Editing templates of encrypted file access messages
To edit templates of encrypted file access messages:
Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
In the console tree, select Policies.
Select the necessary policy and double-click to open the policy properties.
In the policy window, select Data Encryption → Common Encryption Settings.
In the Templates block, click the Templates button.
In the window that opens, do the following:
If you want to edit the user message template, select the User's message tab. The Access to data is blocked window opens when the user attempts to access an encrypted file while there is no key available on the computer for access to encrypted files. Clicking the Send by email button in the Access to data is blocked window automatically creates a user message. This message is sent to the corporate LAN administrator along with the file requesting access to encrypted files.
If you want to edit the administrator message template, select the Administrator's message tab. This message is created automatically when you click the Send by email button in the Request access to encrypted files window and is sent to the user after the user is granted access to encrypted files.