Kaspersky Security 9.x for Microsoft Exchange Servers

Installing Update Package 9.6 Patch 1

July 25, 2024

ID 241147

Update Package 9.6 Patch 1 includes the following changes to Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers:

  • Expanded list of supported formats for filtering attachments and content.
  • Added support for the NTLM 2.0 and Kerberos network authentication protocols.
  • Optimized error diagnostics.
  • Corrections and improvements of the application user interface.

Update Package 9.6. Patch 1 can be installed only for application version 9.6.96.

You can use the Installation Wizard or the command line to install the Update Package.

The Update Package installation process automatically registers the service principal name (SPN) for the user account that is selected for running the application service. SPN registration is a mandatory condition for use of the Kerberos protocol. After installation of the Update Package is complete, check the event log to see if any errors occurred during automatic registration of the SPN. If automatic SPN registration was unsuccessful, you can manually register the SPN. To do so, run the following command in the command line console:
setspn.exe -S KSE/<server_address> <user_account_name>

Installing the Update Package using the installer application

To install the Update Package using the installer application:

  1. Run the Update Package installation file named kse80patch_en.exe.

    You will see a confirmation window for starting installation of the Update Package.

  2. Click Yes to continue installation.

    You will see the Update Package installation window showing the installation progress indicator. After the installation process completes, you will see a window informing you that installation is finished.

  3. Click OK to exit the installer application.

Installing the Update Package using the command line

To install the Update Package using the command line:

  1. Open the command line console or the Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Run the Update Package installation file by using the msiexec.exe command with the following parameters:
    • /p is the parameter for installing the patches. After /p, specify the path to the Update Package file named kse80patch_en.msp.
    • /qn is the parameter for running the installation without showing the installation process.
    • /lv*x is the parameter for writing an installation log. After this parameter, specify the path to the installation log file.

    The Update Package is installed without displaying the installation process. The installation log will be available at the specified path after the installation process is complete.

    To install the Update Package while displaying the installation progress in the command line console, run the following installation command in the Windows PowerShell console:

    $parameters = "/p <path_to_update_package_file> /qn /lv*x <path_to_installation_log_file>"
    $installer = Start-Process 'msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList "$parameters" -Wait -PassThru
    Write-Host "Installation finished with exit code" $installer.ExitCode

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