Kaspersky Security Center

Configuring the PostgreSQL or Postgres Pro server for working with Kaspersky Security Center Linux

January 20, 2025

ID 241223

Kaspersky Security Center Linux supports PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro DBMSs. If you use one of these DBMSs, consider configuring the DBMS server parameters to optimize the DBMS work with Kaspersky Security Center Linux.

The default path to the configuration file is: /etc/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/postgresql.conf

Recommended parameters for PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro:

  • shared_buffers = 25% of the RAM value of the device where the DBMS is installed

    If RAM is less than 1 GB, then leave the default value.

  • max_stack_depth = maximum stack size (execute the 'ulimit -s' command to obtain this value in KB) minus the 1 MB safety margin
  • temp_buffers = 24MB
  • work_mem = 16MB
  • max_connections = 151
  • max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0
  • maintenance_work_mem = 128MB

Make sure the standard_conforming_strings parameter is set to its default value of on. Reload configuration or restart the server after updating the postgresql.conf file. Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for details.

For detailed information about PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro server parameters and on how to specify the parameters, refer to the corresponding DBMS documentation.

Refer to the following topic for details on how to create and configure accounts for PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro: Configuring accounts for work with PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro.

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