add a Wi-Fi network to the trusted list:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Devices and Wi-Fi networks button.

    The opened window shows access rules for all devices that are included in the Device Control component classification.

  4. In the Access to Wi-Fi networks block, click the Wi-Fi link.

    The opened window shows the Wi-Fi network access rules.

  5. In the Access block, select Block with exceptions.
  6. In the Trusted Wi-Fi networks block, click the Add button.
  7. In the window that opens, do the following:
    1. In the Network name field, specify the name of the Wi-Fi network that you want to add to the trusted list.
    2. In the Authentication type drop-down list, select the type of authentication used when connecting to the trusted Wi-Fi network.
    3. In the Encryption type drop-down list, select the type of encryption used for securing traffic of the trusted Wi-Fi network.
    4. In the Comment field, you can specify any information about the added Wi-Fi network.

    A Wi-Fi network is considered trusted if its settings match all settings specified in the rule.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 134053]

Monitoring usage of removable drives

Monitoring usage of removable drives includes:

  • Monitoring operations on files on removable drives.
  • Monitoring connection and disconnection of trusted removable drives.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows monitoring connection and disconnection of all trusted devices and not only removable drives. You can turn on event logging in notification settings for the Device Control component. Events have the Informational severity level.

To enable monitoring of removable drive usage:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Devices and Wi-Fi networks button.

    The opened window shows access rules for all devices that are included in the Device Control component classification.

  4. In the Access To Storage Devices block, select Removable drives.
  5. In the window that opens, select the Logging tab.
  6. Turn on the Logging toggle.
  7. In the File operations block, select the operations that you want to monitor: Write, Delete.
  8. In the Filter by file formats block, select the formats of files whose associated operations should be logged by Device Control.
  9. Select the users or group of users whose use of removable drives you want to monitor.
  10. Save your changes.

As a result, when users write to files located on removable drives or delete files from removable drives, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will save information about such operations to the event log and send events to Kaspersky Security Center. You can view events associated with files on removable drives in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console in the workspace of the Administration Server node on the Events tab. For events to be displayed in the local Kaspersky Endpoint Security event log, you must select the File operation performed check box in the notifications settings for the Device Control component.

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[Topic 203232]

Changing the caching duration

The Device Control component registers events related to monitored devices, such as connection and disconnection of a device, reading a file from a device, writing a file to a device, and other events. Device Control then either allows or blocks the action according to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings.

Device Control saves information about events for a specific period of time called the caching period. If information about an event is cached and this event is repeated, there is no need to notify Kaspersky Endpoint Security about it or to show another prompt for granting access to the corresponding action, such as connecting a device. This makes it more convenient to work with a device.

An event is considered a duplicate event if all of the following event settings match the record in the cache:

  • device ID
  • SID of the user account attempting access
  • Device category
  • Action taken with the device
  • Application permission verdict for this action: allowed or denied
  • Path to the process used to take the action
  • File that is being accessed

Prior to changing the caching period, disable Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense. After changing the caching period, enable Self-Defense.

To change the caching period:

  1. Open the registry editor on the computer.
  2. In the registry editor, go to the following section:
    • For 64-bit operating systems: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\protected\KES\environment]
    • For 32-bit operating systems: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\protected\KES\environment]
  3. Open DeviceControlEventsCachePeriod for editing.
  4. Define the number of minutes that Device Control must save information about an event before this information is deleted.
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[Topic 38595]

Actions with trusted devices

Trusted devices are devices to which users that are specified in the trusted device settings have full access at all times.

To work with trusted devices, you can grant access to an individual user, to a group of users, or to all users of the organization.

For example, if your organization does not allow the use of removable drives but administrators use removable drives in their work, you can allow removable drives only for a group of administrators. To do so, add removable drives to the trusted list and configure user access permissions.

It is not recommended to add more than 1000 trusted devices, as this can cause system instability.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to add a device to the trusted list in the following ways:

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows controlling the use of trusted devices (connection and disconnection). You can turn on event logging in notification settings for the Device Control component. Events have the Informational severity level.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has the following limitations when working with trusted devices:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security administration plug-in versions 11.0.0–11.2.0 cannot work with a list of trusted devices that was created in Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.3.0 and 11.4.0. To work with a list of trusted devices from these versions, the administration plug-in must be upgraded to version 11.3.0 and 11.4.0, respectively.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security administration plug-in version 11.3.0 and 11.4.0 cannot work with a list of trusted devices that was created in Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.2.0 or earlier. For these versions to work with a list of trusted devices, the application must be upgraded to version 11.3.0 and 11.4.0, respectively. You can also send a request containing a description of your situation to Technical Support through Kaspersky CompanyAccount.
  • To migrate a list of trusted devices from Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.2.0 to version 11.3.0, send a request containing a description of your situation to Technical Support through Kaspersky CompanyAccount.

In this section

Adding a device to the Trusted list from the application interface

Adding a device to the Trusted list from Kaspersky Security Center

Exporting and importing the list of trusted devices

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[Topic 123283]

Adding a device to the Trusted list from the application interface

By default, when a device is added to the list of trusted devices, access to the device is granted to all users (the Everyone group of users).

To add a device to the Trusted list from the application interface:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Trusted devices button.

    This opens the list of trusted devices.

  4. Click Select.

    This opens the list of connected devices. The list of devices depends on the value that is selected in the Display connected devices drop-down list.

  5. In the list of devices, select the device that you want to add to the trusted list.
  6. In the Comment field, you can provide any relevant information about the trusted device.
  7. Select the users or group of users for whom you want to allow access to trusted devices.
  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123284]

Adding a device to the Trusted list from Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Security Center receives information about devices if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computers and Device Control is enabled. It is not possible to add a device to the trusted list unless information about that device is available in Kaspersky Security Center.

You can add a device to the trusted list according to the following data:

  • Devices by ID. Each device has a unique identifier (Hardware ID, or HWID). You can view the ID in the device properties by using operating system tools. Example device ID: SCSI\CDROM&VEN_NECVMWAR&PROD_VMWARE_SATA_CD00\5&354AE4D7&0&000000. Adding devices by ID is convenient if you want to add several specific devices.
  • Devices by model. Each device has a vendor ID (VID) and a product ID (PID). You can view the IDs in the device properties by using operating system tools. Template for entering the VID and PID: VID_1234&PID_5678. Adding devices by model is convenient if you use devices of a certain model in your organization. This way, you can add all devices of this model.
  • Devices by ID mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar IDs, you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, WDC_C*.
  • Devices by model mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar VIDs or PIDs (for example, devices from the same manufacturer), you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, VID_05AC & PID_ *.

To add devices to the list of trusted devices:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  6. In the right part of the window, select the Trusted devices tab.
  7. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of trusted devices for all computers in the company.

    The lists of trusted devices in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Trusted devices from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting trusted devices of the parent policy is not possible.

  8. Click the Add button and select a method for adding a device to the trusted list.
  9. To filter devices, select a device type from the Device type drop-down list (for example, Removable drives).
  10. In the Name / Model field, enter the device ID, model (VID and PID) or mask, depending on the selected addition method.

    Adding devices by model mask (VID and PID) works as follows: if you enter a model mask that does not match any model, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks if the device ID (HWID) matches the mask. Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks only the part of the device ID that determines the manufacturer and the type of the device (SCSI\CDROM&VEN_NECVMWAR&PROD_VMWARE_SATA_CD00\5&354AE4D7&0&000000). If the model mask matches this part of the device ID, the devices that match the mask will be added to the list of trusted devices on the computer. At the same time, the list of devices in Kaspersky Security Center remains empty when you click the Refresh button. To display the list of devices correctly, you can add devices by device ID mask.

  11. To filter devices, in the Computer name field, enter the computer name or a mask for the name of the computer to which the device is connected.

    The * character replaces any set of characters. The ? character replaces any single character.

  12. Click the Refresh button.

    The table displays a list of devices that satisfy the defined filtering criteria.

  13. Select the check boxes next to the names of devices that you want to add to the trusted list.
  14. In the Comment field, enter a description of the reason for adding devices to the trusted list.
  15. Click the Select button to the right of the Allow to users and / or groups of users field.
  16. Select a user or a group in Active Directory and confirm your selection.

    By default, access to trusted devices is allowed for the Everyone group.

  17. Save your changes.

When a device is connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the list of trusted devices for an authorized user. If the device is trusted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows access to the device with all permissions, even if access to the device type or connection bus is denied. If the device is untrusted and access is denied, you can request access to the locked device.

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[Topic 158502]

Exporting and importing the list of trusted devices

To distribute the list of trusted devices to all computers in your organization, you can use the export/import procedure.

For example, if you need to distribute a list of trusted removable drives, you need to do the following:

  1. Sequentially connect removable drives to your computer.
  2. In the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings, add the removable drives to the trusted list. If required, configure user access permissions. For example, allow only administrators to access removable drives.
  3. Export the list of trusted devices in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings (see the instructions below).
  4. Distribute the trusted device list file to other computers in your organization. For example, place the file in a shared folder.
  5. Import the list of trusted devices in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings on other computers in the organization (see the instructions below).

To import or export the list of trusted devices:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Trusted devices button.

    This opens the list of trusted devices.

  4. To export the list of trusted devices:
    1. Select the trusted devices that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of trusted devices, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of trusted devices to the XML file.

  5. To import the list of trusted devices:
    1. In the Import drop-down list, select the relevant action: Import and add to existing or Import and replace existing.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of trusted devices.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of trusted devices, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  6. Save your changes.

When a device is connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the list of trusted devices for an authorized user. If the device is trusted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows access to the device with all permissions, even if access to the device type or connection bus is denied.

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[Topic 130920]

Obtaining access to a blocked device

When configuring Device Control, you can accidentally block access to a device that is necessary for work.

If Kaspersky Security Center is not deployed in your organization, you can provide access to a device in the settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. For example, you can add the device to the trusted list or temporarily disable Device Control.

If Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in your organization and a policy has been applied to computers, you can provide access to a device in the Administration Console.

Online mode for granting access

You can grant access to a blocked device in online mode only if Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in the organization and a policy has been applied to the computer. The computer must have the capability to establish a connection with the Administration Server.

Granting access in online mode consists of the following steps:

  1. The user sends the administrator a message containing an access request.
  2. The administrator adds the device to the trusted list.

    You can add a trusted device in a policy for the administration group or in the local application settings for an individual computer.

  3. The administrator updates the settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security on the user's computer.

    Schematic for granting access to a device in online mode

Offline mode for granting access

You can grant access to a blocked device in offline mode only if Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in the organization and a policy has been applied to the computer. In the policy settings, in the Device Control section, the Allow requests for temporary access check box must be selected.

If you need to grant temporary access to a blocked device but you cannot add the device to the trusted list, you can grant access to the device in offline mode. This way, you can grant access to a blocked device even if the computer does not have network access or if the computer is outside of the corporate network.

Granting access in offline mode consists of the following steps:

  1. The user creates a request access file and sends it to the administrator.
  2. The administrator creates an access key from the request access file and sends it to the user.
  3. The user activates the access key.

    Schematic for granting access to a device in offline mode

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[Topic 128047]

Online mode for granting access

You can grant access to a blocked device in online mode only if Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in the organization and a policy has been applied to the computer. The computer must have the capability to establish a connection with the Administration Server.

A user requests access to a blocked device as follows:

  1. Connect the device to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a notification stating that access to the device is blocked (see the figure below).

  2. Click the Request access link.

    This opens a window with a message for the administrator. This message contains information about the blocked device.

  3. Click Send.

The administrator will receive a message containing a request to provide access, for example, by email. For more details about processing the requests of users, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help. After adding the device to the trusted list and updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings on the computer, the user will receive access to the device.

Device Control notification

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[Topic 186150]

Offline mode for granting access

You can grant access to a blocked device in offline mode only if Kaspersky Security Center is deployed in the organization and a policy has been applied to the computer. In the policy settings, in the Device Control section, the Allow request for temporary access check box must be selected.

A user requests access to a blocked device as follows:

  1. Connect the device to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security will show a notification stating that access to the device is blocked (see the figure below).

  2. Click the Request temporary access link.

    This opens a window containing a list of connected devices.

  3. In the list of connected devices, select the device to which you want to gain access.
  4. Click Generate request access file.
  5. In the Access duration field, specify the period of time for which you want to have access to the device.
  6. Save the file to computer memory.

As a result, a request access file with the *.akey extension will be downloaded to computer memory. Use any available method to send the device request access file to the corporate LAN administrator.

Notification about blocked access to the device. The user can request temporary or permanent access to the device.

Device Control notification

How the administrator can create an access key for the blocked device in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder of the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computer belongs.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. In the list of client computers, select the computer whose user needs to be granted temporary access to the blocked device.
  5. In the context menu of the computer, select the Grant access in offline mode item.
  6. In the window that opens, select the Device Control tab.
  7. Click the Browse button and download the request access file received from the user.

    You will see information about the blocked device to which the user has requested access.

  8. If necessary, change the value of the Access duration setting.

    By default, the Access duration setting takes the value that was indicated by the user when creating the access request file.

  9. Specify the value of the Activate by setting.

    This setting defines the time period during which the user can activate access to the blocked device by using the provided access key.

  10. Save the access key file to computer memory.

How the administrator can create an access key for the blocked device in Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. In the list of client computers, select the computer whose user needs to be granted temporary access to the blocked device.
  3. Click the ellipsis button () above the list of computers and then click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the Device Control section.
  5. Click the Browse button and download the request access file received from the user.

    You will see information about the blocked device to which the user has requested access.

  6. If necessary, change the value of the Access duration (hours) setting.

    By default, the Access duration (hours) setting takes the value that was indicated by the user when creating the access request file.

  7. Specify the time period during which the access key can be activated on the device.

    This setting defines the time period during which the user can activate access to the blocked device by using the provided access key.

  8. Save the access key file to computer memory.

As a result, the blocked device access key will be downloaded to computer memory. An access key file has the *.acode extension. Use any available method to send the blocked device access key to the user.

The user activates the access key as follows:

  1. In the main application window, click the Application settings icon in the form of a gear wheel. button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access request block, click the Request access to device button.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Activate access key button.
  5. In the window that opens, select the file with the device access key received from the corporate LAN administrator.

    This opens a window containing information about access provision.

  6. Click OK.

As a result, the user receives access to the device for the time period set by the administrator. The user receives the full set of rights for accessing the device (read and write). When the key expires, access to the device will be blocked. If the user requires permanent access to the device, add the device to the trusted list.

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[Topic 128046]

Editing templates of Device Control messages

When the user attempts to access a blocked device, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a message stating that access to the device is blocked or that an operation with the device contents is forbidden. If the user believes that access to the device was mistakenly blocked or that an operation with device contents was forbidden by mistake, the user can send a message to the local corporate network administrator by clicking the link in the displayed message about the blocked action.

Templates are available for messages about blocked access to devices or forbidden operations with device contents, and for the message sent to the administrator. You can modify the message templates.

To edit the templates for Device Control messages:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Message templates block, configure templates for Device Control messages:
    • Message about blocking. Template of the message that appears when a user attempts to access a blocked device. This message also appears when a user attempts to perform an operation on the device contents that was blocked for this user.
    • Message to administrator. A template of the message that is sent to the LAN administrator when the user believes that access to the device is blocked or an operation with device content is forbidden by mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Device access blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.
  4. Save your changes.

See also:

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Editing Application Control message templates

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

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[Topic 156084]


Anti-Bridging inhibits the creation of network bridges by preventing the simultaneous establishment of multiple network connections for a computer. This lets you protect a corporate network from attacks over unprotected, unauthorized networks.

Anti-Bridging regulates the establishment of network connections by using connection rules.

Connection rules are created for the following predefined types of devices:

  • Network adapters;
  • Wi-Fi adapters;
  • Modems.

If a connection rule is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security:

  • Blocks the active connection when establishing a new connection, if the device type specified in the rule is used for both connections;
  • Blocks connections that are established using the types of devices for which lower-priority rules are used.

In this section

Enabling Anti-Bridging

Changing the status of a connection rule

Change the priority of a connection rule

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[Topic 156085]

Enabling Anti-Bridging

Anti-Bridging is disabled by default.

To enable Anti-Bridging:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Anti-Bridging button.
  4. Use the Enable Anti-Bridging toggle to enable or disable this feature.
  5. Save your changes.

After Anti-Bridging is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks already established connections according to the connection rules.

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[Topic 156114]

Changing the status of a connection rule

To change the status of a connection rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Anti-Bridging button.
  4. In the Rules for devices block, select the rule whose status you want to change.
  5. Use the toggles in the Control column to enable or disable the rule.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 156108]

Change the priority of a connection rule

To change the priority of a connection rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsDevice Control.
  3. In the Access settings block, click the Anti-Bridging button.
  4. In the Rules for devices block, select the rule whose priority you want to change.
  5. Use the Up / Down buttons to set the priority of the connection rule.

    The higher a rule is positioned in the table of rules, the higher its priority. Anti-Bridging blocks all connections except one connection established using the type of device for which the highest-priority rule is used.

  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 173855]

Adaptive Anomaly Control

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

The Adaptive Anomaly Control component monitors and blocks actions that are not typical of the computers in a company's network. Adaptive Anomaly Control uses a set of rules to track non-typical behavior (for example, the Start of Microsoft PowerShell from office application rule). Rules are created by Kaspersky specialists based on typical scenarios of malicious activity. You can configure how Adaptive Anomaly Control handles each rule and, for example, allow the execution of PowerShell scripts that automate certain workflow tasks. Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates the set of rules along with the application databases. Updates to the sets of rules must be confirmed manually.

Adaptive Anomaly Control settings

Configuring Adaptive anomaly control consists of the following steps:

  1. Training Adaptive Anomaly Control.

    After you enable Adaptive Anomaly Control, its rules work in training mode. During the training, Adaptive Anomaly Control monitors rule triggering and sends triggering events to Kaspersky Security Center. Each rule has its own duration of the training mode. The duration of the training mode is set by Kaspersky experts. Normally, the training mode is active for two weeks.

    If a rule is not triggered at all during the training, Adaptive Anomaly Control will consider the actions associated with this rule as non-typical. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block all actions associated with that rule.

    If a rule was triggered during training, Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs events in the rule triggering report and the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository.

  2. Analyzing the rule triggering report.

    The administrator analyzes the rule triggering report or the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository. Then the administrator can select the behavior of Adaptive Anomaly Control when the rule is triggered: either block or allow. The administrator can also continue to monitor how the rule works and extend the duration of the training mode. If the administrator does not take any action, the application will also continue to work in training mode. The training mode term is restarted.

Adaptive Anomaly Control is configured in real time. Adaptive Anomaly Control is configured via the following channels:

  • Adaptive Anomaly Control automatically starts to block the actions associated with the rules that were never triggered in training mode.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds new rules or removes obsolete ones.
  • The administrator configures the operation of the Adaptive Anomaly Control after reviewing the rule triggering report and the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository. It is recommended to check the rule triggering report and the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository.

When a malicious application attempts to perform an action, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block the action and display a notification (see figure below).

Adaptive Anomaly Control notification

Adaptive Anomaly Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security decides whether to allow or block an action that is associated with a rule based on the following algorithm (see the figure below).

Adaptive Anomaly Control operating algorithm

In this section

Enabling and disabling Adaptive Anomaly Control

Enabling and disabling an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

Modifying the action taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered

Creating an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

Exporting and importing exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

Applying updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

Viewing Adaptive Anomaly Control reports

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[Topic 175467]

Enabling and disabling Adaptive Anomaly Control

Adaptive Anomaly Control is enabled by default.

To enable or disable Adaptive Anomaly Control:

  1. In the main application window, click the Application settings icon in the form of a gear wheel. button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. Use the Adaptive Anomaly Control toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, the Adaptive Anomaly Control will switch to the training mode. During training, Adaptive Anomaly Control monitors rule triggering. When training is complete, Adaptive Anomaly Control starts to block actions that are not typical of the computers in a company's network.

If your organization has started to use some new tools, and Adaptive Anomaly Control blocks the actions of those tools, you can reset the results of the training mode and repeat the training. To do this, you need to change the action that is taken when the rule is triggered (for example, set it to Notify). Then you need to re-enable the training mode (set the Smart value).

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[Topic 175244]

Enabling and disabling an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

To enable or disable an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Rules block, click the Edit rules button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule list opens.

  4. In the table, select a set of rules (for example, Activity of office applications) and expand the set.
  5. Select a rule (for example, Start of Microsoft PowerShell from office application).
  6. Use the toggle switch in the State column to enable or disable the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule.
  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 175243]

Modifying the action taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered

To edit the action that is taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Rules block, click the Edit rules button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule list opens.

  4. Select a rule in the table.
  5. Click Edit.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule properties window opens.

  6. In the Action block, select one of the following options:
    • Smart. If this option is selected, the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule works in Smart training state for a period of time defined by Kaspersky experts. In this mode, when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the activity covered by the rule and logs an entry in the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state storage of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. When the time period set for working in Smart Training state ends, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the activity covered by an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule and logs an entry containing information about the activity.
    • Block. If this action is selected, when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the activity covered by the rule and logs an entry containing information about the activity.
    • Notify. If this action is selected, when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the activity covered by the rule and logs an entry containing information about the activity.
  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 175245]

Creating an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

You cannot create more than 1,000 exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules. It is not recommended to create more than 200 exclusions. To reduce the number of exclusions used, it is recommended to use masks in the settings of exclusions.

An exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule includes a description of the source and target objects. The source object is the object performing the actions. The target object is the object on which the actions are being performed. For example, you have opened a file named file.xlsx. As a result, a library file with the DLL extension is loaded into the computer memory. This library is used by a browser (executable file named browser.exe). In this example, file.xlsx is the source object, Excel is the source process, browser.exe is the target object, and Browser is the target process.

To create an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Rules block, click the Edit rules button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule list opens.

  4. Select a rule in the table.
  5. Click Edit.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule properties window opens.

  6. In the Exclusions block, click the Add button.

    The exclusion properties window opens.

  7. Select the user for which you want to configure an exclusion.

    Adaptive Anomaly Control does not support exclusions for user groups. If you select a user group, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not apply the exclusion.

  8. In the Description field, enter a description of the exclusion.
  9. Define the settings of the source object or source process started by the object:
    • Source process. Path or mask of the path to the file or folder containing files (for example, C:\Dir\File.exe or Dir\*.exe).
    • Source process hash. File hash code.
    • Source object. Path or mask of the path to the file or folder containing files (for example, C:\Dir\File.exe or Dir\*.exe). For example, file path document.docm, which uses a script or macro to start the target processes.

      You can also specify other objects to exclude, such as a web address, macro, command in the command line, registry path, or others. Specify the object according to the following template: object://<object>, where <object> refers to the name of the object, for example, object://web.site.example.com, object://VBA, object://ipconfig, object://HKEY_USERS. You can also use masks, for example, object://*C:\Windows\temp\*.

    • Source object hash. File hash code.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is not applied to actions performed by the object, or to processes started by the object.

  10. Specify the settings of the target object or target processes started on the object.
    • Target process. Path or mask of the path to the file or folder containing files (for example, C:\Dir\File.exe or Dir\*.exe).
    • Target process hash. File hash code.
    • Target object. The command to start the target process. Specify the command using the following pattern object://<command>, for example, object://cmdline:powershell -Command "$result = 'C:\Windows\temp\result_local_users_pwdage txt'". You can also use masks, for example, object://*C:\Windows\temp\*.
    • Target object hash. File hash code.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is not applied to actions taken on the object, or to processes started on the object.

  11. Save your changes.
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[Topic 175494]

Exporting and importing exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

To export or import the list of exclusions for selected rules:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Rules block, click the Edit rules button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule list opens.

  4. To export the list of rules:
    1. Select the rules whose exceptions you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Confirm that you want to export only the selected exclusions, or export the entire list of exclusions.
    5. Save the file.
  5. To import the list of rules:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 175466]

Applying updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

New Adaptive Anomaly Control rules may be added to the table of rules and existing Adaptive Anomaly Control rules may be deleted from the table of rules when anti-virus databases are updated. Kaspersky Endpoint Security distinguishes Adaptive Anomaly Control rules that are to be deleted or added to the table, if an update for these rules has not been applied.

Until the update is applied, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the Adaptive Anomaly Control rules set to be deleted by the update in the table of rules and assigns the Disabled status to them. It is not possible to change the settings of these rules.

To apply updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Rules block, click the Edit rules button.

    The Adaptive Anomaly Control rule list opens.

  4. In the window that opens, click the Approve updates button.

    The Approve updates button is available if an update for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules is available.

  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 177163]

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

When a user tries to do an action, blocked by Adaptive Anomaly Control rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a message that potentially harmful actions are blocked. If the user believes that an action was mistakenly blocked, the user can use the link in the message text to send a message to the local corporate network administrator.

Special templates are available for the message about blocking potentially harmful actions and for the message to be sent to the administrator. You can modify the message templates.

To edit a message template:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.
  3. In the Templates block, configure the templates for Adaptive Anomaly Control messages:
    • Message about blocking. Template of the message that is displayed to a user when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule that blocks a non-typical action is triggered.
    • Message to administrator. Template of the message that a user can be sent to the local corporate network administrator if the user considers the blocking to be a mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Application activity blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.
  4. Save your changes.

See also:

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Editing templates of Device Control messages

Editing Application Control message templates

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

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[Topic 177558]

Viewing Adaptive Anomaly Control reports

To view Adaptive Anomaly Control reports:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsAdaptive Anomaly Control.

    The settings of the Adaptive Anomaly Control component are displayed in the right part of the window.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to view a report on the settings of Adaptive Anomaly Control rules, click Report on Adaptive Anomaly Control rules state.
    • If you want to view a report on the triggering of Adaptive Anomaly Control rules, click Report on triggered Adaptive Anomaly Control rules.
  7. The report generation process starts.

The report is displayed in a new window.

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[Topic 129102]

Application Control

Application Control manages the startup of applications on users' computers. This allows you to implement a corporate security policy when using applications. Application Control also reduces the risk of computer infection by restricting access to applications.

Configuring Application Control consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating application categories.

    The administrator creates categories of applications that the administrator wants to manage. Categories of applications are intended for all computers in the corporate network, regardless of administration groups. To create a category, you can use the following criteria: KL category (for example, Browsers), file hash, application vendor, and other criteria.

  2. Creating Application Control rules.

    The administrator creates Application Control rules in the policy for the administration group. The rule includes the categories of applications and the startup status of applications from these categories: blocked or allowed.

  3. Selecting the Application Control mode.

    The administrator chooses the mode for working with applications that are not included in any of the rules (application denylist and allowlist).

When a user attempts to start a prohibited application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block the application from starting and will display a notification (see the figure below).

A test mode is provided to check the configuration of Application Control. In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does the following:

  • Allows the startup of applications, including prohibited ones.
  • Shows a notification about the startup of a prohibited application and adds information to the report on the user's computer.
  • Sends data about the startup of prohibited applications to Kaspersky Security Center.

    Application Control notification

Application Control operating modes

The Application Control component operates in two modes:

  • Denylist. In this mode, Application Control allows users to start all applications except for applications that are prohibited in Application Control rules.

    This mode of Application Control is enabled by default.

  • Allowlist. In this mode, Application Control blocks users from starting any applications except for applications that are allowed and not prohibited in Application Control rules.

    If the allow rules of Application Control are fully configured, the component blocks the startup of all new applications that have not been verified by the LAN administrator, while allowing the operation of the operating system and of trusted applications that users rely on in their work.

    You can read the recommendations on configuring Application Control rules in allowlist mode.

Application Control can be configured to operate in these modes both by using the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface and by using Kaspersky Security Center.

However, Kaspersky Security Center offers tools that are not available in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface, such as the tools that are needed for the following tasks:

This is why it is recommended to use Kaspersky Security Center to configure the operation of the Application Control component.

Application Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses an algorithm to make a decision about starting an application (see the figure below).

Application Control operating algorithm

In this section

Application Control functionality limitations

Receiving information about the applications that are installed on users' computers

Enabling and disabling Application Control

Selecting the Application Control mode

Managing Application Control rules

Testing Application Control rules

Application activity monitor

Rules for creating name masks for files or folders

Editing Application Control message templates

Best practices for implementing a list of allowed applications

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[Topic 133573]

Application Control functionality limitations

Operation of the Application Control component is limited in the following cases:

  • When the application version is upgraded, importing Application Control component settings is not supported.
  • When the application version is upgraded, importing Application Control component settings is supported only if Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows or later is being upgraded to Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 for Windows.

    When application versions other than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows are upgraded, the Application Control settings have to be configured anew in order to restore this component to operational state.

  • If there is no connection with KSN servers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives information about the reputation of applications and their modules only from local databases.

    The list of applications that Kaspersky Endpoint Security designates as KL category Other applications \ Applications, trusted according to reputation in KSN may differ depending on whether or not a connection to KSN servers is available.

  • At the Kaspersky Security Center database, information on 150,000 processed files may be stored. Once this number of records has been achieved, new files will not be processed. To resume inventory operations, you must delete the files that were previously inventoried in the Kaspersky Security Center database from the computer on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed.
  • The component does not control the startup of scripts unless the script is sent to the interpreter via the command line.

    If the startup of an interpreter is allowed by Application Control rules, the component will not block a script started from this interpreter.

    If at least one of the scripts specified in the interpreter command line is blocked from start by Application control rules, the component blocks all the scripts, specified in the interpreter command line.

  • The component does not control the startup of scripts from interpreters that are not supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following interpreters:

    • Java
    • PowerShell

    The following types of interpreters are supported:

    • %ComSpec%;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\regedit.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\regedit.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\regedt32.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\cscript.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\wscript.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\msiexec.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\mshta.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\rundll32.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\system32\\wwahost.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\cmd.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\regedit.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\regedt32.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\cscript.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\wscript.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\msiexec.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\mshta.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\rundll32.exe;
    • %SystemRoot%\\syswow64\\wwahost.exe.
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[Topic 130536]

Receiving information about the applications that are installed on users' computers

To create optimal Application Control rules, it is recommended to first get a picture of the applications that are used on computers on the corporate LAN. To do this, you can obtain the following information:

  • Vendors, versions, and localizations of applications used on the corporate LAN.
  • Frequency of application updates.
  • Application usage policies adopted in the company (this may be security policies or administrative policies).
  • Storage location of application distribution packages.

Information about applications that are used on corporate LAN computers is available in the Applications registry folder and in the Executable files folder. The Applications registry folder and the Executable files folder are located in the Application management folder in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree.

The Applications registry folder contains the list of applications that were detected by

which is installed on the client computer.

The Executable files folder contains a list of all executable files that have ever been started on client computers or that were detected during the inventory task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

To view general information about the application and its executable files, and the list of computers on which an application is installed, open the properties window of an application that is selected in the Applications registry folder or in the Executable files folder.

To open the application properties window in the Applications registry folder:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select Additional → Application management → Applications registry.
  3. Select an application.
  4. In the context menu of the application, select Properties.

To open the properties window for an executable file in the Executable files folder:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select the Additional → Application management → Executable files folder.
  3. Select an executable file.
  4. In the context menu of the executable file, select Properties.
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[Topic 128212]

Enabling and disabling Application Control

By default, Application Control is disabled.

To enable or disable Application Control:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. Use the Application Control toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, if Application Control is enabled, the application forwards information about running executable files to Kaspersky Security Center. You can view the list of running executable files in Kaspersky Security Center in the Executable files folder. To receive information about all executable files instead of only running executable files, run the Inventory task.

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[Topic 128036]

Selecting the Application Control mode

To select the Application Control mode:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. In the Application Startup Control mode block, select one of the following options:
    • Denylist. If this option is selected, Application Control allows all users to start any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control block rules.
    • Allowlist. If this option is selected, Application Control blocks all users from starting any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control allow rules.

      The Golden Image rule and Trusted Updaters rule are initially defined for Allowlist mode. These Application Control rules correspond to KL categories. The "Golden Image" KL category includes programs that ensure normal operation of the operating system. The "Trusted Updaters" KL category includes updaters for the most reputable software vendors. You cannot delete these rules. The settings of these rules cannot be edited. By default, the Golden Image rule is enabled and the Trusted Updaters rule is disabled. All users are allowed to start applications that match the trigger conditions of these rules.

    All rules created during the selected mode are saved after the mode is changed so that the rules can be used again. To revert back to using these rules, all you have to do is select the necessary mode.

  4. In the Action at startup of blocked applications block, select the action to be performed by the component when a user attempts to start an application that is blocked by Application Control rules.
  5. Select the Control DLL modules load check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to monitor the loading of DLL modules when applications are started by users.

    Information about the module and the application that loaded the module will be saved to a report.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors only the DLL modules and drivers that have been loaded since the check box was selected. Restart the computer after selecting the check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to monitor all DLL modules and drivers, including ones that are loaded before Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started.

    When enabling control over the loading of DLL modules and drivers, make sure that one of the following rules is enabled in the Application Control settings: the default Golden Image rule or another rule that contains the "Trusted certificates" KL category and ensures that trusted DLL modules and drivers are loaded before Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started. Enabling control of the loading of DLL modules and drivers when the Golden Image rule is disabled may cause instability in the operating system.

    We recommend turning on password protection for configuring application settings, so that it is possible to turn off the rules blocking critical DLL modules and drivers form start, without modifying Kaspersky Security Center policy settings.

  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 130535]

Managing Application Control rules

Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls the startup of applications by users by means of rules. An Application Control rule specifies the triggering conditions and actions performed by the Application Control component when the rule is triggered (allowing or blocking application startup by users).

Rule-triggering conditions

A rule-triggering condition has the following correlation: "condition type - condition criterion - condition value". Based on the rule-triggering conditions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies (or does not apply) a rule to an application.

The following types of conditions are used in rules:

  • Inclusion conditions. Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the rule to the application if the application matches at least one of the inclusion conditions.
  • Exclusion conditions. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not apply the rule to the application if the application matches at least one of the exclusion conditions and does not match any of the inclusion conditions.

Rule-triggering conditions are created using criteria. The following criteria are used to create rules in Kaspersky Endpoint Security:

  • Path to the folder containing the executable file of the application or path to the executable file of the application.
  • Metadata: application executable file name, application executable file version, application name, application version, application vendor.
  • Hash of the executable file of the application.
  • Certificate: issuer, subject, thumbprint.
  • Inclusion of the application in a KL category.
  • Location of the application executable file on a removable drive.

The criterion value must be specified for each criterion used in the condition. If the parameters of the application being started match the values of criteria specified in the inclusion condition, the rule is triggered. In this case, Application Control performs the action prescribed in the rule. If application parameters match the values of criteria specified in the exclusion condition, Application Control does not control startup of the application.

If you have selected a certificate as a rule-triggering condition, you need to ensure that this certificate is added to the trusted system storage on the computer, and check the trusted system storage usage settings in the application.

Decisions made by the Application Control component when a rule is triggered

When a rule is triggered, Application Control allows users (or user groups) to start applications or blocks startup according to the rule. You can select individual users or groups of users that are allowed or not allowed to start applications that trigger a rule.

If a rule does not specify those users allowed to start applications satisfying the rule, this rule is called a block rule.

If a rule that does not specify any users who are not allowed to start applications that match the rule, this rule is called an allow rule.

The priority of a block rule is higher than the priority of an allow rule. For example, if an Application Control allow rule has been assigned for a user group while an Application Control block rule has been assigned for one user in this user group, this user will be blocked from starting the application.

Operating status of a rule

Application Control rules can have one of the following operating statuses:

  • Enabled. This status means that the rule is used when the Application Control component is running.
  • Disabled. This status means that the rule is ignored when the Application Control component is running.
  • Testing. This status signifies that Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the startup of applications to which the rules apply but logs information about the startup of such applications in the report.

In this section

Adding a trigger condition for the Application Control rule

Adding executable files from the Executable files folder to the application category

Adding event-related executable files to the application category

Adding an Application Control rule

Changing the status of an Application Control rule via Kaspersky Security Center

Exporting and importing Application Control rules

Viewing events resulting from operation of the Application Control component

Viewing a report on blocked applications

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[Topic 130537]

Adding a trigger condition for the Application Control rule

For more convenience when creating Application Control rules, you can create application categories.

It is recommended to create a "Work applications" category that covers the standard set of applications that are used at the company. If different user groups use different sets of applications in their work, a separate application category can be created for each user group.

To create an application category in the Administration Console:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select the Additional → Application management → Application categories folder.
  3. Click the New category button in the workspace.

    The user category creation wizard starts.

  4. Follow the instructions of the user category creation wizard.

Step 1. Selecting the category type

At this step, select one of the following types of application categories:

  • Category with content added manually. If you selected this type of category, at the "Configuring the conditions for including applications in a category" step and the "Configuring the conditions for excluding applications from a category" step, you will be able to define the criteria whereby executable files will be included into the category.
  • Category that includes executable files from selected devices. If you selected this type of category, at the "Settings" step you will be able to specify a computer whose executable files will be automatically included in the category.
  • Category that includes executable files from a specific folder. If you selected this type of category, at the "Repository folder" step you will be able to specify a folder from which executable files will be automatically included in the category.

When creating a category with content added automatically, Kaspersky Security Center performs inventory on files with the following formats: EXE, COM, DLL, SYS, BAT, PS1, CMD, JS, VBS, REG, MSI, MSC, CPL, HTML, HTM, DRV, OCX, and SCR.

Step 2. Entering a user category name

At this step, specify a name for the application category.

Step 3. Configuring the conditions for including applications in a category

This step is available if you selected the Category with content added manually category type.

At this step, in the Add drop-down list, select the conditions for including applications into the category:

  • From the list of executable files. Add applications from the list of executable files on the client device to the custom category.
  • From file properties. Specify detailed data of executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Metadata from files in folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the metadata of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Checksums of the files in the folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the hashes of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Certificates for the files from the folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files signed with certificates. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the certificates of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.

    It is not recommended to use conditions whose properties do not have the Certificate thumbprint parameter specified.

  • MSI installer files metadata. Select the MSI package. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the metadata of executable files packed in this MSI package as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Checksums of the files from the MSI installer of the application. Select the MSI package. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the hashes of executable files packed in this MSI package as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • From KL category. Specify a KL category as a condition for adding applications to the custom category. A KL category is a list of applications that have shared theme attributes. The list is maintained by Kaspersky experts. For example, the KL category known as "Office applications" includes applications from the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Acrobat, and others.

    You can select all KL categories to generate an extended list of trusted applications.

  • Specify path to application. Select a folder on the client device. Kaspersky Security Center will add executable files from this folder to the custom category.
  • Select certificate from repository. Select certificates that were used to sign executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.

    It is not recommended to use conditions whose properties do not have the Certificate thumbprint parameter specified.

  • Drive type. Specify the type of storage device (all hard drives and removable drives, or only removable drives) as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.

Step 4. Configuring the conditions for excluding applications from a category

This step is available if you selected the Category with content added manually category type.

Applications specified at this step are excluded from the category even if these applications were specified at the "Configuring the conditions for including applications in a category" step.

At this step, in the Add drop-down list, select conditions for excluding applications from the category:

  • From the list of executable files. Add applications from the list of executable files on the client device to the custom category.
  • From file properties. Specify detailed data of executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Metadata from files in folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the metadata of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Checksums of the files in the folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the hashes of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Certificates for the files from the folder. Select a folder on the client device that contains executable files signed with certificates. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the certificates of these executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • MSI installer files metadata. Select the MSI package. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the metadata of executable files packed in this MSI package as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Checksums of the files from the MSI installer of the application. Select the MSI package. Kaspersky Security Center will indicate the hashes of executable files packed in this MSI package as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • From KL category. Specify a KL category as a condition for adding applications to the custom category. A KL category is a list of applications that have shared theme attributes. The list is maintained by Kaspersky experts. For example, the KL category known as "Office applications" includes applications from the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Acrobat, and others.

    You can select all KL categories to generate an extended list of trusted applications.

  • Specify path to application. Select a folder on the client device. Kaspersky Security Center will add executable files from this folder to the custom category.
  • Select certificate from repository. Select certificates that were used to sign executable files as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.
  • Drive type. Specify the type of storage device (all hard drives and removable drives, or only removable drives) as a condition for adding applications to the custom category.

Step 5. Settings

This step is available if you selected the Category that includes executable files from selected devices category type.

At this step, click the Add button and specify the computers whose executable files will be added to the application category by Kaspersky Security Center. All executable files from the specified computers presented in the Executable files folder will be added to the application category by Kaspersky Security Center.

At this step, you can also configure the following settings:

  • Algorithm for hash function calculation. To select an algorithm, you must select at least one of the following check boxes:
    • Calculate SHA-256 for files in this category (supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows and later versions).
    • Calculate MD5 for files in this category (supported by versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows).
  • Synchronize data with Administration Server repository check box. Select this check box if you want Kaspersky Security Center to periodically clear the application category and add to it all executable files from the specified computers presented in the Executable files folder.

    If the Synchronize data with Administration Server repository check box is cleared, Kaspersky Security Center will not make any modifications to an application category after it is created.

  • Scan period (h) field. In this field, you can specify the period of time (in hours) after which Kaspersky Security Center clears the application category and adds to it all executable files from the specified computers presented in the Executable files folder.

    The field is available if the Synchronize data with Administration Server repository check box is selected.

Step 6. Repository folder

This step is available if you selected the Category that includes executable files from a specific folder category type.

At this step, specify the folder in which Kaspersky Security Center will search for executable files to automatically add applications to the application category.

At this step, you can also configure the following settings:

  • Include dynamic-link libraries (DLL) in this category check box. Select this check box if you want dynamic-link libraries (DLL files) to be included in the application category.

    Including DLL files in the application category may reduce the performance of Kaspersky Security Center.

  • Include script data in this category check box. Select this check box if you want scripts to be included in the application category.

    Including scripts in the application category may reduce the performance of Kaspersky Security Center.

  • Algorithm for hash function calculation. To select an algorithm, you must select at least one of the following check boxes:
    • Calculate SHA-256 for files in this category (supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows and later versions).
    • Calculate MD5 for files in this category (supported by versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows).
  • Force folder scan for changes check box. Select this check box if you want Kaspersky Security Center to periodically search for executable files in the folder used for automatically adding to the application category.

    If the Force folder scan for changes check box is cleared, Kaspersky Security Center searches for executable files in the folder used for automatically adding to the application category only if changes have been made in the folder, files have been added to it or deleted from it.

  • Scan period (h) field. In this field, you can specify the time interval (in hours) after which Kaspersky Security Center will search for executable files in the folder used for automatically adding to the application category.

    This field is available if the Force folder scan for changes check box is selected.

Step 7. Creating a custom category

Exit the Wizard.

To add a new trigger condition for an Application Control rule in the application interface:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. Click the Blocked applications or Allowed applications button.

    This opens the list of Application Control rules.

  4. Select the rule for which you want to configure a trigger condition.

    The Application Control rule properties open.

  5. Select the Conditions tab or Exclusions tab and click the Add button.
  6. Select the trigger conditions for the Application Control rule:
    • Conditions from properties of started applications. In the list of running applications, you can select the applications to which the Application Control rule will be applied. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also lists applications that were previously running on the computer. You need to select the criterion that you want to use to create one or multiple rule trigger conditions: File hash, Certificate, KL category, Metadata or Path to file or folder.
    • Conditions "KL category". A KL category is a list of applications that have shared theme attributes. The list is maintained by Kaspersky experts. For example, the KL category known as "Office applications" includes applications from the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Acrobat, and others.
    • Custom condition. You can select the application file and select one of the rule trigger conditions: File hash, Certificate, Metadata or Path to file or folder.
    • Condition by file drive (removable drive). The Application Control rule is applied only to files that are run on a removable drive.
    • Conditions from properties of files in the specified folder. The Application Control rule is applied only to files in the specified folder. You can also include or exclude files from subfolders. You need to select the criterion that you want to use to create one or multiple rule trigger conditions: File hash, Certificate, KL category, Metadata or Path to file or folder.
  7. Save your changes.

When adding conditions, please take into account the following special considerations for Application Control:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support an MD5 file hash and does not control startup of applications based on an MD5 hash. An SHA256 hash is used as a rule trigger condition.
  • It is not recommended to use only the Issuer and Subject criteria as rule trigger conditions. Use of these criteria is unreliable.
  • If you are using a symbolic link in the Path to file or folder field, you are advised to resolve the symbolic link for correct operation of the Application Control rule. To do so, click the Resolve symbolic link button.
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[Topic 166751]

Adding executable files from the Executable files folder to the application category

In the Executable files folder the list of executable files detected on computers is displayed. Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates a list of executable files after executing the Inventory task.

To add executable files from the Executable files folder to the application category:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select Additional → Application management → Executable files folder.
  3. In the workspace, select the executable files that you want to add to the application category.
  4. Right-click to open the context menu for the selected executable files and select Add to category.
  5. In the window that opens, do the following:
    • In the upper part of the window, choose one of the following options:
      • Add to a new application category. Choose this option if you want to create a new application category and add executable files to it.
      • Add to an existing application category. Choose this option if you want to select an existing application category and add executable files to it.
    • In the Rule type block, select one of the following options:
      • Rules for adding to inclusions. Select this option if you want to create a condition that adds executable files to the application category.
      • Rules for adding to exclusions. Select this option if you want to create a condition that excludes executable files from the application category.
    • In the Parameter used as a condition block, select one of the following options:
      • Certificate details (or SHA-256 hashes for files without a certificate).
      • Certificate details (files without a certificate will be skipped).
      • Only SHA-256 (files without a hash will be skipped).
      • Only MD5 (discontinued mode, only for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 1 version).
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 166737]

Adding event-related executable files to the application category

To add executable files related to Application Control events to the application category:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Events tab.
  3. Choose a selection of events related to operation of the Application Control component (Viewing events resulting from operation of the Application Control component, Viewing events resulting from test operation of the Application Control component) in the Event selections drop-down list.
  4. Click the Run selection button.
  5. Select the events whose associated executable files you want to add to the application category.
  6. Right-click to open the context menu for the selected events and select Add to category.
  7. In the window that opens, configure the settings of the application category:
    • In the upper part of the window, choose one of the following options:
      • Add to a new application category. Choose this option if you want to create a new application category and add executable files to it.
      • Add to an existing application category. Choose this option if you want to select an existing application category and add executable files to it.
    • In the Rule type block, select one of the following options:
      • Rules for adding to inclusions. Select this option if you want to create a condition that adds executable files to the application category.
      • Rules for adding to exclusions. Select this option if you want to create a condition that excludes executable files from the application category.
    • In the Parameter used as a condition block, select one of the following options:
      • Certificate details (or SHA-256 hashes for files without a certificate).
      • Certificate details (files without a certificate will be skipped).
      • Only SHA-256 (files without a hash will be skipped).
      • Only MD5 (discontinued mode, only for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 1 version).
  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 130538]

Adding an Application Control rule

To add an Application Control rule using Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Application Control component are displayed.

  6. Click Add.

    The Application Control rule window opens.

  7. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to create a new category:
      1. Click Create a category.

        The user category creation wizard starts.

      2. Follow the instructions of the user category creation wizard.
      3. In the Category drop-down list, select the created application category.
    • If you want to edit an existing category:
      1. In the Category drop-down list, select the created application category that you want to edit.
      2. Click Properties.
      3. Modify the settings of the selected application category.
      4. Save your changes.
      5. In the Category drop-down list, select the created application category based on which you want to create a rule.
  8. In the Subjects and their rights table, click the Add button.
  9. In the window that opens, specify the list of users and/or user groups for which you want to configure permission to start applications from the selected category.
  10. In the Subjects and their rights table, do the following:
    • If you want to allow users and/or groups of users to start applications that belong to the selected category, select the Allow check box in the relevant rows.
    • If you want to block users and/or groups of users from starting applications that belong to the selected category, select the Deny check box in the relevant rows.
  11. Select the Deny for other users check box if you want all users that do not appear in the Subject column and that are not part of the group of users specified in the Subject column to be blocked from starting applications that belong to the selected category.
  12. If you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to consider applications included in the selected application category as trusted updaters allowed to create other executable files that will be subsequently allowed to run, select the Trusted Updaters check box.

    When Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are migrated, the list of executable files created by trusted updaters is migrated as well.

  13. Save your changes.

To add an Application Control rule:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. Click the Blocked applications or Allowed applications button.

    This opens the list of Application Control rules.

  4. Click Add.

    This opens the Application Control rule settings window.

  5. On the General settings tab, define the main settings of the rule:
    1. In the Rule name field, enter the name of the rule.
    2. In the Description field, enter a description of the rule.
    3. Compile or edit a list of users and/or groups of users who are allowed or not allowed to start applications that meet the rule trigger conditions. To do this, click the Add button in the Subjects and their rights table.

      The rule applies to all users by default.

      If there is no user specified in the table, the rule cannot be saved.

    4. In the Subjects and their rights table, use the toggle to define the right of users to start applications.
    5. Select the Deny for other users check box if you want the application to prevent applications that satisfy rule triggering conditions from running for all users that are not listed in the Subjects and their rights table and are not members of user groups listed in the Subjects and their rights table.

      If the Deny for other users check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not control the startup of applications by users that are not specified in the Subjects and their rights table and that do not belong to the groups of users specified in the Subjects and their rights table.

    6. Select the Trusted Updaters check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to consider applications matching the rule trigger conditions as trusted updaters. Trusted Updaters are applications that are allowed to create other executable files that will be allowed to run subsequently.

      If an application triggers multiple rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sets the Trusted Updaters flag if the following conditions are satisfied:

      • All rules allow the application to run.
      • At least one rule has the Trusted Updaters check box selected.
  6. On the Conditions: N tab, create or edit the list of inclusion conditions for triggering the rule.
  7. On the Exclusions: N tab, create or edit the list of exclusion conditions for triggering the rule.

    When Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are migrated, the list of executable files created by trusted updaters is migrated as well.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123489]

Changing the status of an Application Control rule via Kaspersky Security Center

To change the status of an Application Control rule in Administration Console:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Application Control component are displayed.

  6. In the Status column, left-click to display the context menu and select one of the following:
    • On. This status means that the rule is used when the Application Control component is running.
    • Off. This status means that the rule is ignored when the Application Control component is running.
    • Test. This status means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security always allows the startup of applications to which the rule applies but logs information about the startup of such applications in the report.
  7. Save your changes.

To change the status of an Application Control rule in the Administration Console:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. Click the Blocked applications or Allowed applications button.

    This opens the list of Application Control rules.

  4. In the Status column, open the context menu and select one of the following:
    • Enabled. This status means that the rule is used when the Application Control component is running.
    • Disabled. This status means that the rule is ignored when the Application Control component is running.
    • Testing. This status means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security always allows the startup of applications to which this rule applies but logs information about the startup of such applications in the report.
  5. Save your changes.
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[Topic 202095]

Exporting and importing Application Control rules

You can export the list of Application Control rules to an XML file. You can use the export/import function to back up the list of Application Control rules or to migrate the list to a different server.

When exporting and importing Application Control rules, please keep in mind the following special considerations:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules only for the active Application Control mode. In other words, if Application Control is operating in denylist mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports rules only for this mode. To export the list of rules for allowlist mode, you need to switch the mode and run the export operation again.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses application categories for Application Control rules to work. When migrating the list of Application Control rules to a different server, you also need to migrate the list of application categories. For more details on exporting or importing application categories, please refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

How to export and import a list of Application Control rules in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  6. To export the list of Application Control rules:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all rules.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of rules, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to the XML file.

  7. To import a list of Application Control rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of Application Control rules in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Security ControlsApplication Control.
  5. Click the Rules Lists Settings link.
  6. Select a list of rules: application denylist or allowlist.
  7. To export the list of Application Control rules:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected rules, or export the entire list.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to an XML file in the default downloads folder.

  8. To import a list of Application Control rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 165715]

Viewing events resulting from operation of the Application Control component

To view events resulting from the operation of the Application Control component received by Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Events tab.
  3. Click the Create a selection button.
  4. In the window that opens, go to the Events section.
  5. Click the Clear all button.
  6. In the Events table, select the Application startup prohibited check box.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. In the Event selections drop-down list, select the created selection.
  9. Click the Run selection button.
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[Topic 165714]

Viewing a report on blocked applications

To view the report on blocked applications:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Reports tab.
  3. Click the New report template button.

    The New Report Template Wizard starts.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Report Template Wizard. At the Selecting the report template type step, select OtherReport on prohibited applications.

    After you have finished with the New Report Template Wizard, the new report template appears in the table on the Reports tab.

  5. Open the report by double-clicking it.

The report generation process starts. The report is displayed in a new window.

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[Topic 133827]

Testing Application Control rules

To ensure that Application Control rules do not block applications required for work, it is recommended to enable testing of Application Control rules and analyze their operation after creating new rules. When testing of Application Control rules is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not block applications whose startup is forbidden by Application Control, but will instead send notifications about their startup to the Administration Server.

An analysis of the operation of Application Control rules requires a review of the resultant Application Control events that are reported to Kaspersky Security Center. If test mode results in no blocked startup events for all applications required for the work of the computer user, this means that the correct rules were created. Otherwise, you are advised to update the settings of the rules you have created, create additional rules, or delete the existing rules.

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the startup of all applications except for applications prohibited by the rules.

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[Topic 165700]

Enabling and disabling Application Control rule testing

To enable or disable testing of Application Control rules in Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.

    In the right part of the window, the settings of the Application Control component are displayed.

  6. In the Control mode drop-down list, select one of the following items:
    • Denylist. If this option is selected, Application Control allows all users to start any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control block rules.
    • Allowlist. If this option is selected, Application Control blocks all users from starting any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control allow rules.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to enable testing of Application Control rules, select the Test rules option in the Action drop-down list.
    • If you want to enable Application Control to manage the startup of applications on user computers, in the drop-down list, select Apply rules.
  8. Save your changes.

To enable testing of Application Control rules or to select a blocking action for Application Control:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. Click the Blocked applications or Allowed applications button.

    This opens the list of Application Control rules.

  4. In the Status column, select Testing.

    This status means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security always allows the startup of applications to which this rule applies but logs information about the startup of such applications in the report.

  5. Save your changes.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not block applications whose startup is forbidden by the Application Control component, but will send notifications about their startup to the Administration Server. You can also configure the display of notifications about rule testing on the user's computer (see figure below).

Application Control notifications in test mode

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[Topic 165775]

Viewing a report on blocked applications in test mode

To view the report on blocked applications in test mode:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Reports tab.
  3. Click the New report template button.

    The New Report Template Wizard starts.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Report Template Wizard. At the Selecting the report template type step, select OtherReport on prohibited applications in test mode.

    After you have finished with the New Report Template Wizard, the new report template appears in the table on the Reports tab.

  5. Open the report by double-clicking it.

The report generation process starts. The report is displayed in a new window.

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[Topic 165757]

Viewing events resulting from test operation of the Application Control component

To view Application Control testing events received by Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Events tab.
  3. Click the Create a selection button.
  4. In the window that opens, go to the Events section.
  5. Click the Clear all button.
  6. In the Events table, select the Application startup prohibited in test mode and Application startup allowed in test mode check boxes.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. In the Event selections drop-down list, select the created selection.
  9. Click the Run selection button.
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[Topic 204231]

Application activity monitor

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

Application Activity Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the activity of applications on a user's computer in real time.

Using the Application Activity Monitor requires installing the Application Control and Host Intrusion Prevention components. If these components are not installed, the Application Activity Monitor section in the main application window is hidden.

To start Application Activity Monitor:

In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Application Activity Monitor tile.

In this window, information about the activity of applications on the user's computer is presented on three tabs:

  • The All applications tab displays information about all applications installed on the computer.
  • The Running tab displays information about the computer resource consumption by each application in real time. From this tab, you can also proceed to configure permissions for an individual application.
  • The Run at startup tab displays the list of applications that are started when the operating system starts.

If you want to hide application activity information on the user's computer, you can restrict user access to the Application Activity Monitor tool.

How to hide Application Activity Monitor in the application interface using the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsInterface.
  6. Use the Hide Application Activity Monitor section check box to grant or revoke access to the tool.
  7. Save your changes.

How to hide Application Activity Monitor in the application interface using the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsInterface.
  5. Use the Hide Application Activity Monitor section check box to grant or revoke access to the tool.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 187478]

Rules for creating name masks for files or folders

A mask of a file or folder name is a representation of the name of a folder or name and extension of a file using common characters.

You can use the following common characters to create a file or folder name mask:

  • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters (including an empty set). For example, the C:\*.txt mask will include all paths to files with the txt extension located in folders and subfolders on the (C:) drive.
  • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.
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[Topic 128034]

Editing Application Control message templates

When a user attempts to start an application that is blocked by an Application Control rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a message stating that the application is blocked from starting. If the user believes that an application was mistakenly blocked from starting, the user can use the link in the message text to send a message to the local corporate network administrator.

Special templates are available for the message that is displayed when an application is blocked from starting and for the message sent to the administrator. You can modify the message templates.

To edit a message template:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsApplication Control.
  3. In the Templates of messages about application blocking block, configure templates for Application Control messages:
    • Message about blocking. Template of the message that is displayed when an Application Control rule that blocks an application from starting is triggered. The notification about a blocked application is shown in the figure below.

      You cannot configure message templates for Application Control in test mode. Application Control in test mode displays preset notifications.

    • Message to administrator. Template of the message that a user can send to the corporate LAN administrator if the user believes that an application was blocked by mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Application startup blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.
  4. Save your changes.

    Application Control notification

See also:

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Editing templates of Device Control messages

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

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[Topic 159634]

Best practices for implementing a list of allowed applications

When planning implementation of a list of allowed applications, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Form the following types of groups:
    • User groups. Groups of users for whom you need to allow use of various sets of applications.
    • Administration groups. One or multiple groups of computers to which Kaspersky Security Center will apply the list of allowed applications. It is necessary to create multiple groups of computers if different allowlist settings are used for those groups.
  2. Create a list of applications that must be allowed to start.

    Prior to creating a list, you are advised to do the following:

    1. Run the inventory task.

      Information about the creation, reconfiguration, and startup of an inventory task is available in the Task management section.

    2. View the list of executable files.

In this section

Configuring allowlist mode for applications

Testing the allowlist mode

Support for allowlist mode

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[Topic 165718]

Configuring allowlist mode for applications

When configuring the allowlist mode, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Create application categories containing the applications that must be allowed to start.

    You can select one of the following methods for creating application categories:

    • Category with content added manually. You can manually add to this category by using the following conditions:
      • File metadata. Kaspersky Security Center adds all executable files accompanied by the specified metadata to the application category.
      • File hash code. Kaspersky Security Center adds all executable files with the specified hash to the application category.

        Use of this condition excludes the capability to automatically install updates because different versions of files will have a different hash.

      • File certificate. Kaspersky Security Center adds all executable files signed with the specified certificate to the application category.
      • KL category. Kaspersky Security Center adds all applications that are in the specified KL category to the application category.
      • Application folder. Kaspersky Security Center adds all executable files from this folder to the application category.

        Use of the Application folder condition may be unsafe because any application from the specified folder will be allowed to start. It is recommended to apply rules that use the application categories with the Application folder condition only to those users for whom the automatic installation of updates must be allowed.

    • Category that includes executable files from a specific folder. You can specify a folder from which executable files will be automatically assigned to the created application category.
    • Category that includes executable files from selected devices. You can specify a computer for which all executable files will be automatically assigned to the created application category.

      When using this method of creating application categories, Kaspersky Security Center receives information about applications on the computer from the Executable files folder.

  2. Select the allowlist mode for the Application Control component.
  3. Create Application Control rules using the created application categories.

    The Golden Image rule and Trusted Updaters rule are initially defined for Allowlist mode. These Application Control rules correspond to KL categories. The "Golden Image" KL category includes programs that ensure normal operation of the operating system. The "Trusted Updaters" KL category includes updaters for the most reputable software vendors. You cannot delete these rules. The settings of these rules cannot be edited. By default, the Golden Image rule is enabled and the Trusted Updaters rule is disabled. All users are allowed to start applications that match the trigger conditions of these rules.

  4. Determine the applications for which automatic installation of updates must be allowed.

    You can allow automatic installation of updates in one of the following ways:

    • Specify an extended list of allowed applications by allowing the startup of all applications that belong to any KL category.
    • Specify an extended list of allowed applications by allowing the startup of all applications that are signed with certificates.

      To allow the startup of all applications signed with certificates, you can create a category with a certificate-based condition that uses only the Subject parameter with the value *.

    • For the Application control rule, select the Trusted Updaters parameter. If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers the applications included in the rule as Trusted Updaters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the startup of applications that have been installed or updated by applications included in the rule, provided that no blocking rules are applied to those applications.

      When Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are migrated, the list of executable files created by trusted updaters is migrated as well.

    • Create a folder and place within it the executable files of applications for which you want to allow automatic installation of updates. Then create an application category with the "Application folder" condition and specify the path to that folder. Then create an allow rule and select this category.

      Use of the Application folder condition may be unsafe because any application from the specified folder will be allowed to start. It is recommended to apply rules that use the application categories with the Application folder condition only to those users for whom the automatic installation of updates must be allowed.

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[Topic 165699]

Testing the allowlist mode

To ensure that Application Control rules do not block applications required for work, it is recommended to enable testing of Application Control rules and analyze their operation after creating new rules. When testing is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not block applications whose startup is forbidden by Application Control rules, but will instead send notifications about their startup to the Administration Server.

When testing the allowlist mode, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Determine the testing period (ranging from several days to two months).
  2. Enable testing of Application Control rules.
  3. Examine the events resulting from testing the operation of Application Control and reports on blocked applications in test mode to analyze the testing results.
  4. Based on the analysis results, make changes to the allowlist mode settings.

    In particular, based on the test results, you can add executable files related to events to an application category.

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[Topic 165710]

Support for allowlist mode

After selecting a blocking action for Application Control, it is recommended to continue supporting allowlist mode by performing the following actions:

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[Topic 45659]

Network ports monitoring

During the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the Web Control, Mail Threat Protection and Web Threat Protection components monitor data streams that are transmitted via specific protocols and that pass through specific open TCP and UDP ports on user computer. For example, the Mail Threat Protection component analyzes information transmitted via SMTP, while the Web Threat Protection component analyzes information transmitted via HTTP and FTP.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security divides TCP and UDP ports of the user's computer into several groups, depending on the likelihood of their being compromised. Some network ports are reserved for vulnerable services. You are advised to monitor these ports more thoroughly because they have a greater likelihood of being targeted by a network attack. If you use non-standard services that rely on non-standard network ports, these network ports may also be targeted by an attacking computer. You can specify a list of network ports and a list of applications that request network access. These ports and applications then receive special attention from the Mail Threat Protection and Web Threat Protection components during network traffic monitoring.


In this section

Enabling monitoring of all network ports

Creating a list of monitored network ports

Creating a list of applications for which all network ports are monitored

Exporting and importing lists of monitored ports

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[Topic 133786]

Enabling monitoring of all network ports

To enable monitoring of all network ports:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Monitored ports block, select Monitor all network ports.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123512]

Creating a list of monitored network ports

To create a list of monitored network ports:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Monitored ports block, select Monitor selected network ports only.
  4. Click Select.

    This opens a list of network ports that are normally used for transmission of email and network traffic. This list of network ports is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security package.

  5. Use the toggle in the Status column to enable or disable network port monitoring.
  6. If a network port is not shown in the list of network ports, add it by doing the following:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the window that opens, enter the network port number and brief description.
    3. Set the Active or Inactive status for the network port monitoring.
  7. Save your changes.

When the FTP protocol runs in passive mode, the connection can be established via a random network port that is not added to the list of monitored network ports. To protect such connections, enable monitoring of all network ports or configure control of network ports for applications that establish FTP connections.

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[Topic 123454]

Creating a list of applications for which all network ports are monitored

You can create a list of applications for which Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors all network ports.

We recommend including applications that receive or transmit data via the FTP protocol in the list of applications for which Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors all network ports.

To create a list of applications for which all network ports are monitored:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  3. In the Monitored ports block, select Monitor selected network ports only.
  4. Select the Monitor all ports for the applications from the list recommended by Kaspersky check box.

    If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors all ports for the following applications:

    • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    • Apple Application Support.
    • Google Chrome.
    • Microsoft Edge.
    • Mozilla Firefox.
    • Internet Explorer.
    • Java.
    • mIRC.
    • Opera.
    • Pidgin.
    • Safari.
    • Mail.ru Agent.
    • Yandex Browser.
  5. Select the Monitor all ports for specified applications check box.
  6. Click Select.

    This opens a list of applications for which Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors network ports.

  7. Use the toggle in the Status column to enable or disable network port monitoring.
  8. If an application is not included in the list of applications, add it as follows:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the window that opens, enter the path to the executable file of the application and a brief description.
    3. Set the Active or Inactive status for network ports monitoring.
  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 202192]

Exporting and importing lists of monitored ports

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the following lists to monitor network ports: list of network ports and list of applications whose ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can export lists of monitored ports to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of ports with the same description. You can also use the export/import function to back up the lists of monitored ports or to migrate the lists to a different server.

How to export and import lists of monitored ports in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsNetwork settings.
  6. In the Monitored ports block, select Monitor selected network ports only.
  7. Click Settings.

    The Network ports window opens. The Network ports window displays a list of network ports that are normally used for transmission of email and network traffic. This list of network ports is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security package.

  8. To export the list of network ports:
    1. In the list of network ports, select the ports that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any port, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all ports.

    2. Click Export.
    3. In the window that opens, enter the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of network ports, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of network ports to the XML file.

  9. To export the list of applications whose ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    1. Select the Monitor all ports for specified applications check box.
    2. In the list of applications, select the applications that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all applications.

    3. Click Export.
    4. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of applications, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    5. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of applications to the XML file.

  10. To import the list of network ports:
    1. In the list of network ports, click the Import button.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of network ports.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of network ports, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  11. To import a list of applications whose ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    1. In the list of applications, click the Import button.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of applications.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of applications, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or to add new entries to it from the XML file.

  12. Save your changes.

How to export / import lists of monitored ports in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsNetwork settings.
  5. To export the list of network ports:
    1. In the Monitored ports block, select Monitor selected network ports only.
    2. Click the selected N ports link.

      The Network ports window opens. The Network ports window displays a list of network ports that are normally used for transmission of email and network traffic. This list of network ports is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security package.

    3. In the list of network ports, select the ports that you want to export.
    4. Click Export.
    5. In the window that opens, enter the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of network ports, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    6. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of network ports to the XML file.

  6. To export the list of applications whose ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    1. In the Monitored ports block, select the Monitor all ports for specified applications check box.
    2. Click the selected N applications link.
    3. In the list of applications, select the applications that you want to export.
    4. Click Export.
    5. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of applications, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    6. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of applications to the XML file.

  7. To import the list of network ports:
    1. In the list of network ports, click the Import button.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of network ports.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of network ports, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. To import a list of applications whose ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
    1. In the list of applications, click the Import button.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of applications.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of applications, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or to add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 235314]

Log Inspection

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0 includes the Log Inspection component. Log Inspection monitors the integrity of the protected environment based on the results of Windows event log analysis. When the application detects signs of atypical behavior in the system, it informs the administrator, as this behavior may indicate an attempted cyber attack.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes Windows event logs and detects violation in accordance with rules. The component includes predefined rules. Predefined rules are powered by heuristic analysis. You can also add your own rules (custom rules). When a rule triggers, the application creates an event with the Critical status (see figure below).

If you want to use Log Inspection, make sure security the audit policy is configured and the system is logging the relevant events (for details, see the Microsoft technical support website.).

Log Inspection notification

In this section

Configuring predefined rules

Adding custom rules

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[Topic 235320]

Configuring predefined rules

Predefined rules include templates of abnormal activity on the protected computer. Abnormal activity can signify an attempted attack. Predefined rules are powered by heuristic analysis. Seven predefined rules are available for Log Inspection. You can enable or disable any of the rules. Predefined rules cannot be deleted.

You can configure the triggering criteria for rules that monitor events for the following operations:

  • Password brute-force detection
  • Network login detection

How to configure predefined rules in Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  6. Make sure the Log Inspection check box is selected.
  7. In the Predefined rules block, click the Settings button.
  8. Select or clear check boxes to configure predefined rules:
    • There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system.
    • There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session.
    • There are patterns of a possible Windows Event Log abuse.
    • Atypical actions detected on behalf of a new service installed.
    • Atypical logon that uses explicit credentials detected.
    • There are patterns of a possible Kerberos forged PAC (MS14-068) attack in the system.
    • Suspicious changes detected in the privileged built-in Administrators group.
  9. If necessary, configure the There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system rule:
    1. Click the Settings button below the rule.
    2. In the window that opens, specify the number of attempts and a time period within which attempts to enter a password must be performed for the rule to trigger.
    3. Click ОК.
  10. If you selected the There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session rule, you need to configure its settings:
    1. Click the Settings button below the rule.
    2. In the Network logon detection block, specify the start and the end of the time interval.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers logon attempts performed during the defined interval as abnormal activity.

      By default, the interval is not set and the application does not monitor logon attempts. For the application to continuously monitor logon attempts, set the interval to 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. The start and the end of the interval must not coincide. If they are the same, the application does not monitor logon attempts.

    3. Create the list of trusted users and trusted IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6).

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor logon attempts for these users and computers.

    4. Click ОК.
  11. Save your changes.

How to configure predefined rules in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  5. Make sure the Log Inspection toggle switch is turned on.
  6. In the Predefined rules block, enable or disable the predefined rules using the toggles:
    • There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system.
    • There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session.
    • There are patterns of a possible Windows Event Log abuse.
    • Atypical actions detected on behalf of a new service installed.
    • Atypical logon that uses explicit credentials detected.
    • There are patterns of a possible Kerberos forged PAC (MS14-068) attack in the system.
    1. Suspicious changes detected in the privileged built-in Administrators group.
  7. If necessary, configure the There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system rule:
    1. Click Settings under the rule.
    2. In the window that opens, specify the number of attempts and a time period within which attempts to enter a password must be performed for the rule to trigger.
    3. Click ОК.
  8. If you selected the There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session rule, you need to configure its settings:
    1. Click Settings under the rule.
    2. In the Network logon detection block, specify the start and the end of the time interval.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers logon attempts performed during the defined interval as abnormal activity.

      By default, the interval is not set and the application does not monitor logon attempts. For the application to continuously monitor logon attempts, set the interval to 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. The start and the end of the interval must not coincide. If they are the same, the application does not monitor logon attempts.

    3. In the Exclusions block, add trusted users and trusted IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6).

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor logon attempts for these users and computers.

    4. Click ОК.
  9. Save your changes.

How to configure predefined rules in the application interface.

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  3. Make sure the Log Inspection toggle switch is turned on.
  4. In the Predefined rules block, click the Configure button.
  5. Select or clear check boxes to configure predefined rules:
    • There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system.
    • There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session.
    • There are patterns of a possible Windows Event Log abuse.
    • Atypical actions detected on behalf of a new service installed.
    • Atypical logon that uses explicit credentials detected.
    • There are patterns of a possible Kerberos forged PAC (MS14-068) attack in the system.
    1. Suspicious changes detected in the privileged built-in Administrators group.
  6. If necessary, configure the There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system rule:
    1. Click Settings under the rule.
    2. In the window that opens, specify the number of attempts and a time period within which attempts to enter a password must be performed for the rule to trigger.
  7. If you selected the There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session rule, you need to configure its settings:
    1. Click Settings under the rule.
    2. In the Network logon detection block, specify the start and the end of the time interval.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers logon attempts performed during the defined interval as abnormal activity.

      By default, the interval is not set and the application does not monitor logon attempts. For the application to continuously monitor logon attempts, set the interval to 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. The start and the end of the interval must not coincide. If they are the same, the application does not monitor logon attempts.

    3. In the Exclusions block, add trusted users and trusted IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6).

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor logon attempts for these users and computers.

  8. Save your changes.

As a result, when the rule triggers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates Critical event.

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[Topic 235321]

Adding custom rules

You can set your own Log Inspection rule triggering criteria. To do so, you must enter an event ID and select an event source. You can look up the event ID on the Microsoft technical support website. You can select an event source from among the standard logs: Application, Security or System. You can also specify the log of a third-party application. You can find out the name of the third-party application log using the Event Viewer tool. Third-party application logs are kept in the Application and Services Logs folder (for example, the Windows PowerShell log).

The application does not check if the specified log is actually present in the Windows event log. If there is a mistake in the name of the log, the application does not monitor events from that log.

The list of custom rules already includes three rules created by Kaspersky experts.

How to add a custom rule in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  6. Make sure the Log Inspection check box is selected.
  7. In the Custom rules block, click the Settings button.
  8. In the window that opens, select the check boxes next to the custom rules that you want to enable.
  9. If necessary, click Add to create your own custom rules.
  10. This opens a window; in that window, configure the custom rule:
    • Rule name.
    • Log name. Windows Event Logs. The following logs are available: Application, Security, System.
    • Source. Third-party application logs. You can find out the name of the third-party application log using the Event Viewer tool. Third-party application logs are kept in the Application and Services Logs folder (for example, the Windows PowerShell log).
    • Event identifiers. Event IDs in the Windows Event Log. You can look up the event ID in the Microsoft technical documentation.
  11. Save your changes.

How to add a custom rule in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  5. Make sure the Log Inspection toggle switch is turned on.
  6. In the Custom rules block, select custom rules that you want to enable.
  7. If necessary, click Add to create your own custom rules.
  8. This opens a window; in that window, configure the custom rule:
    • Rule name.
    • Windows Event Log name. Windows Event Logs. The following logs are available: Application, Security, System.
    • Source. Third-party application logs. You can find out the name of the third-party application log using the Event Viewer tool. Third-party application logs are kept in the Application and Services Logs folder (for example, the Windows PowerShell log).
    • Windows Event Log identifier. Event IDs in the Windows Event Log. You can look up the event ID in the Microsoft technical documentation.
  9. Save your changes.

How to add a custom rule in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsLog Inspection.
  3. Make sure the Log Inspection toggle switch is turned on.
  4. In the Custom rules block, click the Configure button.
  5. In the window that opens, select the check boxes next to the custom rules that you want to enable.
  6. If necessary, click Add to create your own custom rules.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, configure the custom rule:
    • Rule name.
    • Log name. Windows Event Logs. The following logs are available: Application, Security, System.
    • Source. Third-party application logs. You can find out the name of the third-party application log using the Event Viewer tool. Third-party application logs are kept in the Application and Services Logs folder (for example, the Windows PowerShell log).
    • Event identifier. Event IDs in the Windows Event Log. You can look up the event ID in the Microsoft technical documentation.
  8. Save your changes.

As a result, when the rule triggers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates Critical event.

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[Topic 236372]

File Integrity Monitor

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations.

File Integrity Monitor works only on servers with NTFS or ReFS file system.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0 includes the File Integrity Monitor component. File Integrity Monitor detects changes to objects (files and folders) in a given monitoring area. These changes may indicate a computer security breach. When object changes are detected, the application informs the administrator.

To use File Integrity Monitor you need to configure component's scope, i.e. select objects, the state of which should be monitored by the component.

You can view information about the results of File Integrity Monitor operation in Kaspersky Security Center and in the interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

In this section

Editing the monitoring scope

Viewing system integrity information

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[Topic 236943]

Editing the monitoring scope

File Integrity Monitor cannot work without a specified monitoring scope. This means you must specify the paths to the files and folders whose changes File Integrity Monitor will control. We recommend adding rarely modified objects or objects that only the administrator has access to. This will reduce the number of File Integrity Monitor events.

To reduce the number of events, you can also add exclusions to the monitoring rules. Exclusion entries have a higher priority than monitoring scope entries. For example, the organization uses an application whose files you want to monitor for integrity. To do so, you need to add the path to the folder with the application (for example, C:\Users\Testadmin\Desktop\Utilities). You can exclude log files from the monitoring rule because such files do not affect system security. Moreover, the application constantly modifies log files, which results in a great number of similar events. To avoid this, add log files to exceptions (for example, C:\Users\Testadmin\Desktop\Utilities\*.log).

How to edit a monitoring scope in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the сonsole tree, select Policies.
  3. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  4. In the policy window, select Security ControlsFile Integrity Monitor.
  5. Make sure the File Integrity Monitor check box is selected.
  6. In the Monitoring rules block, click the Add button.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, configure the monitoring rule:
    • Rule name. Enter the name of the rule, for example, Monitoring application A.
    • Event severity level. Select the event severity level that File Integrity Monitor will log: Informational Informational event icon., Warning Warning event icon., Critical Critical event icon..
    • Monitoring scope. Enter the path to the folder or file.

      When configuring the monitoring scope, make sure that the path to the folder or file starts with a drive letter or system environment variable. The application does not support user-defined environment variables. If path to the folder or file is specified incorrectly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not add the specified monitoring scope.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.
    • Exclusions. Enter the path to the folder or file. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask. Exclusion entries have a higher priority than monitoring scope entries.
  8. Click OK.

    A new rule is added to the list of monitoring rules. You can disable the monitoring rule without removing it from the list of rules. To do so, clear the check box next to the object.

  9. Save your changes.

How to edit a monitoring scope in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Security ControlsFile Integrity Monitor.
  5. Make sure the File Integrity Monitor toggle switch is turned on.
  6. In the Monitoring rules block, click the Add button.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, configure the monitoring rule:
    • Rule name. Enter the name of the rule, for example, Monitoring application A.
    • Event severity level. Select the event severity level that File Integrity Monitor will log: Informational Informational event icon., Warning Warning event icon., Critical Critical event icon..
    • Monitoring scope. Enter the path to the folder or file.

      When configuring the monitoring scope, make sure that the path to the folder or file starts with a drive letter or system environment variable. The application does not support user-defined environment variables. If path to the folder or file is specified incorrectly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not add the specified monitoring scope.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.
    • Exclusions. Enter the path to the folder or file. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask. Exclusion entries have a higher priority than monitoring scope entries.
  8. Click OK.

    A new rule is added to the list of monitoring rules. You can disable the monitoring rule without removing it from the list of rules. To do so, set the toggle switch next to it to the off position.

  9. Save your changes.

How to edit a monitoring scope in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the Application settings icon in the form of a gear wheel. button.
  2. In the application settings window, select Security ControlsFile Integrity Monitor.
  3. Make sure the File Integrity Monitor toggle switch is turned on.
  4. In the Monitoring rules block, click Set up.
  5. In the Monitoring rules block, click the Add button.
  6. This opens a window; in that window, configure the monitoring rule:
    • Rule name. Enter the name of the rule, for example, Monitoring application A.
    • Event severity level. Select the event severity level that File Integrity Monitor will log: Informational Informational event icon., Warning Warning event icon., Critical Critical event icon..
    • Monitoring scope. Enter the path to the folder or file.

      When configuring the monitoring scope, make sure that the path to the folder or file starts with a drive letter or system environment variable. The application does not support user-defined environment variables. If path to the folder or file is specified incorrectly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not add the specified monitoring scope.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.
    • Exclusions. Enter the path to the folder or file. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask. Exclusion entries have a higher priority than monitoring scope entries.
  7. Click OK.

    A new rule is added to the list of monitoring rules. You can disable the monitoring rule without removing it from the list of rules. To do so, set the toggle switch next to it to the off position.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 237451]

Viewing system integrity information

Information about the results of File Integrity Monitor operation is displayed in the following ways:

Events in the Kaspersky Security Center Console and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface

Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center if a change in files is detected. You can configure the event selection to view events from File Integrity Monitor component. For more details on event selection settings, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface provides a separate report for the File Integrity Monitor component.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has event aggregation tools to reduce the number of File Integrity Monitor events. Kaspersky Endpoint Security enables event aggregation in the following cases:

  • too frequent changes to a single object (more than five times per minute)
  • too frequent triggering of a single monitoring rule (more than 10 times per minute)

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates separate events on object modifications until the aggregation tools are triggered. At this point, Kaspersky Endpoint Security enables event aggregation and creates a corresponding event. Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs event aggregation for 24 hours (the aggregation period) or until Kaspersky Endpoint Security is stopped. After restarting Kaspersky Endpoint Security or after the aggregation period is over, the application generates special events: Report on an atypical event for the aggregation period and Report on object change for the aggregation period. These reports contain information about the start and the end of the aggregation period and the number of aggregated events.

Status of the computer in the Kaspersky Security Center Console

When events with severity level Critical or Warning are received from File Integrity Monitor component, Kaspersky Security Center changes the status of the computer to Critical or Warning .

Receiving computer status from a managed application (Device status defined by application condition) should be enabled in Kaspersky Security Center in the lists of conditions that must be met to assign the Critical or Warning status to a device. Conditions for assigning a status to a device are configured in the properties window of the administration group.

Computer status and all reasons for status changes are displayed in the list of devices of the administration group. For more details on computer statuses, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Reports in the Kaspersky Security Center Console

Kaspersky Security Center provides two types of reports:

  • Top 10 devices with File Integrity Monitor / System Integrity Monitoring rules most frequently triggered.
  • Top 10 rules of File Integrity Monitor / System Integrity Monitoring that were triggered on devices most frequently.
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[Topic 41045]

Password protection

Multiple users with different levels of computer literacy can share a computer. If users have unrestricted access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security and its settings, the overall level of computer protection may be reduced. Password protection lets you restrict users' access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security according to the permissions granted to them (for example, permission to exit the application).

If the user that started the Windows session (session user) has the permission to perform the action, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not request the user name and password or a temporary password. The user receives access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security in accordance with the granted permissions.

If a session user does not have the permission to perform an action, the user can obtain access to the application in the following ways:

  • Enter a user name and password.

    This method is suitable for day-to-day operations. To perform a password-protected action, you must enter the domain account credentials of the user with the required permission. In this case, the computer must be in that domain. If the computer is not in the domain, you can use the KLAdmin account.

  • Enter a temporary password.

    This method is suitable for granting temporary permissions to perform blocked actions (for example, exiting the application) to users outside the corporate network. When a temporary password expires or a session ends, Kaspersky Endpoint Security reverts its settings to their previous state.

When a user attempts to perform a password-protected action, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for the user name and password or temporary password (see the figure below).

In the password entry window, you can switch languages only by pressing ALT+SHIFT. Using other shortcuts, even if they are configured in the operating system, do not work for switching languages.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security access password prompt

User name and password

To access Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you must enter your domain account credentials. Password protection supports the following accounts:

  • KLAdmin. An Administrator account with unrestricted access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The KLAdmin account has the right to perform any action that is password-protected. The permissions for the KLAdmin account cannot be revoked. When you enable password protection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts you to set a password for the KLAdmin account.
  • The Everyone group. A built-in Windows group that includes all users within the corporate network. Users in the Everyone group can access the application according to the permissions that are granted to them.
  • Individual users or groups. User accounts for which you can configure individual permissions. For example, if an action is blocked for the Everyone group, you can allow this action for an individual user or a group.
  • Session user. Account of the user who started the Windows session. You can switch to another session user when prompted for a password (the Save password for current session check box). In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security regards the user whose account credentials were entered as the session user instead of the user who started the Windows session.

Temporary password

A temporary password can be used to grant temporary access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for an individual computer outside of the corporate network. The Administrator generates a temporary password for an individual computer in the computer properties in Kaspersky Security Center. The Administrator selects the actions that will be protected with the temporary password, and specifies the temporary password's validity period.

Password protection operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security decides whether to allow or block a password-protected action based on the following algorithm (see the figure below).

Password protection operating algorithm

In this section

Enabling Password protection

Granting permissions to individual users or groups

Using a temporary password to grant permissions

Special aspects of Password protection permissions

Resetting the KLAdmin password

Page top

[Topic 123303]

Enabling Password protection

Password protection lets you restrict users' access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security according to the permissions granted to them (for example, permission to exit the application).

To enable password protection:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. Use the Password protection toggle to enable or disable the component.
  4. Specify the password for the KLAdmin account and confirm it.

    The KLAdmin account has the right to perform any action that is password-protected.

    If a computer is running under a policy, the Administrator can reset the password for the KLAdmin account in the policy properties. If the computer is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center and you have forgotten the password for the KLAdmin account, it is not possible to recover the password.

  5. Set permissions for all users within the corporate network:
    1. In the account table, click Edit to open the list of permissions for the Everyone group.

      The Everyone group is a built-in Windows group that includes all users within the corporate network.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the actions that users will be allowed to perform without entering the password.

      If a check box is cleared, the users are blocked from performing the action. For example, if the check box next to the Exit the application permission is cleared, you can exit the application only if you are logged in as KLAdmin, or as an individual user who has the required permission, or if you enter a temporary password.

      Password protection permissions have some important aspects to consider. Make sure that all conditions for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security are fulfilled.

  6. Save your changes.

When password protection is enabled, the application will restrict users' access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security according to the permissions granted to the Everyone group. You can perform the actions that are blocked for the Everyone group only if you use the KLAdmin account, another account that is granted the required permissions, or if you enter a temporary password.

You can disable Password protection only if you are logged in as KLAdmin. It is not possible to disable password protection if you are using any other user account or a temporary password.

During the password check, you can select the Save password for current session check box. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not prompt for a password when a user attempts to perform another password-protected action for the duration of the session.

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[Topic 177503]

Granting permissions to individual users or groups

You can grant access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security to individual users or groups. For example, if exiting the application is blocked for the Everyone group, you can grant the Exit the application permission to an individual user. As a result, you can exit the application only if you are logged in as that user or as KLAdmin.

You can use account credentials to access the application only if the computer is in the domain. If the computer is not in the domain, you can use the KLAdmin account or a temporary password.

To grant permissions to individual users or groups:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. In the account table, click Add.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Select user or group button.

    The standard Select Users or Groups dialog opens.

  5. Select a user or a group in Active Directory and confirm your selection.
  6. In the Permissions list, select the check boxes next to the actions that the selected user or group will be allowed to perform without being prompted for a password.

    If a check box is cleared, the users are blocked from performing the action. For example, if the check box next to the Exit the application permission is cleared, you can exit the application only if you are logged in as KLAdmin, or as an individual user who has the required permission, or if you enter a temporary password.

    Password protection permissions have some important aspects to consider. Make sure that all conditions for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security are fulfilled.

  7. Save your changes.

As a result, if access to the application is restricted for the Everyone group, users will be granted permissions to access Kaspersky Endpoint Security according to the users' individual permissions.

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[Topic 131217]

Using a temporary password to grant permissions

A temporary password can be used to grant temporary access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for an individual computer outside of the corporate network. This is necessary to allow the user to perform a blocked action without obtaining the KLAdmin account credentials. To use a temporary password, the computer must be added to Kaspersky Security Center.

How to allow a user to perform a blocked action using a temporary password through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Double-click to open the computer properties window.
  5. In the computer properties window, select the Applications section.
  6. In the list of Kaspersky applications installed on the computer, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and double-click to open the application properties.

    In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.

  7. In the Password protection block, click the Settings button.
  8. In the Temporary password block, click the Settings button.
  9. The Create temporary password window opens.
  10. In the Expiration date field, specify the expiration date when the temporary password will expire.
  11. In the Temporary password scope table, select the check boxes next to the actions that will be available to the user after entering the temporary password.
  12. Click Generate.

    A window containing the temporary password opens (see the figure below).

  13. Copy the password and provide it to the user.

How to allow a user to perform a blocked action using a temporary password through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Click the name of the computer on which you want to allow a user to perform a blocked action.
  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Click Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This opens the local application settings.

  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  7. In the Password protection block, click the Temporary password button.
  8. In the Expiration date field, specify the expiration date when the temporary password will expire.
  9. In the Temporary password scope table, select the check boxes next to the actions that will be available to the user after entering the temporary password.
  10. Click Generate.

    A window containing the temporary password opens.

  11. Copy the password and provide it to the user.

Temporary password

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[Topic 177506]

Special aspects of Password protection permissions

Password protection permissions have some important aspects and limitations to consider.

Application settings

If a user's computer is running under a policy, make sure that all the required settings in the policy are available for editing (the attributes are open).

Exit the application

There are no special considerations or limitations.

Disable protection components

  • It is not possible to grant the permission to disable protection components for the Everyone group. To allow users other than KLAdmin to disable control components, add a user or group that has the Disable protection components permission in the Password Protection settings.
  • If a user's computer is running under a policy, make sure that all the required settings in the policy are available for editing (the attributes are open).
  • To disable protection components in the application settings, a user must have the Configure application settings permission.
  • To disable protection components from the context menu (by using the Pause protection menu item), a user must have the Disable protection components permission in addition to the Disable control components permission.

Disable control components

  • It is not possible to grant the permission to disable control components for the Everyone group. To allow users other than KLAdmin to disable control components, add a user or group that has the Disable control components permission in the Password Protection settings.
  • If a user's computer is running under a policy, make sure that all the required settings in the policy are available for editing (the attributes are open).
  • To disable control components in the application settings, a user must have the Configure application settings permission.
  • To disable control components from the context menu (by using the Pause protection menu item), a user must have the Disable control components permission in addition to the Disable protection components permission.

Disable Kaspersky Security Center policy

You cannot grant the "Everyone" group the permission to disable the Kaspersky Security Center policy. To allow users other than KLAdmin to disable the policy, add a user or group that has the Disable Kaspersky Security Center policy permission in the Password Protection settings.

Remove key

There are no special considerations or limitations.

Remove / modify / restore the application

If you have allowed removing, modifying, and restoring the application for the "All" group, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not request a password when the user attempts to carry out these operations. Therefore, any user including users from outside the domain, can install, modify, or restore the application.

Restore access to data on encrypted drives

You can restore access to data on encrypted drives only if you are logged in as KLAdmin. Permission to perform this action cannot be granted to any other user.

Viewing reports

There are no special considerations or limitations.

Restore from Backup

There are no special considerations or limitations.

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[Topic 230152]

Resetting the KLAdmin password

If you forgot your KLAdmin account password, you can reset the password in policy properties. You cannot reset the password in the application interface.

You can perform password-protected actions using a temporary password. In this case, you do not need to enter KLAdmin credentials.

If the computer is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center and you have forgotten the password for the KLAdmin account, it is not possible to recover the password.

How to reset the KLAdmin account password using the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsInterface.
  6. In the Password protection block, click the Settings button.
  7. This opens a window; in that window, clear the Password protection check box.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Select the Password protection check box again.
  10. Click OK.

    This opens the administrator password window.

  11. Specify the new password for the KLAdmin account and confirm it.
  12. Save your changes.

How to reset the KLAdmin account password in Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Click Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This opens the local application settings.

  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. Go to General settingsInterface.
  7. Under Password protection, turn off the Password protection switch.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Turn the Password protection switch back on again.
  10. Specify the new password for the KLAdmin account and confirm it.
  11. Save your changes.

As a result, the password of your KLAdmin account is updated after the policy is applied.

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[Topic 128135]

Trusted zone

A trusted zone is a system administrator-configured list of objects and applications that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor when active.

The administrator forms the trusted zone independently, taking into account the features of the objects that are handled and the applications that are installed on the computer. It may be necessary to include objects and applications in the trusted zone when Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access to a certain object or application, if you are sure that the object or application is harmless. An administrator can also allow a user to create their own local trusted zone for a specific computer. This way, users can create their own local lists of exclusions and trusted applications in addition to the general trusted zone in a policy.

In this section

Creating a scan exclusion

Selecting types of detectable objects

Editing the list of trusted applications

Using trusted system certificate storage

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[Topic 128138]

Creating a scan exclusion

A scan exclusion is a set of conditions that must be fulfilled so that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not scan a particular object for viruses and other threats.

Scan exclusions make it possible to safely use legitimate software that can be exploited by criminals to damage the computer or user data. Although they do not have any malicious functions, such applications can be exploited by intruders. For details on legitimate software that could be used by criminals to harm the computer or personal data of a user, please refer to the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia website.

Such applications may be blocked by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To prevent them from being blocked, you can configure scan exclusions for the applications in use. To do so, add the name or name mask that is listed in the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia to the trusted zone. For example, you often use the Radmin application for remote administration of computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security regards this activity as suspicious and may block it. To prevent the application from being blocked, create a scan exclusion with the name or name mask that is listed in the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia.

If an application that collects information and sends it to be processed is installed on your computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may classify this application as malware. To avoid this, you can exclude the application from scanning by configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Security as described in this document.

Scan exclusions can be used by the following application components and tasks that are configured by the system administrator:

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan an object if the drive or folder containing this object is included in the scan scope at the start of one of the scan tasks. However, the scan exclusion is not applied when a custom scan task is started for this particular object.

How to create a scan exclusion in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsExclusions.
  6. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Scan exclusions tab.

    This opens a window containing a list of exclusions.

  8. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of exclusions for all computers in the company. The lists of exclusions in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Exclusions from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting exclusions of the parent policy is not possible.
  9. Select the Allow use of local exclusions check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of exclusions. This way, a user can create their own local list of exclusions in addition to the general list of exclusions generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of exclusions generated in the policy.

  10. Click Add.
  11. To exclude a file or folder from scanning:

    Exclusion settings

    1. In the Properties block, select the File or folder check box.
    2. Click the select file or folder link in the Scan exclusion description (click underlined items to edit them) block to open the Name of file or folder window.

    Select file or folder

    1. Enter the file or folder name or the mask of the file or folder name, or select the file or folder in the folder tree by clicking Browse.

      Use masks:

      • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
      • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
      • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

    2. Save your changes.
  12. To exclude objects with a specific name from scanning:
    1. In the Properties block, select the Object name check box.
    2. Click the enter object name link in the Scan exclusion description (click underlined items to edit them) block to open the Object name window.

    Select object

    1. Enter the name of the object type according to the classification of the Kaspersky Encyclopedia (for example, Email-Worm, Rootkit or RemoteAdmin).

      You can use masks with the ? character (replaces any single character) and the * character (replaces any number of characters). For example, if the Client* mask is specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes Client-IRC, Client-P2P and Client-SMTP objects from scans.

    2. Save your changes.
  13. If you want to exclude an individual file from scans:
    1. In the Properties block, select the Object hash check box.
    2. Click enter object hash link to open the Object hash window.

    Select file

    1. Enter the file hash or select the file by clicking the Browse button.

      If the file is modified, the file hash will also be modified. If this happens, the modified file will not be added to exclusions.

    2. Save your changes.
  14. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  15. Specify the Kaspersky Endpoint Security components that should use the scan exclusion:
    1. Click the any link in the Scan exclusion description (click underlined items to edit them) block to activate the select components link.
    2. Click the select components link to open the Protection components window.

    Select protection components

    1. Select the check boxes opposite the components to which the scan exclusion must be applied.
    2. Save your changes.

    If the components are specified in the settings of the scan exclusion, this exclusion is applied only during scanning by these components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    If the components are not specified in the settings of the scan exclusion, this exclusion is applied during scanning by all components of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

  16. You can stop the exclusion at any time using the check box.
  17. Save your changes.

How to create a scan exclusion in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsExclusions.

    Settings of exclusions

  5. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Scan exclusions link.
  6. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of exclusions for all computers in the company. The lists of exclusions in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Exclusions from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting exclusions of the parent policy is not possible.
  7. Select the Allow use of local exclusions check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of exclusions. This way, a user can create their own local list of exclusions in addition to the general list of exclusions generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of exclusions generated in the policy.

  8. Click the Add button.

    Exclusion settings

  9. Select how you want to add the exclusion: File or folder, Object name or Object hash.
  10. To exclude a file or folder from scan, enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask:
    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

  11. If you want to exclude a specific type of object from scans, in the Object name field enter the name of the object type according to the classification of the Kaspersky Encyclopedia (for example, Email-Worm, Rootkit or RemoteAdmin).

    You can use masks with the ? character (replaces any single character) and the * character (replaces any number of characters). For example, if the Client* mask is specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes Client-IRC, Client-P2P and Client-SMTP objects from scans.

  12. If you want to exclude an individual file from scans, enter the file hash in the Object hash field.

    If the file is modified, the file hash will also be modified. If this happens, the modified file will not be added to exclusions.

  13. In the Protection components block, select the components that you want the scan exclusion to apply to.
  14. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  15. You can use the toggle to stop an exclusion at any time.
  16. Save your changes.

How to create a scan exclusion in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Exclusions block, click the Manage exclusions link.

    Settings of exclusions

  4. Click Add.
  5. If you want to exclude a file or folder from scans, select the file or folder by clicking the Browse button.

    You can also enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * and ? characters when entering a mask:

    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the file path. For example, if you want to add a folder for all users to exclusions, enter the C:\Users\*\Folder\ mask.

  6. If you want to exclude a specific type of object from scans, in the Object field enter the name of the object type according to the classification of the Kaspersky Encyclopedia (for example, Email-Worm, Rootkit or RemoteAdmin).

    You can use masks with the ? character (replaces any single character) and the * character (replaces any number of characters). For example, if the Client* mask is specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes Client-IRC, Client-P2P and Client-SMTP objects from scans.

  7. If you want to exclude an individual file from scans, enter the file hash in the File hash field.

    If the file is modified, the file hash will also be modified. If this happens, the modified file will not be added to exclusions.

  8. In the Protection components block, select the components that you want the scan exclusion to apply to.
  9. If necessary, in the Comment field, enter a brief comment on the scan exclusion that you are creating.
  10. Select the Active status for the exclusion.

    You can stop the exclusion at any time using the toggle.

  11. Save your changes.

    List of exclusions

Path mask examples:

Paths to files located in any folder:

  • The mask *.exe will include all paths to files that have the exe extension.
  • The mask example* will include all paths to files named EXAMPLE.

Paths to files located in a specified folder:

  • The C:\dir\*.* mask will include all paths to files located in the C:\dir\ folder, but not in the subfolders of C:\dir\.
  • The mask C:\dir\* will include all paths to files located in the C:\dir\ folder, including subfolders.
  • The mask C:\dir\ will include all paths to files located in the C:\dir\ folder, including subfolders.
  • The mask C:\dir\*.exe will include all paths to files with the EXE extension located in the C:\dir\ folder, but not in the subfolders of C:\dir\.
  • The mask C:\dir\test will include all paths to files named "test" located in the C:\dir\ folder, but not in the subfolders of C:\dir\.
  • The mask C:\dir\*\test will include all paths to files named "test" located in the C:\dir\ folder and in the subfolders of C:\dir\.
  • The mask C:\dir1\*\dir3\ will include all paths to files in dir3 subfolders one level into the C:\dir1\ folder.
  • The mask C:\dir1\**\dirN\ will include all paths to files in dirN subfolders in the C:\dir1\ folder at any level.

Paths to files located in all folders with a specified name:

  • The mask dir\*.* will include all paths to files in folders named "dir", but not in the subfolders of those folders.
  • The mask dir\* will include all paths to files in folders named "dir", but not in the subfolders of those folders.
  • The mask dir\ will include all paths to files in folders named "dir", but not in the subfolders of those folders.
  • The mask dir\*.exe will include all paths to files with the EXE extension in folders named "dir", but not in the subfolders of those folders.
  • The mask dir\test will include all paths to files named "test" in folders named "dir", but not in the subfolders of those folders.

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[Topic 128145]

Selecting types of detectable objects

To select types of detectable objects:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Types of detected objects block, select check boxes opposite the types of objects that you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to detect:
    • Viruses and worms;

      Subcategory: viruses and worms (Viruses_and_Worms)

      Threat level: high

      Classic viruses and worms perform actions that are not authorized by the user. They can create copies of themselves which are able to self-replicate.

      Classic virus

      When a classic virus infiltrates a computer, it infects a file, activates, performs malicious actions, and adds copies of itself to other files.

      A classic virus multiplies only on local resources of the computer; it cannot penetrate other computers on its own. It can be passed to another computer only if it adds a copy of itself to a file that is stored in a shared folder or on an inserted CD, or if the user forwards an email message with an attached infected file.

      Classic virus code can penetrate various areas of computers, operating systems, and applications. Depending on the environment, viruses are divided into file viruses, boot viruses, script viruses, and macro viruses.

      Viruses can infect files by using a variety of techniques. Overwriting viruses write their code over the code of the file that is infected, thus erasing the file's content. The infected file stops functioning and cannot be restored. Parasitic viruses modify files, leaving them fully or partially functional. Companion viruses do not modify files, but instead create duplicates. When an infected file is opened, a duplicate of it (what is actually a virus) is started. The following types of viruses are also encountered: link viruses, OBJ viruses, LIB viruses, source code viruses, and many others.


      As with a classic virus, the code of a worm is activated and performs malicious actions after it infiltrates a computer. Worms are so named because of their ability to "crawl" from one computer to another and to spread copies via numerous data channels without the user's permission.

      The main feature that allows differentiating between various types of worms is the way they spread. The following table provides an overview of various types of worms, which are classified by the way in which they spread.

      Ways in which worms spread







      They spread via email.

      An infected email message contains an attached file with a copy of a worm, or a link to a file that is uploaded to a website which may have been hacked or created exclusively for that purpose. When you open the attached file, the worm is activated. When you click the link, download, and then open the file, the worm also starts performing its malicious actions. After that, it goes on spreading copies of itself, searching for other email addresses and sending infected messages to them.


      IM client worms

      They spread through IM clients.

      Usually, such worms send messages that contain a link to a file with a copy of the worm on a website, making use of the user's contact lists. When the user downloads and opens the file, the worm activates.


      Internet chat worms

      They spread via Internet Relay Chats, service systems which allow communicating with other people over the Internet in real time.

      These worms publish a file with a copy of themselves or a link to the file in an Internet chat. When the user downloads and opens the file, the worm activates.


      Network worms

      These worms spread over computer networks.

      Unlike other types of worms, a typical network worm spreads without the user's participation. It scans the local network for computers that contain programs with vulnerabilities. To do this, it sends a specially formed network packet (exploit) which contains the worm code or a part of it. If a "vulnerable" computer is on the network, it receives such a network packet. When the worm completely penetrates the computer, it activates.


      File sharing network worms

      They spread over peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

      To infiltrate a P2P network, the worm copies itself into a file sharing folder which is usually located on the user's computer. The P2P network displays information about this file so that the user may "find" the infected file on the network like any other file, and then download and open it.

      More sophisticated worms emulate the network protocol of a specific P2P network: they return positive responses to search queries and offer copies of themselves for download.


      Other types of worms

      Other types of worms include:

      • Worms that spread copies of themselves over network resources. By using the functions of the operating system, they scan available network folders, connect to computers on the Internet, and attempt to obtain full access to their disk drives. Unlike the previously described types of worms, other types of worms activate not on their own, but when the user opens a file that contains a copy of the worm.
      • Worms that do not use any of the methods described in the previous table to spread (for example, those that spread over cell phones).

    • Trojans (including ransomware);

      Subcategory: Trojans

      Threat level: high

      Unlike worms and viruses, Trojans do not self-replicate. For example, they penetrate a computer via email or a browser when the user visits an infected web page. Trojans are started with the user's participation. They begin performing their malicious actions right after they are started.

      Different Trojans behave differently on infected computers. The main functions of Trojans consist in blocking, modifying, or destroying information, and disabling computers or networks. Trojans can also receive or send files, run them, display messages on the screen, request web pages, download and install programs, and restart the computer.

      Hackers often use "sets" of various Trojans.

      Types of Trojan behavior are described in the following table.

      Types of Trojan behavior on an infected computer





      Trojans – "archive bombs"

      When unpacked, these archives grow in size to such an extent that the computer's operation is impacted.

      When the user attempts to unpack such an archive, the computer may slow down or freeze; the hard disk may become filled with "empty" data. "Archive bombs" are especially dangerous to file and mail servers. If the server uses an automatic system to process incoming information, an "archive bomb" may halt the server.


      Trojans for remote administration

      They are considered the most dangerous type of Trojan. In their functions, they are similar to remote administration applications that are installed on computers.

      These programs install themselves on the computer without being noticed by the user, allowing the intruder to manage the computer remotely.



      They include the following malicious applications:

      • Classic Trojans. These programs perform only the main functions of Trojans: blocking, modifying or destroying information, and disabling computers or networks. They do not have any advanced features, unlike the other types of Trojans that are described in the table.
      • Versatile Trojans. These programs have advanced features typical of several types of Trojans.


      Ransom Trojans

      They take the user's information "hostage", modifying or blocking it, or impact the computer's operation so that the user loses the ability to use information. The intruder demands a ransom from the user, promising to send an application to restore the computer's performance and the data that had been stored on it.


      Trojan clickers

      They access web pages from the user's computer, either by sending commands to a browser on their own or by changing the web addresses that are specified in operating system files.

      By using these programs, intruders perpetrate network attacks and increase website visits, increasing the number of displays of banner ads.


      Trojan downloaders

      They access the intruder's web page, download other malicious applications from it, and install them on the user's computer. They can contain the file name of the malicious application to download, or receive it from the web page that is accessed.


      Trojan droppers

      They contain other Trojans which they install on the hard drive and then install.

      Intruders may use Trojan Dropper–type programs for the following goals:

      • Install a malicious application without being noticed by the user: Trojan Dropper–type programs display no messages, or display fake messages which inform, for example, of an error in an archive or an incompatible version of the operating system.
      • Protect another known malicious application from detection: not all anti-virus software can detect a malicious application within a Trojan Dropper–type application.


      Trojan notifiers

      They inform an intruder that the infected computer is accessible, sending the intruder information about the computer: IP address, number of opened port, or email address. They connect with the intruder via email, FTP, accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.

      Trojan Notifier–type programs are often used in sets that are made of several Trojans. They notify the intruder that other Trojans have been successfully installed on the user's computer.


      Trojan proxies

      They allow the intruder to anonymously access web pages by using the user's computer; they are often used for sending spam.



      Password-stealing-ware is a kind of Trojan that steals user accounts, such as software registration data. These Trojans find confidential data in system files and in the registry and send it to the "attacker" by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.

      Some of these Trojans are categorized into separate types that are described in this table. These are Trojans that steal bank accounts (Trojan-Banker), steal data from users of IM clients (Trojan-IM), and steal information from users of online games (Trojan-GameThief).


      Trojan spies

      They spy on the user, collecting information about the actions that the user makes while working at the computer. They may intercept the data that the user enters at the keyboard, take screenshots, or collect lists of active applications. After they receive the information, they transfer it to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.


      Trojan network attackers

      They send numerous requests from the user's computer to a remote server. The server lacks resources to process all requests, so it stops functioning (Denial of Service, or simply DoS). Hackers often infect many computers with these programs so that they can use the computers to attack a single server simultaneously.

      DoS programs perpetrate an attack from a single computer with the user's knowledge. DDoS (Distributed DoS) programs perpetrate distributed attacks from several computers without being noticed by the user of the infected computer.


      Trojans that steal information from users of IM clients

      They steal account numbers and passwords of IM client users. They transfer the data to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.



      They mask other malicious applications and their activity, thus prolonging the applications' persistence in the operating system. They can also conceal files, processes in an infected computer's memory, or registry keys which run malicious applications. The rootkits can mask data exchange between applications on the user's computer and other computers on the network.


      Trojans in the form of SMS messages

      They infect cell phones, sending SMS messages to premium-rate phone numbers.


      Trojans that steal information from users of online games

      They steal account credentials from users of online games, after which they send the data to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.


      Trojans that steal bank accounts

      They steal bank account data or e-money system data; send the data to the hacker by email, via FTP, by accessing the hacker's web page, or by using another method.


      Trojans that collect email addresses

      They collect email addresses that stored on a computer and send them to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way. Intruders may send spam to the addresses they have collected.

    • Malicious tools;

      Subcategory: Malicious tools

      Danger level: medium

      Unlike other types of malware, malicious tools do not perform their actions right after they are started. They can be safely stored and started on the user's computer. Intruders often use the features of these programs to create viruses, worms, and Trojans, perpetrate network attacks on remote servers, hack computers, or perform other malicious actions.

      Various features of malicious tools are grouped by the types that are described in the following table.

      Features of malicious tools







      They allow creating new viruses, worms, and Trojans. Some constructors boast a standard window-based interface in which the user can select the type of malicious application to create, the way of counteracting debuggers, and other features.


      Network attacks

      They send numerous requests from the user's computer to a remote server. The server lacks resources to process all requests, so it stops functioning (Denial of Service, or simply DoS).



      An exploit is a set of data or a program code that uses vulnerabilities of the application in which it is processed, performing a malicious action on a computer. For example, an exploit can write or read files, or request "infected" web pages.

      Different exploits use vulnerabilities in different applications or network services. Disguised as a network packet, an exploit is transmitted over the network to numerous computers, searching for computers with vulnerable network services. An exploit in a DOC file uses the vulnerabilities of a text editor. It may start performing the actions that are preprogrammed by the hacker when the user opens the infected file. An exploit that is embedded in an email message searches for vulnerabilities in any email client. It may start performing a malicious action as soon as the user opens the infected message in this email client.

      Net-Worms spread over networks by using exploits. Nuker exploits are network packets that disable computers.



      They encrypt other malicious applications to conceal them from the anti-virus application.


      Programs for "contaminating" networks

      They send numerous messages over network channels. This type of tools includes, for example, programs that contaminate Internet Relay Chats.

      Flooder-type tools do not include programs that "contaminate" channels that are used by email, IM clients, and mobile communication systems. These programs are distinguished as separate types that are described in the table (Email-Flooder, IM-Flooder, and SMS-Flooder).


      Hacking tools

      They make it possible to hack the computer on which they are installed or attack another computer (for example, by adding new system accounts without the user's permission or by erasing system logs to conceal traces of their presence in the operating system). This type of tools includes some sniffers which feature malicious functions, such as password interception. Sniffers are programs that allow viewing network traffic.



      They alarm the user with virus-like messages: they may "detect a virus" in an uninfected file or notify the user that the disk has been formatted, although this has not happened in reality.


      Spoofing tools

      They send messages and network requests with a fake address of the sender. Intruders use Spoofer-type tools to pass themselves off as the true senders of messages, for example.


      Tools that modify malicious applications

      They allow modifying other malware programs, concealing them from anti-virus applications.


      Programs that "contaminate" email addresses

      They send numerous messages to various email addresses, thus "contaminating" them. A large volume of incoming messages prevents users from viewing useful messages in their inboxes.


      Programs that "contaminate" traffic of IM clients

      They flood users of IM clients with messages. A large volume of messages prevents users from viewing useful incoming messages.


      Programs that "contaminate" traffic with SMS messages

      They send numerous SMS messages to cell phones.

    • Adware;

      Subcategory: advertising software (Adware);

      Threat level: medium

      Adware displays advertising information to the user. Adware programs display banner ads in the interfaces of other programs and redirect search queries to advertising web pages. Some of them collect marketing information about the user and send it to the developer: this information may include the names of the websites that are visited by the user or the content of the user's search queries. Unlike Trojan-Spy–type programs, adware sends this information to the developer with the user's permission.

    • Auto-dialers;

      Subcategory: legal software that may be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

      Danger level: medium

      Most of these applications are useful, so many users run them. These applications include IRC clients, auto-dialers, file download programs, computer system activity monitors, password utilities, and Internet servers for FTP, HTTP, and Telnet.

      However, if intruders gain access to these programs, or if they plant them on the user's computer, some of the application's features may be used to violate security.

      These applications differ by function; their types are described in the following table.






      Internet chat clients

      Users install these programs to talk to people in Internet Relay Chats. Intruders use them to spread malware.



      They can establish phone connections over a modem in hidden mode.


      Programs for downloading

      They can download files from web pages in hidden mode.


      Programs for monitoring

      They allow monitoring activity on the computer on which they are installed (seeing which applications are active and how they exchange data with applications that are installed on other computers).


      Password restorers

      They allow viewing and restoring forgotten passwords. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose.


      Remote administration programs

      They are widely used by system administrators. These programs allow obtaining access to the interface of a remote computer to monitor and manage it. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose: to monitor and manage remote computers.

      Legal remote administration programs differ from Backdoor-type Trojans for remote administration. Trojans have the ability to penetrate the operating system independently and install themselves; legal programs are unable to do so.


      FTP servers

      They function as FTP servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via FTP.


      Proxy servers

      They function as proxy servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


      Telnet servers

      They function as Telnet servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via Telnet.


      Web servers

      They function as web servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via HTTP.


      Tools for working at a local computer

      They provide the user with additional options when working at the user's own computer. The tools allow the user to hide files or windows of active applications and terminate active processes.


      Network tools

      They provide the user with additional options when working with other computers on the network. These tools allow restarting them, detecting open ports, and starting applications that are installed on the computers.


      P2P network clients

      They allow working on peer-to-peer networks. They can be used by intruders for spreading malware.


      SMTP clients

      They send email messages without the user's knowledge. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


      Web toolbars

      They add toolbars to the interfaces of other applications to use search engines.



      They pass themselves off as other programs. For example, there are pseudo-anti-virus programs which display messages about malware detection. However, in reality, they do not find or disinfect anything.

    • Detect other software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data;

      Subcategory: legal software that may be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

      Danger level: medium

      Most of these applications are useful, so many users run them. These applications include IRC clients, auto-dialers, file download programs, computer system activity monitors, password utilities, and Internet servers for FTP, HTTP, and Telnet.

      However, if intruders gain access to these programs, or if they plant them on the user's computer, some of the application's features may be used to violate security.

      These applications differ by function; their types are described in the following table.






      Internet chat clients

      Users install these programs to talk to people in Internet Relay Chats. Intruders use them to spread malware.



      They can establish phone connections over a modem in hidden mode.


      Programs for downloading

      They can download files from web pages in hidden mode.


      Programs for monitoring

      They allow monitoring activity on the computer on which they are installed (seeing which applications are active and how they exchange data with applications that are installed on other computers).


      Password restorers

      They allow viewing and restoring forgotten passwords. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose.


      Remote administration programs

      They are widely used by system administrators. These programs allow obtaining access to the interface of a remote computer to monitor and manage it. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose: to monitor and manage remote computers.

      Legal remote administration programs differ from Backdoor-type Trojans for remote administration. Trojans have the ability to penetrate the operating system independently and install themselves; legal programs are unable to do so.


      FTP servers

      They function as FTP servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via FTP.


      Proxy servers

      They function as proxy servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


      Telnet servers

      They function as Telnet servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via Telnet.


      Web servers

      They function as web servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via HTTP.


      Tools for working at a local computer

      They provide the user with additional options when working at the user's own computer. The tools allow the user to hide files or windows of active applications and terminate active processes.


      Network tools

      They provide the user with additional options when working with other computers on the network. These tools allow restarting them, detecting open ports, and starting applications that are installed on the computers.


      P2P network clients

      They allow working on peer-to-peer networks. They can be used by intruders for spreading malware.


      SMTP clients

      They send email messages without the user's knowledge. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


      Web toolbars

      They add toolbars to the interfaces of other applications to use search engines.



      They pass themselves off as other programs. For example, there are pseudo-anti-virus programs which display messages about malware detection. However, in reality, they do not find or disinfect anything.

    • Packed objects whose packing may be used to protect malicious code;

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans compressed objects and the unpacker module within SFX (self-extracting) archives.

      To hide dangerous programs from anti-virus applications, intruders archive them by using special packers or create multi-packed files.

      Kaspersky virus analysts have identified packers that are the most popular amongst hackers.

      If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects such a packer in a file, the file most likely contains a malicious application or an application that can be used by criminals to cause harm to your computer or personal data.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security singles out the following types of programs:

      • Packed files that may cause harm – used for packing malware, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans.
      • Multi-packed files (medium threat level) – the object has been packed three times by one or more packers.
    • Multi-packed objects.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans compressed objects and the unpacker module within SFX (self-extracting) archives.

      To hide dangerous programs from anti-virus applications, intruders archive them by using special packers or create multi-packed files.

      Kaspersky virus analysts have identified packers that are the most popular amongst hackers.

      If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects such a packer in a file, the file most likely contains a malicious application or an application that can be used by criminals to cause harm to your computer or personal data.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security singles out the following types of programs:

      • Packed files that may cause harm – used for packing malware, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans.
      • Multi-packed files (medium threat level) – the object has been packed three times by one or more packers.
  4. Save your changes.

    Types of detectable objects

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[Topic 123510]

Editing the list of trusted applications

The list of trusted applications is a list of applications whose file and network activity (including malicious activity) and access to the system registry are not monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans objects that are opened, executed, or saved by any application process and controls the activity of all applications and network traffic that is generated by them. However, an application that has been added to the list of trusted applications is excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

For example, if you consider objects that are used by the standard Microsoft Windows Notepad application to be safe without scanning, meaning that you trust this application, you can add Microsoft Windows Notepad to the list of trusted applications. Scanning then skips objects that are used by this application.

In addition, certain actions that are classified by Kaspersky Endpoint Security as suspicious may be safe within the context of the functionality of a number of applications. For example, the interception of text that is typed from the keyboard is a routine process for automatic keyboard layout switchers (such as Punto Switcher). To take account of the specifics of such applications and exclude their activity from monitoring, we recommend that you add such applications to the trusted applications list.

Excluding trusted applications from scanning allows avoiding compatibility conflicts between Kaspersky Endpoint Security and other programs (for example, the problem of double-scanning of the network traffic of a third-party computer by Kaspersky Endpoint Security and by another anti-virus application), and also increases the computer's performance, which is critical when using server applications.

At the same time, the executable file and process of the trusted application are still scanned for viruses and other malware. An application can be fully excluded from Kaspersky Endpoint Security scanning by means of scan exclusions.

How to add an application to the trusted list in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsExclusions.
  6. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Trusted applications tab.

    This opens a window containing a list of trusted applications.

  8. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of trusted applications for all computers in the company. The lists of trusted applications in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Trusted applications from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting trusted applications of the parent policy is not possible.
  9. Select the Allow use of local trusted applications check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of trusted applications. This way, a user can create their own local list of trusted applications in addition to the general list of trusted applications generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of trusted applications generated in the policy.

  10. Click Add.
  11. In the window that opens, enter the path to the executable file of the trusted application (see the figure below).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the %userprofile% environment variable when generating a list of trusted applications on the Kaspersky Security Center console. To apply the entry to all user accounts, you can use the * character (for example, C:\Users\*\Documents\File.exe). Whenever you add a new environment variable, you need to restart the application.


    Trusted application settings

  12. Configure the advanced settings for the trusted application (see the table below).
  13. You can use the check box to exclude an application from the trusted zone at any time (see the figure below).
  14. Save your changes.

    List of trusted applications

How to add an application to the trusted list in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsExclusions.

    Settings of exclusions

  5. In the Scan exclusions and trusted applications block, click the Trusted applications link.

    This opens a window containing a list of trusted applications.

  6. Select the Merge values when inheriting check box if you want to create a consolidated list of trusted applications for all computers in the company. The lists of trusted applications in the parent and child policies will be merged. The lists will be merged provided that merging values when inheriting is enabled. Trusted applications from the parent policy are displayed in child policies in a read-only view. Changing or deleting trusted applications of the parent policy is not possible.
  7. Select the Allow use of local trusted applications check box if you want to enable the user to create a local list of trusted applications. This way, a user can create their own local list of trusted applications in addition to the general list of trusted applications generated in the policy. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

    If the check box is cleared, the user can access only the general list of trusted applications generated in the policy.

  8. Click the Add button.
  9. In the window that opens, enter the path to the executable file of the trusted application (see the figure below).

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the %userprofile% environment variable when generating a list of trusted applications on the Kaspersky Security Center console. To apply the entry to all user accounts, you can use the * character (for example, C:\Users\*\Documents\File.exe). Whenever you add a new environment variable, you need to restart the application.

    Trusted application settings

  10. Configure the advanced settings for the trusted application (see the table below).
  11. You can use the check box to exclude an application from the trusted zone at any time (see the figure below).
  12. Save your changes.

How to add an application to the trusted list in the application interface

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Exclusions block, click the Specify trusted applications link.

    Settings of exclusions

  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
  5. Select the executable file of the trusted application.

    You can also enter the path manually. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and converts the path in the local interface of the application. In other words, if you enter the file path %userprofile%\Documents\File.exe, a C:\Users\Fred123\Documents\File.exe record is added in local interface of the application for user Fred123. Accordingly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores the File.exe trusted program for other users. To apply the entry to all user accounts, you can use the * character (for example, C:\Users\*\Documents\File.exe).

    Whenever you add a new environment variable, you need to restart the application.

  6. In the trusted application properties window, configure the advanced settings (see the table below).
  7. You can use the toggle to exclude an application from the trusted zone at any time (see the figure below).
  8. Save your changes.

    List of trusted applications

Trusted application settings



Do not scan files before opening

All files that are opened by the application are excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. For example, if you are using applications to back up files, this feature helps reduce the consumption of resources by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Do not monitor application activity

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor the application's file- and network activity in the operating system. Application activity is monitored by the following components: Behavior Detection, Exploit Prevention, Host Intrusion Prevention, Remediation Engine and Firewall.

Do not inherit restrictions from the parent process (application)

The restrictions configured for the parent process will not be applied by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to a child process. The parent process is started by an application for which application rights (Host Intrusion Prevention) and application network rules (Firewall) are configured.

Do not monitor child application activity

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor the file activity or network activity of applications that are started by this application.

Allow interaction with the application interface

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense blocks all attempts to manage application services from a remote computer. If the check box is selected, the remote access application is allowed to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings through the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface.

Do not block interaction with AMSI Protection component

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor the trusted application's requests for objects to be scanned by the AMSI Protection component.

Do not scan network traffic

Network traffic initiated by the application will be excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can exclude either all traffic or only encrypted traffic from scans. You can also exclude individual IP addresses and port numbers from scans.


If necessary, you can provide a brief comment for the trusted application. Comments help simplify searches and sorting of trusted applications.


Status of the trusted application:

  • Active status means that the application is in the trusted zone.
  • Inactive status means that the application is excluded from the trusted zone.

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[Topic 131348]

Using trusted system certificate storage

Use of system certificate storage lets you exclude applications signed by a trusted digital signature from virus scans. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically assigns such applications to the Trusted group.

To begin using trusted system certificate storage:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Trusted system certificate store drop-down list, select which system store must be considered as trusted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 34558]

Managing Backup

Backup stores backup copies of files that were deleted or modified during disinfection. A backup copy is a file copy created before the file was disinfected or deleted. Backup copies of files are stored in a special format and do not pose a threat.

Backup copies of files are stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\QB.

Users in the Administrators group are granted full permission to access this folder. Limited access rights to this folder are granted to the user whose account was used to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not provide the capability to configure user access permissions to backup copies of files.

Sometimes it is not possible to maintain the integrity of files during disinfection. If you partially or completely lose access to important information in a disinfected file after disinfection, you can attempt to restore the file from its backup copy to its original folder.

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running under the management of Kaspersky Security Center, backup copies of files may be transmitted to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. For more details about managing backup copies of files in Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help system.

In this section

Configuring the maximum storage period for files in Backup

Configuring the maximum size of Backup

Restoring files from Backup

Deleting backup copies of files from Backup

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[Topic 128123]

Configuring the maximum storage period for files in Backup

The default maximum storage period for copies of files in Backup is 30 days. After expiration of the maximum storage term, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the oldest files from Backup.

To configure the maximum storage period for files in Backup:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsReports and Storage.

    Backup settings

  3. If you want to limit the storage period for copies of files in Backup, select the Store objects no longer than N days check box in the Backup block. Enter the maximum storage duration for copies of files in Backup.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128124]

Configuring the maximum size of Backup

You can specify the maximum size of Backup. The size of Backup is unlimited by default. After the maximum size is reached, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest files from Backup.

To configure the maximum size of Backup:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsReports and Storage.

    Backup settings

  3. If you want to limit the size of Backup, select the Limit the size of Backup to N MB check box in the Backup block. Specify the maximum size of Backup.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128133]

Restoring files from Backup

If malicious code is detected in a file, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the file, assigns the Infected status to it, places a copy of it in Backup, and attempts to disinfect it. If file disinfection succeeds, the status of the backup copy of the file changes to Disinfected. The file becomes available in its original folder. If a file cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes it from its original folder. You can restore the file from its backup copy to its original folder.

Files with the Will be disinfected on computer restart status cannot be restored. Restart the computer, and the file status will change to Disinfected or Deleted. You can also restore the file from its backup copy to its original folder.

Upon detecting malicious code in a file that is part of the Windows Store application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security immediately deletes the file without moving a copy of the file to Backup. You can restore the integrity of the Windows Store application by using the appropriate tools of the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system (see the Microsoft Windows 8 help files for details on restoring a Windows Store application).

The set of backup copies of files is presented as a table. For a backup copy of a file, the path to the original folder of the file is displayed. The path to the original folder of the file may contain personal data.

If several files with identical names and different content located in the same folder are moved to Backup, only the file that was last placed in Backup can be restored.

To restore files from Backup:

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Backup tile.
  2. This opens the list of files in Backup; in that list, select the files that you want to restore and click Restore.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security restores files from the selected backup copies to their original folders.

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[Topic 128134]

Deleting backup copies of files from Backup

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes backup copies of files with any status from Backup after the storage term configured in application settings has elapsed. You can also manually delete any copy of a file from Backup.

To delete backup copies of files from Backup:

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Backup tile.
  2. This opens the list of files in Backup; in this list, select files that you want to delete from Backup and click Delete.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the selected backup copies of files from Backup.

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[Topic 126005]

Notification service

All sorts of events occur during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Notifications of these events can be either be purely informational or contain critical information. For example, notifications may inform of a successful database and application modules update or log component errors that need remedying.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the logging of information about events in the operation of the Microsoft Windows application log and / or the Kaspersky Endpoint Security event log.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security delivers notifications in the following ways:

  • using pop-up notifications in the Microsoft Windows taskbar notification area;
  • by email.

You can configure the delivery of event notifications. The method of notification delivery is configured for each type of event.

When using the table of events to configure the notification service, you can perform the following actions:

  • Filter notification service events by column values or by custom filter conditions.
  • Use the search function for notification service events.
  • Sort notification service events.
  • Change the order and set of columns that are displayed in the list of notification service events.

In this section

Configuring event log settings

Configuring the display and delivery of notifications

Configuring the display of warnings about the application status in the notification area

Messaging between users and the administrator

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[Topic 128354]

Configuring event log settings

To configure event log settings:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. In the Notifications block, click the Notification settings button.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security components and tasks are shown in the left part of the window. The right part of the window lists the events generated for the selected component or task.

    Events may contain the following user data:

    • Paths to files scanned by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    • Paths to registry keys modified during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    • Microsoft Windows user name.
    • Addresses of web pages opened by the user.
  4. In the left part of the window, select the component or task for which you want to configure the event log settings.
  5. Select check boxes opposite the relevant events in the Save in local report and Save in Windows Event Log columns.

    Events whose check boxes are selected in the Save in local report column are displayed in the application logs. Events that have the check box in the Save in Windows Event Log column selected are displayed in Windows logs in the Application channel.

  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 130890]

Configuring the display and delivery of notifications

To configure the display and delivery of notifications:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. In the Notifications block, click the Notification settings button.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security components and tasks are shown in the left part of the window. The right part of the window lists events generated for the selected component or the selected task.

    Events may contain the following user data:

    • Paths to files scanned by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    • Paths to registry keys modified during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
    • Microsoft Windows user name.
    • Addresses of web pages opened by the user.
  4. In the left part of the window, select the component or task for which you want to configure the delivery of notifications.
  5. In the Notify on screen column, select check boxes next to relevant events.

    Information about the selected events is displayed on the screen as pop-up messages in the Microsoft Windows taskbar notification area.

  6. In the Notify by email column, select check boxes next to relevant events.

    Information about the selected events is delivered by email if the mail notification delivery settings are configured.

  7. Click OK.
  8. If you enabled email notifications, configure the settings for email delivery:
    1. Click Email notification settings.
    2. Select the Notify about events check box to enable delivery of information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security events selected in the Notify by email column.
    3. Specify the email notification delivery settings.
    4. Click OK.
  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 131802]

Configuring the display of warnings about the application status in the notification area

To configure the display of application status warnings in the notification area:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsInterface.
  3. In the Show application's status in notifications area block, select the check boxes opposite those categories of events about which you want to see notifications in the notification area of Microsoft Windows.
  4. Save your changes.

When events associated with the selected categories occur, the application icon in the notification area will change to icon_tray_critical or depending on the severity of the warning.

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[Topic 132089]

Messaging between users and the administrator

The Application Control, Device Control, Web Control and Adaptive Anomaly Control components enable LAN users whose computers have Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed to send messages to the administrator.

A user may need to send a message to the local corporate network administrator in the following cases:

  • Device Control blocked access to the device.

    The message template for a request to access a blocked device is available in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface in the Device Control section.

  • Application Control blocked the startup of an application.

    The message template for a request to allow the startup of a blocked application is available in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface in the Application Control section.

  • Web Control blocked access to a web resource.

    The message template for a request to access a blocked web resource is available in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface in the Web Control section.

The method used to send messages and the utilized template depends on whether or not there is an active Kaspersky Security Center policy running on the computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, and whether or not there is a connection with the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. The following scenarios are possible:

  • If a Kaspersky Security Center policy is not running on the computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, a user's message is sent to the local area network administrator by email.

    The message fields are populated with the values of fields from the template defined in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

  • If a Kaspersky Security Center policy is running on the computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, the standard message is sent to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.

    In this case, user messages are available for viewing in the Kaspersky Security Center event storage (see instruction below). The message fields are populated with the values of fields from the template defined in the Kaspersky Security Center policy.

  • If a Kaspersky Security Center out-of-office policy is running on the computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, the method used to send messages depends on whether or not there is a connection with Kaspersky Security Center.
    • If a connection with Kaspersky Security Center is established, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the standard message to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
    • If a connection with Kaspersky Security Center is absent, a user's message is sent to the local area network administrator by email.

    In both cases, the message fields are populated with the values of fields from the template defined in the Kaspersky Security Center policy.

To view a user message in the Kaspersky Security Center event storage:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Events tab.

    The Kaspersky Security Center workspace displays all events occurring during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, including messages to the administrator that are received from LAN users.

  3. To configure the event filter, in the Event selections drop-down list, select User requests.
  4. Select the message sent to the administrator.
  5. Click the Open event properties window button in the right part of the Administration Console workspace.
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[Topic 34585]

Managing reports

Information about the operation of each Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, data encryption events, the performance of each scan task, the update task and integrity check task, and the overall operation of the application is recorded in reports.

Reports are stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\Report.

Reports may contain the following user data:

  • Paths to files scanned by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  • Paths to registry keys modified during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  • Microsoft Windows user name.
  • Addresses of web pages opened by the user.

The data in the report is presented in tabular form. Each table row contains information on a separate event. Event attributes are located in the table columns. Certain columns are compound ones which contain nested columns with additional attributes. To view additional attributes, click the button next to the name of the column. Events that are logged during the operation of various components or during the performance of various tasks have different sets of attributes.

The following reports are available:

  • System audit report. Contains information about events occurring during the interaction between the user and the application and in the course of application operation in general, which are unrelated to any particular Kaspersky Endpoint Security components or tasks.
  • Reports on the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security task reports.
  • Data Encryption report. Contains information about events occurring during data encryption and decryption.

Reports use the following event importance levels:

Informational messages. Reference events that normally do not contain important information.

Warnings. Events that need attention because they reflect important situations in the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Critical events. Events of critical importance that indicate problems in the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security or vulnerabilities in the protection of the user's computer.

For convenient processing of reports, you can modify the presentation of data on the screen in the following ways:

  • Filter the event list by various criteria.
  • Use the search function to find a specific event.
  • View the selected event in a separate section.
  • Sort the list of events by each report column.
  • Display and hide events grouped by the event filter using the button.
  • Change the order and arrangement of columns that are shown in the report.

You can save a generated report to a text file, if necessary. You can also delete report information on Kaspersky Endpoint Security components and tasks that are combined into groups.

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running under the management of Kaspersky Security Center, information about events may be relayed to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server (for more details, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help).

In this section

Viewing reports

Configuring the maximum report storage term

Configuring the maximum size of the report file

Saving a report to file

Clearing reports

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[Topic 128116]

Viewing reports

If a user can view reports, the user can also view all events reflected in the reports.

To view reports:

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Reports tile.


  2. In the list of components and tasks, select a component or task.

    The right part of the window displays a report containing a list of events resulting from the operation of the selected component or selected task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can sort events in the report based on the values in cells of one of the columns.

  3. To view detailed information about an event, select the event in the report.

A block with the event summary is displayed in the lower part of the window.

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[Topic 133795]

Configuring the maximum report storage term

The default maximum storage term for reports on events that are logged by Kaspersky Endpoint Security is 30 days. After that period of time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries from the report file.

To modify the report maximum storage term:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsReports and Storage.

    Report settings

  3. If you want to limit the report storage term, select the Store reports no longer than N days check box in the Reports block. Define the maximum report storage term.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 133796]

Configuring the maximum size of the report file

You can specify the maximum size of the file that contains the report. By default, the maximum report file size is 1024 MB. To avoid exceeding the maximum report file size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries from the report file when the maximum report file size is reached.

To configure the maximum report file size:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsReports and Storage.

    Report settings

  3. In the Reports block, select the Limit the size of report file to N MB check box if you want to limit the size of a report file. Define the maximum size of the report file.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128118]

Saving a report to file

The user is personally responsible for ensuring the security of information from a report saved to file, and particularly for controlling and restricting access to this information.

You can save the report that you generate to a file in text format (TXT) or a CSV file.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs events in the report in the same way as they are displayed on the screen: in other words, with the same set and sequence of event attributes.

To save a report to file:

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Reports tile.


  2. This opens a window; in this window, select the component or task.

    A report is displayed in the right part of the window, which contains a list of events in the operation of the selected Kaspersky Endpoint Security component or task.

  3. If necessary, you can modify data presentation in the report by:
    • Filtering events
    • Running an event search
    • Rearranging columns
    • Sorting events
  4. Click the Save report button in the upper right part of the window.
  5. In the window that opens, specify the destination folder for the report file.
  6. Enter the name of the report file.
  7. Select the necessary report file format: TXT or CSV.
  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128119]

Clearing reports

To remove information from reports:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsReports and Storage.

    Report settings

  3. In the Reports block, click the Clear button.
  4. If Password Protection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may prompt you for user account credentials. The application prompts for account credentials if the user does not have the required permission.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will delete all reports for all application components and tasks.


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[Topic 34598]

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense

Self-Defense prevents other applications from performing actions that can interfere with the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and, for example, remove Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the computer. The set of available Self-Defense technologies for Kaspersky Endpoint Security depends on whether the operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit (refer to the table below).

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense technologies



x86 computer

x64 computer

Self-Defense mechanism

The technology blocks access to the following application components:

  • files in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation folder and other files of the application;
  • registry keys with records belonging to the application;
  • processes that the application runs.

AM-PPL (Antimalware Protected Process Light)

The technology protects Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes against malicious actions. For more details about AM-PPL technology, please visit the Microsoft website.

AM-PPL technology is available for Windows 10 version 1703 (RS2) or later, and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.

Included icon.

External management defense mechanism

This technology prevents remote administration applications (for example, TeamViewer or RemotelyAnywhere) from gaining access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

(except for Windows 7)

In this section

Enabling and disabling Self-Defense

Enabling and disabling AM-PPL support

Protection of application services against external management

Supporting remote administration applications

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[Topic 133797]

Enabling and disabling Self-Defense

The Self-Defense mechanism of Kaspersky Endpoint Security is enabled by default.

To enable or disable Self-Defense:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. Use the Enable Self-Defense check box to enable or disable the Self-Defense mechanism.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 189943]

Enabling and disabling AM-PPL support

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports Antimalware Protected Process Light technology (hereinafter referred to as "AM-PPL") from Microsoft. AM-PPL protects Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes against malicious actions (for example, terminating the application). AM-PPL allows only trusted processes to run. Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes are signed in accordance with Windows security requirements, and therefore they are trusted. For more details about AM-PPL technology, please visit the Microsoft website. AM-PPL technology is enabled by default.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security also has built-in mechanisms for protecting application processes. AM-PPL support lets you delegate process security functions to the operating system. You can thereby increase the speed of the application and reduce the consumption of computer resources.

AM-PPL technology is available for Windows 10 version 1703 (RS2) or later, and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.

To enable or disable AM-PPL technology:

  1. Turn off the application's Self-Defense mechanism.

    The Self-Defense mechanism prevents modification and deletion of application processes in the computer memory, including changing the AM-PPL status.

  2. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  3. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
  4. Type the following in the command line:
    • klpsm.exe enable – enable support for AM-PPL technology (see the figure below).
    • klpsm.exe disable – disable support for AM-PPL technology.
  5. Restart Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  6. Resume the application's Self-Defense mechanism.

    Enabling support for AM-PPL technology

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[Topic 133798]

Protection of application services against external management

Protection of application services against external management blocks attempts by users and other applications to stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security services. Protection ensures the operation of the following services:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security service (avp)
  • Kaspersky Seamless Update Service (avpsus)

To quit the application from the command line, disable the protection of Kaspersky Endpoint Security services against external management.

To enable or disable protection of application services against external management:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. Use the Enable external management of system services check box to enable or disable the protection of Kaspersky Endpoint Security services against external management.
  4. Save your changes.

As a result, when a user attempts to stop application services, a system window with an error message appears. The user can only manage application services from the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface.

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[Topic 128342]

Supporting remote administration applications

You may occasionally need to use a remote administration application while external management defense is enabled.

To enable the operation of remote administration applications:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsThreats and Exclusions.
  3. In the Exclusions block, click the Specify trusted applications link.
  4. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
  5. Select the executable file of the remote administration application.

    You can also manually enter the path. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

  6. Select the Do not monitor application activity check box.
  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128143]

Kaspersky Endpoint Security performance and compatibility with other applications

The performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to the number of types of objects that can harm the computer that are detectable, as well as energy consumption and use of computer resources.

Selecting types of detectable objects

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you fine-tune the protection of your computer and select the types of objects that the application detects during operation. Kaspersky Endpoint Security always scans the operating system for viruses, worms, and Trojans. You cannot disable scanning of these types of objects. Such malware can cause significant harm to the computer. For greater security on your computer, you can expand the range of detectable object types by enabling monitoring of legal software that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

Using energy-saving mode

Energy consumption by applications is a key consideration for portable computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scheduled tasks usually use up considerable resources. When the computer is running on battery power, you can use energy-saving mode to consume power more sparingly.

In energy-saving mode, the following scheduled tasks are postponed automatically:

  • Update task;
  • Full Scan task;
  • Critical Areas Scan task;
  • Custom Scan task;
  • Integrity Check task.

Whether or not energy saving mode is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security pauses encryption tasks when a portable computer switches to battery power. The application resumes encryption tasks when the portable computer switches from battery power to mains power.

Conceding computer resources to other applications

Consumption of computer resources by Kaspersky Endpoint Security when scanning the computer may increase the load on the CPU and hard drive subsystems as well as influence the performance of other applications. To resolve the problem of simultaneous operation during increased load on the CPU and hard drive subsystems, Kaspersky Endpoint Security can concede resources to other applications.

Using advanced disinfection technology

Today's malicious applications can penetrate the lowest levels of an operating system, which makes them virtually impossible to eliminate. After detecting malicious activity in the operating system, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs an extensive disinfection procedure that uses special advanced disinfection technology. Advanced disinfection technology is aimed at purging the operating system of malicious applications that have already started their processes in RAM and that prevent Kaspersky Endpoint Security from removing them by using other methods. The threat is neutralized as a result. While Advanced Disinfection is in progress, you are advised to refrain from starting new processes or editing the operating system registry. The advanced disinfection technology uses considerable operating system resources, which may slow down other applications.

After the Advanced Disinfection process has been completed on a computer running Microsoft Windows for workstations, Kaspersky Endpoint Security requests the user's permission to reboot the computer. After system reboot, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes malware files and starts a "lite" full scan of the computer.

A reboot prompt is impossible on a computer running Microsoft Windows for servers due to the specifics of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. An unplanned reboot of a file server can lead to problems involving temporary unavailability of file server data or loss of unsaved data. It is recommended to reboot a file server strictly according to schedule. This is why Advanced Disinfection technology is disabled by default for file servers.

If active infection is detected on a file server, an event is relayed to Kaspersky Security Center with information that Active Disinfection is required. To disinfect an active infection of a server, enable Active Disinfection technology for servers and start a Malware Scan group task at a time convenient for server users.

In this section

Enabling or disabling energy-saving mode

Enabling or disabling conceding of resources to other applications

Best practices for optimizing Kaspersky Endpoint Security performance

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[Topic 128351]

Enabling or disabling energy-saving mode

To enable or disable energy conservation mode:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Performance block, use the Postpone scheduled tasks while running on battery power check box to enable or disable power saving mode.

    When energy conservation mode is enabled and the computer is running on battery power, the following tasks are not run even if scheduled:

    • Update task;
    • Full Scan task;
    • Critical Areas Scan task;
    • Custom Scan task;
    • Integrity Check task.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123511]

Enabling or disabling conceding of resources to other applications

Consumption of computer resources by Kaspersky Endpoint Security when scanning the computer may increase the load on the CPU and hard drive subsystems. This may slow down other applications. To optimize the performance, Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides a mode for transferring resources to other applications. In this mode, the operating system can decrease the priority of Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan task threads when the CPU load is high. This allows redistributing operating system resources to other applications. Thus, scan tasks will receive less CPU time. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will take longer to scan the computer. By default, the application is configured to concede resources to other applications.

To enable or disable conceding of resources to other applications:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Performance block, use the Concede resources to other applications check box to enable or disable conceding of resources to other applications.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 222981]

Best practices for optimizing Kaspersky Endpoint Security performance

When deploying Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, you can use the following recommendations to configure computer protection and optimize performance.


Configure general settings of the application in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Security to the latest version.

    Newer versions of the application have errors fixed, stability improved, and performance optimized.

  2. Enable protection components with default settings.

    Default settings are considered optimal. This settings are recommended by Kaspersky experts. Default settings provide recommended protection level and optimal resource use. If necessary, you can restore the default application settings.

  3. Enable application performance optimization features.

    The application has performance optimization features: energy conservation mode and conceding of resources to other applications. Make sure these options are enabled.

Malware Scan on workstations

Enabling Background scan is recommended for Malware Scan of workstations. Background scan is a scan mode of Kaspersky Endpoint Security that does not display notifications for the user. Background scan requires less computer resources than other types of scans (such as a full scan). In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans startup objects, the boot sector, system memory, and the system partition. Background scan settings are considered optimal. This settings are recommended by Kaspersky experts. Thus for performing a Malware Scan of the computer, you can use just the background scan mode without using other scan tasks.

If background scanning does not suit your needs, configure the Malware Scan task in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Configure the optimal computer scan schedule.

    You can configure the task to run when the computer is operating under minimum load. For example, you can configure the task to run at night or on weekends.

    If users turn off their computers at the end of the day, you can configure the scan task as follows:

    • Enable Wake-on-LAN. The Wake-on-LAN feature allows remotely powering on the computer by sending a special signal over the local network. To use this feature, you must enable Wake-on-LAN in BIOS settings. You can also have the computer automatically turned off after the scan finishes.
    • Disable the "Run missed tasks" feature. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will skip missed tasks when the user turns on the computer. Running tasks after the computer is turned on can inconvenience the user because the scan requires a big commitment of resources.

    If you could not configure an optimal scan schedule, set tasks to run only when the computer is idle. Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the scan task if the computer is locked or if the screen saver is on. If you have interrupted the execution of the task, for example by unlocking the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs the task, continuing from the point where it was interrupted.

  2. Define a scan scope.

    Select the following objects to scan:

    • Kernel memory;
    • Running processes and Startup Objects;
    • Boot sectors;
    • System drive (%systemdrive%).
  3. Turn on iSwift and iChecker technologies.
    • iSwift technology.

      This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

    • iChecker technology.

      This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

    You can only turn on iSwift and iChecker technologies in the Administration Console (MMC) and Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. You cannot turn on these technologies in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

  4. Disable the scanning of password-protected archives.

    If the scanning of password-protected archives is enabled, a password prompt is displayed before the archive is scanned. Because the task is recommended to be scheduled during out-of-office hours, the user cannot enter the password. You can scan password-protected archives manually.

Malware Scan on the servers

Configure the Malware Scan task in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Configure the optimal computer scan schedule.

    You can configure the task to run when the computer is operating under minimum load. For example, you can configure the task to run at night or on weekends.

  2. Turn on iSwift and iChecker technologies.
    • iSwift technology.

      This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

    • iChecker technology.

      This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

    You can only turn on iSwift and iChecker technologies in the Administration Console (MMC) and Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. You cannot turn on these technologies in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

  3. Disable the scanning of password-protected archives.

    If the scanning of password-protected archives is enabled, a password prompt is displayed before the archive is scanned. Because the task is recommended to be scheduled during out-of-office hours, the user cannot enter the password. You can scan password-protected archives manually.

Kaspersky Security Network

To protect your computer more effectively, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses data that is received from users around the globe. Kaspersky Security Network is designed for obtaining this data.

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to new threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network, KSN services provide Kaspersky Endpoint Security with information about the category and reputation of scanned files, as well as information about the reputation of scanned web addresses.

Edit Kaspersky Security Network settings in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Disable extended KSN mode.

    Extended KSN mode is a mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends additional data to Kaspersky.

  2. Configure Private KSN.

    Private KSN is a solution that enables users of computers hosting Kaspersky Endpoint Security or other Kaspersky applications to obtain access to reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network, and to other statistical data without sending data to KSN from their own computers.

  3. Enable Cloud mode.

    Cloud mode refers to the application operating mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a light version of anti-virus databases. Kaspersky Security Network supports the operation of the application when light anti-virus databases are being used. The light version of anti-virus databases lets you use approximately half of the computer RAM that would otherwise be used with the usual databases. If you do not participate in Kaspersky Security Network or if cloud mode is disabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the full version of anti-virus databases from Kaspersky servers.

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[Topic 128080]

Data Encryption

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you encrypt files and folders that are stored on local and removable drives, or entire removable drives and hard drives. Data encryption minimizes the risk of information leaks that may occur when a portable computer, removable drive or hard drive is lost or stolen, or when data is accessed by unauthorized users or applications. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm.

If the license has expired, the application does not encrypt new data, and old encrypted data remains encrypted and available for use. In this event, encrypting new data requires the application be activated with a new license that permits the use of encryption.

If your license has expired, or the End User License Agreement has been violated, the license key, Kaspersky Endpoint Security, or encryption components has been removed, the encrypted status of previously encrypted files is not guaranteed. This is because some applications, such as Microsoft Office Word, create a temporary copy of files during editing. When the original file is saved, the temporary copy replaces the original file. As a result, on a computer that has no or inaccessible encryption functionality, the file remains unencrypted.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security offers the following aspects of data protection:

  • File Level Encryption on local computer drives. You can compile lists of files by extension or group of extensions and lists of folders stored on local computer drives, and create rules for encrypting files that are created by specific applications. After a policy is applied, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts and decrypts the following files:
    • files individually added to lists for encryption and decryption;
    • files stored in folders added to lists for encryption and decryption;
    • files created by separate applications.
  • Encryption of removable drives. You can specify a default encryption rule, according to which the application applies the same action to all removable drives, or specify encryption rules for individual removable drives.

    The default encryption rule has a lower priority than encryption rules created for individual removable drives. Encryption rules created for removable drives of the specified device model have a lower priority than encryption rules created for removable drives with the specified device ID.

    To select an encryption rule for files on a removable drive, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks whether or not the device model and ID are known. The application then performs one of the following operations:

    • If only the device model is known, the application uses the encryption rule (if any) created for removable drives of the specific device model.
    • If only the device ID is known, the application uses the encryption rule (if any) created for removable drives with the specific device ID.
    • If the device model and ID are known, the application applies the encryption rule (if any) created for removable drives with the specific device ID. If no such rule exists, but there is an encryption rule created for removable drives with the specific device model, the application applies this rule. If no encryption rule is specified for the specific device ID nor for the specific device model, the application applies the default encryption rule.
    • If neither the device model nor device ID is known, the application uses the default encryption rule.

    The application lets you prepare a removable drive for using encrypted data stored on it in portable mode. After enabling portable mode, you can access encrypted files on removable drives connected to a computer without encryption functionality.

  • Managing rules of application access to encrypted files. For any application, you can create an encrypted file access rule that blocks access to encrypted files or allows access to encrypted files only as ciphertext, which is a sequence of characters obtained when encryption is applied.
  • Creating encrypted packages. You can create encrypted archives and protect access to such archives with a password. The contents of encrypted archives can be accessed only by entering the passwords with which you protected access to those archives. Such archives can be securely transmitted over networks or on removable drives.
  • Full Disk Encryption. You can select an encryption technology: Kaspersky Disk Encryption or BitLocker Drive Encryption (hereinafter also referred to as simply "BitLocker").

    BitLocker is a technology that is part of the Windows operating system. If a computer is equipped with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), BitLocker uses it to store recovery keys that provide access to an encrypted hard drive. When the computer starts, BitLocker requests the hard drive recovery keys from the Trusted Platform Module and unlocks the drive. You can configure the use of a password and/or PIN code for accessing recovery keys.

    You can specify the default full disk encryption rule and create a list of hard drives to be excluded from encryption. Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs full disk encryption by sector after the Kaspersky Security Center policy is applied. The application encrypts all logical partitions of hard drives simultaneously.

    After the system hard drives have been encrypted, at the next computer startup the user must complete authentication using the

    before the hard drives can be accessed and the operating system is loaded. This requires entering the password of the token or smart card connected to the computer, or the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account created by the local area network administrator using the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. These accounts are based on Microsoft Windows accounts under which users log into the operating system. You can also use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology, which lets you automatically log in to the operating system using the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account.

    If you back up a computer and then encrypt the computer data, after which you restore the backup copy of the computer and encrypt the computer data again, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates duplicates of Authentication Agent accounts. To remove the duplicate accounts, you must use the klmover utility with the dupfix key. The klmover utility is included in the Kaspersky Security Center build. You can read more about its operation in the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

    Access to encrypted hard drives is possible only from computers on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security with full disk encryption functionality is installed. This precaution minimizes the risk of data leaks from an encrypted hard drive when an attempt to access it is made outside of the local area network of the company.

To encrypt hard drives and removable drives, you can use the Encrypt used disk space only function. It is recommended you only use this function for new devices that have not been previously used. If you are applying encryption to a device that is already in use, it is recommended you encrypt the entire device. This ensures that all data is protected – even deleted data that might still contain retrievable information.

Before beginning encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security obtains the map of file system sectors. The first wave of encryption includes sectors that are occupied by files at the moment when encryption is started. The second wave of encryption includes sectors that were written to after encryption began. After encryption is complete, all sectors containing data are encrypted.

After encryption is complete and a user deletes a file, the sectors that stored the deleted file become available for storing new information at the file system level but remain encrypted. Thus, as files are written to a new device and the device is regularly encrypted with the Encrypt used disk space only function enabled, all sectors will be encrypted after some time.

The data needed to decrypt files is provided by the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server that controlled the computer at the time of encryption. If the computer with encrypted objects was managed by a different Administration Server for some reason, you can obtain access to the encrypted data in one of the following ways:

  • Administration Servers in the same hierarchy:
    • You do not need to take any additional actions. The user will retain access to the encrypted objects. Encryption keys are distributed to all Administration Servers.
  • Separated Administration Servers:
    • Request access to encrypted objects from the LAN administrator.
    • Restore data on encrypted devices using the Restore Utility.
    • Restore the configuration of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server that controlled the computer at the time of encryption from a backup copy and use this configuration on the Administration Server that now controls the computer with encrypted objects.

If there is no access to encrypted data, follow the special instructions for working with encrypted data (Restoring access to encrypted files, Working with encrypted devices when there is no access to them).

In this section

Encryption functionality limitations

Changing the length of the encryption key (AES56 / AES256)

Kaspersky Disk Encryption

BitLocker Management

File Level Encryption on local computer drives

Encryption of removable drives

Viewing data encryption details

Working with encrypted devices when there is no access to them

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[Topic 130984]

Encryption functionality limitations

Data Encryption has the following limitations:

  • The application creates service files during encryption. Around 0.5% of non-fragmented free space on the hard drive is required to store them. If there is not enough non-fragmented free space on the hard drive, encryption will not start until enough space is freed up.
  • You can manage all data encryption components in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console and in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. In the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, you can only manage Bitlocker.
  • Data encryption is available only when using Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the Kaspersky Security Center administration system or the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console (BitLocker only). Data Encryption when using Kaspersky Endpoint Security in offline mode is not possible because Kaspersky Endpoint Security stores encryption keys in Kaspersky Security Center.
  • If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows for Servers, only full disk encryption using BitLocker Drive Encryption technology is available. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer running Windows for Workstations, data encryption functionality is fully available.

Full disk encryption using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology is unavailable for hard drives that do not meet the hardware and software requirements.

Compatibility between the full disk encryption functionality of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI is not supported. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI starts before the operating system loads. When using full disk encryption, the application will detect the absence of an installed operating system on the computer. As a result, the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI will end with an error. File Level Encryption (FLE) does not affect the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following configurations:

  • HDD, SSD, and USB drives.

    Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology supports working with SSD while preserving the performance and service life of SSD drives.

  • Drives connected via bus: SCSI, ATA, IEEE1934, USB, RAID, SAS, SATA, NVME.
  • Non-removable drives connected via SD or MMC bus.
  • Drives with 512-byte sectors.
  • Drives with 4096-byte sectors that emulate 512 bytes.
  • Drives with the following type of partitions: GPT, MBR, and VBR (removable drives).
  • Embedded software of the UEFI 64 and Legacy BIOS standard.
  • Embedded software of the UEFI standard with Secure Boot support.

    Secure Boot is a technology designed to verify digital signatures for UEFI loader applications and drivers. Secure Boot blocks the startup of UEFI applications and drivers that are unsigned or signed by unknown publishers. Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) fully supports Secure Boot. Authentication Agent is signed by a Microsoft Windows UEFI Driver Publisher certificate.

    On some devices (for example, Microsoft Surface Pro and Microsoft Surface Pro 2), an out-of-date list of digital signature verification certificates may be installed by default. Prior to encrypting the drive, you need to update the list of certificates.

  • Embedded software of the UEFI standard with Fast Boot support.

    Fast Boot is a technology that helps the computer start up faster. When Fast Boot technology is enabled, normally the computer loads only the minimum set of UEFI drivers required for starting the operating system. When Fast Boot technology is enabled, USB keyboards, mice, USB tokens, touchpads and touchscreens may not work while Authentication Agent is running.

    To use Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE), it is recommended to disable Fast Boot technology. You can use the FDE Test Utility to test the operation of Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE).

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the following configurations:

  • The boot loader is located on one drive while the operating system is on a different drive.
  • The system contains embedded software of the UEFI 32 standard.
  • The system has Intel Rapid Start Technology and drives that have a hibernation partition even when Intel Rapid Start Technology is disabled.
  • Drives in MBR format with more than 10 extended partitions.
  • The system has a swap file located on a non-system drive.
  • Multiboot system with multiple simultaneously installed operating systems.
  • Dynamic partitions (only primary partitions are supported).
  • Drives with less than 0.5% free unfragmented disk space.
  • Drives with a sector size different from 512 bytes or 4096 bytes that emulate 512 bytes.
  • Hybrid drives.
  • The system has third-party loaders.
  • Drives with compressed NTFS directories.
  • Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology is incompatible with other full disk encryption technologies (such as BitLocker, McAfee Drive Encryption, and WinMagic SecureDoc).
  • Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology is incompatible with ExpressCache technology.
  • Creating, deleting, and modifying partitions on an encrypted drive is not supported. You could lose data.
  • File system formatting is not supported. You could lose data.

    If you need to format a drive that was encrypted with Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology, format the drive on a computer that does not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and use only full disk encryption.

    An encrypted drive that is formatted with the quick format option may be mistakenly identified as encrypted the next time it is connected to a computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installed. User data will be unavailable.

  • Authentication Agent supports no more than 100 accounts.
  • Single Sign-On technology is incompatible with other technologies of third-party developers.
  • Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology is not supported on the following models of devices:
    • Dell Latitude E6410 (UEFI mode)
    • HP Compaq nc8430 (Legacy BIOS mode)
    • Lenovo Think Center 8811 (Legacy BIOS mode)
  • Authentication Agent does not support working with USB tokens when Legacy USB Support is enabled. Only password-based authentication will be possible on the computer.
  • When encrypting a drive in Legacy BIOS mode, you are advised to enable Legacy USB Support on the following models of devices:
    • Acer Aspire 5560G
    • Acer Aspire 6930
    • Acer TravelMate 8572T
    • Dell Inspiron 1420
    • Dell Inspiron 1545
    • Dell Inspiron 1750
    • Dell Inspiron N4110
    • Dell Latitude E4300
    • Dell Studio 1537
    • Dell Studio 1569
    • Dell Vostro 1310
    • Dell Vostro 1320
    • Dell Vostro 1510
    • Dell Vostro 1720
    • Dell Vostro V13
    • Dell XPS L502x
    • Fujitsu Celsius W370
    • Fujitsu LifeBook A555
    • HP Compaq dx2450 Microtower PC
    • Lenovo G550
    • Lenovo ThinkPad L530
    • Lenovo ThinkPad T510
    • Lenovo ThinkPad W540
    • Lenovo ThinkPad X121e
    • Lenovo ThinkPad X200s (74665YG)
    • Samsung R530
    • Toshiba Satellite A350
    • Toshiba Satellite U400 10O
    • MSI 760GM-E51 (motherboard)
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[Topic 130874]

Changing the length of the encryption key (AES56 / AES256)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the AES encryption algorithm with an effective key length of 256 or 56 bits. The data encryption algorithm depends on the AES encryption library that is included in the distribution package: Strong encryption (AES256) or Lite encryption (AES56). The AES encryption library is installed together with the application.

Changing the length of the encryption key is available only for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 or later.

Changing the encryption key length consists of the following steps:

  1. Decrypt objects that Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypted before you begin changing the encryption key length:
    1. Decrypt hard drives.
    2. Decrypt files on local drives.
    3. Decrypt removable drives.

    After the encryption key length is changed, objects that were previously encrypted become unavailable.

  2. Remove Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  3. Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package containing a different encryption library.

You can also change the encryption key length by upgrading the application. The key length can be changed through an application upgrade only if the following conditions are met:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 10 Service Pack 2 or later is installed on the computer.
  • Data encryption components (File Level Encryption, Full Disk Encryption) are not installed on the computer.

    By default, data encryption components are not included in Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The BitLocker Management component does not affect the change in the length of the encryption key.

To change the encryption key length, run the kes_win.msi or setup_kes.exe file from the distribution package containing the necessary encryption library. You can also remotely upgrade the application by using the installation package.

It is impossible to change the length of the encryption key using the distribution package of the same version of the application that is installed on your computer without first uninstalling the application.

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[Topic 137268]

Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Kaspersky Disk Encryption is available only for computers running a Windows operating system for workstations. For computers running a Windows operating system for servers, use BitLocker Drive Encryption technology.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports full disk encryption in FAT32, NTFS and exFat file systems.

Before starting full disk encryption, the application runs a series of checks to determine if the device can be encrypted, which includes checking the system hard drive for compatibility with Authentication Agent or with BitLocker encryption components. To check for compatibility, the computer must be restarted. After the computer has been rebooted, the application performs all the necessary checks automatically. If the compatibility check is successful, full disk encryption starts after the operating system has loaded and the application has started. If the system hard drive is found to be incompatible with Authentication Agent or with BitLocker encryption components, the computer must be restarted by pressing the Reset hardware button. Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs information about the incompatibility. Based on this information, the application does not start full disk encryption at operating system startup. Information about this event is logged in Kaspersky Security Center reports.

If the hardware configuration of the computer has changed, the incompatibility information logged by the application during the previous check should be deleted in order to check the system hard drive for compatibility with Authentication Agent and BitLocker encryption components. To do so, prior to full disk encryption, type avp pbatestreset in the command line. If the operating system fails to load after the system hard drive has been checked for compatibility with Authentication Agent, you must remove the objects and data remaining after test operation of Authentication Agent by using the Restore Utility and then start Kaspersky Endpoint Security and execute the avp pbatestreset command again.

After full disk encryption has started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts all data that is written to hard drives.

If the user shuts down or restarts the computer during full disk encryption, Authentication Agent is loaded before the next startup of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes full disk encryption after successful authentication in Authentication Agent and operating system startup.

If the operating system switches to hibernation mode during full disk encryption, Authentication Agent is loaded when the operating system switches back from hibernation mode. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes full disk encryption after successful authentication in Authentication Agent and operating system startup.

If the operating system goes into sleep mode during full disk encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes full disk encryption when the operating system comes out of sleep mode without loading Authentication Agent.

User authentication in the Authentication Agent can be performed in two ways:

  • Enter the name and password of the Authentication Agent account created by the LAN administrator using Kaspersky Security Center tools.
  • Enter the password of a token or smart card connected to the computer.

    Use of a token or smart card is available only if the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES256 encryption algorithm. If the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES56 encryption algorithm, addition of the electronic certificate file to the command will be denied.

The authentication agent supports keyboard layouts for the following languages:

  • English (UK)
  • English (USA)
  • Arabic (Algeria, Morocco, Tunis; AZERTY layout)
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Italian
  • German (Germany and Austria)
  • German (Switzerland)
  • Portuguese (Brazil, ABNT2 layout)
  • Russian (for 105-key IBM / Windows keyboards with the QWERTY layout)
  • Turkish (QWERTY layout)
  • French (France)
  • French (Switzerland)
  • French (Belgium, AZERTY layout)
  • Japanese (for 106-key keyboards with the QWERTY layout)

A keyboard layout becomes available in the Authentication Agent if this layout has been added in the language and regional standards settings of the operating system and has become available on the welcome screen of Microsoft Windows.

If the Authentication Agent account name contains symbols that cannot be entered using keyboard layouts available in the Authentication Agent, encrypted hard drives can be accessed only after they are restored using the Restore Utility or after the Authentication Agent account name and password are restored.

In this section

Special features of SSD drive encryption

Starting Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Creating a list of hard drives excluded from encryption

Exporting and importing a list of hard drives excluded from encryption

Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) technology

Managing Authentication Agent accounts

Using a token and smart card with Authentication Agent

Hard drive decryption

Restoring access to a drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology

Signing in with the Authentication Agent service account

Updating the operating system

Eliminating errors of encryption functionality update

Selecting the Authentication Agent tracing level

Editing Authentication Agent help texts

Removing leftover objects and data after testing the operation of Authentication Agent

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[Topic 202601]

Special features of SSD drive encryption

The application supports encryption of SSD drives, hybrid SSHD drives, and drives with the Intel Smart Response feature. The application does not support encryption of drives with the Intel Rapid Start feature. Disable the Intel Rapid Start feature prior to encrypting such a drive.

Encryption of SSD drives has the following special features:

Encryption of an SSD drive requires 5-10 GB of free space. The free space requirements for storing encryption administration data are provided in the table below.

Free space requirements for storing encryption administration data

SSD drive size (GB)

Free space on primary partition of SSD drive (MB)

Free space on secondary partition of SSD drive (MB)










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[Topic 123502]

Starting Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Prior to starting full disk encryption, you are advised to make sure that the computer is not infected. To do so, start the Full Scan or Critical Areas Scan task. Performing full disk encryption on a computer that is infected by a rootkit may cause the computer to become inoperable.

Before you start disk encryption, you must check the settings of Authentication Agent accounts. Authentication Agent is needed for working with drives that are protected using Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology. Before the operating system is loaded, the user needs to complete authentication with the Agent. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to automatically create Authentication Agent accounts before encrypting a drive. You can enable automatic creation of Authentication Agent accounts in the Full Disk Encryption policy settings (see the instructions below). You can also use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to automatically create Authentication Agent for the following user groups:

  • All accounts on the computer. All accounts on the computer that have been active at any time.
  • All domain accounts on the computer. All accounts on the computer that belong to some domain and that have been active at any time.
  • All local accounts on the computer. All local accounts on the computer that have been active at any time.
  • Service account with a one-time password. The service account is necessary to gain access to the computer, for example, when the user forgets the password. You can also use the service account as a reserve account. You must enter the name of the account (by default, ServiceAccount). Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a password automatically. You can find the password in the Kaspersky Security Center console.
  • Local administrator. Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates an Authentication Agent user account for the local administrator of the computer.
  • Computer manager. Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates an Authentication Agent user account for the account of the computer manager. You can see which account has the computer manager role in computer properties in Active Directory. By default, the computer manager role is not defined, that is, it does not correspond to any account.
  • Active account. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically creates an Authentication Agent account for the account that is active at the time of disk encryption.

The Manage Authentication Agent accounts task is designed for configuring user authentication settings. You can use this task to add new accounts, modify the settings of current accounts, or remove accounts if necessary. You can use local tasks for individual computers as well as group tasks for computers from separate administration groups or a selection of computers.

How to run Kaspersky Disk Encryption through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select Kaspersky Disk Encryption.

    Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology cannot be used if the computer has hard drives that were encrypted by BitLocker.

  7. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Encrypt all hard drives.

    If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encrypting all hard drives you will be able to load only the operating system that has the application installed.

    If you need to exclude some of the hard drives from encryption, create a list of such hard drives.

  8. Configure advanced Kaspersky Disk Encryption options (see table below).
  9. Save your changes.

How to run Kaspersky Disk Encryption through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  5. In the Manage encryption block, select Kaspersky Disk Encryption.
  6. Click the Kaspersky Disk Encryption link.

    This opens the Kaspersky Disk Encryption settings window.

    Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology cannot be used if the computer has hard drives that were encrypted by BitLocker.

  7. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Encrypt all hard drives.

    If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encryption you will be able to load only the operating system in which the encryption was performed.

    If you need to exclude some of the hard drives from encryption, create a list of such hard drives.

  8. Configure advanced Kaspersky Disk Encryption options (see table below).
  9. Save your changes.

You can use the Encryption Monitor tool to control the disk encryption or decryption process on a user's computer. You can run the Encryption Monitor tool from the main application window.

Encryption Monitor

If system hard drives are encrypted, the Authentication Agent loads before startup of the operating system. Use the Authentication Agent to complete authentication for obtaining access to encrypted system hard drives and load the operating system. After successful completion of the authentication procedure, the operating system loads. The authentication process is repeated every time the operating system restarts.

Kaspersky Disk Encryption component settings



Automatically create Authentication Agent accounts for users during encryption

If this check box is selected, the application creates Authentication Agent accounts based on the list of Windows user accounts on the computer. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses all local and domain accounts with which the user logged in to the operating system over the past 30 days.

Automatically create Authentication Agent accounts for all users of this computer upon sign-in

If this check box is selected, the application checks information about Windows user accounts on the computer before starting Authentication Agent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a Windows user account that has no Authentication Agent account, the application will create a new account for accessing encrypted drives. The new Authentication Agent account will have the following default settings: password-protected sign-on only, and password change on first authentication. Therefore, you do not need to manually add Authentication Agent accounts using the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task for computers with already encrypted drives.

Save user name entered in Authentication Agent

If the check box is selected, the application saves the name of the Authentication Agent account. You will not be required to enter the account name the next time you attempt to complete authorization in the Authentication Agent under the same account.

Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time)

This check box enables / disables the option that limits the encryption area to only occupied hard drive sectors. This limit lets you reduce encryption time.

Enabling or disabling the Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time) feature after starting encryption does not modify this setting until the hard drives are decrypted. You must select or clear the check box before starting encryption.

If the check box is selected, only portions of the hard drive that are occupied by files are encrypted. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically encrypts new data as it is added.

If the check box is cleared, the entire hard drive is encrypted, including residual fragments of previously deleted and modified files.

This option is recommended for new hard drives whose data has not been modified or deleted. If you are applying encryption on a hard drive that is already in use, it is recommended to encrypt the entire hard drive. This ensures protection of all data, even deleted data that is potentially recoverable.

This check box is cleared by default.

Use Legacy USB Support (not recommended)

This check box enables/disables the Legacy USB Support function. Legacy USB Support is a BIOS/UEFI function that allows you to use USB devices (such as a security token) during the computer's boot phase before starting the operating system (BIOS mode). Legacy USB Support does not affect support for USB devices after the operating system is started.

If the check box is selected, support for USB devices during initial startup of the computer will be enabled.

When the Legacy USB Support function is enabled, the Authentication Agent in BIOS mode does not support working with tokens via USB. It is recommended to use this option only when there is a hardware compatibility issue and only for those computers on which the problem occurred.

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[Topic 123501]

Creating a list of hard drives excluded from encryption

You can create a list of exclusions from encryption only for Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology.

To form a list of hard drives excluded from encryption:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select Kaspersky Disk Encryption.

    Entries corresponding to hard drives excluded from encryption appear in the Do not encrypt the following hard drives table. This table is empty if you have not previously formed a list of hard drives excluded from encryption.

  7. To add hard drives to the list of hard drives excluded from encryption:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the window that opens, specify the values for Device name, Computer name, Disk type, Kaspersky Disk Encryption.
    3. Click Refresh.
    4. In the Name column, select the check boxes in the table rows corresponding to those hard drives that you want to add to the list of hard drives excluded from encryption.
    5. Click OK.

    The selected hard drives appear in the Do not encrypt the following hard drives table.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 202258]

Exporting and importing a list of hard drives excluded from encryption

You can export the list of hard drive encryption exclusions to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of exclusions of the same type. You can also use the export/import function to back up the list of exclusions or to migrate the exclusions to a different server.

How to export and import a list of hard drive encryption exclusions in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select Kaspersky Disk Encryption.

    Entries corresponding to hard drives excluded from encryption appear in the Do not encrypt the following hard drives table.

  7. To export the list of exclusions:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any exclusion, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all exclusions.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  8. To import the list of rules:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of hard drive encryption exclusions in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  5. Select the Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology and follow the link to configure the settings.

    The encryption settings open.

  6. Click the Exclusions link.
  7. To export the list of rules:
    1. Select the exclusions that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected exclusions, or export the entire list of exclusions.
    4. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of exclusions, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    5. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the entire list of exclusions to the XML file.

  8. To import the list of rules:
    1. Click Import.
    2. In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of exclusions.
    3. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of exclusions, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  9. Save your changes.
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[Topic 128315]

Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) technology

Single Sign-On (SSO) technology allows you to automatically log into the operating system using the credentials of the Authentication Agent. This means that a user needs to enter a password only once when signing in to Windows (Authentication Agent account password). Single Sign-On technology also lets you automatically update the Authentication Agent account password when the Windows account password is changed.

When using Single Sign-on technology, the Authentication Agent ignores the password strength requirements specified in Kaspersky Security Center. You can set the password strength requirements in the operating system settings.

Enabling Single Sign-On technology

How to enable the use of Single Sign-On technology in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionCommon encryption settings.
  6. In the Password settings block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, on the Authentication Agent tab, select the Use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology check box.
  8. If you are using a third-party credential provider, select the Wrap third-party credential providers check box.
  9. Save your changes.

As a result, the user needs to complete the authentication procedure only once with the Agent. The authentication procedure is not required for loading the operating system. The operating system loads automatically.

How to enable use of Single Sign-On in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  5. Select the Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology and follow the link to configure the settings.

    The encryption settings open.

  6. In the Password settings block, select the Use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology check box.
  7. If you are using a third-party credential provider, select the Wrap third-party credential providers check box.
  8. Save your changes.

As a result, the user needs to complete the authentication procedure only once with the Agent. The authentication procedure is not required for loading the operating system. The operating system loads automatically.

For Single Sign-On to work, the Windows account password and the password for the Authentication Agent account must match. If the passwords do not match, the user needs to perform the authentication procedure twice: in the interface of the Authentication Agent and before loading the operating system. These actions need to be performed only once to synchronize the passwords. After that, Kaspersky Endpoint Security replaces the password of the Authentication Agent account with the password of the Windows account. When the Windows account password is changed, the application will automatically update the password for the Authentication Agent account.

Third-party credential providers

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.10.0 adds support for third-party credential providers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the third-party credential provider ADSelfService Plus.

When working with third-party credential providers, Authentication Agent intercepts the password before the operating system is loaded. This means that a user needs to enter a password only once when signing in to Windows. After signing in to Windows, the user can utilize the capabilities of a third-party credential provider for authentication in corporate services, for example. Third-party credential providers also allow users to independently reset their own password. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will automatically update the password for Authentication Agent.

If you are using a third-party credential provider that is not supported by the application, you may encounter some limitations in Single Sign-On technology operation. When signing in to Windows, two profiles will be available to the user: in-system credential provider and third-party credential provider. The icons of these profiles will be identical (see the figure below). The user will have the following options for continuing:

  • If the user selects the third-party credential provider, Authentication Agent will not be able to synchronize the password with the Windows account. Therefore, if the user has changed the Windows account password, Kaspersky Endpoint Security cannot update the password for the Authentication Agent account. As a result, the user needs to perform the authentication procedure twice: in the interface of the Authentication Agent and before loading the operating system. In this case, the user can utilize the capabilities of a third-party credential provider for authentication in corporate services, for example.
  • If the user selects the in-system credential provider, Authentication Agent will synchronize the passwords with the Windows account. In this case, the user cannot utilize the capabilities of a third-party provider for authentication in corporate services, for example.


    System authentication profile and third-party authentication profile for Windows sign-in

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[Topic 194443]

Managing Authentication Agent accounts

Authentication Agent is needed for working with drives that are protected using Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology. Before the operating system is loaded, the user needs to complete authentication with the Agent. The Manage Authentication Agent accounts task is designed for configuring user authentication settings. You can use local tasks for individual computers as well as group tasks for computers from separate administration groups or a selection of computers.

You cannot configure a schedule for starting the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. It is also impossible to forcibly stop a task.

How to create the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)Manage Authentication Agent accounts.

Step 2. Selecting an Authentication Agent account management command

Generate a list of Authentication Agent account management commands. Management commands allow you to add, modify, and delete Authentication Agent accounts (see instructions below). Only users who have an Authentication Agent account can complete the authentication procedure, load the operating system, and gain access to the encrypted drive.

Step 3. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 4. Defining the task name

Enter a name for the task, for example, Administrator Accounts.

Step 5. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

As a result, after the task is completed at the next computer startup, the new user can complete the authentication procedure, load the operating system, and gain access to the encrypted drive.

How to create the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Manage Authentication Agent accounts.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, such as Administrator accounts.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

Step 2. Managing Authentication Agent accounts

Generate a list of Authentication Agent account management commands. Management commands allow you to add, modify, and delete Authentication Agent accounts (see instructions below). Only users who have an Authentication Agent account can complete the authentication procedure, load the operating system, and gain access to the encrypted drive.

Step 3. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button.

As a result, after the task is completed at the next computer startup, the new user can complete the authentication procedure, load the operating system, and gain access to the encrypted drive.

To add an Authentication Agent account, you need to add a special command to the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. It is convenient to use a group task, for example, to add an administrator account to all computers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to automatically create Authentication Agent accounts before encrypting a drive. You can enable automatic creation of Authentication Agent accounts in the Full Disk Encryption policy settings. You can also use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology.

How to add an Authentication Agent account through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the properties of the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task.
  2. In the task properties, select the Settings section.
  3. Click AddAccount adding command.
  4. In the window that opens, in the Windows account field, specify the name of the Microsoft Windows account that will be used to create the Authentication Agent account.
  5. If you manually entered the Windows account name, click the Allow button to define the account security identifier (SID).

    If you choose not to determine the security identifier (SID) by clicking the Allow button, it will be determined when the task is performed on the computer.

    Defining a Windows account security identifier is necessary to verify that the Windows account name was entered correctly. If the Windows account does not exist on the computer or in the trusted domain, the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task will end with an error.

  6. Select the Replace existing account check box if you want the existing account previously created for the Authentication Agent to be replaced with the account being created.

    This step is available when you are adding an Authentication Agent account creation command in the properties of a group task for managing Authentication Agent accounts. This step is not available when you are adding an Authentication Agent account creation command in the properties of the Manage Authentication Agent accounts local task.

  7. In the User name field, type the name of the Authentication Agent account that must be entered during authentication for access to encrypted hard drives.
  8. Select the Allow password-based authentication check box if you want the application to prompt the user to enter the Authentication Agent account password during authentication for accessing encrypted hard drives. Set a password for the Authentication Agent account. If necessary, you can request a new password from the user after the first authentication.
  9. Select the Allow certificate-based authentication check box if you want the application to prompt the user to connect a token or smart card to the computer during authentication for accessing encrypted hard drives. Select a certificate file for authentication with a smart card or token.
  10. If required, in the Command description field, enter the Authentication Agent account details that you need for managing the command.
  11. In the Access to authentication in Authentication Agent block, configure access to authentication in Authentication Agent for the user that uses the account specified in the command.
  12. Save your changes.

How to add an Authentication Agent account through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the list of Authentication Agent accounts, click the Add button.

    This starts the Authentication Agent Account Management Wizard.

  5. Select the Add command type.
  6. Select a user account. You can select an account from the list of domain accounts or manually enter the account name. Go to the next step.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security determines the account security identifier (SID). This is necessary to verify the account. If you entered the user name incorrectly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will end the task with an error.

  7. Configure the Authentication Agent account settings.
    • Create a new Authentication Agent account to replace the existing account. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans existing accounts on the computer. If the user security ID on the computer and in the task match, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will change the user account settings in accordance with the task.
    • User name. The default user name of the Authentication Agent account corresponds to the domain name of the user.
    • Allow password-based authentication. Set a password for the Authentication Agent account. If necessary, you can request a new password from the user after the first authentication. This way, each user will have their own unique password. You can also set password strength requirements for the Authentication Agent account in the policy.
    • Allow certificate-based authentication. Select a certificate file for authentication with a smart card or token. This way, the user will need to enter the password for the smart card or token.
    • Account access to encrypted data. Configure user access to the encrypted drive. You can, for example, temporarily disable user authentication instead of deleting the Authentication Agent account.
    • Comment. Enter an account description, if necessary.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Select the check box next to the task and click the Start button.

As a result, after the task is completed at the next computer startup, the new user can complete the authentication procedure, load the operating system, and gain access to the encrypted drive.

To change the password and other settings of the Authentication Agent account, you need to add a special command to the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. It is convenient to use a group task, for example, to replace the administrator token certificate on all computers.

How to change the Authentication Agent account through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the properties of the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task.
  2. In the task properties, select the Settings section.
  3. Click AddAccount editing command.
  4. In the window that opens, in the Windows account field, specify the name of the Microsoft Windows user account that you want to change.
  5. If you manually entered the Windows account name, click the Allow button to define the account security identifier (SID).

    If you choose not to determine the security identifier (SID) by clicking the Allow button, it will be determined when the task is performed on the computer.

    Defining a Windows account security identifier is necessary to verify that the Windows account name was entered correctly. If the Windows account does not exist on the computer or in the trusted domain, the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task will end with an error.

  6. Select the Change user name check box and enter a new name for the Authentication Agent account if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to change the user name for all Authentication Agent accounts created using the Microsoft Windows account with the name indicated in the Windows account field to the name typed in the field below.
  7. Select the Modify password-based authentication settings check box to make password-based authentication settings editable.
  8. Select the Allow password-based authentication check box if you want the application to prompt the user to enter the Authentication Agent account password during authentication for accessing encrypted hard drives. Set a password for the Authentication Agent account.
  9. Select the Edit the password change rule upon authentication in Authentication Agent check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to change the value of the password change setting for all Authentication Agent accounts created using the Microsoft Windows account with the name indicated in the Windows account field to the setting value specified below.
  10. Specify the value of the password change setting upon authentication in Authentication Agent.
  11. Select the Modify certificate-based authentication settings check box to make settings of authentication based on the electronic certificate of a token or smart card editable.
  12. Select the Allow certificate-based authentication check box if you want the application to prompt the user to enter the password to the token or smart card connected to the computer during the authentication process in order to access encrypted hard drives. Select a certificate file for authentication with a smart card or token.
  13. Select the Edit command description check box and edit the command description if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to change the command description for all Authentication Agent accounts created using the Microsoft Windows account with the name indicated in the Windows account field.
  14. Select the Edit the authentication access rule in Authentication Agent check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to change the rule for user access to the authentication dialog in Authentication Agent to the value specified below for all Authentication Agent accounts created using the Microsoft Windows account with the name indicated in the Windows account field.
  15. Specify the rule for accessing the authentication dialog in Authentication Agent.
  16. Save your changes.

How to change the Authentication Agent account through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the list of Authentication Agent accounts, click the Add button.

    This starts the Authentication Agent Account Management Wizard.

  5. Select the Change command type.
  6. Select a user account. You can select an account from the list of domain accounts or manually enter the account name. Go to the next step.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security determines the account security identifier (SID). This is necessary to verify the account. If you entered the user name incorrectly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will end the task with an error.

  7. Select the check boxes next to the settings that you want to edit.
  8. Configure the Authentication Agent account settings.
    • Create a new Authentication Agent account to replace the existing account. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans existing accounts on the computer. If the user security ID on the computer and in the task match, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will change the user account settings in accordance with the task.
    • User name. The default user name of the Authentication Agent account corresponds to the domain name of the user.
    • Allow password-based authentication. Set a password for the Authentication Agent account. If necessary, you can request a new password from the user after the first authentication. This way, each user will have their own unique password. You can also set password strength requirements for the Authentication Agent account in the policy.
    • Allow certificate-based authentication. Select a certificate file for authentication with a smart card or token. This way, the user will need to enter the password for the smart card or token.
    • Account access to encrypted data. Configure user access to the encrypted drive. You can, for example, temporarily disable user authentication instead of deleting the Authentication Agent account.
    • Comment. Enter an account description, if necessary.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. Select the check box next to the task and click the Start button.

To delete an Authentication Agent account, you need to add a special command to the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. It is convenient to use a group task, for example, to delete the account of a dismissed employee.

How to delete an Authentication Agent account through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the properties of the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task.
  2. In the task properties, select the Settings section.
  3. Click AddAccount deletion command.
  4. In the window that opens, in the Windows account field, specify the name of the Windows user account that was used to create the Authentication Agent account that you want to delete.
  5. If you manually entered the Windows account name, click the Allow button to define the account security identifier (SID).

    If you choose not to determine the security identifier (SID) by clicking the Allow button, it will be determined when the task is performed on the computer.

    Defining a Windows account security identifier is necessary to verify that the Windows account name was entered correctly. If the Windows account does not exist on the computer or in the trusted domain, the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task will end with an error.

  6. Save your changes.

How to delete an Authentication Agent account through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the list of Authentication Agent accounts, click the Add button.

    This starts the Authentication Agent Account Management Wizard.

  5. Select the Delete command type.
  6. Select a user account. You can select an account from the list of domain accounts or manually enter the account name.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Select the check box next to the task and click the Start button.

As a result, after the task is completed at the next computer startup, the user will not be able to complete the authentication procedure and load the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will deny access to encrypted data.

To view the list of users who can complete authentication with the Agent and load the operating system, you need to go to the properties of the managed computer.

How to view the list of Authentication Agent accounts through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Double-click to open the computer properties window.
  5. In the computer properties window, select the Tasks section.
  6. In the task list, select Manage Authentication Agent accounts and open the task properties by double-clicking.
  7. In the task properties, select the Settings section.

As a result, you will be able to access a list of Authentication Agent accounts on this computer. Only users from the list can complete authentication with the Agent and load the operating system.

How to view a list of Authentication Agent accounts through the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Click the name of the computer on which you want to view the list of Authentication Agent accounts.
  3. In computer properties, select the Tasks tab.
  4. In the task list, select Manage Authentication Agent accounts.
  5. In the task properties, select the Application Settings tab.

As a result, you will be able to access a list of Authentication Agent accounts on this computer. Only users from the list can complete authentication with the Agent and load the operating system.

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[Topic 133615]

Using a token and smart card with Authentication Agent

A token or smart card can be used for authentication when accessing encrypted hard drives. To do so, you must add the electronic certificate file of a token or smart card to the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task.

Use of a token or smart card is available only if the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES256 encryption algorithm. If the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES56 encryption algorithm, addition of the electronic certificate file to the command will be denied.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following tokens, smart card readers, and smart cards:

  • SafeNet eToken PRO 64K (4.2b);
  • SafeNet eToken PRO 72K Java;
  • SafeNet eToken 4100-72K Java;
  • SafeNet eToken 5100;
  • SafeNet eToken 5105;
  • SafeNet eToken 7300;
  • EMC RSA SID 800;
  • Gemalto IDPrime.NET 510;
  • Gemalto IDPrime.NET 511;
  • Rutoken ECP;
  • Rutoken ECP Flash;
  • Athena IDProtect Laser;
  • SafeNet eToken PRO 72K Java;
  • Aladdin-RD JaCarta PKI.

To add the file of a token or smart card electronic certificate to the command for creating an Authentication Agent account, you must first save the file using third-party software for managing certificates.

The token or smart-card certificate must have the following properties:

  • The certificate must be compliant with the X.509 standard, and the certificate file must have DER encoding.
  • The certificate contains an RSA key with a length of at least 1024 bits.

If the electronic certificate of the token or smart card does not meet these requirements, you cannot load the certificate file into the command for creating an Authentication Agent account.

The KeyUsage parameter of the certificate must have the value keyEncipherment or dataEncipherment. The KeyUsage parameter determines the purpose of the certificate. If the parameter has a different value, Kaspersky Security Center will download the certificate file but will display a warning.

If a user has lost a token or smart card, the administrator must add the file of a token or smart card electronic certificate to the command for creating an Authentication Agent account. Then the user must complete the procedure for receiving access to encrypted devices or restoring data on encrypted devices.

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[Topic 123498]

Hard drive decryption

You can decrypt hard drives even if there is no active license permitting data encryption.

To decrypt hard drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select the technology with which the hard drives were encrypted.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select the Decrypt all hard drives option if you want to decrypt all encrypted hard drives.
    • Add the encrypted hard drives that you want to decrypt to the Do not encrypt the following hard drives table.

      This option is available only for Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology.

  8. Save your changes.

You can use the Encryption Monitor tool to control the disk encryption or decryption process on a user's computer. You can run the Encryption Monitor tool from the main application window.

Encryption Monitor

If the user shuts down or restarts the computer during decryption of hard drives that were encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, the Authentication Agent loads before the next startup of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption after successful authentication in the authentication agent and operating system startup.

If the operating system switches to hibernation mode during decryption of hard drives that were encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, Authentication Agent loads when the operating system comes out of hibernation mode. Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption after successful authentication in the authentication agent and operating system startup. After hard drive decryption, hibernation mode is unavailable until the first reboot of the operating system.

If the operating system goes into sleep mode during hard drive decryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes hard drive decryption when the operating system comes out of sleep mode without loading the Authentication Agent.

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[Topic 128090]

Restoring access to a drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology

If a user has forgotten the password for accessing a hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, you need to start the recovery procedure (Request-Response). You can also use the service account to gain access to the hard disk if this feature is enabled in disk encryption settings.

Restoring access to the system hard drive

Restoring access to a system hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology consists of the following steps:

  1. The user reports the request blocks to the administrator (see the figure below).
  2. The administrator enters the request blocks into Kaspersky Security Center, receives the response blocks and reports the response blocks to the user.
  3. The user enters the response blocks in the Authentication Agent interface and obtains access to the hard drive.

    Restoring access to a system hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology

To start the recovery procedure, the user needs to click the Forgot your password button in the Authentication Agent interface.

How to obtain response blocks for a system hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. On the Devices tab, select the computer of the user requesting access to encrypted data and right-click to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu, select Grant access in offline mode.
  6. In the window that opens, select the Authentication Agent tab.
  7. In the Encryption algorithm in use block, select an encryption algorithm: AES56 or AES256.

    The data encryption algorithm depends on the AES encryption library that is included in the distribution package: Strong encryption (AES256) or Lite encryption (AES56). The AES encryption library is installed together with the application.

  8. In the Account drop-down list, select the name of the Authentication Agent account of the user who requested recovery of access to the drive.
  9. In the Hard drive drop-down list, select the encrypted hard drive for which you need to recover access.
  10. In the User request block enter the blocks of request dictated by the user.

As a result, the contents of the blocks of the response to the user's request for recovery of the user name and password of an Authentication Agent account will be displayed in the Access key field. Convey the contents of the response blocks to the user.


Granting access in offline mode

How to obtain response blocks for a system hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose drive you want to restore access to.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the Authentication Agent section.
  5. In the Account drop-down list, select the name of the Authentication Agent account created for the user who is requesting recovery of the Authentication Agent account name and password.
  6. Enter the request blocks conveyed by the user.

The contents of the blocks of the response to the user's request for recovery of the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account will be displayed at the bottom of the window. Convey the contents of the response blocks to the user.

After completing the recovery procedure, the Authentication Agent will prompt the user to change the password.

Restoring access to a non-system hard drive

Restoring access to a non-system hard drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology consists of the following steps:

  1. The user sends a request access file to the administrator.
  2. The administrator adds the request access file to Kaspersky Security Center, creates an access key file and sends the file to the user.
  3. The user adds the access key file to Kaspersky Endpoint Security and obtains access to the hard drive.

To start the recovery procedure, the user needs to attempt to access a hard drive. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will create a request access file (a file with the KESDC extension), which the user needs to send to the administrator, for example, by email.

How to obtain an access key file for an encrypted non-system hard drive in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. On the Devices tab, select the computer of the user requesting access to encrypted data and right-click to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu, select Grant access in offline mode.
  6. In the window that opens, select the Data Encryption tab.
  7. On the Data Encryption tab, click the Browse button.
  8. In the window for selecting a request access file, specify the path to the file received from the user.

You will see information about the user's request. Kaspersky Security Center generates a key file. Email the generated encrypted data access key file to the user. Or save the access file and use any available method to transfer the file.


Granting access in offline mode

How to obtain an encrypted non-system hard drive access key file in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose data you want to restore access to.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
  4. Select Data Encryption.
  5. Click the Select file button and select the request access file that you received from the user (a file with the KESDC extension).

    The Web Console will display information about the request. This will include the name of the computer on which the user is requesting access to the file.

  6. Click the Save key button and select a folder to save the encrypted data access key file (a file with the KESDR extension).

As a result, you will be able to obtain the encrypted data access key, which you will need to transfer to the user.

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[Topic 229662]

Signing in with the Authentication Agent service account

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to add an Authentication Agent service account when encrypting a drive. The service account is necessary to gain access to the computer, for example, when the user forgets the password. You can also use the service account as a reserve account. To add an account, select a service account in disk encryption settings and enter the name of the user account (by default, ServiceAccount). To authenticate using the agent, you will need a one-time password.

How to find out the one-time password in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Double-click to open the computer properties window.
  5. In the computer properties window, select the Tasks section.
  6. In the task list, select Manage Authentication Agent accounts and open the task properties by double-clicking.
  7. In the task properties window, select the Settings section.
  8. In the list of accounts, select the Authentication Agent service account (for example, WIN10-USER\ServiceAccount).
  9. In the Action drop-down list, select View account.
  10. In account properties, select the Show original password check box.
  11. Copy the one-time password for logging in with the service account.

How to find out the one-time password in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Click the name of the computer on which you want to view the list of Authentication Agent accounts.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. In computer properties, select the Tasks tab.
  4. In the task list, select Manage Authentication Agent accounts.
  5. In the task properties, select the Application Settings tab.
  6. In the list of accounts, select the Authentication Agent service account (for example, WIN10-USER\ServiceAccount).
  7. In account properties, select the Show password check box.
  8. Copy the one-time password for logging in with the service account.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically updates the password every time a user authenticates with the service account. After authenticating using the agent, you must enter the Windows account password. When signing in with the service account, you cannot use the SSO technology.

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[Topic 188902]

Updating the operating system

There are a number of special considerations for updating the operating system of a computer that is protected by Full Disk Encryption (FDE). Update the operating system as follows: first update the OS on one computer, then update the OS on a small portion of the computers, then update the OS on all computers of the network.

If you are using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, Authentication Agent is loaded before the operating system is started. Using Authentication Agent, the user can sign in to the system and receive access to encrypted drives. Then the operating system begins loading.

If you start an update of the operating system on a computer that is protected using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology, the OS Update Wizard will remove Authentication Agent. As a result, the computer can be locked because the OS loader will not be able to access the encrypted drive.

For details about safely updating the operating system, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.

Automatic updating of the operating system is available under the following conditions:

  1. The operating system is updated through WSUS (Windows Server Update Services).
  2. Windows 10 version 1607 (RS1) or later is installed on the computer.
  3. Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.2.0 or later is installed on the computer.

If all the conditions are met, you can update the operating system in the usual way.

If you are using Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technology and Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows version 11.1.0 or 11.1.1 is installed on the computer, you do not need to decrypt the hard drives to update Windows 10.

To update the operating system, you need to do the following:

  1. Prior to updating the system, copy the drivers named cm_km.inf, cm_km.sys, klfde.cat, klfde.inf, klfde.sys, klfdefsf.cat, klfdefsf.inf, and klfdefsf.sys to a local folder. For example, C:\fde_drivers.
  2. Run the system update installation with the /ReflectDrivers switch and specify the folder containing the saved drivers:

    setup.exe /ReflectDrivers C:\fde_drivers

If you are using BitLocker Drive Encryption technology, you do not need to decrypt the hard drives to update Windows 10. For more details on BitLocker, please visit the Microsoft website.

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[Topic 179327]

Eliminating errors of encryption functionality update

Full Disk Encryption is updated when a previous version of the application is upgraded to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0.

When starting update of the Full Disk Encryption functionality the following errors may occur:

  • Unable to initialize update.
  • Device is incompatible with Authentication Agent.

To eliminate errors that occurred when you start update process of the Full Disk Encryption functionality in the new application version:

  1. Decrypt hard drives.
  2. Encrypt hard drives once again.

During update of the Full Disk Encryption functionality the following errors may occur:

  • Unable to complete the update.
  • Full Disk Encryption upgrade rollback completed with an error.

To eliminate errors that occurred during update process of the Full Disk Encryption functionality,

restore access to encrypted devices using Restore Utility.

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[Topic 128771]

Selecting the Authentication Agent tracing level

The application logs service information about the operation of the Authentication Agent and information about the user's operations with the Authentication Agent in the trace file.

To select the Authentication Agent tracing level:

  1. As soon as a computer with encrypted hard drives starts, press the F3 button to call up a window for configuring Authentication Agent settings.
  2. Select the tracing level in the Authentication Agent settings window:
    • Disable debug logging (default). If this option is selected, the application does not log information about Authentication Agent events in the trace file.
    • Enable debug logging. If this option is selected, the application logs information about the operation of the Authentication Agent and the user operations performed with the Authentication Agent in the trace file.
    • Enable verbose logging. If this option is selected, the application logs detailed information about the operation of the Authentication Agent and the user operations performed with the Authentication Agent in the trace file.

      The level of detail of entries under this option is higher compared to the level of the Enable debug logging option. A high level of detail of entries can slow down the startup of the Authentication Agent and the operating system.

    • Enable debug logging and select serial port. If this option is selected, the application logs information about the operation of the Authentication Agent and the user operations performed with the Authentication Agent in the trace file, and relays it via the COM port.

      If a computer with encrypted hard drives is connected to another computer via the COM port, Authentication Agent events can be examined from this other computer.

    • Enable verbose debug logging and select serial port. If this option is selected, the application logs detailed information about the operation of the Authentication Agent and the user operations performed with the Authentication Agent in the trace file, and relays it via the COM port.

      The level of detail of entries under this option is higher compared to the level of the Enable debug logging and select serial port option. A high level of detail of entries can slow down the startup of the Authentication Agent and the operating system.

Data is recorded in the Authentication Agent trace file if there are encrypted hard drives on the computer or during full disk encryption.

The Authentication Agent trace file is not sent to Kaspersky, unlike other trace files of the application. If necessary, you can manually send the Authentication Agent trace file to Kaspersky for analysis.

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[Topic 123495]

Editing Authentication Agent help texts

Before editing help messages of the Authentication Agent, please review the list of supported characters in a preboot environment (see below).

To edit Authentication Agent help messages:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionCommon encryption settings.
  6. In the Templates block, click the Help button.
  7. In the window that opens, do the following:
    • Select the Authentication tab to edit the help text shown in the Authentication Agent window when account credentials are being entered.
    • Select the Change password tab to edit the help text shown in the Authentication Agent window when the password for the Authentication Agent account is being changed.
    • Select the Recover password tab to edit the help text shown in the Authentication Agent window when the password for the Authentication Agent account is being recovered.
  8. Edit help messages.

    If you want to restore the original text, click the By default button.

    You can enter help text containing 16 lines or less. The maximum length of a line is 64 characters.

  9. Save your changes.

Limited support for characters in Authentication Agent help messages

In a preboot environment, the following Unicode characters are supported:

  • Basic Latin alphabet (0000 - 007F)
  • Additional Latin-1 characters (0080 - 00FF)
  • Extended Latin-A (0100 - 017F)
  • Extended Latin-B (0180 - 024F)
  • Uncombined extended ID characters (02B0 - 02FF)
  • Combined diacritical marks (0300 - 036F)
  • Greek and Coptic alphabets (0370 - 03FF)
  • Cyrillic (0400 - 04FF)
  • Hebrew (0590 - 05FF)
  • Arabic script (0600 - 06FF)
  • Additional extended Latin (1E00 - 1EFF)
  • Punctuation marks (2000 - 206F)
  • Currency symbols (20A0 - 20CF)
  • Letter-like symbols (2100 - 214F)
  • Geometric figures (25A0 - 25FF)
  • Presentation forms of Arabic script-B (FE70 - FEFF)

Characters that are not specified in this list are not supported in a preboot environment. It is not recommended to use such characters in Authentication Agent help messages.

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[Topic 128199]

Removing leftover objects and data after testing the operation of Authentication Agent

During application uninstallation, if Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects objects and data that remained on the system hard drive after test operation of Authentication Agent, application uninstallation is interrupted and becomes impossible until such objects and data are removed.

Objects and data may remain on the system hard drive after test operation of Authentication Agent only in exceptional cases. For example, this can happen if the computer has not been restarted after a Kaspersky Security Center policy with encryption settings was applied, or if the application fails to start after test operation of Authentication Agent.

You can remove objects and data that remained on the system hard drive after test operation of Authentication Agent in the following ways:

To use a Kaspersky Security Center policy to remove objects and data that remained after test operation of Authentication Agent:

  1. Apply to the computer a Kaspersky Security Center policy with settings configured to decrypt all computer hard drives.
  2. Start Kaspersky Endpoint Security.


To remove information about application incompatibility with Authentication Agent,

type the avp pbatestreset command in the command line.

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[Topic 196002]

BitLocker Management

BitLocker is an encryption technology built into Windows operating systems. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to control and manage Bitlocker using Kaspersky Security Center. BitLocker encrypts logical volumes. BitLocker cannot be used for encryption of removable drives. For more details on BitLocker, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

BitLocker provides secure storage of access keys using a trusted platform module. A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip developed to provide basic functions related to security (for example, to store encryption keys). A Trusted Platform Module is usually installed on the computer motherboard and interacts with all other system components via the hardware bus. Using TPM is the safest way to store BitLocker access keys, since TPM provides pre-startup system integrity verification. You can still encrypt drives on a computer without a TPM. In this case, the access key will be encrypted with a password. BitLocker uses the following authentication methods:

  • TPM.
  • TPM and PIN.
  • Password.

After encrypting a drive, BitLocker creates a master key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the master key to Kaspersky Security Center so that you can restore access to the disk, for example, if a user has forgotten the password.

If a user encrypts a disk using BitLocker, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will send information about disk encryption to Kaspersky Security Center. However, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not send the master key to Kaspersky Security Center, so it will be impossible to restore access to the disk using Kaspersky Security Center. For BitLocker to work correctly with Kaspersky Security Center, decrypt the drive and re-encrypt the drive using a policy. You can decrypt a drive locally or using a policy.

After encrypting the system hard drive, the user needs to go through BitLocker authentication to boot the operating system. After the authentication procedure, BitLocker will allow for users to log in. BitLocker does not support single sign-on technology (SSO).

If you are using Windows group policies, turn off BitLocker management in the policy settings. Windows policy settings may conflict with Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy settings. When encrypting a drive, errors may occur.

In this section

Starting BitLocker Drive Encryption

Decrypting a hard drive protected by BitLocker

Restoring access to a drive protected by BitLocker

Pausing BitLocker protection to update software

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[Topic 130689]

Starting BitLocker Drive Encryption

Prior to starting full disk encryption, you are advised to make sure that the computer is not infected. To do so, start the Full Scan or Critical Areas Scan task. Performing full disk encryption on a computer that is infected by a rootkit may cause the computer to become inoperable.

To use BitLocker Drive Encryption on computers running Windows operating systems for servers, installing the BitLocker Drive Encryption component may be required. Install the component using the operating system tools (Add Roles and Components Wizard). For more information about installing BitLocker Drive Encryption, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

How to run BitLocker Drive Encryption through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select BitLocker Drive Encryption.
  7. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Encrypt all hard drives.

    If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encryption you will be able to load only the operating system in which the encryption was performed.

  8. Configure advanced BitLocker Drive Encryption options (see table below).
  9. Save your changes.

How to run BitLocker Drive Encryption through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  5. In the Manage encryption block, select BitLocker Drive Encryption.
  6. Click the BitLocker Drive Encryption link.

    This opens the Bitlocker Drive Encryption settings window.

  7. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Encrypt all hard drives.

    If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encryption you will be able to load only the operating system in which the encryption was performed.

  8. Configure advanced BitLocker Drive Encryption options (see table below).
  9. Save your changes.

You can use the Encryption Monitor tool to control the disk encryption or decryption process on a user's computer. You can run the Encryption Monitor tool from the main application window.

Encryption Monitor

After the policy is applied, the application will display the following queries, depending on the authentication settings:

  • TPM only. No user input required. The disk will be encrypted when the computer restarts.
  • TPM + PIN / Password. If a TPM module is available, a PIN code prompt window appears. If a TPM module is not available, you will see a password prompt window for preboot authentication.
  • Password only. You will see a password prompt window for preboot authentication.

If the Federal Information Processing standard compatibility mode is enabled for computer operating system, then in Windows 8 and earlier versions of operating system, a request for connecting a storage device is displayed to save the recovery key file. You can save multiple recovery key files on a single storage device.

After setting a password or a PIN, BitLocker will ask you to restart your computer to complete the encryption. Next, the user needs to go through the BitLocker authentication procedure. After the authentication procedure, the user must log on to the system. After the operating system has loaded, BitLocker will complete the encryption.

If there is no access to encryption keys, the user may request the local network administrator to provide a recovery key (if the recovery key was not saved earlier on the storage device or was lost).

BitLocker Drive Encryption component settings



Enable use of BitLocker authentication requiring pre-boot keyboard input on tablets

This check box enables / disables the use of authentication requiring data input in a preboot environment, even if the platform does not have the capability for preboot input (for example, with touchscreen keyboards on tablets).

The touchscreen of tablet computers is not available in the preboot environment. To complete BitLocker authentication on tablet computers, the user must connect a USB keyboard, for example.

If the check box is selected, use of authentication requiring preboot input is allowed. It is recommended to use this setting only for devices that have alternative data input tools in a preboot environment, such as a USB keyboard in addition to touchscreen keyboards.

If the check box is cleared, BitLocker Drive Encryption is not possible on tablets.

Use hardware encryption (Windows 8 and later versions)

If the check box is selected, the application applies hardware encryption. This lets you increase the speed of encryption and use less computer resources.

Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time)

This check box enables / disables the option that limits the encryption area to only occupied hard drive sectors. This limit lets you reduce encryption time.

Enabling or disabling the Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time) feature after starting encryption does not modify this setting until the hard drives are decrypted. You must select or clear the check box before starting encryption.

If the check box is selected, only portions of the hard drive that are occupied by files are encrypted. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically encrypts new data as it is added.

If the check box is cleared, the entire hard drive is encrypted, including residual fragments of previously deleted and modified files.

This option is recommended for new hard drives whose data has not been modified or deleted. If you are applying encryption on a hard drive that is already in use, it is recommended to encrypt the entire hard drive. This ensures protection of all data, even deleted data that is potentially recoverable.

This check box is cleared by default.

Authentication method

Only password (Windows 8 and later versions)

If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for a password when the user attempts to access an encrypted drive.

This option can be selected when a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is not being used.

Trusted platform module (TPM)

If this option is selected, BitLocker uses a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip developed to provide basic functions related to security (for example, to store encryption keys). A Trusted Platform Module is usually installed on the computer motherboard and interacts with all other system components via the hardware bus.

For computers running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, only encryption using a TPM module is available. If a TPM module is not installed, BitLocker encryption is not possible. Use of a password on these computers is not supported.

A device equipped with a Trusted Platform Module can create encryption keys that can be decrypted only with the device. A Trusted Platform Module encrypts encryption keys with its own root storage key. The root storage key is stored within the Trusted Platform Module. This provides an additional level of protection against attempts to hack encryption keys.

This action is selected by default.

You can set an additional layer of protection for access to the encryption key, and encrypt the key with a password or a PIN:

  • Use PIN for TPM. If this check box is selected, a user can use of a PIN code to obtain access to an encryption key that is stored in a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

    If this check box is cleared, users are prohibited from using PIN codes. To access the encryption key, a user must enter the password.

    You can allow the user to use enhanced PIN. Enhanced PIN allows using other characters in addition to numerical characters: uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, special characters, and spaces.

  • Trusted platform module (TPM), or password if TPM is unavailable. If the check box is selected, the user can use a password to obtain access to encryption keys when a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is not available.

If the check box is cleared and the TPM is not available, full disk encryption will not start.

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[Topic 196150]

Decrypting a hard drive protected by BitLocker

Users can decrypt a disk using the operating system (the Turn Off BitLocker function). After that, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt the user to encrypt the disk again. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be prompting to encrypt the disk unless you enable disk decryption in the policy.

How to decrypt a hard drive protected by BitLocker through the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption technology drop-down list, select BitLocker Drive Encryption.
  7. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Decrypt all hard drives.
  8. Save your changes.

How to decrypt a BitLocker-encrypted hard drive through the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFull Disk Encryption.
  5. Select the BitLocker Drive Encryption technology and follow the link to configure the settings.

    The encryption settings open.

  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select Decrypt all hard drives.
  7. Save your changes.

You can use the Encryption Monitor tool to control the disk encryption or decryption process on a user's computer. You can run the Encryption Monitor tool from the main application window.

Encryption Monitor

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[Topic 130939]

Restoring access to a drive protected by BitLocker

If a user has forgotten the password for accessing a hard drive encrypted by BitLocker, you need to start the recovery procedure (Request-Response).

If the computer's operating system has Federal Information Processing standard (FIPS) compatibility mode enabled, then in Windows 8 and older the recovery key file is saved to the removable drive before encryption. To restore access to the drive, insert the removable drive and follow the on-screen instructions.

Restoring access to a hard drive encrypted by BitLocker consists of the following steps:

  1. The user tells the administrator the recovery key ID (see the figure below).
  2. The administrator verifies the ID of the recovery key in the computer properties in Kaspersky Security Center. The ID that the user provided must match the ID that is displayed in the computer properties.
  3. If the recovery key IDs match, the administrator provides the user with the recovery key or sends a recovery key file.

    A recovery key file is used for computers running the following operating systems:

    • Windows 7;
    • Windows 8;
    • Windows Server 2008;
    • Windows Server 2011;
    • Windows Server 2012.

    For all other operating systems, a recovery key is used.

  4. The user enters the recovery key and gains access to the hard drive.

    Restoring access to a hard drive encrypted by BitLocker

Restoring access to a system drive

To start the recovery procedure, the user needs to press the Esc key at the pre-boot authentication stage.

How to view the recovery key for a system drive encrypted by BitLocker in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. On the Devices tab, select the computer of the user requesting access to encrypted data and right-click to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu, select Grant access in offline mode.
  6. In the window that opens, select the Access to a BitLocker-protected system drive tab.
  7. Prompt the user for the recovery key ID indicated in the BitLocker password input window, and compare it with the ID in the Recovery key ID field.

    If the IDs do not match, this key is not valid for restoring access to the specified system drive. Make sure that the name of the selected computer matches the name of the user's computer.

As a result, you will have access to the recovery key or file of the recovery key, which will need to be transferred to the user.


Restoring access to a drive encrypted with BitLocker

How to view the recovery key for a BitLocker-encrypted system drive in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose drive you want to restore access to.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
  4. In the window that opens, select the BitLocker section.
  5. Verify the recovery key ID. The ID provided by the user must match the ID that is displayed in the computer settings.

    If the IDs do not match, this key is not valid for restoring access to the specified system drive. Make sure that the name of the selected computer matches the name of the user's computer.

  6. Click Receive key.

As a result, you will have access to the recovery key or file of the recovery key, which will need to be transferred to the user.

After the operating system is loaded, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user to change the password or PIN code. After you set a new password or PIN code, BitLocker will create a new master key and send the key to Kaspersky Security Center. As a result, the recovery key and recovery key file will be updated. If the user has not changed the password, you can use the old recovery key the next time the operating system loads.

Windows 7 computers don't allow changing the password or PIN code. After the recovery key is entered and the operating system is loaded, Kaspersky Endpoint Security won't prompt the user to change the password or PIN code. Thus, it is impossible to set a new password or a PIN code. This issue stems from the peculiarities of the operating system. To continue, you need to re-encrypt the hard drive.

Restoring access to a non-system drive

To start the recovery procedure, the user needs to click the Forgot your password link in the window providing access to the drive. After gaining access to the encrypted drive, the user can enable automatic unlocking of the drive during Windows authentication in the BitLocker settings.

How to view the recovery key for a non-system drive encrypted by BitLocker in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select the AdditionalData encryption and protectionEncrypted drives folder.
  3. In the workspace, select the encrypted device for which you want to create an access key file, then in the context menu of the device, click Get access to the device in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  4. Prompt the user for the recovery key ID indicated in the BitLocker password input window, and compare it with the ID in the Recovery key ID field.

    If the IDs do not match, this key is not valid for restoring access to the specified drive. Make sure that the name of the selected computer matches the name of the user's computer.

  5. Send the user the key that is indicated in the Recovery key field.


    Restoring access to a drive encrypted with BitLocker

How to view the recovery key for a BitLocker-encrypted non-system drive in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select OperationsData encryption and protectionEncrypted Drives.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose drive you want to restore access to.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.

    This starts the Wizard for granting access to a device.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Wizard for granting access to a device:
    1. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows plug-in.
    2. Verify the recovery key ID. The ID provided by the user must match the ID that is displayed in the computer settings.

      If the IDs do not match, this key is not valid for restoring access to the specified system drive. Make sure that the name of the selected computer matches the name of the user's computer.

    3. Click the Receive key button.

As a result, you will have access to the recovery key or file of the recovery key, which will need to be transferred to the user.

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[Topic 215598]

Pausing BitLocker protection to update software

There are a number of special considerations for updating the operating system, installing update packages for the operating system, or updating other software with BitLocker protection turned on. Installing updates may require restarting the computer multiple times. After each restart, the user must complete BitLocker authentication. To make sure updates install correctly, you can temporarily turn off BitLocker authentication. In this case the disk stays encrypted and the user has access to data after signing in to the system. To manage BitLocker authentication, you can use the BitLocker Protection Management task. You can use this task to specify the number of computer restarts that do not require BitLocker authentication. In this way, after updates are installed and the BitLocker Protection Management task is complete, BitLocker authentication is automatically enabled. You can enable BitLocker authentication at any time.

How to pause BitLocker protection using the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the folder Administration ServerTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the New task button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Selecting task type

Select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0)BitLocker Protection Management.

Step 2. BitLocker Protection Management

Configure BitLocker authentication. To pause BitLocker protection, select Temporarily allow skipping BitLocker authentication and enter the number of restarts without BitLocker authentication (1 to 15 times). If necessary, enter an expiration date and time for the task. At the specified time, the task is automatically turned off, and the user must complete BitLocker authentication when the computer is restarted.

Step 3. Selecting the devices to which the task will be assigned

Select the computers on which the task will be performed. The following options are available:

  • Assign the task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to computers included in a previously created administration group.
  • Select computers detected by the Administration Server in the network: unassigned devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Specify device addresses manually, or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.

Step 4. Defining the task name

Enter the name of the task, for example Updating to Windows 10.

Step 5. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. If necessary, select the Run the task after the Wizard finishes check box. You can monitor the progress of the task in the task properties.

How to pause BitLocker protection using Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

The Task Wizard starts. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Configuring general task settings

Configure the general task settings:

  1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
  2. In the Task type drop-down list, select BitLocker protection management.
  3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Updating to Windows 10.
  4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.

Step 2. BitLocker Protection Management

Configure BitLocker authentication. To pause BitLocker protection, select Temporarily allow skipping BitLocker authentication and enter the number of restarts without BitLocker authentication (1 to 15 times). If necessary, enter an expiration date and time for the task. At the specified time, the task is automatically turned off, and the user must complete BitLocker authentication when the computer is restarted.

Step 3. Completing task creation

Exit the Wizard. A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button.

As a result, when the task is running, after the next restart of the computer, BitLocker does not prompt the user for authentication. After each restart of the computer without BitLocker authentication, Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates a corresponding event and records the number of remaining restarts. Kaspersky Endpoint Security then sends the event to Kaspersky Security Center to be monitored by the administrator. You can also find out the number of remaining restarts in computer properties in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

When the specified number of restarts or the expiration time of the task is reached, BitLocker authentication is automatically turned on. To gain access to data, the user must complete BitLocker authentication.

On computers running Windows 7, BitLocker cannot count computer restarts. Counting restarts on Windows 7 computers is handled by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Thus to automatically turn on BitLocker authentication after each restart, Kaspersky Endpoint Security must be started.

To turn on BitLocker authentication ahead of time, open the BitLocker Protection Management task properties and select Request authentication each time in preboot.

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[Topic 57604]

File Level Encryption on local computer drives

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

File encryption has the following special features:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts / decrypts files in predefined folders only for local user profiles of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt or decrypt files in predefined folders of roaming user profiles, mandatory user profiles, temporary user profiles, or redirected folders.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files whose modification could harm the operating system and installed applications. For example, the following files and folders with all nested folders are on the list of encryption exclusions:
    • %WINDIR%;
    • Windows registry files.

    The list of encryption exclusions cannot be viewed or edited. While files and folders on the list of encryption exclusions can be added to the encryption list, they will not be encrypted during file encryption.

In this section

Encrypting files on local computer drives

Forming encrypted file access rules for applications

Encrypting files that are created or modified by specific applications

Generating a decryption rule

Decrypting files on local computer drives

Creating encrypted packages

Restoring access to encrypted files

Restoring access to encrypted data after operating system failure

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

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[Topic 123292]

Encrypting files on local computer drives

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files that are located in OneDrive cloud storage or in other folders that have OneDrive as their name. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also blocks the copying of encrypted files to OneDrive folders if those files are not added to the decryption rule.

To encrypt files on local drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select According to rules.
  7. On the Encryption tab, click the Add button, and in the drop-down list select one of the following items:
    1. Select the Predefined folders item to add files from folders of local user profiles suggested by Kaspersky experts to an encryption rule.
      • Documents. Files in the standard Documents folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.
      • Favorites. Files in the standard Favorites folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.
      • Desktop. Files in the standard Desktop folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.
      • Temporary files. Temporary files related to the operation of applications installed on the computer. For example, Microsoft Office applications create temporary files containing backup copies of documents.

        It is not recommended to encrypt temporary files, as this can cause data loss. For example, Microsoft Word creates temporary files when processing a document. If temporary files are encrypted, but the original file is not, the user may receive an Access Denied error when trying to save the document. Additionally, Microsoft Word might save the file, but it will not be possible to open the document the next time, i.e. the data will be lost.

      • Outlook files. Files related to the operation of the Outlook mail client: data files (PST), offline data files (OST), offline address book files (OAB), and personal address book files (PAB).
    2. Select the Custom folder item to add a manually entered folder path to an encryption rule.

      When adding a folder path, adhere to the following rules:

      • Use an environment variable (for example, %FOLDER%\UserFolder\). You can use an environment variable only once and only at the beginning of the path.
      • Do not use relative paths.
      • Do not use the * and ? characters.
      • Do not use UNC paths.
      • Use ; or , as a separator character.
    3. Select the Files by extension item to add individual file extensions to an encryption rule. Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts files with the specified extensions on all local drives of the computer.
    4. Select the Files by groups of extensions item to add groups of file extensions to an encryption rule (for example, Microsoft Office documents). Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts files that have the extensions listed in the groups of extensions on all local drives of the computer.
  8. Save your changes.

As soon as the policy is applied, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts the files that are included in the encryption rule and not included in the decryption rule.

File encryption has the following special features:

  • If the same file is added to both an encryption rule and a decryption rule, then Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:
    • If the file is not encrypted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt this file.
    • If the file is encrypted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts this file.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security continues to encrypt new files if these files meet the criteria of the encryption rule. For example, when you change the properties of an unencrypted file (path or extension), the file then meets the criteria of the encryption rule. Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts this file.
  • When the user creates a new file whose properties meet the encryption rule criteria, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts the file as soon as it is opened.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security postpones the encryption of open files until they are closed.
  • If you move an encrypted file to another folder on the local drive, the file remains encrypted regardless of whether or not this folder is included in the encryption rule.
  • If you decrypt a file and copy it to another local folder that is not included in the decryption rule, a copy of the file may be encrypted. To prevent the copied file from being encrypted, create a decryption rule for the target folder.
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[Topic 123296]

Forming encrypted file access rules for applications

To form encrypted file access rules for applications:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select According to rules.

    Access rules are applied only when in the According to rules mode. After applying access rules in According to rules mode, if you switch to Leave unchanged mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will ignore all access rules. All applications will have access to all encrypted files.

  7. In the right part of the window, select the Rules for applications tab.
  8. If you want to select applications exclusively from the Kaspersky Security Center list, click the Add button and in the drop-down list select the Applications from Kaspersky Security Center list item.
    1. Specify the filters to narrow down the list of applications in the table. To do so, specify the values of the Application, Vendor, and Period added parameters, and all check boxes from the Group block.
    2. Click Refresh.
    3. The table lists applications that match the applied filters.
    4. In the Application column, select check boxes opposite the applications for which you want to form encrypted file access rules.
    5. In the Rule for applications drop-down list, select the rule that will determine the access of applications to encrypted files.
    6. In the Actions for applications that were selected earlier drop-down list, select the action to be taken by Kaspersky Endpoint Security on encrypted file access rules that were previously formed for such applications.

    The details of an encrypted file access rule for applications appear in the table on the Rules for applications tab.

  9. If you want to manually select applications, click the Add button and in the drop-down list select the Custom applications item.
    1. In the entry field, type the name or list of names of executable application files, including their extensions.

      You can also add the names of executable files of applications from the Kaspersky Security Center list by clicking the Add from Kaspersky Security Center list button.

    2. If required, in the Description field, enter a description of the list of applications.
    3. In the Rule for applications drop-down list, select the rule that will determine the access of applications to encrypted files.

    The details of an encrypted file access rule for applications appear in the table on the Rules for applications tab.

  10. Save your changes.
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[Topic 134863]

Encrypting files that are created or modified by specific applications

You can create a rule by which Kaspersky Endpoint Security will encrypt all files created or modified by the applications specified in the rule.

Files that were created or modified by the specified applications before the encryption rule was applied will not be encrypted.

To configure encryption of files that are created or modified by specific applications:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select According to rules.

    Encryption rules are applied only in According to rules mode. After applying encryption rules in According to rules mode, if you switch to Leave unchanged mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will ignore all encryption rules. Files that were previously encrypted will remain encrypted.

  7. In the right part of the window, select the Rules for applications tab.
  8. If you want to select applications exclusively from the Kaspersky Security Center list, click the Add button and in the drop-down list select the Applications from Kaspersky Security Center list item.
    1. Specify the filters to narrow down the list of applications in the table. To do so, specify the values of the Application, Vendor, and Period added parameters, and all check boxes from the Group block.
    2. Click Refresh.

      The table lists applications that match the applied filters.

    3. In the Application column, select the check boxes next to the applications whose created files you want to encrypt.
    4. In the Rule for applications drop-down list, select Encrypt all created files.
    5. In the Actions for applications that were selected earlier drop-down list, select the action to be taken by Kaspersky Endpoint Security on file encryption rules that were previously formed for such applications.

    Information about the encryption rule for files created or modified by selected applications is displayed in the table on the Rules for applications tab.

  9. If you want to manually select applications, click the Add button and in the drop-down list select the Custom applications item.
    1. In the entry field, type the name or list of names of executable application files, including their extensions.

      You can also add the names of executable files of applications from the Kaspersky Security Center list by clicking the Add from Kaspersky Security Center list button.

    2. If required, in the Description field, enter a description of the list of applications.
    3. In the Rule for applications drop-down list, select Encrypt all created files.

    Information about the encryption rule for files created or modified by selected applications is displayed in the table on the Rules for applications tab.

  10. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123295]

Generating a decryption rule

To generate a decryption rule:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select According to rules.
  7. On the Decryption tab, click the Add button, and in the drop-down list select one of the following items:
    1. Select the Predefined folders item to add files from folders of local user profiles suggested by Kaspersky experts to a decryption rule.
    2. Select the Custom folder item to add a manually entered folder path to a decryption rule.
    3. Select the Files by extension item to add individual file extensions to a decryption rule. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files with the specified extensions on all local drives of the computer.
    4. Select the Files by groups of extensions item to add groups of file extensions to a decryption rule (for example, Microsoft Office documents). Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files that have the extensions listed in the groups of extensions on all local drives of the computer.
  8. Save your changes.

If the same file has been added to the encryption rule and the decryption rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt this file if it is not encrypted, and decrypts the file if it is encrypted.

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[Topic 123294]

Decrypting files on local computer drives

To decrypt files on local drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  6. In the right part of the window, select the Encryption tab.
  7. Remove files and folders that you want to decrypt from the encryption list. To do so, select files and select the Delete rule and decrypt files item in the context menu of the Remove button.

    Files and folders removed from the encryption list are automatically added to the decryption list.

  8. Form a file decryption list.
  9. Save your changes.

As soon as the policy is applied, Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts encrypted files that are added to the decryption list.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts encrypted files if their parameters (file path / file name / file extension) change to match the parameters of objects added to the decryption list.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security postpones the decryption of open files until they are closed.

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[Topic 57617]

Creating encrypted packages

To protect your data when sending files to users outside the corporate network, you can use encrypted packages. Encrypted packages can be convenient for transferring large files on removable drives, as email clients have file size restrictions.

Before creating encrypted packages, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt the user for a password. To reliably protect the data, you can enable password strength check and specify password strength requirements. This will prevent users from using short and simple passwords, for example, 1234.

How to enable password strength check when creating encrypted archives in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionCommon encryption settings.
  6. In the Password settings block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the Encrypted packages tab.
  8. Configure password complexity settings when creating encrypted packages.

How to enable password strength check when creating encrypted archives in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionFile Level Encryption.
  5. In the Encrypted package password settings block, configure the password strength criteria required when creating encrypted packages.

You can create encrypted packages on computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed with File Level Encryption available.

When adding a file to the encrypted package whose contents reside in OneDrive cloud storage, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the contents of the file and performs encryption.

To create an encrypted package:

  1. In any file manager, select the files or folders that you want to add to the encrypted package. Right-click to open their context menu.
  2. In the context menu, select New encrypted package (see figure below).

    Creating an encrypted package

  3. In the window that opens, specify the password and confirm it.

    The password must meet the complexity criteria specified in the policy.

  4. Click Create.

The encrypted package creation process starts. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not perform file compression when it creates an encrypted package. When the process finishes, a self-extracting password-protected encrypted package (an executable file with .exe extension – ) is created in the selected destination folder.

To access files in an encrypted package, double-click it to start the Unpacking Wizard, then enter the password. If you forgot or lost your password, it is not possible to recover it and access the files in the encrypted package. You can recreate the encrypted package.

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[Topic 128083]

Restoring access to encrypted files

When files are encrypted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives an encryption key required for directly accessing the encrypted files. Using this encryption key, a user working under any Windows user account that was active during file encryption can directly access the encrypted files. Users working under Windows accounts that were inactive during file encryption must connect to Kaspersky Security Center in order to access the encrypted files.

Encrypted files may be inaccessible under the following circumstances:

  • The user's computer stores encryption keys, but there is no connection with Kaspersky Security Center for managing them. In this case, the user must request access to encrypted files from the LAN administrator.

    If access to Kaspersky Security Center does not exist, you must:

    • request an access key for access to encrypted files on computer hard drives;
    • to access encrypted files that are stored on removable drives, request separate access keys for encrypted files on each removable drive.
  • Encryption components are deleted from the user's computer. In this event, the user may open encrypted files on local and removable disks but the contents of those files will appear encrypted.

    The user may work with encrypted files under the following circumstances:

    • Files are placed inside encrypted packages created on a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed.
    • Files are stored on removable drives on which portable mode has been allowed.

To gain access to encrypted files, the user needs to start the recovery procedure (Request-Response).

Recovering access to encrypted files consists of the following steps:

  1. The user sends a request access file to the administrator (see the figure below).
  2. The administrator adds the request access file to Kaspersky Security Center, creates an access key file and sends the file to the user.
  3. The user adds the access key file to Kaspersky Endpoint Security and gains access to the files.

    Restoring access to encrypted files

To start the recovery procedure, the user needs to attempt to access a file. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will create a request access file (a file with the KESDC extension), which the user needs to send to the administrator, for example, by email.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates a request access file for access to all encrypted files stored on the computer's drive (local drive or removable drive).

How to obtain an encrypted data access key file in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. On the Devices tab, select the computer of the user requesting access to encrypted data and right-click to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu, select Grant access in offline mode.
  6. In the window that opens, select the Data Encryption tab.
  7. On the Data Encryption tab, click the Browse button.
  8. In the window for selecting a request access file, specify the path to the file received from the user.

You will see information about the user's request. Kaspersky Security Center generates a key file. Email the generated encrypted data access key file to the user. Or save the access file and use any available method to transfer the file.


Granting access in offline mode

How to obtain an encrypted data access key file in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose data you want to restore access to.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
  4. Select Data Encryption.
  5. Click the Select file button and select the request access file that you received from the user (a file with the KESDC extension).

    The Web Console will display information about the request. This will include the name of the computer on which the user is requesting access to the file.

  6. Click the Save key button and select a folder to save the encrypted data access key file (a file with the KESDR extension).

As a result, you will be able to obtain the encrypted data access key, which you will need to transfer to the user.

After receiving the encrypted data access key file, the user needs to run the file by double-clicking it. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will grant access to all encrypted files stored on the drive. To access encrypted files that are stored on other drives, you must obtain a separate access key file for each drive.

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[Topic 128094]

Restoring access to encrypted data after operating system failure

You can restore access to data after operating system failure only for file level encryption (FLE). You cannot restore access to data if full disk encryption (FDE) is used.

To restore access to encrypted data after operating system failure:

  1. Reinstall the operating system without formatting the hard drive.
  2. Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  3. Establish a connection between the computer and the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server that controlled the computer when the data was encrypted.

Access to encrypted data will be granted under the same conditions that applied before operating system failure.

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[Topic 123497]

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

To edit templates of encrypted file access messages:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionCommon Encryption Settings.
  6. In the Templates block, click the Templates button.
  7. In the window that opens, do the following:
    • If you want to edit the user message template, select the User's message tab. The Access to data is blocked window opens when the user attempts to access an encrypted file while there is no key available on the computer for access to encrypted files. Clicking the Send by email button in the Access to data is blocked window automatically creates a user message. This message is sent to the corporate LAN administrator along with the file requesting access to encrypted files.
    • If you want to edit the administrator message template, select the Administrator's message tab. This message is created automatically when you click the Send by email button in the Request access to encrypted files window and is sent to the user after the user is granted access to encrypted files.
  8. Edit the message templates.
  9. Save your changes.

See also:

Editing templates of Web Control messages

Editing templates of Device Control messages

Editing Application Control message templates

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

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[Topic 128082]

Encryption of removable drives

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports encryption of files in FAT32 and NTFS file systems. If a removable drive with an unsupported file system is connected to the computer, the encryption task for this removable drive ends with an error and Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigns the read-only status to the removable drive.

To protect data on removable drives, you can use the following types of encryption:

  • Full Disk Encryption (FDE).

    Encryption of the entire removable drive, including the file system.

    It is not possible to access encrypted data outside the corporate network. It is also impossible to access encrypted data inside the corporate network if the computer is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center (e.g. on a guest computer).

  • File Level Encryption (FLE).

    Encryption of only files on a removable drive. The file system remains unchanged.

    Encryption of files on removable drives provides the capability to access data outside the corporate network using a special mode called portable mode.

During encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a master key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the master key in the following repositories:

  • Kaspersky Security Center.
  • User's computer.

    The master key is encrypted with the user's secret key.

  • Removable drive.

    The master key is encrypted with the public key of Kaspersky Security Center.

After encryption is complete, the data on the removable drive can be accessed within the corporate network as if was on an ordinary unencrypted removable drive.

Accessing encrypted data

When a removable drive with encrypted data is connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

  1. Checks for a master key in the local storage on the user's computer.

    If the master key is found, the user gains access to the data on the removable drive.

    If the master key is not found, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    1. Sends a request to Kaspersky Security Center.

      After receiving the request, Kaspersky Security Center sends a response that contains the master key.

    2. Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the master key in the local storage on the user's computer for subsequent operations with the encrypted removable drive.
  2. Decrypts the data.

Special features of removable drive encryption

Encryption of removable drives has the following special features:

  • The policy with preset settings for removable drive encryption is formed for a specific group of managed computers. Therefore, the result of applying the Kaspersky Security Center policy configured for encryption / decryption of removable drives depends on the computer to which the removable drive is connected.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt / decrypt read-only files that are stored on removable drives.
  • The following device types are supported as removable drives:
    • Data media connected via the USB bus
    • hard drives connected via USB and FireWire buses
    • SSD drives connected via USB and FireWire buses

In this section

Starting encryption of removable drives

Adding an encryption rule for removable drives

Exporting and importing a list of encryption rules for removable drives

Portable mode for accessing encrypted files on removable drives

Decryption of removable drives

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[Topic 123503]

Starting encryption of removable drives

You can use a policy to decrypt a removable drive. A policy with defined settings for removable drive encryption is generated for a specific administration group. Therefore, the result of data decryption on removable drives depends on the computer to which the removable drive is connected.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports encryption in FAT32 and NTFS file systems. If a removable drive with an unsupported file system is connected to the computer, removable drive encryption ends with an error and Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigns read-only access for the removable drive.

Before encrypting files on a removable drive, make sure it is formatted and there are no hidden partitions (such as an EFI system partition). If the drive contains unformatted or hidden partitions, file encryption may fail with an error.

To encrypt removable drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  6. In the Encryption mode drop-down list, select the default action that you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to perform on removable drives:
    • Encrypt entire removable drive (FDE). Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts the contents of a removable drive sector by sector. As a result, the application encrypts not only the files stored on the removable drive but also its file systems, including the file names and folder structures on the removable drive.
    • Encrypt all files (FLE). Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts all files that are stored on removable drives. The application does not encrypt the file systems of removable drives, including the names of files and folder structures.
    • Encrypt new files only (FLE). Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts only those files that have been added to removable drives or that were stored on removable drives and have been modified after the Kaspersky Security Center policy was last applied.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt a removable drive that is already encrypted.

  7. If you want to use portable mode for encryption of removable drives, select the Portable mode check box.

    Portable mode is a mode of file encryption (FLE) on removable drives that provides the ability to access data outside of a corporate network. Portable mode also lets you work with encrypted data on computers that do not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed.

  8. If you want to encrypt a new removable drive, it is recommended to select the Encrypt used disk space only check box. If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will encrypt all files, including the residual fragments of deleted or modified files.
  9. If you want to configure encryption for individual removable drives, define encryption rules.
  10. If you want to use full disk encryption of removable drives in offline mode, select the Allow encryption of removable drives in offline mode check box.

    Offline encryption mode refers to encryption of removable drives (FDE) when there is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center. During encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the master key only on the user's computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will send the master key to Kaspersky Security Center during the next synchronization.

    If the computer on which the master key is saved is corrupted and data is not sent to Kaspersky Security Center, it is not possible to obtain access to the removable drive.

    If the Allow encryption of removable drives in offline mode check box is cleared and there is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center, removable drive encryption is not possible.

  11. Save your changes.

After the policy is applied, when the user connects a removable drive or if a removable drive is already connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for confirmation to perform the encryption operation (see the figure below).

The application lets you perform the following actions:

  • If the user confirms the encryption request, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts the data.
  • If the user declines the encryption request, Kaspersky Endpoint Security leaves the data unchanged and assigns read-only access for this removable drive.
  • If the user does not respond to the encryption request, Kaspersky Endpoint Security leaves the data unchanged and assigns read-only access for this removable drive. The application prompts for confirmation again when subsequently applying a policy or the next time this removable drive is connected.

If the user initiates safe removal of a removable drive during data encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security interrupts the data encryption process and allows removal of the removable drive before the encryption process has finished. Data encryption will be continued the next time the removable drive is connected to this computer.

If encryption of a removable drive failed, view the Data Encryption report in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. Access to files may be blocked by another application. In this case, try unplugging the removable drive from the computer and connecting it again.

Removable drive encryption request

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[Topic 123493]

Adding an encryption rule for removable drives

To add an encryption rule for removable drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  6. Click the Add button, and in the drop-down list select one of the following items:
    • If you want to add encryption rules for removable drives that are in the list of trusted devices of the Device Control component, select From list of trusted devices of this policy.
    • If you want to add encryption rules for removable drives that are in the Kaspersky Security Center list, select From Kaspersky Security Center list of devices.
  7. In the Encryption mode for selected devices drop-down list, select the action to be performed by Kaspersky Endpoint Security on files stored on the selected removable drives.
  8. Select the Portable mode check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to prepare removable drives before encryption, making it possible to use encrypted files stored on them in portable mode.

    Portable mode lets you use encrypted files stored on removable drives that are connected to computers without encryption functionality.

  9. Select the Encrypt used disk space only check box if you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to encrypt only those disk sectors that are occupied by files.

    If you are applying encryption on a drive that is already in use, it is recommended to encrypt the entire drive. This ensures that all data is protected - even deleted data that might still contain retrievable information. The Encrypt used disk space only function is recommended for new drives that have not been previously used.

    If a device was previously encrypted using the Encrypt used disk space only function, after applying a policy in Encrypt entire removable drive mode, sectors that are not occupied by files will still not be encrypted.

  10. In the Actions for devices that were selected earlier drop-down list, select the action to be performed by Kaspersky Endpoint Security according to encryption rules that had been previously defined for removable drives:
    • If you want the previously created encryption rule for the removable drive to remain unchanged, select Skip.
    • If you want the previously created encryption rule for the removable drive to be replaced by the new rule, select Refresh.
  11. Save your changes.

The added encryption rules for removable drives will be applied to removable drives connected to any computers in the organization.

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[Topic 202233]

Exporting and importing a list of encryption rules for removable drives

You can export the list of removable drive encryption rules to an XML file. Then you can modify the file to, for example, add a large number of rules for the same type of removable drives. You can also use the export/import function to back up the list of rules or to migrate the rules to a different server.

How to export and import a list of removable drive encryption rules in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  6. To export the list of encryption rules for removable drives:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export. To select multiple ports, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys.

      If you did not select any rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will export all rules.

    2. Click the Export link.
    3. In the window that opens, specify the name of the XML file to which you want to export the list of rules, and select the folder in which you want to save this file.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to the XML file.

  7. To import a list of encryption rules for removable drives:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.

How to export and import a list of removable drive encryption rules in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  5. In the Encryption rules for selected devices block, click the Encryption rules link.

    This opens a list of encryption rules for removable drives.

  6. To export the list of encryption rules for removable drives:
    1. Select the rules that you want to export.
    2. Click Export.
    3. Confirm that you want to export only the selected rules, or export the entire list.
    4. Save the file.

      Kaspersky Endpoint Security exports the list of rules to an XML file in the default downloads folder.

  7. To import the list of rules:
    1. Click the Import link.

      In the window that opens, select the XML file from which you want to import the list of rules.

    2. Open the file.

      If the computer already has a list of rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to delete the existing list or add new entries to it from the XML file.

  8. Save your changes.
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[Topic 123492]

Portable mode for accessing encrypted files on removable drives

Portable mode is a mode of file encryption (FLE) on removable drives that provides the ability to access data outside of a corporate network. Portable mode also lets you work with encrypted data on computers that do not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed.

Portable mode is convenient to use in the following cases:

  • There is no connection between the computer and the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
  • The infrastructure has changed with the change of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not installed on the computer.

Portable File Manager

To work in portable mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs a special encryption module named Portable File Manager on a removable drive. The Portable File Manager provides an interface for working with encrypted data if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not installed on the computer (see the figure below). If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on your computer, you can work with encrypted removable drives using your usual file manager (for example, Explorer).

The Portable File Manager stores a key to encrypt files on a removable drive. The key is encrypted with the user password. The user sets a password before encrypting files on a removable drive.

The Portable File Manager starts automatically when a removable drive is connected to a computer on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not installed. If automatic startup of applications is disabled on the computer, manually start the Portable File Manager. To do so, run the file named pmv.exe that is stored on the removable drive.

Portable File Manager

Support for portable mode for working with encrypted files

How to enable portable mode support for working with encrypted files on removable drives in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  6. In the Encryption mode for selected devices drop-down list, select Encrypt all files or Encrypt new files only.

    Portable mode is available only with File Level Encryption (FLE). It is not possible to enable portable mode support for Full Disk Encryption (FDE).

  7. Select the Portable mode check box.
  8. If necessary, add encryption rules for individual removable drives.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. After applying the policy, connect the removable drive to the computer.
  11. Confirm the removable drive encryption operation.

    This opens a window in which you can create a password for Portable File Manager.

    Portable mode password request

  12. Specify a password that meets the strength requirements and confirm it.
  13. Save your changes.

How to enable portable mode support for working with encrypted files on removable drives in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  5. In the Manage encryption block, select Encrypt all files or Encrypt new files only.

    Portable mode is available only with File Level Encryption (FLE). It is not possible to enable portable mode support for Full Disk Encryption (FDE).

  6. Select the Portable mode check box.
  7. If necessary, add encryption rules for individual removable drives.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. After applying the policy, connect the removable drive to the computer.
  10. Confirm the removable drive encryption operation.

    This opens a window in which you can create a password for Portable File Manager.

    Portable mode password request

  11. Specify a password that meets the strength requirements and confirm it.
  12. Save your changes.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security will encrypt files on the removable drive. The Portable File Manager used for working with encrypted files will also be added to the removable drive. If there are already encrypted files on the removable drive, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will encrypt them again using its own key. This allows the user to access all files on the removable drive in portable mode.

Accessing encrypted files on a removable drive

After encrypting files on a removable drive with portable mode support, the following file access methods are available:

  • If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not installed on the computer, the Portable File Manager will prompt you to enter a password. You will need to enter the password each time you restart the computer or reconnect the removable drive.
  • If the computer is located outside the corporate network and Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computer, the application will prompt you to enter the password or send the administrator a request to access the files. After gaining access to files on a removable drive, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will save the secret key in the computer's key storage. This will allow access to files in the future without entering a password or asking the administrator (see figure below).
  • If the computer is located inside the corporate network and Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computer, you will get access to the device without entering a password. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will receive the secret key from the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server to which the computer is connected.

    Accessing encrypted files on a removable drive

Recovering the password for working in portable mode

If you have forgotten the password for working in portable mode, you need to connect the removable drive to a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed inside the corporate network. You will get access to the files because the secret key is stored in the computer's key storage or on the Administration Server. Decrypt and re-encrypt files with a new password.

Features of portable mode when connecting a removable drive to a computer from another network

If the computer is located outside the corporate network and Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computer, you can access the files in the following ways:

  • Password-based access

    After entering the password, you will be able to view, modify, and save files on the removable drive (transparent access). Kaspersky Endpoint Security can set a read-only access right for a removable drive if the following parameters are configured in the policy settings for encryption of removable drives:

    • Portable mode support is disabled.
    • The Encrypt all files or Encrypt new files only mode is selected.

    In all other cases, you will get full access to the removable drive (read/write permission). You will be able to add and delete files.

    You can change the removable drive access permissions even while the removable drive is connected to the computer. If the removable drive access permissions are changed, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access to the files and prompt you for the password again.

    After entering the password, you cannot apply encryption policy settings for the removable drive. In this case, it is impossible to decrypt or re-encrypt files on the removable drive.

  • Ask the administrator for access to files

    If you have forgotten the password for working in portable mode, ask the administrator for access to files. To access the files, the user needs to send the administrator a request access file (a file with the KESDC extension). The user can send the request access file by email, for example. The administrator will send an encrypted data access file (a file with the KESDR extension).

    After you complete the Request-Response password recovery procedure, you will receive transparent access to files on the removable drive, and full access to the removable drive (read/write permission).

    You can apply a removable drive encryption policy, and decrypt files, for example. After recovering the password or when the policy is updated, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt you to confirm the changes.

    How to obtain an encrypted data access file in the Administration Console (MMC)

    1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
    2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
    3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
    4. On the Devices tab, select the computer of the user requesting access to encrypted data and right-click to open the context menu.
    5. In the context menu, select Grant access in offline mode.
    6. In the window that opens, select the Data Encryption tab.
    7. On the Data Encryption tab, click the Browse button.
    8. In the window for selecting a request access file, specify the path to the file received from the user.

    You will see information about the user's request. Kaspersky Security Center generates a key file. Email the generated encrypted data access key file to the user. Or save the access file and use any available method to transfer the file.


    Granting access in offline mode

    How to obtain an encrypted data access file in the Web Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
    2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer whose data you want to restore access to.
    3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.
    4. Select Data Encryption.
    5. Click the Select file button and select the request access file that you received from the user (a file with the KESDC extension).

      The Web Console will display information about the request. This will include the name of the computer on which the user is requesting access to the file.

    6. Click the Save key button and select a folder to save the encrypted data access key file (a file with the KESDR extension).

    As a result, you will be able to obtain the encrypted data access key, which you will need to transfer to the user.

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[Topic 123500]

Decryption of removable drives

You can use a policy to decrypt a removable drive. A policy with defined settings for removable drive encryption is generated for a specific administration group. Therefore, the result of data decryption on removable drives depends on the computer to which the removable drive is connected.

To decrypt removable drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select Data EncryptionEncryption of removable drives.
  6. If you want to decrypt all encrypted files that are stored on removable drives, in the Encryption mode drop-down list select Decrypt entire removable drive.
  7. To decrypt data that is stored on individual removable drives, edit the encryption rules for removable drives whose data you want to decrypt. To do so:
    1. In the list of removable drives for which encryption rules have been configured, select an entry corresponding to the removable drive you need.
    2. Click the Set a rule button to edit the encryption rule for the selected removable drive.
    3. In the context menu of the Set a rule button, click Decrypt entire removable drive.
  8. Save your changes.

As a result, if a user connects a removable drive or if it is already connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts the removable drive. The application warns the user that the decryption process may take some time. If the user initiates safe removal of a removable drive during data decryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security interrupts the data decryption process and allows removal of the removable drive before the decryption operation has finished. Data decryption will be continued the next time the removable drive is connected to the computer.

If decryption of a removable drive failed, view the Data Encryption report in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. Access to files may be blocked by another application. In this case, try unplugging the removable drive from the computer and connecting it again.

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[Topic 65058]

Viewing data encryption details

While encryption or decryption in progress, Kaspersky Endpoint Security relays information about the status of encryption parameters applied to client computers to Kaspersky Security Center.

The following encryption status values are possible:

  • Encryption policy not defined. A Kaspersky Security Center encryption policy has not been defined for the computer.
  • Applying policy. Data encryption and / or decryption is in progress on the computer.
  • Error. An error occurred during data encryption and / or decryption on the computer.
  • Reboot required. The operating system has to be rebooted in order to start or finish data encryption or decryption on the computer.
  • Compliant with policy. Data encryption on the computer has been completed using the encryption settings specified in the Kaspersky Security Center policy applied to the computer.
  • Cancelled by user. The user has declined to confirm the file encryption operation on the removable drive.

In this section

Viewing the encryption status

Viewing encryption statistics on Kaspersky Security Center dashboards

Viewing file encryption errors on local computer drives

Viewing the data encryption report

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[Topic 128095]

Viewing the encryption status

To view the encryption status of computer data:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. On the Devices tab in the workspace, slide the scroll bar all the way to the right.
  5. If the Encryption status column is not displayed:
    1. Right-click to open the context menu for the table header.
    2. In the context menu, in the View drop-down list, select Add/Remove columns.
    3. In the window that opens, check the Encryption status box.
    4. Click OK.

The Encryption status column shows the encryption status of data on computers in the selected administration group. This status is formed based on information about file encryption on local drives of the computer, and about full disk encryption.

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[Topic 128096]

Viewing encryption statistics on Kaspersky Security Center dashboards

To view the encryption status on Kaspersky Security Center dashboards:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, select the Administration Server node.
  3. In the workspace to the right of the Administration Console tree, select the Statistics tab.
  4. Create a new page with details panes containing data encryption statistics. To do so:
    1. On the Statistics tab, click the Customize view button.
    2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
    3. This opens a window; in that window, in the General section, enter the name of the page.
    4. In the Information panels section, click the Add button.
    5. In the window that opens in the Protection status group, select the Encryption of devices item.
    6. Click OK.
    7. If necessary, edit the settings of the details pane. To do so, use the View and Devices sections.
    8. Click OK.
    9. Repeat steps d – h of the instructions, selecting the Encryption of removable drives item in the Protection status section.

      The details panes added appear in the Information panels list.

    10. Click OK.

      The name of the page with details panes created at the previous steps appears in the Pages list.

    11. Click the Close button.
  5. On the Statistics tab, open the page that was created during the previous steps of the instructions.

The details panes appear, showing the encryption status of computers and removable drives.

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[Topic 128786]

Viewing file encryption errors on local computer drives

To view the file encryption errors on local computer drives:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
  4. Select the name of the computer in the list and right-click it to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu of the computer, select the Properties item. In the window that opens, select the Protection section.
  6. Click the View data encryption errors link to open the Data encryption errors window.

This window shows the details of file encryption errors on local computer drives. When an error is corrected, Kaspersky Security Center removes the error details from the Data encryption errors window.

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[Topic 128372]

Viewing the data encryption report

To view the data encryption report:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Server node of the Administration Console tree, select the Reports tab.
  3. Click the New report template button.

    The New Report Template Wizard starts.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Report Template Wizard. In the Selecting the report template type window in the Other section, select one of the following items:
    • Report on encryption status of managed devices.
    • Report on encryption status of mass storage devices.
    • Report on file encryption errors.
    • Report on blockage of access to encrypted files.

    After you have finished with the New Report Template Wizard, the new report template appears in the table on the Reports tab.

  5. Select the report template that was created at the previous steps of the instructions.
  6. In the context menu of the template, select Show report.

The report generation process starts. The report is displayed in a new window.

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[Topic 128089]

Working with encrypted devices when there is no access to them

Obtaining access to encrypted devices

A user may be required to request access to encrypted devices in the following cases:

  • The hard drive was encrypted on a different computer.
  • The encryption key for a device is not on the computer (for example, upon the first attempt to access the encrypted removable drive on the computer), and the computer is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center.

    After the user has applied the access key to the encrypted device, Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the encryption key on the user's computer and allows access to this device upon subsequent access attempts even if there is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center.

Access to encrypted devices can be obtained as follows:

  1. The user uses the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application interface to create a request access file with the kesdc extension and sends it to the corporate LAN administrator.
  2. The administrator uses the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console to create an access key file with the kesdr extension and sends it to the user.
  3. The user applies the access key.

Restoring data on encrypted devices

A user can use the Encrypted Device Restore Utility (hereinafter referred to as the Restore Utility) to work with encrypted devices. This may be required in the following cases:

  • The procedure for using an access key to obtain access was unsuccessful.
  • Encryption components have not been installed on the computer with the encrypted device.

The data needed to restore access to encrypted devices using the Restore Utility resides in the memory of the user's computer in unencrypted form for some time. To reduce the risk of unauthorized access to such data, you are advised to restore access to encrypted devices on trusted computers.

Data on encrypted devices can be restored as follows:

  1. The user uses the Restore Utility to create a request access file with the fdertc extension and sends it to the corporate LAN administrator.
  2. The administrator uses the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console to create an access key file with the fdertr extension and sends it to the user.
  3. The user applies the access key.

To restore data on encrypted system hard drives, the user can also specify the Authentication Agent account credentials in the Restore Utility. If the metadata of the Authentication Agent account has been corrupted, the user must complete the restoration procedure using a request access file.

Before restoring data on encrypted devices, it is recommended to cancel the Kaspersky Security Center policy or disable encryption in the Kaspersky Security Center policy settings on the computer where the procedure will be performed. This prevents the device from being encrypted again.

In this section

Recovering data by using the FDERT Restore Utility

Creating an operating system rescue disk

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[Topic 130941]

Recovering data by using the FDERT Restore Utility

If the hard drive fails, the file system may be corrupt. If this is the case, data protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology will be unavailable. You can decrypt the data and copy the data to a new drive.

Data recovery on a drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a stand-alone Restore Utility (see the figure below).
  2. Connect a drive to a computer that does not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security encryption components installed.
  3. Run the Restore Utility and diagnose the hard drive.
  4. Access data on the drive. To do so, enter the credentials of the Authentication Agent or start the recovery procedure (Request-Response).

    FDERT Restore Utility

Creating a standalone restore utility

To create the executable file of Restore Utility:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_support button.
  2. In the window that opens, click the Restore encrypted device button.

    Encrypted device Restore Utility starts.

  3. Click the Create Stand-alone Restore Utility button in the window of Restore Utility.
  4. Save the stand-alone Restore Utility to computer memory.

As a result, the executable file of the Restore Utility (fdert.exe) will be saved in the specified folder. Copy the Restore Utility to a computer that does not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security encryption components. This prevents the drive from being encrypted again.

The data needed to restore access to encrypted devices using the Restore Utility resides in the memory of the user's computer in unencrypted form for some time. To reduce the risk of unauthorized access to such data, you are advised to restore access to encrypted devices on trusted computers.

Recovering data on a hard drive

To restore access to an encrypted device using the Restore Utility:

  1. Run the file named fdert.exe, which is the executable file of the Restore Utility. This file is created by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  2. In the Restore Utility window, select the encrypted device to which you want to restore access.
  3. Click the Scan button to allow the utility to define which of the actions should be taken on the device: whether it should be unlocked or decrypted.

    If the computer has access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security encryption functionality, the Restore Utility prompts you to unlock the device. While unlocking the device does not decrypt it, the device becomes directly accessible as a result of being unlocked. If the computer does not have access to Kaspersky Endpoint Security encryption functionality, the Restore Utility prompts you to decrypt the device.

  4. If you want to import diagnostic information, click the Save diagnostics button.

    The utility will save an archive with files containing diagnostic information.

  5. Click the Fix MBR button if diagnostics of the encrypted system hard drive has returned a message about problems involving the master boot record (MBR) of the device.

    Fixing the master boot record of the device can speed up the process of obtaining information that is needed for unlocking or decrypting the device.

  6. Click the Unlock or Decrypt button depending on the results of diagnostics.
  7. If you want to restore data using an Authentication Agent account, select the Use Authentication Agent account settings option and enter the credentials of the Authentication Agent.

    This method is possible only when restoring data on a system hard drive. If the system hard drive was corrupted and Authentication Agent account data has been lost, you must obtain an access key from the corporate LAN administrator to restore data on an encrypted device.

  8. If you want to start the recovery procedure, do the following:
    1. Select the Specify device access key manually option.
    2. Click the Receive access key button and save the request access file to computer memory (a file with the FDERTC extension).
    3. Send the request access file to the corporate LAN administrator.

      Do not close the Receive device access key window until you have received the access key. When this window is opened again, you will not be able to apply the access key that was previously created by the administrator.

    4. Receive and save the access file (a file with the FDERTR extension) created and sent to you by the corporate LAN administrator (see the instructions below).
    5. Download the access file in the Receive device access key window.
  9. If you are decrypting a device, you must configure additional decryption settings:
    • Specify area to decrypt:
      • If you want to decrypt the entire device, select the Decrypt entire device option.
      • If you want to decrypt a portion of the data on a device, select the Decrypt individual device areas option and specify the decryption area boundaries.
    • Select the location for writing the decrypted data:
      • If you want the data on the original device to be rewritten with the decrypted data, clear the Decrypt to a disk image file check box.
      • If you want to save decrypted data separately from the original encrypted data, select the Decrypt to a disk image file check box and use the Browse button to specify the path where to save the VHD file.
  10. Click OK.

The device unlocking / decryption process starts.

How to create an encrypted data access file in the Administration Console (MMC)

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console tree, select the AdditionalData encryption and protectionEncrypted drives folder.
  3. In the workspace, select the encrypted device for which you want to create an access key file, then in the context menu of the device, click Get access to the device in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    If you are not sure for which computer the access request file was generated, in the Administration Console tree select the AdditionalData encryption and protection folder and in the workspace, click Get device encryption key in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

  4. In the window that opens, select the encryption algorithm to use: AES256 or AES56.

    The data encryption algorithm depends on the AES encryption library that is included in the distribution package: Strong encryption (AES256) or Lite encryption (AES56). The AES encryption library is installed together with the application.

  5. Click Browse to open a window; in this window, specify the path to the request file with the fdertc extension that was received from the user.
  6. Click the Open button.

You will see information about the user's request. Kaspersky Security Center generates a key file. Email the generated encrypted data access key file to the user. Or save the access file and use any available method to transfer the file.

How to create an encrypted data access file in the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select OperationsData encryption and protectionEncrypted Drives.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the computer on which you want to recover data.
  3. Click the Grant access to the device in offline mode button.

    This starts the Wizard for granting access to a device.

  4. Follow the instructions of the Wizard for granting access to a device:
    1. Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows plug-in.
    2. Select the encryption algorithm to use: AES256 or AES56.

      The data encryption algorithm depends on the AES encryption library that is included in the distribution package: Strong encryption (AES256) or Lite encryption (AES56). The AES encryption library is installed together with the application.

    3. Click the Select file button and select the request access file received from the user (a file with the FDERTC extension).
    4. Click the Save key button and select a folder to save the key file for accessing encrypted data (a file with the FDERTR extension).

As a result, you will be able to obtain the encrypted data access key, which you will need to transfer to the user.

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[Topic 64998]

Creating an operating system rescue disk

The operating system rescue disk can be useful when an encrypted hard drive cannot be accessed for some reason and the operating system cannot load.

You can load an image of the Windows operating system using the rescue disk and restore access to the encrypted hard drive using Restore Utility included in the operating system image.

To create an operating system rescue disk:

  1. Create an executable file for the Encrypted Device Restore Utility.
  2. Create a custom image of the Windows pre-boot environment. While creating the custom image of the Windows pre-boot environment, add the executable file of Restore Utility to the image.
  3. Save the custom image of the Windows pre-installation environment to bootable media such as a CD or removable drive.

    Refer to Microsoft help files for instructions on creating a custom image of the Windows pre-boot environment (for example, in the Microsoft TechNet resource).

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[Topic 224511]

Detection and Response solutions

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports Detection and Response solutions using a built-in agent. To use Detection and Response, you must enable integration with these solutions when installing the application. The built-in agent supports:

  • Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR);
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum 2.0 (EDR Optimum);
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (EDR Expert);
  • Kaspersky Sandbox 2.0.

You can use Kaspersky Endpoint Security with Detection and Response solution in different configurations, for example, [MDR+EDR Optimum 2.0+Kaspersky Sandbox 2.0].

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent supports Detection and Response solutions that the built-in Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support (for example, Kaspersky Sandbox 1.0).

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You must download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package separately.

In this Help section

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Managed Detection and Response

Endpoint Detection and Response

Kaspersky Sandbox

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA EDR)

Managing Quarantine

Page top

[Topic 190287]

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent supports interaction between the application and other Kaspersky solutions for detecting advanced threats (e.g. Kaspersky Sandbox). Kaspersky solutions are compatible with specific versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

To use Kaspersky Endpoint Agent as part of Kaspersky solutions, you must activate those solutions with a corresponding license key.

For complete information about the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent for Windows included in the software solution you are using, and for complete information about the standalone solution, please refer to the Help Guide of the relevant product:

  • Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform Help
  • Kaspersky Sandbox Help
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help
  • Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You must download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package separately.

Correspondence of KES and KEA versions

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent














In this Help section

Policy and Task Migration for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent] configuration

Page top

[Topic 224503]

Policy and Task Migration for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has a wizard for migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You can migrate policy and task settings for the following solutions:

  • Kaspersky Sandbox;
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum);
  • Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR).

It is recommended to begin with migrating Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security on a single computer, then do it on a group of computers, and then complete the migration on all computers of the organization.

To migrate policy and task settings from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security,

in the main window of the Web Console, select OperationsMigration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

This runs the Policy and Task Migration Wizard. Follow the instructions of the Wizard.

Step 1. Policy migration

The Migration Wizard creates a new policy which merges the settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies. In the policy list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policies whose settings you want to merge with the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. Click a Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy to select the Kaspersky Endpoint Security with which you want to merge settings. Make sure you selected the correct policies and go to the next step.

Step 2. Task migration

The Migration Wizard creates new tasks for Kaspersky Endpoint Security. In the task list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Agent tasks which you want to create for Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. The Wizard supports tasks for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response and Kaspersky Sandbox. Go to the next step.

Step 3. Wizard completion

Exit the Wizard. As a result, the wizard:

  • Creates a new Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy merges settings from Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. The policy is called <Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy name> & <Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy name>. The new policy has the Inactive status. To continue, change the statuses of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and Kaspersky Endpoint Security policies to Inactive and activate the new merged policy.

    After migrating from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, please make sure that the new policy has the functionality for data transfer to the Administration Server (quarantine file data and threat development chain data) set up. Data transfer parameter values are not migrated from a Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy.

  • Creates new Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks.

    New tasks are copies of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent tasks for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response and Kaspersky Sandbox. At the same time, the Wizard leaves Kaspersky Endpoint Agent tasks unchanged.

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[Topic 225064]

Migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent] configuration

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has built-in agents for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum 2.0 (EDR Optimum) and Kaspersky Sandbox 2.0 solutions. You no longer need a separate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application to work with these solutions. When you upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 11.7.0, the EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox solutions keep working with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. In addition, the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is removed from the computer.

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You must download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package separately.

Migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent] involves the following steps:

  1. Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center

    Upgrade all Kaspersky Security Center components to version 13.2, including the Administration Agent on user computers and Web Console.

  2. Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in

    In Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, upgrade the Kaspersky Endpoint Security web plug-in to version 11.7.0. To manage EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox components, you must use Web Console.

  3. Migrating the policy and tasks

    Use the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent Policy and Task Migration Wizard to migrate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This creates a new Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. The new policy has the Inactive status. To apply the policy, open policy properties, accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and set the status to Active.

  4. Licensing functionality

    If you use a common Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum or Kaspersky Optimum Security license to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, EDR Optimum functionality will be activated automatically after upgrading the application to version 11.7.0. You do not need to do anything else.

    If you use a stand-alone Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Add-on license to activate EDR Optimum functionality, you must make sure that the EDR Optimum key is added to the Kaspersky Security Center repository and the automatic license key distribution functionality is enabled. After you upgrade the application to version 11.7.0, EDR Optimum functionality is activated automatically.

    If you use a Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum or Kaspersky Optimum Security license to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, and a different license to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, you must replace the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows key with the common Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum or Kaspersky Optimum Security key. You can replace the key using the Add key task.

    You do not need to activate Kaspersky Sandbox functionality. Kaspersky Sandbox functionality will be available immediately after upgrading and activating Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

  5. Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application

    To upgrade the application and migrate EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox functionality, a remote installation task is recommended.

    To upgrade the application using a remote installation task, you must edit the following settings:

    • Select the Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum or Kaspersky Sandbox components in the settings of the installation package.
    • Exclude the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component in the settings of the installation package.

    You can also upgrade the application using the following methods:

    • Using Kaspersky update service (Seamless Update – SMU).
    • Locally, by using the Setup Wizard.

    In this case, you must check the configuration of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent that is installed on the computer. If the installed Kaspersky Endpoint Agent includes the Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (KATA EDR) component, remove the component before you upgrade the application. If you cannot remove the Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (KATA EDR) component, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will skip the EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox components when upgrading the application. You can install components using the Change application components task after upgrading the application.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports automatically selecting components when upgrading the application on a computer with the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application installed. The automatic selection of components depends on the permissions of the user account that is upgrading the application.

    If you are upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security using the EXE or MSI file under the system account (SYSTEM), Kaspersky Endpoint Security gains access to active licenses of Kaspersky solutions. Therefore, if the computer has, for example, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installed and the EDR Optimum solution activated, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installer automatically configures the set of components and selects the EDR Optimum component. This makes Kaspersky Endpoint Security switch to using the built-in agent and removes Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. Running the MSI installer under the system account (SYSTEM) is usually performed when upgrading via the Kaspersky update service (SMU) or when deploying an installation package via Kaspersky Security Center.

    If you are upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security using an MSI file under a non-privileged user account, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lacks access to active licenses of Kaspersky solutions. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically selects components based on Kaspersky Endpoint Agent configuration as follows:

    • If the Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (KATA EDR) component is installed, Kaspersky Endpoint Security selects the Endpoint Agent component. Kaspersky Endpoint Security selects only the Endpoint Agent component, even if Kaspersky Endpoint Agent has other components installed, for example the [KATA EDR+KSB] configuration.
    • If the Kaspersky Sandbox component, EDR Optimum, or the [Kaspersky Sandbox+EDR Optimum] configuration is installed, Kaspersky Endpoint Security selects the relevant components. This makes Kaspersky Endpoint Security switch to using the built-in agent and removes Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.
  6. Computer restart

    Restart your computer to finish upgrading the application with the built-in agent. When upgrading the application, the installer removes Kaspersky Endpoint Agent before the computer is restarted. After the computer is restarted, the installer adds the built-in agent. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not perform the functions of EDR and Kaspersky Sandbox until the computer is restarted.

  7. Checking the health of Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox

    If after the upgrade, the computer has the Critical status in the Kaspersky Security Center console:

    • Make sure that the computer has Administration Agent 13.2 installed.
    • Check the operating status of the EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox components by viewing the Application components status report. If a component has the Not installed status, install the components using the Change application components task.
    • Make sure you accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the new policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    Make sure EDR Optimum functionality is activated using the Application components status report. If a component has the Not covered by license status, make sure that the automatic license key distribution functionality of EDR Optimum is turned on.

Upgrading the application as part of KATA EDR

If you have Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installed for integration with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (the Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (KATA EDR) component), you can upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows in any of the following ways:

  • Using a remote installation task.

    To do so, you need to edit the following settings:

    • Exclude the Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox components in the settings of the installation package.
    • Select the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component in the settings of the installation package. If the computer already has Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installed, the application is upgraded to version 3.11.
  • Using the Kaspersky update service (SMU).

    To do so, you must confirm the application upgrade. Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox from the installation. Upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is not supported. You can upgrade Kaspersky Endpoint Agent manually.

  • Locally, by using the Setup Wizard.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox from the installation. If the computer already has Kaspersky Endpoint Agent installed, the application is upgraded to version 3.11.

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[Topic 206310]

Managed Detection and Response

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 introduces the built-in agent for the Managed Detection and Response solution. The Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution automatically detects and analyzes security incidents in your infrastructure. To do so, MDR uses telemetry data received from endpoints and machine learning. MDR sends incident data to Kaspersky experts. The experts can then process the incident and, for example, add a new entry to Anti-Virus databases. Alternatively, the experts can issue recommendations on processing the incident and, for example, suggest isolating computer from the network. For detailed information about how the solution works, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

In this Help section

Integration with MDR

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Page top

[Topic 224476]

Integration with MDR

To set up integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response, you must enable the Managed Detection and Response component and configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

You must enable the following components for Managed Detection and Response to work:

Enabling these components is non-optional. Otherwise Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response cannot function because it does not receive required telemetry data.

In addition, Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response uses data received from other application components. Enabling those components is optional. Components that provide additional data include:

For Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response to work with Administration Server via Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, you must also establish a new secure connection, a background connection. Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response prompts you to establish a background connection when you deploy the solution. Make sure the background connection is established. For details about the integration of Kaspersky Security Center with other Kaspersky solutions, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring Private Kaspersky Security Network

    Skip this step if you are using Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console automatically configures Local Kaspersky Security Network when installing the MDR plug-in.

    Private KSN supports data exchange between computers and Kaspersky Security Network dedicated servers, but not Global KSN.

    Upload the Kaspersky Security Network configuration file in the Administration Server properties. The Kaspersky Security Network configuration file is located within the ZIP archive of the MDR configuration file. You can obtain the ZIP archive in the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Console. For details on configuring Private Kaspersky Security Network, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help. You can also upload a Kaspersky Security Network configuration file to the computer from the command line (see the instructions below).

    How to configure Private Kaspersky Security Network from the command line

    1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
    2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
    3. Run the following command:

      avp.com KSN /private <file name>

      where <file name> is the name of the configuration file containing the Private KSN settings (PKCS7 or PEM file format).


      avp.com KSN /private C:\kpsn_config.pkcs7

    As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will use Private KSN to determine the reputation of files, applications, and websites. The policy settings in the Kaspersky Security Network section will show the following operating status: KSN network: Private KSN.

    You must enable extended KSN mode for Managed Detection and Response to work.

  2. Enabling Managed Detection and Response component

    Load the BLOB configuration file in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy (see the instructions below). The BLOB file contains the client ID and information about the license for Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response. The BLOB file is located inside the ZIP archive of the MDR configuration file. You can obtain the ZIP archive in the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Console. For detailed information about a BLOB file, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

    How to enable Managed Detection and Response component in the Administration Console (MMC)

    1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
    2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
    3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
    4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
    5. In the policy window, select Detection and ResponseManaged Detection and Response.
    6. Select the Managed Detection and Response check box.
    7. In the Settings block, click Import and select the BLOB file received in the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Console. The file has the P7 extension.
    8. Save your changes.

    How to enable Managed Detection and Response component in the Web Console and Cloud Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
    2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

      The policy properties window opens.

    3. Select the Application settings tab.
    4. Go to Detection and ResponseManaged Detection and Response.
    5. Turn on the Managed Detection and Response toggle.
    6. Click Import and select the BLOB file that was obtained in the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Console. The file has the P7 extension.
    7. Save your changes.

    How to enable Managed Detection and Response component from the command line

    1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
    2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
    3. Run the following command:

      avp.com MDRLICENSE /ADD <file name> /login=<user name> /password=<password>

      To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Configure application settings permission.

    As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will verify the BLOB file. BLOB file verification includes checking the digital signature and the license term. If the BLOB file is successfully verified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will upload the file and send the file to the computer during the next synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center. Check the operating status of the component by viewing the Application components status report. You can also view the operating status of a component in reports in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The Managed Detection and Response component will be added to the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components.

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[Topic 224475]

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11 and later supports the MDR solution. Kaspersky Endpoint Security versions 11 – 11.5.0 only sends telemetry data to Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response to enable threat detection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.6.0 has all the functionality of the built-in agent (Kaspersky Endpoint Agent).

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 – 11.5.0, you must update databases to the latest version to work with the MDR solution. You must also install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 or later, you do not need to install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to use the MDR solution.

To migrate from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows:

  1. Configure integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.
  2. Disable the Managed Detection and Response component in the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy.

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy also applies to computers that do not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 – 11.5.0 installed, you must first create a separate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy for those computers. In the new policy, configure integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

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[Topic 213425]

Endpoint Detection and Response

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has a built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum solution (hereinafter also "EDR Optimum"). Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 now has a built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution (hereinafter also "EDR Expert"). Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response is a range of solutions for protecting the corporate IT infrastructure from advanced cyber threats. The functionality of the solutions combines automatic detection of threats with the ability to react to these threats to counteract advanced attacks including new exploits, ransomware, fileless attacks, as well as methods using legitimate system tools. EDR Expert offers more threat monitoring and response functionality than EDR Optimum. For details about the solutions, see the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help and the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response reviews and analyses threat development and provides security personnel or the Administrator with information about the potential attack that is necessary for a timely response. Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response displays alert details in a separate window. Alert Details is a tool for viewing the entirety of collected information about a detected threat. Alert details include, for example, the history of files appearing on the computer. For details about managing alert details, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help and the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response uses the following Threat Intelligence tools:

  • The Kaspersky Security Network (hereinafter also referred to as "KSN") cloud service infrastructure, which provides access to real-time file, website, and software reputation information from the Kaspersky knowledge base. Using data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. EDR Expert uses the Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) solution, which sends data to regional servers without sending data from devices to the KSN.
  • Integration with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal portal, which contains and displays information about the reputation of files and web addresses.
  • Kaspersky Threats database.
  • Cloud Sandbox technology that lets you run suspicious files in an isolated environment and check their reputation.

In this Help section

Integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Scan for indicators of compromise (standard task)

Move file to Quarantine

Get file

Delete file

Process start

Terminate process

Execution prevention

Computer network isolation

Cloud Sandbox

Appendix 1. Supported file extensions for Execution prevention

Appendix 2. Supported script interpreters

Appendix 3. IOC scan scope in the registry (RegistryItem)

Appendix 4. IOC file requirements

Page top

[Topic 225086]

Integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response

To integrate with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response, you must add the Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum (EDR Optimum) component or the Endpoint Detection and Response Expert (EDR Expert) component, and configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

The EDR Optimum and EDR Expert components are not compatible.

The following conditions must be fulfilled for Endpoint Detection and Response to work:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2. In earlier versions of Kaspersky Security Center, it is impossible to activate the Endpoint Detection and Response feature.
  • EDR Optimum can be managed in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. EDR Expert can be managed only using the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. You cannot manage this functionality using the Administration Console (MMC).
  • The application is activated and the functionality is covered by the license.
  • The Endpoint Detection and Response component is turned on.
  • Application components that Endpoint Detection and Response depends on are enabled and operational. Endpoint Detection and Response depends on the following components:

Integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response involves the following steps:

  1. Installing Endpoint Detection and Response components

    You can select the EDR Optimum or EDR Expert component during installation or upgrade, as well as using the Change application components task.

    You must restart your computer to finish upgrading the application with the new components.

  2. Activating Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response

    You can acquire a license to use Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response in the following ways:

    • Endpoint Detection and Response functionality is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows license.

      The feature will be available immediately after activation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    • Purchasing a separate license for EDR Optimum or EDR Expert (Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Add-on).

      The feature will be available after you add a separate key for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response. As a result, two keys are installed on the computer: a key for Kaspersky Endpoint Security and a key for Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response.

      Licensing for the stand-alone Endpoint Detection and Response functionality is the same as the licensing of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    Make sure that the EDR Optimum or EDR Expert functionality is included in the license and is running in the local interface of the application.

  3. Enabling Endpoint Detection and Response components

    You can enable or disable the component in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy settings.

    How to enable or disable the Endpoint Detection and Response component in the Web Console and Cloud Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
    2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

      The policy properties window opens.

    3. Select the Application settings tab.
    4. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
    5. Turn on the Endpoint Detection and Response toggle.
    6. Save your changes.

    The Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response component is enabled. Check the operating status of the component by viewing the Application components status report. You can also view the operating status of a component in reports in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum or Endpoint Detection and Response Expert component is added to the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components.

  4. Enabling data transfer to Administration Server

    To enable all the Endpoint Detection and Response features, data transfer must be enabled for the following types of data:

    • Quarantine file data.

      The data are required to obtain information about files quarantined on a computer through Web Console and Cloud Console. For example, you can download a file from quarantine for analysis in Web Console and Cloud Console.

    • Threat development chain data.

      The data are required to obtain information about threats detected on a computer in Web Console and Cloud Console. You can view alert details and take response actions in Web Console and Cloud Console.

    How to enable data transfer to the Administration Server in Web Console and Cloud Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
    2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

      The policy properties window opens.

    3. Select the Application settings tab.
    4. Go to General settingsReports and Storage.
    5. Please check the following boxes in the Data transfer to Administration Server block:
      • About Quarantine files.
      • About a threat development chain.
    6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 225087]

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 or newer with the EDR Optimum component (built-in agent) installed, the support of integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum solution is instantly available after the installation. The EDR Optimum component is not compatible with Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is installed on the computer, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is updated to version 11.7.0, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum continues working with Kaspersky Endpoint Security (migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent]). In addition, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will be removed from the computer. To complete migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, you need to transfer policy and task settings using the Migration Wizard.

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0–11.6.0 for interoperability with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum, the application includes Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. You can install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent side-by-side with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You must download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package separately.

The Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution does not support interoperability with Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. The Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution uses Kaspersky Endpoint Security with built-in agent (version 11.8.0 and later).

The EDR Optimum component as part of Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports interaction with the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum 2.0 solution. Interaction with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum version 1.0 is not supported.

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[Topic 213408]

Scan for indicators of compromise (standard task)

An Indicator of Compromise (IOC) is a set of data about an object or activity that indicates unauthorized access to the computer (compromise of data). For example, many unsuccessful attempts to sign in to the system can constitute an Indicator of Compromise. The IOC Scan tasks allows finding Indicators of Compromise on the computer and take threat response measures.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security searches for indicators of compromise using IOC files. IOC files are files containing the sets of indicators that the application tries to match to count a detection. IOC files must conform to the OpenIOC standard.

IOC Scan task run mode

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response lets you create standard IOC Scan tasks to detect compromised data. Standard IOC scan task is a group or local task that is created and configured manually in the Web Console. Tasks are run using IOC files prepared by the user. If you want to add an indicator of compromise manually, please read the requirements for IOC files.

The file that you can download by clicking the link below, contains a table with the full list of IOC terms of the OpenIOC standard.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security also supports stand-alone IOC scan tasks when the application is used as part of the Kaspersky Sandbox solution.

Creating an IOC Scan task

You can create IOC Scan tasks manually:

You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create an IOC Scan task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select IOC Scan.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Go to the next step.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Go to the next step.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

    The system account (SYSTEM) does not have permission to perform the IOC Scan task on network drives. If you want to run the task for a network drive, select the account of a user that has access to that drive.

    For standalone IOC Scan tasks on network drives, in the task properties you need to manually select the user account that has access to this drive.

  6. Exit the Wizard.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.

    The task properties window opens.

  8. Select the Application settings tab.
  9. Go to the IOC scan settings section.
  10. Load the IOC files to search for indicators of compromise.

    After loading the IOC files, you can view the list of indicators from IOC files.

    Adding or removing IOC files after running the task is not recommended. This can cause the IOC scan results to display incorrectly for prior runs of the task. To search indicators of compromise by new IOC files, it is recommended to add new tasks.

  11. Configure actions on IOC detection:
    • Isolate computer from the network. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security isolates the computer from the network to prevent the threat from spreading. You can configure the duration of the isolation in Endpoint Detection and Response component settings.
    • Move copy to Quarantine, delete object. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the malicious object found on the computer. Before deleting the object, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a backup copy in case the object needs to be restored later. Kaspersky Endpoint Security moves the backup copy to Quarantine.
    • Run scan of critical areas. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the Critical Areas Scan task. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the kernel memory, running processes, and disk boot sectors.
  12. Go to the Advanced section.
  13. Select data types (IOC documents) that must be analyzed as part of the task.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically selects data types (IOC documents) for the IOC Scan task in accordance with the content of loaded IOC files. It is not recommended to deselect data types.

    You can additionally configure scan scopes for the following data types:

    • Files - FileItem. Set an IOC scan scope on the computer using preset scopes.

      By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans for IOCs only in important areas of the computer, such as the Downloads folder, the desktop, the folder with temporary operating system files, etc. You can also manually add the scan scope.

    • Windows event logs - EventLogItem. Enter the time period when the events were logged. You can also select which Windows event logs must be used for IOC scanning. By default, the following event logs are selected: application event log, system event log, and security event log.

    For the Windows registry - RegistryItem data type, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans a set of registry keys.

  14. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  15. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  16. Save your changes.
  17. Select the check box next to the task.
  18. Click the Run button.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the search for indicators of compromise on the computer. You can view the results of the task in task properties in the Results section. You can view the information about detected indicators of compromise in the task properties: Application settingsIOC Scan Results.

IOC scan results are kept for 30 days. After this period, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries.

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[Topic 218314]

Move file to Quarantine

When reacting to threats, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum can create Move file to Quarantine tasks. This is necessary to minimize the consequences of the threat. Quarantine is a special local storage on the computer. The user can quarantine files that the user considers dangerous for the computer. Quarantined files are stored in an encrypted state and do not threaten the security of the device. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Quarantine only when working with Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. In other cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the relevant file in Backup. For details on managing Quarantine as part of solutions, please refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

You can create Move file to Quarantine tasks in the following ways:

The Move file to Quarantine task has the following limitations:

  1. The file size must not exceed 100 MB.
  2. System Critical Objects (SCO) cannot be quarantined. SCOs are files that the operating system and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application require to be able to run.
  3. You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create a Move file to Quarantine task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Move file to Quarantine.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click the Next button.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Click the Next button.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

  6. Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.

    The task properties window opens.

  8. Select the Application settings tab.
  9. In the list of files, click Add.

    The file adding wizard starts.

  10. To add the file, you must enter the full path to the file, or both file hash and the path.

    If the file is located on a network drive, enter the file path starting with \\, and not the drive letter. For example, \\server\shared_folder\file.exe. If the file path contains a network drive letter, you can get a File not found error.

  11. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  12. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  13. Click the Save button.
  14. Select the check box next to the task.
  15. Click the Run button.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security moves the file to Quarantine. If the file is locked by a different process, the task is displayed as Completed, but the file itself is quarantined only after the computer is restarted. After restarting the computer, confirm that the file is deleted.

The Move file to Quarantine task can finish with the Access denied error if you are trying to quarantine an executable file that is currently running. Create a terminate process task for the file and try again.

The Move file to Quarantine task can fail with the Not enough space in Quarantine storage error if you are trying to quarantine a file that is too large. Empty the Quarantine or make Quarantine larger. Then try again.

You can restore a file from Quarantine or empty the Quarantine using Web Console. You can restore objects locally on the computer using the command line.

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[Topic 216825]

Get file

You can get files from user computers. For example, you can configure getting an event log file created by a third-party application. To get the file, you must create a dedicated task. As a result of the execution of the task, the file is saved in Quarantine. You can download this file from Quarantine to your computer using Web Console. On the user's computer, the file remains in its original folder.

The file size must not exceed 100 MB.

You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create a Get file task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Get file.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click the Next button.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Click the Next button.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

  6. Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.

    The task properties window opens.

  8. Select the Application settings tab.
  9. In the list of files, click Add.

    The file adding wizard starts.

  10. To add the file, you must enter the full path to the file, or both file hash and the path.

    If the file is located on a network drive, enter the file path starting with \\, and not the drive letter. For example, \\server\shared_folder\file.exe. If the file path contains a network drive letter, you can get a File not found error.

  11. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  12. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  13. Click the Save button.
  14. Select the check box next to the task.
  15. Click the Run button.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a copy of the file and moves that copy to Quarantine. You can download the file from Quarantine in Web Console.

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[Topic 216945]

Delete file

You can remotely delete files using the Delete file task. For example, you can remotely delete a file when responding to threats.

The Delete file task has the following limitations:

  • System Critical Objects (SCO) cannot be deleted. SCOs are files that the operating system and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application require to be able to run.
  • You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create a Delete file task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Delete file.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click the Next button.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Click the Next button.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

  6. Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.

    The task properties window opens.

  8. Select the Application settings tab.
  9. In the list of files, click Add.

    The file adding wizard starts.

  10. To add the file, you must enter the full path to the file, or both file hash and the path.

    If the file is located on a network drive, enter the file path starting with \\, and not the drive letter. For example, \\server\shared_folder\file.exe. If the file path contains a network drive letter, you can get a File not found error.

  11. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  12. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  13. Click the Save button.
  14. Select the check box next to the task.
  15. Click the Run button.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the file from the computer. If the file is locked by a different process, the task is displayed as Completed, but the file itself is deleted only after the computer is restarted. After restarting the computer, confirm that the file is deleted.

The Delete file task can finish with the Access denied error if you are trying to delete an executable file that is currently running. Create a terminate process task for the file and try again.

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[Topic 216456]

Process start

You can remotely run files using the Start process task. For example, you can remotely run an utility that creates the computer configuration file. Next you can use the Get file task to receive the created file in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create a Start process task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (12.6).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Start process.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click Next.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Click Next.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

  6. Finish the Wizard by clicking Finish.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.
  8. The task properties window opens.
  9. Select the Application settings tab.
  10. Enter the process start command.

    Suppose you want to run an utility (utility.exe) that saves the information about the computer's configuration to a file named conf.txt in the current folder (by default). The utility is in the C:\Users\admin\Diagnostic\ folder. You must save the configuration file in the C:\Users\admin\Documents\Configuration folder. Enter the following values:

    • Executable commandC:\Users\admin\Diagnostic\utility.exe
    • Command line arguments (optional)/R conf.txt
    • Path to the working folder (optional)C:\Users\admin\Documents\Configuration
  11. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  12. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  13. Click the Save button.
  14. Select the check box next to the task.
  15. Click Start.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the command in silent mode and starts the process. You can view the results of the task in task properties in the Execution results section.

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[Topic 218303]

Terminate process

You can remotely terminate processes using the Terminate process task. For example, you can remotely terminate an Internet speed testing utility that was started using the Process start task.

If you want to prohibit running a file, you can configure the Execution prevention component. You can prohibit the execution of executable files, scripts, office format files.

The Terminate process task has the following limitations:

  • Processes of System Critical Objects (SCO) cannot be terminated. SCOs are files that the operating system and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application require to be able to run.
  • You can configure the task for EDR Optimum in Web Console and Cloud Console. Task settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

To create a Terminate process task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.11.0).
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select Process termination.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned block, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option. Click the Next button.
  5. Enter the account credentials of the user whose rights you want to use to run the task. Click the Next button.

    By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the task as the system user account (SYSTEM).

  6. Finish the wizard by clicking the Finish button.

    A new task will be displayed in the list of tasks.

  7. Click the new task.

    The task properties window opens.

  8. Select the Application settings tab.
  9. To complete the process, you must select the file that you want to terminate. You can select a file in one of the following ways:
    • Enter the full name to the file.
    • Enter the hash of the file and the path to the file.
    • Enter the PID of the process (only for local tasks).

    If the file is located on a network drive, enter the file path starting with \\, and not the drive letter. For example, \\server\shared_folder\file.exe. If the file path contains a network drive letter, you can get a File not found error.

  10. In the task properties window, select the Schedule tab.
  11. Configure the task schedule.

    Wake-on-LAN is not available for this task. Make sure the computer is turned on to run the task.

  12. Click the Save button.
  13. Select the check box next to the task.
  14. Click the Run button.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security terminates the process on the computer. For example, if a 'GAME' application is running and you terminate the game.exe process, the application is closed without saving data. You can view the results of the task in task properties in the Results section.

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[Topic 214778]

Execution prevention

Execution prevention allows managing the running of executable files and scripts, as well as opening office format files. In this way, you can, for example, prevent the execution of applications that you consider insecure. As a result, the spreading of the threat can be stopped. Execution prevention supports a set of office file extensions and a set of script interpreters.

Execution prevention rule

Execution prevention manages user access to files with execution prevention rules. Execution prevention rule is a set of criteria that the application takes into account when reacting to an object execution, for example when blocking object execution. The application identifies files by their paths or checksums calculated using MD5 and SHA256 hashing algorithms.

You can create Execution prevention rules:

  • In alert details (only for EDR Optimum).

    Alert Details is a tool for viewing the entirety of collected information about a detected threat. Alert details include, for example, the history of files appearing on the computer. For details about managing alert details, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help and the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

  • Using a group policy or local application settings.

    You must enter the file path or hash (SHA256 or MD5), or both the file path and the file hash.

You can also manage Execution prevention locally using the command line.

Execution prevention has the following limitations:

  1. Prevention rules do not cover files on CDs or in ISO images. The application does not block execution or opening of these files.
  2. It is impossible to block the startup of system-critical objects (SCO). SCOs are files that the operating system and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application require to be able to run.
  3. It is not recommended to create more than 5000 run prevention rules, as this can cause system instability.

Execution prevention rule modes

The Execution prevention component can work in two modes:

  • Statistics only

    In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security publishes an event about attempts to run executable objects or open documents that match prevention rule criteria to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center, but does not block the attempt to run or open the object or document. This mode is selected by default.

  • Active

    In this mode, the application blocks the execution of objects or opening of documents that match prevention rule criteria. The application also publishes an event about attempts to execute objects or open documents to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center event log.

Managing Execution prevention

You can configure the component settings only in the Web Console.

To prevent execution:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  5. Use the Execution prevention toggle to enable or disable the component.
  6. In the Action on execution or opening of forbidden object block, select the component operating mode:
    • Block and write to report. In this mode, the application blocks the execution of objects or opening of documents that match prevention rule criteria. The application also publishes an event about attempts to execute objects or open documents to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center event log.
    • Log events only. In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security publishes an event about attempts to run executable objects or open documents that match prevention rule criteria to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center, but does not block the attempt to run or open the object or document. This mode is selected by default.
  7. Create a list of execution prevention rules:
    1. Click the Add button.
    2. This opens a window; in this window, enter the name of the execution prevention rule (for example, Application A).
    3. In the Type drop-down list, select the object that you want to block: Executable file, Script, Microsoft Office document.

      If you select a wrong object type, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not block the file or script.

    4. To add the file, you must enter the hash of the file (SHA256 or MD5), the full path to the file, or both the hash and the path.

      If the file is located on a network drive, enter the file path starting with \\, and not the drive letter. For example, \\server\shared_folder\file.exe. If the file path contains a network drive letter, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not block the file or script.

      Execution prevention supports a set of office file extensions and a set of script interpreters.

    5. Click OK.
  8. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the execution of objects: running executable files and scripts, opening office format files. You can, however, for example, open a script file in a text editor even if running the script is prevented. When blocking the execution of an object, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays a standard notification (see figure below) if notifications are enabled in application settings.

Execution prevention notification

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[Topic 214777]

Computer network isolation

Computer network isolation allows automatically isolating a computer from the network in response to the detection of an indicator of compromise (IOC) – this is the automatic mode. You can turn on Network isolation manually while you are investigating the detected threat – this is the manual mode.

When Network isolation is turned on, the application severs all active connections and blocks all new TCP/IP network connections on the computer except the following connections:

  • Connections listed in Network isolation exclusions.
  • Connections initiated by Kaspersky Endpoint Security services.
  • Connections initiated by the Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent.

You can configure the component settings only in the Web Console.

Automatic Network isolation mode

You can configure Network isolation to be turned on automatically in response to an IOC detection. You can configure the automatic Network isolation mode with a group policy.

How to configure Network isolation to be turned on automatically in response to an IOC detection

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the IOC Scan task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

    If necessary, create the IOC Scan task.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Action on IOC detection block, select the Take response actions after an IOC is found and Isolate computer from the network check boxes.
  5. Save your changes.

As a result, when an IOC is detected, the application isolates the computer from the network to prevent the threat from spreading.

You can configure Network isolation to be turned off automatically after a specified time elapses. By default, the application turns off Network isolation after 8 hours have passed from the time when it was turned on. You can also turn off Network isolation manually (see the instructions below). After turning off network isolation, the computer can use the Network without restrictions.

How to configure the delay for turning off Network isolation of a computer in automatic mode

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  5. In the Network isolation block, click Configure computer unlock settings.
  6. This opens a window; in this window, select the Automatically unlock isolated computer in N hours check box and enter the delay for automatically turning off Network isolation.
  7. Save your changes.

Manual Network isolation mode

You can manually turn Network isolation on and off. You can configure the manual Network isolation mode using the computer properties in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

You can turn on Network isolation:

How to turn on Network isolation of a computer manually

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Click Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This opens the local application settings.

  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  7. In the Network isolation block, click Isolate computer from the network.

You can configure Network isolation to be turned off automatically after a specified time elapses. By default, the application turns off Network isolation after 8 hours have passed from the time when it was turned on. After turning off network isolation, the computer can use the Network without restrictions.

How to configure the delay for turning off Network isolation of a computer in manual mode

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Tasks tab.

    This displays the list of tasks available on the computer.

  4. Select the Network isolation task.
  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. This opens a window; in this window, select the delay for turning off Network isolation.
  7. Save your changes.

How to turn off Network isolation of a computer manually

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Applications tab.
  4. Click Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

    This opens the local application settings.

  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  7. In the Network isolation block, click Unblock computer isolated from the network.

You can also disable Network isolation locally using the command line.

Network isolation exclusions

You can configure Network isolation exclusions. Network connections that match the rules are not blocked on the computer when Network isolation is turned on.

To configure Network isolation exclusions, you can use a list of standard network profiles. By default, exclusions include network profiles containing rules that ensure uninterrupted operation of devices with the DNS/DHCP server and DNS/DHCP client roles. You can also modify the settings of standard network profiles or define exclusions manually (see instructions below).

Exclusions specified in policy properties are applied only if Network isolation is turned on automatically in response to a detected threat. Exclusions specified in computer properties are applied only if Network isolation is turned on manually in computer properties in the Kaspersky Security Center console or in alert details.

An active policy does not prevent applying exclusions from Network isolation configured in computer properties because these parameters have different usage scenarios.

How to add a Network isolation exclusion in automatic mode

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  5. In the Network isolation exclusions block, click Exclusions.
  6. This opens a window; in this window, click Add from profile and select standard network profiles for configuring exclusions.

    Network isolation exclusions from the profile are added to the list of Network isolation exclusions. You can view the properties of network connections. If necessary, you can modify network connection settings.

  7. If necessary, add a Network isolation exclusion manually. To do so, in the window with the list of exclusions, click Add and manually edit network connection settings.
  8. Save your changes.

How to add a Network isolation exclusion in manual mode

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesManaged devices.
  2. Select the computer for which you want to configure local application settings.

    This opens the computer properties.

  3. Select the Tasks tab.

    This displays the list of tasks available on the computer.

  4. Select the Network isolation task.
  5. Select the Application settings tab.
  6. This opens a window; in this window, click Exclusions.
  7. This opens a window; in this window, click Add from profile and select standard network profiles for configuring exclusions.

    Network isolation exclusions from the profile are added to the list of Network isolation exclusions. You can view the properties of network connections. If necessary, you can modify network connection settings.

  8. If necessary, add a Network isolation exclusion manually. To do so, in the window with the list of exclusions, click Add and manually edit network connection settings.
  9. Save your changes.

You can also view the Network isolation exclusion list locally using the command line. In this case, the computer must be isolated.

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[Topic 232693]

Cloud Sandbox

Cloud Sandbox is a technology that lets you detect advanced threats on a computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically forwards suspicious files to Cloud Sandbox for analysis. Cloud Sandbox runs these files in an isolated environment to identify malicious activity and decides on their reputation. Data on these files is then sent to Kaspersky Security Network. Therefore, if Cloud Sandbox has detected a malicious file, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will perform the appropriate action to eliminate this threat on all computers where this file is detected.

For Cloud Sandbox to operate, you must enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network.

If you are using Kaspersky Private Security Network, Cloud Sandbox technology is not available.

Cloud Sandbox technology is permanently enabled and is available to all Kaspersky Security Network users regardless of the type of license they are using. If you have already deployed Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum, you can enable a separate counter for threats detected by Cloud Sandbox. You can use this counter to generate statistics during analysis of detected threats.

To enable the Cloud Sandbox counter:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseEndpoint Detection and Response.
  5. Turn on the Cloud Sandbox toggle.
  6. Save your changes.

Whenever there is a threat, Kaspersky Endpoint Security activates the counter for threats detected using Cloud Sandbox in the main application window under Threat detection technologies. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will also indicate the Cloud Sandbox threat detection technology in the Report on threats in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

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[Topic 220820]

Appendix 1. Supported file extensions for Execution prevention

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports preventing the opening of office format files in certain applications. The information about supported file extensions and applications is listed in the following table.

Supported file extensions for Execution prevention

Application name

Executable file

File extension

Microsoft Word














Microsoft Excel














Microsoft PowerPoint














Adobe Acrobat

Foxit PDF Reader

STDU Viewer

Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Yandex Browser

Tor Browser










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[Topic 220826]

Appendix 2. Supported script interpreters

Execution prevention supports the following script interpreters:

  • AutoHotkey.exe
  • AutoHotkeyA32.exe
  • AutoHotkeyA64.exe
  • AutoHotkeyU32.exe
  • AutoHotkeyU64.exe
  • InstallUtil.exe
  • RegAsm.exe
  • RegSvcs.exe
  • autoit.exe
  • cmd.exe
  • control.exe
  • cscript.exe
  • hh.exe
  • mmc.exe
  • msbuild.exe
  • mshta.exe
  • msiexec.exe
  • perl.exe
  • powershell.exe
  • python.exe
  • reg.exe
  • regedit.exe
  • regedt32.exe
  • regsvr32.exe
  • ruby.exe
  • rubyw.exe
  • rundll32.exe
  • runlegacycplelevated.exe
  • wscript.exe
  • wwahost.exe

Execution prevention supports working with Java applications in the Java runtime environment (java.exe and javaw.exe processes).

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[Topic 221708]

Appendix 3. IOC scan scope in the registry (RegistryItem)

When you add the RegistryItem data type to the IOC scan scope, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the following registry keys:










HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager











HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Aedebug

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

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[Topic 220828]

Appendix 4. IOC file requirements

When creating IOC Scan tasks, consider the following

requirements and limitations:

  • The application supports IOC files with the IOC and XML extensions in the open standard OpenIOC versions 1.0 and 1.1 for describing indicators of compromise.
  • If, when creating an IOC Scan task on the command line, you upload IOC files, some of which are not supported, when the task is run, the application uses only the supported IOC files. If, when creating an IOC Scan task on the command line, all of the IOC files that you upload turn out to be unsupported, the task can still be run, but it will not detect any indicators of compromise. It is not possible to upload unsupported IOC files using Web Console or Cloud Console.
  • Semantic errors and unsupported IOC terms and tags in IOC files do not cause task execution to fail. In such sections of IOC files, the application detects no match.
  • used in a single IOC Scan task must be unique. If there are IOC files with the same identifier, it might affect the task execution results.
  • A single IOC file must not exceed 2 MB in size. Using larger files will cause IOC Scan tasks to terminate with an error. The total size of all files added to the IOC collection should not exceed 10 MB. If the total size of all files exceeds 10 MB, you need to split the IOC collection and create several IOC Scan tasks.
  • It is recommended to create one IOC file per threat. This makes it easier to analyze the results of the IOC Scan task.

The file that you can download by clicking the link below, contains a table with the full list of IOC terms of the OpenIOC standard.


Features and limitations of the application’s support for the OpenIOC standard are shown in the following table.

Features and limitations of support for OpenIOC version 1.0 and 1.1.

Supported conditions

OpenIOC 1.0:


isnot (as an exception from the set)


containsnot (as an exception from the set)

OpenIOC 1.1:








Supported condition attributes

OpenIOC 1.1:



Supported operators



Supported data types

"date": date (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

"int": integer (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

"string": string (applicable conditions: is, contains, matches, starts-with, ends-with)

"duration": duration in seconds (applicable conditions: is, greater-than, less-than)

Features of data type interpretation

The "boolean string", "restricted string", "md5", "IP", "sha256" and "base64Binary" data types are interpreted as string.

The application supports interpretation of the Content setting for the int and date data types when it is set in the form of intervals:

OpenIOC 1.0:

Using the TO operator in the Content field:

<Content type="int">49600 TO 50700</Content>

<Content type="date">2009-04-28T10:00:00Z TO 2009-04-28T16:00:00Z</Content>

<Content type="int">[154192 TO 154192]</Content>

OpenIOC 1.1:

Using the greater-than and less-than conditions

Using the TO operator in the Content field

The application supports interpretation of the date and duration data types if the indicators are set in ISO 8601, Zulu Time Zone, UTC format.

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[Topic 214721]

Kaspersky Sandbox

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has a built-in agent for integration with Kaspersky Sandbox solution. The Kaspersky Sandbox solution detects and automatically blocks advanced threats on computers. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes object behavior to detect malicious activity and activity characteristic of targeted attacks on the IT infrastructure of the organization. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes and scans objects on special servers with deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems (Kaspersky Sandbox servers). For details about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

The following configurations are possible for the Kaspersky Sandbox solution:

Kaspersky Sandbox 2.0

Kaspersky Sandbox 2.0 supports the [KES+built-in agent] configuration.

Minimum requirements:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 for Windows or later.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is not required.
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2.

Kaspersky Sandbox 1.0

Kaspersky Sandbox 1.0 supports the [KES+KEA] configuration.

Minimum requirements:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.2.0 – 11.6.0 for Windows.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Agent 3.8.

    You can install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent from the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows distribution kit.

  • Kaspersky Security Center 11.

In this Help section

Integration with Kaspersky Sandbox

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Adding a TLS certificate

Add Kaspersky Sandbox servers

Scan for indicators of compromise (stand-alone task)

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[Topic 224248]

Integration with Kaspersky Sandbox

Adding the Kaspersky Sandbox component is required for integration with Kaspersky Sandbox component. You can select the Kaspersky Sandbox component during installation or upgrade, as well as using the Change application components task.

To use the component, the following conditions must be met:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2. Earlier versions of Kaspersky Security Center do not allow the creation of standalone IOC Scan tasks for threat response.
  • The component can be managed only using the Web Console. You cannot manage this component using the Administration Console (MMC).
  • The application is activated and the functionality is covered by the license.
  • Data transfer to Administration Server is enabled.

    To use all the features of Kaspersky Sandbox, make sure quarantine file data transfer is enabled. The data are required to obtain information about files quarantined on a computer through Web Console. For example, you can download a file from quarantine for analysis in Web Console.

    How to enable data transfer to the Administration Server in Web Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
    2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

      The policy properties window opens.

    3. Select the Application settings tab.
    4. Go to General settingsReports and Storage.
    5. In the Data transfer to Administration Server block, select the About Quarantine files check box.
    6. Save your changes.
  • A background connection between Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Administration Server is established

    For Kaspersky Sandbox to work with Administration Server via Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, you must establish a new secure connection, a background connection. For details about the integration of Kaspersky Security Center with other Kaspersky solutions, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

    Establishing a background connection in Web Console

    1. In the main window of the Web Console, select Console settingsIntegration.
    2. Go to the Cross-service integration section.
    3. Turn on the Establish a background connection for cross-service integration toggle switch.
    4. Save your changes.

    If a background connection between Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Administration Server is not established, stand-alone IOC scan tasks cannot be created as part of Threat Response.

  • The Kaspersky Sandbox component is enabled.

    You can enable or disable the integration with Kaspersky Sandbox in Web Console or locally using the command line.

To enable or disable the integration with Kaspersky Sandbox:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseKaspersky Sandbox.
  5. Use the Integration with Kaspersky Sandbox toggle switch to enable or disable the component.
  6. Save your changes.

As a result, the Kaspersky Sandbox component is enabled. Check the operating status of the component by viewing the Application components status report. You can also view the operating status of a component in reports in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The Kaspersky Sandbox component will be added to the list of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves information about the functioning of the Kaspersky Sandbox component to a report. The report also contains information about errors. If you get an error with a description fitting the Error code: XXX format (for example, 0xa67b01f4), contact Technical Support.

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[Topic 224252]

Migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 or newer with the Kaspersky Sandbox component (built-in agent) installed, interoperability with the Kaspersky Sandbox solution is available immediately after installation. The Kaspersky Sandbox component is not compatible with Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is installed on the computer, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is updated to version 11.7.0, Kaspersky Sandbox continues working with Kaspersky Endpoint Security (migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent]). In addition, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will be removed from the computer. To complete migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, you need to transfer policy and task settings using the Migration Wizard.

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0–11.6.0 for interoperability with Kaspersky Sandbox, the application includes Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. You can install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent side-by-side with Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0 the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package is no longer part of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You must download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package separately.

The Kaspersky Sandbox component that is part of Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports interoperability with Kaspersky Sandbox solution 2.0. Kaspersky Sandbox solution 1.0 is not supported.

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[Topic 224245]

Adding a TLS certificate

To configure a trusted connection with Kaspersky Sandbox servers, you must prepare a TLS certificate. Next you must add the certificate to Kaspersky Sandbox servers and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. For details on preparing the certificate and adding the certificate to servers, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

You can add a TLS certificate in Web Console or locally using the command line.

To add a TLS certificate in Web Console:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseKaspersky Sandbox.
  5. Click the Server connection settings link.

    This opens the Kaspersky Sandbox server connection settings window.

  6. In the Server TLS certificate block, click Add and select the TLS certificate file.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security can only have one TLS certificate for a Kaspersky Sandbox server. If you have added a TLS certificate before, that certificate is revoked. Only the last added certificate is used.

  7. Configure advanced connections settings for Kaspersky Sandbox servers:
    • Timeout. Connection timeout for Kaspersky Sandbox server. After the configured timeout elapses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends a request to the next server. You can increase the connection timeout for Kaspersky Sandbox if your connection speed is low or if the connection is unstable. The recommended request timeout is 0.5 seconds or less.
    • Kaspersky Sandbox request queue. Size of the request queue folder. When an object is accessed on the computer (executable launched or document opened, for example in DOCX or PDF format), Kaspersky Endpoint Security can also send the object to be scanned by Kaspersky Sandbox. If there are multiple requests, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a request queue. By default, the size of the request queue folder is limited to 100 MB. After the maximum size is reached, Kaspersky Sandbox stops adding new requests to the queue and sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center. You can configure the size of the request queue folder depending on your server configuration.
  8. Save your changes.

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security verifies the TLS certificate. If the certificate is successfully verified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uploads the certificate file to the computer during the next synchronization with Kaspersky Security Center. If you have added two TLS certificates, Kaspersky Sandbox will use the latest certificate to establish a trusted connection.

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[Topic 224246]

Add Kaspersky Sandbox servers

To connect computers to Kaspersky Sandbox servers with virtual images of operating systems, you must enter a server address and a port. For details about deploying virtual images and configuring Kaspersky Sandbox servers, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

To add Kaspersky Sandbox servers to the Web Console:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to Detection and ResponseKaspersky Sandbox.
  5. In the Kaspersky Sandbox servers block, click Add.
  6. This opens a window; in the window, enter Kaspersky Sandbox server address (IPv4, IPv6, DNS) and port.
  7. Save your changes.
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[Topic 224466]

Scan for indicators of compromise (stand-alone task)

An Indicator of Compromise (IOC) is a set of data about an object or activity that indicates unauthorized access to the computer (compromise of data). For example, many unsuccessful attempts to sign in to the system can constitute an Indicator of Compromise. The IOC Scan tasks allows finding Indicators of Compromise on the computer and take threat response measures.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security searches for indicators of compromise using IOC files. IOC files are files containing the sets of indicators that the application tries to match to count a detection. IOC files must conform to the OpenIOC standard. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically generates IOC files for Kaspersky Sandbox.

IOC Scan task run mode

The application creates stand-alone IOC scan tasks for Kaspersky Sandbox. Stand-alone IOC scan task is a group task that is automatically created when reacting to a threat detected by Kaspersky Sandbox. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically generates the IOC file. Custom IOC files are not supported. Tasks are automatically deleted 30 days after the creation time. For more details about stand-alone IOC scan tasks, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

IOC Scan task settings

Kaspersky Sandbox may create and run IOC Scan tasks automatically when reacting to threats.

You can configure the settings only in the Web Console.

You need Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 for stand-alone IOC scan tasks of Kaspersky Sandbox to work.

To change the settings of the IOC Scan task:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The list of tasks opens.

  2. Click the IOC Scan task of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

    The task properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to the IOC scan settings section.
  5. Configure actions on IOC detection:
    • Move copy to Quarantine, delete object. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the malicious object found on the computer. Before deleting the object, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a backup copy in case the object needs to be restored later. Kaspersky Endpoint Security moves the backup copy to Quarantine.
    • Run scan of critical areas. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the Critical Areas Scan task. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the kernel memory, running processes, and disk boot sectors.
  6. Configure the IOC Scan task run mode using the Run only when the computer is idle check box. This check box enables / disables the function that suspends the IOC Scan task when computer resources are limited. Kaspersky Endpoint Security pauses the IOC Scan task if the screensaver is off and the computer is unlocked.

    This schedule option lets you conserve computer resources when the computer is being used.

  7. Save your changes.

You can view the results of the task in task properties in the Results section. You can view the information about detected indicators of compromise in the task properties: Application settingsIOC Scan Results.

IOC scan results are kept for 30 days. After this period, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries.

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[Topic 228485]

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA EDR)


Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is a solution designed for timely detection of sophisticated threats such as targeted attacks, advanced persistent threats (APT), zero-day attacks, and others. Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform includes two functional blocks: Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (hereinafter also referred to as "KATA") and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response (hereinafter also referred to as "KEDR"). You can purchase KEDR separately. For details about the solution, please refer to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response uses the following Threat Intelligence tools:

  • The Kaspersky Security Network (hereinafter also referred to as "KSN") cloud service infrastructure, which provides access to real-time file, website, and software reputation information from the Kaspersky knowledge base. Using data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives.
  • Integration with the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal portal, which contains and displays information about the reputation of files and web addresses.
  • Kaspersky Threats database.

Principle of operation of the solution

The Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application is installed on individual computers on the corporate IT infrastructure and continuously monitors processes, open network connections, and files being modified. Information about events on the computer is sent to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server.

Kaspersky Endpoint Agent can integrate with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. In this case, the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application also sends information to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server about threats discovered by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows as well as information about processing results for these threats.

Integration with KATA EDR

Integration with KATA EDR requires adding the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA EDR) component and installing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. You can select the KATA EDR component during installation or upgrade, as well as using the Change application components task.

The KATA EDR component is not compatible with EDR Optimum and EDR Expert components.

In Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.9.0, the distribution kit no longer includes the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package. You can download the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent distribution package from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform distribution kit.

KATA EDR uses information received from application components. The following components ensure the operation of KATA EDR:

Make sure these components are enabled and working.

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[Topic 214779]

Managing Quarantine

Quarantine is a special local storage on the computer. The user can quarantine files that the user considers dangerous for the computer. Quarantined files are stored in an encrypted state and do not threaten the security of the device. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Quarantine only when working with Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. In other cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the relevant file in Backup. For details on managing Quarantine as part of solutions, please refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the system account (SYSTEM) to quarantine files.

You can configure quarantine settings only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console. You can also use Kaspersky Security Center Console to manage quarantined objects (restore, delete, add, etc). Locally, on the computer, you can only restore the object using the command line.

In this Help section

Configuring the maximum Quarantine size

Sending data about quarantined files to Kaspersky Security Center

Page top

[Topic 224244]

Configuring the maximum Quarantine size

By default, the size of the Quarantine is limited to 200 MB. After the maximum size is reached, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest files from the Quarantine.

If the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA EDR) solution is deployed in your organization, we recommend increasing the size of Quarantine. When doing a YARA scan, the application may encounter a large memory dump. If the size of the memory dump exceeds the size of Quarantine, the YARA scan finishes with an error and the memory dump is not quarantined. We recommend setting the size of Quarantine equal to the total size of the RAM on the computer (for example, 8 GB).

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsReports and Storage.
  6. In the Quarantine block configure the Quarantine size:
    • Limit the size of Quarantine to N MB. Maximum Quarantine size in MB. For example, you can set the maximum Quarantine size to 200 MB. When Quarantine reaches maximum size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application stops quarantining new objects. You must empty the Quarantine manually.
    • Notify when the Quarantine storage reaches N percent. Threshold value of the Quarantine. For example, you can set the Quarantine threshold to 50%. When Quarantine reaches the threshold, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application continues quarantining new objects.
  7. Save your changes.

How to configure the maximum quarantine size in the Web Console and Cloud Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsReports and Storage.
  5. In the Quarantine block configure the Quarantine size:
    • Limit the size of Quarantine to N MB. Maximum Quarantine size in MB. For example, you can set the maximum Quarantine size to 200 MB. When Quarantine reaches maximum size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application stops quarantining new objects. You must empty the Quarantine manually.
    • Notify when the Quarantine storage reaches N percent. Threshold value of the Quarantine. For example, you can set the Quarantine threshold to 50%. When Quarantine reaches the threshold, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application continues quarantining new objects.
  6. Save your changes.
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[Topic 225819]

Sending data about quarantined files to Kaspersky Security Center

To perform actions with quarantined objects in Web Console, you must enable the sending of quarantined files data to the Administration Server. For example, you can download a file from quarantine for analysis in Web Console. The sending of quarantined files data must be enabled for all functionality of Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response to work.

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
  2. In the Managed devices folder in the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computers belong.
  3. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
  4. Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
  5. In the policy window, select General settingsReports and Storage.
  6. In the Data transfer to Administration Server block, click the Settings button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the About Quarantine files check box.
  8. Save your changes.

How to enable the transfer of quarantined files data to the Web Console

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & Profiles.
  2. Click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy.

    The policy properties window opens.

  3. Select the Application settings tab.
  4. Go to General settingsReports and Storage.
  5. In the Data transfer to Administration Server block, select the About Quarantine files check box.
  6. Save your changes.

As a result, you can view a list of files, quarantined on your computer, in the Kaspersky Security Center Console. You can use Kaspersky Security Center Console to manage quarantined objects (restore, delete, add, etc). For more details about working with Quarantine, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

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[Topic 224328]

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 supports the basic functionality of the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server (KSWS) solution. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server protects servers running Microsoft Windows operating systems and network attached storages against viruses and other computer security threats which servers and network attached storages are exposed to while exchanging files. For detailed information about how the solution works, please refer to the Kaspersky Security for Windows Server Help Starting with Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0, you can migrate from KSWS to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and use the same solution for protecting workstations and servers.

In this Help section

Installing KES on top of KSWS

Activating KES with a KSWS key

Managing the application on a Core Mode server

Appendix. Correspondence of KSWS and KES settings

Page top

[Topic 224330]

Installing KES on top of KSWS

The procedure for installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows on servers is the same as for workstations. If the server is in Core Mode, you can install the application using the command line.

Prior to the installation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES) checks the computer for the presence of Kaspersky applications. If Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is installed on the computer, KES detect the set of KSWS components that are installed and selects the same components for installation. KSWS settings and tasks are not migrated when Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed.

Before installing KES, it is recommended to turn off the KSWS Password Protection. After migrating from KSWS to KES, enable Password Protection in the application settings.

Minimum software requirements for migrating KSWS components:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 for Windows.
  • Kaspersky Security 11.0.1 for Windows Server.

    You can also migrate from older versions of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security removes the application without migrating the set of components.

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.2.

The correspondence of KSWS and KES components is listed below. KES components that KSWS does not have are installed as follows:

  • AMSI Protection, Host Intrusion Prevention, Remediation Engine are installed with default settings.
  • BadUSB Attack Prevention, Adaptive Anomaly Control, Data Encryption, Detection and Response components are ignored.

You can check the list of installed components in the Security section of the application interface, using the status command, or in the Kaspersky Security Center console in computer properties. You can change the set of components of an installed application by using the Change application components task.

Correspondence of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows components

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server component

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows component

Basic functionality

Application kernel, including scan tasks

Log Inspection

Log Inspection

Device Control

Device Control

Firewall Management

(not supported)

KSWS Firewall functions are performed by the system-level Firewall.

File Integrity Monitor

File Integrity Monitor

Exploit Prevention

Exploit Prevention

System Tray Icon

(not supported)

You can configure user interaction in the application interface settings.

Integration with Kaspersky Security Center

Network Agent Connector

Endpoint Agent

Endpoint Agent

Network Threat Protection

Network Threat Protection


Behavior Detection

Anti-Cryptor for NetApp

(not supported)

Traffic Security

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Web Control

On-Demand Scan

Application kernel, including scan tasks

ICAP Network Storage Protection

(not supported)

Network storage protection is provided by other application components, for example, Network Threat Protection.

RPC Network Storage Protection

(not supported)

Network storage protection is provided by other application components, for example, Network Threat Protection.

Real-Time File Protection

File Threat Protection

Script Monitoring

(not supported)

Script Monitoring is handled by other components, for example, AMSI Protection.

KSN Usage

Kaspersky Security Network

Applications Launch Control

Application Control

Performance counters

(not supported)

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[Topic 224524]

Activating KES with a KSWS key

After installing the application, you can activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (KES) using a Kaspersky Security for Windows Server (KSWS) license key. The activation process after migration depends on the KSWS activation method (see the table below).

Activating Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows with a Kaspersky Security for Windows Server key

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server activation method

Migrating the key to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

Automatic distribution of the KSWS license key to computers.

If automatic key distribution is enabled in KSWS license key properties, KES is automatically activated with the KSWS key.

The KSWS key is added by a task.

If your KSWS is activated using the task, the KSWS license key is deleted during migration from KSWS. You must activate the application again. For example, you can add a license key to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installation package.

The KSWS key is added locally in the application interface.

If your KSWS is activated locally using the Application Activation Wizard, the KSWS license key is deleted during migration from KSWS. You must activate the application again. For example, you can add a license key to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installation package.

The KSWS key is added to the installation package.

If your KSWS is activated using the key from the installation package, the KSWS license key is deleted during migration from KSWS. You must activate the application again. For example, you can add a license key to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installation package.

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[Topic 128140]

Managing the application on a Core Mode server

A server in Core Mode does not have a GUI. Therefore you can only manage the application remotely using the Kaspersky Security Center console or locally on the command line.

Managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center console

Installing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center console is not different from installing it the normal way. When creating an installation package, you can add a license key to activate the application. You can use a Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows key or a Kaspersky Security for Windows Server key.

On a Core Mode server, the following application components are not available: Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, Web Control, BadUSB Attack Prevention, File Level Encryption (FLE), Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE).

Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version. The application cannot display a window to prompt the user to restart the server. You can learn about the need to restart the server from reports in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

Managing the application on Core Mode server is not different from managing a computer. You can use policies and tasks to configure the application.

Managing the application on Core Mode servers involves the following special considerations:

  • The Core Mode server does not have a GUI, therefore Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not display a warning telling the user that Advanced Disinfection is needed. To disinfect a threat, you need to enable Advanced Disinfection technology in application settings and enable immediate Advanced Disinfection in Malware Scan task settings. Then you need to start a Malware Scan task.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption is only available with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). A PIN / password cannot be used for encryption because the application is unable to display the password prompt window for preboot authentication. If the operating system has Federal Information Processing standard (FIPS) compatibility mode enabled, connect a removable drive for saving the encryption key before you begin encrypting the drive.

Managing the application from the command line

When you cannot use a GUI, you can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line.

To install the application to a Core Mode server, run the following command:

setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /s

To activate the application, run the following command:

avp.com license /add <activation code or key file>

To check application profile statuses, run the following command:

avp.com status

To view the list of application management commands, run the following command:

avp.com help

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[Topic 224529]

Appendix. Correspondence of KSWS and KES settings

Expand all | Collapse all

When migrating policies and tasks, KES is configured in accordance with KSWS settings. Settings of application components that KSWS does not have are set to default values.

Application settings

Scalability, interface and scanning settings

Application settings are not supported in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

Application settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Scalability settings

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security manages all work processes.

Show System Tray Icon

(not supported)

On a client computer, the main window of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the icon in the Windows notification area are available by default. In the context menu of the icon, the user can perform operations with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also displays notifications above the application icon. You can configure user interaction in the application interface settings.

Restore file attributes after scanning

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically restores file attributes after scanning a file.

Limit CPU usage for scanning threads

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not limit CPU usage when scanning. You can configure the task to run when the computer is operating under minimum load.

Folder for temporary files created during scanning

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the temporary files in the C:\Windows\Temp folder.

HSM system settings

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support HSM systems.

Security and reliability

KSWS security settings are migrated to the General settings section, Application settings and Interface subsections.

Application security settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Protect application processes from external threats

Enable Self-Defense (Application settings subsection)

Apply password protection

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has a built-in Password protection feature (see the Interface subsection).

Perform task recovery

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security only automatically restores Malware Scan tasks. Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs other tasks on a schedule.

Do not start scheduled scan tasks

Postpone scheduled tasks while running on battery power (Application settings subsection)

Stop current scan tasks

(not supported)

When the computer becomes powered by an UPS, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not stop scan tasks that are already running.

Connection settings

Administration Server interaction settings are migrated to the General settings section, Network settings and Application settings subsections.

Administration Server interaction settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Proxy server settings

Proxy Server Settings (Network settings subsection)

Do not use proxy server for local addresses

Bypass proxy server for local addresses (Network settings subsection)

Proxy server authentication settings

Use proxy server authentication (Network settings subsection)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support NTLM authentication. If NTLM authentication is enabled in KSWS settings, after migration, you must configure proxy server authentication and configure a user name and a password.

The proxy server authentication password is not migrated. After a policy is migrated, the password must be entered manually.

Use Kaspersky Security Center as a proxy server when activating the application

Use Kaspersky Security Center as proxy server for activation (Application settings subsection)

Run local system tasks

Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores the settings for running local system tasks of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server. You can configure the use of local KES tasks under Local Tasks, Task management. You can also configure a schedule for running the Malware Scan and Update tasks in the properties of these tasks.


Trusted zone

KSWS trusted zone settings are migrated to the General settings section, Exclusions subsection.

Trusted zone settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Object to scan (Exclusions)

Scan exclusions (Scan exclusions)

The methods used by KSWS and KES for selecting objects differ. When migrating, KES supports exclusions defined as individual files or paths to file / folder. If KSWS has exclusions configured as a predefined area or a script URL, such exclusions are not migrated. After migration, you must add such exclusions manually.

Apply also to subfolders (Exclusions)

Including subfolders (Scan exclusions)

Objects to detect (Exclusions)

Object name (Scan exclusions)

Exclusion usage scope (Exclusions)

Protection components (Scan exclusions)

If at least one component is selected in KSWS, KES applies the exclusions to all application components.

Comment (Exclusions)

Comment (Scan exclusions)

Trusted process (Trusted process)

Trusted applications

Trusted process / application selection methods differ in KSWS and KES. When migrating, KES supports trusted applications configured as a path to the executable file or mask. If KSWS has trusted processes configured as a file has, such trusted processes are not migrated. After migration, you must add such trusted processes manually.

Do not check file backup operations (Trusted process)

Do not monitor application activity (Trusted applications)

Removable drives scan

Removable Drives Scan settings are migrated to the Local Tasks section, Removable drives scan subsection.

Removable Drives Scan settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Scan removable drives on connection via USB

Action when a removable drive is connected

Scan removable drives if its stored data volume does not exceed (MB)

Maximum removable drive size

Scan with security level:

  • Maximum protection
  • Recommended
  • Maximum performance

Action when a removable drive is connected:

  • Detailed Scan
  • Quick Scan

KSWS security levels correspond to KES scan modes as follows:

  • Maximum protectionDetailed Scan.
  • RecommendedQuick Scan.
  • Maximum performanceQuick Scan.

User permissions for application management

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support assigning user access permissions for application management and application service management. You can configure access settings for users and user groups for managing the application in Kaspersky Security Center.

User access permissions for Kaspersky Security Service management

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support assigning user access permissions for application management and application service management. You can configure access settings for users and user groups for managing the application in Kaspersky Security Center.


KSWS storage settings are migrated to General settings section, Reports and Storage subsection, and to Essential Threat Protection section, Network Threat Protection subsection.

Storage settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Security settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Backup folder

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves backup copies of files in the C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\QB folder.

Maximum Backup size (MB)

Limit the size of Backup to N MB (General settingsReports and Storage section)

Threshold value for space available (MB)

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs the Quarantine storage is almost out of space event when the 50 % threshold is reached.

Target folder for restoring objects

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security restores files to their original folder.

Quarantine folder

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves backup copies of files in the C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\QB folder.

Maximum Quarantine size (MB)

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Backup to store probably infected objects. During migration, Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores Quarantine settings.

Threshold value for space available (MB)

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Backup to store probably infected objects. During migration, Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores Quarantine settings.

Target folder for restoring objects

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security restores files to their original folder.

Unblock automatically in N

Add the attacking computer to the list of blocked computers for N min. (Essential Threat ProtectionNetwork Threat Protection section)

Real-time server protection

Real-Time File Protection

KSWS Real-Time File Protection settings are migrated to the Essential Threat Protection section, File Threat Protection subsection.

Real-Time File Protection settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Objects protection mode:

  • Smart mode
  • When run
  • On access
  • On access and modification

Scan mode:

  • Smart mode
  • On execution
  • On access
  • On access and modification.

Deeper analysis of launching processes

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports only one analysis mode, the optimal mode.

Heuristic analyzer:

  • Light
  • Medium
  • Deep

Heuristic analysis:

  • Light scan
  • Medium scan
  • Deep scan.

Apply Trusted Zone

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the trusted zone to all components. You can configure exclusions in trusted zone settings.

Use KSN for protection

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN for all application components.

Block access to network shared resources for the hosts that show malicious activity

(not supported)

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access to network shared resources for hosts that show malicious activity.

Launch critical areas scan when active infection is detected

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not launch the critical areas scan task when active infection is detected.

Use Kaspersky Sandbox for protection

(not supported)

By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends objects for scanning to Kaspersky Sandbox.

Protection scope

Protection scope

Schedule settings

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses its own schedule for pausing File Threat Protection.

KSN Usage

KSWS settings for Kaspersky Security Network are migrated to the Advanced Threat Protection section, Kaspersky Security Network subsection.

Kaspersky Security Network settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

I confirm that I have fully read, understood, and accept the terms of participation in Kaspersky Security Network

Kaspersky Security Network Statement

Kaspersky Endpoint Security requests consent to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement when the application is installed, a new policy is created, or Kaspersky Security Network usage is enabled.

Send data about scanned files

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends data about scanned files automatically if KSN is enabled.

Send data about requested URLs

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends data about requested URLs automatically if KSN is enabled.

Send Kaspersky Security Network statistics

Enable extended KSN mode

Accept the terms of the Kaspersky Managed Protection Statement

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not include the KMP service.

Action to perform on KSN untrusted objects

(not supported)

You can configure the Action on threat detection in Protection component settings and Scan task settings.

Do not calculate checksum before sending to KSN if file size exceeds N MB

(not supported)

You can configure large file scanning restrictions in Protection component settings and Scan task settings.

Use Kaspersky Security Center as KSN Proxy

Use KSN Proxy

Schedule settings

(not supported)

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

Traffic Security

KSWS Traffic Security settings are migrated to the Essential Threat Protection section, Web Threat Protection and Mail Threat Protection subsection, Security Controls section, Web Control subsection, General settings section, Network settings subsection.

Traffic Security settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Apply URL-based rules

Web Control (Web Control subsection)

URL-based rules are migrated to separate rules in Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Apply certificate-based rules

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support certificate-based rules.

Apply rules for web traffic category control

Web Control (Web Control subsection)

Blocking rules for web traffic category control are migrated to a single blocking rule in Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores allowing rules for category control.

The correspondence of KSWS and KES categories is listed below.

Allow access if the web page can not be categorized

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows access if the web page can not be categorized.

Allow access to legitimate web resources that can be used to damage a protected device

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allow access to legitimate web resources that can be used to damage the protected device.

Allow access to legitimate advertisement

(not supported)

You can manage access to legitimate advertisement using the Banners web resource category in Web Control settings.

Operation mode

  • Driver Interceptor
  • Redirector
  • External Proxy

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports only the Driver Interceptor mode.

ICAP-service connection settings

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support ICAP Network Storage Protection.

Check safe connections through the HTTPS protocol

Scan encrypted connections / Always scan encrypted connections mode (Network settings subsection)

Use TLS protocol version

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans encrypted network traffic transmitted over the following protocols:

  • SSL 3.0.
  • TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3.

You can additionally block SSL 2.0 connections in encrypted connections scan settings.

Do not trust web-servers with invalid certificate

When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate (Network settings subsection)

Intercept ports (Interception area)

Monitored ports (Network settings subsection)

During migration, KES clears the check boxes Monitor all ports for the applications from the list recommended by Kaspersky and Monitor all ports for specified applications.

Exclude ports (Interception area)

(not supported)

Exclude IP addresses (Interception area)

Trusted addresses (Network settings subsection)

Exclude processes (Interception area)

Trusted applications (Network settings subsection)

During migration, KES configures the following settings for the trusted application:

  • The Do not scan network traffic check box is selected. KES does not scan network traffic for any remote IP addresses and any ports.
  • The other check boxes in the trusted application settings are cleared.

Security port

(not supported)

Use malicious URL database to scan web links

Check the web address against the database of malicious web addresses (Web Threat Protection subsection)

Use anti-phishing database to scan web pages

Check the web address against the database of phishing web addresses (Web Threat Protection subsection)

Use KSN for protection

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN for all application components.

Use Trusted Zone

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the trusted zone to all components. You can configure exclusions in trusted zone settings.

Use heuristic analyzer

Use Heuristic Analysis (Web Threat Protection and Mail Threat Protection subsections)

Security level

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has its own security levels for Web Threat Protection and Mail Threat Protection components. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sets the recommended security level.

Enable mail threat protection

Mail Threat Protection (Mail Threat Protection subsection)

Connect Microsoft Outlook extension

Incoming messages only (Protection scope)

Scan when receiving (Email protection)

Schedule settings

(not supported)

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

Exploit Prevention

KSWS Exploit Prevention settings are migrated to the Advanced Threat Protection section, Exploit Prevention subsection.

Exploit Prevention settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Prevent vulnerable processes exploit:

  • Terminate on exploit
  • Notify only

On detecting exploit:

  • Block operation
  • Notify

Notify about abused processes via Terminal Service

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support terminal services.

Prevent vulnerable processes exploit even if Kaspersky Security Service is disabled

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security constantly prevents vulnerable process exploits.

Protected processes

Enable system process memory protection

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support selecting protected processes. You can only enable system processes memory protection.

Exploit prevention techniques:

  • Apply all available exploit prevention techniques
  • Apply selected exploit prevention techniques

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies all available exploit prevention techniques.

Network Threat Protection

KSWS Network Threat Protection settings are migrated to the Essential Threat Protection section, Network Threat Protection subsection.

Network Threat Protection settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Processing mode:

  • Pass-through
  • Only inform about network attacks
  • Block connections when attack is detected

Network Threat Protection

If Pass-through mode is selected, Network Threat Protection is disabled.

If Only inform about network attacks mode or Block connections when attack is detected mode is selected, Network Threat Protection is enabled. Kaspersky Endpoint Security always works in the Block connections when attack is detected mode.

Do not stop traffic analysis when the task is not running

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyses traffic continuously if the component is enabled.

Do not control excluded IP-addresses


Schedule settings

(not supported)

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

Script Monitoring

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the Script Monitoring component. Script Monitoring is handled by other components, for example, AMSI Protection.

Website categories

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support all categories of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server. Categories that do not exist in Kaspersky Endpoint Security are not migrated. Therefore, web resource classification rules with unsupported categories are not migrated.

Website categories

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server categories

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows categories


Video games


(not supported)

Lotteries (extended)

Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes


Alcohol, tobacco, drugs

Anonymous proxy servers



(not supported)

Rentals for real estate

(not supported)

Audio, video and software

Software, audio, video






Weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics

For children

(not supported)



Home and family

(not supported)

Hosting and domain services

Internet communication

Pets and animals

(not supported)

Law and politics

Forbidden by regional laws

Restricted by Roskomnadzor (RF)

Forbidden by Russian Federation laws

Restricted by Federal Law 436 (RF)

Forbidden by Russian Federation laws

Restricted by RF legislation

Forbidden by Russian Federation laws

Restricted by global legislation

Forbidden by regional laws

Adult dating

Adult content

Internet services

(not supported)

Sex shops

Adult content

Information technologies

(not supported)

Casinos, card games

Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes

Books and writing

(not supported)

Computer games

Video games

Health and beauty

(not supported)

Culture and society

(not supported)


Adult content


Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes


(not supported)


(not supported)


(not supported)


Alcohol, tobacco, drugs




(not supported)

Illegal drugs

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs

Hate and discrimination


Obscene vocabulary

Profanity, obscenity


Adult content


News media


Adult content


(not supported)

Online shopping

Online stores

All communication media

Internet communication

Payment by credit cards

Payment systems

Online shopping (own payment system)

Online stores

Online encyclopedias

(not supported)

Online banking



Weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics

Fishing and hunting

(not supported)

Payment systems

Payment systems

Job search sites

Job search

Search engines

(not supported)

Police decision (JP)

Forbidden by Police of Japan

Trusted by KPSN

(not supported)

Untrusted by KPSN

(not supported)


Adult content

Media hosting and streaming

News media

Web Mail

Web-based mail


(not supported)

TV and radio

News media

Teasers and ads services



Religions, religious associations

Restaurants, cafe and food

(not supported)

Non-adult dating

Dating sites

Sex education

Adult content

Social networks

Social networks


(not supported)


Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes




Alcohol, tobacco, drugs



Mentioned in Federal list of extremists (RF)

Forbidden by Russian Federation laws

File sharing

File sharing


(not supported)

Hobby and entertainment

(not supported)

Chats and forums

Chats, forums, IM

Schools and universities pages

(not supported)

Astrology and esoterica

(not supported)

Extremism and racism



Online stores


Adult content


(not supported)

Local activity control

Applications Launch Control

KSWS Application Control settings are migrated to the Security Controls section, Application Control subsection.

Application Control settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Operation mode:

  • Statistics only
  • Active

Action (Application Control):

  • Test rules
  • Apply rules

Repeat action taken for the first file launch on all the subsequent launches for this file

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the application every time it attempts to run.

Deny the command interpreters launch with no command to execute

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows running command interpreters if they are not prohibited by Application Control.


Application control rules (supported with limitations)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 introduces support for migrating Applications Launch Control rules.

The Applications Launch Control rule migration functionality has some limitations. By default, KSWS Applications Launch Control includes two rules:

  • Allow scripts and MSI by OS-trusted certificate
  • Allow executable by OS-trusted certificate

If at least one source KSWS rule has the Allow type, during the migration KES creates a new allowing rule, Applications with trusted root certificates. That is, KES Application Control uses a single rule to allow running trusted scripts, MSI packages, and executable files. If both source KSWS rules have the Deny type, KES does not add rules for managing applications with trusted root certificates.

Apply rules to executable files

(not supported)

Rule application scope cannot be configured in KES Application Control settings. KES Application Control applies rules to all types of files: executable files, scripts, and MSI packages. If all file types are included in the rule application scope in KSWS, during migration KES carries over the KSWS rules. If some file type is excluded from the rule application scope in KSWS, during migration KES also carries over KSWS rules, but Test rules is selected as the Application Control action.

Monitor loading of DLL modules

Control DLL modules load (significantly increases the load on the system)

Apply rules to scripts and MSI packages

(not supported)

Rule application scope cannot be configured in KES Application Control settings. KES Application Control applies rules to all types of files: executable files, scripts, and MSI packages. If all file types are included in the rule application scope in KSWS, during migration KES carries over the KSWS rules. If some file type is excluded from the rule application scope in KSWS, during migration KES carries over KSWS rules, but Test rules is selected as the Application Control action.

Deny applications untrusted by KSN

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not take into account the reputation of applications and allows or denies running applications in accordance with rules.

Allow applications trusted by KSN

During the migration, KES adds a new allowing rule. The Other SoftwareApplications trusted according to reputation in KSN KL category is specified as the rule triggering condition.

Users and / or user groups allowed to run applications trusted by KSN

Subjects and their rights in an Application Control allow rule that includes the KL category Other applicationsApplications trusted according to reputation in KSN

Automatically allow software distribution via applications and packages listed

Software Distribution Control in KSWS and KES works differently. During the migration, KES adds new allowing rules for applications that have automatic software distribution allowed. The file hash is specified as the rule triggering condition.

Always allow software distribution via Windows Installer

Use trusted system certificate store (Exclusions subsection)

The Trusted system certificate store setting has the Trusted root certification authorities.

Always allow software distribution via SCCM using the Background Intelligent Transfer Service

(not supported)

Software distribution applications and packages allowed

Software Distribution Control in KSWS and KES works differently. During the migration, KES adds new allowing rules for applications that have automatic software distribution allowed. The file hash is specified as the rule triggering condition.

Schedule settings

(not supported)

If a schedule is configured for the component in KSWS settings, the Application Control component is enabled upon migration. If a schedule is not configured for the component in KSWS settings, Application Control is disabled upon migration.

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

Device Control

KSWS Device Control settings are migrated to the Security Controls section, Device Control subsection.

Device Control settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Operation mode:

  • Active
  • Statistics only

(not supported)

Application Control operates in the Active mode. Device connection statistics is continuously provided by Audit.

Allow using all external devices when the Device Control task is not running

(not supported)

Device Control is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running.

Device Control rules

Trusted devices

During migration, Kaspersky Endpoint Security ignores disabled KSWS rules.

Schedule settings

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses its own schedule for gaining access to certain device types.

Network-Attached Storages Protection

RPC Network Storage Protection

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support Network-Attached Storages Protection components. Network storage protection is provided by other application components, for example, Network Threat Protection.

ICAP Network Storage Protection

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support Network-Attached Storages Protection components. Network storage protection is provided by other application components, for example, Network Threat Protection.

Anti-Cryptor for NetApp

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support Anti-Cryptor for NetApp. Anti-Cryptor functionality is provided by other application components, such as Behavior Detection.

Network activity control

Firewall Management

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support KSWS Firewall Management. KSWS Firewall functions are performed by the system-level Firewall. After migration, you can configure the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Firewall.


Network Anti-Cryptor settings are migrated to the Advanced Threat Protection section, Behavior Detection subsection.

Anti-Cryptor settings

KSWS settings

KES settings

Operation mode:

  • Statistics only
  • Active

Upon detection of external encryption of shared folders:

  • Notify
  • Block connection.

Heuristic analyzer

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not use Heuristic Analysis for Behavior Detection.

Configuration of protection scope:

  • All shared network folders on the protected device
  • Only specified shared folders

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security prevents encryption of all shared network folders of the protected computer.


(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security has its own exclusions for the Behavior Detection component. You can manually add exclusions after migration.

Schedule settings

(not supported)

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

System Inspection

File Integrity Monitor

File Integrity Monitor settings from KSWS are migrated to the Security Controls section, File Integrity Monitor subsection.

File Integrity Monitor settings

KSWS settings

KES settings

Log information about file operations that appear during the monitor interruption period

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not log events for file operations performed during the monitor interruption period.

Block attempts to compromise the USN log

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not block attempts to compromise the USN log.

Monitoring scope

Monitoring scope (supported with limitations)

Disabled monitoring scope records are not migrated to KES. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds only enabled records to the monitoring scope.

Trusted users

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers all users' actions in the monitoring scope a security breach.

File operation markers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers all available file operation markers.

Calculate checksum for the file if possible

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not calculate a checksum for the modified file.



Log Inspection

KSWS Log Inspection settings are migrated to the Security Controls section, Log Inspection subsection.

Log Inspection settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Apply custom rules for log inspection

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies all enabled custom rules.

Custom rules

Custom rules

The A service was installed in the system (for Server 2003 OS) predefined rule is not migrated to KES.

Apply predefined rules for log inspection

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies all enabled predefined rules.

Predefined rules

Predefined rules

Password brute-force detection

Password brute-force detection

Network logon detection

Network logon detection

Exclusions (IP addresses)

Exclusions (IP addresses)

Exclusions (users)

Exclusions (users)

Schedule settings

(not supported)

It is not possible to configure a separate schedule for the component. The component is always on while Kaspersky Endpoint Security is operational.

Logs and notifications

Task logs

KSWS Logs settings are migrated to the General settings section, Interface and Reports and Storage subsections.

Logs settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Event logging

Notifications (Interface subsection)

Logs folder

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves reports in the C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\Report folder.

Remove task logs older than N day(s)

(not supported)

You can configure the storage period for KES reports under General settings, Reports and Storage.

Remove from the audit log events N day(s)

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies report storage limitations to all reports including system audit reports.

Integration with SIEM

(not supported)

You can configure SIEM integration in Kaspersky Security Center.

Event notifications

KSWS Notifications settings are migrated to the General settings section, Interface subsection.

Notifications settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings



Notify users:

  • By using terminal service
  • By using Windows Messenger Service command

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support modifying notification text. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays standard notifications.

Notify administrators:

  • By using Windows Messenger Service command
  • By running executable file
  • By sending email

Only email notification settings are migrated to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Email notification settings (Notifications block). Other methods of notifying administrators are not supported.

Application database is out of date

Send the "Databases out of date" notification if databases were not updated

Application database is extremely out of date

Send the "Databases extremely out of date" notification if databases were not updated

Critical areas scan has not been performed for a long time

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates a missed Critical Areas Scan event after three days.

Interaction with Administration Server

KSWS Administration Server interaction settings are migrated to the General settings section, Reports and Storage subsection.

Administration Server interaction settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Quarantined files

About Quarantine files

Backed up files

About files in Backup

Blocked hosts

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically sends data about blocked hosts.


Activation of the application

The Activation of Application task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Add key task (KES).

The Activation of Application task settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Activate application with activation code

Activation code

Activate application with key or key file

Key file or key

Use as additional key

Add this key as a reserve key

Copying Updates

The Copying Updates task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Update task (KES).

Copying Updates task settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Custom HTTP or FTP servers, or network folders

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Specified by user

Use Kaspersky update servers if specified servers are not available

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows selecting multiple update sources, including Kaspersky update servers. If the first update source is not available, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you obtain updates from another source in the list.

Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Use proxy server settings to connect to other servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Copying updates settings:

  • Copy database updates
  • Copy critical software modules updates
  • Copy database updates and critical updates of application modules

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security copies database updates and critical updates of application modules as a single package.

Folder for local storage of copied updates

Copy updates to folder

Baseline File Integrity Monitor

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the Baseline File Integrity Monitor task.

Database Update

The Database Update task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Update task (KES).

Database Update task settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Custom HTTP or FTP servers, or network folders

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Specified by user

Use Kaspersky update servers if specified servers are not available

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows selecting multiple update sources, including Kaspersky update servers. If the first update source is not available, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you obtain updates from another source in the list.

Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Use proxy server settings to connect to other servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Lower the load on the disk I/O

(not supported)

Software modules updates

The Software Modules Update task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Update task (KES).

Software Modules Update task settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Custom HTTP or FTP servers, or network folders

Update source:

  • Kaspersky Security Center
  • Kaspersky update servers
  • Specified by user

Use Kaspersky update servers if specified servers are not available

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows selecting multiple update sources, including Kaspersky update servers. If the first update source is not available, Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you obtain updates from another source in the list.

Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Use proxy server settings to connect to other servers

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server for all components. You can configure the proxy server connection in network options of the application.

Copy and install critical software modules updates

Install critical and approved updates

Only check for critical software updates available

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security continually checks the availability of critical updates for application modules.

Allow operating system restart

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for permission to restart the computer.

Receive information about available scheduled software modules updates

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays notifications about software module updates.

Rollback of Application Database Update

The Rollback of Application Database Update task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Update rollback task (KES). The new Update rollback task (KES) has Manually for its task start schedule.

On-Demand Scan

The On-Demand Scan task settings (KSWS) are migrated to the Malware Scan task (KES).

Virus Scan task settings

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server settings

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows settings

Scan scope

Scan scope

Protection level:

  • Maximum protection
  • Recommended
  • Maximum performance

Security level:

  • High
  • Recommended
  • Low.

Security level settings are different in KSWS and KES.

Objects to scan:

  • All objects
  • Objects scanned by format
  • Objects scanned according to list of extensions specified in anti-virus database
  • Objects scanned by specified list of extensions

File types:

  • All files
  • Files scanned by format
  • Files scanned by extension.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not allow creating custom extension lists. Kaspersky Endpoint Security replaces the Objects scanned by specified list of extensions value with the Files scanned by extension value.


Including subfolders


(not supported)

Scan disk boot sectors and MBR

(not supported)

Scan alternate NTFS streams

(not supported)

Scan only new and modified files

Scan only new and changed files

Scan of compound objects:

  • All archives
  • All SFX archives
  • All email databases
  • All packed objects
  • All plain email
  • All embedded OLE objects

Scan of compound files:

  • Scan archives
  • Scan password-protected archives
  • Scan distribution packages
  • Scan email formats
  • Scan files in Microsoft Office formats

Action to perform on infected and other objects:

  • Disinfect
  • Disinfect. Remove if disinfection fails
  • Remove
  • Perform recommended action
  • Notify only

Action on threat detection:

  • Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails
  • Disinfect; inform if disinfection fails
  • Notify

Action to perform on probably infected objects:

  • Quarantine
  • Remove
  • Perform recommended action
  • Notify only

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the action if any threat is detected.

Perform actions depending on the type of object detected

(not supported)

Entirely remove compound file that cannot be modified by the application in case of embedded object detection

(not supported)

Exclude files

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies the trusted zone to all components. You can configure exclusions in trusted zone settings.

Do not detect

(not supported)

Stop scanning if it takes longer than N sec

Skip files that are scanned for longer than N sec

Do not scan compound objects larger than N MB

Do not unpack large compound files

Use iSwift technology

iSwift Technology

Use iChecker technology

iChecker Technology

Action on the offline files:

  • Do not scan
  • Scan resident part of file only
  • Scan entire file
  • Only if the file has been accessed within the specified period (days)
  • Do not copy file to a local hard drive, if possible

(not supported)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans offline files in their entirety.


Application Integrity Control

The Application Integrity Control task settings (KSWS) is migrated to the Integrity check task (KES).

Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the Applications Launch Control Generator task. You can generate rules in Application Control settings.

Rule Generator for Device Control

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the Rule Generator for Device Control task. You can generate access rules in Device Control settings.

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[Topic 184545]

Managing the application from the command line

You can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line. You can view the list of commands for managing the application by executing the HELP command. To read about the syntax of a specific command, enter HELP <command>.

Special characters in the command must be escaped. To escape the characters &, |, (, ), <, >, ^, use the ^ character (for example, to use the & character, enter ^&). To escape the % character, enter %%.

In this Help section

Installing the application

Activating the application

Remove the application

AVP commands

KESCLI commands

Detection and Response management commands

Error codes

Appendix. Application profiles

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[Topic 123468]

Installing the application

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be installed from the command line in one of the following modes:

  • In interactive mode by using the Application Setup Wizard.
  • In silent mode. After installation is started in silent mode, your involvement in the installation process is not required. To install the application in silent mode, use the /s and /qn keys.

    Prior to installing the application in silent mode, please open and read the End User License Agreement and the text of the Privacy Policy. The End User License Agreement and the text of the Privacy Policy are included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit. You may proceed to install the application only if you have fully read, understand, and accept the provisions and terms of the End User License Agreement, you understand and agree that your data will be processed and transmitted (including to third-party countries) in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and you have fully read and understand the Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the provisions and terms of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy, please do not install or use Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

You can view the list of commands for installing the application by executing the /h command. To get help on the installation command syntax, type setup_kes.exe /h. As a result, the installer displays a window with a description of command options (see the figure below).

Description of installation command options

To install the application or upgrade a previous version of the application:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package is located.
  3. Run the following command:

    setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 [/pKSN=1|0] [/pALLOWREBOOT=1] [/pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1] [/pSKIPPRODUCTUNINSTALL=1] [/pKLLOGIN=<user name> /pKLPASSWD=<password> /pKLPASSWDAREA=<password scope>] [/pENABLETRACES=1|0 /pTRACESLEVEL=<tracing level>] [/s]


    msiexec /i <distribution kit name> EULA=1 PRIVACYPOLICY=1 [KSN=1|0] [ALLOWREBOOT=1] [SKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1] [KLLOGIN=<user name> KLPASSWD=<password> KLPASSWDAREA=<password scope>] [ENABLETRACES=1|0 TRACESLEVEL=<tracing level>] [/qn]

As a result, the application is installed on the computer. You can confirm that application is installed and check application settings by issuing the status command.

Application installation settings


Acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement. The text of the License Agreement is included in the distribution kit of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement is necessary for installing the application or upgrading the application version.


Acceptance of the Privacy Policy. The text of the Privacy Policy is included in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution kit.

To install the application or upgrade the application version, you must accept the Privacy Policy.


Agreement or refusal to participate in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). If no value is set for this parameter, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will prompt to confirm your consent or refusal to participate in KSN when Kaspersky Endpoint Security is first started. Available values:

  • 1 – agreement to participate in KSN.
  • 0 – refusal to participate in KSN (default value).

The Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package is optimized for use with Kaspersky Security Network. If you opted not to participate in Kaspersky Security Network, you should update Kaspersky Endpoint Security immediately after the installation is complete.


Automatic restart of the computer, if required after installation or upgrade of the application. If no value is set for this parameter, automatic computer restart is blocked.

Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Restart is required only if you have to remove incompatible applications prior to installation. Restart may also be required when updating the application version.


Disabling checking for incompatible software. The list of incompatible software is available in the incompatible.txt file that is included in the distribution kit. If no value is set for this parameter and incompatible software is detected, the installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be terminated.


Disable automatic removal of detected incompatible software. If no value is set for this parameter, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to remove incompatible software.

Automatic removal of incompatible software cannot be enabled when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security using the msiexec installer. Use setup_kes.exe to enable the automatic removal of incompatible software.


Set the user name for accessing the features and settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security (the Password protection component). The user name is set together with the KLPASSWD and KLPASSWDAREA parameters. The user name KLAdmin is used by default.


Specify a password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security features and settings (the password is specified together with the KLLOGIN and KLPASSWDAREA parameters).

If you specified a password but did not specify a user name with the KLLOGIN parameter, the KLAdmin user name is used by default.


Specify the scope of the password for accessing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. When a user attempts to perform an action that is included in this scope, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts for the user's account credentials (KLLOGIN and KLPASSWD parameters). Use the ";" character to specify multiple values. Available values:

  • SET – modifying application settings.
  • EXIT – exiting the application.
  • DISPROTECT – disabling protection components and stopping scan tasks.
  • DISPOLICY – disabling the Kaspersky Security Center policy.
  • UNINST – removing the application from the computer.
  • DISCTRL – disabling control components.
  • REMOVELIC – removing the key.
  • REPORTS – viewing reports.


Enabling or disabling application tracing. After Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts, it saves trace files in the folder %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces. Available values:

  • 1 – tracing is enabled.
  • 0 – tracing is disabled (default value).


Level of detail of traces. Available values:

  • 100 (critical). Only messages about fatal errors.
  • 200 (high). Messages about all errors, including fatal errors.
  • 300 (diagnostic). Messages about all errors, as well as warnings.
  • 400 (important). All error messages, warnings, and additional information.
  • 500 (normal). Messages about all errors and warnings, as well as detailed information about the operation of the application in normal mode (default).
  • 600 (low). All messages.


Enables or disables protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology (Antimalware Protected Process Light). For more details about AM-PPL technology, please visit the Microsoft website.

AM-PPL technology is available for Windows 10 version 1703 (RS2) or later, and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.

Available values:

  • 1 – protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology is enabled.
  • 0 – protection of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes using AM-PPL technology is disabled.


Application upgrade mode:

  • Seamless means upgrading the application with a computer restart (default value).
  • Force means upgrading the application without a restart.

You can upgrade the application without a restart starting with version 11.10.0. To upgrade an earlier version of the application, you must restart the computer. You can also install patches without a restart starting with version 11.11.0.

Restart is not required when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security. So, the upgrade mode of the application will be specified in the application settings. You can change this parameter in the application settings or in the policy.

When upgrading already installed application, the priority of the command line parameter is lower than that of the parameter specified in the application settings or in the setup.ini file. For example, if Force upgrade mode is specified in the command line and Seamless mode is specified in the application settings, the upgrade will be installed with a computer restart (Seamless).


Managing the application through the REST API. To manage the application through the REST API, you must specify the user name (RESTAPI_User parameter).

Available values:

  • 1 – management via REST API is allowed.
  • 0 – management via REST API is blocked (default value).

To manage the application through the REST API, management using administrative systems must be allowed. To do so, set the AdminKitConnector=1 parameter. If you manage the application through the REST API, it is impossible to manage the application using the administration systems of Kaspersky.


User name of the Windows domain account used for managing the application through the REST API. Management of the application through the REST API is available only to this user. Enter the user name in the format <DOMAIN>\<UserName> (for example, RESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator). You can select only one user to work with the REST API.

Adding a user name is a prerequisite for managing the application through the REST API.


Port used for managing the application through the REST API. Port 6782 is used by default.


Certificate for identifying requests (for example, RESTAPI_Certificate=C:\cert.pem). Secure interaction of Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the REST client requires configuring request identification. To do so, you must install a certificate and subsequently sign the payload of each request.


Application management using administration systems. Administration systems include, for example, Kaspersky Security Center. In addition to Kaspersky administration systems, you can use third-party solutions. Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides an API for this purpose.

Available values:

  • 1 – application management with the help of administration systems is allowed (default value).
  • 0 – application management is allowed only through the local interface.


setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pKSN=1 /pALLOWREBOOT=1


setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pKSN=1 /pENABLETRACES=1 /pTRACESLEVEL=600 /s

After Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed, the trial license is activated unless you provided an activation code in the setup.ini file. A trial license usually has a short term. When the trial license expires, all Kaspersky Endpoint Security features become disabled. To continue using the application, you need to activate the application with a commercial license by using the Application Activation Wizard or a special command.

When installing the application or upgrading the application version in silent mode, use of the following files is supported:

  • setup.ini – general settings for application installation
  • install.cfg – settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Security operation
  • setup.reg – registry keys

    Registry keys from the setup.reg file are written to the registry only if the setup.reg value is set for the SetupReg parameter in the setup.ini file. The setup.reg file is generated by Kaspersky experts. It is not recommended to modify the contents of this file.

To apply settings from the setup.ini, install.cfg, and setup.reg files, place these files into the folder containing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package. You can also put the setup.reg file in a different folder. If you do so, you need to specify the path to the file in the following application installation command: SETUPREG=<path to the setup.reg file>.

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[Topic 123476]

Activating the application

To activate the application from the command line,

type the following string in the command line:

avp.com license /add <activation code or key file> [/login=<user name> /password=<password>]

You need to enter the user account credentials (/login=<user name> /password=<password>) if Password Protection is enabled.

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[Topic 123471]

Remove the application

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be uninstalled from the command line in one of the following ways:

  • In interactive mode by using the Application Setup Wizard.
  • In silent mode. After uninstallation is started in silent mode, your involvement in the removal process is not required. To uninstall the application in silent mode, use the /s and /qn switches.

To uninstall the application in silent mode:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package is located.
  3. Run the following command:
    • If the removal process is not password protected:

      setup_kes.exe /s /x


      msiexec.exe /x <GUID> /qn

      <GUID> is the unique ID of the application. You can find out the GUID of the application by using the following command:

      wmic product where "Name like '%Kaspersky Endpoint Security%'" get Name, IdentifyingNumber.

    • If the removal process is password protected:

      setup_kes.exe /pKLLOGIN=<user name> /pKLPASSWD=<password> /s /x


      msiexec.exe /x <GUID> KLLOGIN=<user name> KLPASSWD=<password> /qn


    msiexec.exe /x {9A017278-F7F4-4DF9-A482-0B97B70DD7ED} KLLOGIN=KLAdmin KLPASSWD=!Password1 /qn

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[Topic 181236]

SCAN. Malware Scan

Run the Malware Scan task.

Command syntax

SCAN [<scan scope>] [<action on threat detection>] [<file types>] [<scan exclusions>] [/R[A]:<report file>] [<scan technologies>] [/C:<file with scan settings>]

Scan scope


<files to scan>

A space-separated list of files and folders. Long paths must be enclosed in quotation marks. Short paths (MS-DOS format) do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Example Folder" – long path.
  • C:\PROGRA~2\EXAMPL~1 – short path.


Run the Full Scan task. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the following objects:

  • Kernel memory;
  • Objects that are loaded at startup of the operating system
  • Boot sectors;
  • Operating system backup
  • All hard and removable drives


Scan the Kernel memory


Scan the Objects that are loaded at startup of the operating system


Scan Outlook mailbox


Scan removable drives.


Scan hard drives.


Scan network drives.


Scan the files in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Backup.

/@:<file list.lst>

Scan the files and folders from a list. Each file in the list must be on a new row. Long paths must be enclosed in quotation marks. Short paths (MS-DOS format) do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Example Folder" – long path.
  • C:\PROGRA~2\EXAMPL~1 – short path.

Action on threat detection



Inform. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about infected files to the list of active threats on detection of these files.


Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.


Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

This action is selected by default.


Disinfect the infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, delete the infected files. Also delete compound files (for example, archives) if the infected file cannot be disinfected or deleted.


Delete infected files. Also delete compound files (for example, archives) if the infected file cannot be deleted.

File types



Files scanned by extension. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. The file format is then determined based on the file's extension.


Files scanned by format. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.


All files. If this setting is enabled, the application checks all files without exception (all formats and extensions).

This is the default setting.

Scan exclusions



RAR, ARJ, ZIP, CAB, LHA, JAR, and ICE archives are excluded from the scan scope.


Mail databases, incoming and outgoing e-mails are excluded from the scan scope.

-e:<file mask>

Files that match the file mask are excluded from the scan scope. For example:

  • The mask *.exe will include all paths to files that have the exe extension.
  • The mask example* will include all paths to files named EXAMPLE.


Files that take longer to scan than the specified time limit (in seconds) are excluded from the scan scope.


Files that are larger than the specified size limit (in megabytes) are excluded from the scan scope.

Saving events to a report file mode (for Scan, Updater and Rollback profiles only)


/R:<report file>

Save only critical events to the report file.

/RA:<report file>

Save all events to a report file.

Scan technologies



This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).


This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

Advanced settings


/C:<file with scan settings>

File with the Malware Scan task settings. The file must be created manually and saved in TXT format. The file can have the following contents: [<scan scope>] [<action on threat detection>] [<file types>] [<scan exclusions>] [/R[A]:<report file>] [<scan technologies>].


avp.com SCAN /R:log.txt /MEMORY /STARTUP /MAIL "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\My Documents" "C:\Program Files"

See also:

Scanning the computer

Editing the scan scope

Scan. Malware Scan

Working with active threats

Page top

[Topic 181286]

UPDATE. Updating databases and application software modules

Run the Update task.

Command syntax

UPDATE [local] ["<update source>"] [/R[A]:<report file>] [/C:<file with update settings>]

Update task settings



Start of the Update task that was created automatically after the application was installed. You can change the settings of the Update task in the local application interface or in the console of Kaspersky Security Center. If this setting is not configured, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the Update task with the default settings or with the settings specified in the command. You can configure Update task settings as follows:

  • UPDATE starts the Update task with the default settings: the update source is Kaspersky update servers, the account is System, and other default settings.
  • UPDATE local starts the Update task that was created automatically after installation (predefined task).
  • UPDATE <update settings> starts the Update task with manually defined settings (see below).

Update source


"<update source>"

Address of a HTTP or FTP server, or of a shared folder with the update package. You can specify only one update source. If the update source is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the default source: Kaspersky update servers.

Saving events to a report file mode (for Scan, Updater and Rollback profiles only)


/R:<report file>

Save only critical events to the report file.

/RA:<report file>

Save all events to a report file.

Advanced settings


/C:<file with update settings>

File with the Update task settings. The file must be created manually and saved in TXT format. The file can have the following contents: ["<update source>"] [/R[A]:<report file>].


avp.com UPDATE local

avp.com UPDATE "ftp://my_server/kav updates" /RA:avbases_upd.txt

See also:

Starting and stopping an update task

Page top

[Topic 181289]

ROLLBACK. Last update rollback

Roll back the last anti-virus database update. This lets you roll back the databases and application modules to their previous version when necessary, for example, when the new database version contains an invalid signature that causes Kaspersky Endpoint Security to block a safe application.

Command syntax

ROLLBACK [/R[A]:<report file>]

Saving events to a report file mode (for Scan, Updater and Rollback profiles only)


/R:<report file>

Save only critical events to the report file.

/RA:<report file>

Save all events to a report file.


avp.com ROLLBACK /RA:rollback.txt

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[Topic 181290]

TRACES. Tracing

Enable / disable tracing. Trace files are stored on the computer as long as the application is in use, and are deleted permanently when the application is removed. Trace files, except trace files of Authentication Agent, are stored in the folder %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces. By default, tracing is disabled.

Command syntax

TRACES on|off [<tracing level>] [<advanced settings>]

Tracing level


<tracing level>

Level of detail of traces. Available values:

  • 100 (critical). Only messages about fatal errors.
  • 200 (high). Messages about all errors, including fatal errors.
  • 300 (diagnostic). Messages about all errors, as well as warnings.
  • 400 (important). All error messages, warnings, and additional information.
  • 500 (normal). Messages about all errors and warnings, as well as detailed information about the operation of the application in normal mode (default).
  • 600 (low). All messages.

Advanced settings



Run a command with the dbg, file and mem parameters.


Use the OutputDebugString function and save the trace file. The OutputDebugString function sends a character string to the application debugger to display on screen. For details, visit the MSDN website.


Save one trace file (no size limit).


Save traces to a limited number of files of limited size and overwrite the older files when the maximum size is reached.


Save traces to dump files.


avp.com TRACES on 500

avp.com TRACES on 500 dbg

avp.com TRACES off

avp.com TRACES on 500 dbg mem

avp.com TRACES off file

See also:

Application operation tracing

Application performance tracing

Contents and storage of trace files

Dump writing

Protecting dump files and trace files

Page top

[Topic 181291]

START. Start the profile

Start the profile (for example, to update databases or to enable a protection component).

Command syntax

START <profile> [/R[A]:<report file>]




Profile name. A Profile is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, task or feature. You can view the list of available profiles by executing the HELP START command.

Saving events to a report file mode (for Scan, Updater and Rollback profiles only)


/R:<report file>

Save only critical events to the report file.

/RA:<report file>

Save all events to a report file.


avp.com START Scan_Objects

Page top

[Topic 181292]

STOP. Stopping a profile

Stop the running profile (for example, stop scanning, stop removable drives scan, or disable a protection component).

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Disable protection components and Disable control components permissions.

Command syntax

STOP <profile> /login=<user name> /password=<password>




Profile name. A Profile is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, task or feature. You can view the list of available profiles by executing the HELP STOP command.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.

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[Topic 181295]

STATUS. Profile status

Show status information for application profiles (for example, running or completed). You can view the list of available profiles by executing the HELP STATUS command.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security also displays information about the status of service profiles. Information about the status of service profiles may be required when you are contacting Kaspersky Technical Support.

Command syntax

avp.com STATUS [<profile>]

If you enter the command without a profile, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the status for all profiles of the application.

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[Topic 181297]

STATISTICS. Profile operation statistics

View statistical information about an application profile (for example, scan duration or the number of threats detected.) You can view the list of available profiles by running the HELP STATISTICS command.

Command syntax

STATISTICS <profile>
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[Topic 181298]

RESTORE. Restoring files from Backup

You can restore a file from Backup to its original folder. If a file with the same name already exists at the specified path, the application will ask for confirmation to replace the file. The file that is being restored is copied keeping its original name.

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Restore from Backup permission.

Backup stores backup copies of files that were deleted or modified during disinfection. A backup copy is a file copy created before the file was disinfected or deleted. Backup copies of files are stored in a special format and do not pose a threat.

Backup copies of files are stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\QB.

Users in the Administrators group are granted full permission to access this folder. Limited access rights to this folder are granted to the user whose account was used to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not provide the capability to configure user access permissions to backup copies of files.

Command syntax

RESTORE [/REPLACE] <file name> /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Advanced settings



Overwrite an existing file.

<file name>

The name of the file to be restored.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com RESTORE /REPLACE true_file.txt /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

Page top

[Topic 181299]

EXPORT. Exporting application settings

Export Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings to a file. The file will be located in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder.

Command syntax

EXPORT <profile> <file name>




Profile name. A Profile is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, task or feature. You can view the list of available profiles by executing the HELP EXPORT command.

File to export


<file name>

The name of the file to which the application settings will be exported. You can export Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings to a DAT or CFG configuration file, to a TXT text file, or to an XML document.


avp.com EXPORT ids ids_config.dat

avp.com EXPORT fm fm_config.txt

See also:

Creating and using a configuration file

Page top

[Topic 181300]

IMPORT. Importing application settings

Imports settings for Kaspersky Endpoint Security from a file that was created with the EXPORT command.

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Configure application settings permission.

Command syntax

IMPORT <file name> /login=<username> /password=<password>

File to import


<file name>

The name of the file from which the application settings will be imported. You can import Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings from a DAT or CFG configuration file, a TXT text file, or an XML document.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com IMPORT config.dat /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

See also:

Creating and using a configuration file

Page top

[Topic 181301]

ADDKEY. Applying a key file

Apply the key file to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security. If the application is already activated, the key will be added as a reserve one.

Command syntax

ADDKEY <file name> /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Key file


<file name>

Key file name.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials. These credentials need to be entered only if Password protection is enabled.


avp.com ADDKEY file.key

See also:

About the key file

Using the Activation Wizard to activate the application

Page top

[Topic 181302]

LICENSE. Licensing

Perform operations with the license keys of Kaspersky Endpoint Security or with the keys of EDR Optimum or EDR Expert (Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Add-on).

To execute this command and remove a license key, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Remove key permission.

Command syntax

avp.com LICENSE <operation> [/login=<user name> /password=<password>]



/ADD <file name>

Apply the key file to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security. If the application is already activated, the key will be added as a reserve one.

/ADD <activation code>

Activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security using an activation code. If the application is already activated, the key will be added as a reserve one.


Update the status of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security license. As a result, the application receives up-to-date license status information from Kaspersky activation servers.


Update the status of the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Add-on license. As a result, the application receives up-to-date license status information from Kaspersky activation servers.

/DEL /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Remove the license key of the application. Reserve key will also be removed.

/DEL EDR /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Remove the license key of Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Add-on. Reserve key will also be removed.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com LICENSE /ADD file.key


avp.com LICENSE /DEL EDR /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

See also:

About activation code

About the key file

About license key

Using the Activation Wizard to activate the application

Page top

[Topic 184351]

RENEW. Purchasing a license

Open the Kaspersky website to purchase or renew your license.

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[Topic 184342]

PBATESTRESET. Reset the disk check results before encrypting the disk

Reset the compatibility check results for Full Disk Encryption(FDE), including both the Kaspersky Disk Encryption and BitLocker Drive Encryption technologies.

Before running Full Disk Encryption, the application performs a number of checks to verify that the computer can be encrypted. If the computer does not support Full Disk Encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs information about the incompatibility. The next time you try to encrypt, the application does not perform this check and warns you that encryption is not possible. If the hardware configuration of the computer has changed, the compatibility check results previously logged by the application must be reset to re-check the system hard drive for compatibility with Kaspersky Disk Encryption or BitLocker drive encryption technologies.

See also:

Starting BitLocker Drive Encryption

Page top

[Topic 184347]

EXIT. Exit the application

Exits Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The application will be unloaded from the computer's RAM.

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Exit the application permission.

Command syntax

EXIT /login=<user name> /password=<password>
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[Topic 184348]

EXITPOLICY. Disabling policy

Disables a Kaspersky Security Center policy on the computer. All Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings are available for configuration, including settings that have a closed lock in the policy ().

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Disable Kaspersky Security Center policy permission.

Command syntax

EXITPOLICY /login=<user name> /password=<password>
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[Topic 184350]

STARTPOLICY. Enabling policy

Enables a Kaspersky Security Center policy on the computer. The application settings will be configured according to the policy.

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[Topic 184352]

DISABLE. Disabling protection

Disables File Threat Protection on a computer with an expired Kaspersky Endpoint Security license. It is not possible to run this command on a computer that has the application that is not activated or has a valid license.

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[Topic 184354]

SPYWARE. Spyware detection

Enable / disable spyware detection. By default, spyware detection is enabled.

Command syntax

SPYWARE on|off
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[Topic 207430]

KSN. Global/Private KSN transition

Selecting a Kaspersky Security Network solution for determining the reputation of files or websites. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following KSN infrastructural solutions:

  • Global KSN is the solution that is used by most Kaspersky applications. KSN participants receive information from Kaspersky Security Network and send Kaspersky information about objects detected on the user's computer to be analyzed additionally by Kaspersky analysts and to be included in the reputation and statistical databases of Kaspersky Security Network.
  • Private KSN is a solution that enables users of computers hosting Kaspersky Endpoint Security or other Kaspersky applications to obtain access to reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network, and to other statistical data without sending data to KSN from their own computers. Private KSN is designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
    • Local workstations are not connected to the Internet.
    • Transmission of any data outside the country or outside the corporate LAN is prohibited by law or restricted by corporate security policies.

Command syntax

KSN /global | /private <file name>

Private KSN configuration file


<file name>

Name of the configuration file containing the KSN proxy server settings This file has the PKCS7 or PEM extension.


avp.com KSN /global

avp.com KSN /private C:\ksn_config.pkcs7

See also:

Enabling and disabling the usage of Kaspersky Security Network

Limitations of Private KSN

Enabling and disabling cloud mode for protection components

Checking the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

Page top

[Topic 213488]

KESCLI commands

KESCLI commands let you receive information about the state of computer protection using the OPSWAT component, and let you perform standard tasks such as malware scans and database updates.

You can view the list of KESCLI commands by using the --help command or by using the abbreviated command -h.

To manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
  3. To execute a command, enter:
    kescli <command> [options]

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will execute the command (see figure below).

Managing the application from the command line

In this section

Scan. Malware Scan

GetScanState. Scan completion status

GetLastScanTime. Determining the scan completion time

GetThreats. Obtaining data on detected threats

UpdateDefinitions. Updating databases and application software modules

GetDefinitionState. Determining the update completion time

EnableRTP. Enabling protection

GetRealTimeProtectionState. File Threat Protection status

Version. Identifying the application version

Page top

[Topic 213709]

Scan. Malware Scan

Run the Malware Scan task.

To run the task, the administrator must Allow use of local tasks in the policy.

Command syntax

kescli --opswat Scan "<scan scope>" <action on threat detection>

You can check the completion status of a Full Scan task by using the GetScanState command and view the date and time when the scan was last completed by using the GetLastScanTime command.

Scan scope


<files to scan>

;-separated list of files and folders. For example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Example Folder".

Action on threat detection



Inform. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about infected files to the list of active threats on detection of these files.


Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

This action is selected by default.


kescli --opswat Scan "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\My Documents;C:\Program Files" 1

See also:

Scanning the computer

Editing the scan scope

SCAN. Malware Scan

Working with active threats

Page top

[Topic 213715]

GetScanState. Scan completion status

Receive information about the status of Full Scan task completion:

  • 1 – the scan is in progress.
  • 0 – the scan is not running.

Command syntax

--opswat GetScanState


kescli --opswat GetScanState

Page top

[Topic 213723]

GetLastScanTime. Determining the scan completion time

Receive information about the date and time of the last Full Scan task completion.

Command syntax

kescli --opswat GetLastScanTime
Page top

[Topic 213725]

GetThreats. Obtaining data on detected threats

Receive a list of detected threats (Threats report). This report contains information about threats and virus activity during the last 30 days prior to creating the report.

Command syntax

--opswat GetThreats

When this command is executed, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will send a response in the following format:

<name of detected object> <type of object> <detection date and time> <path to file> <action on threat detection> <threat danger level>


Managing the application from the command line

Object type



Not known (Unknown).


Viruses (Virware).


Trojan programs (Trojware).


Malicious programs (Malware).


Advertisement programs (Adware).


Auto-dialer programs (Pornware).


Applications that could be used by a cybercriminal to harm the user's computer or data (Riskware).


Packed objects whose packing method may be used to protect malicious code (Packed).


Unknown objects (Xfiles).


Known applications (Software).


Concealed files (Hidden).


Applications requiring attention (Pupware).


Anomalous behavior (Anomaly).


Not determined (Undetect).


Ad banners (Banner).


Network attack (Attack).


Registry access (Registry).


Suspicious activity (Suspicion).


Vulnerabilities (Vulnerability).




Unwanted email attachment (Attachment).


Malware detected by Kaspersky Security Network (Urgent).


Unknown link (Suspic URL).


Other malware (Behavioral).

Action on threat detection



Not known (unknown).


Threat was remediated (ok).


Object was infected and has not been disinfected (infected).


Object is in an archive and has not been disinfected (archive).


Object has been disinfected (disinfected).


Object has not been disinfected (not disinfected).


Object was deleted (deleted).


A backup copy of the object was created (backupped).


Object was moved to Backup (quarantined).


Object was deleted on computer restart (delete on reboot).


Object was disinfected on computer restart (disinfect on reboot).


Object was moved to Backup by a user (added by user).


Object was added to exclusions (added to exclude).


Object was moved to Backup on computer restart (quarantine on reboot).


False positive (false alarm).


Process was terminated (terminated).


Object was not detected (not found).


Cannot resolve the threat (untreatable).


Object was restored (rolled back).


Object was created as a result of threat activity (produced by threat).


Object was restored on computer restart (roll back on reboot).


Object was not processed (discarded).

Threat danger level







Medium scan




Info (less than Low)

Page top

[Topic 213710]

UpdateDefinitions. Updating databases and application software modules

Run the Update task. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the default source: Kaspersky update servers.

To run the task, the administrator must Allow use of local tasks in the policy.

Command syntax

kescli --opswat UpdateDefinitions

You can view the release date and time of the current antivirus databases by using the GetDefinitionsetState command.

Page top

[Topic 213724]

GetDefinitionState. Determining the update completion time

Receive information about the release date and time of the antivirus databases in use.

Command syntax

kescli --opswat GetDefinitionState
Page top

[Topic 213713]

EnableRTP. Enabling protection

Enable Kaspersky Endpoint Security protection components on the computer: File Threat Protection, Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, Network Threat Protection, Host Intrusion Prevention.

To enable protection components, the administrator must make sure that the relevant policy settings can be modified ( attributes are open).

Command syntax

kescli --opswat EnableRTP

As a result, protection components are enabled even if you have prohibited the modification of application settings with Password protection.

You can check the operating status of File Threat Protection by using the GetRealTimeProtectionState command.

Page top

[Topic 213719]

GetRealTimeProtectionState. File Threat Protection status

Receive information about the operating status of the File Threat Protection component:

  • 1 – the component is enabled.
  • 0 – the component is disabled.

Command syntax

kescli --opswat GetRealTimeProtectionState
Page top

[Topic 213708]

Version. Identifying the application version

Identify the version of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

Command syntax


You can also use the abbreviated command -v.


kescli -v

Page top

[Topic 216455]

Detection and Response management commands

You can use the command line to manage built-in functionality of Detection and Response solutions (for example, Kaspersky Sandbox or Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum). You can manage Detection and Response solutions if management using the Kaspersky Security Center console is not possible. You can view the list of commands for managing the application by executing the HELP command. To read about the syntax of a specific command, enter HELP <command>.

To manage built-in features of Detection and Response solutions using the command line:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
  3. To execute a command, enter:

    avp.com <command> [options]

As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will execute the command (see figure below.)

In this section

SANDBOX. Managing Kaspersky Sandbox

PREVENTION. Managing Execution prevention

ISOLATION. Managing Network isolation

RESTORE. Restoring files from Quarantine

IOCSCAN. Scan for indicators of compromise (IOC)

MDRLICENSE. MDR activation

Page top

[Topic 218182]

SANDBOX. Managing Kaspersky Sandbox

Commands for managing the Kaspersky Sandbox component:

  • Enable or disable the Kaspersky Sandbox component.

    The Kaspersky Sandbox component enables interoperability with the Kaspersky Sandbox solution.

  • Configure the Kaspersky Sandbox component:
    • Connect the computer to Kaspersky Sandbox servers.

      The servers use deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems to run objects that need to be scanned. You can enter an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or a fully qualified domain name. For details about deploying virtual images and configuring Kaspersky Sandbox servers, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

    • Configure connection timeout for Kaspersky Sandbox server.

      Timeout for receiving a response to an object scanning request from the Kaspersky Sandbox server. After the timeout elapses, Kaspersky Sandbox redirects the request to the next server. The timeout value depends on the speed and stability of the connection. The default value is 5 seconds.

    • Configure a trusted connection between the computer and Kaspersky Sandbox servers.

      To configure a trusted connection with Kaspersky Sandbox servers, you must prepare a TLS certificate. Next you must add the certificate to Kaspersky Sandbox servers and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. For details on preparing the certificate and adding the certificate to servers, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

  • Display the current settings of the component.

Command syntax

stop sandbox [/login=<user name> /password=<password>] start sandbox sandbox /set [--tls=yes|no] [--servers=<server address>:<port>] [--timeout=<Kaspersky Sandbox server connection timeout (ms)>] [--pinned-certificate=<path to the TLS certificate>][/login=<user name> /password=<password>] sandbox /show




Disable the Kaspersky Sandbox component.


Enable the Kaspersky Sandbox component.


Configure the Kaspersky Sandbox component. You can modify the following settings:

  • Use a trusted connection (--tls);
  • Add a TLS certificate (--pinned-certificate);
  • Set the Kaspersky Sandbox server connection timeout (--timeout);
  • Add Kaspersky Sandbox servers (--servers).


Display the current settings of the component. You get the following response:

sandbox.timeout=<Kaspersky Sandbox server connection timeout (ms)>

sandbox.tls=<trusted connection status>

sandbox.servers=<list of Kaspersky Sandbox servers>



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com start sandbox

avp.com sandbox /set --tls=yes --pinned-certificate="С:\Users\Admin\certificate.pem"

avp.com sandbox /set --servers=

Page top

[Topic 215857]

PREVENTION. Managing Execution prevention

Disable Execution Prevention or show the current component settings, including the list of execution prevention rules.

Command syntax

prevention disable prevention /show

Upon executing the prevention /show command, you will get the following response:




id: <rule ID>

target: script|process|document

md5: <MD5 hash of the file>

sha256: <SHA256 hash of the file>

pattern: <path to the object>

case-sensitive: true|false

Command return values:

  • -1 means the command is not supported by the version of the application that is installed on the computer.
  • 0 means the command was executed successfully.
  • 1 means a mandatory argument was not passed to the command.
  • 2 means a general error occurred.
  • 4 means there was a syntax error.
  • 9 – wrong operation (for example, an attempt to disable the component when it is already disabled).
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[Topic 215978]

ISOLATION. Managing Network isolation

Turn off Network isolation of the computer or display current settings of the component. Component settings also include a list of network connections added to exclusions.

Command syntax:

isolation /OFF /login=<user name> /password=<password> isolation /STAT

As a result of running the stat command, you receive the following response: Network isolation on|off.

Page top

[Topic 215844]

RESTORE. Restoring files from Quarantine

You can restore a file from Quarantine to its original folder. If the destination folder has been deleted, the application places the file to a special folder on the computer. Then you must manually move the file to the destination folder. Quarantine is a special local storage on the computer. The user can quarantine files that the user considers dangerous for the computer. Quarantined files are stored in an encrypted state and do not threaten the security of the device. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Quarantine only when working with Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. In other cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the relevant file in Backup. For details on managing Quarantine as part of solutions, please refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Restore from Backup permission.

The object is quarantined under the system account (SYSTEM).

Command syntax

avp.com RESTORE [/REPLACE] <file name> /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Advanced settings



Overwrite an existing file.

<file name>

The name of the file to be restored.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com RESTORE /REPLACE true_file.txt /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

Command return values:

  • -1 means the command is not supported by the version of the application that is installed on the computer.
  • 0 means the command was executed successfully.
  • 1 means a mandatory argument was not passed to the command.
  • 2 means a general error occurred.
  • 4 means there was a syntax error.
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[Topic 219049]

IOCSCAN. Scan for indicators of compromise (IOC)

Run the Scan for indicators of compromise (IOC) task. An Indicator of Compromise (IOC) is a set of data about an object or activity that indicates unauthorized access to the computer (compromise of data). For example, many unsuccessful attempts to sign in to the system can constitute an Indicator of Compromise. The IOC Scan tasks allows finding Indicators of Compromise on the computer and take threat response measures.

Command syntax

IOCSCAN <full path to the IOC file>|/path=<path to the IOC files folder> [/process=on|off] [/hint=<full path to executable file of a process|full file path>] [/registry=on|off] [/dnsentry=on|off] [/arpentry=on|off] [/ports=on|off] [/services=on|off] [/system=on|off] [/users=on|off] [/volumes=on|off] [/eventlog=on|off] [/datetime=<event publication date>] [/channels=<list of channels>] [/files=on|off] [/drives=<all|system|critical|custom>] [/excludes=<list of exclusions>][/scope=<list of folders to scan>]

IOC files


<full path to the IOC file>

Full path to the IOC file that you want to use for scanning. You can specify multiple IOC files separated by spaces. The full path to the IOC file must be entered without the /path argument.

For example, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\IOC\file1.ioc

/path=<path to the folder with IOC files>

Path to the folder with IOC files that you want to use for scanning. IOC files are files containing the sets of indicators that the application tries to match to count a detection. IOC files must conform to the OpenIOC standard.

For example, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\IOC

Data type for IOC scanning



Analyze process data when performing the IOC scan (ProcessItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not analyze processes running on the computer when performing the scan. If the IOC file contains IOC terms of the ProcessItem IOC document, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes process data only if the ProcessItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.

/hint=<full path to the executable file of the process|full path to the file>

Analyze file data when performing the IOC scan (ProcessItem and FileItem terms).

You can select a file in one of the following ways:

  • <full path to the executable file of the process> – ProcessItem;
  • <full path to the file> – FileItem.


Analyze Windows registry data when performing an IOC scan (RegistryItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the Windows registry. If the IOC file contains RegistryItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the Windows registry only if the RegistryItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.

For the RegistryItem data type, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans a set of registry keys.


Analyze the data about records in the local DNS cache when performing the IOC scan (DnsEntryItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the local DNS cache. If the IOC file contains DnsEntryItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the local DNS cache only if the DnsEntryItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze the data about records in the ARP table when performing the IOC scan (ArpEntryItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the ARP table. If the IOC file contains ArpEntryItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the ARP table only if the ArpEntryItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze data about ports open for listening when performing the IOC scan (PortItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the table of active connections on the device. If the IOC file contains PortItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the table of active connections only if the PortItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze data about services installed on the device when performing the IOC scan (ServiceItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the data about services installed on the device. If the IOC file contains ServiceItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes service data only if the ServiceItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze environment data when performing the IOC scan (SystemInfoItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not analyze environment data. If the IOC file contains SystemInfoItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes environment data only if the SystemInfoItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze data about users when performing the IOC scan (UserItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not analyze data about users created in the system. If the IOC file contains UserItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes data about users created in the system only if the UserItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze data about volumes when performing the IOC scan (VolumeItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the data about volumes on the device. If the IOC file contains VolumeItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes volume data only if the VolumeItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Analyze the data about records in the Windows event log when performing the IOC scan (EventLogItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan the records in the Windows event log. If the IOC file contains EventLogItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the Windows event log if the EventLogItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.

/datetime=<event publication date>

Take into consideration the date when the event was published in the Windows event log when determining the IOC scan scope for the corresponding IOC document.

When performing an IOC scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans Windows event log entries published during the period from the specified time and date to the moment when the task is run.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows specifying the event publication date as the value of the argument. The scan is performed only for events published in the Windows event log after the specified date and before the scan is run.

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans events with any publication date. The TaskSettings::BaseSettings::EventLogItem::datetime setting cannot be edited.

The setting is used only if the EventLogItem IOC document is described in the IOC file provided for the scan.

/channel=<list of channels>

List of channel (log) names for which you want to perform an IOC scan.

If the argument is specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans records published in the specified logs. The IOC document must have the EventLogItem term described.

The name of the log is specified as a string in accordance with the name of the log (channel) specified in the properties of the log (the Full Name parameter) or in the event properties (the <Channel></Channel> parameter in the xml schema of the event). You can specify multiple channels separated by spaces.

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans records for channels Application, System, Security.


Analyze file data when performing the IOC scan (FileItem term).

If the value of the argument is off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not analyze file data. If the IOC file contains FileItem IOC document terms, they are ignored (detected as no match).

If the argument is not specified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes file data only if the FileItem IOC document is described in the IOC file that is provided for the scan.


Set IOC scan scope when analyzing data for the FileItem IOC document.

You can set the following values for the scan scope:

  • <all> for all available file scopes.
  • <system> for files in folders where the operating system is installed.
  • <critical> for temporary files in user and system folders.
  • <custom> for files in user-defined scopes (/scope=<list of folders to scan>).

If the argument is not specified, the scan is performed for critical areas.

/excludes=<list of exclusions>

Set exclusion scope when analyzing data for the FileItem IOC document. You can specify multiple paths separated by spaces.

/scope=<list of folders to scan>

User-defined IOC scan scope when analyzing data for the FileItem IOC document (/drives=custom). You can specify multiple paths separated by spaces.

Command return values:

  • -1 means the command is not supported by the version of the application that is installed on the computer.
  • 0 means the command was executed successfully.
  • 1 means a mandatory argument was not passed to the command.
  • 2 means a general error occurred.
  • 4 means there was a syntax error.

If the command was executed successfully (return value 0) and indicators of compromise were detected along the way, Kaspersky Endpoint Security outputs the following task result information to the command line:


ID of the IOC file from the header of the IOC file structure (the <ioc id=""> tag)


Description of the IOC file from the header of the IOC file structure (the <description></description> tag)

Matched Indicator Items

List of IDs of all matched indicators.

Matched objects

Data for each IOC document for which there was a match.

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[Topic 207836]

MDRLICENSE. MDR activation

Perform operations with the BLOB configuration file to activate Managed Detection and Response. The BLOB file contains the client ID and information about the license for Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response. The BLOB file is located inside the ZIP archive of the MDR configuration file. You can obtain the ZIP archive in the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Console. For detailed information about a BLOB file, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

Administrator privileges are required for performing operations with a BLOB file. Managed Detection and Response settings in the policy must also be available for editing ().

Command syntax

MDRLICENSE <operation> [/login=<user name> /password=<password>]



/ADD <file name>

Apply the BLOB configuration file for integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (P7 file format). You can apply only one BLOB file. If a BLOB file was already added to the computer, the file will be replaced.


Delete the BLOB configuration file.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.


avp.com MDRLICENSE /ADD file.key

avp.com MDRLICENSE /DEL /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

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[Topic 184247]

Error codes

Errors may occur when working with the application through the command line. When errors occur, Kaspersky Endpoint Security shows an error message, for example, Error: Cannot start task 'EntAppControl'. Kaspersky Endpoint Security can also show additional information in the form of a code, for example, error=8947906D (see the table below).

Error codes

Error code



License key for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is already in use on this computer.


License expired. Database update is not available.


Key not found.


Digital signature missing or corrupted.


Data corrupted.


Key file corrupted.


License expired or license key expired.


Key file not specified.


Cannot apply key file.


Failed to save data.


Failed to read data.


I/O error.


Databases not found.


Licensing library not loaded.


Databases corrupted or updated manually.


Databases are corrupted.


Cannot use invalid key file to add a reserve key.


System error.


Denylist of keys corrupted.


Digital signature of file does not match the digital signature of Kaspersky.


Cannot use a key for non-commercial license as a key for commercial license.


The beta license is required to use the beta version of the application.


Key file not compatible with this application.


Key blocked by Kaspersky.


Application has already been used under a trial license. Cannot add trial key again.


Key file corrupted.


Digital signature missing, corrupted, or does not match the digital signature of Kaspersky.


Cannot add a key if the corresponding non-commercial license has expired.


The date the key file was created or used is invalid. Check the system date.


Cannot add a key for trial license: another key for trial license is already active.


Denylist of keys corrupted or missing.


Update description missing or corrupted.


Error in license key service data.


Cannot use invalid key file to add a reserve key.


Error sending request to activation server. Possible reasons: Internet connection error or temporary problems on the activation server. Try to activate the application with the activation code later. If this error persists, contact your Internet provider.


Error in response from activation server.


Cannot obtain response status.


Error occurred when saving temporary file.


Activation code has been entered incorrectly or system date is incorrect. Check the system date on the computer.


Key file not compatible with this application, or license expired. You cannot activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security by using a key file for a different application.


Failed to receive key file. Incorrect activation code was entered.


Activation server has returned error 400.


Activation server has returned error 401.


Activation server has returned error 403.


Activation server has returned error 404.


Activation server has returned error 405.


Activation server has returned error 406.


Authentication on proxy server required. Check the network options.


Request timeout expired.


Activation server has returned error 409.


Activation server has returned error 410.


Activation server has returned error 411.


Activation server has returned error 412.


Activation server has returned error 413.


Activation server has returned error 414.


Activation server has returned error 415.


Internal server error.


Functionality not supported.


Invalid response from gateway. Check the network options.


Service unavailable (HTTP Error 503).


Gateway response timeout has expired. Check the network options.


The protocol is not supported by the server.


Unknown HTTP error.


Invalid resource ID.


Invalid URL.


Invalid destination folder.


Memory allocation error.


Error converting parameters to ANSI string (URL, folder, agent).


Error creating worker thread.


Worker thread already running.


Worker thread not running.


Key file not found on activation server.


Key is blocked.


Internal error of activation server.


Not enough data in activation request.


License key expired.


Incorrect system date is set on the computer.


Trial license has expired.


License expired.


The limit of application activations has been exceeded for the specified code.


Activation procedure ended with a system error.


Cannot use a key for non-commercial license as a key for commercial license.


Activation code is required.


Cannot connect to activation server.


Activation server is unavailable. Please check your Internet connection settings and retry activation.


Application database release date exceeds the license expiration date.


Cannot replace the active key with an expired key.


Cannot add a reserve key if it expires before the current license.


Updated subscription key missing.


Incorrect activation code (checksum does not match).


Key already active.


License types that correspond to active and reserve keys do not match.


Component not supported by license.


Unable to add subscription key as a reserve key.


Transport layer general error.


Failed to connect to activation server.


Invalid URL format.


Failed to convert proxy server address.


Failed to convert server address. Check the Internet connection settings.


Failed to connect to activation server or proxy server.


Remote access denied.


Response timeout has expired.


Error sending HTTP request.


SSL connection error.


Operation interrupted by callback.


Too many forward attempts.


Recipient check failed.


Empty response from activation server.


Error sending data.


Error receiving data.


Local SSL certificate error.


SSL encryption error.


Server SSL certificate error.


Invalid contents of network packet.


User access denied.


Invalid SSL certificate file.


Failed to establish SSL connection.


Failed to send or receive network packet. Please try again later.


Invalid file with revoked certificates.


SSL certificate request error.


Unknown server error.


Internal server error.


No license key available for the activation code entered.


Active key blocked.


Required parameters of application activation request are missing.


Incorrect user name or password.


Incorrect activation code sent to server.


Activation code is invalid for Kaspersky Endpoint Security. You cannot activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security by using a key file for an unknown application.


Request is missing an activation code.


License expired (according to data from the activation server).


Number of activations with this code has been exceeded.


Invalid format of request ID.


Activation code is invalid for Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Activation code is intended for a different Kaspersky application.


Cannot update license key.


Activation code is invalid for this region.


Activation code is invalid for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security language version.


Additional access to the activation server is required.


Activation server has returned error 643.


Activation server has returned error 644.


Activation server has returned error 645.


Activation server has returned error 646.


Activation code format not supported by activation server.


Invalid activation code format.


Incorrect system time is set on the computer.


Activation code is invalid for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security version.


Subscription expired.


Number of activations exceeded for this license key.


Invalid digital signature of license key.


Additional data is needed.


User data verification failed.


Subscription inactive.


Activation server is under maintenance.


Unknown error of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.


Invalid parameter transferred (for example, an empty list of activation server addresses).


Incorrect activation code.


Invalid user name.


Invalid user password.


Invalid response from activation server.


Activation request interrupted.


Activation server returned an empty forwarding list.

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[Topic 181294]

Appendix. Application profiles

A Profile is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, task or feature. Profiles are used to manage the application from the command line. You can use profiles to execute START, STOP, STATUS, STATISTICS, and EXPORT commands. Using profiles, you can configure application settings (for example, STOP DeviceControl) or run tasks (for example, START Scan_My_Computer).

The following profiles are available:

  • AdaptiveAnomaliesControl – Adaptive Anomaly Control.
  • AMSI – AMSI Protection.
  • BehaviorDetection – Behavior Detection.
  • DeviceControl – Device control.
  • EntAppControl – Application Control.
  • File_Monitoring or FM – <File_AV>.
  • Firewall or FW – Firewall.
  • HIPS – Host Intrusion prevention.
  • IDS – Network Threat Protection.
  • IntegrityCheck – Integrity check.
  • LogInspector – Log Inspection.
  • Mail_Monitoring or EM – Mail Threat Protection.
  • Rollback – update rollback.
  • Scan_ContextScan – Scan from context menu.
  • Scan_IdleScan – Background scan.
  • Scan_Memory – Kernel memory scan.
  • Scan_My_Computer – Full scan.
  • Scan_Objects – Custom scan.
  • Scan_Qscan – Scan objects that are loaded at operation system startup.
  • Scan_Removable_Drive – Removable drives scan.
  • Scan_Startup or STARTUP – Critical Areas Scan.
  • Updater – Update.
  • Web_Monitoring or WM – Web Threat Protection.
  • WebControl – Web Control.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security also supports service profiles. Service profiles may be required when you are contacting Kaspersky Technical Support.

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[Topic 189442]

Managing the application through the REST API

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you configure application settings, run a scan, update the anti-virus databases, and perform other tasks using third-party solutions. Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides an API for this purpose. The Kaspersky Endpoint Security REST API operates over HTTP and consists of a set of request/response methods. In other words, you can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security through a third-party solution, and not the local application interface or the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.

To start using REST API, you need to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with support for the REST API. The REST client and Kaspersky Endpoint Security must be installed on the same computer.

To ensure safe interaction between Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the REST client:

  • Configure REST client's protection from unauthorized access according the recommendations of the REST client developer. Configure REST client folder protection from writing with the help of Discretionary Access Control List – DACL.
  • To run REST client, use a separate account with administrator rights. Deny interactive sign-in into the system for this account.

The application is managed through the REST API at or http://localhost. It is not possible to remotely manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security through the REST API.


In this Help section

Installing the application with the REST API

Working with the API

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[Topic 189530]

Installing the application with the REST API

To manage the application through the REST API, you need to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with support for the REST API. If you manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security through the REST API, you cannot manage the application using Kaspersky Security Center.

Preparing for installing the application with REST API support

Secure interaction of Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the REST client requires configuring request identification. To do so, you must install a certificate and subsequently sign the payload of each request.

To create a certificate, you can use e.g. OpenSSL.


$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1825 -nodes

Use the RSA encryption algorithm with a key length of 2048 bits or more.

As a result, you will get a cert.pem certificate and a key.pem private key.

Installing the application with REST API support

To install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with REST API support:

  1. Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
  2. Go to the folder that contains the distribution package for Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.2.0 or later.
  3. Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the following settings:
    • RESTAPI=1
    • RESTAPI_User=<User name>

      User name for managing the application through the REST API. Enter the user name in the format <DOMAIN>\<UserName> (for example, RESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator). You can manage the application through the REST API only under this account. You can select only one user to work with the REST API.

    • RESTAPI_Port=<Port>

      Port used for data exchange. Optional parameter. Port 6782 is selected by default.

    • RESTAPI_Certificate=<Path to certificate>

      Certificate for identifying requests (for example, RESTAPI_Certificate=C:\cert.pem).

      You can install the certificate after installing the application or update the certificate after the certificate expires.

      How to install a certificate for REST API request identification

      1. Disable Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense

        The Self-Defense mechanism prevents alteration or deletion of application files on the hard drive, processes in memory, and entries in the system registry.

      2. Go to the registry key that contains REST API settings: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\protected\KES\settings\RestApi.
      3. Enter the path to the certificate, for example, Certificate = C:\Folder\cert.pem.
      4. Enable Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense.
      5. Restart the application.
    • AdminKitConnector=1

      Application management using administration systems. Management is allowed by default.

    You can also use the setup.ini file to define the settings for working with the REST API.


    setup_kes.exe /pEULA=1 /pPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pKSN=1 /pALLOWREBOOT=1 /pAdminKitConnector=1 /pRESTAPI=1 /pRESTAPI_User=COMPANY\Administrator /pRESTAPI_Certificate=C:\cert.pem /s

As a result, you will be able to manage the application through the REST API. To verify its operation, open the REST API documentation using a GET request.


GET http://localhost:6782/kes/v1/api-docs

If you installed the application with REST API support, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically creates an allow rule in the Web Control settings for accessing web resources (Service Rule for REST API). This rule is needed to allow the REST client to access Kaspersky Endpoint Security at all times. For example, if you have restricted user access to web resources, this will not affect managing the application through the REST API. We recommend that you do not delete the rule or change the Service Rule for REST API settings. If you deleted the rule, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will restore it after restarting the application.

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[Topic 189531]

Working with the API

It is not possible to restrict access to the application through the REST API using Password Protection. For example, it is not possible to block a user from disabling protection through the REST API. You can configure Password Protection through the REST API and restrict user access to the application through the local interface.

To manage the application through the REST API, you need to run the REST client under the account that you specified when installing the application with REST API support. You can select only one user to work with the REST API.


Managing the application through the REST API consists of the following steps:

  1. Get the current values of the application settings. To do so, send a GET request.


    GET http://localhost:6782/kes/v1/settings/ExploitPrevention

  2. The application will send a response with the structure and values of settings. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports XML- and JSON formats.



    "action": 0,

    "enableSystemProcessesMemoryProtection": true,

    "enabled": true


  3. Edit the application settings. Use the settings structure received in response to the GET request.



    "action": 0,

    "enableSystemProcessesMemoryProtection": false,

    "enabled": true


  4. Save application settings (the payload) in a JSON (payload.json).
  5. Sign the JSON in the PKCS7 format.


    $ openssl smime -sign -in payload.json -signer cert.pem -inkey key.pem -nodetach -binary -outform pem -out signed_payload.pem

    As a result, you get a signed file with the payload of the request (signed_payload.pem).

  6. Edit the application settings. To do so, send a POST request and attach the signed file with the request payload (signed_payload.pem).

The application applies the new settings and sends a response containing the application configuration results (the response can be empty). You can verify that the settings are updated using a GET request.

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[Topic 80831]

Sources of information about the application

Kaspersky Endpoint Security page on the Kaspersky website

On the Kaspersky Endpoint Security page, you can view general information about the application and its functions and features.

The Kaspersky Endpoint Security page contains a link to the online store. There you can purchase or renew the application.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security page in the Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base is a section on the Technical Support website.

On the Kaspersky Endpoint Security page in the Knowledge Base, you can read articles that provide useful information, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions on how to purchase, install, and use the application.

Knowledge Base articles can answer questions relating to not only Kaspersky Endpoint Security but also to other Kaspersky applications. Articles in the Knowledge Base may also contain news from Technical Support.

Discussion of Kaspersky applications in the Forum

If your question does not require an urgent answer, you can discuss it with Kaspersky experts and other users in our Forum.

In the Forum, you can view existing topics, post your own comments, and create new discussion topics.

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[Topic 128165]

Contacting Technical Support

If you cannot find a solution to your problem in the documentation or in other sources of information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security, we recommend that you contact Technical Support. Technical Support will answer your questions about installing and using Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Kaspersky provides support for Kaspersky Endpoint Security during the application's life cycle (refer to the application life cycle page). Before contacting Technical Support, please read the support rules.

You can contact Technical Support in one of the following ways:

After you inform Kaspersky Technical Support specialists about your issue, they may ask you to create a trace file. The trace file allows tracing the process of performing application commands step by step and determining the stage of application operation at which an error occurs.

Technical Support specialists may also require additional information about the operating system, processes that are running on the computer, detailed reports on the operation of application components.

While running diagnostics, Technical Support experts may ask you to change application settings by:

  • Activating the functionality for receiving extended diagnostic information.
  • Configure individual components of the application by changing special settings that are not accessible through the standard user interface.
  • Changing the settings for storage of diagnostic information.
  • Configuring the interception and logging of network traffic.

Technical Support experts will provide all the information needed to perform these operations (description of the sequence of steps, settings to be modified, configuration files, scripts, additional command line functionality, debugging modules, special-purpose utilities, etc.) and inform you about the scope of data used for purposes of debugging. The extended diagnostic information is saved on the user's computer. The data is not automatically transmitted to Kaspersky.

The operations listed above should be performed only under the supervision of Technical Support specialists by following their instructions. Changing application settings on your own in ways not described in the Online Help or in Technical Support recommendations can cause slowdowns and crashes of the operating system, reduce the protection level of your computer, and damage the availability and integrity of information being processed.

In this Help section

Contents and storage of trace files

Application operation tracing

Application performance tracing

Dump writing

Protecting dump files and trace files

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[Topic 124710]

Contents and storage of trace files

You are personally responsible for the security of the data that is stored on your computer, particularly for monitoring and restricting access to the data until it is submitted to Kaspersky.

Trace files are stored on the computer as long as the application is in use, and are deleted permanently when the application is removed.

Trace files, except trace files of Authentication Agent, are stored in the folder %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces.

Trace files are named as follows: KES<service version number_dateXX.XX_timeXX.XX_pidXXX.><trace file type>.log.

You can view data saved in trace files.

All trace files contain the following common data:

  • Event time.
  • Number of the thread of execution.

    The Authentication Agent trace file does not contain this information.

  • Application component that caused the event.
  • Degree of event severity (informational event, warning, critical event, error).
  • A description of the event involving command execution by a component of the application and the result of execution of this command.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves user passwords to a trace file only in encrypted form.

Contents of SRV.log, GUI.log, and ALL.log trace files

SRV.log, GUI.log, and ALL.log trace files may store the following information in addition to general data:

  • Personal data, including the last name, first name, and middle name, if such data is included in the path to files on the local computer.
  • Data on the hardware installed on the computer (such as BIOS/UEFI firmware data). This data is written to trace files when performing Kaspersky Disk Encryption.
  • The user name and password if they were transmitted openly. This data can be recorded in trace files during Internet traffic scanning.
  • The user name and password if they are contained in HTTP headers.
  • The name of the Microsoft Windows account if the account name is included in a file name.
  • Your email address or a web address containing the name of your account and password if they are contained in the name of the object detected.
  • Websites that you visit and redirects from these websites. This data is written to trace files when the application scans websites.
  • Proxy server address, computer name, port, IP address, and user name used to sign in to the proxy server. This data is written to trace files if the application uses a proxy server.
  • Remote IP addresses to which your computer established connections.
  • Message subject, ID, sender's name and address of the message sender's web page on a social network. This data is written to trace files if the Web Control component is enabled.
  • Network traffic data. This data is written to trace files if traffic monitoring components are enabled (such as Web Control).
  • Data received from Kaspersky servers (such as the version of anti-virus databases).
  • Statuses of Kaspersky Endpoint Security components and their operating data.
  • Data on user activity in the application.
  • Operating system events.

Contents of HST.log, BL.log, Dumpwriter.log, WD.log, AVPCon.dll.log trace files

In addition to general data, the HST.log trace file contains information about the execution of a database and application module update task.

In addition to general data, the BL.log trace file contains information about events occurring during operation of the application, as well as data required to troubleshoot application errors. This file is created if the application is started with the avp.exe –bl parameter.

In addition to general data, the Dumpwriter.log trace file contains service information required for troubleshooting errors that occur when the application dump file is written.

In addition to general data, the WD.log trace file contains information about events occurring during operation of the avpsus service, including application module update events.

In addition to general data, the AVPCon.dll.log trace file contains information about events occurring during the operation of the Kaspersky Security Center connectivity module.

Contents of performance trace files

Performance trace files are named as follows: KES<version number_dateXX.XX_timeXX.XX_pidXXX.>PERF.HAND.etl.

In addition to general data, performance trace files contain information about the load on the processor, information about the loading time of the operating system and applications, and information about running processes.

Contents of the AMSI Protection component trace file

In addition to general data, the AMSI.log trace file contains information about the results of scans performed on requests from third-party applications.

Contents of trace files of the Mail Threat Protection component

The trace file mcou.OUTLOOK.EXE.log may contain parts of email messages, including email addresses, in addition to general data.

Contents of trace files of the Scan from Context Menu component

The shellex.dll.log trace file contains information about completion of the scan task and data required to debug the application, in addition to general information.

Contents of trace files of the application web plug-in

Trace files of the application web plug-in are stored on the computer on which Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is deployed, in the folder Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Center Web Console\logs.

Trace files of the application web plug-in are named as follows: logs-kes_windows-<type of trace file>.DESKTOP-<date of file update>.log. Web Console begins writing data after installation and deletes the trace files after Web Console is removed.

Trace files of the application web plug-in contain the following information in addition to general data:

  • KLAdmin user password for unlocking the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface (Password protection).
  • Temporary password for unlocking the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface (Password protection).
  • User name and password for the SMTP mail server (Email notifications).
  • User name and password for the Internet proxy server (Proxy server).
  • User name and password for the Change application components task.
  • Account credentials and paths specified in Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks and policy properties.

Contents of the Authentication Agent trace file

The Authentication Agent trace file is stored in the System Volume Information folder and is named as follows: KLFDE.{EB2A5993-DFC8-41a1-B050-F0824113A33A}.PBELOG.bin.

In addition to general data, the Authentication Agent trace file contains information about the operation of Authentication Agent and the actions performed by the user with Authentication Agent.

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[Topic 128166]

Application operation tracing

Application tracing is a detailed record of actions that performed by the application, and of messages about events that occurred during operation of the application.

Application tracing should be performed under the supervision of Kaspersky Technical Support.

To create an application trace file:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the window that opens, click the Support Tools button.
  3. Use the Enable application tracing toggle to enable or disable tracing of application operation.
  4. In the Tracing drop-down list, select an application tracing mode:
    • With rotation. Save traces to a limited number of files of limited size and overwrite the older files when the maximum size is reached. If this mode is selected, you can define the maximum number of files for rotation and the maximum size for each file.
    • Write to a single file. Save one trace file (no size limit).
  5. In the Level drop-down list, select the tracing level.

    You are advised to clarify the required tracing level with a Technical Support specialist. In the absence of guidance from Technical Support, set the tracing level to Normal (500).

  6. Restart Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  7. To stop the tracing process, return to the Support Tools window and disable tracing.

You can also create trace files when installing the application from the command line, including by using the setup.ini file.

As a result, application operation trace file is created in the %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces folder. After the trace file is created, send the file to Kaspersky Technical Support.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes trace files when the application is removed. You can also delete the files manually. To do so, you must disable tracing and stop the application.

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[Topic 177255]

Application performance tracing

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you receive information about computer operating issues during use of the application. For example, you can receive information about delays in operating system loading after the application is installed. To do so, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates performance trace files. Performance tracing refer to the logging of actions performed by the application for the purpose of diagnosing performance issues of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To receive information, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the Event Tracing for Windows service (ETW). Kaspersky Technical Support is responsible for diagnosing issues of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and establishing the reasons for those issues.

Application tracing should be performed under the supervision of Kaspersky Technical Support.

To create a performance trace file:

  1. In the main application window, click the button.
  2. In the window that opens, click the Support Tools button.
  3. Use the Enable performance tracing toggle to enable or disable tracing of application performance.
  4. In the Tracing drop-down list, select an application tracing mode:
    • With rotation. Save traces to a limited number of files of limited size and overwrite the older files when the maximum size is reached. If this mode is selected, you can define the maximum size for each file.
    • Write to a single file. Save one trace file (no size limit).
  5. In the Level drop-down list, select the tracing level:
    • Light. Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the most important operating system processes related to performance.
    • Detailed. Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes all operating system processes related to performance.
  6. In the Tracing type drop-down list, select the tracing type:
    • Basic information. Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes processes while the operating system is running. Use this tracing type if a problem persists after the operating system is loaded, such as a problem accessing the Internet in the browser.
    • On restart. Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes processes only while the operating system is loading. After the operating system is loaded, Kaspersky Endpoint Security stops tracing. Use this tracing type if the problem is related to delayed loading of the operating system.
  7. Restart the computer and try to reproduce the problem.
  8. To stop the tracing process, return to the Support Tools window and disable tracing.

As a result, a performance trace file is created in the %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces folder. After the trace file is created, send the file to Kaspersky Technical Support.

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[Topic 158644]

Dump writing

A dump file contains all information about the working memory of Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes at the moment when the dump file was created.

Saved dump files may contain confidential data. To control access to data, you must independently ensure the security of dump files.

Dump files are stored on the computer as long as the application is in use, and are deleted permanently when the application is removed. Dump files are stored in the folder %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\KES\Traces.

To enable or disable dump writing:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Debug information block, use the Enable dump writing check box to enable or disable application dump writing.
  4. Save your changes.
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[Topic 131264]

Protecting dump files and trace files

Dump files and trace files contain information about the operating system, and may also contain user data. To prevent unauthorized access to such data, you can enable protection of dump files and trace files.

If protection of dump files and trace files is enabled, the files can be accessed by the following users:

  • Dump files can be accessed by the system administrator and local administrator, and by the user that enabled the writing of dump files and trace files.
  • Trace files can be accessed only by the system administrator and local administrator.

To enable or disable protection of dump files and trace files:

  1. In the main application window, click the icon_settings button.
  2. In the application settings window, select General settingsApplication settings.
  3. In the Debug information block, use the Enable dump and trace files protection check box to enable or disable file protection.
  4. Save your changes.

Dump files and trace files that were written while protection was active remain protected even after this function is disabled.

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[Topic 201943]

Limitations and warnings

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Kaspersky Endpoint Security has a number of limitations that are not critical to operation of the application.

Installing the application

  • For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft Windows Server 2019 operating systems, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  • For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 11 and Microsoft Windows Server 2022 operating systems, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  • After being installed to an infected computer, the application does not inform the user about the need to run a computer scan. You may experience problems activating the application. To resolve these problems, start a Critical Areas Scan.
  • If non-ASCII characters (for example, Russian letters) are used in the setup.ini and setup.reg files, you are advised to edit the file using notepad.exe and to save the file in UTF-16LE encoding. Other encodings are not supported.
  • The application does not support the use of non-ASCII characters when specifying the application installation path in the installation package settings.
  • When application settings are imported from a CFG file, the value of the setting that defines participation in Kaspersky Security Network is not applied. After importing the settings, please read the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and confirm your consent to participate in Kaspersky Security Network. You can read the text of the Statement in the application interface or in the ksn_*.txt file located in the folder containing the application distribution kit.
  • If you want to remove and then re-install encryption (FLE or FDE) or the Device Control component, you must restart the system before reinstallation.
  • When using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, you must restart the system after removing the File Level Encryption (FLE) component.
  • When removing individual application components (for example, using the Change application components task), a computer restart may be required.
  • When attempting to install any version of the AES Encryption Module on a computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0 but no encryption components installed, installation of the Encryption Module will end with an error message stating that a newer version of the application is installed. Starting with Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (version, there is no separate installation file for the Encryption Module. Encryption libraries are included in the application distribution package. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.11.0 is incompatible with AES encryption modules. The libraries required for encryption are installed automatically when the Full Disk Encryption (FDE) or File Level Encryption (FLE) component is selected.
  • Installation of the application may end with an error stating An application whose name is missing or unreadable is installed on your computer. This means that incompatible applications or fragments of them remain on your computer. To remove artifacts of incompatible applications, send a request with a detailed description of the situation to Kaspersky Technical Support via Kaspersky CompanyAccount.
  • If you canceled removal of the application, start its recovery after the computer restarts.
  • On computers running Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909, upgrades from Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 3 (build, Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 (build, 11.0.0 and 11.0.1 with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component installed may end with an error. This is because file encryption is not supported for these versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows in Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909. Prior to installing this upgrade, you are advised to remove the file encryption component.
  • The application requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 has vulnerabilities. If you are using Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1, you must install security updates. For details about Microsoft .NET Framework security updates, refer to the Microsoft Technical Support website.
  • If the application is unsuccessfully installed with the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component selected in a server operating system and the Windows Installer Coordinator Error window appears, refer to the instructions on the Microsoft support website.
  • If the application was installed locally in non-interactive mode, use the provided setup.ini file to replace the installed components.
  • After Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed in some configurations of Windows 7, Windows Defender continues to operate. You are advised to manually disable Windows Defender to prevent degraded system performance.
  • When installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows on a server with installed Kaspersky Security for Windows Server (KSWS) and Windows Defender applications, you must restart the system. A system restart is necessary even if you have enabled application installation without system restart. Windows Defender for Windows Server is included in the list of software that is incompatible with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. Before installing the application, the installer removes Windows Defender for Windows Server. Removing incompatible software makes a system restart necessary.
  • Before installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (KES) on a server with Kaspersky Security for Windows Server (KSWS) installed, you must turn off KSWS Password Protection. After migrating from KSWS to KES, enable Password Protection in the application settings.
  • To install the application on computers running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 with Veeam Backup & Replication software deployed, you may need to reboot your computer and run the installation again.

Upgrading the application

  • When upgrading from Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (build, the Host Intrusion Prevention component is turned on.
  • When updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (build, the files that were placed in Backup or Quarantine in the previous version of the application will be transferred to Backup in the new version of the application. These files are not transferred for versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (build To save them, you must restore the files from Quarantine and Backup before upgrading the application. After the upgrade is complete, re-scan the restored files.
  • Upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 to version 11.10 or later may end with an error. In this case, components of the application have the Failed status, and the computer has the Security application is not installed status in the Kaspersky Security Center console. To upgrade the application:
    1. In the Kaspersky Security Center console, create a new device group and move computers with the Security application is not installed status to that group.
    2. Create an Install application remotely task for the newly created device group. In task properties, select the installation package of the new version of the application.
    3. Restart the computers.

    As a result, the new version of the application is installed on user computers. Check the status of the computers in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

  • Starting from 11.0.0 application version, you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows MMC plugin on top of the previous plugin version. To return to a previous plugin version, delete the current plugin and install a previous version of the plugin.
  • When upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.0.0 or 11.0.1 for Windows, the local task schedule settings for the Update, Critical Areas Scan, Custom Scan, and Integrity Check tasks are not saved.
  • On computers running Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909, upgrades from Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 3 (build, Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 (build, 11.0.0 and 11.0.1 with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component installed may end with an error. This is because file encryption is not supported for these versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows in Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909. Prior to installing this upgrade, you are advised to remove the file encryption component.
  • The application requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 has vulnerabilities. If you are using Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1, you must install security updates. For details about Microsoft .NET Framework security updates, refer to the Microsoft Technical Support website.
  • If you are upgrading a previous version of the application to version 11.11.0, to install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, restart the computer and sign in to the system using an account with local administrator rights. Otherwise, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will not be installed during the upgrade procedure.
  • If you are upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component installed on computers running Windows 10 version 1809, 1903 and 1909, FDE drivers will not be installed to the WinRE image.
  • When upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the application disables the use of KSN until the Kaspersky Security Network Statement is accepted. In addition, the computer status can be changed to Critical in Kaspersky Security Center; the event KSN servers are unavailable is received. If you use Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response, you will receive events about violations in the operation of the solution. The use of KSN is required for the operation of Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response. Kaspersky Endpoint Security enables the use of KSN after applying the policy in which the administrator accepts the KSN terms of use. Once the Kaspersky Security Network Statement is accepted, Kaspersky Endpoint Security resumes its operation.
  • After upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 11.10.0 or later without a restart, the computer will have two Kaspersky Endpoint Security applications installed. Do not manually remove the previous version of the application. The previous version will be removed automatically when the computer is restarted.
  • After the application is upgraded from versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows, the computer must be restarted.

Support for server platforms

  • The ReFS file system is supported with limitations:
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security may process threat disinfection events incorrectly. For example, if the application has deleted a malicious file, the report might have an Object not processed entry. At the same time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security disinfects threats in accordance with application settings. Kaspersky Endpoint Security can also create a duplicate of the Object will be disinfected on restart event for the same object.
    • File Threat Protection may skip some threats. At the same time, Malware Scan works correctly.
    • After the Malware Scan task is started, the exclusions added with iChecker are reset when the server is rebooted.
    • The iSwift technology is not supported. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not consider scan exclusions added using the iSwift technology.
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not detect eicar.com and susp-eicar.com files if meicar.exe file existed on the computer before Kaspersky Endpoint Security was installed.
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security may incorrectly display threat disinfection notifications. For example, the application may display a threat notification for a previously disinfected threat.
  • File Level Encryption (FLE) and Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technologies are not supported on server platforms. At the same time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may incorrectly process data encryption events.
  • In server operating systems, no warning is displayed regarding the need for advanced disinfection.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 was excluded from support. - Installing the application on a computer running the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 operating system is not supported.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed on a server with Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) deployed can cause DPM to malfunction. It is related to limitations in DPM operation. To eliminate malfunctions, you should add local server drives to exclusions for File Threat Protection component and Malware Scan tasks.
  • The Core Mode is supported with limitations:
    • The local graphical user interface is not available, including notifications, pop-up notifications, and other interface controls. The application cannot display prompt windows, including the following windows:
      • Application version and module upgrade confirmation prompt;
      • Computer restart prompt;
      • Prompt for proxy server authentication credentials.
      • Prompt for gaining access to a device (Device Control).
    • The following components are not available: Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, Web Control, BadUSB Attack Prevention.
    • Anti-Bridging is not available.
    • You can only accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the application policy in the Kaspersky Security Center console.
    • BitLocker Drive Encryption is only available with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). A PIN / password cannot be used for encryption because the application is unable to display the password prompt window for preboot authentication. If the operating system has Federal Information Processing standard (FIPS) compatibility mode enabled, connect a removable drive for saving the encryption key before you begin encrypting the drive.

Support for virtual platforms

  • Full disk encryption (FDE) on Hyper-V virtual machines is not supported.
  • Full disk encryption (FDE) on Citrix virtual platforms is not supported.
  • Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session is supported with limitations:
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security disinfects active threats without notifying the user, just like when disinfecting active threats on servers. Because the operating system continues to run in multi-session mode, other active users may lose their data if the threat is not immediately resolved.
    • Full disk encryption (FDE) is not supported.
    • Managing BitLocker is not supported.
    • Using Kaspersky Endpoint Security with removable drives is not supported. The Microsoft Azure infrastructure defines removable drives as network drives.
  • Installation and use of file level encryption (FLE) on Citrix virtual platforms is not supported.
  • To support compatibility of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows with Citrix PVS, perform installation with the Ensure compatibility with Citrix PVS option enabled. This option can be enabled in the Setup Wizard or by using the command line parameter /pCITRIXCOMPATIBILITY=1. In case of remote installation, the KUD file must be edited by adding the following parameter to it: /pCITRIXCOMPATIBILITY=1.
  • Citrix XenDesktop. Before starting cloning, you must disable Self-Defense to clone virtual machines that use vDisk.
  • When preparing a template machine for the Citrix XenDesktop master image with pre-installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent, add the following types of exclusions to the configuration file:







    For details about Citrix XenDesktop, visit the Citrix Support website.

  • In some cases, an attempt to safely disconnect a removable drive may be unsuccessful on a virtual machine that is deployed on a VMware ESXi hypervisor. Attempt to safely disconnect the device once again.

Compatibility with Kaspersky Security Center

  • You can manage the Adaptive Anomaly Control component only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later.
  • The Kaspersky Security Center 11 threat report might not display information about the action taken on threats that were detected by the AMSI Protection.
  • The operating status of the AMSI Protection and Adaptive Anomaly Control components is available only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later. You can view the operating status in the Kaspersky Security Center Console within the computer properties in the Tasks section. Reports for these components are also available only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later.
  • In Kaspersky Security Center Web Console version 14.1 and earlier, the names of functional areas for Log Inspection and File Integrity Monitor components are not correctly displayed in the user access permissions settings section of Administration Server properties.


  • If the Error receiving data system message is displayed, verify that the computer on which you are performing activation has network access, or configure the activation settings via Kaspersky Security Center Activation Proxy.
  • The application cannot be activated by subscription via the Kaspersky Security Center if the license has expired or if a trial license is active on the computer. To replace a trial license or a soon-to-be expired license with a subscription license, use the license distribution task.
  • In the application interface, the license expiration date is displayed in the local time of the computer.
  • Installation of the application with an embedded key file on a computer that has unstable Internet access may result in the temporary display of events stating that the application is not activated or that the license does not permit component operation. This is because the application first installs and attempts to activate the embedded trial license, which requires Internet access for activation during the installation procedure.
  • During the trial period, installation of any application upgrade or patch on a computer that has unstable Internet access may result in the temporary display of events stating that the application is not activated. This is because the application once again installs and attempts to activate the embedded trial license, which requires Internet access for activation when installing an upgrade.
  • If the trial license was automatically activated during application installation and then the application was removed without saving the license information, the application will not be automatically activated with the trial license when re-installed. In this case, manually activate the application.
  • If you are using Kaspersky Security Center version 11 and Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.11.0, component performance reports may work incorrectly. If you installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security components that are not included in your license, Network Agent may send component status errors to the Windows Event Log. To avoid errors, remove the components that are not included in your license.

Remediation Engine

  • The application restores files only on devices that have the NTFS or FAT32 file system.
  • The application can restore files with the following extensions: odt, ods, odp, odm, odc, odb, doc, docx, docm, wps, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xlk, ppt, pptx, pptm, mdb, accdb, pst, dwg, dxf, dxg, wpd, rtf, wb2, pdf, mdf, dbf, psd, pdd, eps, ai, indd, cdr, jpg, jpe, dng, 3fr, arw, srf, sr2, bay, crw, cr2, dcr, kdc, erf, mef, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, raf, raw, rwl, rw2, r3d, ptx, pef, srw, x3f, der, cer, crt, pem, pfx, p12, p7b, p7c, 1cd.
  • It is not possible to restore files residing on network drives or on rewritable CD/DVD discs.
  • It is not possible to restore files that were encrypted with the Encryption File System (EFS). For more details on EFS operation, please visit the Microsoft website.
  • The application does not monitor modifications to files performed by processes at the level of the operating system kernel.
  • The application does not monitor modifications made to files over a network interface (for example, if a file is stored in a shared folder and a process is started remotely from another computer).


  • Filtration of packets or connections by local address, physical interface, and packet time to live (TTL) is supported in the following cases:
    • By local address for outbound packets or connections in application rules for TCP and UDP and packet rules.
    • By local address for inbound packets or connections (except UDP) in block application rules and packet rules.
    • By packet time to live (TTL) in block packet rules for inbound or outbound packets.
    • By network interface for inbound and outbound packets or connections in packet rules.
  • In application versions 11.0.0 and 11.0.1, defined MAC addresses are incorrectly applied. The MAC address settings for versions 11.0.0, 11.0.1 and 11.1.0 or later are not compatible. After upgrading the application or plug-in from these versions to version 11.1.0 or later, you must verify and reconfigure the defined MAC addresses in Firewall rules.
  • When upgrading the application from versions 11.1.1 and 11.2.0 to version 11.11.0, the statuses of permissions for the following Firewall rules are not migrated:
    • Requests to DNS server over TCP.
    • Requests to DNS server over UDP.
    • Any network activity.
    • ICMP Destination Unreachable incoming responses.
    • Incoming ICMP stream.
  • If you configured a network adapter or packet time to live (TTL) for an allowing packet rule, the priority of this rule is lower than a blocking application rule. In other words, if network activity is blocked for an application (for example, the application is in the High Restricted trust group), you cannot allow network activity of the application by using a packet rule with these settings. In all other cases, the priority of a packet rule is higher than an application network rule.
  • When importing Firewall packet rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may modify rule names. The application determines rules with identical sets of general parameters: protocol, direction, remote and local ports, packet time-to-live (TTL). If this set of general parameters is identical for multiple rules, the application assigns the same name to those rules or appends a parameter tag to the name. In this way, Kaspersky Endpoint Security imports all packet rules, but the name of rules that have identical general settings can be modified.
  • If you have enabled application event reporting in a network rule, on moving the application to a different trust group, the restrictions of this trust group will not be applied. Thus, if the application is in the Trusted trust group, it will have no network restrictions. Then you enabled event reporting for this application and moved it to the Untrusted trust group. Firewall will not enforce network restrictions for this application. We recommend that you first move the application to the appropriate trust group and then enable event reporting. If this method is not suitable, you can manually configure restrictions for the application in the network rule settings. The restriction applies only to the local interface of the application. Moving the application between trust groups in the policy works correctly.
  • The Firewall and Intrusion Prevention components have common settings: application rights and protected resources. If you change these settings for Firewall, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically applies the new settings to Intrusion Prevention. If, for example, you have allowed changes to the general settings of the Firewall policy (the padlock is open), the Intrusion Prevention settings will also become editable.
  • When a network packet rule is triggered in Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 or earlier, the Application Name column in the Firewall report will always display the Kaspersky Endpoint Security value. In addition, the Firewall will block the connection at packet level for all applications. This behavior has been modified for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 or later. The Rule Type column has been added to the Firewall report. When a network packet rule is triggered, the value in the Application Name column remains empty.

BadUSB Attack Prevention

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security resets the timeout of USB device lock when the computer is locked (for example, screen lock timeout elapsed). That is, if you enter a wrong USB device authorization code multiple times and the application locks the USB device, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to repeat the authorization attempt after unlocking the computer. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not lock the USB device for a time specified in BadUSB Attack Prevention component settings.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security resets the USB device lock timeout when computer protection is paused. That is, if you enter a wrong USB device authorization code multiple times and the application locks the USB device, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to repeat the authorization attempt after resuming computer protection. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not lock the USB device for a time specified in BadUSB Attack Prevention component settings.

Application Control

  • Only ZIP archives under 104 MB are supported when managing Application Control rules in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. Archives in other formats, such as RAR or 7z, are not supported. There is no such restriction if you work with Application Control rules in the Administration Console (MMC).
  • When working in Microsoft Windows 10 in application denylist mode, block rules may be incorrectly applied, which could cause blocking of applications that are not specified in rules.
  • When progressive web apps (PWA) are blocked by the Application Control component, appManifest.xml is indicated as the blocked app in the report.
  • When adding the standard Notepad application to an Application Control rule for Windows 11, it is not recommended to specify the path to the application. On computers running Windows 11, the operating system uses Metro Notepad located in the folder C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsNotepad*\Notepad\Notepad.exe. In previous versions of the operating system, Notepad is located in the following folders:
    • C:\Windows\notepad.exe
    • C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
    • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe

    When adding Notepad to an Application Control rule, you can specify the application name and the file hash from the properties of the running application, for example.

Device Control

  • Access to Printer devices that were added to the trusted list is blocked by device and bus blocking rules.
  • For MTP devices, control of Read, Write, and Connect operations is supported if you are using the built-in Microsoft drivers of the operating system. If a user installs a custom driver for working with a device (for example, as part of iTunes or Android Debug Bridge), control of Read and Write operations may not work.
  • When working with MTP devices, access rules are changed after reconnecting the device.
  • The Device Control component registers events related to monitored devices, such as connection and disconnection of a device, reading a file from a device, writing a file to a device, and other events. Kaspersky Endpoint Security registers disconnection events only for the following device types: Portable devices (MTP), Removable drives, Floppy disks, CD/DVD drives. For other device types, the application does not register disconnection events. The application registers the operation of connecting a device to a computer for all device types.
  • If you are adding a device to the trusted list based on a model mask and use characters that are included in the ID but not in the model name, these devices are not added. On a workstation, these devices will be added to the trusted list based on an ID mask.

Web Control

  • The OGV and WEBM formats are not supported.
  • The RTMP protocol is not supported.

Adaptive Anomaly Control

Drive Encryption (FDE)

  • After installing the application, you must restart the operating system for hard drive encryption to work properly.
  • The Authentication Agent does not support hieroglyphics or the special characters | and \.
  • For optimal computer performance after encryption, it is required that the processor supports AES-NI instruction set (Intel Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions). If the processor does not support AES-NI, computer performance might decrease.
  • When there are processes that attempt to access encrypted devices before the application has granted access to such devices, the application shows a warning stating that such processes must be terminated. If the processes cannot be terminated, re-connect the encrypted devices.
  • The unique IDs of hard drives are displayed in the device encryption statistics in inverted format.
  • It is not recommended to format devices while they are being encrypted.
  • When multiple removable drives are simultaneously connected to a computer, the encryption policy can be applied to only one removable drive. When the removable devices are reconnected, the encryption policy is applied correctly.
  • Encryption may fail to start on a heavily fragmented hard drive. Defragment the hard drive.
  • When hard drives are encrypted, hibernation is blocked from the time when the encryption task starts until the first restart of a computer running Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10, and after installation of hard drive encryption until the first restart of Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10 operating systems. When hard drives are decrypted, hibernation is blocked from the time when the boot drive is fully decrypted until the first restart of the operating system. When the Quick Start option is enabled in Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10, blocking of hibernation prevents you from shutting down the operating system.
  • Windows 7 computers don't allow to change password during recovery when the disk is encrypted with BitLocker technology. After the recovery key is entered and the operating system is loaded, Kaspersky Endpoint Security won't prompt the user to change the password or PIN code. Thus, it is impossible to set a new password or a PIN code. This issue stems from the peculiarities of the operating system. To continue, you need to re-encrypt the hard drive.
  • It is not recommended to use the xbootmgr.exe tool with additional providers enabled. For example, Dispatcher, Network, or Drivers.
  • Formatting an encrypted removable drive is not supported on a computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installed.
  • Formatting an encrypted removable drive with the FAT32 file system is not supported (the drive is displayed as encrypted). To format a drive, reformat it to the NTFS file system.
  • For details on restoring an operating system from a backup copy to an encrypted GPT device, visit the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  • Multiple download agents cannot co-exist on one encrypted computer.
  • It is impossible to access a removable drive that was previously encrypted on a different computer when all of the following conditions are simultaneously met:
    • There is no connection to the Kaspersky Security Center server.
    • The user is attempting authorization with a new token or password.

    If a similar situation occurs, restart the computer. After the computer has been restarted, access to the encrypted removable drive will be granted.

  • Discovery of USB devices by the Authentication Agent may not be supported when xHCI mode for USB is enabled in BIOS settings.
  • Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) for the SSD part of a device that is used for caching the most frequently used data is not supported for SSHD devices.
  • Encryption of hard drives in 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10 operating systems running in UEFI mode is not supported.
  • Restart the computer before encrypting a decrypted hard drive again.
  • Hard drive encryption is not compatible with Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI. It is not recommended to use hard drive encryption on computers that have Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI installed.
  • Creating Authentication Agent accounts based on Microsoft accounts is supported with the following limitations:
    • Single Sign-On technology is not supported.
    • Automatic creation of Authentication Agent accounts is not supported if the option to create accounts for users who log in to the system in the last N days is selected.
  • If the name of an Authentication Agent account has the format <domain>/<Windows account name>, after changing the computer name you need to also change the names of accounts that were created for local users of this computer. For example, imagine that there is a local user Ivanov on the Ivanov computer, and an Authentication Agent account with the name Ivanov/Ivanov has been created for this user. If the computer name Ivanov has been changed to Ivanov-PC, you need to change the name of the Authentication Agent account for the user Ivanov from Ivanov/Ivanov to Ivanov-PC/Ivanov. You can change the account name using the local account management task of the Authentication Agent. Before the name of the account has been changed, authentication in the preboot environment is possible using the old name (for example, Ivanov/Ivanov).
  • If a user is allowed to access a computer that was encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology only by using a token and this user needs to complete the access recovery procedure, make sure that this user is granted password-based access to this computer after access to the encrypted computer has been restored. The password that the user set when restoring access might not be saved. In this case, the user will have to complete the procedure for restoring access to the encrypted computer again the next time the computer is restarted.
  • When decrypting a hard drive using the FDE Recovery Tool, the decryption process may end with an error if data on the source device is overwritten with the decrypted data. Part of the data on the hard drive will remain encrypted. It is recommended to choose the option to save decrypted data to a file in the device decryption settings when using the FDE Recovery Tool.
  • If the Authentication Agent password has been changed, a message containing the text Your password has been changed successfully. Click OK appears and the user restarts the computer, the new password is not saved. The old password must be used for subsequent authentication in the preboot environment.
  • Disk encryption is incompatible with Intel Rapid Start technology.
  • Disk encryption is incompatible with ExpressCache technology.
  • In some cases, when attempting to decrypt an encrypted drive using the FDE Recovery Tool, the tool mistakenly detects the device status as "unencrypted" after the "Request-Response" procedure is completed. The tool's log shows an event stating that the device was successfully decrypted. In this case, you must restart the data recovery procedure to decrypt the device.
  • After the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows plug-in is updated in the Web Console, the client computer properties do not show the BitLocker recovery key until the Web Console service is restarted.
  • To see the other limitations of full disk encryption support and a list of devices for which encryption of hard drives is supported with restrictions, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.

File Level Encryption (FLE)

  • File and folder encryption is not supported in operating systems of the Microsoft Windows Embedded family.
  • Once you have installed the application, you must restart the operating system for file and folder encryption to work properly.
  • If an encrypted file is stored on a computer that has available encryption functionality and you access the file from a computer where encryption is not available, direct access to this file will be provided. An encrypted file that is stored in a network folder on a computer that has available encryption functionality is copied in decrypted form to a computer that does not have available encryption functionality.
  • You are advised to decrypt files that were encrypted with Encrypting File System before encrypting files with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  • After a file is encrypted, its size increases by 4 kB.
  • After a file is encrypted, the Archive attribute is set in the file properties.
  • If an unpacked file from an encrypted archive has the same name as an already existing file on your computer, the latter will be overwritten by the new file that is unpacked from an encrypted archive. The user is not notified about the overwrite operation.
  • Before you unpack an encrypted archive, make sure you have enough free disk space to accommodate the unpacked files. If you do not have enough disk space, the archive unpacking may be completed but the files may be corrupted. In this case, it is possible that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not display any error messages.
  • The Portable File Manager interface does not display messages about errors that occur during its operation.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows does not start the Portable File Manager on a computer that has the File Level Encryption component installed.
  • You cannot use the Portable File Manager to access a removable drive if the following conditions are true simultaneously:
    • There is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center;
    • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed on the computer;
    • Data encryption (FDE or FLE) was not performed on the computer.

    Access is impossible even if you know the password of the Portable File Manager.

  • When file encryption is used, the application is incompatible with the Sylpheed mail client.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows does not support the rules of restriction of access to encrypted files for some applications. This is due to the fact that some file operations are performed by a third-party application. For example, file copying is performed by the file manager, not by the application itself. In this way, if access to encrypted files is denied to the Outlook mail client, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will allow the mail client to access the encrypted file, if the user has copied files to the email message via the clipboard or using the drag-and-drop function. The copy operation was performed by a file manager, for which the rules of restriction of access to encrypted files are not specified, i.e. the access is allowed.
  • When removable drives are encrypted with portable mode support, password age control cannot be disabled.
  • Changing the page file settings is not supported. The operating system uses the default values instead of the specified parameter values.
  • Use safe removal when working with encrypted removable drives. We cannot guarantee data integrity if the removable drive is not safely removed.
  • After files are encrypted, their non-encrypted originals are securely deleted.
  • Synchronization of offline files using Client-Side Caching (CSC) is not supported. It is recommended to prohibit offline management of shared resources at the group policy level. Files that are in offline mode can be edited. After synchronization, changes made to an offline file may be lost. For details regarding support for Client-Side Caching (CSC) when using encryption, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
  • Creation of an encrypted archive in the root of the system hard drive is not supported.
  • You may experience problems when accessing encrypted files over the network. You are advised to move the files to a different source or make sure that the computer being used as a file server is managed by the same Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
  • Changing the keyboard layout may cause the password entry window for an encrypted self-extracting archive to hang. To solve this problem, close the password entry window, switch the keyboard layout in your operating system, and re-enter the password for the encrypted archive.
  • When file encryption is used on systems that have multiple partitions on one disk, you are advised to use the option that automatically determines the size of the pagefile.sys file. After the computer restarts, the pagefile.sys file may move between disk partitions.
  • After applying file encryption rules, including files in the My Documents folder, make sure that users for whom encryption has been applied can successfully access encrypted files. To do so, have each user sign in to the system when a connection to Kaspersky Security Center is available. If a user attempts to access encrypted files without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center, the system may hang.
  • If system files are somehow included in the scope of file level encryption, events regarding errors when encrypting these files may appear in reports. The files specified in these events are not actually encrypted.
  • Pico processes are not supported.
  • Case-sensitive paths are not supported. When encryption rules or decryption rules are applied, the paths in product events are displayed in lowercase.
  • It is not recommended to encrypt files that are used by the system on startup. If these files are encrypted, an attempt to access encrypted files without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center may cause the system to hang or result in prompts for access to unencrypted files.
  • If users jointly work with a file over the network under FLE rules via applications that use the file-to-memory mapping method (such as WordPad or FAR) and applications designed for working with large files (such as Notepad ++ ), the file in unencrypted form may be blocked indefinitely without the capability to access it from the computer on which it resides.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files that are located in OneDrive cloud storage or in other folders that have OneDrive as their name. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also blocks the copying of encrypted files to OneDrive folders if those files are not added to the decryption rule.
  • When the file level encryption component is installed, management of users and groups does not work in WSL mode (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
  • When the file level encryption component is installed, POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) for renaming and deleting files is not supported.
  • It is not recommended to encrypt temporary files, as this can cause data loss. For example, Microsoft Word creates temporary files when processing a document. If temporary files are encrypted, but the original file is not, the user may receive an Access Denied error when trying to save the document. Additionally, Microsoft Word might save the file, but it will not be possible to open the document the next time, i.e. the data will be lost. To prevent data loss, you need to exclude the temporary files folder from encryption rules.
  • After updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows version 11.0.1 or earlier, to access encrypted files after restarting the computer, make sure that the Network Agent is running. Network Agent has a delayed startup, so you cannot access the encrypted files immediately after the operating system loads. There is no need to wait for the Network Agent to start after the next computer startup.

Detection and Response (EDR, MDR, Kaspersky Sandbox)

  • You cannot scan an object quarantined as a result of the Move file to Quarantine task.
  • It is not possible to quarantine an Alternate Data Stream (ADS) that is larger than 4 MB. Kaspersky Endpoint Security skips any ADS this large without notifying the user.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not run IOC Scan tasks on network drives if the folder path in the task properties begins with a drive letter. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports only the UNC path format for IOC Scan tasks on network drives. For example, \\server\shared_folder.
  • An import of an application configuration file ends with an error if the integration with Kaspersky Sandbox setting is enabled in the configuration file. Prior to exporting application settings, disable Kaspersky Sandbox. Then perform the export/import procedure. After importing the configuration file, enable Kaspersky Sandbox.
  • When an indicator of compromise is detected while running the IOC Scan task, the application quarantines a file only for the FileItem term. Quarantining a file for other terms is not supported.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in 11.7.0 or later is required for managing alert details. Alert details are necessary when working with Endpoint Detection and Response solutions (EDR Optimum and EDR Expert). Alert details are available only in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
  • Migrating the [KES+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent] configuration may complete with a Kaspersky Endpoint Agent application removal error. The application removal error is fixed in the latest version of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent. To remove Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, restart the computer and create an application removal task.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in 11.7.0 or later is required for managing EDR Optimum and Kaspersky Sandbox components. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows web plug-in 11.8.0 or later is required for managing the EDR Expert component. If you created the Change application components task using a web plug-in that does not support working with these components, the installer will delete these components on computers with EDR Optimum, EDR Expert or Kaspersky Sandbox installed.

Other limitations

  • If the application returns errors or hangs up during operation, it may be restarted automatically. If the application encounters recurring errors that cause the application to crash, the application performs the following operations:
    1. Disables control and protection functions (encryption functionality remains enabled).
    2. Notifies the user that the functions have been disabled.
    3. Attempts to restore the application to a functional state after updating anti-virus databases or applying application module updates.
  • Web addresses that are added to the trusted list may be incorrectly processed.
  • In the Kaspersky Security Center console, you cannot save a file to disk from the AdvancedRepositoriesActive threats folder. To save the file, you must disinfect the infected file. When disinfecting, the application saves a copy of the file in Backup. Now you can save the file to disk from the AdvancedRepositoriesBackup folder.
  • Inheritance of settings of data transfer to Administration Server (General settingsReports and StorageData transfer to Administration Server) differs from inheritance of other settings. If you have allowed changing data transmission settings in the policy (the "lock" is open), these settings will be reset to default values in the local computer properties in the console if they were not previously defined. If these settings were previously defined, then their values will be restored. When deleting a policy, the settings are inherited in the same way. In these cases, other settings in the local computer properties are inherited from the policy.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors HTTP traffic that complies with the RFC 2616, RFC 7540, RFC 7541, RFC 7301 standards. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects another data exchange format in HTTP traffic, the application blocks this connection to prevent downloading malicious files from the Internet.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security prevents communication over the QUIC protocol. Browsers use the standard transport protocol (TLS or SSL) regardless of whether QUIC support is enabled in the browser or not.
  • System Watcher. Complete information about processes is not displayed.
  • When Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is started for the first time, a digitally signed application may be temporarily placed into the wrong group. The digitally signed application will later be put into the correct group.
  • When scanning mail with the Mail Threat Protection extension for Microsoft Outlook, you are advised to use Cached Exchange Mode (the Use Cached Exchange Mode option).
  • Malware Scan task does not support 64-bit Microsoft Outlook version. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan MS Outlook files (PST and OST files) if a 64-bit version of MS Outlook is installed on the computer, even if mail is included in the scan scope.
  • When Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.10.0 or 11.11.0 is upgraded without a restart, the Mail Threat Protection for Microsoft Outlook extension temporarily stops working. The application will update and run the Mail Threat Protection extension for Microsoft Outlook after the MS Outlook mail client is restarted. We recommend that you restart the MS Outlook mail client immediately after upgrading the application.
  • In Kaspersky Security Center, when switching from using the global Kaspersky Security Network to using a private Kaspersky Security Network, or vice versa, the option to participate in Kaspersky Security Network is disabled in the policy of the specific product. After switching, carefully read the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and confirm your consent to participate in KSN. You can read the text of the Statement in the application interface or when editing the product policy.
  • During a rescan of a malicious object that was blocked by third-party software, the user is not notified when the threat is detected again. The threat re-detection event is displayed in the application report and in the Kaspersky Security Center report.
  • The Endpoint Sensor component cannot be installed in Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
  • The Kaspersky Security Center report on device encryption will not include information about devices that were encrypted using Microsoft BitLocker on server platforms or on workstations on which the Device Control component is not installed.
  • It is not possible to enable the display of all report entries in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. In the Web Console, you can only change the number of entries displayed in reports. By default, Kaspersky Security Center Web Console shows 1000 report entries. You can enable the display of all report entries in the Administration Console (MMC).
  • It is not possible to set the display of more than 1000 report entries in the Kaspersky Security Center Console. If you set a higher value than 1000, the Kaspersky Security Center Console will display only 1000 report entries.
  • When using a policy hierarchy, the settings of the Encryption of Removable Drives section in a child policy are accessible for editing if the parent policy prohibits modification of those settings.
  • You must enable Audit Logon in the operating system settings to ensure proper functioning of exclusions for the protection of shared folders against external encryption.
  • If shared folder protection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows monitors attempts to encrypt shared folders for each remote access session that was started before the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, including if the computer from which the remote access session was started has been added to exclusions. If you do not want Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows to monitor attempts to encrypt shared folders for remote access sessions that were started from a computer that was added to exclusions and that were started before the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, terminate and re-establish the remote access session or restart the computer on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed.
  • If the update task is run with the permissions of a specific user account, product patches will not be downloaded when updating from a source that requires authorization.
  • The application may fail to start due to insufficient system performance. To resolve this problem, use the Ready Boot option or increase the operating system timeout for starting services.
  • The application cannot work in Safe Mode.
  • To ensure that Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows versions 11.5.0 and 11.6.0 can work correctly with Cisco AnyConnect software, you must install Compliance Module version or later. Learn more about compatibility with Cisco Identity Services Engine in Cisco documentation.
  • We cannot guarantee that Audio Control will work until after the first restart after installing the application.
  • In the Administration Console (MMC), in the Intrusion Prevention settings in the window for configuring application permissions, the Remove button is unavailable. You can remove an application from a trust group via the context menu of the application.
  • In the local interface of the application, in the Intrusion Prevention settings, application permissions and protected resources are not available for viewing if the computer is managed by a policy. Scroll, search, filter and other window controls are unavailable. You can view application permissions in the policy properties in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
  • When rotated trace files are enabled, no traces are created for the AMSI component and the Outlook plug-in.
  • Performance traces cannot be manually collected in Windows Server 2008.
  • Performance traces for the "Restart" trace type are not supported.
  • Dump logging is not supported for pico processes.
  • The KSN availability check task is no longer supported.
  • Turning off the "Disable external management of the system services" option will not allow you to stop the service of the application that was installed with the AMPPL=1 parameter (by default, the parameter value is set to 1 starting with the Windows 10RS2 operating system version). The AMPPL parameter with a value of 1 enables the use of Protection Processes technology for the product service.
  • To run a custom scan of a folder, the user that starts the custom scan must have the permissions to read the attributes of this folder. Otherwise the custom folder scan will be impossible and will end with an error.
  • When a scan rule defined in a policy includes a path without the \ character at the end, for example, C:\folder1\folder2, the scan will be run for the path C:\folder1\.
  • When upgrading the application from version 11.1.0 to 11.11.0, the AMSI Protection settings are reset to their default values.
  • If you are using software restriction policies (SRP), the computer may fail to load (black screen). To prevent malfunctions, you need to allow the use of application libraries in the SRP properties. In the SRP properties add the rule with Unrestricted security level for khkum.dll file (New Hash Rule menu item). The file is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Kaspersky Lab\KES.<version>\klhk\klhk_x64\ folder. If you selected this method, you need to additionally clear the Download updates of application modules check box in the Update task settings for Kaspersky Endpoint Security. For details on using SRP, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

    You can also disable SRP and use the Application Control component of Kaspersky Endpoint Security to control application usage.

  • If the computer belongs to a domain under Windows Group Policy Object (GPO) with DriverLoadPolicy parameter set to 8 (Good only), restarting the computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed causes a BSOD. To prevent a failure, the Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM) parameter in Group Policy must be set to 1 (Good and unknown). ELAM settings are located in the policy under: Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemEarly Launch Antimalware.
  • Management of Outlook plug-in settings via Rest API is not supported.
  • Task run settings for a specific user cannot be transferred between devices via a configuration file. After settings are applied from a configuration file, manually specify the user name and password.
  • After installing an update, the integrity check task does not work until the system is restarted to apply the update.
  • When the rotated tracing level is changed through the remote diagnostics utility, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows incorrectly displays a blank value for the trace level. However, trace files are written according to the correct trace level. When the rotated tracing level is changed through the local interface of the application, the tracing level is correctly modified but the remote diagnostics utility incorrectly displays the trace level that was last defined by the utility. This may cause the administrator to not have up-to-date information about the current tracing level, and relevant information may be absent from traces if a user manually changes the tracing level in the local interface of the application.
  • In the local interface, Password protection settings don't allow changing the name of the administrator account (KLAdmin by default). To change the name of the administrator account, you need to disable Password protection, then enable Password protection and specify a new name of the administrator account.
  • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security application when installed on a Windows Server 2019 server is incompatible with Docker. Deploying Docker containers on a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security causes a crash (BSOD).
  • Compatibility of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Secret Net Studio software is limited:
    • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security application is not compatible with the Antivirus component of Secret Net Studio software.

      The application cannot be installed on a computer where Secret Net Studio is deployed with the Antivirus component. To make interoperability possible, you must remove the Antivirus component from Secret Net Studio.

    • The Kaspersky Endpoint Security application is not compatible with the Full Disk Encryption component of Secret Net Studio software.

      The application cannot be installed on a computer where Secret Net Studio is deployed with the Full Disk Encryption component. To make interoperability possible, you must remove the Full Disk Encryption component from Secret Net Studio.

    • Secret Net Studio is not compatible with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

      When you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component, Secret Net Studio can operate with errors. To ensure interoperability, you must remove the File Level Encryption (FLE) component from Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

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[Topic 90]


Active key

A key that is currently used by the application.

Additional key

A key that certifies the right to use the application but is not currently being used.

Administration group

A set of devices that share common functions and a set of Kaspersky applications installed on them. Devices are grouped so that they can be managed conveniently as a single unit. A group may include other groups. It is possible to create group policies and group tasks for each installed application in the group.

Anti-virus databases

Databases that contain information about computer security threats known to Kaspersky as of the anti-virus database release date. Anti-virus database signatures help to detect malicious code in scanned objects. Anti-virus databases are created by Kaspersky specialists and updated hourly.


One or several files packed into a single compressed file. A specialized application called an archiver is required for packing and unpacking data.

Authentication Agent

Interface that lets you complete authentication to access encrypted hard drives and load the operating system after the bootable hard drive has been encrypted.

Certificate issuer

Certification center that issued the certificate.

Database of malicious web addresses

A list of web addresses whose content may be considered to be dangerous. The list is created by Kaspersky specialists. It is regularly updated and is included in the Kaspersky application distribution kit.

Database of phishing web addresses

A list of web addresses which Kaspersky specialists have determined to be phishing-related. The database is regularly updated and is part of the Kaspersky application distribution kit.


A method of processing infected objects that results in complete or partial recovery of data. Not all infected objects can be disinfected.

False alarm

A false alarm occurs when the Kaspersky application reports an uninfected file as infected because the signature of the file is similar to that of a virus.

Infectable file

A file which, due to its structure or format, can be used by intruders as a "container" to store and spread malicious code. As a rule, these are executable files, with such file extensions as .com, .exe, and .dll. There is a fairly high risk of intrusion of malicious code in such files.

Infected file

A file which contains malicious code (code of known malware has been detected when scanning the file). Kaspersky does not recommend using such files, because they may infect your computer.


Indicator of Compromise. A set of data about a malicious object or activity.

IOC file

A file containing a set of indicators of compromise (IOCs) that the application tries to match to count a detection. The likelihood of detection can be higher if exact matches with multiple IOC files are found for the object as a result of the scan.

License certificate

A document that Kaspersky transfers to the user together with the key file or activation code. It contains information about the license granted to the user.


Representation of a file name and extension by using wildcards.

File masks can contain any characters that are allowed in file names, including wildcards:

  • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
  • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask. The ** mask is available only for creating scan exclusions.
  • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.
Network Agent

A Kaspersky Security Center component that enables interaction between the Administration Server and Kaspersky applications that are installed on a specific network node (workstation or server). This component is common for all Kaspersky applications running under Windows. Dedicated versions of Network Agent are intended for applications running under other operating systems.

Normalized form of the address of a web resource

The normalized form of the address of a web resource is a textual representation of a web resource address that is obtained through normalization. Normalization is a process whereby the textual representation of a web resource address changes according to specific rules (for example, exclusion of the user login, password, and connection port from the text representation of the web resource address; additionally, the web resource address is changed from uppercase to lowercase characters).

Regarding the operation of protection components, the purpose of normalization of web resource addresses is to avoid scanning website addresses, which may differ in syntax while being physically equivalent, more than once.


Non-normalized form of an address: www.Example.com\.

Normalized form of an address: www.example.com.


OLE object

An attached file or a file that is embedded in another file. Kaspersky applications allow scanning OLE objects for viruses. For example, if you insert a Microsoft Office Excel table into a Microsoft Office Word document, the table is scanned as an OLE object.


Open standard of Indicator of Compromise (IOC) descriptions based on XML and including over 500 different Indicators of Compromise.

Portable File Manager

This is an application that provides an interface for working with encrypted files on removable drives when encryption functionality is not available on the computer.

Protection scope

Objects that are constantly being scanned by the Essential Threat Protection component when it is running. The protection scopes of different components have different properties.

Scan scope

Objects that Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans while performing a scan task.


Functions performed by the Kaspersky application as tasks, for example: Real-time File Protection, Full Device Scan, Database Update.

Trusted Platform Module

A microchip developed to provide basic functions related to security (for example, for storing encryption keys). A Trusted Platform Module is usually installed on the computer motherboard and interacts with all other system components via the hardware bus.

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[Topic 176733]

File Threat Protection

The File Threat Protection component lets you prevent infection of the file system of the computer. By default, the File Threat Protection component permanently resides in the computer's RAM. The component scans files on all drives of the computer, as well as on connected drives. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

The component scans the files accessed by the user or application. If a malicious file is detected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the file operation. The application then disinfects or deletes the malicious file, depending on the settings of the File Threat Protection component.

When attempting to access a file whose contents are stored in the OneDrive cloud, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads and scans the file contents.

File Threat Protection component settings



Security level

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

For File Threat Protection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security can apply different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:

  • High. When this file security level is selected, the File Threat Protection component takes the strictest control of all files that are opened, saved, and started. The File Threat Protection component scans all file types on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. It also scans archives, installation packages, and embedded OLE objects.
  • Recommended. This file security level is recommended by Kaspersky Lab experts. The File Threat Protection component scans only the specified file formats on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer, and embedded OLE objects. The File Threat Protection component does not scan archives or installation packages.
  • Low. The settings of this file security level ensure maximum scanning speed. The File Threat Protection component scans only files with specified extensions on all hard drives, removable drives, and network drives of the computer. The File Threat Protection component does not scan compound files.

File types

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

All files. If this setting is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks all files without exception (all formats and extensions).

Files scanned by format. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. Before scanning a file for malicious code, the internal header of the file is analyzed to determine the format of the file (for example, .txt, .doc, or .exe). The scan also looks for files with particular file extensions.

Files scanned by extension. If this setting is enabled, the application scans infectable files only. The file format is then determined based on the file's extension.

Scan scope

Contains objects that are scanned by the File Threat Protection component. A scan object may be a hard drive, removable drive, network drive, folder, file, or multiple files defined by a mask.

By default, the File Threat Protection component scans files that are started on any hard drives, removable drives, or network drives. The protection scope for these objects cannot be changed or deleted. You can also exclude an object (such as removable drives) from scans.

Machine learning and signature analysis

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The machine learning and signature analysis method uses the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases that contain descriptions of known threats and ways to neutralize them. Protection that uses this method provides the minimum acceptable security level.

Based on the recommendations of Kaspersky experts, machine learning and signature analysis is always enabled.

Heuristic Analysis

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

Action on threat detection

Disinfect; delete if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, the application automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the files.

Disinfect; block if disinfection fails. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically attempts to disinfect all infected files that are detected. If disinfection is not possible, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the information about the infected files that are detected to the list of active threats.

Block. If this option is selected, the File Threat Protection component automatically blocks all infected files without attempting to disinfect them.

Before attempting to disinfect or delete an infected file, the application creates a backup copy of the file in case you need to restore the file or if it can be disinfected in the future.

Scan only new and changed files

Scans only new files and those files that have been modified since the last time they were scanned. This helps reduce the duration of a scan. This mode applies both to simple and to compound files.

Scan archives

Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format. When checking archives, the application performs a recursive unpacking. This allows to detect threats inside multi-level archives (archive within an archive).

Scan distribution packages

This check box enables/disables scanning of third-party distribution packages.

Scan files in Microsoft Office formats

Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

Do not unpack large compound files

If this check box is selected, the application does not scan compound files if their size exceeds the specified value.

If this check box is cleared, the application scans compound files of all sizes.

The application scans large files that are extracted from archives regardless of whether the check box is selected or not.

Unpack compound files in the background

If the check box is selected, the application provides access to compound files that are larger than the specified value before these files are scanned. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security unpacks and scans compound files in the background.

The application provides access to compound files that are smaller than this value only after unpacking and scanning these files.

If the check box is not selected, the application provides access to compound files only after unpacking and scanning files of any size.

Scan mode

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files accessed by the user, operating system, or an application running under the user's account.

Smart mode. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans an object based on an analysis of actions taken on the object. For example, when working with a Microsoft Office document, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the file when it is first opened and last closed. Intermediate operations that overwrite the file do not cause it to be scanned.

On access and modification. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans objects whenever there is an attempt to open or modify them.

On access. In this mode, File Threat Protection scans objects only upon an attempt to open them.

On execution. In this mode, File Threat Protection only scans objects upon an attempt to run them.

iSwift technology

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scanning by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date that the file was last scanned on, and any modifications to the scanning settings. The iSwift technology is an advancement of the iChecker technology for the NTFS file system.

iChecker technology

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

This technology allows increasing scan speed by excluding certain files from scanning. Files are excluded from scans by using a special algorithm that takes into account the release date of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the date when the file was last scanned, and any modifications to the scan settings. There are limitations to iChecker Technology: it does not work with large files and applies only to files with a structure that the application recognizes (for example, EXE, DLL, LNK, TTF, INF, SYS, COM, CHM, ZIP, and RAR).

Pause File Threat Protection

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

This temporarily and automatically pauses operation of File Threat Protection at the specified time or when working with the specified applications.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection

Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection

Changing the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component

Forming the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component

Using scan methods

Using scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component

Optimizing file scanning

Scanning compound files

Changing the scan mode

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[Topic 176735]

Web Threat Protection

The Web Threat Protection component prevents downloads of malicious files from the Internet, and also blocks malicious and phishing websites. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans HTTP-, HTTPS- and FTP-traffic. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans URLs and IP addresses. You can specify the ports that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will monitor, or select all ports.

For HTTPS traffic monitoring, you need to enable encrypted connections scan.

When a user tries to open a malicious or phishing website, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access and show a warning (see the figure below).

Website access denied message

Web Threat Protection component settings



Security level

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

For Web Threat Protection, the application can apply different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:

  • High. The security level under which the Web Threat Protection component performs maximum scanning of web traffic that the computer receives over the HTTP and FTP protocols. Web Threat Protection performs detailed scanning of all web traffic objects by using the full set of application databases, and performs the deepest possible heuristic analysis.
  • Recommended. The security level that provides the optimal balance between the performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the security of web traffic. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the medium scan level. This web traffic security level is recommended by Kaspersky specialists.
  • Low. The settings of this web traffic security level ensure the maximum web traffic scanning speed. The Web Threat Protection component performs heuristic analysis at the light scan level.

Action on threat detection

Block download. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, the Web Threat Protection component blocks access to the object and displays a message in the browser.

Notify. If this option is selected and an infected object is detected in web traffic, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows this object to be downloaded to the computer but adds information about the infected object to the list of active threats.

Check the web address against the database of malicious web addresses

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

Scanning the links to determine whether they are included in the database of malicious web addresses allows you to track websites that have been added to denylist. The database of malicious web addresses is maintained by Kaspersky, included in the application installation package, and updated during Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

Use Heuristic Analysis

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When web traffic is scanned for viruses and other applications that present a threat, the heuristic analyzer performs instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

Check the web address against the database of phishing web addresses

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The database of phishing web addresses includes the web addresses of currently known websites that are used to launch phishing attacks. Kaspersky supplements this database of phishing links with addresses obtained from the international organization known as the Anti-Phishing Working Group. The database of phishing addresses is included in the application installation package and supplemented with Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.

Do not scan web traffic from trusted web addresses

If the check box is selected, the Web Threat Protection component does not scan the content of web pages or websites whose addresses are included in the list of trusted web addresses. You can add both the specific address and the address mask of a web page/website to the list of trusted web addresses.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Web Threat Protection


Configuring malicious web address detection methods

Creating the list of trusted web addresses

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[Topic 176736]

Mail Threat Protection

The Mail Threat Protection component scans the attachments of incoming and outgoing email messages for viruses and other threats. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and heuristic analysis.

Mail Threat Protection can scan both incoming and outgoing messages. The application supports POP3, SMTP, IMAP, and NNTP in the following mail clients:

  • Microsoft Office Outlook
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Microsoft Outlook Express
  • Windows Mail

Mail Threat Protection does not support other protocols and mail clients.

Mail Threat Protection may not always be able to gain protocol-level access to messages (for example, when using the Microsoft Exchange solution). For this reason, Mail Threat Protection includes an extension for Microsoft Office Outlook. The extension allows scanning messages at the level of the mail client. The Mail Threat Protection extension supports operations with Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.

The Mail Threat Protection component does not scan messages if the mail client is open in a browser.

When a malicious file is detected in an attachment, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the performed action to the message subject, for example, [Message has been processed] <message subject>.

Mail Threat Protection component settings



Security level

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

For Mail Threat Protection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security applies different groups of settings. These groups of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:

  • High. When this email security level is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email messages most thoroughly. The Mail Threat Protection component scans incoming and outgoing email messages, and performs deep heuristic analysis. The High mail security level is recommended for high-risk environments. An example of such an environment is a connection to a free email service from a home network that is not guarded by centralized email protection.
  • Recommended. The email security level that provides the optimal balance between the performance of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and email security. The Mail Threat Protection component scans incoming and outgoing email messages, and performs medium-level heuristic analysis. This mail traffic security level is recommended by Kaspersky specialists.
  • Low. When this email security level is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component only scans incoming email messages, performs light heuristic analysis, and does not scan archives that are attached to email messages. At this mail security level, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email messages at maximum speed and uses a minimum of operating system resources. The Low mail security level is recommended for use in a well-protected environment. An example of such an environment might be an enterprise LAN with centralized email security.

Action on threat detection

Disinfect, delete if disinfection fails. When an infected object is detected in an inbound or outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. The user will be able to access the message with a safe attachment. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the infected object. Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about the performed action to the message subject, for example, [Message has been processed] <message subject>.

Disinfect, block if disinfection fails. When an infected object is detected in an inbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. The user will be able to access the message with a safe attachment. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a warning to the message subject. The user will be able to access the message with the original attachment. When an infected object is detected in an outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security attempts to disinfect the detected object. If the object cannot be disinfected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks transmission of the message, and the mail client shows an error.

Block. If an infected object is detected in an inbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds a warning to the message subject. The user will be able to access the message with the original attachment. If an infected object is detected in an outbound message, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks transmission of the message, and the mail client shows an error.

Protection scope

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The Protection scope includes objects that the component checks when it is run: incoming and outgoing messages or incoming messages only.

In order to protect your computers, you need only scan incoming messages. You can turn on scanning for outgoing messages to prevent infected files from being sent in archives. You can also turn on the scanning of outgoing messages if you want to prevent files in particular formats from being sent, such as audio and video files, for example.

Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic

The check box enables / disables scanning by the Mail Threat Protection component of traffic that is transferred via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols.

Connect Microsoft Outlook extension

If the check box is selected, scanning of email messages transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP protocols is enabled on the side of the extension integrated into Microsoft Outlook.

If mail is scanned using the extension for Microsoft Outlook, it is recommended to use Cached Exchange Mode. For more detailed information about Cached Exchange Mode and recommendations on its use, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Heuristic analysis

(available only in the Administration Console (MMC) and in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

The technology was developed for detecting threats that cannot be detected by using the current version of Kaspersky application databases. It detects files that may be infected with an unknown virus or a new variety of a known virus.

When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level ensures a balance between the thoroughness of searching for new threats, the load on the resources of the operating system, and the duration of heuristic analysis.

Scan attached archives

Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format.

If during the scan, Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a password for an archive in the text of the message, this password will be used to scan the content of the archive for malicious applications. In this case, the password is not saved. An archive is unpacked during scan. If an application error occurs during the unpacking process, you can manually delete the unpacked files that are saved to the following path: %systemroot%\temp. The files have the PR prefix.

Scan attached files of Microsoft Office formats

Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

Do not scan archives larger than N MB

If this check box is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component excludes archives attached to email messages from scanning if their size exceeds the specified value. If the check box is cleared, the Mail Threat Protection component scans email attachment archives of any size.

Limit the time for checking archives to N sec

If the check box is selected, the time that is allocated for scanning archives attached to email messages is limited to the specified period.

Attachment filter

The attachment filter is not applied to outgoing email messages.

Disable filtering. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component does not filter files that are attached to email messages.

Rename attachments of selected types. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component will replace the last extension character found in the attached files of the specified types with the underscore character (for example, attachment.doc_). Thus, in order to open the file, the user must rename the file.

Delete attachments of selected types. If this option is selected, the Mail Threat Protection component deletes attached files of the specified types from email messages.

In the list of file masks, you can specify the types of attached files to rename or delete from email messages.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Mail Threat Protection

Changing the action to take on infected email messages

Forming the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component

Scanning compound files attached to email messages

Email messages attachment filtering

Scanning emails in Microsoft Office Outlook

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[Topic 176737]

Network Threat Protection

The Network Threat Protection component scans inbound network traffic for activity that is typical of network attacks. When Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempted network attack on the user's computer, it blocks the network connection with the attacking computer. Descriptions of currently known types of network attacks and ways to counteract them are provided in Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. The list of network attacks that the Network Threat Protection component detects is updated during database and application module updates.

Network Threat Protection component settings



Treat port scanning and network flooding as attacks

Network Flooding is an attack on network resources of an organization (such as web servers). This attack consists of sending a large number of requests to overload the bandwidth of network resources. When this happens, users are unable to access the network resources of the organization.

A Port Scanning attack consists of scanning UDP ports, TCP ports, and network services on the computer. This attack allows the attacker to identify the degree of vulnerability of the computer before conducting more dangerous types of network attacks. Port Scanning also enables the attacker to identify the operating system on the computer and select the appropriate network attacks for this operating system.

If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors network traffic to detect these attacks. If an attack is detected, the application notifies the user and sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center. The application provides information about the attacking computer, which is required for timely threat response actions.

You can disable detection of these types of attacks in case some of your allowed applications perform operations that are typical for these types of attacks. This will help avoid false alarms.

Add an attacking computer to the list of blocked computers for N min

If the check box is selected, the Network Threat Protection component adds the attacking computer to the blocked list. This means that the Network Threat Protection component blocks the network connection with the attacking computer after the first network attack attempt for the specified amount of time. This block automatically protects the user's computer against possible future network attacks from the same address. The minimum time an attacking computer must spend in the block list is one minute. The maximum time is 32 768 minutes.

You can view the block list in the Network Monitor tool window.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security clears the block list when the application is restarted and when the Network Threat Protection settings are changed.


The list contains IP addresses from which Network Threat Protection does not block network attacks.

The application does not log information on network attacks from the IP addresses that are in the list of exclusions.

MAC Spoofing Protection

A MAC spoofing attack consists of changing the MAC address of a network device (network card). As a result, an attacker can redirect data sent to a device to another device and gain access to this data. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you block MAC Spoofing attacks and receive notifications about the attacks.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Network Threat Protection

Blocking an attacking computer

Configuring addresses of exclusions from blocking

Configuring protection against network attacks by type

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[Topic 176738]


The Firewall blocks unauthorized connections to the computer while working on the Internet or local network. The Firewall also controls the network activity of applications on the computer. This allows you to protect your corporate LAN from identity theft and other attacks. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases, the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, and predefined network rules.

Network Agent is used for interaction with Kaspersky Security Center. Firewall automatically creates network rules required for the application and the Network Agent to work. As a result, the Firewall opens several ports on the computer. Which ports are opened depends on computer's role (for example, distribution point). To learn more about the ports that will be opened on the computer, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Network rules

You can configure network rules at the following levels:

  • Network packet rules. Network packet rules impose restrictions on network packets, regardless of the application. Such rules restrict inbound and outbound network traffic through specific ports of the selected data protocol. Kaspersky Endpoint Security has predefined network packet rules with permissions recommended by Kaspersky experts.
  • Application network rules. Application network rules impose restrictions on the network activity of a specific application. They factor in not only the characteristics of the network packet, but also the specific application to which this network packet is addressed or which issued this network packet.

Controlled access of applications to operating system resources, processes and personal data is provided by the Host Intrusion Prevention component by using application rights.

During the first startup of the application, the Firewall performs the following actions:

  1. Checks the security of the application using downloaded anti-virus databases.
  2. Checks the security of the application in Kaspersky Security Network.

    You are advised to participate in Kaspersky Security Network to help the Firewall work more effectively.

  3. Places the application in one of the trust groups: Trusted, Low Restricted, High Restricted, Untrusted.

    A trust group defines the rights that Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to when controlling application activity. Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group for the Firewall and Host Intrusion Prevention components. You cannot change the trust group only for the Firewall or Host Intrusion Prevention.

    If you refused to participate in KSN or there is no network, Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the application in a trust group depending on the settings of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. After receiving the reputation of the application from KSN, the trust group can be changed automatically.

  4. It blocks network activity of the application depending on the trust group. For example, applications in the High Restricted trust group are not allowed to use any network connections.

The next time the application is started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the integrity of the application. If the application is unchanged, the component uses the current network rules for it. If the application has been modified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were being started for the first time.

Network Rule Priorities

Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If network activity is added to several rules, the Firewall regulates network activity according to the rule with the highest priority.

Network packet rules have a higher priority than network rules for applications. If both network packet rules and network rules for applications are specified for the same type of network activity, the network activity is handled according to the network packet rules.

Network rules for applications work in a particular way. Network rule for applications includes access rules based on the network status: Public network, Local network, Trusted network. For example, applications in the High Restricted trust group are not allowed any network activity in networks of all statuses by default. If a network rule is specified for an individual application (parent application), then the child processes of other applications will run according to the network rule of the parent application. If there is no network rule for the application, the child processes will run according to network access rule of the application's trust group.

For example, you have prohibited any network activity in networks of all statuses for all applications, except browser X. If you start browser Y installation (child process) from browser X (parent application), then browser Y installer will access the network and download the necessary files. After installation, browser Y will be denied any network connections according to the Firewall settings. To prohibit network activity of browser Y installer as a child process, you must add a network rule for the installer of browser Y.

Network connection statuses

The Firewall allows you to control network activity depending on the status of the network connection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security receives the network connection status from the computer's operating system. The status of the network connection in the operating system is set by the user when setting up the connection. You can change the status of the network connection in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings. The Firewall will monitor network activity depending on the network status in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings, and not in the operating system.

The network connection can have one of the following status types:

  • Public network. The network is not protected by antivirus applications, firewalls, or filters (such as Wi-Fi in a cafe). When the user operates a computer that is connected to such a network, Firewall blocks access to files and printers of this computer. External users are also unable to access data through shared folders and remote access to the desktop of this computer. Firewall filters the network activity of each application according to the network rules that are set for it.

    Firewall assigns Public network status to the Internet by default. You cannot change the status of the Internet.

  • Local network. Network for users with restricted access to files and printers on this computer (such as for a corporate LAN or home network).
  • Trusted network. Safe network in which the computer is not exposed to attacks or unauthorized data access attempts. Firewall permits any network activity within networks with this status.

    Firewall component settings



    Packet rules

    Table with a list of network packet rules. Network packet rules serve to impose restrictions on network packets, regardless of the application. Such rules restrict inbound and outbound network traffic through specific ports of the selected data protocol.

    The table lists pre-configured network packet rules that are recommended by Kaspersky for optimum protection of the network traffic of computers that run on Microsoft Windows operating systems.

    Firewall sets the execution priority of each network packet rule. Firewall processes network packet rules in the order in which they appear in the list of network packet rules, from top to bottom. Firewall locates the topmost network packet rule that is suitable for the network connection and applies it by either allowing or blocking network activity. Firewall then ignores all subsequent network packet rules for the specific network connection.

    Network packet rules have higher priority than network rules for applications.

    Available networks

    This table contains information about network connections that Firewall detects on the computer.

    The Public network status is assigned to the Internet by default. You cannot change the status of the Internet.

    Rules for applications


    Table of applications that are controlled by the Firewall component. Applications are assigned to trust groups. A trust group defines the rights used by Kaspersky Endpoint Security when controlling network activity of applications.

    You can select an application from a single list of all applications installed on computers under the influence of a policy and add the application to a trust group.

    Network rules

    Table of network rules for applications that are part of a trust group. In accordance with these rules, Firewall regulates the network activity of applications.

    The table displays the predefined network rules that are recommended by Kaspersky experts. These network rules have been added to optimally protect the network traffic of computers running Windows operating systems. It is not possible to delete the predefined network rules.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling or disabling Firewall

Changing the network connection status

Managing network packet rules

Managing application network rules

Network Monitor

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[Topic 176739]

BadUSB Attack Prevention

Some viruses modify the firmware of USB devices to trick the operating system into detecting the USB device as a keyboard. As a result, the virus may execute commands under your user account to download malware, for example.

The BadUSB Attack Prevention component prevents infected USB devices emulating a keyboard from connecting to the computer.

When a USB device is connected to the computer and identified as a keyboard by the operating system, the application prompts the user to enter a numerical code generated by the application from this keyboard or using On-Screen Keyboard if available (see the figure below). This procedure is known as keyboard authorization.

If the code has been entered correctly, the application saves the identification parameters – VID/PID of the keyboard and the number of the port to which it has been connected – in the list of authorized keyboards. Keyboard authorization does not need to be repeated when the keyboard is reconnected or after the operating system is restarted.

When the authorized keyboard is connected to a different USB port of the computer, the application shows a prompt for authorization of this keyboard again.

If the numerical code has been entered incorrectly, the application generates a new code. You can configure the number of attempts for entering the numerical code. If the numerical code is entered incorrectly several times or the keyboard authorization window is closed (see figure below), the application blocks input from this keyboard. When the USB device blocking time elapses or the operating system is restarted, the application prompts the user to perform keyboard authorization again.

The application allows use of an authorized keyboard and blocks a keyboard that has not been authorized.

The BadUSB Attack Prevention component is not installed by default. If you need the BadUSB Attack Prevention component, you can add the component in the properties of the installation package before installing the application or change the available application components after installing the application.


Keyboard authorization

BadUSB Attack Prevention component settings



Prohibit use of On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of USB devices

If the check box is selected, the application blocks use of On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of a USB device from which an authorization code cannot be entered.

Maximum number of USB device authorization attempts

Automatically blocking the USB device if the authorization code is entered incorrectly the specified number of times. Valid values are 1 to 10. For example, if you allow 5 attempts to enter the authorization code, the USB device is blocked after the fifth failed attempt. Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays the blocking duration for the USB device. After this time elapses, you can have 5 attempts to enter the authorization code.

Timeout when reaching the maximum number of attempts

Blocking duration of the USB device after the specified number of failed attempts to enter the authorization code. Valid values are 1 to 180 (minutes).

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling BadUSB Attack Prevention

Using On-Screen Keyboard for authorization of USB devices

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[Topic 176740]

AMSI Protection

AMSI Protection component is intended to support Antimalware Scan Interface from Microsoft. The Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) allows third-party applications with AMSI support to send objects (for example, PowerShell scripts) to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for an additional scan and then receive the results from scanning these objects. Third-party applications may include, for example, Microsoft Office applications (see the figure below). For details on AMSI, please refer to the Microsoft documentation.

The AMSI Protection can only detect a threat and notify a third-party application about the detected threat. Third-party application after receiving a notification of a threat does not allow to perform malicious actions (for example, terminates).

AMSI operation example

AMSI Protection component may decline a request from a third-party application, for example, if this application exceeds maximum number of requests within a specified interval. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends information about a rejected request from a third-party application to the Administration Server. The AMSI Protection component does not deny requests from those third-party applications for which continuous integration with the AMSI Protection component is enabled.

AMSI Protection is available for the following operating systems for workstations and servers:

  • Windows 10 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows 11 Home / Pro / Pro for Workstations / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials / Standard / Datacenter;
  • Windows Server 2022.

    AMSI Protection settings



    Scan archives

    Scanning ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE, and other archives. The application scans archives not only by extension, but also by format. When checking archives, the application performs a recursive unpacking. This allows to detect threats inside multi-level archives (archive within an archive).

    Scan distribution packages

    This check box enables/disables scanning of third-party distribution packages.

    Scan files in Microsoft Office formats

    Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files include OLE objects as well.

    Do not unpack large compound files

    If this check box is selected, the application does not scan compound files if their size exceeds the specified value.

    If this check box is cleared, the application scans compound files of all sizes.

    The application scans large files that are extracted from archives regardless of whether the check box is selected or not.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling the AMSI Protection

Using AMSI Protection to scan compound files

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[Topic 176730]

Exploit Prevention

The Exploit Prevention component detects program code that takes advantage of vulnerabilities on the computer to exploit administrator privileges or to perform malicious activities. For example, exploits can utilize a buffer overflow attack. To do so, the exploit sends a large amount of data to a vulnerable application. When processing this data, the vulnerable application executes malicious code. As a result of this attack, the exploit can start an unauthorized installation of malware. When there is an attempt to run an executable file from a vulnerable application that was not performed by the user, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks this file from running or notifies the user.

Exploit Prevention component settings



On detecting exploit

Block operation. If this item is selected, on detecting an exploit, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the operations of this exploit and makes a log entry with information about this exploit.

Notify. If this item is selected, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an exploit it logs an entry containing information about the exploit and adds information about this exploit to the list of active threats.

Enable system process memory protection

If this toggle button is switched on, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks external processes that attempt to access system process memory.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Exploit Prevention

Selecting an action to take when an exploit is detected

System processes memory protection

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[Topic 176728]

Behavior Detection

The Behavior Detection component receives data on the actions of applications on your computer and provides this information to other protection components to improve their performance. The Behavior Detection component utilizes Behavior Stream Signatures (BSS) for applications. If application activity matches a behavior stream signature, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the selected responsive action. Kaspersky Endpoint Security functionality based on behavior stream signatures provides proactive defense for the computer.

Behavior Detection component settings



On detecting malware activity

  • Delete file. If this option is selected, on detecting malicious activity Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the executable file of the malicious application and creates a backup copy of the file in Backup.
  • Terminate the application. If this option is selected, on detecting malicious activity Kaspersky Endpoint Security terminates this application.
  • Notify. If this option is selected and malicious activity of an application is detected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not terminate this application but adds information about the malicious activity of this application to the list of active threats.

Enable protection of shared folders against external encryption

If the toggle button is switched on, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes activity in shared folders. If this activity matches a behavior stream signature that is typical for external encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the selected action.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security prevents external encryption of only those files that are located on media that have the NTFS file system and are not encrypted by the EFS system.

  • Notify. If this option is selected, on detecting an attempt to modify files in shared folders, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds information about this attempt to modify files in shared folders to the list of active threats.
  • Block connection for N min. If this option is selected, when Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects an attempt to modify files in shared folders, it blocks the network activity of the computer that is attempting to modify the files and creates backup copies of modified files.

If the Remediation Engine component is enabled and the Block connection for N min option is selected, modified files are restored from backup copies.


List of computers from which attempts to encrypt shared folders will not be monitored.

To apply the list of exclusions of computers from protection of shared folders against external encryption, you must enable Audit Logon in the Windows security audit policy. Audit Logon is disabled by default. For more details about a Windows security audit policy, please visit the Microsoft website.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Behavior Detection

Selecting the action to take on detecting malware activity

Protection of shared folders against external encryption

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[Topic 176731]

Host Intrusion Prevention

The Host Intrusion Prevention component prevents applications from performing actions that may be dangerous for the operating system, and ensures control over access to operating system resources and personal data. The component provides computer protection with the help of anti-virus databases and the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service.

The component controls the operation of applications by using application rights. Application rights include the following access parameters:

  • Access to operating system resources (for example, automatic startup options, registry keys)
  • Access to personal data (such as files and applications)

Network activity of applications is controlled by the Firewall using network rules.

During the first startup of the application, the Host Intrusion Prevention component performs the following actions:

  1. Checks the security of the application using downloaded anti-virus databases.
  2. Checks the security of the application in Kaspersky Security Network.

    You are advised to participate in Kaspersky Security Network to help the Host Intrusion Prevention component work more effectively.

  3. Places the application in one of the trust groups: Trusted, Low Restricted, High Restricted, Untrusted.

    A trust group defines the rights that Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to when controlling application activity. Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group for the Firewall and Host Intrusion Prevention components. You cannot change the trust group only for the Firewall or Host Intrusion Prevention.

    If you refused to participate in KSN or there is no network, Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the application in a trust group depending on the settings of the Host Intrusion Prevention component. After receiving the reputation of the application from KSN, the trust group can be changed automatically.

  4. Blocks application actions depending on the trust group. For example, applications from the High Restricted trust group are denied access to the operating system modules.

The next time the application is started, Kaspersky Endpoint Security checks the integrity of the application. If the application is unchanged, the component uses the current application rights for it. If the application has been modified, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were being started for the first time.

Host Intrusion Prevention component settings



Application rights

Table of applications that are monitored by the Host Intrusion Prevention component. Applications are assigned to trust groups. A trust group defines the rights that Kaspersky Endpoint Security refers to when controlling application activity.

You can select an application from a single list of all applications installed on computers under the influence of a policy and add the application to a trust group.

Application access rights are presented in the following tables:

  • Files and system registry. This table contains the rights of applications within a trust group to access operating system resources and personal data.
  • Rights. This table contains the rights of applications in a trust group to access processes and resources of the operating system.
  • Network rules. Table of network rules for applications that are part of a trust group. In accordance with these rules, Firewall regulates the network activity of applications. The table displays the predefined network rules that are recommended by Kaspersky experts. These network rules have been added to optimally protect the network traffic of computers running Windows operating systems. It is not possible to delete the predefined network rules.

Protected resources

The table contains categorized computer resources. The Host Intrusion Prevention component monitors attempts by other applications to access resources in the table.

A resource can be a registry category, file or folder, or registry key.

Trust group for applications launched before Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows starts working

A trust group in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security will place applications that are started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Update rules for previously unknown applications from KSN

If the check box is selected, the Host Intrusion Prevention component updates rights for previously unknown applications by using the Kaspersky Security Network database.

Trust digitally signed applications

If this check box is selected, the Host Intrusion Prevention component places the applications with the digital signature of trusted vendors in the Trusted group.

Trusted vendors are those software vendors that are trusted by Kaspersky. You can also add vendor certificate to the trusted certificate store manually.

If this check box is cleared, the Host Intrusion Prevention component does not consider such applications to be trusted, and uses other parameters to determine their trust group.

Delete rules for applications that have not been started for longer than N days (from 1 to 90)

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes information about the application (trust group and access rights) if the following conditions are met:

  • You manually put the application into a trust group or configured its access rights.
  • The application has not started within the defined period of time.

If the trust group and rights of an application were determined automatically, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes information about this application after 30 days. It is not possible to change the storage term for application information or turn off automatic deletion.

The next time you start this application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes the application as if it were starting for the first time.

Trust group for applications that could not be added to existing groups

Items in this drop-down list determine to which trust group Kaspersky Endpoint Security will assign an unknown application.

You can choose one of the following items:

  • Low Restricted.
  • High Restricted.
  • Untrusted.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Protecting access to audio and video

Enabling and disabling Host Intrusion Prevention

Managing application trust groups

Managing application rights

Protecting operating system resources and personal data

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[Topic 176732]

Remediation Engine

The Remediation Engine lets Kaspersky Endpoint Security roll back actions that have been performed by malware in the operating system.

When rolling back malware activity in the operating system, Kaspersky Endpoint Security handles the following types of malware activity:

  • File activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Deletes executable files that were created by malware (on all media except network drives).
    • Deletes executable files that were created by programs that have been infiltrated by malware.
    • Restores files that have been modified or deleted by malware.

    The file recovery feature has a number of limitations.

  • Registry activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Deletes registry keys that were created by malware.
    • Does not restore registry keys that have been modified or deleted by malware.
  • System activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Terminates processes that have been initiated by malware.
    • Terminates processes into which a malicious application has penetrated.
    • Does not resume processes that have been halted by malware.
  • Network activity

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    • Blocks the network activity of malware.
    • Blocks the network activity of processes that have been infiltrated by malware.

A rollback of malware actions can be started by the File Threat Protection or Behavior Detection component, or during a malware scan.

Rolling back malware operations affects a strictly defined set of data. Rollback has no adverse effects on the operating system or on the integrity of your computer data.

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[Topic 176440]

Kaspersky Security Network

To protect your computer more effectively, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses data that is received from users around the globe. Kaspersky Security Network is designed for obtaining this data.

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky Endpoint Security to new threats, improves the performance of some protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false positives. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network, KSN services provide Kaspersky Endpoint Security with information about the category and reputation of scanned files, as well as information about the reputation of scanned web addresses.

Use of Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. The application prompts you to use KSN during initial configuration of the application. Users can begin or discontinue participation in KSN at any time.

For more detailed information about sending Kaspersky statistical information that is generated during participation in KSN, and about the storage and destruction of such information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and the Kaspersky website. The ksn_<language ID>.txt file with the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement is included in the application distribution kit.

To reduce the load on KSN servers, Kaspersky experts may release application updates that temporarily disable or partly restrict requests to Kaspersky Security Network. In this case, the status of the connection to KSN in the local interface of the application is Enabled with restrictions.

KSN Infrastructure

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following KSN infrastructural solutions:

  • Global KSN is the solution that is used by most Kaspersky applications. KSN participants receive information from Kaspersky Security Network and send Kaspersky information about objects detected on the user's computer to be analyzed additionally by Kaspersky analysts and to be included in the reputation and statistical databases of Kaspersky Security Network.
  • Private KSN is a solution that enables users of computers hosting Kaspersky Endpoint Security or other Kaspersky applications to obtain access to reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network, and to other statistical data without sending data to KSN from their own computers. Private KSN is designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
    • Local workstations are not connected to the Internet.
    • Transmission of any data outside the country or outside the corporate LAN is prohibited by law or restricted by corporate security policies.

By default, Kaspersky Security Center uses Global KSN. You can configure the use of Private KSN in the Administration Console (MMC), in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, and in the command line. It is not possible to configure the use of Private KSN in the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

For more details about Private KSN, please refer to the documentation on Kaspersky Private Security Network.

Kaspersky Security Network settings



Enable extended KSN mode

Extended KSN mode is a mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends additional data to Kaspersky. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN to detect threats regardless of the toggle position.

Enable cloud mode

Cloud mode refers to the application operating mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a light version of anti-virus databases. Kaspersky Security Network supports the operation of the application when light anti-virus databases are being used. The light version of anti-virus databases lets you use approximately half of the computer RAM that would otherwise be used with the usual databases. If you do not participate in Kaspersky Security Network or if cloud mode is disabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the full version of anti-virus databases from Kaspersky servers.

If the toggle button is switched on, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the light version of anti-virus databases, which reduces the load on operating system resources.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the light version of anti-virus databases during the next update after the check box was selected.

If the toggle button is switched off, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the full version of anti-virus databases.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads the full version of anti-virus databases during the next update after the check box was cleared.

Computer status when KSN servers are unavailable

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

The items in this drop-down list determine the status of a computer in Kaspersky Security Center when KSN servers are unavailable.

Use KSN Proxy

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the KSN Proxy service. You can configure the KSN Proxy service settings in the Administration Server properties.

Use KSN servers when KSN Proxy is not available

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses KSN servers when the KSN Proxy service is unavailable. KSN servers may be located both on the side of Kaspersky (when Global KSN is used) and on the side of third parties (when Private KSN is used).

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Data provision when using Kaspersky Security Network

Enabling and disabling the usage of Kaspersky Security Network

Enabling and disabling cloud mode for protection components

Checking the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

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[Topic 235414]

Log Inspection

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0 includes the Log Inspection component. Log Inspection monitors the integrity of the protected environment based on the results of Windows event log analysis. When the application detects signs of atypical behavior in the system, it informs the administrator, as this behavior may indicate an attempted cyber attack.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security analyzes Windows event logs and detects violation in accordance with rules. The component includes predefined rules. Predefined rules are powered by heuristic analysis. You can also add your own rules (custom rules). When a rule triggers, the application creates an event with the Critical status (see figure below).

If you want to use Log Inspection, make sure security the audit policy is configured and the system is logging the relevant events (for details, see the Microsoft technical support website.).

Log Inspection notification

Log Inspection settings



Predefined rules

List of Log Inspection rules. Predefined rules include templates of abnormal activity on the protected computer. Abnormal activity can signify an attempted attack.

Custom rules

List of Log Inspection rules added by the user. You can set your own Log Inspection rule triggering criteria. To do so, you must enter an event ID and select an event source.

You can select an event source from among the standard logs: Application, Security or System. You can also specify the log of a third-party application.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Configuring predefined rules

Adding custom rules

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[Topic 176743]

Web Control

Web Control manages users' access to web resources. This helps reduce traffic and inappropriate use of work time. When a user tries to open a website that is restricted by Web Control, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access or show a warning (see the figure below).

Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors only HTTP- and HTTPS traffic.

For HTTPS traffic monitoring, you need to enable encrypted connections scan.

Methods for managing access to websites

Web Control lets you configure access to websites by using the following methods:

  • Website category. Websites are categorized according to the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service, heuristic analysis, and the database of known websites (included in application databases). For example, you can restrict user access to the Social networks category or to other categories.
  • Data type. You can restrict users' access to data on a website, and hide graphic images, for example. Kaspersky Endpoint Security determines the data type based on the file format and not based on its extension.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan files within archives. For example, if image files were placed in an archive, Kaspersky Endpoint Security identifies the Archives data type and not Graphics.

  • Individual address. You can enter a web address or use masks.

You can simultaneously use multiple methods for regulating access to websites. For example, you can restrict access to the "Office files" data type just for the Web-based mail website category.

Website access rules

Web Control manages users' access to websites by using access rules. You can configure the following advanced settings for a website access rule:

  • Users to which the rule applies.

    For example, you can restrict Internet access through a browser for all users of the company except the IT department.

  • Rule schedule.

    For example, you can restrict Internet access through a browser during working hours only.

Access rule priorities

Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If a website has been added to multiple rules, Web Control regulates access to the website based on the rule with the highest priority. For example, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may identify a corporate portal as a social network. To restrict access to social networks and provide access to the corporate web portal, create two rules: one block rule for the Social networks website category and one allow rule for the corporate web portal. The access rule for the corporate web portal must have a higher priority than the access rule for social networks.

Web Control messages

Web Control component settings



Rules of access to web resources

List containing web resource access rules. Each rule has a priority. The higher a rule is on the list, the higher its priority. If a website has been added to multiple rules, Web Control regulates access to the website based on the rule with the highest priority.

Default rule

The Default rule is a rule for accessing web resources that are not covered by any other rule. The following options are available:

  • Allow all except the rules list, also known as denylist mode for prohibited websites.
  • Deny everything except the rules list, also known as allowlist mode for allowed websites.


Warning. The entry field consists of a template of the message that is displayed if a rule for warning about attempts to access an unwanted web resource is triggered.

Message about blocking. The entry field contains the template of the message that appears if a rule which blocks access to a web resource is triggered.

Message to administrator. Template of the message to be sent to the LAN administrator if the user considers the block to be a mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Web page access blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.

Log the opening of allowed pages

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs data on visits to all websites, including allowed websites. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends events to Kaspersky Security Center, to the local log of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, and to the Windows Event log. To monitor user Internet activity, you need to configure the settings for saving events.

Browsers that support the monitoring function: Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox. User activity monitoring does not work in other browsers.

Monitoring user Internet activity may require more computer resources when decrypting HTTPS traffic.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Web Control

Actions with web resource access rules

Migrating web resource access rules from previous versions of the application

Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses

Monitoring user Internet activity

Editing masks for web resource addresses

Editing templates of Web Control messages

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[Topic 176741]

Device Control

Device Control manages user access to devices that are installed on or connected to the computer (for example, hard drives, cameras, or Wi-Fi modules). This lets you protect the computer from infection when such devices are connected, and prevent loss or leaks of data.

Device access levels

Device Control controls access at the following levels:

  • Device type. For example, printers, removable drives, and CD/DVD drives.

    You can configure device access as follows:

    • Allow – .
    • Block – .
    • Depends on connection bus (except for Wi-Fi) – .
    • Block with exceptions (Wi-Fi only) – .
  • Connection bus. A connection bus is an interface used for connecting devices to the computer (for example, USB or FireWire). Therefore, you can restrict the connection of all devices, for example, over USB.

    You can configure device access as follows:

    • Allow – .
    • Block – .
  • Trusted devices. Trusted devices are devices to which users that are specified in the trusted device settings have full access at all times.

    You can add trusted devices based on the following data:

    • Devices by ID. Each device has a unique identifier (Hardware ID, or HWID). You can view the ID in the device properties by using operating system tools. Example device ID: SCSI\CDROM&VEN_NECVMWAR&PROD_VMWARE_SATA_CD00\5&354AE4D7&0&000000. Adding devices by ID is convenient if you want to add several specific devices.
    • Devices by model. Each device has a vendor ID (VID) and a product ID (PID). You can view the IDs in the device properties by using operating system tools. Template for entering the VID and PID: VID_1234&PID_5678. Adding devices by model is convenient if you use devices of a certain model in your organization. This way, you can add all devices of this model.
    • Devices by ID mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar IDs, you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, WDC_C*.
    • Devices by model mask. If you are using multiple devices with similar VIDs or PIDs (for example, devices from the same manufacturer), you can add devices to the trusted list by using masks. The * character replaces any set of characters. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the ? character when entering a mask. For example, VID_05AC & PID_ *.

Device Control regulates user access to devices by using access rules. Device Control also lets you save device connection/disconnection events. To save events, you need to configure the registration of events in a policy.

If access to a device depends on the connection bus (the status), Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not save device connection/disconnection events. To enable Kaspersky Endpoint Security to save device connection/disconnection events, allow access to the corresponding type of device (the status) or add the device to the trusted list.

When a device that is blocked by Device Control is connected to the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block access and show a notification (see the figure below).

Device Control notification

Device Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security makes a decision on whether to allow access to a device after the user connects the device to the computer (see the figure below).

Device Control operating algorithm

If a device is connected and access is allowed, you can edit the access rule and block access. In this case, the next time someone attempts to access the device (such as to view the folder tree, or perform read or write operations), Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access. A device without a file system is blocked only the next time that the device is connected.

If a user of the computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed must request access to a device that the user believes was blocked by mistake, send the user the request access instructions.

Device Control component settings



Allow request for temporary access

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

If the check box is selected, the Request access button is available through the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Using this button, the user can request temporary access to a blocked device.

Devices and Wi-Fi networks


This table contains all possible types of devices according to the classification of the Device Control component, including their respective access statuses.

Connection buses

A list of all available connection buses according to the Device Control component's classification, including their respective access statuses.

Trusted devices

List of trusted devices and users who are granted access to these devices.


Anti-Bridging inhibits the creation of network bridges by preventing the simultaneous establishment of multiple network connections for a computer. This lets you protect a corporate network from attacks over unprotected, unauthorized networks.

Anti-Bridging blocks the establishment of multiple connections according to the priorities of devices. The higher a device is on the list, the higher its priority.

If an active connection and a new connection are both of the same type (for example, Wi-Fi), Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the active connection and allows establishment of the new connection.

If an active connection and a new connection are of different types (for example, a network adapter and Wi-Fi), Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the connection with the lower priority and allows the connection with the higher priority.

Anti-Bridging supports operation with the following types of devices: network adapter, Wi-Fi, and modem.

Message templates

Message about blocking. Template of the message that appears when a user attempts to access a blocked device. This message also appears when a user attempts to perform an operation on the device contents that was blocked for this user.

Message to administrator. A template of the message that is sent to the LAN administrator when the user believes that access to the device is blocked or an operation with device content is forbidden by mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Device access blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Device Control

About access rules

Editing a device access rule

Monitoring usage of removable drives

Adding a Wi-Fi network to the trusted list

Editing a connection bus access rule

Actions with trusted devices

Obtaining access to a blocked device

Editing templates of Device Control messages


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[Topic 176742]

Application Control

Application Control manages the startup of applications on users' computers. This allows you to implement a corporate security policy when using applications. Application Control also reduces the risk of computer infection by restricting access to applications.

Configuring Application Control consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating application categories.

    The administrator creates categories of applications that the administrator wants to manage. Categories of applications are intended for all computers in the corporate network, regardless of administration groups. To create a category, you can use the following criteria: KL category (for example, Browsers), file hash, application vendor, and other criteria.

  2. Creating Application Control rules.

    The administrator creates Application Control rules in the policy for the administration group. The rule includes the categories of applications and the startup status of applications from these categories: blocked or allowed.

  3. Selecting the Application Control mode.

    The administrator chooses the mode for working with applications that are not included in any of the rules (application denylist and allowlist).

When a user attempts to start a prohibited application, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block the application from starting and will display a notification (see the figure below).

A test mode is provided to check the configuration of Application Control. In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does the following:

  • Allows the startup of applications, including prohibited ones.
  • Shows a notification about the startup of a prohibited application and adds information to the report on the user's computer.
  • Sends data about the startup of prohibited applications to Kaspersky Security Center.

    Application Control notification

Application Control operating modes

The Application Control component operates in two modes:

  • Denylist. In this mode, Application Control allows users to start all applications except for applications that are prohibited in Application Control rules.

    This mode of Application Control is enabled by default.

  • Allowlist. In this mode, Application Control blocks users from starting any applications except for applications that are allowed and not prohibited in Application Control rules.

    If the allow rules of Application Control are fully configured, the component blocks the startup of all new applications that have not been verified by the LAN administrator, while allowing the operation of the operating system and of trusted applications that users rely on in their work.

    You can read the recommendations on configuring Application Control rules in allowlist mode.

Application Control can be configured to operate in these modes both by using the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface and by using Kaspersky Security Center.

However, Kaspersky Security Center offers tools that are not available in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface, such as the tools that are needed for the following tasks:

This is why it is recommended to use Kaspersky Security Center to configure the operation of the Application Control component.

Application Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses an algorithm to make a decision about starting an application (see the figure below).

Application Control operating algorithm

Application Control component settings



Action at startup of blocked applications

Apply rules. Kaspersky Endpoint Security manages the startup of applications according to the selected mode.

Test rules. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the startup of an application that is blocked in the current Application Control mode, but logs information about the application startup in the report.

Application Startup Control mode

You can choose one of the following options:

  • Denylist. If this option is selected, Application Control allows all users to start any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control block rules.
  • Allowlist. If this option is selected, Application Control blocks all users from starting any applications, except in cases that satisfy the conditions of Application Control allow rules.

When Allowlist mode is selected, two Application Control rules are automatically created:

  • Golden Image.
  • Trusted Updaters.

You cannot edit the settings of or delete automatically created rules. You can enable or disable these rules.

Control DLL modules load

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security controls the loading of DLL modules when users attempt to start applications. Information about the DLL module and the application that loaded this DLL module is logged in the report.

When enabling control over the loading of DLL modules and drivers, make sure that one of the following rules is enabled in the Application Control settings: the default Golden Image rule or another rule that contains the "Trusted certificates" KL category and ensures that trusted DLL modules and drivers are loaded before Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started. Enabling control of the loading of DLL modules and drivers when the Golden Image rule is disabled may cause instability in the operating system.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors only the DLL modules and drivers that have been loaded since the check box was selected. After selecting the check box, it is recommended to restart the computer to ensure that the application monitors all DLL modules and drivers, including those loaded before Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts.

Templates of messages about application blocking

Message about blocking. Template of the message that is displayed when an Application Control rule that blocks an application from starting is triggered.

Message to administrator. Template of the message that a user can send to the corporate LAN administrator if the user believes that an application was blocked by mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Application startup blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Application Control functionality limitations

Enabling and disabling Application Control

Managing Application Control rules

Testing Application Control rules

Selecting the Application Control mode

Rules for creating name masks for files or folders

Editing Application Control message templates

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[Topic 176744]

Adaptive Anomaly Control

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

The Adaptive Anomaly Control component monitors and blocks actions that are not typical of the computers in a company's network. Adaptive Anomaly Control uses a set of rules to track non-typical behavior (for example, the Start of Microsoft PowerShell from office application rule). Rules are created by Kaspersky specialists based on typical scenarios of malicious activity. You can configure how Adaptive Anomaly Control handles each rule and, for example, allow the execution of PowerShell scripts that automate certain workflow tasks. Kaspersky Endpoint Security updates the set of rules along with the application databases. Updates to the sets of rules must be confirmed manually.

Adaptive Anomaly Control settings

Configuring Adaptive anomaly control consists of the following steps:

  1. Training Adaptive Anomaly Control.

    After you enable Adaptive Anomaly Control, its rules work in training mode. During the training, Adaptive Anomaly Control monitors rule triggering and sends triggering events to Kaspersky Security Center. Each rule has its own duration of the training mode. The duration of the training mode is set by Kaspersky experts. Normally, the training mode is active for two weeks.

    If a rule is not triggered at all during the training, Adaptive Anomaly Control will consider the actions associated with this rule as non-typical. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block all actions associated with that rule.

    If a rule was triggered during training, Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs events in the rule triggering report and the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository.

  2. Analyzing the rule triggering report.

    The administrator analyzes the rule triggering report or the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository. Then the administrator can select the behavior of Adaptive Anomaly Control when the rule is triggered: either block or allow. The administrator can also continue to monitor how the rule works and extend the duration of the training mode. If the administrator does not take any action, the application will also continue to work in training mode. The training mode term is restarted.

Adaptive Anomaly Control is configured in real time. Adaptive Anomaly Control is configured via the following channels:

  • Adaptive Anomaly Control automatically starts to block the actions associated with the rules that were never triggered in training mode.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds new rules or removes obsolete ones.
  • The administrator configures the operation of the Adaptive Anomaly Control after reviewing the rule triggering report and the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository. It is recommended to check the rule triggering report and the contents of the Triggering of rules in Smart Training state repository.

When a malicious application attempts to perform an action, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will block the action and display a notification (see figure below).

Adaptive Anomaly Control notification

Adaptive Anomaly Control operating algorithm

Kaspersky Endpoint Security decides whether to allow or block an action that is associated with a rule based on the following algorithm (see the figure below).

Adaptive Anomaly Control operating algorithm

Adaptive Anomaly Control component settings



Report on Adaptive Anomaly Control rules state

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

This report contains information about the status of Adaptive Anomaly Control detection rules (for example, the Disabled or Block). The report is generated for all administration groups.

Report on triggered Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

This report contains information about non-typical actions detected using Adaptive Anomaly Control. The report is generated for all administration groups.


Adaptive Anomaly Control table of rules. Rules are created by Kaspersky specialists based on typical scenarios of potentially malicious activity.


Message about blocking. Template of the message that is displayed to a user when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule that blocks a non-typical action is triggered.

Message to administrator. Template of the message that a user can be sent to the local corporate network administrator if the user considers the blocking to be a mistake. After the user requests to provide access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends an event to Kaspersky Security Center: Application activity blockage message to administrator. The event description contains a message to administrator with substituted variables. You can view these events in the Kaspersky Security Center console using the predefined event selection User requests. If your organization does not have Kaspersky Security Center deployed or there is no connection to the Administration Server, the application will send a message to administrator to the specified email address.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling and disabling Adaptive Anomaly Control

Enabling and disabling an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

Modifying the action taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered

Creating an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule

Exporting and importing exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

Applying updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules

Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates

Viewing Adaptive Anomaly Control reports

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[Topic 237003]

File Integrity Monitor

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations.

File Integrity Monitor works only on servers with NTFS or ReFS file system.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.11.0 includes the File Integrity Monitor component. File Integrity Monitor detects changes to objects (files and folders) in a given monitoring area. These changes may indicate a computer security breach. When object changes are detected, the application informs the administrator.

To use File Integrity Monitor you need to configure component's scope, i.e. select objects, the state of which should be monitored by the component.

You can view information about the results of File Integrity Monitor operation in Kaspersky Security Center and in the interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.

File Integrity Monitor component settings



Event severity level

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs file modification events whenever a file in the monitoring scope is modified. The following event severity levels are available: Informational, Warning, Critical.

Monitoring scope

List of files and folders that File Integrity Monitor monitors. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask. For example, C:\Folder\Application\.


List of exclusions from the monitoring scope. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask. For example, C:\Folder\Application\*.log. Exclusion entries have a higher priority than monitoring scope entries.

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[Topic 176745]

Endpoint Sensor

Endpoint Sensor is not included in Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0.

You can manage the Endpoint Sensor in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console and in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console. It is not possible to manage Endpoint Sensor in the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.

Endpoint Sensor is designed to interact with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is a solution designed for timely detection of sophisticated threats such as targeted attacks, advanced persistent threats (APT), zero-day attacks, and others. Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform includes two functional blocks: Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (hereinafter also referred to as "KATA") and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response (hereinafter also referred to as "KEDR"). You can purchase KEDR separately. For details about the solution, please refer to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform Help.

Managing Endpoint Sensor has the following limitations:

  • You can configure Endpoint Sensor settings in a policy provided that Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.0.0 to 11.3.0 is installed on the computer. For more information about configuring Endpoint Sensor settings using the policy, refer to the help articles for the previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  • If Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.4.0 and later is installed on the computer, you cannot configure Endpoint Sensor settings in the policy.

Endpoint Sensor is installed on client computers. On these computers, the component constantly monitors processes, active network connections, and files that are modified. Endpoint Sensor relays information to the KATA server.

The component functionality is available under the following operating systems:

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Home / Professional / Enterprise;
  • Windows 8.1.1 Professional / Enterprise;
  • Windows 10 RS3 Home / Professional / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows 10 RS4 Home / Professional / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows 10 RS5 Home / Professional / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows 10 RS6 Home / Professional / Education / Enterprise;
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation / Standard / Enterprise (64-bit);
  • Windows Server 2012 Foundation / Standard / Enterprise (64-bit);
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation / Standard / Enterprise (64-bit);
  • Windows Server 2016 Essentials / Standard (64-bit).

For detailed information on KATA operation, refer to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform Help.

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[Topic 213874]

Kaspersky Sandbox

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has a built-in agent for integration with Kaspersky Sandbox solution. The Kaspersky Sandbox solution detects and automatically blocks advanced threats on computers. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes object behavior to detect malicious activity and activity characteristic of targeted attacks on the IT infrastructure of the organization. Kaspersky Sandbox analyzes and scans objects on special servers with deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems (Kaspersky Sandbox servers). For details about the solution, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.

The component can be managed only using the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. You cannot manage this component using the Administration Console (MMC).

Kaspersky Sandbox component settings



Server TLS certificate

To configure a trusted connection with Kaspersky Sandbox servers, you must prepare a TLS certificate. Next you must add the certificate to Kaspersky Sandbox servers and the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy. For details on preparing the certificate and adding the certificate to servers, refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help.


Connection timeout for Kaspersky Sandbox server. After the configured timeout elapses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends a request to the next server. You can increase the connection timeout for Kaspersky Sandbox if your connection speed is low or if the connection is unstable. The recommended request timeout is 0.5 seconds or less.

Kaspersky Sandbox request queue

Size of the request queue folder. When an object is accessed on the computer (executable launched or document opened, for example in DOCX or PDF format), Kaspersky Endpoint Security can also send the object to be scanned by Kaspersky Sandbox. If there are multiple requests, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a request queue. By default, the size of the request queue folder is limited to 100 MB. After the maximum size is reached, Kaspersky Sandbox stops adding new requests to the queue and sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center. You can configure the size of the request queue folder depending on your server configuration.

Kaspersky Sandbox servers

Kaspersky Sandbox server connection settings. The servers use deployed virtual images of Microsoft Windows operating systems to run objects that need to be scanned. You can enter an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or a fully qualified domain name.

Action on threat detection

Move copy to Quarantine, delete object. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the malicious object found on the computer. Before deleting the object, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a backup copy in case the object needs to be restored later. Kaspersky Endpoint Security moves the backup copy to Quarantine.

Run scan of critical areas. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the Critical Areas Scan task. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the kernel memory, running processes, and disk boot sectors.

Create IOC scan task. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically creates the IOC Scan task (autonomous IOC scan task). For this task, you can configure the run mode, scan scope, and action on IOC detection: delete object, run the Critical Areas Scan task. To modify other settings of the IOC Scan task, go to the task settings.

IOC scan scope

Critical file areas. If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does an IOC scan only in critical file areas of the computer: kernel memory and boot sectors.

File areas on system drives of the computer. IF this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does an IOC scan on the system drive of the computer.

Run IOC scan task

Manually. Run mode in which you can start the IOC scan task manually at a time of your choosing.

After threat is detected. Run mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the IOC Scan task automatically whenever a threat is detected.

Run only when the computer is idle. Run mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the IOC Scan task if the screensaver is active or the screen is locked. If the user unlocks the computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security pauses the task. This means that the task can take several days to complete.

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[Topic 214711]

Endpoint Detection and Response

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 now has a built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum solution (hereinafter also "EDR Optimum"). Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.8.0 now has a built-in agent for the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert solution (hereinafter also "EDR Expert"). Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response is a range of solutions for protecting the corporate IT infrastructure from advanced cyber threats. The functionality of the solutions combines automatic detection of threats with the ability to react to these threats to counteract advanced attacks including new exploits, ransomware, fileless attacks, as well as methods using legitimate system tools. EDR Expert offers more threat monitoring and response functionality than EDR Optimum. For details about the solutions, see the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help and the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response reviews and analyses threat development and provides security personnel or the Administrator with information about the potential attack that is necessary for a timely response. Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response displays alert details in a separate window. Alert Details is a tool for viewing the entirety of collected information about a detected threat. Alert details include, for example, the history of files appearing on the computer. For details about managing alert details, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help and the Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

You can configure the EDR Optimum component in Web Console and Cloud Console. Component settings for EDR Expert are available only in Cloud Console.

Endpoint Detection and Response settings



Network isolation

Automatic isolation of the computer from the network in response to detected threats.

When network isolation is turned on, the application severs all active connections and blocks all new TCP/IP connections on the computer. The application leaves only the following connections active:

  • Connections listed in Network isolation exclusions.
  • Connections initiated by Kaspersky Endpoint Security services.
  • Connections initiated by the Kaspersky Security Center Administration agent.

Automatically unlock isolated computer in N hours

Network isolation can be turned off automatically after a specified time or manually. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security turns off Network isolation 5 hours after the start of the isolation.

Network isolation exclusions

List of rules for exclusions from network isolation. Network connections that match the rules are not blocked on computers when Network isolation is turned on.

To configure Network isolation exclusions, you can use a list of standard network profiles. By default, exclusions include network profiles containing rules that ensure uninterrupted operation of devices with the DNS/DHCP server and DNS/DHCP client roles. You can also modify the settings of standard network profiles or define exclusions manually.

Exclusions specified in policy properties are applied only if Network isolation is turned on automatically in response to a detected threat. Exclusions specified in computer properties are applied only if Network isolation is turned on manually in computer properties in the Kaspersky Security Center console or in alert details.

Execution prevention

Control the execution of executable files and scripts and opening of office format files. For example, you can prevent the execution of applications that are considered insecure on the selected computer. Execution prevention supports a set of office file extensions and a set of script interpreters.

To use Execution prevention component, you need to add execution prevention rules. Execution prevention rule is a set of criteria that the application takes into account when reacting to an object execution, for example when blocking object execution. The application identifies files by their paths or checksums calculated using MD5 and SHA256 hashing algorithms.

Action on execution or opening of forbidden object

Block and write to report. In this mode, the application blocks the execution of objects or opening of documents that match prevention rule criteria. The application also publishes an event about attempts to execute objects or open documents to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center event log.

Log events only. In this mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security publishes an event about attempts to run executable objects or open documents that match prevention rule criteria to the Windows event log and Kaspersky Security Center, but does not block the attempt to run or open the object or document. This mode is selected by default.

Cloud Sandbox

Cloud Sandbox is a technology that lets you detect advanced threats on a computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically forwards suspicious files to Cloud Sandbox for analysis. Cloud Sandbox runs these files in an isolated environment to identify malicious activity and decides on their reputation. Data on these files is then sent to Kaspersky Security Network. Therefore, if Cloud Sandbox has detected a malicious file, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will perform the appropriate action to eliminate this threat on all computers where this file is detected.

Cloud Sandbox technology is permanently enabled and is available to all Kaspersky Security Network users regardless of the type of license they are using.

If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will enable the counter for threats detected using Cloud Sandbox in the main application window under Threat detection technologies. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will also indicate the Cloud Sandbox threat detection technology in application events and in the Report on threats in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

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[Topic 193687]

Full Disk Encryption

You can select an encryption technology: Kaspersky Disk Encryption or BitLocker Drive Encryption (hereinafter also referred to as simply "BitLocker").

Kaspersky Disk Encryption

After the system hard drives have been encrypted, at the next computer startup the user must complete authentication using the Authentication Agent before the hard drives can be accessed and the operating system is loaded. This requires entering the password of the token or smart card connected to the computer, or the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account created by the local area network administrator using the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task. These accounts are based on Microsoft Windows accounts under which users log into the operating system. You can also use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology, which lets you automatically log in to the operating system using the user name and password of the Authentication Agent account.

User authentication in the Authentication Agent can be performed in two ways:

  • Enter the name and password of the Authentication Agent account created by the LAN administrator using Kaspersky Security Center tools.
  • Enter the password of a token or smart card connected to the computer.

    Use of a token or smart card is available only if the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES256 encryption algorithm. If the computer hard drives were encrypted using the AES56 encryption algorithm, addition of the electronic certificate file to the command will be denied.

BitLocker Drive Encryption

BitLocker is an encryption technology built into Windows operating systems. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to control and manage Bitlocker using Kaspersky Security Center. BitLocker encrypts logical volumes. BitLocker cannot be used for encryption of removable drives. For more details on BitLocker, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

BitLocker provides secure storage of access keys using a trusted platform module. A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip developed to provide basic functions related to security (for example, to store encryption keys). A Trusted Platform Module is usually installed on the computer motherboard and interacts with all other system components via the hardware bus. Using TPM is the safest way to store BitLocker access keys, since TPM provides pre-startup system integrity verification. You can still encrypt drives on a computer without a TPM. In this case, the access key will be encrypted with a password. BitLocker uses the following authentication methods:

  • TPM.
  • TPM and PIN.
  • Password.

After encrypting a drive, BitLocker creates a master key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the master key to Kaspersky Security Center so that you can restore access to the disk, for example, if a user has forgotten the password.

If a user encrypts a disk using BitLocker, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will send information about disk encryption to Kaspersky Security Center. However, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not send the master key to Kaspersky Security Center, so it will be impossible to restore access to the disk using Kaspersky Security Center. For BitLocker to work correctly with Kaspersky Security Center, decrypt the drive and re-encrypt the drive using a policy. You can decrypt a drive locally or using a policy.

After encrypting the system hard drive, the user needs to go through BitLocker authentication to boot the operating system. After the authentication procedure, BitLocker will allow for users to log in. BitLocker does not support single sign-on technology (SSO).

If you are using Windows group policies, turn off BitLocker management in the policy settings. Windows policy settings may conflict with Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy settings. When encrypting a drive, errors may occur.

Kaspersky Disk Encryption component settings



Encryption mode

Encrypt all hard drives. If this item is selected, the application encrypts all hard drives when the policy is applied.

If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encryption you will be able to load only the operating system that has the application installed.

Decrypt all hard drives. If this item is selected, the application decrypts all previously encrypted hard drives when the policy is applied.

Leave unchanged. If this item is selected, the application leaves drives in their previous state when the policy is applied. If the drive was encrypted, it remains encrypted. If the drive was decrypted, it remains decrypted. This item is selected by default.

During encryption, automatically create Authentication Agent accounts for Windows users

If this check box is selected, the application creates Authentication Agent accounts based on the list of Windows user accounts on the computer. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses all local and domain accounts with which the user logged in to the operating system over the past 30 days.

Authentication Agent account creation settings

All accounts on the computer. All accounts on the computer that have been active at any time.

All domain accounts on the computer. All accounts on the computer that belong to some domain and that have been active at any time.

All local accounts on the computer. All local accounts on the computer that have been active at any time.

Service account with a one-time password. The service account is necessary to gain access to the computer, for example, when the user forgets the password. You can also use the service account as a reserve account. You must enter the name of the account (by default, ServiceAccount). Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a password automatically. You can find the password in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

Local administrator. Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates an Authentication Agent user account for the local administrator of the computer.

Computer manager. Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates an Authentication Agent user account for the account of the computer manager. You can see which account has the computer manager role in computer properties in Active Directory. By default, the computer manager role is not defined, that is, it does not correspond to any account.

Active account. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically creates an Authentication Agent account for the account that is active at the time of disk encryption.

Automatically create Authentication Agent accounts for all users of this computer upon sign-in

If this check box is selected, the application checks information about Windows user accounts on the computer before starting Authentication Agent. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a Windows user account that has no Authentication Agent account, the application will create a new account for accessing encrypted drives. The new Authentication Agent account will have the following default settings: password-protected sign-on only, and password change on first authentication. Therefore, you do not need to manually add Authentication Agent accounts using the Manage Authentication Agent accounts task for computers with already encrypted drives.

Save user name entered in Authentication Agent

If the check box is selected, the application saves the name of the Authentication Agent account. You will not be required to enter the account name the next time you attempt to complete authorization in the Authentication Agent under the same account.

Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time)

This check box enables / disables the option that limits the encryption area to only occupied hard drive sectors. This limit lets you reduce encryption time.

Enabling or disabling the Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time) feature after starting encryption does not modify this setting until the hard drives are decrypted. You must select or clear the check box before starting encryption.

If the check box is selected, only portions of the hard drive that are occupied by files are encrypted. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically encrypts new data as it is added.

If the check box is cleared, the entire hard drive is encrypted, including residual fragments of previously deleted and modified files.

This option is recommended for new hard drives whose data has not been modified or deleted. If you are applying encryption on a hard drive that is already in use, it is recommended to encrypt the entire hard drive. This ensures protection of all data, even deleted data that is potentially recoverable.

This check box is cleared by default.

Use Legacy USB Support (not recommended)

This check box enables/disables the Legacy USB Support function. Legacy USB Support is a BIOS/UEFI function that allows you to use USB devices (such as a security token) during the computer's boot phase before starting the operating system (BIOS mode). Legacy USB Support does not affect support for USB devices after the operating system is started.

If the check box is selected, support for USB devices during initial startup of the computer will be enabled.

When the Legacy USB Support function is enabled, the Authentication Agent in BIOS mode does not support working with tokens via USB. It is recommended to use this option only when there is a hardware compatibility issue and only for those computers on which the problem occurred.

Password settings

Authentication Agent account password strength settings. When using Single Sign-on technology, the Authentication Agent ignores the password strength requirements specified in Kaspersky Security Center. You can set the password strength requirements in the operating system settings.

Use Single Sign-On (SSO) technology

SSO technology makes it possible to use the same account credentials to access encrypted hard drives and to sign in to the operating system.

If the check box is selected, you must enter the account credentials for accessing encrypted hard drives and then automatically logging in to the operating system.

If the check box is cleared, to access encrypted hard drives and subsequently log into the operating system you must separately enter the credentials for accessing encrypted hard drives and the operating system user account credentials.

Wrap third-party credential providers

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the third-party credential provider ADSelfService Plus.

When working with third-party credential providers, Authentication Agent intercepts the password before the operating system is loaded. This means that a user needs to enter a password only once when signing in to Windows. After signing in to Windows, the user can utilize the capabilities of a third-party credential provider for authentication in corporate services, for example. Third-party credential providers also allow users to independently reset their own password. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will automatically update the password for Authentication Agent.

If you are using a third-party credential provider that is not supported by the application, you may encounter some limitations in Single Sign-On technology operation.


Authentication. Help text that appears in the Authentication Agent window when entering account credentials.

Change password. Help text that appears in the Authentication Agent window when changing the password for the Authentication Agent account.

Recover password. Help text that appears in the Authentication Agent window when recovering the password for the Authentication Agent account.

BitLocker Drive Encryption component settings



Encryption mode

Encrypt all hard drives. If this item is selected, the application encrypts all hard drives when the policy is applied.

If the computer has several operating systems installed, after encryption you will be able to load only the operating system that has the application installed.

Decrypt all hard drives. If this item is selected, the application decrypts all previously encrypted hard drives when the policy is applied.

Leave unchanged. If this item is selected, the application leaves drives in their previous state when the policy is applied. If the drive was encrypted, it remains encrypted. If the drive was decrypted, it remains decrypted. This item is selected by default.

Enable use of BitLocker authentication requiring pre-boot keyboard input on tablets

This check box enables / disables the use of authentication requiring data input in a preboot environment, even if the platform does not have the capability for preboot input (for example, with touchscreen keyboards on tablets).

The touchscreen of tablet computers is not available in the preboot environment. To complete BitLocker authentication on tablet computers, the user must connect a USB keyboard, for example.

If the check box is selected, use of authentication requiring preboot input is allowed. It is recommended to use this setting only for devices that have alternative data input tools in a preboot environment, such as a USB keyboard in addition to touchscreen keyboards.

If the check box is cleared, BitLocker Drive Encryption is not possible on tablets.

Use hardware encryption (Windows 8 and later versions)

If the check box is selected, the application applies hardware encryption. This lets you increase the speed of encryption and use less computer resources.

Encrypt used disk space only (Windows 8 and later versions)

This check box enables / disables the option that limits the encryption area to only occupied hard drive sectors. This limit lets you reduce encryption time.

Enabling or disabling the Encrypt used disk space only (reduces encryption time) feature after starting encryption does not modify this setting until the hard drives are decrypted. You must select or clear the check box before starting encryption.

If the check box is selected, only portions of the hard drive that are occupied by files are encrypted. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically encrypts new data as it is added.

If the check box is cleared, the entire hard drive is encrypted, including residual fragments of previously deleted and modified files.

This option is recommended for new hard drives whose data has not been modified or deleted. If you are applying encryption on a hard drive that is already in use, it is recommended to encrypt the entire hard drive. This ensures protection of all data, even deleted data that is potentially recoverable.

This check box is cleared by default.

Authentication method

Only password (Windows 8 and later versions)

If this option is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for a password when the user attempts to access an encrypted drive.

This option can be selected when a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is not being used.

Trusted platform module (TPM)

If this option is selected, BitLocker uses a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip developed to provide basic functions related to security (for example, to store encryption keys). A Trusted Platform Module is usually installed on the computer motherboard and interacts with all other system components via the hardware bus.

For computers running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, only encryption using a TPM module is available. If a TPM module is not installed, BitLocker encryption is not possible. Use of a password on these computers is not supported.

A device equipped with a Trusted Platform Module can create encryption keys that can be decrypted only with the device. A Trusted Platform Module encrypts encryption keys with its own root storage key. The root storage key is stored within the Trusted Platform Module. This provides an additional level of protection against attempts to hack encryption keys.

This action is selected by default.

You can set an additional layer of protection for access to the encryption key, and encrypt the key with a password or a PIN:

  • Use PIN for TPM. If this check box is selected, a user can use of a PIN code to obtain access to an encryption key that is stored in a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

    If this check box is cleared, users are prohibited from using PIN codes. To access the encryption key, a user must enter the password.

    You can allow the user to use enhanced PIN. Enhanced PIN allows using other characters in addition to numerical characters: uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, special characters, and spaces.

  • Trusted platform module (TPM), or password if TPM is unavailable. If the check box is selected, the user can use a password to obtain access to encryption keys when a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is not available.

    If the check box is cleared and the TPM is not available, full disk encryption will not start.

See also: About managing the application via the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

Starting Kaspersky Disk Encryption

Starting BitLocker Drive Encryption

Creating a list of hard drives excluded from encryption

Hard drive decryption

Updating the operating system

Eliminating errors of encryption functionality update

Page top

[Topic 193688]

File Level Encryption

You can compile lists of files by extension or group of extensions and lists of folders stored on local computer drives, and create rules for encrypting files that are created by specific applications. After a policy is applied, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts and decrypts the following files:

  • files individually added to lists for encryption and decryption;
  • files stored in folders added to lists for encryption and decryption;
  • files created by separate applications.

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

File encryption has the following special features:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts / decrypts files in predefined folders only for local user profiles of the operating system. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt or decrypt files in predefined folders of roaming user profiles, mandatory user profiles, temporary user profiles, or redirected folders.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt files whose modification could harm the operating system and installed applications. For example, the following files and folders with all nested folders are on the list of encryption exclusions:
    • %WINDIR%;
    • Windows registry files.

    The list of encryption exclusions cannot be viewed or edited. While files and folders on the list of encryption exclusions can be added to the encryption list, they will not be encrypted during file encryption.

    File Level Encryption component settings



    Encryption mode

    Leave unchanged. If this item is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security leaves the files and folders unchanged without encrypting or decrypting them.

    According to rules. If this item is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts the files and folders according to encryption rules, decrypts the files and folders according to decryption rules, and regulates the access of applications to encrypted files according to application rules.

    Decrypt all. If this item is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts all encrypted files and folders.


    This tab shows encryption rules for files stored on local drives. You can add files as follows:

    • Predefined folders. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to add the following areas:

      Documents. Files in the standard Documents folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.

      Favorites. Files in the standard Favorites folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.

      Desktop. Files in the standard Desktop folder of the operating system, and its subfolders.

      Temporary files. Temporary files related to the operation of applications installed on the computer. For example, Microsoft Office applications create temporary files containing backup copies of documents.

      Outlook files. Files related to the operation of the Outlook mail client: data files (PST), offline data files (OST), offline address book files (OAB), and personal address book files (PAB).

    • Custom folder. You can type the path to the folder. When adding a folder path, adhere to the following rules:

      Use an environment variable (for example, %FOLDER%\UserFolder\). You can use an environment variable only once and only at the beginning of the path.

      Do not use relative paths.

      Do not use the * and ? characters.

      Do not use UNC paths.

      Use ; or , as a separator character.

    • Files by extension. You can select extension groups from the list, such as the extension group Archives. You can also manually add the file extension.


    This tab shows decryption rules for files stored on local drives.

    Rules for applications

    The tab displays a table containing encrypted file access rules for applications and encryption rules for files that are created or modified by individual applications.

    Encrypted packages

    Password strength requirements to meet when creating encrypted packages.

See also: About managing the application via the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

Encrypting files on local computer drives

Forming encrypted file access rules for applications

Encrypting files that are created or modified by specific applications

Generating a decryption rule

Decrypting files on local computer drives

Creating encrypted packages

Restoring access to encrypted data after operating system failure

Page top

[Topic 193689]

Encryption of removable drives

This component is available if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for workstations. This component is unavailable if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer that runs on Windows for servers.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports encryption of files in FAT32 and NTFS file systems. If a removable drive with an unsupported file system is connected to the computer, the encryption task for this removable drive ends with an error and Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigns the read-only status to the removable drive.

To protect data on removable drives, you can use the following types of encryption:

  • Full Disk Encryption (FDE).

    Encryption of the entire removable drive, including the file system.

    It is not possible to access encrypted data outside the corporate network. It is also impossible to access encrypted data inside the corporate network if the computer is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center (e.g. on a guest computer).

  • File Level Encryption (FLE).

    Encryption of only files on a removable drive. The file system remains unchanged.

    Encryption of files on removable drives provides the capability to access data outside the corporate network using a special mode called portable mode.

During encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates a master key. Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the master key in the following repositories:

  • Kaspersky Security Center.
  • User's computer.

    The master key is encrypted with the user's secret key.

  • Removable drive.

    The master key is encrypted with the public key of Kaspersky Security Center.

After encryption is complete, the data on the removable drive can be accessed within the corporate network as if was on an ordinary unencrypted removable drive.

Accessing encrypted data

When a removable drive with encrypted data is connected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

  1. Checks for a master key in the local storage on the user's computer.

    If the master key is found, the user gains access to the data on the removable drive.

    If the master key is not found, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs the following actions:

    1. Sends a request to Kaspersky Security Center.

      After receiving the request, Kaspersky Security Center sends a response that contains the master key.

    2. Kaspersky Endpoint Security saves the master key in the local storage on the user's computer for subsequent operations with the encrypted removable drive.
  2. Decrypts the data.

Special features of removable drive encryption

Encryption of removable drives has the following special features:

  • The policy with preset settings for removable drive encryption is formed for a specific group of managed computers. Therefore, the result of applying the Kaspersky Security Center policy configured for encryption / decryption of removable drives depends on the computer to which the removable drive is connected.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt / decrypt read-only files that are stored on removable drives.
  • The following device types are supported as removable drives:
    • Data media connected via the USB bus
    • hard drives connected via USB and FireWire buses
    • SSD drives connected via USB and FireWire buses

    Encryption of removable drives component settings



    Encryption mode

    Encrypt entire removable drive. If this item is selected, when applying the policy with the specified encryption settings for removable drives, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts removable drives sector by sector, including their file systems.

    Encrypt all files. If this item is selected, when applying the policy with the specified encryption settings for removable drives, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts all files that are stored on removable drives. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not re-encrypt files that are already encrypted. The contents of the file system of a removable drive, including the folder structure and names of encrypted files, are not encrypted and remain accessible.

    Encrypt new files only. If this item is selected, when applying the policy with the specified encryption settings for removable drives, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts only those files that were added or modified on removable drives after the Kaspersky Security Center policy was last applied. This encryption mode is convenient when a removable drive is used for both personal and work purposes. This encryption mode lets you leave all old files unchanged and encrypt only those files that the user creates on a work computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed and encryption functionality enabled. As a result, access to personal files is always available, regardless of whether or not Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on the computer with encryption functionality enabled.

    Decrypt entire removable drive. If this item is selected, when applying the policy with the specified encryption settings for removable drives, Kaspersky Endpoint Security decrypts all encrypted files stored on removable drives as well as the file systems of the removable drives if they were previously encrypted.

    Leave unchanged. If this item is selected, the application leaves drives in their previous state when the policy is applied. If the drive was encrypted, it remains encrypted. If the drive was decrypted, it remains decrypted. This item is selected by default.

    Portable mode

    This check box enables / disables the preparation of a removable drive that makes it possible to access files stored on this removable drive on computers outside of the corporate network.

    If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user to specify a password before encrypting files on a removable drive upon the application of the policy. The password is needed to access files encrypted on a removable drive on computers outside of the corporate network. You can configure the password strength.

    Portable mode is available for the Encrypt all files or Encrypt new files only modes.

    Encrypt used disk space only

    This check box enables / disables the encryption mode in which only occupied disk sectors are encrypted. This mode is recommended for new drives whose data has not been modified or deleted.

    If the check box is selected, only portions of the drive that are occupied by files are encrypted. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically encrypts new data as it is added.

    If the check box is cleared, the entire drive is encrypted, including residual fragments of previously deleted and modified files.

    The ability to encrypt only occupied space is available only for the Encrypt entire removable drive mode.

    After encryption started, enabling / disabling the Encrypt used disk space only function will not change this setting. You must select or clear the check box before starting encryption.

    Custom rules

    This table contains devices for which custom encryption rules are defined. You can create encryption rules for individual removable drives in the following ways:

    • Add a removable drive from the list of trusted devices for Device Control.
    • Manually add a removable drive:
      • By device ID (Hardware ID, or HWID)
      • By device model: vendor ID (VID) and product ID (PID)

    Allow encryption of removable drives in offline mode

    If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security encrypts removable drives even when there is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center. In this case, the data required for decrypting removable drives is stored on the hard drive of the computer to which the removable drive is connected, and is not transmitted to Kaspersky Security Center.

    If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not encrypt removable drives without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center.

    Encryption password settings / Portable File Manager

    Password strength settings for the Portable File Manager.

See also: About managing the application via the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

Starting encryption of removable drives

Adding an encryption rule for removable drives

Portable mode for accessing encrypted files on removable drives

Decryption of removable drives

Page top

[Topic 193690]

Templates (data encryption)

After data encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may restrict access to data, for example, due to a change in the organization's infrastructure and a change in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. If a user does not have access to encrypted data, the user can ask the administrator for access to the data. In other words, the user needs to send a request access file to the administrator. The user then needs to upload the response file received from the administrator to Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows you to request access to data from the administrator via email (see the figure below).

Requesting access to encrypted data

A template is provided for reporting a lack of access to encrypted data. For user convenience, you can fill out the following fields:

  • To. Enter the email address of the administrator group with rights to the data encryption features.
  • Subject. Enter the subject of the email with your request for access to encrypted files. You can, for example, add tags to filter messages.
  • Message. If necessary, change the contents of the message. You can use variables to get the necessary data (for example, %USER_NAME% variable).

See also: About managing the application via the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console

Editing templates of encrypted file access messages

Page top

[Topic 178487]


A trusted zone is a system administrator-configured list of objects and applications that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor when active.

The administrator forms the trusted zone independently, taking into account the features of the objects that are handled and the applications that are installed on the computer. It may be necessary to include objects and applications in the trusted zone when Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks access to a certain object or application, if you are sure that the object or application is harmless. An administrator can also allow a user to create their own local trusted zone for a specific computer. This way, users can create their own local lists of exclusions and trusted applications in addition to the general trusted zone in a policy.

Scan exclusions

A scan exclusion is a set of conditions that must be fulfilled so that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not scan a particular object for viruses and other threats.

Scan exclusions make it possible to safely use legitimate software that can be exploited by criminals to damage the computer or user data. Although they do not have any malicious functions, such applications can be exploited by intruders. For details on legitimate software that could be used by criminals to harm the computer or personal data of a user, please refer to the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia website.

Such applications may be blocked by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. To prevent them from being blocked, you can configure scan exclusions for the applications in use. To do so, add the name or name mask that is listed in the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia to the trusted zone. For example, you often use the Radmin application for remote administration of computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security regards this activity as suspicious and may block it. To prevent the application from being blocked, create a scan exclusion with the name or name mask that is listed in the Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia.

If an application that collects information and sends it to be processed is installed on your computer, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may classify this application as malware. To avoid this, you can exclude the application from scanning by configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Security as described in this document.

Scan exclusions can be used by the following application components and tasks that are configured by the system administrator:

List of trusted applications

The list of trusted applications is a list of applications whose file and network activity (including malicious activity) and access to the system registry are not monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans objects that are opened, executed, or saved by any application process and controls the activity of all applications and network traffic that is generated by them. However, an application that has been added to the list of trusted applications is excluded from scans by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

For example, if you consider objects that are used by the standard Microsoft Windows Notepad application to be safe without scanning, meaning that you trust this application, you can add Microsoft Windows Notepad to the list of trusted applications. Scanning then skips objects that are used by this application.

In addition, certain actions that are classified by Kaspersky Endpoint Security as suspicious may be safe within the context of the functionality of a number of applications. For example, the interception of text that is typed from the keyboard is a routine process for automatic keyboard layout switchers (such as Punto Switcher). To take account of the specifics of such applications and exclude their activity from monitoring, we recommend that you add such applications to the trusted applications list.

Excluding trusted applications from scanning allows avoiding compatibility conflicts between Kaspersky Endpoint Security and other programs (for example, the problem of double-scanning of the network traffic of a third-party computer by Kaspersky Endpoint Security and by another anti-virus application), and also increases the computer's performance, which is critical when using server applications.

At the same time, the executable file and process of the trusted application are still scanned for viruses and other malware. An application can be fully excluded from Kaspersky Endpoint Security scanning by means of scan exclusions.

Settings of exclusions



Types of detected objects

Regardless of the configured application settings, Kaspersky Endpoint Security always detects and blocks viruses, worms, and Trojans. They can cause significant harm to the computer.

  • Viruses and worms

    Subcategory: viruses and worms (Viruses_and_Worms)

    Threat level: high

    Classic viruses and worms perform actions that are not authorized by the user. They can create copies of themselves which are able to self-replicate.

    Classic virus

    When a classic virus infiltrates a computer, it infects a file, activates, performs malicious actions, and adds copies of itself to other files.

    A classic virus multiplies only on local resources of the computer; it cannot penetrate other computers on its own. It can be passed to another computer only if it adds a copy of itself to a file that is stored in a shared folder or on an inserted CD, or if the user forwards an email message with an attached infected file.

    Classic virus code can penetrate various areas of computers, operating systems, and applications. Depending on the environment, viruses are divided into file viruses, boot viruses, script viruses, and macro viruses.

    Viruses can infect files by using a variety of techniques. Overwriting viruses write their code over the code of the file that is infected, thus erasing the file's content. The infected file stops functioning and cannot be restored. Parasitic viruses modify files, leaving them fully or partially functional. Companion viruses do not modify files, but instead create duplicates. When an infected file is opened, a duplicate of it (what is actually a virus) is started. The following types of viruses are also encountered: link viruses, OBJ viruses, LIB viruses, source code viruses, and many others.


    As with a classic virus, the code of a worm is activated and performs malicious actions after it infiltrates a computer. Worms are so named because of their ability to "crawl" from one computer to another and to spread copies via numerous data channels without the user's permission.

    The main feature that allows differentiating between various types of worms is the way they spread. The following table provides an overview of various types of worms, which are classified by the way in which they spread.

    Ways in which worms spread








    They spread via email.

    An infected email message contains an attached file with a copy of a worm, or a link to a file that is uploaded to a website which may have been hacked or created exclusively for that purpose. When you open the attached file, the worm is activated. When you click the link, download, and then open the file, the worm also starts performing its malicious actions. After that, it goes on spreading copies of itself, searching for other email addresses and sending infected messages to them.


    IM client worms

    They spread through IM clients.

    Usually, such worms send messages that contain a link to a file with a copy of the worm on a website, making use of the user's contact lists. When the user downloads and opens the file, the worm activates.


    Internet chat worms

    They spread via Internet Relay Chats, service systems which allow communicating with other people over the Internet in real time.

    These worms publish a file with a copy of themselves or a link to the file in an Internet chat. When the user downloads and opens the file, the worm activates.


    Network worms

    These worms spread over computer networks.

    Unlike other types of worms, a typical network worm spreads without the user's participation. It scans the local network for computers that contain programs with vulnerabilities. To do this, it sends a specially formed network packet (exploit) which contains the worm code or a part of it. If a "vulnerable" computer is on the network, it receives such a network packet. When the worm completely penetrates the computer, it activates.


    File sharing network worms

    They spread over peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

    To infiltrate a P2P network, the worm copies itself into a file sharing folder which is usually located on the user's computer. The P2P network displays information about this file so that the user may "find" the infected file on the network like any other file, and then download and open it.

    More sophisticated worms emulate the network protocol of a specific P2P network: they return positive responses to search queries and offer copies of themselves for download.


    Other types of worms

    Other types of worms include:

    • Worms that spread copies of themselves over network resources. By using the functions of the operating system, they scan available network folders, connect to computers on the Internet, and attempt to obtain full access to their disk drives. Unlike the previously described types of worms, other types of worms activate not on their own, but when the user opens a file that contains a copy of the worm.
    • Worms that do not use any of the methods described in the previous table to spread (for example, those that spread over cell phones).


  • Trojans (including ransomware)

    Subcategory: Trojans

    Threat level: high

    Unlike worms and viruses, Trojans do not self-replicate. For example, they penetrate a computer via email or a browser when the user visits an infected web page. Trojans are started with the user's participation. They begin performing their malicious actions right after they are started.

    Different Trojans behave differently on infected computers. The main functions of Trojans consist in blocking, modifying, or destroying information, and disabling computers or networks. Trojans can also receive or send files, run them, display messages on the screen, request web pages, download and install programs, and restart the computer.

    Hackers often use "sets" of various Trojans.

    Types of Trojan behavior are described in the following table.

    Types of Trojan behavior on an infected computer






    Trojans – "archive bombs"

    When unpacked, these archives grow in size to such an extent that the computer's operation is impacted.

    When the user attempts to unpack such an archive, the computer may slow down or freeze; the hard disk may become filled with "empty" data. "Archive bombs" are especially dangerous to file and mail servers. If the server uses an automatic system to process incoming information, an "archive bomb" may halt the server.


    Trojans for remote administration

    They are considered the most dangerous type of Trojan. In their functions, they are similar to remote administration applications that are installed on computers.

    These programs install themselves on the computer without being noticed by the user, allowing the intruder to manage the computer remotely.



    They include the following malicious applications:

    • Classic Trojans. These programs perform only the main functions of Trojans: blocking, modifying or destroying information, and disabling computers or networks. They do not have any advanced features, unlike the other types of Trojans that are described in the table.
    • Versatile Trojans. These programs have advanced features typical of several types of Trojans.


    Ransom Trojans

    They take the user's information "hostage", modifying or blocking it, or impact the computer's operation so that the user loses the ability to use information. The intruder demands a ransom from the user, promising to send an application to restore the computer's performance and the data that had been stored on it.


    Trojan clickers

    They access web pages from the user's computer, either by sending commands to a browser on their own or by changing the web addresses that are specified in operating system files.

    By using these programs, intruders perpetrate network attacks and increase website visits, increasing the number of displays of banner ads.


    Trojan downloaders

    They access the intruder's web page, download other malicious applications from it, and install them on the user's computer. They can contain the file name of the malicious application to download, or receive it from the web page that is accessed.


    Trojan droppers

    They contain other Trojans which they install on the hard drive and then install.

    Intruders may use Trojan Dropper–type programs for the following goals:

    • Install a malicious application without being noticed by the user: Trojan Dropper–type programs display no messages, or display fake messages which inform, for example, of an error in an archive or an incompatible version of the operating system.
    • Protect another known malicious application from detection: not all anti-virus software can detect a malicious application within a Trojan Dropper–type application.


    Trojan notifiers

    They inform an intruder that the infected computer is accessible, sending the intruder information about the computer: IP address, number of opened port, or email address. They connect with the intruder via email, FTP, accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.

    Trojan Notifier–type programs are often used in sets that are made of several Trojans. They notify the intruder that other Trojans have been successfully installed on the user's computer.


    Trojan proxies

    They allow the intruder to anonymously access web pages by using the user's computer; they are often used for sending spam.



    Password-stealing-ware is a kind of Trojan that steals user accounts, such as software registration data. These Trojans find confidential data in system files and in the registry and send it to the "attacker" by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.

    Some of these Trojans are categorized into separate types that are described in this table. These are Trojans that steal bank accounts (Trojan-Banker), steal data from users of IM clients (Trojan-IM), and steal information from users of online games (Trojan-GameThief).


    Trojan spies

    They spy on the user, collecting information about the actions that the user makes while working at the computer. They may intercept the data that the user enters at the keyboard, take screenshots, or collect lists of active applications. After they receive the information, they transfer it to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.


    Trojan network attackers

    They send numerous requests from the user's computer to a remote server. The server lacks resources to process all requests, so it stops functioning (Denial of Service, or simply DoS). Hackers often infect many computers with these programs so that they can use the computers to attack a single server simultaneously.

    DoS programs perpetrate an attack from a single computer with the user's knowledge. DDoS (Distributed DoS) programs perpetrate distributed attacks from several computers without being noticed by the user of the infected computer.


    Trojans that steal information from users of IM clients

    They steal account numbers and passwords of IM client users. They transfer the data to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.



    They mask other malicious applications and their activity, thus prolonging the applications' persistence in the operating system. They can also conceal files, processes in an infected computer's memory, or registry keys which run malicious applications. The rootkits can mask data exchange between applications on the user's computer and other computers on the network.


    Trojans in the form of SMS messages

    They infect cell phones, sending SMS messages to premium-rate phone numbers.


    Trojans that steal information from users of online games

    They steal account credentials from users of online games, after which they send the data to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way.


    Trojans that steal bank accounts

    They steal bank account data or e-money system data; send the data to the hacker by email, via FTP, by accessing the hacker's web page, or by using another method.


    Trojans that collect email addresses

    They collect email addresses that stored on a computer and send them to the intruder by email, via FTP, by accessing the intruder's web page, or in another way. Intruders may send spam to the addresses they have collected.


  • Malicious tools

    Subcategory: Malicious tools

    Danger level: medium

    Unlike other types of malware, malicious tools do not perform their actions right after they are started. They can be safely stored and started on the user's computer. Intruders often use the features of these programs to create viruses, worms, and Trojans, perpetrate network attacks on remote servers, hack computers, or perform other malicious actions.

    Various features of malicious tools are grouped by the types that are described in the following table.

    Features of malicious tools







    They allow creating new viruses, worms, and Trojans. Some constructors boast a standard window-based interface in which the user can select the type of malicious application to create, the way of counteracting debuggers, and other features.


    Network attacks

    They send numerous requests from the user's computer to a remote server. The server lacks resources to process all requests, so it stops functioning (Denial of Service, or simply DoS).



    An exploit is a set of data or a program code that uses vulnerabilities of the application in which it is processed, performing a malicious action on a computer. For example, an exploit can write or read files, or request "infected" web pages.

    Different exploits use vulnerabilities in different applications or network services. Disguised as a network packet, an exploit is transmitted over the network to numerous computers, searching for computers with vulnerable network services. An exploit in a DOC file uses the vulnerabilities of a text editor. It may start performing the actions that are preprogrammed by the hacker when the user opens the infected file. An exploit that is embedded in an email message searches for vulnerabilities in any email client. It may start performing a malicious action as soon as the user opens the infected message in this email client.

    Net-Worms spread over networks by using exploits. Nuker exploits are network packets that disable computers.



    They encrypt other malicious applications to conceal them from the anti-virus application.


    Programs for "contaminating" networks

    They send numerous messages over network channels. This type of tools includes, for example, programs that contaminate Internet Relay Chats.

    Flooder-type tools do not include programs that "contaminate" channels that are used by email, IM clients, and mobile communication systems. These programs are distinguished as separate types that are described in the table (Email-Flooder, IM-Flooder, and SMS-Flooder).


    Hacking tools

    They make it possible to hack the computer on which they are installed or attack another computer (for example, by adding new system accounts without the user's permission or by erasing system logs to conceal traces of their presence in the operating system). This type of tools includes some sniffers which feature malicious functions, such as password interception. Sniffers are programs that allow viewing network traffic.



    They alarm the user with virus-like messages: they may "detect a virus" in an uninfected file or notify the user that the disk has been formatted, although this has not happened in reality.


    Spoofing tools

    They send messages and network requests with a fake address of the sender. Intruders use Spoofer-type tools to pass themselves off as the true senders of messages, for example.


    Tools that modify malicious applications

    They allow modifying other malware programs, concealing them from anti-virus applications.


    Programs that "contaminate" email addresses

    They send numerous messages to various email addresses, thus "contaminating" them. A large volume of incoming messages prevents users from viewing useful messages in their inboxes.


    Programs that "contaminate" traffic of IM clients

    They flood users of IM clients with messages. A large volume of messages prevents users from viewing useful incoming messages.


    Programs that "contaminate" traffic with SMS messages

    They send numerous SMS messages to cell phones.


  • Adware

    Subcategory: advertising software (Adware);

    Threat level: medium

    Adware displays advertising information to the user. Adware programs display banner ads in the interfaces of other programs and redirect search queries to advertising web pages. Some of them collect marketing information about the user and send it to the developer: this information may include the names of the websites that are visited by the user or the content of the user's search queries. Unlike Trojan-Spy–type programs, adware sends this information to the developer with the user's permission.

  • Auto-dialers

    Subcategory: legal software that may be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

    Danger level: medium

    Most of these applications are useful, so many users run them. These applications include IRC clients, auto-dialers, file download programs, computer system activity monitors, password utilities, and Internet servers for FTP, HTTP, and Telnet.

    However, if intruders gain access to these programs, or if they plant them on the user's computer, some of the application's features may be used to violate security.

    These applications differ by function; their types are described in the following table.






    Internet chat clients

    Users install these programs to talk to people in Internet Relay Chats. Intruders use them to spread malware.



    They can establish phone connections over a modem in hidden mode.


    Programs for downloading

    They can download files from web pages in hidden mode.


    Programs for monitoring

    They allow monitoring activity on the computer on which they are installed (seeing which applications are active and how they exchange data with applications that are installed on other computers).


    Password restorers

    They allow viewing and restoring forgotten passwords. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose.


    Remote administration programs

    They are widely used by system administrators. These programs allow obtaining access to the interface of a remote computer to monitor and manage it. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose: to monitor and manage remote computers.

    Legal remote administration programs differ from Backdoor-type Trojans for remote administration. Trojans have the ability to penetrate the operating system independently and install themselves; legal programs are unable to do so.


    FTP servers

    They function as FTP servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via FTP.


    Proxy servers

    They function as proxy servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


    Telnet servers

    They function as Telnet servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via Telnet.


    Web servers

    They function as web servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via HTTP.


    Tools for working at a local computer

    They provide the user with additional options when working at the user's own computer. The tools allow the user to hide files or windows of active applications and terminate active processes.


    Network tools

    They provide the user with additional options when working with other computers on the network. These tools allow restarting them, detecting open ports, and starting applications that are installed on the computers.


    P2P network clients

    They allow working on peer-to-peer networks. They can be used by intruders for spreading malware.


    SMTP clients

    They send email messages without the user's knowledge. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


    Web toolbars

    They add toolbars to the interfaces of other applications to use search engines.



    They pass themselves off as other programs. For example, there are pseudo-anti-virus programs which display messages about malware detection. However, in reality, they do not find or disinfect anything.


  • Detect other software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data

    Subcategory: legal software that may be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data.

    Danger level: medium

    Most of these applications are useful, so many users run them. These applications include IRC clients, auto-dialers, file download programs, computer system activity monitors, password utilities, and Internet servers for FTP, HTTP, and Telnet.

    However, if intruders gain access to these programs, or if they plant them on the user's computer, some of the application's features may be used to violate security.

    These applications differ by function; their types are described in the following table.






    Internet chat clients

    Users install these programs to talk to people in Internet Relay Chats. Intruders use them to spread malware.



    They can establish phone connections over a modem in hidden mode.


    Programs for downloading

    They can download files from web pages in hidden mode.


    Programs for monitoring

    They allow monitoring activity on the computer on which they are installed (seeing which applications are active and how they exchange data with applications that are installed on other computers).


    Password restorers

    They allow viewing and restoring forgotten passwords. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose.


    Remote administration programs

    They are widely used by system administrators. These programs allow obtaining access to the interface of a remote computer to monitor and manage it. Intruders secretly implant them on users' computers with the same purpose: to monitor and manage remote computers.

    Legal remote administration programs differ from Backdoor-type Trojans for remote administration. Trojans have the ability to penetrate the operating system independently and install themselves; legal programs are unable to do so.


    FTP servers

    They function as FTP servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via FTP.


    Proxy servers

    They function as proxy servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


    Telnet servers

    They function as Telnet servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via Telnet.


    Web servers

    They function as web servers. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to open remote access to it via HTTP.


    Tools for working at a local computer

    They provide the user with additional options when working at the user's own computer. The tools allow the user to hide files or windows of active applications and terminate active processes.


    Network tools

    They provide the user with additional options when working with other computers on the network. These tools allow restarting them, detecting open ports, and starting applications that are installed on the computers.


    P2P network clients

    They allow working on peer-to-peer networks. They can be used by intruders for spreading malware.


    SMTP clients

    They send email messages without the user's knowledge. Intruders implant them on the user's computer to send spam under the user's name.


    Web toolbars

    They add toolbars to the interfaces of other applications to use search engines.



    They pass themselves off as other programs. For example, there are pseudo-anti-virus programs which display messages about malware detection. However, in reality, they do not find or disinfect anything.


  • Packed objects whose packing may be used to protect malicious code

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans compressed objects and the unpacker module within SFX (self-extracting) archives.

    To hide dangerous programs from anti-virus applications, intruders archive them by using special packers or create multi-packed files.

    Kaspersky virus analysts have identified packers that are the most popular amongst hackers.

    If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects such a packer in a file, the file most likely contains a malicious application or an application that can be used by criminals to cause harm to your computer or personal data.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security singles out the following types of programs:

    • Packed files that may cause harm – used for packing malware, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans.
    • Multi-packed files (medium threat level) – the object has been packed three times by one or more packers.
  • Multi-packed objects

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans compressed objects and the unpacker module within SFX (self-extracting) archives.

    To hide dangerous programs from anti-virus applications, intruders archive them by using special packers or create multi-packed files.

    Kaspersky virus analysts have identified packers that are the most popular amongst hackers.

    If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects such a packer in a file, the file most likely contains a malicious application or an application that can be used by criminals to cause harm to your computer or personal data.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security singles out the following types of programs:

    • Packed files that may cause harm – used for packing malware, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans.
    • Multi-packed files (medium threat level) – the object has been packed three times by one or more packers.


This table contains information about scan exclusions.

You can exclude objects from scans by using the following methods:

  • Specify the path to the file or folder.
  • Enter the object hash.
  • Use masks:
    • The * (asterisk) character, which takes the place of any set of characters, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\*\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders on the C: drive, but not in subfolders.
    • Two consecutive * characters take the place of any set of characters (including an empty set) in the file or folder name, including the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\**\*.txt will include all paths to files with the TXT extension located in folders nested within the Folder, except the Folder itself. The mask must include at least one nesting level. The mask C:\**\*.txt is not a valid mask.
    • The ? (question mark) character, which takes the place of any single character, except the \ and / characters (delimiters of the names of files and folders in paths to files and folders). For example, the mask C:\Folder\???.txt will include paths to all files residing in the folder named Folder that have the TXT extension and a name consisting of three characters.

      You can use masks anywhere in a file or folder path. For example, if you want the scan scope to include the Downloads folder for all user accounts on the computer, enter the C:\Users\*\Downloads\ mask.

  • Enter the name of the object type according to the classification of the Kaspersky Encyclopedia (for example, Email-Worm, Rootkit or RemoteAdmin). You can use masks with the ? character (replaces any single character) and the * character (replaces any number of characters). For example, if the Client* mask is specified, the application excludes Client-IRC, Client-P2P and Client-SMTP objects from scans.

Trusted applications

This table lists trusted applications whose activity is not monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security during its operation.

The Application Control component regulates the startup of each of the applications regardless of whether or not the application is included in the table of trusted applications.

Merge values when inheriting

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

This merges the list of scan exclusions and trusted applications in the parent and child policies of Kaspersky Security Center. To merge lists, the child policy must be configured to inherit the settings of the parent policy of Kaspersky Security Center.

If the check box is selected, list items from the Kaspersky Security Center parent policy are displayed in child policies. This way you can, for example, create a consolidated list of trusted applications for the entire organization.

Inherited list items in a child policy cannot be deleted or edited. Items on the list of scan exclusions and the list of trusted applications that are merged during inheritance can be deleted and edited only in the parent policy. You can add, edit or delete list items in lower-level policies.

If items on lists of the child and parent policy match, these items are displayed as the same item of the parent policy.

If the check box is not selected, list items are not merged when inheriting the settings of Kaspersky Security Center policies.

Allow use of local exclusions / Allow use of local trusted applications

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

Local exclusions and local trusted applications (local trusted zone) – user-defined list of objects and applications in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for a specific computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not monitor objects and applications from the local trusted zone. This way, users can create their own local lists of exclusions and trusted applications in addition to the general trusted zone in a policy.

If the check box is selected, a user can create a local list of scan exclusions and a local list of trusted applications. An administrator can use Kaspersky Security Center to view, add, edit, or delete list items in the computer properties.

If the check box is cleared, a user can access only the general lists of scan exclusions and trusted applications generated in the policy. If local lists were generated, after this functionality is disabled Kaspersky Endpoint Security continues excluding the listed objects from scans.

Trusted system certificate store

If one of the trusted system certificate stores is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security excludes applications signed with a trusted digital signature from scans. Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically assigns such applications to the Trusted group.

If Do not use is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans applications regardless of whether or not they have a digital signature. Kaspersky Endpoint Security places an application in a trust group depending on the level of danger that this application may pose to the computer.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Creating a scan exclusion

Managing the application on a Core Mode server

Editing the list of trusted applications

Using trusted system certificate storage

Page top

[Topic 178481]

Application settings

You can configure the following general settings of the application:

  • Operating mode
  • Self-Defense
  • Performance
  • Debug information
  • Computer status when settings are applied

    Application settings



    Start Kaspersky Endpoint Security on computer startup (recommended)

    When the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security is started after the operating system loads, protecting the computer during the entire session.

    When the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not started after the operating system loads, until the user starts it manually. Computer protection is disabled and user data may be exposed to threats.

    Use Advanced Disinfection technology (requires considerable computer resources)

    If the check box is selected, a pop-up notification appears on the screen when malicious activity is detected in the operating system. In its notification, Kaspersky Endpoint Security offers the user to perform Advanced Disinfection of the computer. After the user approves this procedure, Kaspersky Endpoint Security neutralizes the threat. After completing the advanced disinfection procedure, Kaspersky Endpoint Security restarts the computer. The advanced disinfection technology uses considerable computing resources, which may slow down other applications.

    When the application is in process of detecting an active infection, some operating system functionality can be unavailable. The availability of the operating system is restored when Advanced Disinfection is complete and the computer is restarted.

    If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed on a computer running Windows for Servers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not show the notification. Therefore, the user cannot select an action to disinfect an active threat. To disinfect a threat, you need to enable Advanced Disinfection technology in application settings and enable immediate Advanced Disinfection in Malware Scan task settings. Then you need to start a Malware Scan task.

    Use Kaspersky Security Center as proxy server for activation

    (available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

    If this check box is selected, the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server is used as a proxy server when activating the application.

    Enable Self-Defense

    When this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prevents alteration or deletion of application files on the hard drive, memory processes, and entries in the system registry.

    Enable external management of system services

    If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows management of application services from a remote computer. When an attempt is made to manage application services remotely, a notification is displayed in the Microsoft Windows taskbar, above the application icon (unless the notification service has been disabled by the user).

    Postpone scheduled tasks while running on battery power

    If the check box is selected, energy conservation mode is enabled. Kaspersky Endpoint Security postpones scheduled tasks. You can start scan and update tasks manually, if necessary.

    Concede resources to other applications

    Consumption of computer resources by Kaspersky Endpoint Security when scanning the computer may increase the load on the CPU and hard drive subsystems. This may slow down other applications. To optimize the performance, Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides a mode for transferring resources to other applications. In this mode, the operating system can decrease the priority of Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan task threads when the CPU load is high. This allows redistributing operating system resources to other applications. Thus, scan tasks will receive less CPU time. As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will take longer to scan the computer. By default, the application is configured to concede resources to other applications.

    Enable dump writing

    If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security writes dumps when it crashes.

    If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not write dumps. The application also deletes existing dump files from the computer hard drive.

    Enable dump and trace files protection

    If the check box is selected, access to dump files is granted to the system administrator and local administrator as well as to the user who enabled dump writing. Only system and local administrators can access trace files.

    If the check box is cleared, any user can access dump files and trace files.

    Computer status when settings are applied

    (available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

    Settings for displaying the statuses of client computers with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed in the Web Console when errors occur while applying a policy or executing a task. The following statuses are available OK, Warning and Critical.

    Install updates without computer restart

    Upgrading the application without computer restart allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation of servers.

    You can upgrade the application without a restart starting with version 11.10.0. To upgrade an earlier version of the application, you must restart the computer.

    Starting with version 11.11.0 you can perform the following actions without restarting a computer:

    The default value of the parameter varies depending on the type of the operating system. If the application is installed on a workstation, the upgrading the application without a restart option is disabled. If the application is installed on a server, the upgrading the application without a restart option is enabled.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Enabling or disabling Advanced Disinfection technology

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense

Enabling or disabling energy-saving mode

Enabling or disabling conceding of resources to other applications

Dump writing

Protecting dump files and trace files

Page top

[Topic 178491]

Reports and storage


Information about the operation of each Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, data encryption events, the performance of each scan task, the update task and integrity check task, and the overall operation of the application is recorded in reports.

Reports are stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\Report.


Backup stores backup copies of files that were deleted or modified during disinfection. A backup copy is a file copy created before the file was disinfected or deleted. Backup copies of files are stored in a special format and do not pose a threat.

Backup copies of files are stored in the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\QB.

Users in the Administrators group are granted full permission to access this folder. Limited access rights to this folder are granted to the user whose account was used to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not provide the capability to configure user access permissions to backup copies of files.


Quarantine is a special local storage on the computer. The user can quarantine files that the user considers dangerous for the computer. Quarantined files are stored in an encrypted state and do not threaten the security of the device. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Quarantine only when working with Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. In other cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the relevant file in Backup. For details on managing Quarantine as part of solutions, please refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

Quarantine can only be configured using Web Console. You can also use Web Console to manage quarantined objects (restore, delete, add, etc). You can restore objects locally on the computer using the command line.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the system account (SYSTEM) to quarantine files.

Settings of reports and storage



Store reports no longer than N days

If the check box is selected, the maximum report storage term is limited to the defined time interval. The default maximum storage term for reports is 30 days. After that period of time, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries from the report file.

Limit the size of report file to N MB

If the check box is selected, the maximum report file size is limited to the defined value. By default, the maximum file size is 1024 MB. To avoid exceeding the maximum report file size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest entries from the report file when the maximum report file size is reached.

Store objects no longer than N days

If the check box is selected, the maximum file storage term is limited to the defined time interval. The default maximum storage term for files is 30 days. After expiration of the maximum storage term, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes the oldest files from Backup.

Limit the size of Backup to N MB

If the check box is selected, the maximum storage size is limited to the defined value. By default, the maximum size is 100 MB. To avoid exceeding the maximum storage size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically deletes the oldest files from storage when the maximum storage size is reached.

Limit the size of Quarantine to N MB

(available only in Web Console)

Maximum Quarantine size in MB. For example, you can set the maximum Quarantine size to 200 MB. When Quarantine reaches maximum size, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application stops quarantining new objects. You must empty the Quarantine manually.

Notify when the Quarantine storage reaches N percent

(available only in Web Console)

Threshold value of the Quarantine. For example, you can set the Quarantine threshold to 50%. When Quarantine reaches the threshold, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends the corresponding event to Kaspersky Security Center and publishes the event in Windows Event Log. Meanwhile the application continues quarantining new objects.

Data transfer to Administration Server

(available only in Kaspersky Security Center)

Categories of events on client computers whose information must be relayed to the Administration Server.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Viewing reports

Saving a report to file

Clearing reports

Page top

[Topic 178483]

Network settings

You can configure the proxy server used for connecting to the Internet and updating anti-virus databases, select the network port monitoring mode, and configure encrypted connections scan.

Network options



Limit traffic on metered connections

If this check box is selected, the application limits its own network traffic when the Internet connection is limited. Kaspersky Endpoint Security identifies a high-speed mobile Internet connection as a limited connection and identifies a Wi-Fi connection as an unlimited connection.

Cost-Aware Networking works on computers running Windows 8 or later.

Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security injects a web page interaction script into web traffic. This script ensures that the Web Control component can work correctly. The script enables registration of Web Control events. Without this script, you cannot enable user Internet activity monitoring.

Kaspersky experts recommend injecting this web page interaction script into traffic to ensure correct operation of Web Control.

Proxy server

Settings of the proxy server used for Internet access of users of client computers. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses these settings for certain protection components, including for updating databases and application modules.

For automatic configuration of a proxy server, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the WPAD protocol (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol). If the IP address of the proxy server cannot be determined by using this protocol, the application uses the proxy server address that is specified in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser settings.

Bypass proxy server for local addresses

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not use a proxy server when performing an update from a shared folder.

Monitored ports

Monitor all network ports. In this network port monitoring mode, the protection components (File Threat Protection, Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection) monitor data streams that are transmitted via any open network ports of the computer.

Monitor selected network ports only. In this network port monitoring mode, the protection components monitor the selected ports of the computer and the network activity of the selected applications. The list of network ports that are normally used for transmission of email and network traffic is configured according to the recommendations of Kaspersky experts.

Monitor all ports for the applications from the list recommended by Kaspersky. This uses a predefined list of applications whose network ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security. For example, this list includes Google Chrome, Adobe Reader, Java, and other applications.

Monitor all ports for specified applications. This uses a list of applications whose network ports are monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Encrypted connections scan

Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans encrypted network traffic transmitted over the following protocols:

  • SSL 3.0.
  • TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following encrypted connection scanning modes:

  • Do not scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not have access to the contents of websites whose addresses begin with https://.
  • Scan encrypted connections upon request from protection components. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan encrypted traffic only when requested by the Web Threat Protection, Mail Threat Protection, and Web Control components.
  • Always scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan encrypted network traffic even if protection components are disabled.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan encrypted connections that were established by trusted applications for which traffic scanning is disabled. Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan encrypted connections from the predefined list of trusted websites. The predefined list of trusted websites is created by Kaspersky experts. This list is updated with the application's anti-virus databases. You can view the predefined list of trusted websites only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface. You cannot view the list in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.

Trusted root certificates

List of trusted root certificates. Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you install trusted root certificates on user computers if, for example, you need to deploy a new certification center. The application lets you add a certificate to a special Kaspersky Endpoint Security certificate store. In this case, the certificate is considered trusted only for the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application. In other words, the user can gain access to a website with the new certificate in the browser. If another application tries to gain access to the website, you can get a connection error because of a certificate issue. To add to the system certificate store, you can use Active Directory group policies.

When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate

  • Allow. When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows the network connection.

    When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing a warning and the reason why visiting that domain is not recommended. A user can click the link from the HTML warning page to obtain access to the requested web resource.

    If a third-party application or service establishes a connection with a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates its own certificate to scan traffic. The new certificate has the Untrusted status. This is necessary to warn the third-party application about the untrusted connection because the HTML page cannot be shown in this case and the connection can be established in background mode.

  • Block connection. When visiting a domain with an untrusted certificate, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the network connection. When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing the reason why that domain is blocked.

When encrypted connections scan errors occur

  • Block connection. If this item is selected, when an encrypted connection scan error occurs, Kaspersky Endpoint Security blocks the network connection.
  • Add domain to exclusions. If this item is selected, when an encrypted connection scan error occurs, Kaspersky Endpoint Security adds the domain that resulted in the error to the list of domains with scan errors and does not monitor encrypted network traffic when this domain is visited. You can view a list of domains with encrypted connections scan errors only in the local interface of the application. To clear the list contents, you need to select Block connection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also generates an event for the encrypted connection scan error.

Block SSL 2.0 connections (recommended)

If the check box is selected, the application blocks network connections established over the SSL 2.0 protocol.

If the check box is cleared, the application does not block network connections established over the SSL 2.0 protocol and does not monitor network traffic transmitted over these connections.

Decrypt encrypted connections with websites that use EV certificates

EV certificates (Extended Validation Certificates) confirm the authenticity of websites and enhance the security of the connection. Browsers use a lock icon in their address bar to indicate that a website has an EV certificate. Browsers may also fully or partially color the address bar in green.

If the check box is selected, the application decrypts and monitors encrypted connections with websites that use an EV certificate.

If the check box is cleared, the application does not have access to the contents of HTTPS traffic. For this reason, the application monitors HTTPS traffic only based on the website address, for example, https://bing.com.

If you are opening a website with an EV certificate for the first time, the encrypted connection will be decrypted regardless of whether or not the check box is selected.

Trusted addresses

This uses a list of web addresses for which Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not scan network connections. You can enter a domain name or an IP address. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the * character for entering a mask in the domain name.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support the * symbol for IP addresses. You can select a range of IP addresses using a subnet mask (for example,


  • domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://domain.com, https://www.domain.com, https://domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of subdomains (for example, subdomain.domain.com).
  • subdomain.domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://subdomain.domain.com, https://subdomain.domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of the domain.com domain.
  • *.domain.com – the record is inclusive of the following addresses: https://movies.domain.com, https://images.domain.com/page123. The record is exclusive of the domain.com domain.

Trusted applications

List of applications whose activity is not monitored by Kaspersky Endpoint Security during its operation. You can select the types of application activity that Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not monitor (for example, do not scan network traffic). Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports environment variables and the * and ? characters when entering a mask.

Use the selected certificate store to scan encrypted connections in Mozilla applications

(available only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

If this check box is selected, the application scans encrypted traffic in the Mozilla Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail client. Access to some websites via the HTTPS protocol may be blocked.

To scan traffic in the Mozilla Firefox browser and the Thunderbird mail client, you must enable the Encrypted Connections Scan. If Encrypted Connections Scan is disabled, the application does not scan traffic in the Mozilla Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail client.

The application uses the Kaspersky root certificate to decrypt and analyze encrypted traffic. You can select the certificate store that will contain the Kaspersky root certificate.

  • Use Windows certificate store (recommended). The Kaspersky root certificate is added to this store during installation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
  • Use Mozilla certificate store. Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird use their own certificate stores. If the Mozilla certificate store is selected, you need to manually add the Kaspersky root certificate to this store through the browser properties.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Monitoring user Internet activity

Using a proxy server for updates

Network ports monitoring

Creating a list of monitored network ports

Encrypted connections scan

Enabling encrypted connections scan

Creating the list of trusted web addresses

Editing the list of trusted applications

Scanning encrypted connections in Firefox and Thunderbird

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[Topic 178492]


You can configure the settings of the application interface.

Interface settings



Interaction with user

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

With simplified interface. On a client computer, the main application window is inaccessible, and only the icon in the Windows notification area is available. In the context menu of the icon, the user can perform a limited number of operations with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also displays notifications above the application icon.

With full interface. On a client computer, the main window of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and the icon in the Windows notification area are available. In the context menu of the icon, the user can perform operations with Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Kaspersky Endpoint Security also displays notifications above the application icon.

Hide Application Activity Monitor section. On the client computer, in the main window of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, the Application Activity Monitor button is not available. Application Activity Monitor is a tool designed for viewing information about the activity of applications on a user's computer in real time.

No interface. On a client computer, no signs of Kaspersky Endpoint Security operation are displayed. The icon in the Windows notification area and notifications are not available.

Notification settings

A table with the settings of notifications about events of different importance levels that may occur during the operation of a component, task, or the entire application. Kaspersky Endpoint Security shows notifications about these events on the screen, sends them by email, or logs them.

Email notification settings

SMTP server settings for delivery of notifications about events registered during operation of the application.

Show application's status in notifications area

Categories of application events that cause the Kaspersky Endpoint Security icon to change in the Microsoft Windows taskbar notification area ( or ) and result in a pop-up notification.

Local anti-virus database status notifications

Settings of notifications about outdated anti-virus databases used by the application.

Password protection

If the toggle button is switched on, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts the user for a password when the user attempts to perform an operation that is within the scope of Password Protection. The Password Protection scope includes forbidden operations (such as disabling protection components) and the user accounts to which the Password Protection scope is applied.

After Password Protection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security prompts you to set a password for performing operations.

Technical Support web resources

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

List of links to web resources containing information about technical support for Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Added links are displayed in the Support window of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security local interface instead of standard links.

Message to user

(available only in the Kaspersky Security Center Console)

Message that is displayed in the Support window of the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Simplified application interface

Password protection

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[Topic 201016]

Manage Settings

You can save the current Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings to a file and use them to quickly configure the application on a different computer. You can also use a configuration file when deploying the application through Kaspersky Security Center with an installation package. You can restore the default settings at any time.

Application configuration management settings are available only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface.

Application configuration management settings




Extract application settings from a file in CFG format and apply them.


Save the current application settings to a file in CFG format.


You can restore the application settings recommended by Kaspersky at any time. When the settings are restored, the Recommended security level is set for all protection components.

See also: Managing the application via the local interface

Creating and using a configuration file

Restoring the default application settings

Creating an installation package

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[Topic 199174]

Updating databases and application software modules

Updating the databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security ensures up-to-date protection on your computer. New viruses and other types of malware appear worldwide on a daily basis. Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases contain information about threats and ways of neutralizing them. To detect threats quickly, you are urged to regularly update the databases and application modules.

Regular updates require a license in effect. If there is no current license, you will be able to perform an update only once.

The main update source for Kaspersky Endpoint Security is Kaspersky update servers.

Your computer must be connected to the Internet to successfully download the update package from Kaspersky update servers. By default, the Internet connection settings are determined automatically. If you are using a proxy server, you need to configure the proxy server settings.

Updates are downloaded over the HTTPS protocol. They may also be downloaded over the HTTP protocol when it is impossible to download updates over the HTTPS protocol.

While performing an update, the following objects are downloaded and installed on your computer:

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. Computer protection is provided using databases that contain signatures of viruses and other threats and information on ways to neutralize them. Protection components use this information when searching for and neutralizing infected files on your computer. The databases are constantly updated with records of new threats and methods for counteracting them. Therefore, we recommend that you update the databases regularly.

    In addition to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases, the network drivers that enable the application's components to intercept network traffic are updated.

  • Application modules. In addition to the databases of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can also update the application modules. Updating the application modules fixes vulnerabilities in Kaspersky Endpoint Security, adds new functions, or enhances existing functions.

While updating, the application modules and databases on your computer are compared against the up-to-date version at the update source. If your current databases and application modules differ from their respective up-to-date versions, the missing portion of the updates is installed on your computer.

Context help files can be updated together with application module updates.

If the databases are obsolete, the update package may be large, which may cause additional Internet traffic (up to several dozen MB).

Information about the current state of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases is displayed in the main application window or the tooltip that you see when you hover the cursor over the icon of the application in the notification area.

Information on update results and on all events that occur during the performance of the update task is logged in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security report.

Application module and database update settings



Databases update schedule

Automatically. In this mode, the application checks the update source for availability of new update packages with a certain frequency. The frequency of checking for the update package increases during virus outbreaks and decreases when there are none. After detecting a fresh update package, Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads it and installs updates on your computer.

Manually. This update task run mode allows you to manually start the update task.

By schedule. In this update task run mode, Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs the update task in accordance with the schedule that you have specified. If this update task run mode is selected, you can also start the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task manually.

Run missed tasks

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the skipped update task as soon as this becomes possible. The update task can be skipped, for example, if the computer was turned off at the update task start time.

If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not start missed update tasks. Instead, it runs the next update task in accordance with the current schedule.

Update sources

An update source is a resource that contains updates for databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.

Update sources include the Kaspersky Security Center server, Kaspersky update servers, and network or local folders.

The default list of update sources includes Kaspersky Security Center and Kaspersky update servers. You can add other update sources to the list. You can specify HTTP/FTP servers and shared folders as update sources.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support updates from HTTPS servers unless they are Kaspersky's update servers.

If several resources are selected as update sources, Kaspersky Endpoint Security tries to connect to them one after another, starting from the top of the list, and performs the update task by retrieving the update package from the first available source.

Run database updates as

By default, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task is started on behalf of the user whose account you have used to log in to the operating system. However, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may be updated from an update source that the user cannot access due to a lack of required rights (for example, from a shared folder that contains an update package) or an update source for which proxy server authentication is not configured. In the application settings, you can specify a user that has such rights and start the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update task under that user account.

Download updates of application modules

Downloading application module updates with application database updates.

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security notifies the user about available application module updates and includes application module updates in the update package while running the update task. The way application module updates are applied is determined by the following settings:

  • Install critical and approved updates. If this option is selected, when application module updates are available Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs critical updates automatically and all other application module updates only after their installation is approved locally via the application interface or on the side of Kaspersky Security Center.
  • Install only approved updates. If this option is selected, when application module updates are available Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs them only after their installation is approved locally via the application interface or on the side of Kaspersky Security Center. This option is selected by default.

    If the check box is cleared, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not notify the user about available application module updates and does not include application module updates in the update package while running the update task.

If application module updates require reviewing and accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement, the application installs updates after the terms of the End User License Agreement have been accepted.

This check box is selected by default.

Copy updates to folder

If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security copies the update package to the shared folder specified under the check box. After that, other computers on your LAN are able to receive the update package from this shared folder. This reduces Internet traffic because the update package is downloaded only once. The following folder is specified by default: C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\KES.21.8\Update distribution\.

Proxy server for updates

(available only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

Proxy server settings for Internet access of users of client computers to update application modules and databases.

For automatic configuration of a proxy server, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the WPAD protocol (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol). If the IP address of the proxy server cannot be determined by using this protocol, Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the proxy server address that is specified in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser settings.

Bypass proxy server for local addresses

(available only in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security interface)

If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not use a proxy server when performing an update from a shared folder.

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[Topic 193496]

Appendix 2. Application trust groups

Kaspersky Endpoint Security categorizes all applications that are started on the computer into trust groups. Applications are categorized into trust groups depending on the level of threat that the applications pose to the operating system.

The trust groups are as follows:

  • Trusted. This group includes applications for which one or more of the following conditions are met:
    • Applications are digitally signed by trusted vendors.
    • Applications are recorded in the trusted applications database of Kaspersky Security Network.
    • The user has placed application in the Trusted group.

    No operations are prohibited for these applications.

  • Low Restricted. This group includes applications for which the following conditions are met:
    • Applications are not digitally signed by trusted vendors.
    • Applications are not recorded in the trusted applications database of Kaspersky Security Network.
    • The user has placed application in the "Low Restricted" group.

    Such applications are subject to minimal restrictions on access to operating system resources.

  • High Restricted. This group includes applications for which the following conditions are met:
    • Applications are not digitally signed by trusted vendors.
    • Applications are not recorded in the trusted applications database of Kaspersky Security Network.
    • The user has placed application in the High Restricted group.

    Such applications are subject to high restrictions on access to operating system resources.

  • Untrusted. This group includes applications for which the following conditions are met:
    • Applications are not digitally signed by trusted vendors.
    • Applications are not recorded in the trusted applications database of Kaspersky Security Network.
    • The user has placed application in the Untrusted group.

    For such applications, all operations are blocked.

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[Topic 39925]

Appendix 3. File extensions for quick removable drives scan

com – executable file of an application no larger than 64 KB

exe – executable file or self-extracting archive

sys – Microsoft Windows system file

prg – program text for dBase, Clipper or Microsoft Visual FoxPro, or a WAVmaker program

bin – binary file

bat – batch file

cmd – command file for Microsoft Windows NT (similar to a bat file for DOS), OS/2

dpl – compressed Borland Delphi library

dll – dynamic link library

scr – Microsoft Windows splash screen

cpl – Microsoft Windows control panel module

ocx – Microsoft OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object

tsp – program running in split-time mode

drv – device driver

vxd – Microsoft Windows virtual device driver

pif – program information file

lnk – Microsoft Windows link file

reg – Microsoft Windows system registry key file

ini – configuration file which contains configuration data for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, and some applications

cla – Java class

vbs – Visual Basic script

vbe – BIOS video extension

js, jse – JavaScript source text

htm – hypertext document

htt – Microsoft Windows hypertext header

hta – hypertext program for Microsoft Internet Explorer

asp – Active Server Pages script

chm – compiled HTML file

pht – HTML file with integrated PHP scripts

php – script that is integrated into HTML files

wsh – Microsoft Windows Script Host file

wsf – Microsoft Windows script

the – Microsoft Windows 95 desktop wallpaper file

hlp – Win Help file

eml – Microsoft Outlook Express email message

nws – new Microsoft Outlook Express email message

msg – Microsoft Mail email message

plg – email message

mbx – saved Microsoft Office Outlook email message

doc* – Microsoft Office Word documents, such as: doc for Microsoft Office Word documents, docx for Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents with XML support, and docm for Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents with macro support

dot* – Microsoft Office Word document templates, such as: dot for Microsoft Office Word document templates, dotx for Microsoft Office Word 2007 document templates, dotm for Microsoft Office Word 2007 document templates with macro support

fpm – database program, Microsoft Visual FoxPro start file

rtf – Rich Text Format document

shs – Windows Shell Scrap Object Handler fragment

dwg – AutoCAD drawing database

msi – Microsoft Windows Installer package

otm – VBA project for Microsoft Office Outlook

pdf – Adobe Acrobat document

swf – Shockwave Flash package object

jpg, jpeg – compressed image graphics format

emf – Enhanced Metafile format file;

ico – object icon file

ov? – Microsoft Office Word executable files

xl* – Microsoft Office Excel documents and files, such as: xla, the extension for Microsoft Office Excel, xlc for diagrams, xlt for document templates, xlsx for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks, xltm for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks with macro support, xlsb for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks in binary (non-XML) format, xltx for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 templates, xlsm for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 templates with macro support, and xlam for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 plug-ins with macro support

pp* – Microsoft Office PowerPoint documents and files, such as: pps for Microsoft Office PowerPoint slides, ppt for presentations, pptx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentations, pptm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentations with macros support, potx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation templates, potm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation templates with macro support, ppsx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide shows, ppsm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide shows with macro support, and ppam for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 plug-ins with macro support

md* – Microsoft Office Access documents and files, such as: mda for Microsoft Office Access workgroups and mdb for databases

sldx – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide

sldm – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide with macro support

thmx – a Microsoft Office 2007 theme


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[Topic 39921]

Appendix 4. File Types for the Mail Threat Protection attachment filter

Note that the actual format of a file may not match its file name extension.

If you enabled filtering of email attachments, the Mail Threat Protection component may rename or delete files with the following extensions:

com – executable file of an application no larger than 64 KB

exe – executable file or self-extracting archive

sys – Microsoft Windows system file

prg – program text for dBase, Clipper or Microsoft Visual FoxPro, or a WAVmaker program

bin – binary file

bat – batch file

cmd – command file for Microsoft Windows NT (similar to a bat file for DOS), OS/2

dpl – compressed Borland Delphi library

dll – dynamic link library

scr – Microsoft Windows splash screen

cpl – Microsoft Windows control panel module

ocx – Microsoft OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object

tsp – program running in split-time mode

drv – device driver

vxd – Microsoft Windows virtual device driver

pif – program information file

lnk – Microsoft Windows link file

reg – Microsoft Windows system registry key file

ini – configuration file which contains configuration data for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, and some applications

cla – Java class

vbs – Visual Basic script

vbe – BIOS video extension

js, jse – JavaScript source text

htm – hypertext document

htt – Microsoft Windows hypertext header

hta – hypertext program for Microsoft Internet Explorer

asp – Active Server Pages script

chm – compiled HTML file

pht – HTML file with integrated PHP scripts

php – script that is integrated into HTML files

wsh – Microsoft Windows Script Host file

wsf – Microsoft Windows script

the – Microsoft Windows 95 desktop wallpaper file

hlp – Win Help file

eml – Microsoft Outlook Express email message

nws – new Microsoft Outlook Express email message

msg – Microsoft Mail email message

plg – email message

mbx – saved Microsoft Office Outlook email message

doc* – Microsoft Office Word documents, such as: doc for Microsoft Office Word documents, docx for Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents with XML support, and docm for Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents with macro support

dot* – Microsoft Office Word document templates, such as: dot for Microsoft Office Word document templates, dotx for Microsoft Office Word 2007 document templates, dotm for Microsoft Office Word 2007 document templates with macro support

fpm – database program, Microsoft Visual FoxPro start file

rtf – Rich Text Format document

shs – Windows Shell Scrap Object Handler fragment

dwg – AutoCAD drawing database

msi – Microsoft Windows Installer package

otm – VBA project for Microsoft Office Outlook

pdf – Adobe Acrobat document

swf – Shockwave Flash package object

jpg, jpeg – compressed image graphics format

emf – Enhanced Metafile format file;

ico – object icon file

ov? – Microsoft Office Word executable files

xl* – Microsoft Office Excel documents and files, such as: xla, the extension for Microsoft Office Excel, xlc for diagrams, xlt for document templates, xlsx for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks, xltm for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks with macro support, xlsb for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbooks in binary (non-XML) format, xltx for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 templates, xlsm for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 templates with macro support, and xlam for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 plug-ins with macro support

pp* – Microsoft Office PowerPoint documents and files, such as: pps for Microsoft Office PowerPoint slides, ppt for presentations, pptx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentations, pptm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentations with macros support, potx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation templates, potm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation templates with macro support, ppsx for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide shows, ppsm for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide shows with macro support, and ppam for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 plug-ins with macro support

md* – Microsoft Office Access documents and files, such as: mda for Microsoft Office Access workgroups and mdb for databases

sldx – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide

sldm – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide with macro support

thmx – a Microsoft Office 2007 theme


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[Topic 202507]

Appendix 5. Network settings for interaction with external services

Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the following network settings for interacting with external services.

Network settings




Protocol: HTTPS

Port: 443

Activating the application.






















Protocol: HTTPS

Port: 443

Updating databases and application software modules.


Protocol: HTTPS

Port: 443

  • Updating databases and application software modules.
  • Verifying access to Kaspersky servers. If access to the servers using system DNS is not possible, the application uses public DNS. This is necessary to make sure anti-virus databases are updated and the level of security is maintained for the computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses the following list of public DNS servers in the following order:
    1. Google Public DNS (
    2. Cloudflare DNS (
    3. Alibaba Cloud DNS (
    4. Quad9 DNS (
    5. CleanBrowsing (

Requests emitted by the application may contain addresses of domains and the public IP address of the user because the application establishes a TCP/UDP connection with the DNS server. This information is needed, for example, to validate the certificate of a web resource when using HTTPS. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is using a public DNS server, data processing is governed by the privacy policy of the relevant service. If you want to prevent Kaspersky Endpoint Security from using a public DNS server, contact Technical Support for a private patch.


Protocol: HTTP

  • Receiving the trusted time for checking the validity period of the certificate (TLS connection).
  • Warning about denied access to a web resource in the browser when Web Threat Protection is running.























Protocol: HTTP

Port: 80

Updating databases and application software modules.


Protocol: HTTPS

Port: 443

Using Kaspersky Security Network.








Protocol: Any

Port: 443, 1443

Using Kaspersky Security Network.



Protocol: HTTPS

Follow links from the interface.



Protocol: HTTP

Port: 80

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

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[Topic 214871]

Appendix 6. Application events

Information about the operation of each Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, data encryption events, the completion of each scan task, update task and integrity check task, and the overall operation of the application is recorded in the Kaspersky Security Center event log and Windows event log.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security generates events of the following types: general events and specific events. Specific events are created only by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. Specific events have a simple ID, such as 000000cb. Specific events contain the following required parameters:

  • GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION is the content of the event.
  • GNRL_EA_ID is the service ID of the event.
  • GNRL_EA_SEVERITY is the status of the event. 1 – Informational message , 2 – Warning , 3 – Functional failure , 4 – Critical .
  • EVENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME is the title of the event.
  • TASK_DISPLAY_NAME is the name of the application component that initiated the event.

General events can be created by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows as well as other Kaspersky applications (for example, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server). General events have a more complex ID, such as GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND. In addition to required settings, general events contain advanced settings.

Expand all | Collapse all

Critical events

End User License Agreement violated



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

License has almost expired



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Databases are missing or corrupted



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Databases are extremely out of date



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application autorun is disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Activation error



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Active threat detected. Advanced Disinfection should be started



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

KSN servers unavailable



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Not enough space in Quarantine storage



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object not restored from Quarantine



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object not deleted from Quarantine



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The application established a connection to a website with an untrusted certificate



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed to verify an encrypted connection. The domain is added to the list of exclusions



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Malicious object detected (local bases)



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (


    Threat detection technology (


    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Malicious object detected (KSN)



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Disinfection impossible



File Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Cannot be deleted



File Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Processing error



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

AMSI Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process terminated



File Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Unable to terminate process



File Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Dangerous link blocked



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the path to the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the object according to Kaspersky classification.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Dangerous link opened



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the path to the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the object according to Kaspersky classification.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Previously opened dangerous link detected



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the path to the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the object according to Kaspersky classification.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process action blocked



Adaptive Anomaly Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the name of the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the ID of the heuristic rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the source process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the source object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the target process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the target object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is additional information about the detected object:

    Hashes of source process / object and target process / object.

    Process blocked (verdict_type): true or false.

    User security ID (SID).

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Keyboard not authorized



BadUSB Attack Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

AMSI request was blocked



AMSI Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network activity blocked




Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network attack detected



Network Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the name of the attack.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the protocol.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the IP address of the computer acting as the source of the network attack. The IP address is indicated in the byte order of the host. For example, 2886729929 for
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the port number.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is an IPv6 address, for example, 12B012B012B012B012B012B012B012B0.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the IP address of the computer targeted by the network attack. The IP address is indicated in the byte order of the host. For example, 2886729929 for

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup prohibited



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the manually created category identifier.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the application category ID.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is information about the digital signature of the application.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the name of the executable file of the application (for example, chrome.exe).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the path to the executable file.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is the version of the application that the user is trying to run.


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Prohibited process was started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security startup



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Access denied (local bases)



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the URL.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the Web Control rule.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Access denied (KSN)



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the URL.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the Web Control rule.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Operation with the device prohibited



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Hardware ID (HWID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network connection blocked



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error updating component



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error distributing component updates



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Local update error



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network update error



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Cannot start two tasks at the same time



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error verifying application databases and modules



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error in interaction with Kaspersky Security Center



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Not all components were updated



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Update completed successfully, update distribution failed



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Internal task error



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Patch installation failed



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Patch rollback failed



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error applying file encryption / decryption rules



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File encryption / decryption error



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the path to the file.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the cause of the error.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the type of the device.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File access blocked



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the target object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the executable file of the application (for example, chrome.exe), which is trying to gain access to the file.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error enabling portable mode



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error disabling portable mode



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error creating encrypted package



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error encrypting / decrypting device



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Could not load encryption module



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The task for managing Authentication Agent accounts ended with an error



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Policy cannot be applied



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

FDE upgrade failed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

FDE upgrade rollback failed (for more information, please refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Online Help)



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server unavailable



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed to delete object



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object not quarantined (Kaspersky Sandbox)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

An internal error occurred



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Invalid Kaspersky Sandbox server certificate



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The Kaspersky Sandbox node is unavailable



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

An error occurred while processing the object in Kaspersky Sandbox



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Maximum load to Kaspersky Sandbox is exceeded



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

IOC found



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Kaspersky Sandbox license verification failed



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object startup blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process startup blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Script execution blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object not quarantined (Endpoint Detection and Response)



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process startup is not blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object is not blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Script execution is not blocked



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error changing application components



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

There are patterns of a possible brute-force attack in the system



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

There are patterns of a possible Windows Event Log abuse



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Atypical actions detected on behalf of a new service installed



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Atypical logon that uses explicit credentials detected



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

There are patterns of a possible Kerberos forged PAC (MS14-068) attack in the system



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Suspicious changes detected in the privileged built-in Administrators group



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

There is an atypical activity detected during a network logon session



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Log Inspection rule triggered



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Atypical event occurs too often. Event aggregation started



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Report on an atypical event for the aggregation period



Log Inspection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Functional failure

Task cannot be performed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Invalid task settings. Settings not applied



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)


Application crashed during previous session



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

License expires soon



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Databases are out of date



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Automatic updates are disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Self-Defense is disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Protection components are disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Computer is running in safe mode



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

There are unprocessed files



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Group policy applied



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Task stopped



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Quit and reopen the application to complete updating



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Computer restart required



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The license allows the use of components that have not been installed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Advanced Disinfection started



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Advanced Disinfection completed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Incorrect reserve key



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Subscription expires soon



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)




Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Cannot restore object from Backup



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Suspicious network activity detected



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Encrypted connection terminated



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Participation in KSN disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Processing of some OS functions is disabled.



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Quarantine storage is almost out of space



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network connection blocked



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Cannot create a backup copy



File Threat Protection

Behavior Detection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object not processed



File Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

AMSI Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object encrypted



Host Intrusion Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object corrupted



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data was detected (local bases)



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

AMSI Protection

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data was detected (KSN)



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

AMSI Protection

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted



File Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Exploit Prevention

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object disinfected



File Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object will be disinfected on restart



Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object will be deleted on restart



Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted according to settings



Mail Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Rollback completed



File Threat Protection

Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object download was blocked



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Keyboard authorization error



BadUSB Attack Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The object scan result has been sent to a third-party application



AMSI Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the name of the threat in accordance with Kaspersky classification, for example, EICAR-Test-File.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the type of the threat, for example, Trojware.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

    EDR version.

    Threat identifier in EDR.

    MD5 hash of the object.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Task settings applied successfully



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Warning about undesirable content (local bases)



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the URL.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the Web Control rule.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Warning about undesirable content (KSN)



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the URL.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the Web Control rule.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Undesirable content was accessed after a warning



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Temporary access to the device activated



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Operation cancelled by the user



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

User has opted out of the encryption policy



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Interrupted applying file encryption / decryption rules



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File encryption / decryption interrupted



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption interrupted



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed to install or upgrade Kaspersky Disk Encryption drivers in the WinRE image



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Module signature check failed



Integrity check

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup was blocked



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Document opening was blocked



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process was terminated by the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server administrator



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The application was terminated by the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server administrator



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File or stream was deleted by the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server administrator



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File was restored from quarantine on the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server by the administrator



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File was quarantined on the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server by administrator



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network activity of all third-party applications is blocked



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network activity of all third-party applications is unblocked



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object will be deleted after restart (Kaspersky Sandbox)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Total size of scan tasks exceeded the limit



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object startup allowed, event logged



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process startup allowed, event logged



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object will be deleted after restart (Endpoint Detection and Response)



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network isolation



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Termination of network isolation



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Restart required to complete the task



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup blockage message to administrator



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION is the message to user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the name of the executable file of the application (for example, chrome.exe).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the path to the executable file.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is the version of the application that the user is trying to run.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device access blockage message to administrator



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • c_er_descr is the message to user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Hardware ID (HWID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Web page access blockage message to administrator



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION is the message to user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the URL.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device connection blocked



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Hardware ID (HWID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application activity blockage message to administrator



Adaptive Anomaly Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION is the message to user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the name of the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the ID of the heuristic rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the source process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the source object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the target process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the target object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is additional information about the detected object:

    Hashes of source process / object and target process / object.

    Process blocked (verdict_type): true or false.

    User security ID (SID).

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File modified



File Integrity Monitor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object changes too often. Event aggregation started



File Integrity Monitor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Report on object modification for the aggregation period



File Integrity Monitor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Monitoring scope includes incorrect objects



File Integrity Monitor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Informational message

Application started



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application stopped



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Self-Defense restricted access to the protected resource



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Report cleared



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Group policy disabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application settings changed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Task started



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Task completed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

All application components that are defined by the license have been installed and run in normal mode



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Subscription settings have changed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Subscription has been renewed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object restored from Backup



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

User name and password input



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Participation in KSN enabled



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

KSN servers available



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The application works and processes data under relevant laws and uses the appropriate infrastructure



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object restored from Quarantine



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted from Quarantine



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

A backup copy of the object was created



File Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Behavior Detection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Kaspersky Sandbox

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Overwritten by a copy that was disinfected earlier



File Threat Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Password-protected archive detected



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the creation date of the object (optional).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is additional information about the detected object:

    Application component (engine).

    Threat detection technology (method).

    Threat detected by Private KSN (denylist): true or false.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Information about detected object



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The object is in the Private KSN allowlist



File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Host Intrusion Prevention

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object renamed



Mail Threat Protection

Exploit Prevention

Behavior Detection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object processed



Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object skipped



Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Archive detected



Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Packed object detected



Host Intrusion Prevention

File Threat Protection

Web Threat Protection

Mail Threat Protection

AMSI Protection

Malware Scan

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Link processed



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup allowed



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Update source is selected



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Proxy server is selected



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

The link is in the Private KSN allowlist



Web Threat Protection

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application placed in the trusted group



Host Intrusion Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application placed in restricted group



Host Intrusion Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Host Intrusion Prevention was triggered



Host Intrusion Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File restored



Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Host Intrusion Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Registry value restored



Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Registry value deleted



Behavior Detection

Exploit Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Process action skipped



Adaptive Anomaly Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the name of the Adaptive Anomaly Control rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the ID of the heuristic rule.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the source process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the source object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the target process.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the target object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is additional information about the detected object:

    Hashes of source process / object and target process / object.

    Process blocked (verdict_type): true or false.

    User security ID (SID).

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Keyboard authorized



BadUSB Attack Prevention

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Network activity allowed




Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup prohibited in test mode



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the manually created category identifier.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the account security identifier (SID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is information about the digital signature of the application.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_6 is the name of the executable file of the application (for example, chrome.exe).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_7 is the path to the executable file.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_8 is the hash of the object (SHA256).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_9 is the version of the application that the user is trying to run.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application startup allowed in test mode



Application Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the manually created category identifier.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the account security identifier (SID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is information about the digital signature of the application.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

A page that is allowed was opened



Web Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Operation with the device allowed



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File operation performed



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the file operation (write or delete).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the path to the file.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the name of the device.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the name of the session user.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_5 is the Hardware ID (HWID).

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

No available updates



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Update distribution completed successfully



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Downloading files



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File downloaded



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File installed



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File updated



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File rolled back due to update error



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Updating files



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Distributing updates



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Rolling back files



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Creating the list of files to download



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Downloading patches



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Installing patch



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Patch installed



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Rolling back patch



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Patch rolled back



Database update

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Started applying file encryption / decryption rules



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Finished applying file encryption / decryption rules



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Resumed applying file encryption / decryption rules



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File encryption / decryption started



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File encryption / decryption completed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

File has not been encrypted because it is an exclusion



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Portable mode enabled



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Portable mode disabled



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption started



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption completed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption resumed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device is not encrypted



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption process has been switched to active mode



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device encryption / decryption process has been switched to passive mode



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Encryption module loaded



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

New Authentication Agent account created



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Authentication Agent account deleted



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Authentication Agent account password changed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Successful Authentication Agent login



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed Authentication Agent login attempt



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Hard drive accessed using the procedure of requesting access to encrypted devices



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed attempt to access the hard drive using the procedure of requesting access to encrypted devices



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Account was not added. This account already exists



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Account was not modified. This account does not exist



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Account was not deleted. This account does not exist



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

FDE upgrade successful



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

FDE upgrade rollback successful



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Failed to uninstall Kaspersky Disk Encryption drivers from the WinRE image



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

BitLocker recovery key was changed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

BitLocker password / PIN was changed



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

BitLocker recovery key was saved to a removable drive



Data Encryption

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Processing of tasks from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server is inactive



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Endpoint Sensor connected to server



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Connection to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server restored



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Tasks from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server are being processed



Endpoint Sensor

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted



Wipe Data

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Wipe task statistics



Wipe Data

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object quarantined (Kaspersky Sandbox)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted (Kaspersky Sandbox)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

IOC Scan started



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

IOC Scan completed



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object quarantined (Endpoint Detection and Response)



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Object deleted (Endpoint Detection and Response)



Endpoint Detection and Response

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Application components successfully changed



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Asynchronous Kaspersky Sandbox detection



Kaspersky Sandbox

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Kaspersky Sandbox component settings
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the path to the object.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_3 is the incident ID.
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_4 is the hash of the object (SHA256).

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device is connected



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Hardware ID (HWID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Device is disconnected



Device Control

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Event parameters

  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_1 is the Hardware ID (HWID).
  • GNRL_EA_PARAM_2 is the name of the session user.

Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

Error removing the previous version of the application



System Audit

Windows event ID


Kaspersky Security Center event ID


Windows event log (default)

Kaspersky Security Center event log (default)

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[Topic 37531]

Information about third-party code

Information about third-party code is contained in the file legal_notices.txt, in the application installation folder.

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[Topic 128171]

Trademark notices

Registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Adobe, Acrobat, Flash, Reader and Shockwave are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.

Apple, FireWire, iTunes and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions.

AutoCAD is a trademark or registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.

The Bluetooth word, mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

Borland is trademark or registered trademark of Borland Software Corporation.

Android, Google Public DNS, and Google Chrome are trademarks of Google LLC.

Citrix and Citrix Provisioning Services, and XenDesktop are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries.

Cloudflare, Cloudflare Workers, and the Cloudflare logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Cloudflare, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions.

Dell is a trademark of Dell, Inc.

dBase is a trademark of dataBased Intelligence, Inc.

EMC is a trademark or registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or elsewhere.

Foxit is a registered trademark of Foxit Corporation.

Radmin is a registered trademark of Famatech.

IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

IOS, AnyConnect are registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries.

Lenovo and ThinkPad are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States and/or elsewhere.

Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

Logitech is either a registered trademark or trademark of Logitech in the United States and/or other countries.

LogMeIn Pro and Remotely Anywhere are trademarks of LogMeIn, Inc.

Mail.ru is a registered trademark of Mail.Ru, LLC.

McAfee is a trademark or registered trademark of McAfee, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Microsoft, Access, Active Directory, ActiveSync, BitLocker, Excel, Internet Explorer, LifeCam Cinema, MSDN, MultiPoint, Outlook, PowerPoint, PowerShell, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Windows, Windows PowerShell, Windows Server, Windows Store, MS-DOS, Surface, Forefront and Hyper-V are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

Mozilla, Firefox, and Thunderbird are the trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

Java and JavaScript are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

VERISIGN is a registered trademark in the United States and elsewhere or an unregistered trademark of VeriSign, Inc. and its subsidiaries.

VMware, VMware ESX, VMware ESXi and VMware Workstation are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions.

Tor is a registered trademark of The Tor Project, U.S. Registration No. 3,465,432.

Thawte is a trademark or registered trademark of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries.

SAMSUNG is a trademark of SAMSUNG in the United States and other countries.

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