Kaspersky CyberTrace

Assigning tags to indicators on a graph

August 22, 2024

ID 233067

On the graph page, you can manage indicator tags by assigning existing tags, adding new tags, or removing tags.

You can manage tags in the nodes of the Kaspersky CyberTrace indicator type. For more information, see section "Nodes and relationships".

To manage indicator tags on a graph,

Double-click an indicator on a graph, and use the sidebar on the right.

The list of tags related to an indicator is updated and pulled up to the sidebar when the sidebar is opening, or when you are adding or removing a tag.

To assign tags to an indicator on a graph:

  1. In the sidebar, click the Add (Plus sign.) icon.

    The window with the list of existing tags opens.

  2. In the list of tags, check the tags that you want to assign to the indicator.
  3. Click Apply.

    The tag assigned will be displayed in the sidebar, as well as on the page of the indicator.

To add a new tag to an indicator on a graph:

  1. In the sidebar, click the Add (Plus sign.) icon.

    The window with the list of existing tags opens.

  2. Type a name for the new tag.
  3. Select a weight for the tag from the drop-down list.

    The tag weight ranges from Very low importance to Very high importance.

  4. Click Apply.

To remove a tag from an indicator on a graph,

Click the Remove (Cross sign.) icon on the tag displayed in the sidebar.

Removing tags from indicators does not delete those tags from Kaspersky CyberTrace.

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