Kaspersky Password Manager for Android

About data provision

Vault will be synced with your personal storage on the Rightholder's trusted partners’ servers around the world. These data, along with the data on your device, are stored encrypted. Your personal secret key is used to perform the encryption. The Rightholder and Partners are unable to access your data. To use the software, you must register your Account by providing your email address.

Keep in mind that uninstalling the software from your device does not delete the data from the servers used in the synchronization process. These data may be completely deleted only after deleting your Account. To do this, contact Kaspersky Lab's Technical Support Service.

For the purposes of allowing the Rightholder to create effective marketing and informational materials, you agree to automatically provide the following information to AppsFlyer, Facebook, Google AdWords, and Google Analytics.

To AppsFlyer:

  • Data on your use of the software: full version of the software; data, time, and name of events (installation, first launch on your computer, license purchase in the software, completion of the first launch wizard), preinstallation flag, event counter value for the event whose date and time are being reported, unique software installation identifier, first launch flag, AppsFlyer software identifier, AppsFlyer license key, AppsFlyer transaction identifier, AppsFlyer advertising identifier, Apple AppStore software identifier (if any)
  • Flag indicating use of an Advertiser ID
  • Information about the computer on which the software is installed: computer type, model, and brand, OS language
  • Mobile communications operator, identifier for the type of Internet connection
  • AppsFlyer SDK version used in the software
  • Unique user ID for Google services (if any)

To Facebook:

  • Facebook software identifier
  • Identifier of the banner from which the user installed the software, date and time when the banner was clicked
  • Name of software installer
  • AdSupport identifier

To Google AdWords:

  • AdWords conversion link
  • AdWords device identifier
  • AdWords software identifier and identifier description
  • Information about the AdWords SDK used in the software: SDK version
  • Version of the computer's operating system
  • Current device time when the information is transferred

To Google Analytics:

  • Unique user identifier in Google Play
  • Version of the software being used, name of the software in the Google Play service, software ID in the Google Play service
  • Unique ID of the software installation on the computer, information about the device's locale
  • Resolution of the computer screen, name of the computer screen/dialog that requires data provision, ID for the start and end of working with the selected screen or dialog, duration of the interaction with the screen
  • Version of the protocol being used to send data to Google Analytics
  • ID of the event about which data is being sent
  • IDs of actions performed by the software, and the results of the actions

Data is sent to AppsFlyer, Facebook, Google Analytics, and Google AdWords over an encrypted channel.

Access to and protection of the information are governed by the corresponding terms of use of the AppsFlyer, Facebook, Google Analytics, and Google AdWords services.