Kaspersky Secure Connection for Android

Secure connection for a specific app

You must turn on accessibility for Kaspersky Secure Connection to use this functionality.

To configure automatic activation of a secure connection for a specific app:

  1. Open Kaspersky Secure Connection.
  2. Tap .
  3. Make sure that the Secure the connection automatically using Adaptive Security rules switch is turned on.
  4. Tap Apps.
  5. Select an app from the list of apps installed on the device.
  6. Select When opening the app and specify which action the application must take when you open this app:
    • Secure the connection. Kaspersky Secure Connection turns on a secure connection when you open this app.
    • Ask. Kaspersky Secure Connection displays a notification and prompts you to turn on a secure connection when you open this app.
    • Do nothing. Kaspersky Secure Connection does not turn on a secure connection when you open this app.
  7. Tap Apply.
  8. Tap Virtual server and select the virtual server that you want to use, when opening this app.